or Iliulii Journal. WTLMINOTON. N. 0 : SUNDAY. MARCH 23. 1875. The IUur Joi kjial, the oldest dally 0f pj;r In North C'aroliiia, U publialied every morning, except Moinlay, at Eight Dollar a yr ; fiun Dallam ki month ; Skvintt-fit eent pT montb or aborter periods. Served by Carrier III lb tttV at SBVE2CTT-riV cent mot- h, or Two Dollars and Twui 1 r-rrvn cvuts per quarter. Tbe Wkkklt Journal, (Friday) a iirly-i MlnnD paper, Two Doll r pi t year; thr copi Five Doi.lahs and A HALF J four roplPS fcEVlSI DOLLARS tivKri'ii, EinilT HoIJ AKI AM A RA1 en copNi. rirTiKS Dollars; twenty copies Twkstv rivt Dou.ars. Si'ECRirTi)N In all caw payaM In Nance, and 'no puper continue J after the 1 ration of llie time paid for. 1:,1TTAN-K should be ln.l by Posl ofiW Money (Vider or Exprw. If this ran i ct tie done, protection against W by teail may 1 a'-ourttJ by forwarding a draft payable to the order of the proprietors jl the j"oi'RAL, or by sending tbn 'money a registered letter. Ailvenlsliift 1U? (per Inch ot iwelva julMltre of advertising tjpe,) One Inch, 'I. mi,. Insertion, Onb Doij.aii; two lir- l Doi.r.u Aurn a half: thiw rt.wrtlons, Two i"i,i.AK; four Insertions, Two DoM.AMri Ano a it a if ; five Itiser tioiis Tn UK K DotXAHS six ..liiseruons, 1 initi Doi.lako and a ualf twelve laenioiis. Five Dollahs and a BAi rt n enioiitb. KjuutDollauh; two montlis. .'imcKN Doi.i.AKis tliroe months, Twkn rv-rwo Dollakm. Cmttaets for Imnjer periods ami l.mgei lace m 'e upiu liberal terms. dilreW, Knoki.haki SAi'Niicim, VMlnnnutoii. N. n EDITORIAL SOTliS. There are 19,000 at Liverpool that tVy don't know whuk to do with. This aunt is tb surplus tif what was nolleet ed to relieve tbe poor of Chicago ou the occasion of tho great Are. It is proposed to invest it, aud so keep it i'f,ir l,n tit. orrent (Ire in Amrlfl. Amer,(m- Tbe three richest men in the liritiaii llonse of Commons are sou-made men, with no family arms. One is Hir Oeorgo Elliott, who made $2,250,000 last year; the others are Messrs. Fielden and Huruiou, worth about $1,500,000 a year each. Mr. John W. I'ettigrew, a woaltby New York turfman, died iu New York Ust week. Ou'.y a woek before his dentil he' expended over $30,000 for trotters, paying $15,000 for the first mare Maggie Wilson, $10,000 for Nat Woodcock, aud $(1,000 for Tanner Roy. There are now at east a thousand white men engaged iu digging gold amoug the Black Ilills, contrary to the treaty of the govcrumeut with the In dians; but, thank goodness, the gov ernment lias ordered a company of cnv-lry to po out there, "as soon as the woather permits," and bring those white men in'. And when those sixty cavalrymen, after having sloshed aronLd promiscuously and causually traveled tbe country until some time early in tbe fall, came upon those one thousand miners, all armed and equii pod as tho law directs, the way the covernment will as ei t herself will surprise you. "Fay," writing of a Brooklyn young person, says in a letter to the Louis ville Courier-Journal: "Ouo of the girrsBcquamtancH'S gave a party, to which she invited quite a number of her companions. A young man who hadagrndge ugaiust the girl called upon each young lady and olTorcd him self as an escort. To each he said: Don't toll that I am going to the party with you, for I have a rcaaoq, which I . will tell you w hen 1 call.' The girls bad new dresaos made, aud their heads were dressed by hair-dressers. Each One waited in vain for her escort, nud he did nut call for any, so that the party was minus girls; and ho actually bad the audacity to attend tho party that he might enjoy tbe disoomliture of tbe young hostess, who perpetually wondered wby so many stayed away. This tort of revenge was so new. and startling that I was anxious for par ticulars as to the numbers of thrash ings the young villain got, but, to roy regret, was told that it was thought both a funny and ingenious way of giving tit for tat" There is reason to hope that Kadi calism will in time wjrk its own cure. Its paralyzing it fluence on the com meroe and industrial enterprise of the country is being felt in all sections of the Union, Even the great' Northern commercial centres are beginning to feel the reaction of prostrated trade and industry at the South. Tho New ' Tork Day Look says: "Unless New York strives to buildup the South through a liberal political policy to ward that now abused siotion, helping the South ont of ber political morass and into the old highway of oommer cial progress, and reaping as of old great profits out of her restored South ern trade; unless this city gets back bor old commercial relations with tho cotton and tobacco sections, some of us may live tp see tbe great and bril liant Central Tark converted into a cow pasture and the palatial mansions of Fifth avenue used for hay lofts. Let the purse-proud nabobs who won der what has paralyzed their real es tiito rcmcmbor ' the remedy for its rc ' jr ,rm political freedom for the Ni:4TOH RAl'H II.I Sl'MMI. The groat pth of Senaior M. W. Ransom continue to attraik the at tention of the fin of other Stat". They ar filled with txtracti fmni it, aud the fact that each pier we peruse coviea different ortion, is evidence ne force iUj beauty of tbe whole. The Richmond tlnrjuirtr say: "A more clalmrate or exhanntive argu ment could not hate been made, while in bsauty of lyle and el gauce of die tion it will compare favorable with the most celebrated orationa that have been preserved to na either from au cient or modern time. The simple object of tho orator seems to have been to lay before the couutry it full and calm statement of the whole caiiae of quarrel or rather, to give all the reaxons that oonld bo adduced to show why there is no further cam of quar rel, between the North and Houtb; ,nj i j to be regretted that a copy of tho speech could not bo placed iu tlio po.iHcsHiou of every family in both sections of, the couutry. Wo have read the greater ortiou of it over.aud Cud nothing which should not meet tho approval of tho inont prejudiced and uuroosciuing piitian, if he still lmve tho aiunlltwt particle of love of couutry, veneration for its past, or ...;.... i n :.. t,;. ..Iiiul. M'l' " l"r". ' '" 7":"" eoi.Htitution. Whilo we cannot give Ociieral Kiuisom speech in urn, unro are jmrtious of it wuicii we ieei we I t 1 1 II .l..A ..... hIiouiu ueacrxueci luourouij produce, if only to afford onr raatb rs the opportunity to judge of tha menu .if tho whole bv tho strvuutb and twnuty of iU parta. The ronlv to the apparonk assnmp tj()IJ ou tho jmrt o t,0 Uepublicans of the North that the Houtheru people I are still dangerous to the peace of the count ry-r-that they are a baud of trai tors, red banded murdurcM aud bhh.k Hum. staiiiod ith barbarwm, and i guilty of the blackest deeds in human i history, be said I'erhuns there is somi tlniig iu th history of thia Houiheru people thii iiiMtilies this friuhtful mii pioiou am lills tho mimls ol BonaioM wun soirm and dread. That cannot he. or tue L.re the ohildion of tho brave Englia unei'HtorS who. for love 0( civil SIH religijua liberty, loft tho (diores of EuroiH) and settled the New World. xiu'V aro the immediate d(soeiiUanU ol me ihiu ana wise uieu wuo uuiiwu to (mtahlish American Iud peudonot' and to frame this grand aud mnguill nent Government. Their illustrious fathers have ooriuiniy uauucu uowu i .... ... them the passion of liberty and the . . 1 - 1..M principle Ol UOIIBHlUHOUttl irwHiuiu. We have inherited it for eight hund red years from our ancestors; but those ancestors have! not trausmitted anv tamt o( or example lor secret treasons, lu lue ungiiBU ueari iu snirit of oousniraov never found umiul home. It is the growth of other soils. Rut have not receu evouts. vou will say, furnished reason able grounds for these apprehensions of a secret colossal organization hostile to the government? JIas uot the South just emorged from a gigantic war which menaced the very existence of the Uuion' That in very true; but remember that it was open, bold, de- onnt war threatened for years, pro claimed here, published to the world; declared bv the press, from the pul pit and tho hustings; tho opiuiou of mankind and the blessings of Heaven invoked iu its lehalf, aud tho lives of a' people offered to vindiout its jus i c. It was no concealed, bidden, mysterious mask ed conspiracy. Had it been, never, novor could n nave euiisma ine aevo- tod hearts of the noble people who sacrificed evetytlnng but honor aroutnl its shrine. Its purposes were spoken here : they were never concealed or denied. Its councils were iu the light of heaven. Its lines of battle st retch ed serous the continent. Rrave hcaits in broad day were its defenses, Bad around it clustered the hopes and pride of a pure and tmtriotio people. Are courage, truth, honor, consistency, for titude, and unsullio.l virtue evideimes that the pHple who possess them will descend from that high estate, and, foigelful of all duty, resort to the low est practices of cowardice and crime ? If this bo true, humiin character is iu deed worthless, national honor a mock' cry and an imposture 1 SouaUirs, if yon will think for a mo nicnt : if yon will n licet upon the character of the people whom yon de nounce, their history, their associa tions, the languiige tin y speak, their great allocators, their brotherhood with you for ne'iirly a century, and their position now, you cannot believe this calumny. Do you, ca i yon, believe that a people from whom have sprung in each sticc 'eding generation for one huudred yenrs n lino of statesmen, divines, scholars, und heroes inferior to none in any lortion of the Union have suddenly descended under tho shadow of your civilization to the depth of barbarism? Does history or human experience justify any such conch'.! on. 1 , Aud yot you call now upon the pub lic opinion Of the World to helievetbut one-half of our whole nation, brothers in blood with you, sharers of the same inheritance of your fathers, honored Amorioan freemen, educated, virtuous, aud associated with you you call upou the world to believe that the-v are now guilty and habitually guilty of duiker crimes than hav ever been committed iu human history. And instead of devoting our energies pur patriotism, our intelligence, aud our virtues here to develop, reform,' and improve this great country, we are now currying on a war on the floor of tho Senate with each other almost as bitter, and I fear not quite as manly, as that in which we were engaged a few years ago upon me rotomao ana the Susque hanna. Senators thia is wrong. Before God it is wicked. Cannot we stop it ? An incident in history occurs to me now which I do not know that I have thought of for twenty years. I remember the story, told I think by Thncydtdoa, of the two Greek generals who had not spoken for years. A bitter and herdi tary feud separated them. The rer aiana were at the gates of Athens. 'The lines of battle were drawn in front of the city The Persian hosts, vastly snperior in number, confronted tbe thin line of the Greeks, and the great foar with tbe city was that the dissen sion M" "U tho two generals might Ciiue itifmt and tu i it. Jn-t before the I'ntyo o mmrDii'il, the hjUiriau rayo, from either wing of tbe Oretk liuea the rival lea.lt x were neeu p proacliiug m fro t of thiir troop, and BiiiiiillaruMinw'y reaching, the centre lmputem-ly neized each olher'a hand and excluimed I remember the old Onn k word "Let us bury our ai:ger." Need I rf ieat that victory thone. upon that god-like act of J atriolinii." They buried their anfrer; and why cannot you aud 1, the North and the South, ohuke hand and bury our an ger ? I think I know the South. I was born south of tbe 1'otomaa My an cestors have lived there for -two hun dred Tears. I was rained there; I was educated there. 1 hardly know of auv other place. Everything I have in there. 1 love her people aud 1 am with them. I see them at home. I see them in Louisiana. I see them iu Texas. I now them iu Virginia. 1 urn in the cry 1m worn of the South, and I think tho wiitimeiit I utter here to-ilay is tho sentiment of ber people. I do uot tints. 1 know it is their sentiment. lu reply to Senator Edmund' allu sion to lb nrral Leo, Senator IUnsom ii iit: T was not present when the discus sion took placo between my friend, the Senator from Georgia (Mr. Uoribu), mid tho iliMtiuuuihhed Senator from Vermont, (Mr. Edmunds), I did not hear the Senator when he alluded to tho tiauio of General LeMS. I regret that I did not, and fo' .a very elitleront rosso!! from what that Senator may KiipisiHet. IIk mention ol mat name, Mr. 1 'resident, cm never give menuj thiliu but pleasure. If fur a moment at any time in this debuto I bud lost siu lit of mv dutv: if 1 had permitted personal resentment and sectional passio'is to obscure the path I should trend; if I bad forgotten the high character that should attach to a hen a tor of my country, let nitf assure tho tteuator that he coma nave men tioned no name with more talis maiiio iHwor to bring mu back to the line of my own aud my country's honor. The very memory ot the name of L e now reminds me that this is uot the place nor the time to vindicate a life that has paired to the tribunal oi history; but I will sy that name now int pirns me with higher and purer d -votioti to my country. U elevates mc abovo sootional linen, it lifts m -over local sud toin ora-j prcjmiio ., it hii imales nie to embrace the nut inn in the sentitueu'.of pall intmui, and it com mands mc to beeuiuhtiint in laboiiug to unite the Ameiie'iin people. Jtar from feeling auy ruorlificutiou at the Senator's allusion, 1 thank him for pre senting to my mind an image ol trans cendent virtue, which cau never cease to excite my highest aspirations for excellence. Mr. President, "there was not a sol dier in tho Army of the Potomac who did not render to that grand imperson ation of courage, dignity, virtue, and manly and Christian grace tho homngn of a soldier's respect. It was my for tuno at Appomattox Court house to soe General Lee und Geueral Grant side by side. That scene ouu uevor fade from roy memory. 1 ace them now as they theu stood. I remember liothtlie ono for hismsjestio serenity under defeat, tho other for his quiet maguanimity 'in victory ; qualities which, if exercised by the American people, wonld long since have restored every heart within its limits to aiieo tion for the Union. MISCELLANEOUS. 4 Nil VIM' AKR THEM Ht'kE VOt7 HAVE Till: III.KI IX 41I AI.I TV. Now In Stock and CoiwUntly llnowvlng Ail. dltloiiH : riows. Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Wheelbarrows, Pitchforks, ANVILS, IlLACK-iMITH'S IlEl.LOWS, virn, li iinmnm, rrwp DIihiik, ( olmiK.HHrotw F-w Nteolj llnr Iron, Khiib, KimkeH, Uulis. I'UTM, Kiim its. eviAs, - VMOOIIIIXj IHONN, I'lll KI I KIMVI N, Alll.lv 4 n i.iiv, m i oi. i its, 1 I.OMMfM '1 WIST tJI'NS, ( SOI'l ll'N TOOI S, Ann a comi'ioto MH'.k or HARDWARE, At NATHANIEL JACOBI'S HARDWARE DEPOT, 1NO. t 3IA11HKT HrX JiiSI Foreclosure dale fatol City Projerty! Br Tlrtue of a dtcrnr of ilie Muwrtor i unrf of New Hitnotiir roiintv in e certKlu a'ilou whoreln Uphcn 1) I liruilon, ( ol., nre Ulii. una ami ooc n n. m n euo who ere deiend. ante. m.lo nl ' Pall Term. 1S74. the nuitur- ulinmt, ;oniiiiiwloi r and Uoioreo nsrnod In ilddoeree, will otter tor mile at I'ntilio Auc tion et t'ie Oonrt Houw door in the city of Wll. niliiKtim, on MONDAY, the olli dy of April n xi, at i'2 o'clock, tlmt iilunlilii piece ol Kent Knute elliinteon Wiitor mroet and known a the Veran iah l(xin, lognthiT with the Ware nou) aim yarn unjoining the fame on Wilkin son'e Alloy. The rlr-t lot, bglnntriR on ITrquliart'a line one nunanu riiu dt (iiei leet trom Front .'reft, ruiiiiiiin tlienc! westwantlv Bl.mcfaiil lliix to W nti r Mrtot, thrnce north sully alonf Wntur etrwt tw i tT-t wo ('.') tect to the' bill d- I m laiely occiiIk1 tiy .lamra AndcrHin A ' j thence parallt'l with Ilia tirnt mentioned lliieenntvarilly to wllhln one lini drixl and H.o (IDS) I'set of Front etret-t and thence eouth wid y twrnly.two (119) fctt t' the bt'Klnuli j. n i-r. a i.m wru me umrniew rne eon, m illnnlnn nn W'llkli aon't AUcv. ninety-two i02 fee' 8 yen (T. ini hi'i from 'Front atreot and riinnlnn muthw intly thlriy-fnur feat ton Inch f(St feot III Inchon, thi nce westrardlT tigu tffli fwt eight I'.rhe ( 18 feet 8 Inches); thence parallel wttli the Untlllne ti'lrtf-ToMr tort ten Inolm (31 foet 10 Inchen) to Wll. Inn n'n Alley, thnce t aatwardiT alonir Wilkinson's alley fiUhlefii fwt eight Inehra (tH feet f Inches) to mu in kiu'i'uk- airoioe nae n an alley ten reetwitlon the north iJile of the flri-t de a rllixl tot as It ban been formerly nih-il. Tbe above dee. irl bed nnn orty lieliiu a nart of ii's4andS In hi nek loi.ailall out Inllie omoiai map itneciiy. Terms of sale cash, ALKX T. LONDON, Referee and oronjliloiier. march 8 tl.t-Mara,14 t .W A pi 41 tl A WlUto took Wanted. A ill e white woman German, Irish ot American who can cook well and make her self generally aeetul iu a private family, can fli.d rmiiloyment by addrtMiiig lliroukhths foot Omoc, P.O. Bo M, i Wllmlrtatntfi M uu J IJACOBll j march 4 KISCEILAKEOUS .NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. The CLYDE LIFJEJGSZCC New York and Wilmington ... t Steamship Company, r ) MEK F Tit E WA NTS t'V TIIETBADK, b'tr sldrrl anutlu'r htramsr to the Llnsand ill Mil Irort NEW YOttK svery i ED MM and SATURDAY at 3 P.M. Vroru Pier 13, North Kivtr. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM EACH PORT. OT Hereafter shippers can rely upon tho prompt snd regular smling of these Rteamcrs from New York as adver tised, as the Company has dt terminod fo adopt regular sailing days, and with the additional steamer, there can be no cause for delsy in shipments.' a. ... . i ii I cr Other Htcamers will be added as required. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent, WIl MINdTON, N 0. M-tf His eh 1 Cfflc j or City Cicrk ana Tn-asnrtr. - i;ITYOF WlljM I ty(l TON, N I! , March 2 ill, IH!3. NOTICE. T '41. r rn lUI lilallHir Ul lUAllUlCOlUl 1875. ALLPEHSONH AND COKPOK ATIONS wiiuln tbe corporate lliulti of the City of Wll. nilngkm, on the first day r April, ,1879, are required by law to list all their Hctl, Personal and Poll Taxei for tbe year 1HIS. The Ta Llatois for the City of Wilmington, J.L. liarlow. W. M. Mimroe and Wm. H. I'anks, will be In att"ndaiwe at tbe City Hall Oonrt Hoom on th tlrst day of April, and for iwtnty days thereafter, (8nndjslDceptd) Imtween the bonr of. 9 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M., ai d on Frld y night from o'ulork to 0 airlock P, M., for tbe purpose of ll.tliiR all the Real, Peisonal and Poll taivs wltliln the corporate Hm'tsof th! city. All pormms and ci rporatlons negleotlng or efuslng to comply with the above will badi- 'liiqtient, and subject to a dnu Me tai thereon. . T. C, SERVOSS, OHr Clerk and Treasurer. march M 70-tf NORTH CAROLINA THK TKVK WAT TO OBTAIN HOtTTH KltN UOMMKKOIAb Imleponilance is to Patronize Southern Industry. ' A Handsome Lot of ' Salem Gassimeres Just Received. (Icntli'moti are Invited to call and examine MERITORIOUS GOODS. In Uolor and Fatiilo tlipy are l'nrlvald among Amertran li. n'ls, and would be crrdlt alile to the hluhe t Kuro(ean maimtaotcriiig skill. BOSKOWITZ & LIEBER. march mih. 67 Best in the World ! NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR, KVKKT PACK AUK GUARANTEED. We are Compllmfiited dlly by old and new frlond of tills rt'lobratt d Hritnd, and we hive the consent to use names if necessary, tine rial l all we ask, and no other Brand will be ncd Remember the "NEW PROCESS EMPIRE." In Barrels, naif-Barrels, Bags, and Any Quantity to Suit , For sale only by . GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. march 111 (19 Du Pont's Powder, JJKIFLE, 8 POUTING AND taVSKBT, BLASTING AND MINING Iu Whole.Hair and Qunrter Keg. For sale by O. 0 PAH8LKY A OO. . 89-lf oiHrc-h J I BUY Our Half Dime Cigar FOR . Half Dollar per Dozen, Tha chea,et In tl la market At No. 22 Market Street. D.PICOTT.. rs march W Just Received ! VALKNTINK'S PKKPARATItN OF Meat Jul. ie. Mine I lilrd 8ed JSccnte . quart. II if hoi n Cpring Water. f Coiig-e s rrtnfr Water. For sale by march. QKK1CN4 PLANNER. RAH E0AT3 wiLf,!ix2Tc.i aud welccn rah c:a3 cdmpaxt. Orru or uaiaaai. loriuirnnit, i Wllntttfion. It. C. JkD. t. If' 6 Ua aad after Jaa. ad, Punnfur Train a the W. W. Railroad UI taa a follow! : MAIL TRAIN i TbIob Depot dall? (except Snw1T) at .T.S3A.W Arrive at eioldlxrot.. ... ..II. A. M ..IMP. ... M- t. M ...KM AM ..11.41 A. V, .. i u p. y. ... 60S P. V Hockr Mount at.. f'liloaat r WIi1obUi! mt , Arr at Kockv fount 1 U"hlMroat. ' Colon Depot... tIPKISS THAin AND THROfJltM FHEIeiHT THA1N. LNti Fnloo depot, daily, at T.tS f, M Arrive at (folanuoro at A. at. K-x-kT Uoiulkt 4 r A. M. Wslrton at l .! A. M !, Wini, dally, at S4 P. M amvt at teo. ty Mount at. 9 l r. (KldiiMroat WIS A M " " UriSin Uejiot at. . . JO A. M Mall rraln maketcloM eonieeUoii at Wei don lor all omU NotUi via b y Line And A.' ma Ureel routr. HT EiprejeTrain eonnectnonlt mm aeon Urerk route. Fiillmnn'e Palate Mei mar ' arm m line rniu. jr Pre! ah t Train will le Wllmlneton tri weekly at 0.49 A. Al. at d r-rre at 1 AO V. ii . JUHI r. in vine:, , Oeneral or" Jan I I i-t' Carolina Central Railway Co. BUfEBINTKNllENT'S OF OK. I Wilmington, Vtt; lutti, 1K74. ( Change of Schedule On and after tbe lstb lint ant, tralm 1 in run over ttl Hallway ae follow; PASSENGER TRAINS iare Wilmington at 7 lis A W nrriTem i.nruoire at i r ti ljeM8 tiir ou. at :ftA M Arrive In WIlniiutoD at 6:46 Nlirht tratae (tat Freiuht and Piuven tt) in luuire notice. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave W II uiln Ktob at b.iKi A. M Arrive at Laarlnburn St.... 6 4(1 KM liave Lanrinl'iiiK t AlmA M Arrive at ('.birloi te at o uu P. M Leave (.'harlulle at ...li.iO A. M Arrive at Laorinbnrg at II:"" P. M I,ev? Laurinhurii at B:(HI A M Arrive a. Wlliningion at. .......tJ.oO P. M Connoctlona. ConiiecUal Wiiwintitou Willi WllniUiton A We 'iit in, snl A llailniitou, Columbia et Au gusta K tilmads, rnl-w. kly NewYoikand i ri-wrrkiy "aitimiire and weeki rinia iei. I hla Hteamors, and the hirer lioats to Fay Httevillo. Conuects at Charlotte with Ua Western in vision, North ceroliua Kallroa, Cbarlotle and siatesviiie Kailieat, cuarkitie cS Atiant Air Line, and Ubarlotte, Columbia and Au mxi Hallroad Tku iniplvlnc the whole West, Northwest and Monthwnst with a shert and cheap lite t tne Meauoara ana iEuroie. . 8. L FHEHOMT, Chief Engineer and Superintendent. d"i2 ais-tf T Papon pnblishlni 0. 0. Railway eched me will piease nouoe coangee, -v-lKNF.RAllltJPBRmTIiNU'TS OfFICI WILMINQTON, COLUMBIA -AND- AUGUSTA RAILROAD CO. f limwa-rca, V. II.. Nov. 21, ! 4 a53! ORANGE OF SCHEDULE On and alter Tcwlay, 24th, the following I sell rdule r I i MIGHT EXPBR88 THAIN, (Dally). Leave Wilmington.,............... (i.5S P.M. iave Florence ...11. f. ik Arrive at Ooluiiilila., IIM M, " ' Augusta 8 4BA.M Leave Augusta 4 15 K M lave uoiumhia. ; aiof, m lAiave Klorrttu" ........ 12 r,u A. M Arrive at Wiliiilngtou 1. 10 A. VI Paas' iigcrs going West teyond Cola nbla, will take through 1 rain, leaving Wiliulng on ateitti P.M. PABtiENOeR AMI MAIL TRAIN, jDttlly except Sunday.) iav Wllmltiirtoi,.... f.4ltA.S; Arrive at piortmoe ....12.W P. Arrive nt Oolnnbla MOP. .4. l eave Colombia... 8.30 A. M. Ieave Moreno.., , 1.10 P M. Arrive at Wilmington .4,(0 P V. V Though connections at Floreice with train, tor Charleston. ayr Th ongh Hleeplng Can on night trains for Charleston and Augusta. JAM EH ANDF.KXON. Uen'l Superintendent, nov4 20-tf It la certainly tne Deal of Amrl can Ilanzinr Krprrtt, Bufalit, N. Y. Ita real' lit populnrliy la lliere aiiltf pxro intrll." Ccmnrwrcirt, ViUi bvnih. Pa, There ia nt a rtull page between Ita cover N. Y, Timrt A model periodical.' Phila. Prut. Why not Subscribe for THE GALAXY FOR 1875. IT IS THH BEST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. No family ran a fiord to do without It ITGIVES MOKK Gt01 AND A T'f RAO TIVK READING MATTKtl FOR THK MONEY THAN ANY OTHKR PERI ODICAL OR BOOK TUB! ISHED IN THE COUNTRY. A Now Serial bv Mrs. Annie Fdwards, - LEAH, A WOMAN OF FASHION, JUST BEGUN. Also a Story by Prof.H. H, MOYF8KN, A Norseman's Pilgrimage, To continue several nientln. tn tbe us xt. No. will a commet ceii - JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S NEW SERIAL Dear Lady Disdain. A serin of Articles by Prominent sioulh eruera, ou he CONFEDERATE SIDE OF THE WAR, Net VontroTeraial, will soon be com . luonced. . Interesting Sketches andStories In each No by such writers as KIOHAKD GRANT WHITK, ALKKRT RHHDE8, HKNRY JAWK8, Jr.. JUNIUS HF.NR1 HKOWNK, KOSK TFKKY, RIOIIAKU K 1M H 4 LI, and all the staff of BIlllLIANT WH1TER8 which I lie Gai.axt has attracted to Itself, and who have tnadi a bright mark on our current literatu'B. THK SCIENTIFIC MIS' KLLANY, eaoh month, la worth the price the Magaiine Who would not rive $.oo to secure such a monthly visitan for the year 1870 1 Subscribe at Once. Bead for our rull Prosperous WE PRE-PAY THE POSTAGE It can he had, with either " Harper's Weekl or "Batar'or "Applrton'e Weekly," for SHELDON & COMPANY. . New York " U4W Jan 14 w MIEJjDY B1NA'R. Published weekly, at SHELBY (Meveand Ooujity N. i)., at l (W per annum, tn ad Tance; has a larg" and rai idly inoreaslng rlr eti'ation In nearly all the mnntlrs Wrsf of Mecklrsliarr. A iso, an extrusive elrRnlstiun m Hie o uiiH.'S o Hrartanburg, York aid Union. 8.0. Ha Just hern enlarged from a twenty to a thlrty.lwo eolumn, and). now adorned with an entire new dree., lit ymides art llnmnM TheCaro'lna Central Hallway bxlng now4i..mplnted Ihrnugh to Wilmington, an.t Khelhy lieing the Wostern t'rminua, the Ilannrr Is a most excellent advertising medi um. HiittiuwUratt. I JURHAM & WP.BB. I KJltore and Proprietor, JEW YORK AFJD BOSTON Lir.EG VIA Vilm!ngton, fj. C. Fast Freight Route to 'all Points North or rsiiAvoiJii:. New York and Wilmington Steamship Line ! SEMI-WEEKLY, from NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY aud SATURDAY fit 8 P. M., and from WILJJIXGiOX, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. BOSTON AND Xcw York laud Wilmiiiston tStraniship Company, CONXECTINO WITH TH1? OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. Dally Between BOSTON and NEW YORK Semi-Weekly between NEW YORK RmiSviLMINGTON. Meriiieariu) and Saturday from cncli Port. Rhlffert r ay rely ni.on the pioniM und rce' inr sailing of these "teamen, and ntnkdla l'hileVent0 ,nl,,l'y "'"f"u"- NO DELAYS. Connectiut at Wilmington WILMGTt N.COLCMBIA Al'dt'MTA FA1LKOAI. WIL.YI1NUTON A :WLl'ON KAILROAD, TUK C'AK"'L'NA ''KNTKAL KA II WAT, ' .... ., . JA lK KAK BIVKK 8TKAMER8 l hrougb Bills nf Lsding fiven to ard from all rolnte In NORTII aud SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. AIjo to NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, FALL RIYER and other Lantern Cities. I r!!mi"ly,pafdl'",'lCe'1 " 'W " bl nl ront8 n1 Um " u,ok iMmel or wwohar'gea Mark all (Joods.Tia ( lydo's WilmiiiKton Line. ror lurthor Infurtuatlon apply totiiherol the nnderslgntd AgenUoftbe Line. I.1) i.e. MiJiK'- ItM. P. OLTDE & )'., General Arnls, Otiiera II asf-m A gr t. New I ork line, Bowling Or.en.N. T. it Heron hue Street, Ilos on. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. Bine aid SoGita Sleaii Trasprloi Company Via WItMlKGTON, I. CJ. PAST FREIGHT ROUTE To all Points North or South. BALTIMORE. Ealtimorc antt Wilmiuston Lino, tKMI-WmtKLY. -8AILINU F14dM BALTIMOKK Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. -AND FKOM WILMINOTON- Wednesday & Saturday. BOSTON AnIpROVIOENCE. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Baltimore, Boston and rovideuce Line, Ur via Canal Daily to Philadelphia aud Clyde's Philadelphia and Providence Line, Semi-Weekly from each Port. Shippers may rely upon the pr-impt and rtnlar 'silinir nr these Steamem, and Quick dla. patch given tt all shipments by this route. NO DELAYS. Through Bills of Lading given to and from all Pointe In NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA Abo ; to BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, PEOVIDENCE. and other Eastern Cities. u pr! !tly pa?dU.ar"D,eCd 'W " b "ny 0th,r Boute ancl tlme " nlok- Lo overcharge Mark all Goods via Baltimore and Wilmington Line. r For further information apply to either of the undersigned Agent of the Line. - EDWIN FITZCERALD, Agent. bailiuiure Uu , Wl douih otrel7ilaitiuiore. niHrci) ln.tr. REMOVAL! . FRANK E BRO DEALERS IN . GOODS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. &c. DRY DeBir.6 ino?m lheil" fr,ieuJfl ft"?d the Publio generally tLat they have re moved to the Btore formerly occupied by them, No. 17 Market street Having disposed of the bulk of their 'old stock, they have received and are daily receiving new and desirable goods which ,hey will eell at prioes to anil A call ia respectfully solicited. much It BUSINE08 CARDS. Graham & Kash, ATTORNEYS - AT '' LAW, CHARLOTTE, BT, Oi PRACTICE IN TBE STATE AND PED eral Cenrta, and maae collection any 'n North Carolina. Also negotiate sales of Real Estate. Agrionllnral, Mineral and Lnmher tract, and deelreol City Lotioon Itantly ou hand, '' 158 4f wouuotonr, wixkm mobbi CRONLY & MORRIS, AUCTIONEERS. STOCKANO REAL ETATEBRQKERS WILMINOTOMi . a CI AN HR 8KEN AT THEIR SALES ROOMS 1 a plan of the city, on an enlarged scale. Blank Hook with the boundaries of atery Lot In the olty distinctly defined. ' Assessod ralue, past and present, of erery lot in the city. Any information desired furnished upon ap- plioalloo, , South. FALL RIVER. PHILADELPHIA Baltimore an Wilmington Line. eiMI-WEKKJ.? BITWKKST BALTIMOKK AND WILMINQTOM. Baltimore and Philadelphia BteambcatCo., Daily via Canal between BALTIMOKK AND PHILADELPHIA. WESTERN CITIES. BALTIMORE AND WILMINGTON LINE. Northers Central Railroad aud thb Baltimore and Ohio Bal road. A. D. CAZAUX, Agert, Ualtimoiu aim how oik Line. WiLMiaoTow. N.C. REMOVAL ! . FRANK & BR0, No. 17 Market Street Roykin, Carmer & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Ac, BALTIMORE, MD. Successor to 7ade Boykin & Co, STILL M AN UFA OTl'RE and sell large qiiantiil.e ol their Standard Proprietary Mtdulm-a. sucl as ' " "-VTylo"y' Vegv'able Csrthartlo PIH. Mfr(,li0,,,thl''Ktoii Cholera and 'Ularrhaa Dr "Hoy kin's Worm Killer." ' lr. c ykin'i L'ouro Hyrup." Bahd's Horse and Cattle Powder," "Ilaird'sWorm Uonreetlone." 'Hrai gi Hitter and Mchr.ani s." All the aliOTo giMdaare test It comln aland aril, and are kept generally by driiuista and country merchant. feb le-49-lia Just Received! WK UAVE JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF . THE HANDSOMEST Ladies' and Gentlemen's That liaj erer been offered fnr sale In thia mar. Jul

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