4 L J: b 1 k i i r i ;?i u in VOL XXIV. -HO. 76. WILHIHGTOH, IT. C, TUESDAY. HARCH 30. 1875. WHOLE HO. 6,840. '1 :I3 h UN! rhf ibiln .'Sound. TUESDAY. VAILCH 30. 1875' WILMINGTON. N. 0.: BY TELEGRAPH. lltfAIKiUAKTEi:, THEJ UDOESHJP QUESTION CLOSKD. THE GEO l.GI I TORNADO. K E 3 1 0 N A T I O N OF GEXER L Sl'lNKKU. A FEMALE DECISIOV IN TUK SUPREME COURT. Wahhih tov, M-iroh 29. Nwn.- . Tim matter may considered closed. At om -y-Gt-neral William l:as h'.e gratmed to Circuit Judge Wood that he cannot m-ke a District Judge for Louisiana. Washington, MircU 29. Night. T' Chief Signal OHloier bus Kent one of hia observers to Georgia to i:ivi sti ' t snd report upon the recent de structive tornado iu that State. -,- The Court of ('faintm ha .decided tli Aikansas Hot Sprug-ica-ui against, the tlvu several olainia-it to tho prop erty, which remaii'S with the United H -. Judge Loriug disputed, le le tog the evideuoe et.tab)ihhni Keo ti ' claim An apiw-al will lie token 1 1 ti.e riupretne Court. (3o cu tu i usury Oeneral Bhiras is hope le 'y aitsk. .I'.yu)atr Evikle h-is heen awg'ied to he Depar'meut of the Gulf I'reiNnrer Spinner han resigned to tak ff o t'.e lt of July. J N. N'-w, ot ludiaoiipolis, wnoo-edrt him. .Mipiem-j 'Court Minor, tn Il'.'ff r o'l rirrur to the Uuprcmu Court of M -wouri . lhi in ih eae pris-ent'.rg t o question wtietln r, unui-r U.e U:(i A oindmeut, a woniiu who ia a oil z n of the Uliited Htata and of a State, a votf-r in the frftate, notwithntaniljug th' provmious of the Oouatttntion and la of that Stiite t oonlit.e the right of hi ffrage to men alone. It m Hbid that oini n aro citizens; they are pemous, and therefore uuder tl- 11th Amenduent, declared to be oiiiaens of tho State win-rein they renide; but it did not require that ameiidoient to make them sucb; they were, Ixifore, porsjns and people, and were not in terms excluded fr irn it iiMhip by the Coastitutiou. liiu Fi deral GoiiHtitution was ordained by - tlio people of the Uuile States, com- - postd o ; the. people of the fevtrut btutes, and whoever at thetitno of its adoption was one of the people, be came a citizen. All children born of citizen parentfjwithin its jurisdiction ara themselves citizens. t he naturalization laws are reviewed to allow that women havo aW-nya been ooQMidered oitizens the sanm as men; . also the laws giving jurisdiction iu Federal oases. It is then said that the lith Amendment did not affect the citizenship of women any more tbxu it did of men aud thus minors' rights r o not depend upon it. Sha has always been a citizen from her birth, entitled to all the privileges, immunities, Ac, of oitiztnship, The amendment pto b i bit 3d the State in which she lives from abridging any of those rights. Tho right of suffrage is not mad" iu terms one of the privileges of the citi- u. The United States has no voters, and no one oan vote for Federal with out beiug competent to vote for State , oftieers. The elective oilleeis of the J 1'idireotly by theroters of the States. The amendment did not add to the privileges or immunities of the citizen. xi simpiy iiirnisueu auunionai guurmi ty for the protection of such as he already had. Nor is the right of mif irage oo-extensive with the cibzenehip of the States. When the Federal Con stitution was adopted all the Stttes but Khode Island hud Constitutions of' their own, in not one of which wi n: all oitizens recognized as entitled to this right, and under all these cirenm- . staitoes it cannot be for a moment doubted that if it had been intended 1 1 make alf citizens of the United States voters . the power? of the C mbtitation . would have so ex piesfd that intention, and , would not have left so important a change in the condition of citizenship, b it ;heu et sted, to implication. 3ut if farther evidenoe is needed it is to be found in other provitions of the Coi s'itution. If suffrage is necessarily a part of c t izenship then that provision of the Constitution wh oh gives the cuineus of each State all the privileges aud im munities of oitizens in the several States would entitle the citizens of each State to the right to vote in the ' several States, precisely as the citizens of those States are. Other provisions, among them thut relating to the ap- , poiutment of representatives, were cited to the same point; but still agt i t after the adoption of the 14th Amend ment it was found nco- sen i y to uko in the 15th Amendment the following language: The right of citizens of the United Slates to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account of rce, co ot or previous condition of servitude. The Fourteenth .Amendment lwd provided against any abndg ment of t'leprivileges orimmunitieBof citizens. If the right of stiffrlige is one of thi-m why. amend the Coustitutou .further t preserve its being denied cn sceoniit of race or color, 4c V The duty of the United States-to guarantee to the States a Republican foini of govern ment is discharged in protecting tlume governments which were recognized as being Republican iu form by the Constitution when adopted. The gov ernments of the States being then ac- -- Copied, it taunt be assumed that they are such as are to be guaranteed, The admission of new Staks iff theii con tideredandit is found that there in nothing to favor the idea that eiift'riigo is a right of citizenship, but everything to ripel it; also tbe restoration of the States to the Union after the war, none of them having provided for female nffriff. Bolides s i e.-soii who h:ts iinmlv declared bis ntttit outohoeou a citizen ol tho UuitedSuu-e may rote an lor certain ci reams taticts in Ali juri and other Stat s, ai.d thin could t:ot he if euifracedeiK-oili'd upon the rii-.i t of ci''zUMiip. Tho Gurt 'are n.-nu lmous in t;.e opinion that the Constitution of tim United Sfa:e !rn-a not confer the riirht of sutTrnse noon u.y ouu kiid that tiiu Coas"tntiuis ot the several Stutjs wi.icu commit tun t.Mt t fnau alo n ar not necenNarily voni AuVmeil. lue i;u-oi juhucc il i'f red Ilie mtitihin. The Northern rivrrsnre ri itiff slow ly, the ice Wcooiuiii quit ro'tun. A urtkk uiu .t e due wttnu 2 Hums. EUKOl'E. TERRIBLE DISASTER ON T II F. OUAH r OF FRANCE. TIIE AMEniON REVIVALISTS IN LONDON. : WHOLESALE DE F.H HON O ? THE CARLMi' CAUSE. , THE TICUUORNE CASE. New Yokk. March UP Noon A Loudon A pnteli s.-ijs that a vessel has hei'ti wreekei'i i!l Doiiareiiez,. France, hud nil haiidn are kuppowd to have perihht d. She spjieuri d to be a ship of about 3,(yX) tuns, ladeu with cot toil, wlileh was w if-hiug ushi're.' London, .Mai eh 29 Noon Moody A Hanky announce that they will qu t the Agricultural Hall after this week add Kuspend the regular missions at t'ie Ea-t ITnd revival The preachers who opened the movement in Liver pool wtr"toiudiutie J rixL quart rs 'ilii" S ani.sli (Livt'i unit ut iUi!nmu-ei liiat mi Chi list Generala. tiire Colo- i ...v.l ... i M Lit.'iCT j:.ti!y . 1 1 1 e vmvfin ii;(. rn- tepid Franc at'd declared tliw-U' adhe ri ine to K i'K Alfimao. , A fcV- gruru troiii, riai't I'l'ter asnerts, oe tho othtr hand, that flw hojio oi n-ttli'g the v.ar l.v a eotiveinon 8 fai dying out. (i-.u. Lomaz is ex- toUd thou-- to meet a threatened it -aion of the Piovi'.i?" )on Carlos, with sixteen b'ttulions aud artillery, is marching on Romalen which is twenly tie miles from Ssn- tallder. Coi.ouxE, March - 29 Noon Bis marck will not become Dukeof Louen burg. Trieste, -March 2'J - Noon All com panions of the Emperor Maxim.liau, who siiared his exploits iu Mexioo, are invited to attend tho uuveiling of his monument early in April. , ' March 29 Noon Edgar Quiii", author and nieiuur.of the Asm mbly from Pari, is dead. Beklin, March '29 Noois The Ho mu Catholio Bishops cf Prussia are to hold a conference at Fulda on next Tuesday, Lon-dok, March 2D Night.-)-The Committee on the Tiehborne Release called a meeting at Hyde Park. One hundred thousand assembled. There were bauds aud Hugs. Horses were taken from the carriage of orators and drawn by men. The meeting passed resolutions that there would be no rest until tne enormous judicial crime was reotifled. CALIFORNIA. JAMES LICK REVOKES HIS BE QUEST. San Francisco, March 29 Noon James Lick has tiled in the Recorder's office a revocation of the trust deed executed Wt July, co'.xeying his property to trustees for various benev olent purposes. recites in the re vocation that he wishes to provide for patties having natural claims ou him, to amend tuo oiigiual instrument, and with his relurmug htuhh to give iis personal sttution to the execution of his desires. He confirms the acts heretofore performed by the trustee. San Fbancisoo, March 29 Noon Advice from Jnpnu state thut many of the bodies from the Paciflo mail steamer Jupau have been recovered. All were kept under the water by the weight of money on their persons. "the floodsT PREPARATIONS FOR A THAW. Wixkksbabre, Pa., March 29 Noon Tho rivers have risen a trifle, but a four days thaw will be required to move the gore. All plans for cutting or blasting the gorgo here seem to be abandoned. The preparations for ftn alarm from above are complete. Washington, March i!9 Noon. Telegrams frcra Wilkesbarre, I'ittslon, Port Deposit, &a state that the rivers are rising slowly, but the gorges re main unbroken. ELECTU1C1SMS. At Syracuse, N. Y.; a large meeting was held, ex-Mayor Graves presiding, with alarge numberof Vice-Presidents selected equally from each political party, which endorsed Tilden's mes sage. In the Massaeliusett's Legislature President Loriug, of the Seuute, va cated the chair and defended himself iu a long speech sgainbt the charge of implication in certain fraudulent rail road rings. The Michigan Central and Michigan Southern, aud Pittsburg and Fort Wayne Rnilroads have reduced the fares to Boston. New York, Philadel phia, Baltimore nd Washington. Tickets at red nerd rates Rre limited to foity-eigl t hours. This shows the reduction to be only ten porury. S. & P. Brent, Bankers of New Bad ford. Mass , have suspended. Liabili ties $:00,0UO. The Prohibitionist Convention at Providence, R. I, rc-noruiuutad the present incumbents. This' makes three full tickets for Governor and Lientenant Governor.- The balance of the ticket is the same as the Republi can. Wm. J. Strong, of the Chioago Times has boeu sentenced to 10 days imprisonment for the publication of articles constructively reflecting on the members of the Grand Jury. TEXAS. RUMORED MURDER OF AMERI CANS BY MEXICANi BANDITTL GALVwmHt, March 29 -Noon A special di-patch from the Rio Grande tmruera state that at least three hun dred Mexican bandits are on Texas soil, and have murdered several Amer ican citizens near tbe border. DIED. At Fir HlMlT, N ).. m h. MtftlBtal MAKV KM MA HtNHINO, li of lWM 1 t'in da. tiril M illrn ill I Ilia. V i y r Niiyni ani uu rrlrrd weurn with ma Mriiria ddmum una iiuw una nm Or. .cii.l fir a lot t to !. tier th lor iirm mar fll ilrtriniT. rMili.aroi'l un, lth ru t'rttul nil I tii i-lin rlnilB rsim ly nvMnt ii'nth'. nerw prnnch, h?. l tiaie..i.t In msnnr lt CPlr-stfJ te In- i-n (lir Ml f lludc ot her UmilT mli ut " l r hsi norri. .-et shn 'oto lo rr)rnt !"ii vn mi-nk U insfl lictfwim u-ui i iii hinI ur at -rrair (id lb ' morrlDiiof the SlUi liir'iil. t 4 o'f'ofk. ruBinllili'a hrr Mini tn Oid, li lit-br la- wnid w-"Pr-.r. " r ioll Marvt Pii.t)ti, ltr, win. nmtli.'r farrw.if enlr for a fpuun-Mkls( h- i'rc which tsu with toar lut trm i rncl.lm-tt. W wil.i r ! nt. b lb nf liwt mrrt rnu, bir ixrting it bo not wtir th wi;a-v am at trtX. T 8PPCIAL. 1 rarrler. ulioulil not pat op wllb tb bsilly slit cnllsr. tb.t r. Bent to th.a bf bowl umlilio, hut wear the Blmwood, vbteh atvty. A fflmiiBMt A hi th. (r.rd Px-amld mlht b. bal'l nf thf tflh that bv bn raln4 by arglr-et' Sh.ll th thing ohjrfir tti. fTt tat ibat Si-Z iliOST U BB'tJs irTHr. f d.n. tl ili"y 1. Ptrnrr rrlism oiV in illnl wrtboat wr I f snil tnj oitrn b tbrrwn nS bTrlri li- -ri (n iro. trr. wr l up una la ldl, i nl iliing two or tar of Pardon' Par Ktif em. AMntonT JMt rftu-nnd, mt b ri;il ("nor' Anntii I mltasnt w inu a I rir.id iCiBrio hcymd " tbr bmII-i- n. . It I. diit.-l to t g ift rlfty o" ,( Ul t-e, at it in th hivt pulii r.urt' In th. world ron.nuipllvea. Tab. Nllee. Ivfry Diiimrnt of dftv m.ko your our. ni v bopelras, m) mnrh rlfpenrli on th.Jo. iisinui cboic of rema'ly. Tk. .mount of trKllmnny id fer orDr. Hrb.ck'l Pa'montt Suiip. m a rum tot ron.umptlo., far siwodt all tl.t cn be brought to mpport Ih. preten lunKct'.iir other meillelns. He. I)r. Ichenek'! A ,mnc, containing th eertlflem of many lroi of the hlghnM rMpeotablllty, who har. been rertdrrd to health, after being pronono. etil lui-urhl. bf phydelan. of acknowledged ability . Schenck'i Palmonio ByTnp alon be cur.-d many, a thee erldeaeM will ihowi bat tbe care I often promoted by the employment ot two oiber rera.dlet which Dr. Schenek pro vftto for Uie rarpea. Tkeee addttktoal reme tlcairSehenclt'i8eaWed Toole and Mao. 1raa PIIL. By th. timely as of the merit clnfs, according to direction, Or. Brheoch ocrtlBiNitbat molt any vwe of Oonramptlon my be eared. Dr. Hcbenck I proftnelonally at hi prlnel. pl office, eerner Sixth and Arch atreet, rkiladelphla, every Mond.y, wb.r all . M.r. fur Ml rice mnf b addrened. SEW ADVIBTI8IMENT8. WILMH&rOJI LIBIT IIFAHT1T, ATTEHTI01I! 1 yOTJ ARE ORDERED TO MEET AT TH1 A.mory, I Month Trout SUeet, thl (Tneul.y evening, at S o'clock. ' A.tbe Cooetttotloa 1. to b. .Igned, the dota tion ut anir.rm ditcuw'd and other buaineet ef the uluiv-.t lmport.no. to be tisnMcted, every member It commanded to be ponctnelly In nt.mlanci". By ordi-r of the t'ptaln. J I MacREB, m.rih JO-tt Oide-Iy Bergi-ant. BkNK AND RAil.HOAD HT i;K AT A'lOIlON. Kuiueraber your oath on lin,i rhuitditt. April Ut, I taxable. Inve: In Morknat iifeiieiit figure 10 reall. Pyliu fllTidHi.ds. We will .-II on to-morrow Wed ncMUv. nist ln-unt). at II o'clock A m , Ri.isnirn i ,orner. haree of the Caplul Stork 01 fimi national, liawnn Hank and Bank ol Nrw Ha-iotsr, and Wilmington ek Weldoa Kttllioad couip.ny. "artinular. at Mil. RDhLY MUUNIS, Anctionser., Stock and Heal K.iate iiioken. s Biarch SO APPLE BUTTER MEW ORANOKS, CHOtOft LEMOhS, JuarrWed and for al at O H. W. BCNOIt'a, N. R Corner of Market and Seeond Bta mreh 19 Business Suits M AUE AND TB1MMEDIH GOOD Stjle- Slti, at JAMES MoUOBMlCK'S. H AKDSOHE BUSINESS 801 TS made to order JM to (SO, St JAMES HoOOBMIOE'B. TI.EO AST PITTINQ BHIRU MAIE TO 4 measure,.! JAMES MeCORMU K'S. 7-lt-Tn,Frl8un march 30 BUY Onr Half Dime Cigar Half Dollar per Dozen. Th) rbeape.t In thl. market At No. 92 Market Street. D.PICOTT. m si eh to (8 Just Received ! TTAtKNTINK'S PREPARATION OF V Meat Jul.. - Ml.l rllfd Hd 78 nt quart. lln'bom Spnna Water. Coi.g'pn bprlrg Water. . . For tale by ORSltN A PLANNER, march it it WKUOIIVU fJAHUNavBdVia;! riNU t) A HlrN a specialty at tb JOURNAL urfl NEW ADVXRTISZMENT3. In Store and to Arrive ! IBS K g. h.lli. Var.er Mi lt, 1ii m.too Weeding Uoe, an oil. t'oito Rue, 6m plow, ell klruta, isclndlnf the liitie, BMIrgaof .11 kind., 4 Ton. Potwr,! I iiohi Heckb.Bd., and ererythlug el.e f.'ntd In lain. H.ruw.r. Hocae. All lur U t bottom nrlc .by wruhts UU RSA HURCH1HON. Auction Sale. Sale Boom No, S Market Street. I will ell oaTacwJ.y morning, March Mh at 10 e'e'eck, Monnbold Furnilure, Slot and Pipe, lee Boi, latter Prt, lefanl (.-rib and Oairlage, and a large .tock Carpenter. Toole, entirely nw; Heady Mode Clothing. Iiy Uod., Bootrand fhjc. B KAHNWEI1.EK. march I St Auctioneer. Family Groceries. A R TRULY LOYAL SUHJBCTk WE BrT aij oi our .opijllf. la 'Tke.B t'nlle4 eialea, and can only ofl'nr oar good. th."Bnt" wltha our llmiUd reach. A toon aawteaa eftablteh branobi. In .11 th. leading commer cial ellleeof the Old World w will aer.lyand trely ofT.rtheBKIT of EVERTTHIMQ IN TUB WOBLI). tn tb. mr.utlme we onr the beet grade f all gonl In our line (old la thl. city and at th. Lowest Ch Pitoea. P.mlly Oroeerleeof evrry variety; CHA3D. MYERS A CO., At North rreul at. warhn I' Memoirs of Service Afloat DURING THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES. jf ! MX ADMIRAL BAFHAKL REM MRS. "The Autocrat of The Breakfast Table (every man Lis own Boswell). " Hie Law and tbe Lady." By Wil- kie Collins. "A Fast Life" on the Modern High- way. il'laylor. "Uulua ' after the German, Dy w li ter. . The Froten Deep." By Wilkie Collins. - For alr by CON0LEI A YATE9, 47 Market Street. march M Hobby. Cent Box-Toe Nobby Oaltere, hand-Mwed, Cable wire, and machine at-wed au. ott Improved lail warranted noi ro rip. Phoiwforeld mn, bread tola and hc.t-th. mot ooaifurtabl aboe worn. An eiamlua- Uon I. aohcltod. Oail al - 0. A. PRICE'S, Blgo or Hi Golden Hunt, march M , f Potatoes, Potatoes, Pota toes. 100 881,8 POTATOES, ror aie oy RERO KEHOHSiB CALDKR; BROS march 11 Receiving by Steamer, Railroad i and Express, MUNSON & CO., OITY CLOTHIERS. march 18 TO Turpentine Tools. (Of warranted quality), Backer., Houne' Share., Torpantln. Dip per., Hack Welt ht., Hack File., Henud Share Whettert, Koala Slralner., Skimmer, Dip per., AO. A large .took or th. .buv. (fiiod. and at prloee that roca, land or mud bottnm price, can't rompate with, ran be luund tt th. Old Etteuliabed hardware Home of JOHN DAWiON, hot It, i and S) Market Street, march W - J Best in the World! NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR, EVERT PACKAUEOUARAMTEED. Waareiymnilmentei1dllV bf old and new friend of thl. celebrated Brand, and we hat tbe consent to ne name If neceeaary. lne rial I all w aik, and no other Brand will b need Remember the "NEW PROCESS EMPIRE." In Barrels, Half-Barrels, Bags, and Any Quantity to Suit, For sale only by . GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. march tl . 69 Du Pout's Powder. JjRiriE, 8POR1INO AMD MUSKET, PLA8TINO AND MINIKO-In Whole,Half and Quarter He.. , For Ml by ' i ) ' O. O PARSLETAOO. 09-tf March (I Corn, Oats, Hay and Rice. 1.000 Bnihe't I'orn, 1.1 0 " Oat, M Palm Eatrrn flay, lie Raie. N. R. Kay, so hbls Kioe. '"' For tat by ,""'ab- KF.KUHNER CALDER) BROR. march U TB nnitiTlblP JtBATLT EXECUTED t r ll I II M f U the shorteat notice and ou tb moet reaevnabl torn, at tho journal orrius. MISCELLANEOUS. Fine ArtlSiiperb Hooks The largest aud most valuable ool lection of works on the Fine Art ever exposed for sale in this city, now on exhibition at HEINSBERGER'S I Mva Book aad MueteStoiev mweh 13 The Piedmont Press, HICKORY, N, C Te.the only rler pub lubed In l'ilwl a conn Iv, and baaaaeitcnalv olrcuUHun among Merctiant., Parmi-r., and ell claMetof bul neat men In the SUt The rwli a lire wtde-awak. Pemu.-r.tlc pair, and I a dralra bl medlnm ftr adrenUIng In Wr.'cin Nor'h Carolina Liberal term. .Mow. d on yi-arly ad vertltrmenta. tubott tlon S3 In advance, Addref MURHILI.A TOMLINSON, Editor and proprietor. mari-h 14 tl-tf J, H. FREEMAN. A. M. BALDWIN. TEETH .Extracted Without Pain WITH THK USH OF I.IUUID MTR l Oil le Ua. Prl.r. redii-Kl tit Art. Sol. I IVclh Tee t Fllle I la th met linpiutel mm ai r OlBoe ou Market Street, belwen Proni at..' Hwtind. FHWKMAN dt r)Ai.WI, Jiaiiiln'ii mrrhlt-lw ' Something New. T.ateat Falilon -Oen'a 1 hi runt. Ltttwt Katliion Item. Una ln w i '!. Latrt Fa-i'lon -Oxiil. "ri Hull. I. at t Panhlnn uel Fnnilhii' g (Iimi l, Lateet Faehlna "prlng (lord KfiieiaUy. I have, without ..caption, th. Bnet .mrt. meet er new tnin'taln iieiu. .uirn ium ii ha ever hern my prlvlh-iie tiiolTi'rau aprr'rtat've people. My Fprlng ef lorl far eiwla that or any rthur Hnuae In the clly. Moth Mr. rhmt Tailoring anl Keatly Mad Hepertmentaftiliy Ofganlaed and ready for an Immen bn.lneaa. A. DAVID. A. DAVID, march vt A. DAVID. T4 LOST! A PAtKAOl CONTAINING,. AMOKO utuer tblng, aeteral Railroad ticket. Th nud.r will be re warded by leaving tb.m at Uia Jouaaat. efllo. march tl , ; T-lt Thotircat Mcxleun Show,- Most Thrilling Artistes in the World. ii atar Ferforiwora, M tiirckTkuratei) Honcajo Family, DreatMeilcanWIi Walker., Aorobtt. and Trapeie performer. I THRKKOREAT Ol.OWSS. Happy Jack Law ton, th People'. Favorlt Olown. Will oihll.lt In Wilmington on Thurnday and Prld ay, A pi II 1.tand2d,on Fifth atreet, between ihe.tnnt and Mulberry. W Admleeloii 60 Ocnta. Cbildien 16 Ornlt march iff 1l-st Spring Millinery. jyrhR. E. A. LOMSDKN ha. JuM returned T from New York with all the latent ttylea of Millinery flood., ooailatlng of Pattern Hat' and Bonnet. Children' Hat and French Flower. marr.1 Tt tw E. A.LUMSDKV. THE LAST OHANCB TO 6K T TH F. RKN bow Hone or mm other large gift fyr Two Dollar and Fifty t'enisl The drawing of th Grand Gift Concert, in Green.boro, N. O., ha. beendifrrred until April lath, whan It will, without any fartbrr delay, b proceeded wltb. Thoi-e wlnhing ti invent can do o by (ending ta the Manager, 0. P.Mendenhall, Hon , Greentboro, N. O., or of lb agent at -different place. Ticket, lot ale In thl plec by MATTHKW P. TAYLOR, march Hit Agmt. FINE ARTS. Greo.H. fscott, - ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAITS Samples oan be seen and Orders left at the Book Store of P. Ilehisber ger. The Tatronage of the Public is re spectfully sohoited. march lw-tf 6T From this Date " -piiltEOt' COAL WILL BE llO PorTon. O. O. PARSLEY & CO. march 2A 71 Spirit Casks, Hoop Iron, Clue, &c. fy) 8TAVDARD CASKH, iO Ton. Hoop Iron, ilAii Bbla. aiue, all grade. ; WK) Paper. Hivetr Bbl. Bunga, 10 Npanioh Brown. . ; For Ml by , KKKCHNRH 4 CALDER BROS march 28 T.I Sheeting! ISheetiiig! g BALES ("Lake Gorge") Shfoting i For tale by KERCHNEB A OALDER BROS. markU T SEW ALVEIITISZMEM3. 111 B110WN & We still continue to cll at cur fornii r low prices "notwithstanding the ad vance in the markets, aud as a ubntautiul proof suhiuit the following list of prices: Coata' Stwil Cotton ft cents a spool or 70 ccuts per dozen. Until -ached Cotton from ft cents per yard. nidi truit nt tno lumm, 30 " " " " Loom. Srt " Wamsutta .-ow epnnR calicoes, uck quality, iu ocuis per yam. Lmlica rufl'n for the Nock tl and 10 cnis, worth i!5 cents, a bargain. It would be a gn at mi inn ' those vMtintf the, cilij for the purpose of do ing their shopping in the Dry Goods line to pavo us a call jrrttiuvt to making their purchases. We take this mt t hod of advertising pricea for you to com pare them with not onlv Wilujit'gtou and vicinity, but with those of tny sec lion of the country. We have no time or inclination to button hole von on the streets, or look you up in the Hotels, er bv laving any claim of friendship. Our object is purely Iiumucks, aud we SEVERAL JOB LOTS? Such aa 100 dor.cn Kid O loves for flO cents per pnir, worth ?1 CO. Ladies hemmed 1'tire Linen Handkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 25 cents. '10 pairs Ulitnkets (L"l, worth 1 f0. WE HAVE OOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE ONE PRICE TERMS CASH-NO SAMP1ES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK. ma'i-h 1 wnia.n. iiiwiwij i -Km 0fflLi PACIFIC Gil OAl'lTAL l,00())0(. - ' PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWOTnOUSAND FIVE IIUNDRF.I) TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for side, either for CASH or on CHOP TIME. Liberal terms will be mdr with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at onr Woreho prioes. V. II. M f II A 111 & I O.. 'VimmlMliin klarohant., Si.nUfor PaolBo Guano Co., and Dealer In Nk. 1 Pnavlan Guano x-....... Tt'.. r. u... ....... ' : . Sub-Agents i'.rrtlrf Hale a '. It. fJllMIM, 41. 44.IAIIA1I.... J 81 NEW AND NOVEL LOTTERIES I 8ia,ooo .:. r.T r. for".... . . . . . oo 1'2,()()0 for 82 00 $100,000........ for &'20 00 $100,000 for au uu Missouri State Lotteries. (in tho 19th day of I'nrh month Dm. ring 1S7 9. til llrati n tuo W SINGLE NUMBER LOTTERY. CU'ITAL PRIZE, $12,00! 10,200 Prizes, amounting to $100,000. tv Ticket Only $2 Try a Ticket in this Liberal Hchomc. $l,20O,000 IN PRIZES. fjapitiil "Prize 100,000! II W0 Prhtea. ain in 'ting 1 1 tl SnO.OOQ ! Will b llr iwn.... . .tune S, 1S Wll tie lliawn , Sept H. is;s Will hn Ijmwi HI Ii" ar-Whole Ticket S 'l'l Halve I01 Ouar Prlaw payable In full and no po-tionement orilrawiiign lite, pi are, AddroM, ror lickel and Olrinlan, MURRAY. MIM.tfR CO.. P. O. Boi Hit. St. UuU, Mo. - march Vt .. ' Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Etc. 200 Boxes D. 8. Bides and Shoulders, 200 Poxes Smoked Hides & Shoulder?, 300 Bhls. Penned Sugar, 200 Purs Prime Rio Coffee. 1,000 Bbls. Flour, all grades ; 1 0,000 Bushels Trime White Corn, 400 Bales N. R. Hay, L Hi 10 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Glue, 400 Kegs Nails, 300 Bags Shot. 50 Bhls. Whole Rice. 50 Bbls. S. II. Syrup, 100 Boxes Soap, 50 Cases Soda, 150 Boxes and Half Boxes Candlos, 50 Boxes Candy, 10 Cases Matches, 50 Cases Oysters, , 50 Cases 1). Peaches. KO' ' low hv WILLIAMS 4 ML'ROHIHON. Guano! Guano! 850 Tons Guannpfl Guano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, For dale low by WILLIAMS & Ml'RCHISON. Molassos! Molasses! ' 200 Elide and Bbls. New Crop Cuba, For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCniSON. . mroih . W Wanted. T HR PALMRTTO CYPRKSS COMPANY re prepared to contract far lUa dollvciy of Cyprcaa Log:, at th ' ra'mHto Mltle. Georgetown, 8. 0. mar M-4t DA VII BI8LEY, Agent. 45 RODDICK ii Onta per yard. 12J " " - " 16 " . " " promise doing that in a legitimate way. 45 Market Street. 61 xiiirt TiAifln kitrubt, WIIMniNUTONV N. or Soluble Pacific tJuauo. ..Old Hundred, N. O. Marlon, N. O. 1.7-:inidAw J THE PEE DEE HERIID. Piiblishod every ..Wednesday at WADESBORO, ANSON COUNTY, DT JOSH. T JAMCS!A CO. Ha.slarKeand rapidly Inrreanlng elrenla. lion In the Pe Doeiounu j InNoithand Soma i tiriitina. A.lvcitin-M lil nnd II Iho bent medium In hliiir of tint elptrr Hlalea I or reacblug tb tartiiur., plitnter. and merchanta. The rxttuHive local advertising pat- ronage exhibited in Hn column i (he bent 'cvidmca of Uh large and itifluen tint nlrculadon. r Specimen cople", with rate, tor edrer tlmp.x, will Ir.u, taie UI, en application to the undumUind, eithr-r at Wlinoro or Wiiralrgioii. '' J08H.T..IAMKS 0O., KUItorrand Preprl''ir ri-ajii " THE RALEIGH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY rriLUHia ar - - STONE UZZELL. D KVO't'Kl' TO THE BEST INTERESTS of the HI te of North Carolina- to th iiim'iwmoI ll O 'linorvatire party, the detel. opinnntof t.h biililnn wealth of tlio State, lha Inyilin emlrratlnn Into our mldirt, and ad vanreniHnt of the well'ar ot onr people la e. rv'lilnir that mrve to tank a State proper oua and IndeiKindont It ADVERTISING COLUMNS will trb found of great advantage, a. both th Da v and Weeklv circulate larireiy in every portion of the Slat Kate, moderate. SUPBORIPTION RATES: Oallv, Ono Year VT 00 Weekly,'! " 1 Subscribe for 1 874. SiUJNiS 4 UZZiJUiLi, iProi rietor. Jan So Christian Advocate raleiqu, y. a Kev. J. B. Bobbit. Editor Sc TxAhih't ESTABLISHED IN 1855. " I .... ... ; - Ha tli ' 4 Laraeat tureulatioa la lit tai. . Devoted to Ke'.lnlon, Literature, Bclenoa, New, aud Oeneral Inteillgeiice. Art I b Organ ol the S. C. Conference lha ffl. E. Charch, Sonth. It ha. It aopport, and tb continued aid it Mtntnti ra, (all of whom are agent) Weird lncrciriR e circulation. We otl'ur no premium., Th Advooats .tand, upon It, intrlmdo merit. While It le Methodlrtio Iu d'rinej' wll contain now. fr'im all Cliurobea, o a. to tnak It a welcoma vi.ltor to the lm,lllgeiit leader f all rienoinlnsMona. Its wide and Increasing elrcnlatlonmaktt a Most Excdlent Medium par Butineu fotn fltmfrfilly. T Term, ( oW&B UH, advancei tl or ls month. lw-a f.m ,. f u,J,v- ; l,l.jlllf f HI- -""a- iaMr-. o i CO.; aW

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