1 r 1 IT?-', 1 1 h j$iir 41 VOL SXIV. NO. 77. WILIUHQTOH, IT. C, WEDNESDAY. IIARCH 31. 1875 WHOLE, NO. 6,841. Jy W2DE3'iAy. 3ARCII 31. 1875 WILMINGTON, N. C: BY tELECRAPH parsons to n un r ur ruE ku- KLt'X IN ALABAMA. A GRANT PAIUSU CASE IN THL SUPREME COURT. WAsaixoTOs, M.-trch 30 X.io'h Tbe Pn-wident tliii moruiug made tbe following appointment-Lwvid t.fjoar bin, United Strttt'n Attorney for the District of South Carolina. Ei-Ooverner Farsous, of Aluhani i, ha been appoii ted AsHistaut District Judge, vice White, who dtoiiittd. Parson's, duty, provided he accepts, will be to puh the prosecutions nt.der tha Enforcement and Ku-Kiiu acts. Washington, Maich 30 Night Tin President returns Saturday. IViure is no lot up iu the opiniou that Loiistaua must remain without u Dii--tr ct Judge until Cougrctui meet. The. Ewcutive, however, has no mundotory p iwer over Judge Wood, who h,h a p tliminary case exorcise doudtful P 'era. Washington, M.rch 30 NightIn t'ie Supremo Court tody tho osse ot t in Uuited States vs. Cruiksliauks aud others, charged with a violation of the Enforcement Aot, in Qraut pans! , Lt., was taken up and its argument will likely oopmiaie the remaiuder of fie week. ' It come to this Court by a eertiuoate of diviion from the Ci' cnit Court for Louisiana. Judg Bradley,of this Court, was of the opmiouthst the act of .1870, uuder which the indictment is formed, is un constitutional, and binlleagii6 at the Circuit was of the reveise opinion. The defendant are represented by Reverdy Johnson, David Dudley Field, Juo. A. Campbell and Judge Marr, of Louisiana. GOTHAM, MAY SUING JANU A R Y FOR DAMAGES. EVANGELICAL CONFERENCE NOT, TO BE HELD IN . .. .i RICHMOND. Nsw Yobk, March 30 Noon A breach of promise suit for . 850,000 (1 images, brought op by Mary Chom b rlayne, aged sixteen, against John 15. Holmes, aged sixty, resulted yester-. d 'V in a verdict for plaintiff for 6,000. The Executive- Committee of tie Evangelical Alliance, at a meeting iu Brooklyn last evening, decided uot 1 1 bold the the Biennial Conference iu Richmoud, as there will be two other meetings there about the same time of holding this one. It was decided to hold it in Pittsburg. Nbw. Yobk, Maroli 30-Night Beeoher takes the stand to-morrow. GEORGIA. THE GREAT WESTERN AND AT LANTIC WATER ROUTE. EDITORS AND SENATORS AT ATLANTA. Atlanta, March 30 Noon Col. Frobel, who is now at Atlanta making a report of bis progress, will resume his survey of the rivers along the pro posed line of the Great Western and Atlantic Water Route very soou. His report will indicate a singularly favorable water connection connecting the Mississippi river with the Atlantic ooear, oommenuiDg at Cario, III., and ending at Darien, Ga. The entire dis tance ia nearly one - thousand miles, niue hundred of . which are na-vigab'e rivers. Only on hundred miles of artificial water ways are . required, which present no engineering difll c llties. - -' -: ' Atlanta, March 80 Night Sen ator! Cameron, i Chandler,. Morton, Anthony Patterson, TomJSojtt, and a party bound for Meiioo reached here this afternoon and leave to-night. J. E. Brown and ethers from Atlanta, go with them, Eighty Indiana editors h ive also arrived and are quartered at the Kitnlwll House. John W. Garrett, of Baltimore, is expeoted here to-morrow. T"" Collector" HazletofilSft tore to-night f ir Washington. ELECTRICISMS, The residence 'of Wm. R. Byrd, nt Apes Hole, Md,, has r been burned with its contents. Two children aged four and eight years.reepectively, per ished. " The Northern rivers are still rising slowly; and it is thought that the ice will pass off with but little duniage.. At Hazleton, Fa,, the marcbiug miners rumber four hundred. ; About one-half of them are arraod with gnns a id the balance with clubs. There is much parley as they proceed from mine to mine, but no lighting. Buel' who spoke diflparng ngly of Chandler, has been released from Federal custody at St. Louis. The l.alance of the counterfeiters of the Spanish Bank notes have leen ar retted at Havana, aud $30,000 of the counterfeit notes seirod. Taylor's paper . mills at Toronto, Canada,' have, been buruel. Luss o0,ooo. ii;v - Dr. E. B. Sparham and accomplice, have been hanged at Brookvillo, Out., for producing abortion, rosultiug in death. His aooomplioe was the se duoeK -. . -. -, . , -, c T11E FLOODS. THE BEGINNING OF THE END. WiluamVuport; Morcli 30 Nighl. The river has fallen one foot ainoe n cn. The ice from this'side f Loek j il. vea reaclu d the !u-ul of the IJoom u'.ie this plane Rt 4 o olock this p. iu. and lodged there. The it which c'uit. d fiMiu the l wer enil of the city yesterday aiid lodged on an isl.md six miles bolow cotumeuord to move again this p, Oi. ami iixpeetcd to revieh the rorge at Wntit.ivn every minute. The water at Watsontown is twenty feet above low water mark. H:ilf of this, is supposed to te baekwattr ens,.1 by tlie Rorge. The vitizrua of that place nre little alarmed au.l await with 'liiitiety the ; lire ktng up of the gome. There H nocliatig iu t heg irge at (JleliunUm. mSYEVAMA. MEETING OF ITIE MIXERS AND LABORER'S BENEVOLENT AS SOU I AUG V AN D Til E Ml-. CH AN ICS AND WORK 1 SOMEN'S SO , V tlEl'Y. TUE LABOR RIOTS AT HAZEL TON. Pottsvilm!, March 30 Nigit A me:tiug of the' Miuer's and Laborer's l!-'bevol lit AsMooiatiou and tho SW- l'uuuic s ami WorKiugmens nocioty was held iu this city to-day, for the purpose of organizing aud training a oiiiiHtitutiou for mutual protection. 1 wuuty three districts were represent ed, President John F. Walsh, of the aimer s AssociHttou, in tue ouair. A full repr st-ntuliou of .both orguuiza- tions were present. John biuey, 1 resuleut oi ttie Miner s National A.-ociaUou of the United Stiffs, oaiue hurj from Clevelaud, Onio, ou business connected with tlie above meeting, aud reported that ho favors the allismw. The following resolutions were unan imously adopted: licsulvcd.'i.UM'wa hereby agree to form au alliance for mutual protecti u aud general benefit of all, each or ganization to preserve its individual character aud ctiartor. licnotvcd, The the Miner's aud La borer's Benevolent Association, and the Mechanic's and Workiuguieu's Benevolent Association be governed by the same rules now governing the Execntive Committee of the Miner's and Laborer's Benevolent Association, aud entitled to the same representa tion pro-rata. iMolved, I hat tne Miner s ana Jus- borer's Benevolent Association, and the Mechanic's and Wotkingmen's Be nevolent Association uo work id har mony aud sustain each other iq this and all coming struggles and difficul ties, both morally and uuauciaily, until justice is done both. A dispatch from Shamokin this eve ning Btatetthat the miners continue joining the Miner's Union organized there recently, and it is supposed that they will suspend work in all the mines, soou. ' Unusual quiet prevailed throughout this region to-day, and the laboring associations deprecate the acts of vio-1 lence committed at Hazleton yesterday by their co-workmen. ' Iucpuiry was made to-day from the Masters of the Philadelphia &. Read ing Company's shop-, at Cressoua and ttio Schuylkill Haven Bhops, whether their men had resumed work aud re nounced their connection with the Laborers Union, as reported on Mou divy. They both replied that their respective shops have a full comple ment of men aud that coal hearers, engine wipers, yard men, Ac, nre all at woik, and applications for positions from nou-Uuiou mn as well as resign ed Union men are being turned away, there being uo further vacancies to II 1 1. Every coal, freight and passenger eu gine on tho Mine Hill Road, except such as were uuder necessary repairs, was out on the roud to-day and em ployed, and there is no further doubt that in these localities the Com pany's affairs are beyond embarrass ment from the Laborer's Uijion, not withstanding the orders at the above two places combiued tmmberod a membership of about 700 men mill men and boys.' Macch Chcnk, March 30 Night N arly 150 armed raiders were iu pro cession to-day, aud visited York town, Spring Mouutian, Audeureid, Beaver Meadow, Jeausvillo, and other col leges, ou a scouting expedition, aud made all persons stop who were en gaged ou dead work. No one was in jured and no damage was done. It is reported that 50,000 bags of flonr were purchased for the miners in tho Lehigh region last week, with funds of (;ho Workingmeu's Benevolent -An-socfcttiorT, aud is now delivered iu the neighborhood of Audenroid and Beaver Meadow, whence it will be distributed to those in need through out this aud adjoining regions. Philadelphia, March 30 Night. The Pottsville Miner's Journal of to day, ays : A circular was issued yes terday denying the statement made in this Journal yesterday that the eni pbyees of the P. & R. road at Schuyl kill had connected- with the M. & W. B. A. and had renounced the So ciety and were prepared for work. The information as published was received in this office lute Suuduy night and there was no time to inquire further concerning it. Wo have to state to day that the employee of the Reading Railrond Company at So iuylk 1 Ha ven a d Csona In vereanaed work. Hazklton, March 0 Night The mob which left Audeureid this a. ro. for this place w interotpUd at the Beaver Muadows Mines by Father Marvin, tho Catholic Priest of Anden- reid, who persuaded them to dispel e . i i...:. i. ni... ti '. i ' tonians have thus esouped A fiecoi.d invasion which threatened Heiiouseoi sequences, and everything is now quiet. . Many shots were tired last evening by the rioters while rallying their for cos, live of which weut througn a window of the Yorktown Company's store at Beaver Brook. Two of their firemen were driveu from their work aud one of them compelled to join tho ranks of the rioters. EUKOPE. ! CONCHA CENSURES JOVELLAR. Takis, March 30 Noon The Duke de Moutpensier having applied to the Marquis de Molino, the Spanish A mbassador, for a passport to Spain, the Marquis declined to grant it. The reason alleged for the refusal was that if a passport was given to the Duke, Queen Isalwlla would deem herself equally entitled to one, and the Madrid Government considered her return to Spain inopportune, -The funeral of Qninet took place to-day. Victor Hugo and Gambetta d "livered orations at the grave. The crowd was immense, and there was sume disorder. i Madrid. March 30 Night General Concha, late Csptaiu Geueral of Cuba, his addressed a petition to the King accusing General Jove lsr, his pred'.t- oewsor in the Captain-Generaley, and now Minister of War, of being the cauxe of the lack of discipline in the Spauish army on that Island; and also eensnring the conduct of Osneral .lovellar as Minuter of War. Ice pe tition has cieated profound sennation. The newspapers are compelled to maintain silence in regard to it. London, March 30 Night-128,O0O iu specie was sent to New York to-day. Paris. March 30 Night An official decree has been promulgated prohibit i'ig the importation of American pota toes or of sacks or barrels previously usod in packing them. The object i a to prevent the introduction of the Col orado beetle. .SFICIAL. I'rarol.r. lionl1 not put mp with th. hatllr tipc1 folLr. that re arnt to than by hotel liiumli ion, bul wealth. Klmood, wliloh lwT Ioj wxll. A Iluonmnt At hl( M the rrl Pyisoild m'ght b. built or tlie teeth ttint h beitn ruined by argl.ot' Shall thl thing go In rKMorth.grsMtMtUiat NOZiilxiNI'U oertla pnw.rvalr.taB ChI drsjr ? Fever iieldom msk. an atttok without wsriu I' g, ami rnny oflt ii be thrown off bjpln i hi- leu In rm .ter, ntilnf up warm In bul, ami taking two or thre. of Prn' I'ur gatlve.eilli . .. ....j.- ., A MlMtonarjp. Just r.tumxd, .ays he regard. In).non' Anodne I.I n I men t a. bcfuJ all irli-e, at d eWearloii. beyutid any other midl-C'li-. It In adapted to a great variety at .(-lal caves, and In th. bert pain core- In th. world Oonanmptlvea, Take Notice. Every moment of delay make, your enr. more iiopalow, and much depend, oa the Jo. 'Ileloui choir of a remedy. The amonnt r testimony In farar of Dr. Sohenek'. Pulmonis Svrap.u a cut. for oon.umptlon, fhr.ioeed. all that on be brought to rapport th. prnten ilon.rfany other m.dlclnf. Se. Dr.Scbenok'. Almanac, containing the eerfifloateief many pejreon. of the hlghert reepectablllty, who have 'bian restored to health, after being pronona. eed Incarable by phyelcl.ni of acknowledged ability. Hohenok's Pnlmnntc ayrop alon has eured many, as the, evidence, will thaw; bat the cure li often promoted by the .mployment of two other nm.dl.( which Dr. Bohenck pro vide, for the purpoee. The, additional reme dies are Hrhenck'. Sea Weed TonU aud Man drake PUIs. By th timely dm of the, medl oinv, according to directions, Dr. Srheock certlHe. that mot any caa. of Couraiaptloo may be cured. Dr. Hchonek I. profenlonally at bis princi pal office, corner Blxth and Arch ttreeta, Ptaiadelphla, every Monday, where all letter, fnr advice mast be 1drened. KIW ADVERTISZMINTS. o I.T) IHYDDEl.ToN'S MOMBT. by Mary ' ecu nay. tvveuia. II, KEN FEKKERS. By tfuian Morl.y. L U) Oeuta. Thomson's Malacca, Indo china, and China. 1 tin Strati, of Malacca, Inde-Chlna and Ctitna ; or, T.n Y.ar.' Travel, Adventure, nd KeMJence Abroad. By J. Thornton, t K. Q. author or llluiitratlon. of China and It. I'exple." With over AO Illustration, from the Aulhor'. own Photograph and Sattcbe. (loth, M. for.al.at HEIN8BERCER'0 Uv. Book and Mnalo 8 tor.. marh II TI Best in the World. With the advantage, of a long .iperlenoe and large bnittnera acquaintance and faDlll.rt ty with aU th. BEST MBAMDH sndflBADKS ol everything In the world In theUrocery Una, Domestic and Imported, we can and alwaji do offer the "Beat Induce ments' to . ( , . CASH BUYERS. Wedonot oonflneenTetock.lniply to "Do Dis-.tlc" ii)rllei, bnt we aelott with panlcolar p;4in"Tli Beat of everything" from all parti' of the globe lor oar family trade. "BEST HU1TER IN THE WOELI),' NftW PBOCK1S EMPIREKLOTJB, dlre-t from on r Dairy ar.d Mill., without going through anoend hands and adding aecond profit. With these natural advantagcaweoffer ODB CHOIOB GOODS" la competition with Inferior grade, it lew.r urlcea. S.ud for sample, of Umpire rioar. at GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. march 81 Tt (tfATKOr NOSTB tiAHOLIIA, Superior Court ol New Uavnaver Co. Prancla W. ICerehne-, Robert K. ("aider nd . WlllUm CaWer . partnei a under (I'm name o Retchuer A alder Brothers. Plaintiff., agali at Henry h. Morila, Defendant. To Henry L. Mprrit Greeting: , Tnl no1 Ion I. brought to recover th. atim ot Forty nven HumlruU aud lul ty-Mven aud I-llll Dollar, with Interest therjon, from .anua y Wilt, 1874. due the putlntlfla by ftorn 1 a i t m.te under aeal made by ibeaald Henry I , Morrl' payable to t W. aerobner an I ea d fd by nid c. W K trrhner to the plain tiff'. Too aummunaln til. eaae la raturnabl. to i be Term ol tue superior ooartof New Hah ovi r connty above written, to be b.'datth mot H.uae In Wilmington on tbe tenth Men. (la alter the aao.nd Monday in February, l:s i he .Hid dctendau', Hemy U Morrla, la further not tt.d that a wrl of attachment ha. been irtiloil In tbui eaae agatuat vronerty of tbe id d-lt-ii'lant relumable alo to the ed term oi the superior Court of New Hanover eoanty. JAMES HKAOV," " -' ' - ' Olerk Snperlor Curt. .trmir Davis. Attorney for Plaintiff., m uch SMl.h, IMS. march S TT-d4w-tUw V7EDDIHG CARDS S2T&1" I hriuttt la.hkuabl .tyl. at tbe ' louaaiALorriua NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE... fJlHK 1'NDEKSIONKD PKO'OSES ttt ixganli. t Cim,uy of l-ibt ArtlL.ry. Tho who are tavrrably dlaOaed and wlrh to Join . o , the organlaallon, will pleaae meet m. thl. evening, at o'clock, at tbe Atmory of the Wilmington I Ight InfanUv.evrr Mearra t ar penTet A Mallant'f Saddlery Stcra on Front ttrect. march 31 JAMES urii.i.v. nit Dissolution. rpHR COPARTNERSHIP HKKETOPORK entlrg between Mewra, Roh'naon Peter. Nin, doing b.ialnra al Big Oohata, In Sampaon county, wa. dlwolved by muttnl conarnt on the eth of March. .Th. bu.lnee. will herealter b ronductej by Mr. Roblnaon, wh. will ette all Indebtedneae asd reeelpt for all clainii ilu. the Oi m. .IAMB! ROBINSON, HAYWOOD PETERSON, march II 3 Il-dlt4wite Extracts for tho Toilet, QUaRLAlVS EITBAUTS, t.nbtn'a Eitract., " Phaion'. Mght Blooming O.r.ua. Hair boiUM, eulx, AMIed ailk, Ac, o. ror aal. by OHEEN A fLANMER march It Vi E. FRANK COC'8 Ainntaniated SuporfboapbAle. FOR SALE rORCASH OK OR CROP time by O. Q. PARSLEY & CO. march J I - 71-tf In Store and to Arrive ! tM Kg. Nails, Parker Mills, ion Doaen a'eedlng Hoe., M I olla Uolton K ipe, ' BUM Plowa all klnda, liirluding th. Hull, afttngaof all klnda, 4 Ton. PotwareJ !A Doaen Backhands, and everything el.e found In a larg. Hardware Houa. All lor aale at bettiua prior, by marcn v u tics at ununioun. Family Groceries. 11 TRULT LOY AL SUBJECTS WE BUT llofoar.npplle.ln These United Stale," and can only offer our good. .. th 11 Beat" within our limited reach. A. soon u we can atabllsh branch.. In all the leading commer cial cltleeof the Old Wotld we will aafely and traly Offer the BEST of '.EVERYTHING IN THR WORLD. )n th. meantlm. we offer tbe b(t grade of all good. In our Hue ao'd In this elty and at the Loweat Cah Pilcea. Family Orocerle. of every variety. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 0 V North rroatt Nt. march M To Memoirs of Service Afloat DURINQ THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES. , - , BY ADMIRAL RAPHAEL HRMME8. "Tbft Antoerat of The Breakfast Table (every man bis own Boswell). ' i'he Law and the Lady." By Wil- kie Collins. 'A Fast Life" on the Modern High way. By Taylor. "Hulda" after the German, by Wis- ter. - ' ; : . 'The Frozen Deep." By Wilkie Collins. For ale by CONOLET & YATES, 47 Market Street, march T. Hobby. Cants Box-Toe Nobby Gaiters, hand-ewed, Cable wire, and machine aewed wade on Improved la ) warranted net to rip, ho, for old men, br ead rule and heel the moat comfortable aboe worn. An lamina tion la solicited. . Call at 0. A. PRICE'S, Blgn of fh Goldau Boot, march M M Receiving by Steamer. Railroad and Express. MUNSON & CO.. CITY 6LOTHIEBS, march W TB Turpentine Tools, (Of warranMd qnaltty), Hackera, Boun have. Turpentine Dip pera, Hack Wel.hta, Hack Filea. Ri und Shae Wbettera, Krxin Strainer., Skimmer., Dip per., Ac A large toe ' th- .bjve g oda and at prloea.that rock, ..ndormnd bottom prior, can't compete with, can b. found at the Old EistabllBhed Hatdware Hmiae of JOHN DAWSON, ' Vot It, JO and tl Market Street. march M 1 . Coffee, Sugar and Cheese. , 200 Bags Coffee, V 60 Bbls Sngar, : 50 Boxes Cheese, For aal. by ' KKKCHNCH OALDEB BROB. , march II Vl Choice Family, Flour, In Balf BatreH. ' TEA, Selected Brands. ! For nle ai "' " G. H. W. RUnGE'8, N. E. Corner Market and Second Street, march 'il MISCELLANEOUS. The Piedmont Press. HICKORY, N. Cm I. the only paper ptib'Whed In t'atawba county, and haa an. itcnalve circulation among Merchant, F'arroera, and all rlaweaof bnl rten men In the State. The Phw. I. a lire wide-awake lc mooiallc pacr, and b a dealra bl medium fit advertkdng In Wta'orn North Uarollaa Liberal term, allowrd en yearly ad vertlaementa. Riibacilptton 'i In advance. Addr MTJRRILLa TOMl.tNSON. Fdltnin and Proirli't4ir marcn tc ti-u Something New. Lateat Fahton -Oenla Drr OoaU. -hatrtat Fahion-.Oenta Bna-nra. tkmu. I.aterl Fa--Mon Oenta lrimMilt. I.tt at Paniilon Went. Fnriilnhliig nooila. Laic.' Kaahton sprlug (lotda leuetally. I have, without ..neptlon, lh-Sneat itl ment ol new thiliita In delrta atllr that It ba. ever been tuy privilege to olt-i an aprraclativ piople. My Hprlng ef lorl far aiitela that nt a ctbar Hou-wln thcclly. Both Mer. rhant Tailoring an. Ready Mail. Drartmentaliilly organ! eed and ready for an Imni.ue. bualnet A. DAVID. A. DAVID. A, DAVID. march I ThoCJreat Mexican Show, Most Thrilling Artiatea in the Wotld 44 fetnr rvrlormera. B l theckTehratkd Moncajo Family, Great M.ilean Wlie Walker., Acrnbala and Trap... parlormere I THKF.KOHEAT OI.OWNS. tl.ppy Jack Lawton, the P.nple'. Fnvorlte Olo on. v Will exhibit in Wilmingtmi on Ihuradav and Friday, April lat and Sfd, on Flllh 'met, between heatnut and Mulberry. - Admlaalon bO OenU. Ohlldten SS IVnt. mrcb 21 Tl-ftl Spring Jilillinery. jJR9. E. A.LCMSDKN baa Jurt returned from New York with all the lateat tyle f Millinery Booda, conel.ttng of Pattern Hal and Bonnet., Children' II at. .and French Flower, maroa IT lw E, A. LUMhDRn, i!i 1 THE LAST CHANCE TO GET THE BKN bow Hotiie or aom. other large gift for Two Dollar and illlf I Th. drawing of the Grand Gift Concert, tn (Ireeinboro, N, O., ba. been d ftrrcd nutll April 19th, whan It will, without any funh r dolay, b. preceded with. Thoae wlahlng to Invent etn do ao by ending to the Manager, O. F.Mendenliall, II ox 8, Ureanaboro, N. O., or of tbe agent at dlfl'erent place, Ticket, lot aale Iu thl. rlac by - MAlTllkW P.TAYLl'H, march H tf Agent. FINE ARTS. Geo 11. fcscott, ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAITS. Samples can be seen and Orders left at the Book Store of P. Heuiaber ger. The Patronage of the Publio is re spectfully solicited. march 1-tr T From this Date pHICEorCOAl, WILL BK ' , llOPorToii. O. a PARSLEY Jr CO. mch it It BUY Oar Half Dime Cigar FOH Half Dollar per Dozen, Th. ch.apeet In ttla market. At No. 22 Market Street.' D.PICOTT. march SO Just Received ! .,i, , .... ,. , i x . VALENTINE'S PEEPAEATION OF Meatjuine. Mlaed Bird Seed. ?5 cent a quart. " Hathorn Spring Water. Congrea. bprlng Water. For Mle by GREEN Si PLANNER, marsh M 73 MEMBERS: There will be a meeting of th. Aeaooiatlon at .Apollo Hall, corner Mar let and Hecnmtatreet., at (o'clock i", M., Weil netday, M arch 3lt. The Intercut pt each member require hi. pereonal attendance. By order oT Uommittee. mar2a-t!tuiiWed JOHN MEYER. APPLE BUTTER N EW ORANGES, ( HOIOB LEMONS, Jnt arrived and for .al at ' Q. H. W. RTJNOE'ST N. E. Corner of Market and Beoond Sta. 'marehM i . . , Iti potatoes, Potatoes, Pota . :;, toes. '' " 100 BBLS EARLY ROSE POTATOK8, ,alaki i . " ' RERUHNEH dk t'AI.OKU; BROS, march II 60 Sheeting ! Sheeting ! BALES (' Lake Gorge") Sheeting ' For ml by KERCHNER OALDKtt BROH. Biarh T5 HEW ADVERTISES! IJM3. 15 BROWN & . 1 A f I ! 1 e.hl,niia In maII r nil fn,t,in, 1. . h. ...i 'It.i- 5' .1.. ' ....... f .. ixi. a.'.iti.s ' imo u'WlllinittUUlUg tuO U- Tanoe in the market-, and a a substantial- proof submit Uio following lint of jtrieea; - (kmta Himol Cotton 6 ceuta a kjiooI or 70 cents jxr doton. I'nbl 'Belied Cotton from fl cent per yard. 3.'l inch Fruit of the Iioom :m " . " Loom, lit. WaiUNtitta iew npriUR uaiimmw, neni quality, iu cenis per yani. Iiadiea 1' tiffs for the NVek t and 10 cents, worth 25 cents, a bargain. It would lw a (rrtif taring to those i Uitmi th citg for .the purpose of do ing their shopping in the Dry Ootids line to ive ns a call jneviutu Ot making their purohaxoo. We take this rnetliud of adverting prices '.for yon to com pare tliepi willi uot only Wilmington sud vicinity, bur with those of any seo tion of the country. We have no time or inclination to buttou -hole you on the streets, or kmk you np in the Hotels, Our object is purely business, and wa SEVERAL JOD LOTS. Hneh as 1(H) dozen Kid Cloves for fift rents per pair, worth $ f0. Ladies hemmed Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 15 eeuts, worth 25 cents, 20 pairs Blankets P, worth $1 51). Wfi HAVE OOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE TERMS CASH NO SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, CAi'rrAJi SOLUBLE FACIFIC GUANO CO.; PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE UUNDHED TONS ROLUliLErACIFIC OUANO for sale, .either for CAHH or on CHOP with Merohants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho prices. ., ''; ., t . W. Oommlaalon Merohanta, AnenUfor Pacific Ouano Sub-A gents :;1W the Sale r. h. inxo! I'. iUAHA9t.. jn 91 At $53.00 per Ton, Ciish, or 8(10.00, N tVV ASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33. 00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 - WB GUARANTEE Uiatth. pruviou High Or It, K. BHIDOKRH, Pmlacnt I), MeHAE, Treaanrer, O, L. OBAfKLIN, Superintendent. Jn 5'. Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Etc. 200 Boxes D. S. Bides aud Shoulders, 200 Boxes Bruoked Hides & Bhoulders, 300 Bbls. Refined Bugar, v 2(K) Bags l'rime Rio Coffee. 1,000 Bbls. Flonr, all grades ; 10,000 Bushels Trime White Corn, 400 Bales N. R. Hay, 800 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Barrels Glue, 400 Kegs Ntuls, 300 Bags Hhot. 60 Bbls. Whole Rioe. 50 Bbls. 8. II. Byrup, 100 Boxes Soap, 60 Cases Soda, 160 Boxes and Half Boxes Candle, 50 Boxes Candy, 10 Coses Matches, 50 Cases Oysters, 50 Cases B. Peaches. For axle low nv . , WILLIAMS & MUHOHISON. Guano ! Guano j 850 Tons Guanapo Guano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, For wle low by WILLIAMS A MUBCBIHOM. MolassesTMola8ses ! 200 Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba, For sale low by WILLIAMS & MTJRCmSON. march vs . , - ! IS Wanted. ' rjIHE PALMETTO HYPKESS COMPANY r iircjiircd to contract for th delivery or t'rpreatt I t tho I'a!mtio Mill.; (porj(etovn, B. O , mnrM-4t DAVIO RIH1.EY, Ageiit. Du Pont's Powder. R RIFtE, SPORTING Aljl tolTSKKT, BLA8T1HQ AN O MINIKO-Iu Wuole.Hnlf and Quarter Hex.. -?.,-. ,. For aale by O. O PAIISLET &00. .. ., . . .... .. rj.tr march It Corn, Oats, Hay and Rico. ,(KW Ruahel Cora,. , . . I, ou " Oatt, Stwi Rale. Ftern Hay, ). Rale. N. R. Hay, . , . tut Hot. Rio. - t or aal by EKRCHNER& CALPER, BROS. maroU28 TB 45 BOBDIClf 1 1 Cents per yard. .161 " " " or by laying any claims of iriendbip. precise doing that iu a legitimate way. 45 Market Street 6T .1,000,000. TIME. Liberal terms will be nwidf r " 11. J.I CHARY & CO.. Co., and Oealmaln No. 1 ParnvlanOvmno Noitth Water Htukrt, of Soluble Pacltlc (Juano. .Old Hundred, N. O. M.rlon.H.U. '7-:imdAtr WE OFFER 0UII STANDARD FERTILIZEES For the Benson of 1870, delitered on the Cars, at Our - - ! 1 . 1 Factory, at the following 1 Ifl I) UO 1CI PItlOKS : SOLUBLE NAVA8SA GUANO payable 1st of November, next j , payable 1st of November next, of our FertlUier. ihall b fully Maistaisid NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINGTON. M. C. A-od-ddtw4m. THE PEE DEE HERALD. , -. . f, PubliahetJ every WedneaJaj at WADESBORO, ANSON COUNTY, BT JOSH. T. JAMES! A. CO. Hk Inrira and rapidly Inoreaalns Clrenla. (Ion In tbe Pe Deo country In JJurtii and South Carolina. Adv.rtia.ra will find II th beat medium In elllier of the .later State lor reaobing th f ur mora, planter, and marohant. - The extentive local advertising pal' ronnge exhibited in its columns is the bent evidence of its large and influen tial circulation. - r Hpeolinen coplea, with rate tor adver. tlaiiiK, aent I'r.e, poataga paid, on appllcatluu to the und.ndnod, eittier at Wadnaboro o. Wtlmingtuu,' JOSH. T. JAMES A CO., - Editor, and Proprietor, fehil - . o-tf Christian Advocate . - RALEIQ1I, N. C. Kev. J. B. Bobbit, Editor & PnbUsh'r ESTABLISHED IN 186P. ' Hietb ,. ' : Largeat ( lrculatloa 1st lh Ntat. Oevoted to RellRlon, Literature,- Science,. New., and General Intelligence.,. Art Tlie Organ of Iba BJ. V. Conf eraatca) ' ; th in. K. Church. South. It ha. lt.npioit, and th .continued aid -it Mlniatrra, (all of whom ar agent) toirard InfrvaaliiK It. circulation. . ' W otlur no premium. T ADVOii.xa -atand. ttpon It Intrlnelo roerlta. Whll. It I. M.thotllatt In dontrln. U noutMin nwa frnro all Churches, ro a to tnak it a elontae vwitor to th iDt.llig. nt iadr r ail dencminatlon.. , ft wld and Iner.aatngelroulatlon makadt a Most Excellent Mfdiuth for Business . i ; - ' J if am OatMilly, - eWTerm.,1 "'. tnertvanctl SI ovali montha. ' , --u ' 'r t Spirit Casks, Hoop ' Iron, Clue, dec. f TlSTAHDAROtJAIKS, - i - JO Pona Hoop Iron, fin Hbla. Olnn, all grade j i ;. -tno Pftera Klvet.' 900 Bb'a. Bunua. 10 " HpauUh Brown. For aalo by KBHOUNEtt 4 CALDElt BROV maroh 'it IS

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