4 - ... . (4 In - - I-I 17 V J VOL. XXIV. -HO. 78. WILnniGTOH, 17. C., THURSDAY. APRIL 1. 1875. WHOLE HO. 6,842. WILMINGTON. N. 0. THURSDAY. APSIL 1. 1875. bTteleraph. UEAD.UAHTEKS.'. TROOPS OKDEKED TO TI1E RIO GRANDE. ' THE YELLOW FEVER REPORT ED EPIDEMIC AT HAVANA. -N THE FEVER AT KEY WEST. -J WasiHsoton, M reh31--N'oon The Secretary of War to-i'ny telegttiphtd to th Coniraandiug Officer of tli Do part ineut of Texas, to distribute troop along the Rio Grande to prevent fur ther outrage by the Mexicans. Ou (lit: William Oavery snccreds DmitfluHS as Oomminflioucr uf Iuternat, Revenue. The following was received at the Navy Department from Copt. O. M Ransom, command ing U. S. Steamer Colorado, dated Havana. 80th: "Thi Jeliow Jever is : reported r pidmw all tat here; will sail for ancorage oil Key West to-morrow." Washinotom. March 31 Noon A tel gram wan received at the War De partoient to-day from the corotnatuler of the troops at Key Went, Fla., an nouncing that to cases of yellow fev r existed in that pUce, and that the troops bad been moved to another locality beyond lb reach of the din- GOTHAM. "HOW DANIEL DREW CALLED, STRADDLED AND PU C THE "; ' V( STOCK MARKET. Nrw York, March 31 Noon The Ti nes' financial says that tho cause of tbo'violent fluctuations in stock yester day was attributable to Daniel Drew's wild operations in "calls,'' "btrad dlt s" and "puts." Drew, it appears, failed to put in &iHappearance when the deoline in gold madehis custom er anxious. The legionjfvenquirers at Drew's usual places of resort were blandly told that Drew was sick. Drew's absence from the street caused a deoline in gold and an advance in exchaoge was asked. The effect on the street when the fact became known was to depress prices and generally ou st ttle values, but as soon as it was nn d rstood that auy permanent default on his part would place a number of speculator's operations on his "calls " short of stocks, the feeling changed and prices began to advance, Just as the stock exchange was closed for the day, the effect in the gold room was even more decided than in the stock exchange and the price declined from; 116 to .114, and millions of long gold were sold out on this de cline, in gold. There was a sharp ad vance in the foreign exchange. Tho operations in the Gold Room Monduy and yesterday are generally interpret ed as meaning disruption. ; Daniel Drew is in-Wair st reet To ri iy settling all contracts which camo due yesterday. PENNSYLVANIA. THE MINER'S RIOT. DEMONSTRATION MADE IN r-" FULL. - ONE MAN KILLED AND FUR THER TROUBLES THREAT ENED. ' Rkadino, March 31 Noon The Hiioriff has seized the Wilmington ft Reading Railroad, and the sale will tnke place April 22nd. The Eagle ny the eoalation or the two .Unions is hailed with joy by the miners and suspended railroad employees; joliiica tion meetings are being . held in Schuylkill county, and President tiiney and Rhodes willl issue procla mations. . Later A dispatch from the Upper Lehigh announces the killing of Mo- Dermitt, one of the bosses there. Lust night coffin hand bil s weie ser ved on men obtaining coal for the boilers at Eckley colliery. The whole region is in a state of great excitement end the feeling is general that property ' at.d lives are at the meroy of those reckless men. This is the third day .. tat demonstrations have been made. Sheriff Kirkendall has declined to ap pear unless an actual riot takes place and then he proposes to come from AVilkesbarre, 21 miles away, to quiet it. The Deputy Sheriff now here de clines to act without iubtmctions. The raiders are called the Landi rburn Regiment, from the fact that Lauder- bum bas been selling condemned gov ernment brackets. . i Philadelphia, March 81 Night The Sheriff is getting the better of the . miners, who generally obey his sum mons, and ' come in after concealing thuit arms. All who have arms on their persons are arretted. - . Hazlkton, March 31 Night Another crowd of armed men have started from Ebervale for the upper Lehigh, to stop the mem employed by the Jersey Central Railroad, from . loading coal at that place. A special train bos left here with a detatoliment of polioe armed and equipped, to re sist auy attempt at violence by the mob. The result of this raiding is , awaited with great anxiety. Our locul police force is too small to contend m ith the exasperated miners, and a call for the military is expected. ELECTIUCISMS. t- Shields' woolen mills, at Davenport, IaM were burned yesterday. Loss - $10,000. i . , The Masonic and Odd Fellows' hall, ' with adjacent buildings, at Fairburg, Ms. .lave Wu liurii.il. L.8 3 10,000 J'Le trial of the liukwar of Bar l H.loa, at Calcutta, uu the charge of attt'tnit'ng to bril.e servants of the runout to poison CoUmt'l 1 layer, the resident. Las resulted in tli disagree tnvnt of the Commission before wliifh the case was tried. Xtiva frt in I In.' floods dhows that the h!jt li ritiitg, but the ic is very rotten. . . KIT HOPE. KERIOUS DISSENSION'S AMONG THE CARLLSTS. THE RELIGIOUS TROURLES IN OERMANY. ANOTHER HEAVY FAILURE IN i LONDON. I.OMION, March -31 :n Spanish advices state that notwithstanding li e denial of the truth of the report of disseiiKions among the, t'Hrhsts, it is known beyoml qnestioU that tht-re sru H.-nout differuiuwH between Don .Carlos and the ("arlists in the conueil of the rrovinoH of Navarre. Rfrlin, March 31 Niaht-Dr. Henry Foeter, Jiisb jp of Rristou. hes iwu sumnioueu to resign his Bishop rio beciiUse ho proiuntgited the papal iiicvelie! agaiust the ecclesias tical laws. 1 The coufereuoe of the Roman Cath olio Bishops at Fiilda is held with closed doors. Tlie object of the meet- tug is to discuss and issue n paatnrul letter concerning tie bill before the I'rnsf-ian Dit, withdrawing state gratts from the church. I'aiiis, Match 31 Noon Fraucp has agreed to the Heme Postal Con vtiiton. London, March 31 Night Wm. Thomas Henley, telegraph engineer and contractor) has failed. His lia bititieB are over -$2,500,000; ' TEXAS. THE MEXICAN BANDITS ON THE RIO GRANDE. TROOPS ORDERED TO THE FRONTIER. Washinoton, March 31 Night The following telegram was received here to-day from the Governor of Texas: AcsTm, March 30th, 1875. lo Ills Excellency V. S. Grata. President of the Unikd State. Sin: The depredations of organized bands of robbers from the Republic of Mexico have, of late, increased in fre quency and atrocity to. au extent which threatens the depopulation of the lower Rio Grande country. The alarm in the country between the Nueces and the Rio Grande conse quent upon those raids, in which our people are ruthlessly murdered and their property foroibly taken by these foreigu desperadoes, is widespread, and unless relieved by some assuran ces of protection, mu-t result in a gen' eral breakup of tho settlement a. On the 2(th of this month a large party of these robbers penetrated the iuterior as far as within eighteen miles of Cor pus Christi, robbing stores and ranches, and murdering and capturing citizens, and capturing and destroyir g the United btates mails. I appeal to Your Excellency for protection for the pnople of that country against those invasions of outlaws from Mexico, since they have been of almost weekly occurrence for several months paBt, aud are increasing iu force and bold ness. The citizens of that country have been compelled, for the most p irt, to move to the towns for protex ; tion, aud no security exists outside ot these corporations for life or property, and these in the towns even hold them selves in constant readiness for de; fenoe. I trust that Your Eictllency will deem it proper to give security to the people on the Rio Grande border, in view of the assurance I now give you that an extreme necessity exists for it. Very respectfully, . RiciiASD Coke, Governor of .Texas. The Secretary of War sent the fol lowing answer: Washington, March 31, 1875. To the Governor of Texas : The President being absent your telegram has been sent to me. Oiders will be ffiveu to the military arthori tiea to take immediate steps towards the protection of the people of Texas on the Mexican frontier. Wm. W. BnLKNAt, Secretary of War. BRAZIL. THE EMPEROR TO ABDICATE AND MAKE THIS COUNTRY C HIS HOME. Paris, March 31 Noon. Tne Bien Public publishes the following : The Emperor of Brnzil pioposes to abdi cate in favor of his eldest daughter, the Countess D'Eii. The Emperor, upon his abdication, will make a tour of Europe, after which he will proceed to the United States wu re he will make his home. TENNESSEE. THE INDIANA EDITORIAL EX CURSION. Chattanooga, March 81 Night Fitly gentlemen and thirty ladies, representing the Indiana Press Asso ciation, arrived at the Read House this c voning. They have made a hasty trip to nearly every important eity in the South, aud aftei'visitiog Lookout Mountain, to-morrow, they will start for Nashville at 5 o'clock. Their trip has been very enjoyable, with only one accident. SPICIAL. Tr.TOlor. tbottld ao pat ap vltk th. badly fttiHloutlanthat.r.Mntt tsea by hot.) Luiidilw.but iiu tfi. Elniwod, whlrh alvaji 'nut wll. A nauaaa Ai MI th. imad Py.amld aiht b ballt or tie (tB that ha, baas ralt bj ark-tact SbiU Uita thing fo In fee of tbegraattart tbat SOZOUONTUaoerUla praa.rtalW.afiW til d.ety T Ferar. aaldoia naaa aa altaaa vltboal vara i.(T,na iMjimmW Urva at by mating 'he lw.t la varm lfr, wrafplrg p varm la Wit. ami taking lira ur Uirva af ramou' Par- - ut. riri. AM iMlonary , Jo.t rrta'nmt, aaya ba nauit Ho.rnwn n abikiio. i inimntit aa Hay-oil all '""i a' o pmcarwaa hryurd any f.ib.r bimII em-,. ii"ipUxitoaTeatarl.tTcf.i-ial cw, and I tha bot pln rara- In th. world , onaniMptlvra, Tatka Nolle. vTrry mum.ni or uriay nalaa yuar car ni'T bolcw, ard mnrh depcrdi on Uiejn iii.-:im cui.ire or a ramrdy. Tka amount uf tmmiony In farororPr. Sctwack1 PalmonK rap, a rnr. for confumutlon, far urndi all that cn b brought t auppart (h. prttcn. oiiscfanr othar taailieln. Saa Dr. loh.nok 'a Alman.c, containing tka frtliat f many 1 rrrvu oi tba klgbart re.publlty, who bar. txita rntord tn hf allh, aftar being pronnan. rrd IncnraMr hy phynclana of acknowlcdgod at'illtr. Hchrnrk'. Pulmonic Syrup alon ba . uriHl man, a thM .rldincaa will .how; bat Mmcr.rali often frnoin'ed by tb. employment ot two other rm.i1lw thieh Dr. Sckenek pro tl). tor the purpoM. Tkeaa additional reno iliceare Hrbenrk'e Sea Weed Tonla aud Mau liane Pill.. Hy the ttmaty uao of three meill clme, according to directions, Dr. Rcbauck CKrtltliwthat mnt any eaaa of Ooawapllon may he e'ira.1. Dr. Schenck le pro'etaionally at lie princi pal om.'e, cirner Stub and Arch (reetii, ibliadtlphia, every Mond.y, herat all . Hare rnr ailTlne ain be aMrewMl. rV.fRHAt. NOTIt E. The or Jer .. r tL Bu'lal of tba Dead will be rit Itnl nror the aortal rcmalae of DAVID MclNTV KB, infant eon of W. T. Eanatt and !, hi wife, at Hocky Point t-Brrow (ThuridHy) ruorulng at IS o'clock Tlibr.l tl.ee and frlenl. of thefaallyars tu t rr.pevtTully linl'ed to attrod NEW ADVIETI8E1IEMT8. Feathers. IjARGE LOT Of LIVK (JKK8B 7EATII er on bind and for aaloUnr by D. A. SMITH ft CO. Sash, Blinds andDoors LABOR STOCK JUIT SBCBITaU) and lor eats at rtdaeed prieea by D. A. SMITH ft CO. TS-tf prll 1 Tko Annual Ileeting 0P THE STOCKHOLDERS OP1 UK HKAL Kutat. aad Loan Anoclalloo, far tbo elec tion of Dlrectora, ard tho tranaactioa of other kmineae, will be beld at the Hibernian Hall On Friday atenlug, ttb Inetant, at .o'clock. 0.8. El LIS, ecretary and Treaearer. sprll 1 TS-tdm NOW OPENING! Spring Clothing And hardsome aeaortmant of ; SCARFS, TIES, Bown, sSco. MUNSON & C . . CITT OLOTHIIIUJ. aprll 1 T Referee's Sale I EI UABLE SOUND PROPERTY. By rlrtoe of adeerao of th. Superior Court of New Hanover county, at January Term, 1K75 In an action for rbrecloaur. wherein A.J McQueen U plaintiff. an D. M. Bryant and wile and other, are defendant!, the ander P fn-d Referee named In .aid decree will offer for le at Pnhllo A not Ion at tb. Court Houne dtortn the city of Wtiajlngton on TOKHDAV, the Sil day of May neit, that rateable Sonne1 plaoe eltnatad on Mid lie Soand. bonnded and rtfncrlU.il ae follow.: Bounded be tbo land, of U. O. Mom on tba netth: on tbo aoth t y the land, known ae tha Bobineon tract: on the Weft by a tract of Und owned b? 1 M fir ant, known an the Cat Pond traet, and on th cant by th. Hound, to which tract le aleoat t.rhfd a laoe forty feat wide leading to Brad, lev'. Creek; .aid traet being a part of th. Mh.nilT Hall tract and containing, by oetlma tl n, One Hundred Ao'eo. Terms of .ale, cah ALPX T tOWDON, Referee. Wilmington, N.O .April let, 19!t. 7S-tl. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNT! Of BORRT. COVBl OP COMM0S fLIA. Joecah H. Derbem, Plaintiff. againt ITaniet ). Daniel", John H Danlele, Charlotte B. Danlele. Kdaard Danleliand Ague. Dan iel., Defendant. copt smaoiis. To th. Defetvd.nt., Harriet 0. Danl.l., John H Daniel., Charlotte H. Daniel., Edward Daniels and Ague. Daniel. : Yon are bereby snmmoned And rrqnlred to .nnwer ike complaint In thl. action, which I. filed In the office of tbe Clerk of Common Plea, fur the M'd oounty, and to lerre a cony of yoor an.wer to the Mild complaint on the eubacrlher at hi. offloo. In Conwaybnro, r. )., within twi-uty dy. after the ferric hereof, .lolnnlt. ofthedayofeuih .ervlce; end If job fall to an.wer the oomjiUlnt w'thtn h. time afor. sniil, he piaiutlffin Oil. action will apply to the I lourt for the relief demauded In tb. torn plulnt. Doted Marob ICth, 111. Seal THOS. W. BEATT, C. C. P. Jos. T, Viini, P I alnttfT i Attorney. To the. Defendant i Harriet 0.l)alel, John H. Danl.lt. Char lotte H. Danlele, Kdwatd V.nlel. and Aiae. Dinlle T.ke notice that tbemtmmm . In thl. anion, of which the fore.oln. Ieaoorr. to l ether wl'b th- e mn'a'rt therein, u tlliil In theoffli-eorthe i lerk ot the Court of Common PI aa. atConwayborr. In th. State of foulb Carotin., on th. Mtb dy or March. 1HT5. Joa.T. A' SH, rialatlD Arorn"v. ap'll 1 TB-ltaw.w Hoticer k PPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO tho General Anembly of North Carolina charter tb. City Bank of Wilmington. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BUY Our Half Dime Cigar roh i Half Dollar per Doxen, Tb. ohaapeot Is tbi. mukit At No. 22 Market Street. 4 D PICOTT. as march to Nuga Bar Bou-Bous, pi.OHIDA OHA.NOR) AND LRMI N Slice, Cream ( borclatee, O.m Iroi, and a full araortment of Wlxed Candle, and rut.. Mine. Meat, Appl. Butter, Crone and Blaek w. I'. Plcklea. Old Port and Baker Whiskey. n. w. snuRE, No. 31 North Front Ht. M"rUJI 7. Constantlj Beceiving FRSSH PDPPLirS OP DRrOS. MPDI .ine. b.ml.ali. Fane? and Toilet Ar t'Cte., Perfuatrry and Noai .. Pmcrlption. cooiliouiid.il at ail hour, dar or eight, ai J.aiKt 0. WCNDSTrnii KUire. . Third Street, oppoelU tit. Hal', i"" T8-tr The New Ice House- I reaocctful'v no' In m friend, and the i as. Mr generall. tliatl ba. thl. day opfn d my li F. Hot SB on D.ck, betweta Water ano P ont, and aluo at th. corner of Market ud eerenth ettecta. where lb. cltl.n. uaa alwa. gft tb. M.TOf Joe. B. 11. J. AnRENS, Proprietor. . aprll t TH-ft Best in the City Those Ladies White Cottou Hose that I am selling for 10 Cents per pair. wm. rim Collarettes I Collarettes! Something new and stylish, just re ceived and selling for 5 cents each. At aprll 1 WM. FIFE'S. Receiving by Steamer, Railroad and Express. V MUNSON & CO., CITT CLOTHIEHH. march 18 76 Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company N o. 1. REUULAR M SITING THIS (Thurid.y) evening at I o'clock. . By order of tb Foreman. W.L.JEWETT, Reo. Secretary, aprll t 7S-lt A. J. JOHNSON, Herring srrtllo, N. C, - DEALER IN OBNKRAL MERCHANDISE and DUtll.er of Turpentine Higheet oaeh price, paid for Turpentine and uouiitiy rroduc generally. Sv Aleo, Agent tor WllmUg'on Jiidbkai. aprll wlm MORE THAN 6,000,000 Of One Ncmbbr Alone of the Justly Celebrated PENCERIAfi Double Elastic STEEL PENS Wero rold In 1874 -being, gain of more tb.a l.Ooe.aiMi over th. year prevloa.; thl., with tb. narked Increaae In tb. .alee of the other num bers, aliow. that th. superior qtialltU or theee Pene are bring mora and more appre ciated, and that they are deallned to take their place a. th moot popular Steei Pen. In tb. market They ara mail, uf tbe beat steel, by th. most skillful work men In Europe, and are a nearer. pproxi mttlon t) tbe real trwan Quill action than anything of tb. kind hitherto Inv.nUd TbSpencerlan r?teel Pen. at. unlver- ally used m h Commercial Col- legea ih'ongbout th. U. H., mvr. largely thin any otber. by th. United State Oovemmenti and quite geneially In the Banks, Countlng-Houses snd SehOOlS r ,h" etinntry ; and are for Bale by the trade generally, Wo claim for tbo Hpencerlan tuperlorlry over all other pen. in durability, elasticity, flexibility, and in even ness of point Tb. Hpenrertan Pen. art eomprbMd In 10 numbers, varying Is flexibility and Bntner. 01 point, and, lor th. ooorealenco of thoaa who may wUb to try tbem, w wllleend a card ocniainii g a sample of each number I'jm.ll.feourely enctoeed, on re ceipt ot 28 oents. Addrea. all order, tn 1VI8UN, BLAKEMAN, TATLOR A CO, , . 138 and 140 Grand Street, ' aprll ;-4t-Wod&Sat, Nrw Tons. S MISCELLANEOUS. The Piedmont Press. HICKORY, N. C- I. tb. euly p.par publidied In Catawl'a county, and haanateniT.olrcuUUpa among Mercbanta, Farmare, and all eiaeecaof bu.t new men In tb NUt. Th. Pnaea la a lire, wtd.-awak. Deaoeratlo papar, and la a dmlra- blo medium fur aJterlUIng la Wo ere Norih Oarullna Liberal term.allowtd on .early al rertuiemeiiia. Subtonptluu J In adrano., Addrw Ml'UHILL A TOMI.INSON, . Fditor. anj Pioprletoia m area I. ti-ii Something New. Lateet Pkhkn .Gent Dr m f)ot. L.tnat Plnoii (Iron Itn. ni w t'l .n. Latct Pt..ir (lent lM' Milt Lt.t rlilon OeoU rrnlblg UoimIh Laird F.ntilou hprlng UihiI Xrnet.llr. I hare, without eici-ptlun, th Anv.1 wit. tnent of now I hunt" In (lent (ttlre tint It baearer been niy prlnlrg loorl. ru .prr'eUt're cople. HyCprloger lorl fr ei'le that of any other ' M"ileln the clty. Hoth Mr. rhant Tailoring aui Krady Mail letrtnieiiUliiliy organlaed and ready . lor an ImmeiiM buelncM A. DAVID. A. DAVID. march HI A. DAVID. 71 ThoUrcat Mcxienn how, Most Tlirilli'ig Artiatos in tho WorM i klar ferlormera. SI t theckTeukatki) Moncajo Family, Great Mailean Wlio Walker., Acrobat, and Trap. io performer. I THREE ORRAT CI.OWN4. Uappj Jack Lawton, the t'eopl'. Farorlte Clown. Will aihlhlt in Wilmington un 1 burwtay and Friday, Aprll let and IM.on Fillli alreet, between t he.tuut and Maiberrr. V AilrniMlou 6U teuU. Children IS t'ente -arh tl-Bt Spring Millinery. JtR8. 1. A LCMSDKN hat Junt returned fiom N York with all tb. latott style of Millinery Good., eonalatlng of Pattern Hat and Bonnet., Children's Hat. and French Flower. march 71 lw I. A. LUMSDBN. Gr t TUB LAST CHANCB TO GR r TH It BEN bow Hon or li otber large gift for , Two Dollars an Flltr Cental Th. drawing of tb. Grand Gift Conoert, In Gr.en.boro, K. O., ha bendrferred until Aprli 1Mb, when it will, without any further daisy, bs proceeded with. Thoee wtiblug to Inroetoando o by sending to th Manager, O. P.Mandenhall, Ooi 8, Oreen.boro, N. O., or of the .gent, at different plao. Tickets lot .ale In thl. pl.o. by MA1T1IIW P. TATLt'K, march M tf Agent. FINE ARTS. Oooi Tt Hcptt, ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAITS. Samples can be soon and Orders left at the Dock Store of I HeinBDor- The Patronage of tho Fnblio is re spectfully solicited. march l4-tf 1 From this Date jnicEorcoAtt will bs $10 PorTon. 0. 0. PARSLEY & CO. march 35 71 Just Received! YTALKNTINE'S PttEPARATION OF V Meat Juice. Mixed Bird Heed. 2n ocnt. a quart, Hal horn Spring Water. Congrei MprlnK Water. For eale by ORKKN A PLANNER, march M 73 i ' n. APPLE BUTTER IjfEW ORANGES, CHOICE LEMONS, Just arrived and for eat. at - O. H. W. BCNOF'S, N. B Oorntrof Market and Seenud Hta mrh 30 To Potatoes. Potatoes, Pota toes. 100 RBLS KAKLY bo8b puTAToe For sals by KERUHNPR A CALDKB: BROS, march 1 W Sheeting ! Sheeting ! J BALES ( Lk. Gorge") Sheeting For sale by RKKCHNEB A OALDKR BBC. march S8 7(1 LD MYDDELTCNM MONET. By Mary W Cell Hay. tO Cents, 4 - i Sunn Morley. A n- KEN FERRERS. By 2Y oO Cent. Thomson's Malacca, 'Indo china, and China. OThe Ftralt. of M.l.cc, Indo-Chlna and hlnj or, Tan Tears' Travel., Advutttre., nd Rt.ldence Abroad. By J.Thomson, F U. 0. aathnrof 'illnftretlon. of China and l' Peonlr." WltbOTertH) Illaatratlon. from US Author', own Photograph, and Bketchce. cloth, S-. For Ml. at HEINSBERCER'S Live Book ani M nalo Stor. march II 17 Alcohol b1 tmlu"x br,el)' KEROSENE OIL, LINNEKDCIL, CASTOR OIL. i . Paint, Spirit. Turpentine, Putty, Glatw Congrats Water, Ae. obeen a planner, tD Market Street, urtiMi..tn ar n I march W " l1 - -; , NEW ADVESTISEMEiT3. to ill BROWN & V still oontinue to sell at our foiuifr low ptii!cs notaithstanJiug tbe ad vance iu the markets, and as a substsnlial proof submit the following list of prices: Coats' SiHxil Cotton fi wn(s a ppKil or 70 conts per doiou. Dnhl "ached Cotton from 6 oents per jard. Xl-inoh Fruit of the Iiooui jj Conts rx r vard. M " " " " Loom pif 3rt " Wameutta ' ir Now 8pi ing Calicoes, hrst ipialitv, 10 ot nta per yard, lisrliiMi l'utrs for the Nfck H and 10 pruts, Morth 25 ernts, a bargain. i It wonld be a yrrat saving to Iht vinitln; firt city for the pnrposa of do ing tbiir shopping iu the Dry (UnuU )ini to pive lis a call ;fft toM to making their purcliaws. W take (liia mrthw) of advrtiing priors for vou to com- pnre tlit-tn with nt only W ilnmiKtoii Inui of the country. v hnve no lime streets, or look you up in flis Hotols, Uur object is purely bnnitjeMt, aud ws SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Such as 100 dozen Kid (Moves for SO cents per pair, worth $1 Ui Ladies hemmed Pure Liuen Handkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 25 cents. '20 pairs lllmiketa worth $1 00. WE HAVE COT EVFJIYTIIINO WE ADVKRTISH ONE PRICE TERMS CASH NO SAMPI ES CUT. JR0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. SOLUBLE PACIFIC CUAIO CO. CAPITAL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO TnOUHAND FIVE UUNDUED TONH BOLUBLEPACIFIfl flTTANrt for sale, cither for CAMII or ou CHOP TIME. Liberal terms will be nwid with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guauo at our Wareho priooa. W. CommlMloa MerohanU, Agent. for P.nlQoOu.uu Sub-Agents !Vr tho Sale r. n. niBio.,.... J. UHAIIAiU.. ,. - Jan II Fanily Groceries. B TRULY LOYAL BUUJBOTs WE BUY all of ourauppllr In These lulled Stale and can only offor our good. 'aa tho "Beat" within Ovt lluiltrd reach. Aa toon a we can eatabltah branebca lo all the loading commer cial cittf.of the Old World wo will aafoly ami truly Oder the BEST of KVERYTUINQ IN THE WUKI.I). Ju tbs meantlun w.onorth boatgrad. of all good. In our line aolillu tlila city" and at th. Loweat Carh Price. Family Grocer tee of .very variety. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 0 Ac 7 North Front Nt. march 24 7S Extracts for the Toilet, QOEHLAIN'S EXTRACTS, Lubln'a Extract, Phalon'a Night Hlnonilog Oereua. lUIr Bru.kee, omlia, Oilod hllk, Ac, ae. For aul. by OREKN4FLANNF.il march II 77 E. FRANK COE'S Amiiioniated NnperMioepliate. FOR hy nil BALK FOR CASH OR ON CHOP time O.Q. PARSLEY A CO. TT-tr march SI In Store and to Arrive! SOU Keg. Nail., Tarker M:i, . KHI Doien Weeding tloea, SO otla Cotton R ipe, nun I'lnwaall kind. Ini-ludlngth. Dtxia, " Carting. of all kinda, 4 Ton PotwunV ," ii lioaou Backhaml., and nverythmg ele found In a tarue Hardware Hocae. All for .sl ¬ at bnt'oni prloiaby march w 0I1.ES& MCIICHISON. Memoirs of Service Afloat DURING THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES. TIY ADMIRAL RAPHAEL B JEM MBS. "The Autocrut of The Breakfast Table (every man his own Boswell). " 1 he Law nud tho Lsdj." , By Wil kie Collius. . "A Fust Life" ou the Modern High way. Bv Tavior. "nulua" after tho OormaD, by Wis ter. "The Froisen Deep." By Wilkie Collins. For .ale bv CONOLEY & YATES, 47 Market (Street. marah U 7B Nobby. Cants Box-Toa Nobby Callers, hauil-iwwiil, Cable wire, and machine stwtd wale on Improved laitj warranted not to rip. m tux a I or o;d mm, tread role and bee I-1 lie nio-t comfnrtalilu .ho. worn.-Aa examine Uon le aol lotted. : " ! . t ai at ' " 0. A. PRICE'S, Blga of the Ooiden Boot, marob it M. 45 RODDICK Slid vicinity, but with thonsnf ativ HA. or inclination to button hole vou on thA or by laying sny cloims of friendHLip. propose doing tliat in a legitimate wav. 1,000,000. II. McltAltY & CO.. Co., aud Dvaler.ln Nn. I Peruvian (limno Wouth WA-ntn Htheet, Wll.iniNU'l'OIv, N. of Soluble Pacl.lc. Guano. .Old Hundred, N, 0. ..... ...Marlon, S. 0. '.T-amdAw HrunsMck lounty.ClaJras Jlh PERSONS HOLDING CLAIMS againat the oouutyol Brunaelck ar.reqneataU prenont themoD or beror tha third M.n. day In May, 1875, to either member of the Board ot Commiationer. of Bruuawlck county, to tb. Traaaurer of .aid oounty, or to M. 0 Q utbrte, Clark of the Board of Oomuilaalonora. MARSDEN BELLAMT, ' Attorney for Brnnawlck County. M-dlm&wUdMon.Ink! march S Best in the World. With tho adrautagea of a long rxperl.no. and large Innilnciw aciiualntanceaud familiari ty with all the BEST BKANDH andOUADKS of erery thing in the world In thedrocery line. Domestic and Imported, we can and alway.do offorlhe "Beat Induct meul." to CASH BUYERS. V W do not rmnflne our atockalmply to "Do. mratlo" aupullea, tiutweaelcct with particular palna "The Beat of everything" from all part, of th. glob, for our family trad.. "BEST BUtTER IN THK WORLD," NEW PROCESS EMPIHEFLOUB, direct from our Dairy ard Mills, without going through eittwnd hand and adding a eecond prollU With tin no natural .drainage, w.oiler "OCR CHOICK GOODS" In competition with Inferior grade, at lever prime. Hnd for aamplc. of Fmplre Flour, at GEO. MYERS, 1 1 and 13 South Front St. march 81 77 Turpentine Tools, (Of warranted quality), Harhera, Bonni' Shvea, Tnrpentlne Dip- per, Hack Weuma, Hack rile., Hcuud Shave Whelii'in, Kwiu strainer., Skimmer., Dip. licr,dtc. A large .took of th. above gnoda and at prince that rock, aandormud bottom prlc. can t comprte witn, ran o. lountl at tho Old Establluhed Hardware Honae of JOHN DAWSON, No.. It, 20 and II Market Street, march IS 70 Coffee, Sugar and Cheese. 200 Bags Coffee, BOBblsSiiRar, -50 Boxes Cheese, For aaleby UKKCHNER A CALDER BROS, march II Choice Family Flour, -m Half Bairela. " TEA, Selected Brands., Foraaloat Q. H. W. BCNGE'S, f N. K. , Corner Market and Second Street. ' march 21 - 0 Wanted. A Aaeo my home, ilr worth, VtK PALMETTO CYPRF.S8 COMPA'JI n.j.hau!! Im .AHa.anl sVai t.k 1a1la. Crpreee Logs, at the Palmetto l&Vbotw Qeorgotown, . 0. ' - y V mar4-4t ' DAVID SIBLEY, Agent. Du Font's Powder. JRIFLE, SPORTING AND muSKEr, BLA8TINO AND MININQ-In Whole.H and Quarter Keo. ' ; Vor Ml. by O. O. PARSLET A 'X . 3-tf march II i r iong 'hem. ,

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