rn l1 C77?' (1 V yN yvy V N, nv VOL XXIV -NO. 79. WHinHGTOH. IT. C, FRIDAY. APRIL 2. 1875. WHOLE HO. 6,843. 4 UV L V i lljf .E'ilhv-jfonniaL WILMLNGTON. N. C: FRIDAY. APSIL 2. 13?5. BY TELEGRAPH THE FLOODS, BREAKING UP OP 'flic ICE ' OOUUEd. QUIETLY PASSING OUT TO SEA WnxHMSPOKT, April 1 Noou Tne loe above thu p. sue lia broken up, aud 1 uo pashiug down the river tiuialT ou an tltn Xot-t 11 jo J. -A uuusidurable quantity ef loir-. enti- tUot-U at one hundred taounaud ' fe t per hour, have been guiuK tou since six o woes this uoruiug. iuty are up)o8ed to have, uouie out of 1'iue creek. Ail the autieputod danger , at thin pi ce ta now ovtr. ilia gorge , wtui-h Limed last evening three- milei bjio L-winburg stiii reujaiu tiioro, and sou.e j arts of the town are uuiier water. Families living iu tint low p.trta of the town, have movtd out, bit it the gorge does uot break up by tbc time ttie G ieu river gorge, wlnou pva 'd Lock haven early tliis morning, r. uuiies tliere.it is feart d that gnat drstiuetiuu will ensue. The longer , the gorge remains thre the more ex cifc d tb, y b come, and tee more dau g r of devastation. Itejorts from Lockhavcn say that the til n Union gorge pushed there at five o'clock this woruiug aud no dun g r is now anticipated. EUKOPE. TaE"CAllLISTSHOISTISa THE WHITE FLAG. AN ENGLISH WAN'S VIEW AMETJICA. OF INVESTITURE OF CARDINAL MANNING. London, April 1 Noon The Re- Eort.id Budget will tthow two aud-a-,ilf million pounds decrease in the reveune. MadiUd, April 1. Noon.-The Car lista have hoisted flags of trtloe at R n tena and Oyargun and are fraterni zing wjl4 goTernment, troops. Gen. Cabrera has written to Don Carlos.de oUricg that the decree caused by the latter depriving him of of his honors would be the best' justifloation of bis onuses he could iwve, if he needed any. I'.-ir .' One hundred Carliats have Leen captured at Mauresa. London, April 1 Noon. Mr. Chil-dei-M.Hpeakiugat I'outipract la-t night, guve an account of hia last American tour. He spoke in terms of high en logy of America. The United States, he thought, waa probably the most 'prosperous country in the world ; he estimated that iu fifty ytara it would cuuta n 150,000,000 inhabitants, while til-1 progress of EnglanNfas necessa rily limited. He forcibly presented reasons why England should seek the f neudship and alliance of the United States. ' Rome, April 1 Noon -The cere mony ooufeiring the title of Cardinal on Arobbishop Manning, took place yesterday at the Church of St. Gre gory. The ceremony was imposing aud witnessed by one thousand En glish and American Catholios. London, April 1 Night A spe cial dispatch to the Post from Beilin Buys a nnaucial crisis is feared there. Tne BbtUemeuta on the Bourse are ttfeoted with great difficulty. There have been twenty eight failures, and two persons have committed suicide iu consequence bf financial reverses. The steamer Victoria, from New Y .k for Glasgow, is ashore at Garvel Point. i t '' ? i 5 ' Pabis, April tl SfigLt Advices from Spain state that a force of Car lists have entered the Province of Han tauder and will bo followed by Don Curios and the bulk of bia army. It is s.ippoaed that they are trying to pen etrate to Castile. PENmLVAJlA. THE LEHIGH RIOTERS. ' INTENSE EXCITEMENT AT UP- PER LEHIGH. : THE RAIDERS ON THE WAR PATH. ". : .. WHERE IS SHERIDAN ? Hazklton, April 1 Night. The excitemeut at Upper Lehigh yesterday during tne rata oi tne miners was in t use, and during their stay there was a perfect reign ol terror. It seems that they divided their force before entering the town, some coming at the East end and others at the West, thus cutting off the retreat of citizeua Shots wore fired indiscriminately and without any order, many of the crowd being intoxicated. At tne notei a vio lent demonstration was made. The rioters went through the house, en deivoring to foroethe landlord atd bonders to join their ranks. Bonn of tfiO inmates took refuge in the eel Jar, while others Meoped through the I ao t door. J.I e C jii pa iy a store was a.,o attaokel; the superiut ndent and clerk escaped, but the rioters fired shots tntdthB building. Persons ril ing along the highway, were stopped ana Urea at wnet they refused to loin The mob expeokd from Sohuvkill county did not reach ah nreid. Riots are reported at Ashluud with the Iocs .01 several uvea," All auiet here. At Pottsville, the railroad tronb'e is suu, tareatenea. ,Uie Heading Boad offloiaJs have withdrawn their Bpecial police to proteot themselves, The safety of property must be se- euria irorn tne miUtary. , KLIXT1UC1SMS. At a meeting of the Iri.sh Societies at New York it w.is dt termiued that the Mitchell parade should take place 011 April the 11th. Juilge Wait bus e ijuined the re moval of the C.ip t d of West Virginia I j V h ling until the Courts have an opioit'iiiitv to paiw upon the law. . At providence, R. I., a meeting of tur RejiunliOHiis opposed t the action of the late Republican Convention, nominated Rulurd A llugird for Gov ernor It is mipiosi'd that the Prohi bitiobit.t will adopt the candidate, of the meeting. Souator Alcorn has abandoned the Mexican xiurHiou. The Jury iu the Can Can cue aguiuHt the Varieties Theidre, at Phil a li'lpliiu, hua decided that it is not a nuinnuoe. The difTi r'ne between the. Ore t Western and Grand Railroads has been adjusted. Patiaui advice iudicste a revoln tioii over the Pivsideiitial 'leetioti. The Northern Centrul lUilrond has ismied a thousand Sl.lXH) bonds, the proceeds to be applied to the increase of terminal facilities at Btiltimore. Four ntoren were destroyed by fire in AtlonU, U , vesterday moruiiiR. Lhs $o3,(K)0, S32,(KKI of whioh was covered by uiMuance. - . j DEBT STATEMENT. Wakiiinotom. Annl 1 'ielit The debt statement Jshows a decreuse 1 over $.i,oiki,UIRI m the tre:tmirv; om $8t,tHH),000; currency. S.t.OllO.Otib. 1'oHtutfU KtiinmM Hold iltirini tl.f 1 1 - - n pretteLt quarter exceed those lor the qua.ter endii K December, over 8250. IH)0 .The argnment in the Graut Parish cane was concluded by Revet dy Johui win and Attorney-General Williams, .The Treasury disbursements for all noutoes, exclusive of the payments of Maroh. were $12,200,693. . SPECIAL. Tratelurn aliould not put up wl'b tbo budly wabed collar, that are KUt lo them by hotel laundtie,knt ar the Elm wood, which alwayn look. wall. ... A monument Ai bli M the rracd l'v anild mlslit ha built of the teeth that h&ve beeu ruined by ni gleot' OB.ii ui unng in ice oi me great laci tn.t SOZODON'I U a certilu iroaurTaliTe of Jon- till decay V Ferf n Mldom ntiik. .11 atUck Ithout wrn. 1 g, ami miiy oitin )ri tiircwn or) byK,ai,'rpR 1)114 lett In warm atT, wmpi Irn up warm in bid, and taking two Mr throa of trtou' Pur- ,'iuvu run A M Iwlnuar r. Just re turiiff). kv h wiardu ln nwii'n Anwlyiie biiiimint iu b-syjiid all i rit'i-,HMa rflim 10m neyni (1 any tlif r meul- cin . it I nuttei to a (lent vartetr ol opeclal ce, ami l tin- bert plii cure In the world . C'oii.uuiptl vea, l ake IMollre. Kvory mooientof dt-Uy imtkea your cure mure boU iw, and much depaud. on thejn- tli'lou. chulr. of remeily. Th amount of toptlmotiy in favor of Dr. Hchet ck'. Palmonio S jrup, a. a cur. for connuniptlon, ' far eioeed. all that can be brought to guppoit H11 preten. iiona 1 f any of tier millclne. Mee Dr.chenck's Almnnao, containing the cerMHratn. of many . orfons 01 -the highest rn otablH'y, who bae hVKn rxotored t'l healih, aft r b.lng pronoun, ceil Incurnhle by phTiicln of acknowledged ability. Hchenck'. Palmonlc jrup ahm ba Clued many, an tho eTMencc will nhuw; bnt the cure I. often promotrd by the employment ot two other remedies which Dr. Hchenck pro vide, lor the purrx.. The Rddttional reme die. ar. Hchenck'. Sei Vf eid llonlo and Man- lra'ie Pill.. By tho timely use of theoo tnotil- cinea, ai'.oordiug to directlonf, Dr. cheuck eertllle. that mot any case of Oomumptlon may be cired Dr. Hchenck 1. profeKHionally .at hi. prtnrl pnl office, c rner Siih and Arch ftrcets, I'liilatlelphia, every Monday, where all letter, for advice mm' be adrfrewmd. NEW ADVIRTI8EMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday Evening. April 7th. First Southern tour, aad flrft and only sp poarance in Wilmington of the eloquent and nioat popular ppoaker in America, MiSS ANNA DICKINSON, who will dsltver her thrilling and popular f ' - ' . ketch Creating a Piofound Sensa tion Everywhere. W Seat, can be figured at Heinib.rger'.. Ailin'iion,75CenU. Renervel Heat", f t. aprll 2 ;9-st A I have Just received the late t styles of Bootf uu ouuii, wMiiriPilig Rents' Fine Hand bcwel Boots, , , lo . " " . ' Dog-To. Prince ; " Alberts, Io " " " lln-ToeFtraoTles, nmcuiuo o' wcu ivx ioo l'rilice Alberta. Ladies, Mlsfes, Ohlldrfu's and lii'ants R.d and I'ehble Itullon and l.ace Hmas. Ali Mlr ami Clitl lr u's to orcu shoe. have secured the gen. y fur A McKlratb's 10'Miiiiniiijn i.iacamg nrun. Sicnu thing now, n a ai.d nrdiliy, CHAKLK3 A. PRICK. Sn.i! MarkitStrti-t rprlll . S gn ot ih ii dden Hoot Alcohol "r th g"ou bel) Kr-R't'ENKOll., 1.1 1' KKDOIL, t A1T"R nil, --t---,,,,,:., ' PaiuW, Kpiilis Turpentine, Putty, CI lass Gongreu Water, 4c, &. OKtKN A PLANNER, a Market Streot, Wilmington, N. . inarch 10 cs SPR1AG STYLES NEW ALYERTIjlMESS. Wilmington Lodge No. 319. rmtrgrnt BMtlag lhl P. M.. (FRIDAY) at 8o'clv.'. Xbu4 ilryrv. f&KSTON CVMMINn, S.crriaiy. Tt it aprU t I Concord Chapter. Ho. 1. KmergeataMtlnga' laa- rd Ohatar N. I thwivcniug, at 7 k a'ctork sharp, tor wotk In i he Mark Masters degrv. VUitlnt Comaaa l"ii are trut.n tally iiilt ! att ud. Hy order olthaM.B. H . C. W. OLDHAM, Becreiary. 8L John's Hall, Aprll 1 IS-lt The Copartnership rrrkrTniriiii kxihtinu IikTWkkn JUL lbs mnersianed. ander the Bins nam. of Iii iunt w HaisB, U ibaday dinoivea by teu LmlMi u. Al'i Mpruatard Jmrspiunl ft alone autiKHlaed to a tie tne oopaiuier hl' ud to sign the sais. or the ttrm la llqul dat.on. ALItX BPKPKT, .H"HN W. HlhHOM, JAMK8SPH0N1'. The nmlet. gted h.v. Ihl. day woelafei' th'tnelveeaa copartner, under the ttu b4 sti le ot Alri. Spranl m Bin J aey win eoo tioue the bu.liisw.ofth old B m at ths saa. place; aud the pledg. to the ftlend. ami pat rons of i. i f nt A HHiMin and to all ether, sd- trun.ng bnilnss to th' la tb. me.t dlllgeutand falthN' attentlun to theur Int.resM. Apiii ut, irs. tlW.X BPRfNT. JAMK8 BrKl'Hi'. Hnvtng been aaaoclated In bu.laeM with Mens.. Alei Spidni and . lams, fptuntlur the pft eight yer.. ai d Intending to leave th. lute to t u s, into ku.ii.a alsswbere, I istire From that eonuectlen with the very highest sp. pre. laiuin of them both aa merchant, ai d gru tiem.n of tkorough capacity and lntugrii; an.l mnt cordially r.cstamsnd th. t.ew .Srm of A lei prnnt A nn to th. patronage fnd con-fldJU'-e or th. public, and wpeelaily if all my h-Mid-; and take leaaure In a-niliig thets tht their busl'ieM eould Bit be tutrusted W hvttnr or eater bauds. April 1st, 17S J- . JOBN W HINiON. . aill I - T-lw WOTBCE. Marshal's 'Office, OITT QP WILMINGTON, N. 0., j April 1st, 1875, J TUB ATTENTION OF THH OINEBKB or the community Is respectfully calltd to the tact that the alekty aeawn approaohe. with the warm weather, whlok It bow near at band, and that It becomes nif duty to adopt th. moat ttingeut sanitary mea.are. at this tlm. la or der to preserv. th. health ol th.elty. To pre. vent, aa far peaelble, the spread of all dlsaases Incident to th. warm season, which Occar4 Mtt r, rilifc, Uar -, Travala and all Bslaaa natter tend to generate, I would moat earnestly aak the hearty eo-operatlon of the eltisen. gener ally In placing our city la such a oleanly eon ditlon as to render it Impregnable ! those dl. eaxe. waloh have birth la flltb and an nnwhole asm. atmost bars, and te a lack of. proapt at tention at the proper seaa.n. To lhl end th. entire force of the city wUI be .mplvytd In CLEANSING, DRAINING, DISINFECT. INQ, HKMOVING TKASH, AO , etc for at lesvt th neit twenty day. All pareos. ara earnestly requested to have ths trash and refuse matter neon their ore mi les placed upon fte streets, where practicable in uairei.or aoies, wuicu wm e removea im- mrdiataly. " DlSlfiFKOTAN 1 will be furnished free sf obarge at my Offlee to any person calling fur same. THE HEALTH OFFICERS TO BE DBHIGHATID BI A YELLOW B08ETTE, may be notified ot any stagnant water standing npen any lot, damp oellar., or anything which would tend to Impair th. health of Ui.Olty. Any eompiaint Udged at my Orflot will have prompt attention. Hoping tbat praper sanitary measure,, adopted now nay secure to os a health? city during the summer, I earnestly solicit th. aid And prompt eo-operatlon of all good citlien. to attain this greatiy to b. de sired end. Very respsottully, J. H. KOBINSON, aprll ttf City Uar.bal. AN ACT TO ASCERTAIN THE IN DEBTEDNE&i OF THE DIFFER ENT COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS OK .THIS STATE, AND TO PRESCRIBE A STATUTE OF ' LIMITATIONS. The General AittmUy ot North Carolina do enact: BivTioH 1. That all claims against the eev. eral oountlee, cities and town, of this State, whether by bond or ether wise, sh.ll be pre senled to the Chairman of the Board of Coun. ty Oommlasioner. or to the chief s CD our of said cities and towns, as the case may be, within two year, after the matuiity of .uch claim or claims or the holders of such olaim or claims rhall be forever barred irom ar.oovery thereof 1'rovidri, That claims which have already manned and become due, s all be presented uu or btore the first day of January, A. D., 1817, or tie holder, thereof shail be forever barred of a recovery thereof. Section. That it shall be the doty or ths Chairman of the Board rf t'uuiity lonimlr n'onersot the several couatl-s or the ohiei 0"flcois of the several cities and towns, to cause tne nature, amount, date and time of matuiity at all claims so presented to ba recorded n hook to be kept for that purpose, and to be ctiled " I he Hegfstrv or t lalma." flt-ct'ont. It me. I be the duty ef the Secre tary of State to puullnht'i. act fur sii eon secutivee.eksinth. Daily News," "Em" and "Sentinel, newspapers, pnbll.hed In tho cliy of K sleigh, he"Jouinal of AOomsrce," I ublinhrd In the elty of Newbern, the Dailt Iodiis.l, published In the cHv of WUmlng tnii, the Cbarotte (Jb-crver," (.nhl Iik1 In tho l it; of Cherlo'.te, th. "Oreeiislnire fat riot " publish.. In te rltt of Oiernnboro, the -Ashrvlile titts '0," pnb'ls:,ed In the town ot AHhi'Vllle, '"he North Carolina tiasettc," piibllshrd la payeUevllle t ection 4. 1 1ns art h 1 not app'y to any coo' tv whose dtbte are already audited and a ci rtalnfd Kectlon I. Thl. act .hall take efleot tram and after "s rtlfl a lou. In (general tsmmbly read three timet and ratinea tno tai nay oi Ma eh, A. u., Ii (tTATK OF NOKTH I"AH0LIN,: i r or Stats J rchih,llTS i'rriot SecaaT.ar tialelsh. March t h.-reby eert'fy that the foregoing Is a true Copy of the original ant on die In this oflloe. - Wt. H HOWEKTO, aprll -flw ' Heoretaryot Bute uirnniun ninnn tb.mott laahkmable style at the Journal or nop KEW ADYETI3MNT3. Note and Draft Books, Fipressly aosds to order from 'h. latest de al gws In large vaikty. For aale at BEINS BKKOER'S. Frames t Jraincs I Just receiwd e large assortment of Frtme. eta l slsee ai d styles. Soatethlug ntw. call ana see at HEINSBERCER'S Live Book aud Maaie Btore. aUt t Pure Mellow Old Ryo Whiskeys. FIVE SUMMERS. Finest and Karest Old Family Whis- " keys iu this City. Old Wines. Port, Sherry and tladeria, Scup peruong slid Flower.'. C11A8. D. MYEK8 A CO., DA? North Front fit. Perfection in Uutter.; Thirty .mall Tubs. Family Packages, of the Bnest Dairy Butter ever ortoied In this eity and at prlcss greatly reduced. I all on us ana sisusine goens ana puces. cnAa D. MYEIIS A CO., 0 and 7 North Front St. aprll 1 Is Apples and Potatoes at Auction ..- THIS DAT (Friday) at 10 o'clock A M .we wll sell at our rooms. 10 hbls. Apples, It Bbls. Potatoes, and other articles. CBONLY A MOHRH. apillt-lt Auctioneer.., Calanthe Lodge No. 7, K. of P. The regular meeting of th. above Lodge will be held at Vaeiln Hall this ( Friday) evening at t o'clock. A full atteudanee I. dealrrd. 0. CM, RAVISH, aprll t-1t K. ol R. and 9 A PAIR OF VERT FINE large MUI F.B at low flgnrea. J. A. SPR1NOFR, At Coal and Wood Yard. aprll Ml BUY Our Half Dimo Cigar .. FOR .' Half Dollar per Dozen, Th. ohespeet In thl. matket. At No. 22 Market Street. D. PICOTT. march SO Constantly Receiving FRE8H SUPPLIES OF DRUOS. MF.Dl .Ine., Cbtml.al., Fancy and Toilet Ar ticles, P.rruuery ana Boat. Prescription, compounded at a;l hour., day or night, at OA sirs u. auiuin irug ntore, Third Street, oppo.it. City Hall. aprll t JS-tf The New Ice House f resneetfull v notltv my friends and the pub He gene rnUv thst I ise this day oiirnetl my ICE HuUSR on Dock, hetwern Water and F'ont. and also at the comer of Market and Seventh street, where the elti.ens oan always get the bist of ice. B. II. J, AHRRNS, Proprietor. aprll 1 . . . J8- Best in. the City Those Ladies White Cottoa Hose that I am selling for 10 Cents per pair. WM. FYFE Collarettes! Collarettes! Something new and stylish, just re ceived and selling for 5 oents each. At aprll I WM. FYFE'S. The Annual Meeting OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OFT HE REAL K state and Loan A "eociatloo, for the elec tion of Directors, and the transaction ot other hit.lnrss, will be held at the Hibernian Hall on Filday evening, (th Instant, at 8 o'clock. O.B. El LIS, Secretary and Treasurer, aprll 1 78-tdm NOW OPENING ! Spring Clothing And hat dsome assortment of SCARFS, TIES, BOWS, 5CC. MUNSON & 0 . CITT CLOTHIKRS. apt 11 1 78 Turpentine Tools, (Of warranted quality), Hacker., Rounrf rhaves, Turpentine Dip per., Hack Welshts, Hack Files, Ki und Rha.e Wnetters, Rcln Strainers, Skimmer., Dip per., Ac. A large stock ef the above giod. nd at price, that rook, sand or mud bottmn prloea cant eomtiete with, can be found at th. Old Eetsbllstied Hardware House of . JOHN DAWSON, No. , 20 and tl Market Street. maroh tt 71 MISCELLANEOUS. Something New. . latest Fwhlon Oents Dress Ouats. I.etrst Faahiuu Oenls Bus uess tkials. Latert Fashion tletita Drt sa bulU. 1st p FashlntletiU Furnishing Ooods. Iciest Fasblea Spring (loud, onetally. t have, without eieeptlon, th Bneet aart snentol new things lit Oents atlire that It has ever bevn my privilege to otter an api relative nple. kiy Sprltig et lort tar eicda that ol S'y ether H mi win the city. Hirth Mr. rlisnt Tai'orlti. ant Kcady Mads lepartmrtitstuliy orgamseid ami refcdy or an lumens business, A. DAVID. A. DAVID. A. DAVID, march SI ' Tlie(3rent Mexican Show. Most Thrilling Artistes in tho WorUl U4 star I'rrlormrre. Si THKCBi KHKATKD Horicajo Family, Great Meilran Wlie Walkers, Acrobats and Trapes, performers I I 1 1IHEE OKBAT OI.OWN1, Happy Jack Lawton, th Peoplu'a farorlte Clown. Will exhibit In WllrnlhKtull on Thursitav nd Friday. Ap'll 1st aiid?d,in Fifth street, between he.Hiut and vulhwrv. f AdmlMlou to Cents. Chlldicn W Cents Kia'rh 27 7-M Spring Millinery. JAVRS. R. A MTMSDRN has Jul returned Horn New York with all th. latoat style ul MIMIiiery floiids, consisting f Patteru II nt- and Bonnet, Children's II its and Ftencu Flower., march IT lw E. A.LUMSD'.N. TUK LAST OHANCK TO OK T TIK BKN bow House or enue other large gift fur Two Ilollare and fifty t enia t The drawing of Ih Orand 0 lit Concert, In Greensboro, N, 0., ba. been deferred until April 19th, wb.n It will, without any tunhor dJlay, be prooerded with. Thore wishing to invest can do so by aeuillng lo the Manager, 0. P. Mendenhall, Mot , (Ireelisboro, N. 0., or of the agent, at dlll'arent places. Ticket lot sale In this place-ay - MATTHtW P, TAYL"'R, maroh M tl Agsnt FINE ARTS. Geo. II. cott ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAIT8. Samples can be seen sud Orders left at the Book Btore of F. Heinsber- The Fatronage of the Fublio is re spectfully solicited. march Ist-tr T From this Date JUICE or OAI, WILL UK $10 Pcr Ton. 0. 0. FAI18LEY & CO. march 11 11 Just Received ! VALF.NTINK'S PREPARATION OF Meatjuloe. Misei mru neeii. vn cent, a quart. H at boin Spring Water. Congress bprlng Water. For sal. by GRKCN ft FI.ANNKR. march Sft 13 APPLE BUTTER JJKW OHANOK8, CHOICE LEMONS, Just arrived and for sale at O. H. W. RCNQK'S. N. E. Corner of Market and Second 8tv maroh 30 70 Wanted. rriUK PALMETTO CYPRESS COMPANY are prepared to contract for the delivery of Cypres Log;, at th Palmetto Mill, Georgetown, 8.0. mrS4-4t DAVID RISLEY, Agent. Du Pont's Powder. JRIFLE, SPORTING AND MllSKET, HLASTINQ AND MINING-InWbole.Ha and yuiirter Ke.s For .ale by 0. G- PAE8LEY A CO. S9-tf maroh tl . . . A. J. JOHNSON, IltirrinijaiTllle, IV. C. DEALER IN GEMERAL MERCHANDISE and Distiller of Turpentine Highest oash price paid for Turpentine and Oonntrv Produce generally. r Al-o, Agent for Wilmington JotiaSAt.. aprll t wl m Feathers. ; LARGE LOT OF LIVE UEE8E FEATI1 m on band and for sale low by " D, A. SMITH & CO. Sash, Blinds andDoors- LARGE STOCK JUST RECEIVEDand lor sale at rtduced prices by . D. A. SMITH "ft CO. aprill . 7-tf Kuga Rar Rou-Iions, t pLORIUA ORANGES AND, LEMON alloc, Cream Chocolates, Gum Drop., and a full assortment of Mixed Caudk and Nut., Mine Meat, Apple Butter, Crosse and Black well'. Pickle. Old Port and Bs ker Whisker. - H. W. SHURE, No. 81 North Front St. aprll 1 T NEW ADVXKTISEJIEM3. J5 BROWN & MARKET STIILET. We still eontinne to fell at our former low prices notwithstanding tbo ad vance in the markets, and as a substantial proof submit the followiug list of prices: Coats' Spool Cotton 6 cents a .pool or 70 cents per doion. - I'uhl 'ached Cotton from 0 cents per yard. J 8:1 inch Frnit of the Ijotim .......'.-....ll Cents per yard. .'W " " " I,o)m 12," 8(1 " Wamsutta lfi " New BpripR (?aliccs, best quality, 10 cents jMr yard. Ladies l uffs for the Ncok fl sud 10 cents, worth 25 cents, a bargain. It would be a firrrrif mvlnrj to those rMthuj the dig for the purpose of do ing their shopping in the Dry Ooods line to give ns a call m'0M fo making thi'ir imrchapcs. We take this method of ad vrrtising prices fur you to com pare them with rot onlv Wilmington ami vicinity, but with those of any sro- fLin nf Ilia m.nntin. t't InKA 11,1 lini .1 i , l I..., l.t.l.rv.. 1...T.. .... .1.. i-u ... ,.'ii,j, ,, .,tiv .tiiiv vi iiuntiui i.'u HJ iiuiliiu-liuin lull uu MO Btrccls, or look you up in tho Hotels, or by laying any claims of friendship. Our object is pnrcly business, and we propose doing that in a legitimate way. SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Hnch as 100 dorr-n Kid Cloves for (SO routs per pair, worth $1 50. Ladies hemmed I'nre Linen Handkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 25 cents, 20 pairs Blankets J3, worth $1 50. WK HAVE OOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE TERMS CASH-NO SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, mn'ch J SOLUBLE PACIFIC UD CO.; 0YllrXVVIu PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE TACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be md with Merchant and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho prices, . W. II. McltAltY & ( 0., Uommlsslou Merchants, Agents fur Pacific On. no Co,, and Dealer. In Nn. I Peruvian Onano Noiitu Water Hthukt, Sub-A gents for 'the Sale v. it. ttirtwo!.... ii. UH1HAM Jan II At $.rj3.00 per Ton, Cash, or $00.00, N AV ASS A ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 WK GUARANTEE that the previous High (Ira R. R. HRtDOERH, President D. MuKAK, Treasurer, 0. UORAFFLIN. superintendent, Jan S . Memoirs of Service Afloat DURING THE WAIt BETWEEN THE STATES. ill ADMIRAL RAPHAEL BEMMICS. "The Antocrat of The Breakfast Table (every man his own Boswoll). " 1'he Law and the Lady. " By Wil kie Collins. "A Fast Life" on the Modern nigh way. Br Taylor. "Huldft" after the German, by Wis ter. "fhe Frozen Deep." By Wilkie Collins. For aale by CONOLEY TATE3, 47 Market Street. march 98 t Extracts for Hie Toilet. 0 UBKLAIN'8 EXTRACTS, I.nhln's Rxtractl. Phsinn's MkiI llloomlng Oorcui. ' Hair Brmh., ombs, - . --...--.--. ., Oiled Silk, Ac, o. Kor sale by ' OUKKN & CLANNKR march 11 Tl. E. FRANK COE'9 Amoioniated Super-Hho.phate. FOR hy OR SALE FOR CASH OR ON CROP time O. 0. PARSLEY A CO march SI IT.tf Iii More and to Arrive! JOO K-g Nails, Parker Mlllr,'' 1 HUDoen Weeding Hoes, ' ' " (0 i oils Ootlhn R i. m Plows all klndi, incliidlng the Dixib, ' i sstln(fof all kii.de, 4 Ton. Potwsri", 20 Uosen Baokbandii, and everything else found In a larke Hardware House. AUlursaU at bnttom prion by marthiW GILES MtJRCHISON. Coffee, Sugar and Cheese. 2lX) Bags Coffee, 50 Bbls Sugar, ' 50 Boxes Cheese, , . , For sale by fcirilCHNRU OAI.DER BROS, march ?l - S Choice Family Flour, In Half Barrel. TEA, Selected Brands. For sale at a. H. W. RUnCK'S. N. K. Corner Market and Heoond Streets inarch 81 6 RODDICK 45 Market Street S ST 1,000,000. of Soluble Vaclllc (Juaiio. .Old Hundred, N. 0. ........Marlon, 8.0. -3mdAw 1) WE OFFElt OUR STANDARD FERTILI2EES For the Season of 1675, delhercd oa the Cars, at Our Factory, at the following RIODUOKD XXtlCISW : SOLUBLE NAVA8SA GUANO payable 1st of Not cra1er, next; , payable 1st of November next. ot our Fertiliser, shall be fully Maistaiksd NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINQTON, N. C. - .od-dftwtm. lU uuswiek County Claims LL PKltSONU HOLDING CLAIMS against the county ot Branxwlck are revested to pr.se nt them on or beror the third Men day In May, 1815, to either member of the Board of Commissioner of Brunswick county, to the Treasurer bf .aid county, nr to M. 0 Oatbrle, Clerk of the Board of Commissioners. MAB9DEN BELLAMY, Attorney for Brunswick Coub t march 5 fo-dlniAwtkiMon.lnM Best in the World. With th advantage, of a long Kprlno and larne lunlnessnooualntanoend familiari ty with all the BEST MRANDH andOBADaS o everything In the world In the Grocery line, Domestic and Imported, we can and always do offer tho "Bert Induce ment." to - CASH BUYERS. We do not oonflneonr stock .Imply to "Do. nv.tlc" supplies, but we select with particular pain. "The Bust of evotythlng" from ail part of the globe for our fatuity trade. "BEST B01TER IN THE WORLD," , NK.W PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR, dire t from our Dairy at d Mills, without going throngh second baud, and adding a second ptullu Wl'li these natural advantages we otter "OCR CHOICE GOODS" In competition with Inferior grade at lewer prices. ; ' ' . Baud for sample, of Fmplr lonr. at GEO. MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front St. march 81 Tl Referee's Sale I EI RABLE SOUND PROPERTY. Ry virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Now Hanover county, at January Term, 1-76 In an notion for foreclosure wta n in A.J. McQueen i plaintift, and D. M. Btyaitsnd wile and other, are defendants, tie nid-r-s'gn- d Heteree named In said deoree wl'l offtr for sal at Public A action at the t'onrt Hons dcor In the elty ot Wllmln.ton on TCKSDA V, tbefet dyof My neat, that valuable onri4 plane situated on Middle Hound, beunded and described a follows: Bounded bv tb l.nde of c. 0. Morn on the noth: on the uth hy tfto land, known a the Roiilnson tract: on th West by a tract of l.nd owne't bv J M Brv. ant, knoan as the Cat Pond tract, and on tin east by the Sound, to which tear Is hnet taehtd lane forty feet wide leading to Brad. ly'C'rees; id tract he'ng a part of Shandy Hall trwt and Whtsinlng, by tie- tlfm. One Hundred Aoies. Term. of saj-j-sfc L0HrM,K. R.f.re.. WJmlngtoa.N.O., April 1st, 1ST. I-td