I iff! i ll lyfffO ! ! WHOLE 1T0. 6,844. VOL XXIV.-NO. 80. wnmnoToii, ir. c, Saturday, apbil 3. 1875. xy l 1 LS tin Imnl WILMINOrOS, N. 0.: - SATURDAY. APRIL 3. 1S75. BY TELEGRAPH PENNSYLVANIA. CONTINU ED TIIUEUEXISO .STATE OF AFFAIUS. Potmtiuji, April 2 Noou Tin tUrealeuinp: btute of uffuirs continues The Sheriffs' of various points have illVrpJ the turbulent puaoua thrte dm to return to thmr homes. roTTsviLiJ!.Aptil 2 Nicbt Tro'Vn are liuldiug tbriniaelvea in rt'Hdiutina to move to 8harakin. upon wlnoii town a l.-ge body of iniutra art repott-d to be moviuff. All quiet thin , morning. Tbe men W"ia frighteued fiom tbe pumps at Outialia lutst uigbt and tuucb damage CHUBed by tbe accumuluuou ol vat r. . uunopjs. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND A FUNERAL. AT THE RELIGIOUS WAR IN GER MANY. SPAIN DEMANDS THE ARREST OF DON ALFONSO. London, April 2 Noou It is esti mate! that 200,000 pt rsoua attended ttiH fuural of John Martin ut No wry. M uliu died from tbe ehouii ut Mitch ii'a death. i Tbe Times oorreayoudeut at Berlin t'tograpba that it is anticipated that tbo old laws forbidding intercourse between the Pope and tbo Catholic ciergy in Prusaia, except through the government, will be reeuaoted, and that measures will be introduced wtioily suspending Piipol authority iu Pruia until tbe Pope abaadous his pretension to canool tbe laws of tbe Kn g lorn. Tue Cologne Gazette states that Spain has made a formal demand on PruHsia, in virtue of an extradition tr aty with thut oountry, for the arrest o; Dm Alfonso,and it is said tbe Prus sian authorities have ia oonsequeuoa rni',tfived instructions to arront tbe Pciuoo if he enters tho Prussi an terri tory, and hold him until th - grouuda of .Spain's claims are examined. Thuetbh, April 2 Noon Tbe mon ument to the memory of the lute Em p rory Maximilian was inaugurated to-day. ' Tuiestk, Aprili Night. The Ero p ror Fr nois Joseph reached here to il .y on his way to Italy, and was re o i"ved with great enthusiasm. Dublin, April 2. Night. It is B'Htt d that Spain has repeated requeu ed Germany to ordor its war vessels to bombard Zaraaz for tbe Gustav out rage, but Germany has refused to do bo because in oase of a bombardtnt nt nnooent people would sailer. ELECTUIC1S31S. At Eureka, Nevada, there was a severe earthquake yesterday. A few buildings were damaged but there wttre no personal casualties. Permission to the Irish Societies to parada in honor of John Mitchell next Sunday, has been refused by the au thorities of Jersey City. RcT. John Eldridge.'of Norfolk.Va., died at Hartford, Ct., yesterday. A steamer arrived at Ilavauu yes terday from Cadiz, with one thousand soldiers. At Salt Lake, Geo Reynolds has been i .dieted for polygamy uuder the rul ing tbat religious belief had nothing to-do with it, and that the law of '(2 was constitutional. The verdict was set aside on account of the irregularity in arraigning Reynolds. A new trial has been ordered. Tbe ioe in the river at Albany, N. Y., is moving slowly without material rise, indioating a good opening below. Tba tow-paths and lowlands in the vicinity of Reading, Pa., aud covered with water, but no daDgor is appre- neuded nnlesa it rains. The river at Easton, Pa., is falling and the danger is over. The boiler of Tunel's mills, at El liottsville, Ohio, exploaded, killing three people. CONNECTICUT. THE RADICAL PROGAMMS IN , THE NUTMEG STATE. Niw Haven, Conn., April 2 Night -Hon. James G. Blaine addressed a . Republican meeting here this evening II J discussed tbe Southern question at great length, maintaining tbut so long as opposition to reconstruction on tbe basis of free suffrage and tbe Consti tutional Amendments, formed tho principal Democratic issue in tbe South, tbe Republicans would be com pelled to make tbe support of these measures the principal issue in tbe North, He commented with some se verity on the course pursued by tho Democrats iu Congress, on tbe Louis iana question, and said they bad ar rayed themselves solidly against any adjustment whatever, every member of the party except Stepheus, of Go., voting against permitting the ques tion of adjustment aud compromko to be even introduced aud considered by the House. He said the evident aim of the Democrats was to restore tbfir old mode of ruling the country, viz: With the South, and detaoh enough of the North to constitute u majority; with a a nsilidated South thy -only needed forty -swren eltbtorial votes iu tbe North, aud New York, Connecticut aud California were just enough with Indiana, New Jersey aud Oregon to fight for. Each of the States thus menaced should take heed that it did not in peace enter a coal atiou to destroy the fruits it badstrng- ,fVl for iu the war. He d.d not have I'V.Mi iu ndditbual coercive K'gtslatiou by Congress, nor would be interfere in tli'1 good of any State e xeopt aa a last r. 8 jrt for tbe public safety, but be ap pealed to the voters of Connecticut aud to loy.il voters everywhere to ke p tho political power of th Union iu t 6 bauds; f i ho m wavering ana aiiuouLU-tl friends of the Union; t lose who had fought for it. aud served it when the eu l-i of the war had b en fully attained; when free suffrage was everywhere Co cod d, and wheu free spweb "was nowhere denied; when Wendell, I'bii- lio aiid Ueii. Losrau can hpeak a free ly in Georgia as Lunar mid Grd-n cm hptiik iu New H.iuii)shire, tie n cessity for fuitber appeal to tie loyalty of tue Nortn will ut nave ended Uiitil then; wbile he would oultivato aad enconrage tbe kindliest feeling between the North uL.d South, be would urge tbe North to hold the political power as tb'' guaranty of s ife- ty and prosperity of both h. cuoiis. (SOTHAM. BEECHER ON THE WJ-fNESS STAND. HE DENIES EVERYTHING. New Yohk, April 2 Night The following is au extract .froru lJei-eber's teNtinmny, cpeuking" of Mrs. Tiltou: "I bud a Itfe long ull'eet.on of rtspect and esteem for her. I had tbe utmost respect iiud atiVction for her as a Christian womau.audwifoand mother, but no anectuxi in any other connec tion. Notliinif occurred on 'either tbe 10th or 17th betweeu Mrs. 'J'ilton and myself tbat baa impressed itself upon my mind. Up to December, 1870, Ui'ero bad' never been uy undue fa mdiantv between us. I never, deriet- ly, or indirectly, solicited improper proposals from her. I never bud any favors from her; it would be impossi ble with such a woman. I never bad curnal intercourse or connection dur ing that time with Mrs. Tilton." SPECIAL. Bbwahi of iBiltmloin. Hut only the gen uine folded eitg-t collam, Kloiw ici and War wick. 'J'ty are the bent mmlo. Itlechanlcal Tlnkerlnir t'not urrot the dcoon.ixwiliuii of the teeth, hotbing will ds thia but that pure dis infectant aud ijrourviif which, under the naoteof SOZ(.tlONT, ban become aetaidevf the toilet throug boat the world. More ttmnlo fer heelRliwd, since Jnhn- Bun A mid j nc l.lniuint wax first Invented, during wuit-b lime liunded ot thoumnds have Dren beneuttoa Dy iu una. rrouanir uo arti- c In ever became eo juitersauy iiular with all claiuce an Uohuaon's Acodyiie i-luunuut. Hliln wbiob cot tain aiitimoiiv. uninlue ami ralomnl, khuuld he avo.dcd, a neve re griping UHina would oe tueir only return, lue uim. ureal, and best iiilie aiu Pkikoijs' Furgaiiru or Aatl-liltlouo 1 ills. Tho Cirent Tribunal Public ooiulon le the great tribunal by which tho va'.ueof all diicoerie Is Judged. Ite fa vorable verdict long ago stamped JJoetetter'i Btomacu Bittern ae the leading Inrlgorant and alteratiiooi theaja,andtbetruthl'ulneiol that dtsciaioa le c jnstntly rocuUing freeu corrobor ation Iu the ulinpeol rciilts, the nioet complete and ratistactory, accomplished In our vory imI J t Tributes to iti eftlcary aa a remedy for indigestion, conatipat ou, nervous c m plaints, Klooplesiiiess, cmorHl debility, rheumatism aud kiduey disorders pour Iu trom every quar ter physicians fmphatlcally comcoetid It ae a r iinedy tor most inorganlo maladies, aud the p e,e indorses the dictum of tbe protesriou. Thus the popularity ot tue reigning toiilo rtiuiulaut of A lrionia is eui.Untly widening despite tbe In recti vci lu,minlc I against splr iiuotis preparations ty tbo vendors of mock temperance bitters, which the public some time since dUcorercd to oe iuroieiiUd rubblxa, aud the tuilc s of which are rapidly ou the wane Many who arc su'.tering trom the eilec's ,) t!i i warm weather and are debilitated, are ad Vised by phsiulanj to take inuderato asoounta ot whisky tw or three llmos d iring the day In a little while those who aoopt this advice frequently luereapu tliu number of " drinks,' a'id in time become coulirmed Inebriate. A beverage which will not create thirst for intox lctiing liquors, and which is lnteuded especi ally lor the beuetit of debilitated persons, whether at home or abroad, is ir. HrhenckV Sua Weed Tonic. Uontainlng the juices of many medicinal herbs, this pre parailon do not create an appntitu for the Intoxicating cuo The Lourishlng and the life-supporting propei tlesof many valuable natural prodiicnunacon tttnedinit and well known to medical nioti hito a raj.t streug heuiiig lurlii A "lug.e bo tie of llie Touiu will uemunttrate its valua ble qualities, for dobllity a.iMng ri o sit k tusr, over exeriion or fiom any eue wliat Frer a winegUsiful ef- He Weed Tome te ten a t.-r uieals will Mriiigthcn the atowach md create an appetite lor wtiolc.me looi. To all wuo are about leaina their hem. a, we desliefo any that the excellent ffleets of Dr. Scheuok'a reasonable remcdl'-s, Sea Weed ' onto, and SlaiiilraKe I'll a are psrtUu arly videnlwl i taken by tboso who ie injunouiy arlecti d y a cliang') d water and diet. No persiiii shouia leave h nit wilbont taking a i upply of lhee nimimriU al ! . Fur rale by ail i Tii(f;sls. DIED. Iu this city, on the 1st lust., Mr JOHN A rAKHH.lt, aged atioutM yeais. The friends am) acquaintances of the family a'B icspeolfu.ly Inviud to the funeral ties (Mitnrilay) morning, at 10 o'clock, from his lute resilience ou fighih, between Mark aud O.ick MreetH, t the Klrst bapti-t Church, a' d from thence t.. Oakda'.e emetery, NEW ADVEaTISEMENTS. Notice. rpllR ANNUAL MIKJ'UiO of the members t-storkhol-ers of the Wllmlnuton Mutuul In surance Oompviy, will take pla -e on Monday fenieg, at So'clo.k, V. M ,at l.lppitt's Mali, on I'rout street. . 8AM h N. CAN" ON, aprtl8-80-It Micretary rsrnoi5. ' rjlIIEitRKMAN'BARQUB 80NN4 Bv KD la i eady to discharge cargo.-. jjjj Cuufigneoa i.leafO take notice. " " W. PUHT, Master. Notice. rjlHK ANNUAL MEBriKO of t1Stock hollrrs of tlie Wilmington Cotton Mills will be I held at 'lie Hank of Nrw llaiinver un Wed ne t ! day, April the I3ih, 18 6, at 11 o'clock, A. M. j T. C. UaBOKHKT, I aprlt 3 ao-tw ---- .. . tiaoretary. . NEW ADVIRTI8ZMMTS. KNKHAI. rjPIHIrtTBMUTa OfFM WILMINCTCH, COLUMBIA -AM0- AUQUJTA IAILI0A0 CO. Wu iToa, M.U., April I, 1B15 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE On and aMar Monday, Ai all 5th. the rollon l.ig stdiwtule will be run : MtiHT J.J.PKCB8 fHA.m,(Dallyi. L-e Wilmington (.7S P. M Uiave riirence .....11 M P M Arrive at ..'oiurulila. 4 1ft A. M Aegosta. S.4B A.M Leave Auuau... t.lS r k baave Oolumbla. MS P. M Leave Ploronc It W A. M Arrive at Wtlntnirton.. .. . .. 1. 10 A.M Pasennirer eoinf West bevood Cult abut will take through t rain, leaving Wilmington at .tft r. M. PAS-'l!.(jeR TKAIN. (Daily except Ban- aay.) '.r ivr Wilmington ....... f It 1. Arrive at K'oroiioe...... t. Uava Plorenee 1.10 P M A rive at Wilmlnetan 7 .OOP It "raiMnciri for Charleston, )lnmbla and Augusta and nryoa. snouia lake nigni Kx pres. trala from Wilminatoa. Th ough Sleeping Cars on Bight train or (jnariostun ana august a. JAM 10 AHDKKSOl Uen'l Superintendent. (tar copy. apt HI SO-tf A FORTUNE F6R 81I Positively the Last Postponement. "NOW 19 YOUR TIME." Dame Fortune Helps Tbose who Help TbemselTM. LECALLY AUTHORIZID, THE MAS GIFT CONCERT ASSOCIATION, In aid of the Publio Improvements iu tho Oity of Denisou, Texas. Will Uiv a GRAND 'CONCERT, nOrvDAY.Nar Slat, lST., And will Distribute to the Ticket Holder- $250,000 IH GIFTS! The Concert and attribution of Glfta laar- anteed to ptmiTIVBLit Uke plaoa on the above date or the H MONEY WILL BE RErTJNDED. t Capital Ulft , J II M I - II - '- u 4.11 i 00,000 iia.ooo ........... 13.000 1G,000 Besides Gifts In proportion aanoutiUng Iu all to 250.O00. piatrlbntlon to commence Immediately after tho Concert. . AGENTS WANTED. Liberal Commissions to Bespouaiblo Agents. CLUBS. Clnba can be organised In loealltiaa where we have no local agent, and a prorata division of glfta drawn cau be made, ttend tor special ratea to Clubs , HOW TO REMIT TO US. Money aent at our rlak when' sent by Post Offlee Money Order, Drart, Kxpreas or llegia tared Letter, 7 Ordrra for ticket aent dlrcot to na promptly filled g - Address aa for circulars giving reference! manner of drawing, fall partlsnlars, etc Addrfse all orderafor tlokrta, commanlca tlons, and make all remittances of money to A. H. COLMMS. Secl'y, Dknison, Tkxab. N . B. Orders Tor ticket amonntlng to M or over sent O. O. I., per axprrss. aprll l-ao-tf Turpentine Tools, '(Of warranted quality), Hackers, Boun Hhves, Torpentln Dip m, hack Weights, Haek Files, Round Shave Wiettera, Korln Htralnera, Hklmmeia, Dtp pers, Ao. A large stock or th above goods ami at price a that rook, aandormud bottom prlrs can't compete with, ran be found at the Old Kdtabllshed Hardware Hoase of JOHN DAWnON, hos 18, 20 and ,1 Market Street. march M IB OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday Evening Aprll 7th. First Southern tow, and Bret and only ap pearance In Wilmington of the sloquent and most popular speaker ia America, who will deliver her thrilling and popular ketch "JOAN OP ARC," Creating a Profound Sensa tion Everywhere. VT Heats can bo secured at Helneberger'a. Adm'SKlon, 78 Cenla. Beservod Beats, ft. aprll a , I8-Bt NOW OPENING !' Spring Clothing And handsome assortment or SCARFS, TIES, LI own, aScc. , MUNSON & C X CITT CL0THIKR8. arrll I ta Potatoes, Potatoes. Pota - toes. 100 IU,LS ,CAKt'v M0SB poTAiEgt k(ir ssle by KltdOUNIU A CALDltU. tutus. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Copartnership HERCTOrORK EXISTING BKTWICKN the nn-teralgnet, under the Brut nam of Hpruat A Hinaon, I this day dissolved by mu tual oons-nt. ilil Sprunt and .lamrsNrunt are aione anthorlsMt o aeille the cowtoer ahlp and to ign the name ot the fltaa la litiul daton. AI.FX SPKl'NT, JKIIN W. HINNON, JAMK3 orKUNT. Tkeanders gned hare this day associated thuielvi aa copartitera uuder the arm and st l ot Al i Spruut A Moo- They will con tinue tb bu.inessol th old m at the fame plant ; and they tdedge to the li lends aud pat runs of awuut A hinon and to all ethers en- tru-t ng builn-ns to thru th mvsidlllgeut and laiuiiui sttentioa to their interest. . April 1st, 1K70. AI.KX BTRt'NT, JAMKH Hfbl'MX ItavlBf bernaimciated In buslnes with Mesne Alex ttptun' and Jsnis f lit mitt, the p. at eight yesrs. a d intending to have the ritai to enlei Into biimners e Ispwhrre, I retire from tbat connection with the very highest ap. (r-iatitn 01 taeni botu as merrnsnis aim gen t'emen of tt'orough rapacity end integrity; and most coriiiaiir nconimenu ine new nrm in airi, Hprsnt a Mon to the pattonsgeand eon lidenc of the public, and esMcially nf all mv ftleti Is: and take pltmsar in awuiing Iheni that their biislners could net b entrusted to better or saf er bauds. April lsl, im JOHN W IIINaON aprll I l 1(1 in I have Inst reorlveit til lale-t styles of Hoots and Hboes, i-emprlslng uenta rme nana newen noon, -lo " " Box-'l'o Prlnco Alberts, " " ' Box To Strap 1 Irs, Machine 8'wed Mux Toe Friuie Do IH) Alberta. ladie. Mlsaes. Children's and lalant Rfd and Pebble Hutton and lJce Boots. Also Misses and Clillilr-n's t olnreu xhues I have se cur i-d th Agency for A MrKlrath s I, oiubuiatlnn (tlaokiim Hrush. Something new, m at aud nobby. . inaabisa. rsitn, No.U Marktt Mtreet aprll H gn of the Gulden Boot Iu Store and to Arrive ! M0 Kega Nails, Parker Ml, It, lot) Doaen Weeding Hoe, 00 oil Cotton K.ipe, BOH Plows all kinds, including th Dixia, t astings of all kinds, Tons Potwr, n I hi s n Backhands, and everything else found In a large Hardware House. All tor salr at bottom prtcts by anarcnaa uii.isn ct aiuituniBun. Note and Draft Books, Rxpreaslv made to order from the latest de signs to large variety. ror sai at HEINHBEKGEK'S. Frames ! Frames! Jost received a largo assortment of Frames tall aiaea and styles. Something new. Call and ae at HEINSBERCER'S Llvo Book aud Muslo Blora. apt II f ID Pure Mellow Old Rye Whiskeys, FIVE SUMMERS. Finest and Rarest Old Family Whis keys in this City. Old Wines, Port, "sherry and Madorla, 8cup pernqng and Flowers'. OHAS. D. MYERS k CO., 5 &7 North Front St. Perfection in Butter. Thirty email Tuba, Family Packagea, of tbe finest Dairy Butter ever ottored In this city and at price greatly reduced. Call on ua and examine goods and price. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., Band 7 North Front St. aprll 3 7 Best in the City- I'hofie Ladies White Cotton Hoee tbat I am selling for 10 Cents per pair, WM. FYFE. Collarettes! Collarettes ! Something new and stylish, jost re ceived and selling for 5 cents each. At aprll 1 WM. FIFE'S. 70 Extracts for the Toilet. QUKRLAlN's) EXTHACTH,"W" w Labln'a Extracts, Phaion'a Mgbt Blooming Oereus, Hair Brushes, omba, Oiled Bilk, Ao., 0. f ror sale by - -' GREEN & CLANNKU march 81 71 BUY Our Half Dime Cigar FOR ... 0 Half Dollar per Dozen, Ths eiieapest in this mwket At No. 22 Market Street. D. PICOTT. 8 man h 90 The Annual Meeting OF" THE STOOKHiMlER OF 1 HB KKAL Kst.ate and Ioan Association, for the elec tion of Directors, and the transition ot other bnlneas, will be bel l at the Hibernian Hall on Friday evening, 8th lnatan"t, at Bo'clock. 0.8. RI LIS, Secretary and Treasurer, aprll 1 78-ulm The New Ice House. I resiiectlully notify my Irlends and the pub. Ho genrral'v that I ha this day npi-ncd my H;E HiiUSK on D,.ck, between Water and F out, and also at the coiner of Market and eleventh t ect, where Hie cltl"na can alwaya g. t the natT of Ioe. B. U.J. AH URNS, Pio.irietor. , aprll 1 le- i miscellaneous; MORE THAN 6,000,000 OF Os Nt'MIlKB Al.ONK OF TII8 Jt STtt CKURHIUTSt SPENCERIAN ! L'HU. . . Dot-rtLB Et.ATlO STEEL PENS Wer rn'd In 1M,4 -beluga gain i f more thnn l,(KsJ Otsi over llm year previous; this, wl'h Hit marked luciease Iu the saesot th other mini bi-rs, shows tbat the urlur quitllllca three Pens ar being mora and nior wppre oiated, aud thai they are deallnvd to tak their plac s Ilia MIOat upillHr Htrn Pens In the market. They ar made of tin beat aleel, by th moat akllll'iil work, men in l:urupo, and ar a HBarer pprol mil Ion tit th real swan oiion thsti anything of Ih kind hitherto Invented The "penrorlan Cteel Fens at unlvr- ally uaed iniheCommerolBl Col- le(ea Ihtoiighoiit the I', h., more lurg" v than any olhrrs by tb United State Oovernment, and unite g.'niiiy in the Banks, Counting-Houses 't SOhOOl the country ; and are for sal by the trade generally. We clalai lor the npeitcerian runeriority over all other i",n durability, elasticity, fleilblllty, and iu even ness of point The Hpenrerlan Pens e eoniptls-d In 15 numbers, varying In lleiblllty and fluener of point, and, for lbs convenience of those who may with to trv them, we will send a card 'containing a sample of each number by mall, securely endow d, on re ceipt of 2B cents. Addreea all ordcre to 1VIHON, 1)1 AKKMAN, TAYI.OIt A CO., 138 and 140 Grand 8treet, aprtll 4t-Wd&dat. Naw tuna. Business Suits ADB AN I) TBI MM F.I) IN (IOOI) Hly le al", at . iisiir, muuuiiin iuiv o. H AWDBOMK BUBINKSS BUIfg mad ta order 1S to fSO, at jam isb jatiuoHJUun a. TILECUNTFirTINUSHIKTS MAHK JO Xli measure, at JAMES MoCOHMfl'K'fl, 7-t-TB,Frld(Hun march 30 Feathers. LARUK LOT OF LIVE (1EKSK FKATII rs on band and for sale low by D. A. SMITH 4 CO. Sash, Blinds andDoors. LAHOKBTOOK JU8T KECEIVEDand lor sale at reduced prices by D. A. SMITH & CO. T6-tf aprll 1 Nuga liar Bon-Boiis, pLOHIPA OBANOB.1 AND LEMON bilcea, Cream Chocolates, Gam Drops, and a full assortment of Mixed Candles and N'uts,' Mince Meat, Apple Butter, Gross and Blank well's Pickles. Old Port and Baker Whiskey. H. W. 81IURE, No. 31 North Front St. aprll I . 7H THE PEE DEE HERALD. rnblished every Wednesday at WADESBOUO, ANSON COUNTY, BT JOSH. T JAMES!. CO, Has a large ai d rapldlv Increasing clrcnla tlon in tbe Fee Uct country in North and South t'arollua. Ailvertbwrs will And It the hest medium In either of tbe sister 8 tales lor reaching tbe farmers, planters and merchants. ?7te eztenaive local advertMng pat ronage exhibited in iti column is llie bent evidence of its largo and influen tial circulation. . ttr Specimen coplos, with rates tor adver tising, sent frre, iOstage paid, un application to the undersigned, either at Wadeshoro or Wilmington. JOSH. T. JAMES AO' ., Editors and Proprietors feb 21 4.Vtf The Piedmont Press. HICKORY, N. Cm Ia tbe 'only paper published In Catawba county, and has an extensive circulation among Merchants, Farmers, and all classes of busl nors men tn the Htata The Puses Is a llvo, wide-awake Democratic paper, and is a desira ble medium for adverllrlng In Wes'ern North Carolina Liberal terms allowrd on yearly ad vertisements, Buhao'iption 2 Iu sdvvoei. Addrar MDBMILIift TOMLINdON, Fd tors and Proprietors. march 71-t.f 8IIEJ.BY lilNJSEU. Published weekly, at. SHFXfcY Cleveland County. N.O., at St SO per nnnnm, in ad vanre; has a large ami rapklly Inorraslng cir culation In nearly all the minifies West ot Mecklenburg. Also, an extensive circulation tn the emntles or Hpartanhurg, York aid Union. M.O. HaJnat been eularged from a twenty to a thirty .two column, and Is now adorned with an entire new drees, lit pnlilici ar Drmntratti Th Carolina Central Hallway being now vmpleted through to Wilmington, an 1 Hhelby being tb Western t-rnilnus, the llannn la a most excellent advertising medi um. Butei moderate. X PUHHAMAWFBB. Eiitors and Fropi letors, fab 10 W-tr NEW ADVERTISEMEM3. 45 BROWN & We atill coutiuuo to atll at our former low prioea rjotwitbatandiog tbe ad vanco in the tutttketa, aud aa a lulmtaiitiul jroof submit the following list of jiriooa; CoaU' BiHxd Cotton C penta a aHxl or 70 couU jr doien. VuM atilieil Cotton frtira C cpUU pur yard. :UI inch Fruit of the Loom.. ,. 11 ConU per yard. aa " Ij(iru. 121 " " " 8(1 " Waroautla i 1GJ ' Now ypiing CalirtHH, In-st quality, 10 cenU por yard. Ludiea lull'a for Uie Neok 6 aud 1(1 cent a, worth 25 wtita, a bargain. It would Ik) aivf at mtving to tutma visiting tint citg for the purpoae ofdt itijr tlieir alioppiug in tlm Dry (lootla lino to givo na a call prrviotu to making their purclinaca. We take thia motbod of adrrrtiainff prices for yon to com pare them with not only Wilmington and vicinity, but with tlioae of any ipo tion of the country. We bnvo no timo or inoliimtion to button holeyou on the atrecta, or Itaik yoti up in the llotola, or by laying any claims of friendship. Our objt ct ia purely butiinctm, aud ws pmptwc doing that in legitimate way. SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Much aa 100 dozen Kid Gloves for M) cents per pair, worth SI 50. liittliea hemmed l'nre Liiit ti llamlkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 20 ctmtfl. -20 puira llliitikets worth ifft 50. WH HAVE COT EVEKVT1UNO WE ADVEUTI81 ONE PRICE -TERMS CASH -K0 SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, SOLUBLE FACIHC GUM CO.; CAi'rrAj. 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO TLTOUHAND Ft Vf3 HUNDltEt) TONH HOIiUllLE PACiriO fltTANO for aalo, cither for CAKU or on CHOP with MerohantH uml other rolinblo paititw pricos. W. Com mission Merchants, agents for PaolfloUaaiip Sub-Agents for the Sale V. II. CIIHNOM. !. UltAIIAM.... jan l Carolina Central Railway, GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, WimiNOTON, March 81st, 1875, THK ATTRNTION OF TH B Pimr fO IH KKSIC'1Trni,t,y INVTTRO TO THB fact that the Csrnlln ((antral Hallway, being eornnleted and fullv ediiliined for bnslness,. oilors-wlih its connections at Wilmington, both rl direct Mteamer l.inea and via Wold n and PurUinuuth. to It iltltuur. Philadelphia, Wow York, lioston and f rorldouce uneqaalod faoli liy lor handling shliwetite from WILMINCTOM AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR- LOTTE, STATESVILLE, GREENVILLE, SPARTAN- DURC and all stations nn Ailantlo. Ttnnssse A Ohio. Carolina Railroads as well as all points In (1KOUHIA and ALABAMA. Insnratuie from Eastern nines snarantnen aa low aa via any mner lino, nowrrminat or irans fr charges, aud Haloo alwaya a lw aalho loMteai. nates to all points lurnisbed upon aiiptioauitu Hanover building. aprll 8-80-iy Memoirs of Service Afloat DURING THE WAR BETWEEN TEE STATES. BX ADMlllAIi BAfHAEL 8KMMK8. "The Autocrat of The BrcakfoBt Tablo (every man hia own lloawell). "ihe Law and the Lady." By Wil kie Collins. "A Fast Life" on the Modern High- "ilnlda ' after Hie uerman, dv vvts- tnr The Frozon Deop." liy Wilkio Collins. For sale by ' CONOLEY & YATES, - 47 Markot Street. march K " A.J.JOHNSON, IlerrlntTHvlllt', N. Cm DKALRH IN OKNKBAli MfligiiAMii" and Distiller of Torrenttne. Hlghe.t oasti prices paiu lor x ursnsuu. am. Cnnntry Prodtt generally. . r Abo, Agont for Wlluil igton JouanAt-. aprtll " APPLE BUTTER 1TKW OKANOKS, CHOICB LKMOhS, J ust arrived ai d for rale at o h. w. nrNf.E's N. f, Corner of Market and Suoond His mirch 30 Wanted. T1 IIB PAI.Mr"VTl) CYPUKSS UOMPANlf are prepared to fotittact for th do'lvery of Cypress I , at the f alinvtm Mills, Oi'orgotown, B. U. marM-4t DA VID H ISLET. Agent. Du Pont's Powder. R RIFLE, SPOKTINU ANI hl'SKET, BT,A8TIN()A(I) MINlNO-fu Whole.lla and yuarter Kes Forsjloby O. U PARSLEY & f.O. , :)-ir march SI Nails, Powder and Coffeo. (l KFOS NAILS, 4i it'gHnrtlngand Blasting Pow ler, IIUO Bags Uollo. For sale by KEKOHNIB & CALDKH HBl- t, march JU ) ' 15 ilUilJI, EODDIGK 45 Market Street. ftT - TIME. Liberal torma will bs mod to sell thia Uiiiino at our Warebo II. McltARY & CO.. Uo,, and Dealerala No. t Peruvian Ouanb NOMTII W ATI n Htiiert, WII.IVIIKUTON, N. or Soluble Pacitlc Guano. ..Old Hundred, N. O. Marlon, a. 0. S!-aindAw Atlantic and Ulttlimnnd Air Lin and North hi ui uuuersignca. umw nans si new .- ' f. w. oxsxiic, Oonoral freight Agent. FINE ARTS. Geo. II. Ncott, ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAITS. Samples can be seen and Orders left at the Book Store of P. Heinaber ger. The Patronage of the Publio is re spectfully solicited. maridi Ift-tf IT From this Date JJIt ICE OF COAL WILL BE lO PorTon. O. G. PARSLEY & CO. march 2S Tl Spring Millinery. 2T H8. K. A. LtTMSDKN has Jutt returned from Ne York with all the later t at j lei of Millinery Goods, constating of Pattern Bits and Bonnets, Children's Hat and French Flowera. march lw E. A. LtTMSDKN. T HB LAST OIIANCJI TO OKTTHK BKN- bow House or seme other large gift, for Two Dollar and riMjr Cents H The drawing or tbo Grand Gift tJonoertr In Ureenborn, N. O., baa been deferred antll April tilth, when It will, wlthont anf farther d day, he prooerded with. Those wishing tit t invest cu do so by aindlng to th Manager,' 0. P. Mendenhall, Ilox 8, (Iroeuiboto, N. O., . or of the agents at dillcirnt place". Ticket lot sale In this (lace by . jfATTHRW F. TAYLOR, mar,h id tt Agent. Something Hew. Latest Fashion Gonla Dr. Cait. Latest Fathloo Ounls nuaineas Coats. Litift Faddon Gents Drras f tilta. Lat' .t Fashion -Mente Furnishing Goods. Latest Fashion -Mring GchIj (tenerally. I have, without eioaptlon, tba flnest. assert Itieut of new things Iu Gents aW" tbat I: has evi'r been my privilege to oftVr an . aprr?clatlve people. My Spring ef- , fort lar exoela lhat of any ethtr ' lliittseln the city Both Mer ch.ntTaMorina aaa Beady - , , Mad Di-partmenUluliy , organised and ready tor an lmraeuso baslnese. A. DAYH). A. DAVID. A. DAVID. marcU Hi '