VOL xxiv. -iro. 81. wnnnioTon, it. a, suhday. april 4. 1875. WHOLE IIO. 6,015. Che Jlihlnjjcuninl WILMINGTON. N. 0. SUNDA-SVAPBIL 4. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. U0T11A31. ARKEST OF CHA8. A. DANA. ITOK OF THE NEW YORK SUN. ED- OAK ES AMES COLFAX AFFAIR. STATEMENT OF OLIXEU AMES . THE EXECUTOU. Nkw Yobk; April 3 Night Cm. A. Duiia, editor of the Sun, learned thin moruiug that ail attachment hud been ihU' d sgaiunt him from the 8n preme Court of the District of Colum bia, wbioh was in the hands of U. 8 Marshal Fluke. He went to the Mar sh!': olHoe with hia counsel, and sur r u Iwred himself. A petition wis then presented to Judge Bhitchford, praying for the immanoe of a writ of hibcan otrpui ordering tho Marsh to buna Mr. Dana before Ohe Court aud t-how cause why be should be de taiu- d. Dietriot Attorney Bliss attked ' for ao adjournment, and the matter waM nnauy .net lor i ociock on Tuittjay next; Dana, meiuiwhile.bejng trowed to go on parole, being how ever in technical custody of the Court. mm rexereuue hj me aiiauuiurm against Mr. Dana, editor of the Suu, it apreara that a snbpaeia was serred a htiort time ago on Mr. Dana, com niaudiuff bis attendnece in Washing to to testify before the Grand Jury in the oase entitled the United 8lat-s acrniust Fredeii k II Snyder, lie paid no attention to it, and hence the attuqtmtDt was issued. He says that be klowa nothing whatever abotit the cas-.aud that it is a triok to gat him in Washington.. Nsw Yobk, April 3 Night Oliver Ann. Executor, has addressed the following to the Evening Post: " , Iu tue Evening Fost, of the 80th of Maiou, I observe the following par agraph: "The Hartford Pout Bays that it is said that the executors of fOakes Ames havejdiscovered byhis ac count that the money he claimed to bave paid to Mr. Colfax and others was iu faot used foe his own purposes at the time h waa bard pressed by bis flnauoial embarassments." As an ex eoutor ol h estate' of the late Mr. .Oukes "Ames" I pronounce the above statement of the Hartford Post to be untrue. On the contrary all the infor mation in. my possession, both as an executor and a Individual, oonvinoes roe that at the time Mr. Ames alleged that he paid money to Mr. Colfax aud others, bo ih pressed by financial em harassment, H I am also thoroughly convinced thai the payments which Mr. Ames olaims to bave mnde to Mr. Colfax and others were made at the time, in the manner and for the pur pose stated by him. ' Signed. Olives Ames, Executor, 'MORE OARLIST PEFECTIONS. ANOTHER BIO FArLURE IN LON DON. BhrlIH, April 3 Noon -The Con ference of Catholic Bishops at Fulda hai olosed. t A : message was received froiith6 Pope blessing the Bitthops and urging them to persevere. Madrid, April 3 Noon The Carlist General Saball had an interview with General tJompes, at Olat, nnder a flag of truce", . It in believed that Saball will give adhesion to Alfonso and hold the same rank. " " ' J " Lonbos, April3"Voon Wilson Mo Lay 4 Go.; metal dealers, bave bus p ded; owing to Amerioan contracts for rails Liabil t:es, $1,000,000. , The Post's advices from the tipt niau frontier represent that the prospects of a close of the war are increasing daily. A hundred and eighty. Oarhst offir era have already given in submis sion to Alfonso, i -' - Madrid, April 8 Night Sice the issue of General Cabrera's manifesto to the CarlisU 214 offioers have left the sutvioe of Don Carles and entered Frtnee. ' Of this number nine were gHuerals. ' Many others have surren dered 1 3 the Aifonsists. ' ';.iiAiTEXAS.i-- THE MEXICAN TROUBLES ON TUB BORDER. ; : A SPECK OF WAR IN THE DI3- MEXICO MUST PAY OR FIGHT. Washikoton, April e 8.Night The New! Yurk Tribsns's Washiugr ton special, has information that was Imparted at the War Department yes terday through high official circles, that the President would deolare as the policy of the government in disposing of the Mexioau raids and loss of Amei loan lives and propeity, reparation from the Mexican government in, ?l e shape of moneyed indemnity rfor dt predations oommitted by the subjects of that government on the Texas bor der, Our government will insist upon this reparation, and iu order to enforce its oonolusion, it is admitted that the Secretary pi, War will, if no other re sources are; lef carry put the deter ruination by strengthening the Ameri c in border Una by attaching thereto another stretch of Mexican teriiU rv, It is intimated that Gen. MoKeuzio is to be tiansfeirel frcm Fort Sill to take charge of troops on the Texas border. The Mexican government will shortly be prueuted with S firm d ttand on the part of our government for dhe rrparation, ot toko tho only al ternative' of war along the border, with the purpose of enforcing our demand. HEAMJUAUraiS. YELLOW FEVElt AT IIAVASA. U S. VESSELS ORDERED nOMF. i Wasuisotov, April 3 Night Rear Aruiirul Muliauey. w maiauJing the North Atlautio SUtion. reports to the Secretary of the Navy thut at Havua tao vellow (ever in prevailing to an a! wminff extent. That on board two fipauii-h vessels th re wore eventy-nx cutiesdowB. In view of thiH fact Seo rtiiry Robeson yesterday oidered the rturie, which has b en making Mir vevs around the Llaml of Cuba, to re turn limine. He alno ordered all the Vt-Njcla at Kev Wist to proceed to Port Royal, S. C , with the exertion f the Plymouth, 0Hippe and Shaw mut, which were ' ordered to take i cruise. m.NSYLVAMA. PHiLDLrHiA, April 3 Noon John Y. Welch. President of tho La- b-r Benevoleut At soci:tion. has issued an appeal to the miners to dis b md. Gov. Hartranft hai issued a pMclam ttioo ordering all evil dixposed parties to disperse. ELECTIUCISMS. ... Jamo Coddinston was arrested on Friday in New York for attempting to diHpoue of ten one thousand-dollar bonds of the State of New Jersey, al l 'ged to have been stolen from the treasury, at Trentou. Coddington ic tfiiat d that he bad more. The N. O. ruc have been postponed to t '6 10th iust., on ROTount of rain. Tlie oongres-iquitl delegate Cauu n from Utah on trial for polygamy, was dmoha'gfd under ItmiUtio.i, not hav ing committed a polygamous m trrmge within two ycari. The Ions by lire in tho Churchman ofh'oq atjlartford on Thursday night, it six! v thousand dolhirs. It will not interfere with ite publieali6nr-. The Delaware rivrr is 25 feet above low-water mark aud still swelling at Easton, Pa. A llarrisbug dispatch says a land slide near Clark's Ferry wrecked a freight train aud killed one person. Four inches of enow fell last night at Ogdensbnrg, N. Y. -The idea of transferring the Revenue Supervisors, wbioh was entertained at Washington, has been abandoned. , NEW ADVEBTI8EMENT8. OPERA HOUSE. 1 TWO NIGHTS ONXTST, THCIK9DAY AUD FRIDAY. April 8tb ainl mbP TRIUMPHANT TOUR, sfter a ierleiof brtulsiit onieijfrritjntu In Nm York, Clilc.so. new ori;D, .Hntnnu ana UwrlMtoo, or tb original and Only FEMALE MINSTRELS ?" ad -"' T ' i . j . . ': U M'lleMarl DeLacour'a Famous Parisian - Can-Can Dancers. tn conluncilon with (bU momCor cruanlia- tlou will Ii. fuund a Troupe of 39 Specialty Arllatea, whu baTsncTBr been ei.-lled ou the AMEKI. (JAM STAGE. SoAVVtscm IS prices Hht un lit e enred t lle iitbernnr's Book Store. Door, open atl o'clock P. M. Performance to roramtmee at B P. M ; ' farrlag-ea can be ordered at 10:30 r. .ti. - i 1IAKK7 PHILLICH. M. B. LEAVBTT, Busintm Agent. Oen'ISupt. pru 81 -Bt Xlie Virginia,;: BUFFALO SPRINGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF THE SOUTH. , OPEN 20th MAY, 1675. Tlie.e water, are pouMmied or extraordinary curative powm iirnncliou. of tb. KllMKVti ai d KlilDUk It, In all deikugtiia.iiM of Ulu D1U1AKV UKUNN Hiculoiit u warm alas mute rcgiona. in Dyspepsia, in Dis eases peouliarl to Women. Chronic, intarmlttent i Remit tent Fevers. " enrome conorr hoea Secondary Syphilis. Cleet and all iliac.eeeot lh Onhltal Orsans, and in eom forma of Gout "u Rheuma tism. Tin tr itnimkli. (.owor fti.il emuacT tn tun dlaea.ti ludo atrd are Ton tied for I J oinoofthe met tutniiibhrd mertlinl torn of the ronntrr, toth North nnd South, w well a.by THiiofled fa'W from the m.wt nne ttenahln anircs TeHnioi iajs In Pumiblet form fnrnl.hrd on arpllcktlon; THBVTATEB KOK8AI.B. The wator l fit up In cae of on doien hnlf gallon rtotti'a at 6 npr raae. Route to the Springs for thelSouthi B at ol Uie Miubiaond aud Auauta Air JUiua Railroad t 8c.mbnrg Dep.t In Halifax county, ViralrK, wbrrr all train, are met b? roaoh'ea for the Hpriagi !H mllei dlint; ' THOMAS" JVOOOniC, apt 11 4.2tawtm Profrletor. Howard Relief Fire Engine Co- Nd V MKMBAhS: Ton are hereby mmmoneri to appear a the KnjHie House this after noon at i o'clock puuclaalljr, 1 1 full nult'oim for par.tde, to. attend Uip funeral of oar ilei'iKed brother fireman, KMASCEL NUN , All homraty mrmben are etptciall rrqueittd l "rnl - ' V ' . '' .: ' " ; Br otdr of the Foreman.' ; .1 ' WM, JNO. BUHJUAhH. II april 4 it ' Keo. Secretary. Bottled Lager Beer. rjOUUESTEB, MILWAUKEB, u .,j inn TITOLI, ' Fcr ale at A OH. W. hUNGK'S, N. K. Corner of Market and gecoaa Bba Sprit I 1 NEW ADVERTISXXEJrS. CIIAS. D. MYERS & CO. FAMILY 5 anl 7 KORTH FROST STREET. , IMPORTERS Of Wines, Brandies, Ales Porter, Ac. Dutlea Pala by ua la this Port. The only dealer! In FAMILY QHUUBRIRa who Import direct rir.t CkMeQjudi for Fa lit ue. r'AVOKITE FI.OUK, beet bread told In Wllmlnitiin. Str(t4RS-Keryfrad! txiWMtprteea ruFFKES Oraaa, Roaeted aaS Oreuud. Mooha, Java, Lainayra and Rio. TA8-()rfn, Slack, n.lttk BraatrtM and I'noolotwd Japan. Flnwt laparwd and at lownei oath ptioea. I KVEBT T AHIBTT OF ' Choice Family SuddUcs. w mm The Beat Table, Batter, The Ineat l-eaf Lard, The eholoaet Saeked Meate, ; Xante, Sttlp. ,o SJr-Tbe(reateelTarUty of Uoode In North Unro ina. , Country orderi filled at lnwtt u'ee. CHAt D. MTEM CO., S A 7 Nertn front tt. t-U in -or- PRINO AND tMMi I MILLINERY. . For thelLadleo. T hate rVtiirnVil fioia tVe Nnrtti wHh i.i. and haad'wmi .look of Millinery Qoode rack aa Freaeb fattern Bonn.ta. Bate. Flowara. Uibbone, Mllktand Straw Uooda. . Ua.incuoasht m Sood. fnr ftaah. T nan le a? patrone .peolal lndauementa, both tn tyle and quality, at aatraaely low prloee far raw only. Mrs. A. D BROWN. Millin.ry Emporium, SxoHasea Coawia. ti-lw april 4 Jnst Received and for Sale at Low Prices ! 300 klkcted 6X001,0 n-fo 8PIBIT BABSIL. 125 BtuheliSwoet Fotatoea, 15 rirklnt Oooklai Butler. DbROSBETACO. si-it pril 4 $10 ILL BCT A HAltDSOMB BUSINESS SUIT. Bulto made to Order froae fM nf. A DAVID' april 4 81 Hoop Iron. Spirit Casks; &o. f l.oos Ba dlee Hoop Iron. ' 10 etatiJaid 81 liit Caakf, ! M little Ulua, ; 800 fackagea Kt.eU, Kl Soil. Kunge, . 100 KegtNalla. - For eale by KKttOUNKtt CALVIH BROS april 4 81 Powder L Powder! 409. Keg. Sporting aid Blasting fowder, or tale by - t KEKOHHIB CALUX HBBOS. aprlU ;,... M -. - . . a: Turpentine Tools, ( ' (Of warranted quality),' Hackare, Boun Sharee, Turpentine Dip per.. Hack Weliibte, Hack Files. Roand Share Wketlara, Roela Strainer., Oilmmara, Dip pem, 4e. A 'arge etock of the above (nada and at priori tbat rook, aand or and bottna Crleea ran't conuet wild, ran be found at the Ud Krtabllehed faardwar. Hunae of JOHN DAWSON, Hot 19, aud 11 Market Street. arrtM . i - - ,. t 400 tbla. 8. B. llolaeeee, 50 Hbda. 8. H. Molawee. ferealeby KKRTJHNBR A OALDKR BROS, april 4 t el Drugs, Mrdicincs, &c. FOR SALE. Oarden Beed Clover Seed Grass Seed Flower Seed Beans Horse and Cattle Liniment Condition Pow tiers Klnttz's Chill Cure Deshler's P.ll-Wistsj's Balsam Wild Cherry Jayne's Expeetorant Cottar's Pocket Iiihaler-Marvm s CJod Xatrer Perfumery Toilet Soaps Combs Brushes, in large variety at t IIIAHIILnS J)rng Store, i . N. W. Cor. Market snd Front Sts. airll4 .. , t . Sl.it , Garden Tools! Gartlen Tools! Juit recelred cne of the beet snorted itoeis of O rden 1'oola erer brongb t to the oity, eoa al. Ingof rleea, Kae,8pado4,tIoeaand RakM oimbiii-d. Hart for drawing Drill., Ladle Hoes, Hede Hbeate, are., o. All for eie at very low prleee at I lie h aw Bardoaia Hoate ot april 4 QILMB M MCKCH1S0M. SEW ADVESTISIMZSTS. mil SPRIIVG I S M. M. KATZ'S; 36 Market St. - 0 I All tho latest Novelties and tho best qualities otthovory particulars In a few iprU My Bacon, 8ugar, Coffee, Flour, Etc. 200 Boxes D. 8. Bides and , Shoulders, 300 Boxes Smoked Hides A Shoulders, 300 Bbls. Refined bngar, 200 Bags Prims llio Coffee. 1.000 Bbls. Flour, all grades ; 10.CHX) Bushels Prime White Oorn, 4(H) Bales N. R. Ear, R')0 Bandies Hoop Iron, 100 Bsrtels Glue, t 400 Kegs Nails, 30 Bags Shot. 60 Bbls. WbolsRiee. 50 Bbls. 8. H. Bjrup, 100 Boxes Uosp, r30 Oases Sods, 160 Boxes snd Half Boxes 6t41es, 60 Boxes Candy, 10 Oases Matches, 50 Cases Oysters, 50 CaBes B. Peaohes For eale low by WIIXIAMS A MTJK0B1SON. Guano ! Guano ! 850 Tons Onanape Quarto, 300 Tons Eureka Oaano, For sal low by . WILLIAMS MCKOBIUOM. Molasses ! Molasses! 200 Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba, For sale low by WILLIAMS i MDRCniSON. pril 4 .81 OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday Evening. April rth. Flret Southern tour, and Drat and only sp. pearanoa ia Wilmington of the eloquent and aioet popular rpeaker In A mer lea, AM wko will- deliver btr thrilling and popular tkotcb "J Creating a Profound Sensa- tlon Everywhere. ST Seat, ean be teeared at Helrnberger'i. AdmlNlon, T8 Cent, april Keaerred Seati.Sl. 70-St Memoirs of Service Afloat DURING THE WAR BETWEEN " THE STATES. ! BT ADMTBAL BATH AIL SlVmS. 1 "The Autocrat of The Breakfast Table (every man bis own Boswell). - f he Law and Hjb tadj." By Wil kie Collins. "A Fast Life" on the Modern High way. By Taylor. " ; "Hulda" alter the German, by Wis ter. ' "The Froien Deep." By Wilkie Collins. . . , forsaMby - - . :v;i; - J CONOLET A YATES, ' it Market Street. march M I bare lost reoeived the late-t ttylet of Bootf and Bboee, eenprlalng - - - treati' rtne Hand sewed noota, lo " k Boi-Tos Prlnos . S j tt-". ... . . (Siberia, Do - " Boi Toe Strao Tlee, Do - Machine St wed Boi Tee Prince Albert. Ladies, Mlasea, RblMren'l snd Infant! Ked and. Pebble Button and Lace Boots. Also Mltees and Children's Ooloreu Hboes. I hare secured the A tenet for A. MeElraul Combination masking Urvau. Somethlugnsw, Beat and nobby. 1 Wisiiis a, raivii , ' No. II Market Street, april t Riga of tbeoldsa Boot Notice. 1HJC ANNUAL MKXTISO of the nerabers (HtoekhoMorsiof the Wllmfniton Hntual In attranos Oompanv, wtll tako plaoeoa Monday awanlng, at I o'clock, P. M ,at Llppltt's Hall, on front street. 1 april t-tt-ti BAM 'It B. OAKNON, Secretary. phj MMERGOODS AT- lowest prices. More : i days. 31. M. IAJM9 36 Market Street The Copartnership TTBRETOrOKB BXIMTIN'tl BBTWrKN JjL the nnlerelgued, aniter the tint ti.nia of Suratite. lhnnin. ta lhl clar din.)iil In ntj- t'ialoot.-ul. Alxs bprutit at.d Janttertpiuiit ar.i alone authorised Ut settle the rujilnnr ship and to sign the same of the flint In liqui dation. AI.KX.8PMVNT, JOHN W. HIMtON, JaMK!iS'liUtiT. The onders ined bars this dsr semxilnted themwlres a copartner, under the Arm -na tile of Ales.. Biitont St Son 1'hey r wul run the .ante titins lbs hunioi piaor; and they titins lbs huloeol tb old tl m Iher pi ledge to th friends and pat rons of riraiit Hlnma and to all ethers en tru-t'ng bu.ln- to lints the most dlllgmt aud faithful attention to their liUt.rc.tj April Irt, IRQ. AL'X HPRI'NT, JAMKS Kfal'M. Itarlng been associated In business with Messrs Airs Hprunt and James eprunt 'or the pr.t sight rsars, at.d Intending tnlrare the atale tosatei Into budseas elsewuere, I rettr from that eonnectlftn with the rery Itlgheit ap. proclatlon of them both aa msrclitnt. and gn llsaien of thorough eapaotty and IntagfUt; and most eordially raoomatend lbs new Arm of Alex. Sprnnt St Son tnths patronago and eon fldsnoe of the ptthllo, and aspMially of all my friends) and take pleasare la awurlng th.m that tbslr busloers eonld But be sutruaUKl to better or safer bands. April 1st, ins ' JOBNW. HINSOM. april I T-tw Note and Draft Books, Bxpreasly mad. to order from the T la teat de sign, in targe variety, for sale at HEINSBEHQEB'B. Frames ! Tramcs ! Just recelred a large assortment of Prsstes et ail slses aad styles. Something new. Call ana see at. HEINGBERCER'O Lire Book aud Maalc Btors. apt tl t 1 ' Pure Mellow Old Rye Whiokoyo, FIVE SUMMERS, M' Finest and Rarest Old Family Whis- , ; 11 '''keys In this City.. ! " filij Wines, Port, H berry and Madsrla, Scop peruotig and riowers. r . OHAS. D. MYERS k CO., ' ; ; I A 7 North Front St, : Perfection in Butter. .' Thirty snail Tubs, Family Packagrs. bflhe flse.t Dairy Butter erer otfared lu UiU slty and at prices greatly reattreo. L all on us and i esamtne goods and jtrloea CHA3. D. MYERS A CO., Band 7 North front 8t. april S U Best in the City Those Ladies White Cotton Hose that I am selling for 10 Cents per pair, WM, FYFEi' Collarettes I . .: Collarettes I I Something new and stylish, Just re oeived and selling for 5 cents eaoh. At""''""""-r:--WM, FYFE'S. .. april I ' ft - I Business Suits ? DB AND TKIMMKD1N GOOD Utjle- Slo, at i : JAMES MoCOKMlG'K'8. I H AH DSOHE BUSINESS SUITS made to uidsr (MtoSMt, at f , JAMKS MoCOBMIUK'8. I t y I. t "" r ' "' ELEOATriTTINO SHIRTS MADJE TO aaeeitre. at JAMES M..OOHMI' K'B. marsbM Te-St-TaJ'tlotfltta NOTICE, mRE OBtlM AN B ABQTTB 80NNA bBNPkieadytodbobargS cargo.- Con tigs see please take notloe.- ' - 1 1 , w. PU8t Muter. t aprlll-W-lt NEW ADVERTISIMEM3. 45 BEOWN & We still contiune to sell at our former low prices notwithstanding the sd tanoe in the markets, and as a substantial proof submit the following list of prices: ' Hosts' Spool Cotton 6 oents a spool or 70 cents per docen. 4 ' Uubl 'aoliml Cotton from 6 cents hi yard. 8:1 iuou Frnit of the Ixwm n fjents per yard. JW " " ' Ltxim. .12 Sfl " WsraMitta.... ..........181" - " New Spring Caliooes, ben quality, 10 oeuta per yard. ' Ladies 1' nil's (or the Neck 0 and 10 cents, worth 25 oeuts, a bargain. It would be a ortYif tai ina to those vUilina the cita for th nnmua n A. ing their shopping in the lry Oootls Hue to give ns a call prct Uiu to making their rnrehaties. We tuke this method of advertising prices for yon to com pare them with not only Wilmington snd ticinily, bnt with those of any sec tion of the oonntry. We have no time or inclination to button-hols on nn tha streets, or lotik yon up in the llotels. Our object is purely business, and we SEVERAL JOB LOTS. Huoh as 100 dor.cn Kid Gloves for 60 cents per pair, worth fl DO. Ladies hemmed I'ure Liut u Ilandkeroliiefs 15 cents, worth 29 cents. 20 pairs lilauketa $3, worth DO. , WE HAVE GOT EVERYTI1INO WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH-NO SAMPIES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. march I GUANO ADVERTISEMENTS. CASH p" 1 ".-,""vr -Price $50 00 per to" of 2,000 pounds. I rilBMtOH BTANDAHU VT (JUAMrV BA8 0KKN FPLLT MAINTAINED, AMD IT . ..IS UUKSlUEttEU BV TKOSB WHO HAVEU1VE8.IT A BAitt TB1ALTHE MANUFACTURED. ''sjsassjRswaaBMwat-sa LIBERAL AND ADVANTACEOU8TERMS FOB LABOR LOTS, OA'KN ON ATPLICATION, LOCAL AT ALL THE PniKTOIPAJL. DEPOTS, dersset a c., GENERAL For North Caroling and Virginia,; Jan IT At $D3.00 per Ton, Cash, or 800.00, NAVASSA ACJD PHOSPHATE, I At $33.00 per Ton, Cush, or $38.0 , rTC OUASANTI1C that the treruus HtgbOra's ! tt. E. BEmnEIt, lreUlsiit i I). MoRAR. Treaanrtr, ' " ! O. L, OKAfKLIN, snperlntetident, JsbB. .:-..; ' i SOLUBLE PACIFIC HUM CO.; i ZPRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. ; TWO THOUSAND FIT E HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLEPACOTC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CKOP TIME. Liberal terms will be msdt with Merchant) and other roliwble parties to soil this Guano at our Wareho 1 prioes. . -s j ComsilMloa Merehanta. Agei.tsror FaelfleUuanoiio., and Ltcalenln N". t pi-rurlan Oukno i ;; ii--' :t . i i ' North Water Strekt, ' ...,,,,,!i.,.-.s;,.,;.... .,i-,ui Wla.niNlTON, N. : Snb-Ugeiits for tlie Sale P. B. GIBSON O. WMAIIAIia iJanl Extracts for the Toilet, G TJEBLATh8 EXTKACTd, I.nhln'aKitrut. . .... Phlon'lgtlt BloomielOertua. Balr BraaaAsrioaabs, " .i , . ; Oiled Silk, o., o, g ' ;;. .; -4 -Ti ' ,lli ,tti''t ; ihm'ii .I-m -v" efcEUf 4 sTIiAinfBR'' EODDIOK or bf lavinir anv claims of frianrlaliin propose doing that in a legitimate way. ST m TIME Price 058 00 2,0f01bs. Payable Nov. I, ,11 I Agents t l-TJttaw(and'i)2m4W4r 1 WE OFFER OTJB STANDARD FERTJUZSBS For the Beason of 1 187C, delivered on the Oars, at Our Factory, at the following SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payable 1st of November, next; payable 1st of November next, :of oar Fertilisers ihall be full HatSTAiasn NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINGTON. N. C. e-eod-dAwIm, ' of Soluble PacMc'tiuano. 1 ..Old Handrad.lt. a .i.......Marloo,0.a a-nidJtw Tobacco, 11 Snuff, Lye and ; , . , t Potash. s i 200 Boxes Chewing Tobaoco, i . . ! 20 Bbbls . ndHalf-BbU Bnuli; , . ; 25 Cases lOz. Bnuff. , 100 Oae Lye, ; ' - " ' 1 73 Oases Potash, -a .. ' , .For sale by i, .- - . .... i " KIUUHSB 0ALDIB.UKL5. 45

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