C7- ' (i VOL XXIV. ITO. 82. wiimnoTon, n. c, Tuesday, april g, 1875. - WHOLE KO. 6,846. ? W Eiihr jlnnrnnl WILMINGTON. N. C: TUESDAY APRIL 6. 1875 8YTELECRAPH. EUnOPE. TUECHURCS TUOUBLE IlEACn INO AUSTRIA." WAJRLIKB PREPAUATION'S IN THE EAST, I SECESSIONS FROM TUE ROMAN TO i'HE GREEK CHURCH. Lokdos, April 5 Noon The TimoM Berlin correspondent says that there u roaaoa to tear tout lmpenuio i aepo aitiou of the Aroh Bishop of Brexlan will oocaaiou doiioate oompliontiouH b itweeu Prnssia and Austria becauao a partiou of the Aroh Episoopal din oiwtt lies ia Austria. ' 4 The ship Dooca, from New York, for I i . . .. ... .uUam fal Wl .ill I iu a bad position. Tbe weather ia heirr iud the crew hare lff in small boats and have not yet been rt- ported.- - he ooaet goarda are now ou b jard the ship, ;-'.? ,r ( ' Advioes from Calcntta in relatian to t is difficulties between the India gov i ruuieut aud the King of Burmab, oon-Ot-ruiug boundaries and other matters httte tbat the King ia makiug warlike preparations. m, l'ntBSBURO, April 5 Noou The aeaesbiona from the Ctitbolio t the Orthodox Greek cburoh ooutiuuti , 04 a largt scale in Russia and Poland. TUE FLOODS. REPEATED BUS AND RAPIDLY " RISING RIVER9 IN MEW . X, ENGLAND. S , ' A lb ant, April C Noon The gorge below broke to-day. The flood ini me diately subsided, bat the docks are still submerged. Boston, April 5 Noon -There ha be tu two days rain and the river is rising throughout New England. Twenty-four hours farther rain will cause a general break. A disaster is certain on tbe Keanebeck. The water is oven with the' wharves at Hallowell aad rapidly rising. Several mills at Lawrence will be compelled stop on aooouut of the back-water, which is higher than since 1869. BoveoM. April 6 Night There is nations damage yet reported from tlie AxkI. The rain confined to fall J last night The Merrimao is swollen almost beyond precedent. The rain has ceased and tbe prot peota of an escape is encouraging. THE WEST. FATAL RAILROAD DISASTER : : I i NEAR OMAHA. f ; Ohaha, April 5 Noon There was a collision on the Chicago, Burlingtou aud Quiney Railroad. Both engines were wrecked and the engineer of tbe Gnioago expresses killed and several others hurt. The eagiueer, firemen aud three others were seriously hurt, aud one baggage master is missing The cause of the accident was the fail ure oq the part of the operator to de- .' liver train orders. There were no passengers seriously injured. . ELECTRICISMS. , i - i - . The amateur entertainment in New York for the expenses of the rifle team to Ireland, realized $1,000. , A Grand Jury at New Orleans have indicted George Drury, a member of the Hons , from Aassumption Point for participating in the forgery of the gen eral appropriation bill. ' At Buffalo, N. Y., Coit block, occu pied by While k Boyley, photograph ers and printers, with otliors, has been burned., ,, Losa , 8220,000. Chester, foreman Of the Liberty Hose Com pany, was killed by the falling walls. The Senatorial excursion to Mezioo, was abandoned at New Orleans - Prof. W. F. Walker, the wellkBown dentist at Brooklyn, N. Y., died from ah over dose of fluid extract of hem-, Ijck. . ... ... . -HAN - ' 1 " ' (jO.NNECTlCUT. THE WHITES TRIUMPHANT." ' Harttord, April l Night Forty tiwus iu the tState give Chag. R. JugersolL Democrat for Governor, i 1,158 votes: James Lloyd Green, Re publican? 8,808, and Heury D Smith, Prottbitionist.,' 792. Lust year thu wime towns gave Ingersoll, Democrat, 9,808; fHarrinoB, Republican, 7,828: ( Smith, .Prohibitionist, 941. 'Ingersoli ia probably elected by the people. The Legislature, as far as heard from, is about the same aif last J-enr. Hartford ! county, wi h Hartford, RoekyHUl, Granby and Sonthiogton to hear from, gives Jss. R. Haw ley, Republican for Congress from tbe 1st District, 6,266 and Geo. M. Handera, Democrat, 6,576. Bat little has vet been heard from Tolland county. . Hawley ia, prebably defeated iu this District by from 200 to 400 otn. Later 81 towns give Ingersall 10,. 804, Greene 17,940 and Smith 1,366. The same towns gave last year IngeV atl 17,526, Harrison, Ropnolican 15, 43!) and Smith, . Prohibition, 233. Hawley ia defeated by about 12,000 in fie First District. The Republicans take some gaiDS in the Legislature but probably not enough to overcome the Democratic majority of latt year. Hartford eowty, all but Hartford, Grenby and 8onf.lrina;ton gives Green, Republican, 5,939; Ingersall, Demo orat, ,6,91,8; Smith, i Prohibition, 812. FM Congress Landers, Demoorrt, M79; Hawley, Republican; (5,386; Ly n. Prohibition. 101. P. C. Bar- uum i fleeted Mvor f Bridgeport. .The Democratic majority at Hart ford ia three or lour tuouaud. The Cunfrretifoien are Demoerat:o in tbe Fut. Second aud Fourth DiitrioU. D u't ct too full returns to-day. CiMois.NATi. Ohio, April 5 Night. The eity election to day was very ex citing and the vote polled waa the heaviest ever known here. There was conHiderable disturbauoa at the poll, but nothing of a serious nature is re ported. Atthie hour, 11 p. m., it in helisved that the Di'inoerata Lave t lee ted their entire ticket by majori ti ranging from one thousand to an thon-mud, Joliuhon for Mayor rfC ir- inff the heaviettt vote. The official r- turBs ire otimliig lU iluly. "- Bajltimokk, April 6 Night Ia the muzicipal election at Anuapolis to day, the eutire Deraocntio ticket was elected by about 85 raajurity. A spe cial to t'ae American, from Annnpolia to-night, Suva: Althonoh there was a great doal of exoituint, the election paaoed off qnietlv up to 5 oeRx-k, when a disturbance occurred in the 3d Ward, and a eouflict between the whites and blacks ensued. The first 'if it was oausod by some colored men attempting to prevent a colored Dem ocrat from voting, and in the melee which followed two or three shot were fired, but no serious jaronge was done; yet it served to exasperate both aides, aud the news of a conflict soon spead- mg, a crowd immediately begun to gather, the whites being jrreatly ex cited at what had taken place. ' I lie negroes were strollng about, carrying cudgels and when one of them wa remonstrated with, one white men named MoNeal was shot iu the hand, aud another named D ivid Biil, was shot in the ankle. A colored boy about eiglitten years of age, aud in ail probability an innocent oue, as be is very favorably spokeu of by those who knew him, wai killed by bains shot in the buck of his head apparently while-atterflptiugto -elude ttnr orowd Sinoe then everything1 has been quiet eioept the Democrats who are noisy iu their jubilant, spirits of their achievement. By whom he was killed it is impossiblo to ascertain, as the e was snob, an indiscriminate tire by the whites and negroes. HEADlJUAItTEltS, NEW TO SUCCEED SPINNER. GRANT ON THE MEXICAN oTJT- ,:; ; .RAGES. .;. WHAT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE, AND WHAT WE TKT HAVE TO DO. THE FEVER AT KEY WEST. Washisoton. April 8. Niht. Commiabiouer John 0. New is to I e Treasurer of the United States, vice bpiauer reeigued to-day. New takes possession on tne autu of June. - President Grant to-day, in convers ation with the writer hereof, remarked ia reply toja question, that he was son o. what amused lately at tne newspaper statements of what he would do in re lation to the outrages by the Mexi cans, involving the Texas frontier; he said such statements were inven tions, as he hud not, since those events, expressed his views to any persons, not even to the Secretary of State, who, like himself, had been ab- scut from the city. It waa already known to the publio that orders had hid been issued to the military for the protection of our citizens on the frontier, but in addition to this noth ing had baeu done.' The government was not yet fully advised of tho extent of outrages, althonghit had been oflloi a'ly informed of the arrest of a mail Cirrier, and the burning of a post office by tho iuvaders. Tiie Mexican Government had been repeatedly re minded of the oitrages heretofore committed by the Mexicans on oiti izens of the United States, both in Mexico and ou United States soil, aud would hear from this Government in a short time concerning those more re cently committed, through the Depart ment of State. There would be a consultation with the Secretary , of State on this oubject, and probably it would be brought to the attention of the Cabinet, but in the meantime all newspaper statements as to tho actiou of the Government would be mere speculations. We must, he remarked, determine hereafter. what' is proper to be done iu the premises. He could not Bee any reason for apprehension of war be tween the two oonutries, but of course no one could tell what might take plaoe in the future. Nothing however Would be done by this government .to .provoke such a result. The President on beiug .asked whether there was any truth in the rumor about the resigna tion or removal of' Commissioner Douglass said he had no such knowl edge and therefore the rumor was untrue. The President was also ques tioned in regard to other rumored re movals when ho said Mr. Johnson, the Commissioner of Customs would bo etained, with ' First" Comptroller Taylor, of whose honesty and uprigl t ness he was assured and also of Lai d Comptroller Broadhead. The Preisi. dent said there was a vacancy iu the offlco of Minister to Perii occasioned by the reeignation of Mr. Irancis Thomas, of Maryland, but he had not yet selected his successor. The Vital statistics of the Board of Health of the District of Columbia for the last week show a total of 99 deaths, while the rate of mortality of the white population was 23 aud 16-100 per thousand per anunm the mortality' of the colored population was 65 per thousand for the same period. The following was received here to day: . Kb West, April 5. Surgeon-General Jos. Jlealc : ' The weather hiiB changed much oooler. No new cases of fever since the last telegram, The present indi cations aru encouraging. (Signed) R. J. Prbrt, . , Acting Aisistaut Surgeon. Kbt West, April 5 Noon To tho Secretary, Washington : From news- papers reoeivod here to-day I learn that imputations are oast upon me iq- aireetiv tor tailing to luiorm the de partment of the existence of so called yellow fever epidemio at this port. now confirm my dispatch of yesterday. after consulting the health officer, and state positively that ne cae of yello fever exists in this city o vicinity, or on ship-board. The oaae referred to in my dispatch, if yellow fever at all. wuion ia strongly doubted by many wno nave nd tbe disease, were stm lily sporadic The oity ia perfectly neauny, wiiu no synptoms of diaeaae, auu no oausa for qnaranUning stea era locatiug at uus port exists. Signed, I, N. Wioua. Collector of Customs. BFZCIAL. BswaaaoTlMitMiMS. Bay ealy tb i aloe roldl l ool'ar., rimw.iod and War- wk k . 1 a j art Iks ban aad. x ', nachaaileal Tlakerlav Caonoi airnt tb ; dMOBpuduea of Ik. teeth. Nothing will it this bat thai pats 4lc tntMUal sod preMTTadrs wklek, aaSar lh naas of 8 0 ZulX T, ka k eeaaia anaflsaf tb. tolUI Uroagboal Ui. werld. Mora than H raart hat. alSDavd. alaaa Jk Mil's aaodtM Llnlmmt trat lamaurf. during oalok tl a. haudrad of teouatnd. har br.a b.D.fliMd by It. . PiobahU no artt- on ii n diiwwif nopaiar wiia an claact M rfubia Aaodys Mulm.ul. PliUvhlokooiUlnatittmonr. aalalna and calomel, tbonld b. avoid, aa mnrt griping iialn. would tbotr on It result. Th. wiut. urcai, nn hhiuiii rarauar rargauv utAuti BlllouifliU. . The rt TrlkaMl. Ptblie opinion la th. great tribinal by which th. to MofalldlaoovarlM la jaJgad. lis ra- vorablt V.rdlot long ag Umpa RnUtttr1 Wau.k Bltun aa Ik. loading larlgeraat and alterative Ih. ag.,a.d th. troLhralaM or U decision I aanMaatlr rtoetrtng freaa corrobur atloa.la th. itiaseef roiaiu, ike mot ooiapl.1. and Mtloractory, acooBpllahad la .or vary nMrt. Trlbatoa bt IM .Soacy at a r.aiadf fat !pJlltloii, wn.tlp.l on, sorvona aaapiaiiila, lMlaiao, g.noi.1 deblllir, rheoai.liua and kidney disorder, poor In froai trtry qsar Wr ; phjrtlctaa amphaUoally ooaatood U a. a rcmedr for ajoat tnorg.ale ataladloa, and tht P'e. lu.lom. tk dictum tt tb. pro(.aloa. Ihua th. popalailtr or Im raignlog toale- ttlmulant of America m eonataatl wld.nma. deaptt. tbe Inveotltei ru.mtBMed agauiMaptf ituoo. preparations by tbe voadora af atoct tcmperanco blltora, which Ui public turn lime alaoa dltoorarod to ba faraianbid rnbbbb, and the aalee of wbish are rapidly aa the waa Unnj who are taffertog from tb. eff.ols 01 th waru weather and are debilitated, are ad vtaed by phyriolana la take aaoderaU aaataaU fwhlakj two or three times daring the day. in a little while those who aeoyt thu edvioe nbquently Increase th aanbor of " drinks," and In time become eonaraaad inebrlai. A beverage which will not create thirst for lalom- Icatlng Uqaor., anufwblcb ta latended especi ally for tbe beneflt of debilitated eermia, whether at borne or .broad, Is Or. aVhenck'. Boa Weed Tor lo. Containing the Jnloee of many medloinal herb, , this preparation dee. not oreate an appetite for the lotoilcatlog c.p The aoarlablng and the lire-eapporttng proper tie. of meay valaable natural predeetleuoon talned In It and well knoera ts medical men oar a mut atrongtboalag laflatao. A lugi boltl of Ui Tenio will deaaonetrate It yehia ble qaalltlee. Tot debility vietrif frm rlcJi nee, o.r eiertloa or from any cause wkat erer a wineglemrui of. tea Weed Toole taken after meala will str.ngthea th etomaeh and create an appetite lor wholesome reud. T all who are about looting their bomeo, we dettte to ay that tbe eteellMut .fleet of Dr. Bcbeoek'e Maaonabl. remedl.a, Sea Weed Tonle, and Mandrake rill., are pirtlcnlarly ryldeotwken taken by those who tie Injurtouely affected bt a change of weter and diet. Me pereoo sheold Icate h me witbeat takiog a 'apply of there sr.gii.rd. abiag. rr sal by all iHangliu. NEW ADTHTiaiMlHTi. TOaiON'LIHT1 IIFAMIT, i ATTEKTIOH! 1 You are hereby o rdered te Beet at you Armory, I Boath Front tr t, this (Tuesday etenlng, 8th Instant, a 1 1 o'clock. All member who hare net signed tb Con tttutlon, a. wall aa thoaa who bate done,. are oomm ended to he preeent. By order of tbe Oeptalu . J.t Maotll, 1 rll e-lt rderiy Sg. NOTICE, A LL BITAIti LIQUOB Pf ALIH8 ABM ' hereby notified te come forwart and renew their . ; -. ' i ' LIQUOR LICENSE according to law, otherwle they alll b. liable tothe penalties prescribed by law. wEO.W.BOEOEADi, " aprll -lw Beglater. FATHERS ! -gl.NQ THB BOTe) AND FIT T EM wuh Suits of Clothes, Very Nice and Cheap. COMB rOTJUSKLVBS and porches, your own oatflta. MUNSON & CO., i - aprll OITT BLOTHMRS. Produce Exchange Tli Annnal mnetlne of the Prudnna r. eha ge will b bel i t ibe Fxehange Room' on 1'UKtlMY, April TSth, 1178, at llo'olo k M. rnriheelKotlonof officer, for the ensuing year. Member are respectfully notified. RiCHAtr W. AKDRBWB, -. Brrwbary aad Tr.asarer. april 6 tt-1w Siar eiipv 11th A 18th. Gi8 Mntnal Life Insurance Company A9SBM.... 4,HS,aST.t3 oei,4.7J auu.fi.va.. An Ag-nt wanted for Wllmlnoton. with wiiuw iiDeraiconiran win ni mad by W. M hursoN. ... Oenernl Agent for M.O. Addree. P. O. Bei m, Wilmington, I. O. IIW ADY1BTISZMK5TS. SFRIWGI - M.M.EATZ'S,36.MarMSt. All the latest Novelties and the' best qualltleocittheverylowestprlces. More partlcularo In a fow days. ) 31. 31. KATZ, aprll Mr 0PEBAB)3USE. Wwdnaaday gvnlng. April 7th. Firs! gnthsra tear, and Brat and only ap neexanee la Wilmington-or the-ujawn aad jot pwpalar tueakar la A msrlea, HISS ANNA' DIGIINSON, who will dellter hev tbrilliag and nopal sktleh "JOAN OP ARC," Creating a Profound tetita- tlon Everywhere, atr Beat eaa ha seeored at Belnaberger't. AdmlMtwn, Tl Cents, aprll I Beterred Beat, tl. ll-Bt GRAND OPfiMG or- 0PRINB AND llMUEpi UlLLInEnY. For tholLodioo. I h.te returned from the North with a large and baadasme alook of Millinery Good-such aaFr.aoh Pattern b.nntui. Bate, Flower., Ktbbon. Bilk, and Btraw Hood. Hating bought my (looda for cash, I can git my patron apeolal IniluotmenU, both In style and quality, at eitremely low prto fur ratk only. , Mrs. A. D- BROWN. Millinery Emporium, BieuaaesCoasaa. 81-lw aprll e OPENED YESTERDAY! Opring Clothing For Ken, Toulha and Boy. Patterns for Clothing, LATBST STTLS OB .ALB. A kaadsome line of NOVBLTIBB In the wayef 80ABF8.TIB8,. MUNSON & CO.. OITT CLOTBIBBS. aorfl 4 $10 WH.ti BUT A BAMDBOMB BUSINESS SUIT. Bolt sjttvd to order from t A- DAVID- aprll 4 SI ttemoirs of Service Afloat DURING THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES. BT ADMIRAL BAPBAKIi BBlfKES. "The Antoorat of The Breakfast Table (every man his own Boswell). "ITie Law and the Lad?" Br Wil lie Collins. "k Fast Life" on the Modern High way. Bt Taylor. "Halda" alter tbe Uerman, by Wis- ter. "The Tronen DeeD." Bt Wilkie Collins. " For tale by . ' CONOLEY 4 YATES, 47 Market Street. march M ts Extracts for the Toilet, QCFRLAIfc'8 KXTBACT8, iiObin'S Exfracu. Pheion'a Night Kloorolig Cere us. Balr Brnahes, t omhe. Oiled Bilk, o.. Ae. For sale by . v " HBBMA FIiAKMBK artk II AT - 36 IIarket Street OPERA HOUSE. TWO NIQHT8 ONLY, TUURSDAY AMD tltlDAV. April Ntk and Bib. f TWIDMPU ANT TOUR, after a series ol brlllleot engagement la New Vara,, flilnse" New Urleena, Sarannab and Vbarleetuu, 01 the friglnal and Only Mad. H-EWXXW FEMALE MINSTRELS . ASD - ' Wile Maria DeLaoour'a Famous Parfalan. Can-CanDancers. In eonjaaatlen with this monster prgsnlsn tlua will be leu ad a Trwupe mi 9 paclatltv Artistes, who bat. ner.r been .teal led on the AMKkl. UAN BTAHB. NaDVatia iw rainna. B.ata eaa bt enred at H.insber g.r'a Book Store. Door, open etl o'clook f. hi. Perrormane to enmmanr. at S P. M . Carrlageo earn keerdvrod at 10M0 HAttUT PHILLIPS, hi. B. LBAVItTT, Biislncsa Agent. Oen'l Sui-t aprll 4 . SI Bt The Copartnership HEKITOFOBE KXI8TINU BBTWKRN the unlaralBtied, under the flint uama ul Mltrunt A Hluaun, I this day dlaaolted by mu tual conamt. Al. Sprunt ami Jameafnruui are alone authiirl.ed to settle the eauartiier- slilp and te sign the name of the firm iu lliii dation. AliBX BPRtlNT, JOHN W. HINHUN, J4MKBPhUNT. The andert'o-ned hate this day. assoclatei' themteltesasoivartner. under the flitn nd etyln or Alei. Hprunt A Hun. Tbey will con tlna tbe biislneasorth" old II m at the raoir place; and they pledge to the mends nl t runs of apruut A Hlnson and to ell etbere en trusting builues to them the moat diligent and faithful attention to their Intrrrata. April 1st, lilt, ' Af.BX SPRt'NT, 'r J AM KB HPI I) S 1 . Haying been associated In bnslnes with Meast. A lei. Bprunt and Jamn Hnrnnt toi th psat eight yesra, ' d Inleudlna tnlrayeth' atete toente. Into buslners elaewhere, I retire rrom mat connection with tne rery highrsr sp preclatlon of them both a merchant end sen tiemon of thorough capacity and Integrity; amt mm ftoruieiiy retwmmena tne new nrm m a let. Sprunt A Hon to the patronage and onn fldeim of the publlo, and eapeclally of all my friends; and lake pleasure In awurlng them raw tDrir DirHrnrrv eonia not DO entrustoa 1 better or safer hand. April 1st, 17B JOHN W HINSON. aprll I . i-iw Note and Draft Books, Expressly made to order from 'he t latest de sign in large tarirty. For sale at - HF.INSBBROEK'8. Frames ! Frames ! Just recited a lame assortment of Framrw or .raea enu nyiet. Bomeuiing new. can and see at HEINOBERCCR'S tire Bonk and Music stor. aprll I Tt Bottled Lager Beer.' JOOhESTKB, MILWAUKEI, ANDTIVOU, r cr sai. at O H. W. ROUGE'S. N. B. Oornar of Market and Second bt april 4 tt Best in the City Those Ladies White Cotton Hose that X am selling for 10 Cents per pair. WM. FYFE. j Collarettes! a Collarettes ! Something new and stylish, just re- eeired and selling for 6 cents each. At aprii i WM, FYFE'S. GarflGii Tools! - Garden Tools! .. lust received on.ef the beat easortail slunk of Unnlen UKoi erer brought to tb cltt, cou ulsilng of Hies, Kahs,Spwles, Hoe anil Sake, combinrd. Hoe for drawing Drills, Ladles Hoe. Bed ge Bhears, &a &a. AlirnrMl.at very low pr lees at th. haw Hardwar Home ol aprll 4 GH.I8 MOEOH1BON. HEW ADVEETISIMEiTS. 15 BROWN & We atill eontinne to sell at onr former low print's notwithstanding the sd ranoe in the markets, and aa a substantial proof submit the following list of prices: Coats' Spool Cotton 6 cents a spool or 70 cents per doseu. Uubl aohud Cotton from 6 ecuts imr yard. 33 inoh Fruit of the Loom , n fnts per jard. 30'" Loom 12. ' 7 ' 3(1 " Wamsutta...... itu No Bjiriug CalieiHMt, best quality, Iilio I'iiITm for tlm 'rtt if ami 10 .... wu.u t. iTum, ubtkbiu, v It wonld be a grttit taring to those vUUlng the citg for tbe purpose of do ing tbi'ir shoppiug in the Dry Goods line to gire ns a call pn vUmt to making tbt-ir purohaHes. We ttike this method of advertising priefs for yon to com pare them with not only Wilmington and vicinity, bnt with those of any tro lion of the country. We bare no tinio or inclination to buttou-holeyou on the atrt'ets. or look yon np in tbe Hotels, or by laying any claims of friendship. Our objeot is purely burunnss, and ws propose doing that iu a legitimate way. SEVERAL JOB LOTS. - Such as 100 dosen Kid Cloves for B0 pouts por pair, worth $1 60. l.adioa hemmed Pure Linen llandkorchiufs 15 cents, worth 25 oeuts 20 pairs Blankets $.), worth U 50. , y WE HAVE GOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE ONI PRICETERMS CASH-NO SAMPIES CUT. BBJ0WN & RODDICK, 46 Market Street; SOLUBLE PACIFIC GIMO CO SUaMBSBValBBwi'.. CAPITAL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWOTIIOlIHANn FT VP. imnnilPllTfiVfl Hm imrrmnrrtrifirrA vn - " - avr.ui -JV'l V A-'AiAJ A ilVii IU MtAllW for sale, either for CASH or ou ClOP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other reliable parties to sfll this Gunno at our Warcbo prioes. W. tn mission Merobant. A genu Tor raolnoUuanu Snb-Agcnts rr tlitj Sale H. ilBM!..... C. UHAIIAN.,., ,,, .,,....,., ,. Jn.i HrATBIOf NO atT II CAIIOI.INA, nperlwr Canrt ol Natv llaauver Co, William Caliler,prtna under Srm nnme oe Kerchner A raider Hrolliura. Clalmllli, , en arm; u, eiurria, uvii'tliiant. lb JJenri, LZ MorrUtarcvUna! TnU aoilon Is brought to rteorer th. sntn of Wrt.f. aa.Mi. It.... i. ... I mi...... . u Jnm-y-seyeu ami MOU Dollars, with InloraH thereon, Iroin lanuary WUi, IVT4. due tho i.lalntlil, , ,,,,. Ia irr eote undar wi rnadaliy the said Henry L. alnrrli uiivmIiIm tu IT w ....i. .... ... i .j' rtiiraed by salil if. W. Rerohnsr to the Mnlu- uiu. 1 h summons In this cash it returnrtMo tit i rm I'nr ni i.r tr.u i. .u.i... ........... u ...... 'iim 'vn'ii(ii jicwnnri- yr county bov written, to he held at tue (lourt II III Mil Ill Wllnilin.t.iii .... I ..k (lay alter tb aeonnd Moiiilm In Krlirunry, la?ft 1 ha M ilelenilant, Henry I,. Morris, Is fnrihernotKledthatawrl of attachment has . . . uou m 'ns roiieity or the Said nnt'niillttiif r.hiin.lil. .La., il.. '..I ....... ul the Superior Court of New Hanorer county. JAMKN I1KA10N, tJlerk Hniierlor Court. . Ji'sitiaDtTia, Attorney for Pklntltlt. marrh HOlh, lsl1. . , . 'ckSt Tl-l4w Itaw THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OOONTr Of 1IOHKY. rottat orcioHHoa ri.ta. uuseiju n. i-eruam, KielntliT. agalmt Harriet ... ', uonn ii. iiamnis, Charlotlo H i i II r u uaui.l aud Agnes Uan ai A'Wi trtrti nil p, oorr smanaa, V .T ""ennanis. Harriet n. Dnnlels, .John 1 Daniels, charlotte H. Danlols, Kdward Daniel end Agnra Uaululs : Yon are hereby summoned and required lo anawer the Anmnihln I., n.t. . ... . , . . mi j i . . ... 1 . . i-'i"! i:iiinii wuirn is Jlad In Iheoffli'. of tbe Dlerk of tJouiBim lea .... .no .. oi.iuiiy, nun iu lArrs a couy of your anjwsr tn tb. stld complaint on the eubsorll.fr eatlltt nfflrtB. In I ItUisiawkASH A i.t. twenty days arter Ih servlr hereof, eioluslve nf the n nr atih ........ . .i ir .. .. , . i ii yuu ihii ro auswer tin icosspUInt within the time afor- i it rt r ",t"rin ,uta rt," ""I apply to ...v . ...... .... .,ini,iillwm iBt!iecora Dated March tilth, 1ST (SealJ U'lfOS. W. BEATT, - Jos. T. Warns, Plaintiff's Attflrneyl ' ' To the Dcfendantt : . !wT.ln.0, .""''. '"'in H. Daniels, i liar ll".1?' 'i""11. Mwd anlel end Agnes Ilu.il.l. T.b. ...... ....... . . . 10b,i. me somiuuiia in this aether with the Anmni.ini n...ri. u,. . . mu'iiiii.ui wiiii'.ii in. iiw.mi n. i. . ti, ' ""rawiHie court or Common . iriM.. i.v.iinwcjrnnro, in th. State nf routtl Carolina, on th. mti day of M.rch, is:b. J'm.T. WAI.HH, kprn X --"- TS-ltawS r a ntin sAtlnrney. Executor's Notice TTAVINU QUALIFIED AS IXE0UTOK of the last will ai d testament of Darlrt K Futob, ootlce I hereby given to all persons hailni olalms against the decedent to eiUlblt thm lo me on or before tbe 16th day of Feb ruary, l87. All person. Indebted to said de otdeit are hereby requested to make linmetlV a. payment tune, ! C. A. HAMNRR. Executor of David K. Kutcli. Adam Enrris, Attorney, feu 13 38-1 UwOw Notices THKRR WILL BK A MEBTINO OF THE Mtoakholdrra (old and new. of the ' Wil. m ngton Uon-preM Comoaiiy nf, the Produce fcionarge today (l l'KMUA V) at II o'clock AM. A full attendance Is desired: ny order or the Directors. O. P.MKBAVB, Secretary and Treasurer, rrll t ; , st.lt runts, Seeds and Bulbs. T.aillow and eenl.lemen .r ...n..irnii ..i ," -" 7 i'u ..rtinn nnuee o -lath. K-tween Princes end Chestnnt street are n"W stocked with an elegant vaiUivol pla tsoiall kinds, whlrk I otter at yery low tirlniM. A Akll anil an. I i. . . . n ii i. . "...whibiivh 19 ICO pCCI- fully solicited, , .... OKOi r, LAM B, P"-W fioriit. 15 RODDICK 10 ceuU per yard. " Ai,.r. OK ....i - i J 1,000,000. II. McltAllY & ( ()., Co., end Dealers In N. 1 Perarlan Guano NoitTii WiTKn Htukkt, WILniNUTON, N. of Soluble Paciilo Uuauo. ..Old Hundred, H.U. .........Marlon, IS. O. 31-tmdAw WOTICE. i ; v a Marshal's Offlco, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. 0., I April 1st, 1875, ( THR ATTBNTION OK THR DiriZENH of the curnmuiilty la respectfully called to the fact that the sickly aeaann af'ptoacbe with the warm weather, which Is now near at hind, and that It become my duty to adopt the most sttlngent sanitary measures at this time In or. dur to preserve the health of th city. To pre. rent, aa far possible, the spread of all disease Incident to the warm season, which ' lierayed .Halt r, Illlh, Uarbagre, Traah and all Ref ue Matter temlta generate, I would mast earnestly ask th hearty co-operation of the cltltent gener ally In plaolng our elt.y la such a oleaoly con dition at to render It Impregnable to tho dir. ease which have birth In 01th and au unwhole seme atmosphere, aud to a luck of prompt at tention at tlio proper seascn. To this end the imtlre fore gf tho city will be employed In 0UCANHINO, DKAINl.Vu, DISINFECT- INO, KEMOY1NO -TltASIl, Ac , So.. .. ... , . for at laait the ntxt twenty daya. All person are earnestly requested to have the trash and refnso matter upon their pre mi les placed upon the etieot, where praotloable In bairel.of botes, which will b removed Im mediately, y' 1 DISINFECTANTS will be furnlshod free of oharge at my OfBoo to any person calling for same. THB EBAXTQ OFFIOEHfl TO BB DEMONATED Bt A YELLOW ROSETTE, may ba notified ol any alagnant water standing open any lot, dsmp cellars, or anything which would tend to Impair Ih health of Ih City. Any complain! Icdged at my Office will hay prompt attention. Hoping that proper sanitary mcuturca adopted now may secur lo o. a healthy eity during the summer, I earnestly solicit the aid and prompt co-operation of all good ell I ten to attain till great y to be de- slredend. - . ,., , .,,;.. Veiy respectfully, J. II. K0BINSOK,' aprll i-tf '"rrr'" City Martkat.' rriiG "Virginia BUFFALOSPIiltlGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER 1 Of THE SOUTH. ; OrEN 20ra MAY, 1875. Those waters are nosessed of extraordinary aural I ve powers InaftVcttousof the KlUNKYS and Ml, !! R, In all derangement of th BILIAKT OROANN luoiilcnt to warm tnli.. mHo rtgions In Dvaos lata, in Din. eases pecullarl tol Women n Chronic. Intermittent "'t Remit tent Fevers, m Chronic Gonorr hoea Saoondarv Kvnhilia Clneir andeiidiwi.iteaoi th 'Genital Orsana. adln some inrmsof Onutud Shauma. tlsm. Their remarkHhia power ai.n urtiotttiy in t.i disease Indii-nted sre yon hcl for by someoftha nift dit ngnlshed me-'lal mn of the countrv, both North and Si'iith, s. well ashy reported cneea from the m'-t onqneri tlonablt) rnr Tettlmonlal. In PamrMet form InrnMied on application. TUB WAI KB FORSAliK, Th wator Is Bnt ap In eae of one do.en hMf llon Hnltle Rt SS tier re Roil'O to the Springs for thelSouth: B - - oi mu tkiciuoiid ami Ai-auta At l.me Uullrnn.il in Mmiti .l.i.ro lli..t In Halirtx county, Vlrilnlv whrf all trains are mt by bum iwr in. npnngs it mires - - THOMAS F .. Ii aptll .2taw-4m .froprKlor t r

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