pi lw 'ft,' - r it MP h A 1.1 1LU NT VOL XXIV. HO. 83. WILinnGTOH. ff. C. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 7, 1875. WHOLE HO. 6.847. I" ;im ww. WrLMIXflTOV. N. C.i , TTTD'SESDAY. PRIL 7 1W5. t?Y -TELEGRAPH. MAllYLANI). lCMHtK PAUi lC t LAUS OF lilt: Diii'LTi'iivxci: ai ANN'U'OLIS. viHit.is Auril C No n The t.:itnnrfut UkRiaphed last ir.Kht iiut a .rU to Uie uuioriuuuto dit:tu baiuv Hi tuo eirotiou here yoaU'iday is m U-e niiu cuneet. A iiuiubf r oi tue iu..tt ..i,.lil ami influential citizen ntie-wlk.t the timi', uudai ague that tho uegroti were Tliuityittw-or-. It in postively aruvtt il Hint Wiliiams. who ovuimuucea iue "ring ... tw. ln.(.iknJ down by a ooiurna ,,, uLile dowu and being aa- B-i ulied drew hie pistol audtiruU two thou, bot:i UktuK enVot. Aiurw-aru .',. cjud assault ii inado by a m gro u4i.u i white tuau with u cuagti, hiuI aii itidiriinatato tiring took piaoti lie- tw. u tlie bl tcks ud whites nomu uf- ti a or twenty shots botug Ur tl. U t Kefcu took iff.ct: two wuitemeu u .1 .iiiit in trroert bt'iUii shot. Of the 1 u r Wm. Dorsey was iilltd, ,Juc. '11 '.. w nhot iuthn tnuuth aud buck, KJw .id Lee iu the buck, Joseph Mat tt aiu the chiu, lleuiy Cooper iu t,...Uw Diniel Biatihear-j m the bitan a . i U.ury Tilghuiau iu the head It w i., btatei this morning that Bull aud 0 "p-r will probably dav Tbe dihturbauce wua flaa'ly quieted hv iIih whites of botii pal ties efltCtil- hi y iuttrfenug to caune actss'itiuu nf'.rthe uegrooa hud retired, other wise tliy would have beuu followed In h exaoperated crowd aud wuro m"i ti.ua eoustquencua would have fol lowed. '..'' toNM:mcuT. THE STATE GONE DEMOCRATIC BY 4,000 MAJORITY. New Haven, Conn., April 6-ANoon ti ..A ... i. - 11 -'..ln..)r .l.in t,i,i., jug show Phelps' majority in the 2d V . t lot over 1,200, uikI Baruuni's roa j. a ii.y ia the 4th District about 1,000. TU' rttatu is undoubtedly Democratic by over 4,000 majority. The Sennt in largely Democratic, having already dieted 73 out of 121. There is a larne Republican gain of Rep te utatives. The Houae will probably be close. Stark wiather, nv the 3rd Dhirict, has been: elected by about 1,000 majority, aud Haw lev, iu tho 1st Dis'riot, has been defeated by a plu- Ar,!fi ViirlitOWVvU Sinia ndgHartford counties. The Iiitreraoir H..en and Hartford oounties. citv of New Haven aloue giving an in ciease of about 1,500 over his majori ty in the city last year. There was a largely decreased prohioition vo e. The total in the State being about 2,400 to 4,960 last year. The Demo crats majority in the Honse is about 1 20 The total vote is Itigersoll C3, 781 ; Green 44,256 ; Smith 2,(574. llie 1) . mocraU carry the First and Second D riots by 1,500, and the Fourth by 2 233. The Republicans carry the Tlrrdby 791. The Seuate is Demo c li i by 15 to 6. The House is largely D uiocratio. EUHOPK. 'THE- POPE TO TAKE UP HIS ilCSIDENOE IN THE UNITED STATES. Lo.sdon, April 6-Noou A reply of Rjv. Dr. Newman to Gladstone's last pip-r, entitled "Vaticanism," is pub hs!id to-day. Newman quotes from vui'-us authorities in order to prove tut the Pope is not infallible in the Bubj ct manner in which thecon-ience in li, Himreme authority. Therefore, he snys, a deadtocK Deiween ooumeuee aud the Pope is impossible. Cardinal Manning has arrived. The Catholic gentry of England will pres ent him with an address aud tive thou sand guineas. " Pahib, April 6 -Noon A Rome cor irspondeut of the Journal ckn .Dibalu that natter that the Pop will t .ke up his residence m the tinted States if it should become impossible for him to remain in Rome, aud says that it was with a view to such a posm ble tmirgenoy that Arohbihop Mo- clot'key was elevated to the Cardiualate. OHIO. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Columbus, April 6 Noon Heitman, D moor.ith has been elected Mayor by 800 majority, defeating Grove, the w irkingmen's end independent candi date. The Democrats will probably elect all their ticket. CiJivELAKD, April 6 -Noon lue Democrats claim the mnuieipal elec tion by a considerable majority. Cincinnati, April G Noun The D-mocrats carried the day in tins S'lte' yesterday, electing their full tickets iu Zauesville, Troy; Lima, Buoyrus, Creselme, Dayton. Woester, and all except Mayor iu Chil ico he. ftm.riMnns. Anril 6 Niutit lie Democrats elect their Mnyor by C18 m iiorilv1. TnrV.K.. Aoril 6-Nisht-The He- rtn'ilioans buve carried the city, ex- Cinciannati, April 6 Night-John-sou's majority is 5,358. ELECT IU C1S31S. The steamer Thorns IIuIhp, which wan sunk by a' large cuke -of ice at Terth Amboy, vas loaded with pnssen: Rera and the wiWest coniuwon prevn j i A ZIZ,A h ,t All hands on board escaped, but freight Was lost. . - -, - n Albany dispatch says Iogerio', ?he An Albany dispatch says of "riti" ii"toriet.v, bra b:o'i pardou id to t tify rgiinst P. B. Sweeney. A Jii.wreuee, Murs , dispateh r-Hirt an ioe gorge two mi'e ajove the city; two sttauiboht-t are it a critical situa tion and will probably bo-earried over tlii1 f.tlla wh. n t!ie gorge br ak. Affairs in minitg dmtnets of Teuu KTivatiia.re unel.auiied. A portion of the Hudson River Rail road bitween Castleton and Gret-u bu-h hat beeu washed away inl there will ht no traius over this pitrt f th r itd f-d:ir. DECISION BY THE COURT OF CLAIMS OF THE CASE OF SOPHIA B. MOOKE, VS. UNITED ST AXES, FROM NORTH CAROLINA. DECISIONS BY THE COURT. KlTiTEME Washinotok, April 0 Night TLe Court ul CiannN ha decided the cane of Sophia IJ. Moore, a minor, against the united Stat jit, the Treasury Agent having based or rented the lamLs and Iioiicm of h' iute father in North C iroli utt us abandoned property dur ing tho civil war. 'The Court tay the iiL'blof action Kiven by thu not of M-iri!h 12th,' 18tl, applies to rents col lected aud paid into tlu public taUMuy under the provisions of the tot of July, 18h2, by Treasury Agents appointed by virtue of tho hrst section oi the former act, and tho claimaut i therefore eutitled to recover for rent-', but the right of a 'tiou given bv thu act of March 12th, 180:), dors not at- y U) tbo prooeeuj of property whleh .r.is captured on laud by the military and naval forces of the United S.'atts r moved into a loyal State by said forces, and libelled in a District Court. Iiefore the i assnge of the act of July 17th, 1802, aud which wan sold and tje proceeds thereof paid into the jjtibhe treasury before the pansage of tue sot. Appointments : J. Madison W-lls, Surveyor of Dufctouis at New Orleans; 0. VV. Ringgold, Appraiser of Mer chandise at New Orlenus; Jno. G. Par ker, Postmaster at New Orlerns; Jas. W. Ward, Postmaster i for Congress; Christi King Coult-y, Post mater at At anta, thi vice Uovernor bard. The First National Bank pnyn t.n per cent, to oreditors on the 14th inst. Xhe only daugerous five dollar counterfeits are-ucTracUrH' first aud the Merchants' Jfluird National Banks, all of Chicago. ' It is exceedingly well done. No more notes Of this denomi nation will be issued to these banks. The Supreme Court will hear the fa- movsjtilgor cotton case tuis weeK. FIotiHe et al vs. Muller tt al, from the Middle District of Alabama, is re versed. Original State of Texas vs. Chiles. dided that Chiles may, an act of Congress, be oompe - ed to testify by the State in its behalf. An order has been made directing his deposition to be taken. General Sickles, it is decided, re tains his place on the retired list. (JOTIIAM. ARRIVAL OF THE BEARERS OF THE CARDINAL'S CAP. NbW Yoke, April 5 Noon A col lision of freight trains near Bergen Summit killed a brakesman and smash ed the locamotiveB. - By a lire in the Frankfort Honse, coiner of Frankfort and William streets, one was suffocated to death and two to insensibility, Manager Roncetto aud Colonel Mar fotfcbe, bearers o; the Cardinal's cup for Archbishop McOlosky, arrived here to-day by steamer Penei re. Tho party was received at quarantine by Cardi nal McCioskey aud a large number of Catholics of this city, aud they were escorted to the house of the Cardinal. MICHIGAN. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Adrian, April 0. Night The Dem ocrats have elected the Mayor. Other officers equally divided. Cold water, April 0. aignt rue Democrats have elected the Mayor and the lli-publicans the rest of the ticket. The Kepublicun majority iu Detroit, Mich., is estimated at 15,000, there be ing a light vote cant. Iu this county lliley, Democrat, wa elected Circuit Judge. v Mntiy wtu are .nlTerlDg from the effect, or thiwarm wenther mill aie debilitated, are ad v ined by ph. hI.-I.iub to Uke modurata amount, oi tebliiky lwi)or three liln; during the Jay In a little while tli. nJ who ai opt UiU advioa frequcatly Increase the number of " drinks," and In tima become cuiiHrmed Inubrittte. A hoverage which -r ill not create llilnstfor intox icating llqiurs, ami which i. Intended aspect ally lur the benrlU of d.-lil.llnted pernor... wliether nt home or .broad, In Dr. Uhenokv MA Weed To. l. Containing the Juioca ol m.y rutiHcinal herb., tlila preparation doo not oreato nn appetite tor tbo iutoxlcatlug cuu. The i oinlrhtiig and the life-mipportliig propel tit. of many valualile natutal producitunactin Uinrd in It and well kni wn to medical mn tiuea a met :ring liAriiug lullu 11. e. A 'ingle b'.ttlt1 ol ihe Tonic will demoilr.ite t. .lua lilj ci milllc. Ifor debilitv aiinlng lio ick-ii..-, over excrilon or from any vauw w.nt-e-'ir a wiueKlHSiinl nf- et tVeeilTunlc taken Ht r mcia win nr. nhtlitu tue uoinacb trnl r.reb. nn iinellle lor wliol . mnlooi to ell who are iuut leatltin tin if htmit-B, wo (letlie to K-ii thai the exuolleiit ettuitnof Ur. 8che ck'. ..ewiriahlii r.inedl'8, bea lulled ionic, and Mandrake Pill-, ate jmrilcii'ariy i vhleuiwlieti taken bv tt life who lie tnjuilniidy etiei t it by .imrina of water and ami. WO pera m .Miiiid leave h roe wittumt lakg a iply of thee .ati'guaril.al'Tg. "r Mle uj an i.riigg..t. nieclianiral TluhorlnR t'minot, arrest the decomtiosUion ot the teeth. Kottitng will do tulsuut that pure dl: luieclant and presernitire which, under the name of 80ZUD'NT, ban beeome atapUnf tlie toilet throUKhout tlie world, . More th n Vl ycirs have elapsed, since John- H TlnirwhTcl T ln e l.uiidre.lsol ti.ou. .lid-have 'JVittoYby Vw ubo. l'.oi.ai,iy noarti- ole ever became so jniraliy popular w ith . """ Arw,J"'. L,uiment i .'in . AliiiUvnd jinini" SPECIAL. Bwahi of Ib;iUom. 8f oaly th. rn n n told.vlwlf eol'tr., Klcsw od tad wick Tk.j tn It. biMula. Wr- Flil. blrh wu'a antlaoaj, aa''a and cnl mil. b aid ht anidvd, u am grtt.iag i-ain. wouiu p.ioair amy raniil. I B. momi arrat.aun beat ill1. aia rktwu' rarfaitrr r U-DMIUU4 iLH Tba Unm Trlkaaal. P ubllc oi.tfloD Ui th. great tribunal by which tba ta a.of alt dvooT.rla. la juJtfI. iu r v'tMbo vrrtttci long ago .tamped Hoatt Uar tti.Qiach Hitler, a. tho loatiing liiflgi rant an itlft-ratl.ao. tb. C,aiidlb.etrulhrutna o' th .1 loo w eiuiantly rewt.tug fraaJ autiobur- tlun iu Ui. .bailor rt.olta.th Boat complete atitl ratiatacwrj, aeoumpllatiatl la aur varj ni.lf Trlbatf. to in f Hloacy a. a r.mly fur mdlKtlon, oun.llput on, nertou. a mplaluU, A epIaunKKi, gtn.ial dibllltf, rh.imatlau and kl'tnet dlnurdrri pour iu from trj quai ler; rhylolan emphatically a ai nrod It a. a rcuiu.1) lur most Inaigaalo maladtaa, aid th l t-iiu'lofotiidlotuBj of tba p c;kT. XiuM lh...pupulHlt -fr-W"Tlgiitng fiintc- nuiulart of Aiucrica n con.taotly wldonlng ilinp.t. th. InvcctlTr. in mlnatad against .plr iiuou pr.patatieii. by Uia vendor, ef mock tcnipiTiinca blltvi., ablch lha public m. i.ux ainca dUcef.rrd Iu .'ermaat4 rahblh, itii't t ha eL. f which are rapidly ea th. wane NEW ADVETI8EMENT3. 'I'hcs T'irffiwln, BUFFALO SPRINGS. Mecklenburg County. Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF THE SOUTH. ' Of'EN 20th MAT, 1875. TlioMi water, are nnaaenwd of .utranrdlnary uraMye ynmtt In n'-flttnn. of the KIDN KH n.l Mi,t HIM K. In all de imienniiti of th BILIAHY UKUAN- InoMclit to Wnrm nla. nunc region, in Dvsds ! in Dis eases peoullari tol Women Chronic. Intermittent a Hemlt tent Fevers. " Chronic Qonorr hcea Secondary Syphilis Gleet mi ail UmeitHi. ul tho CehltSl OTKSns d in anm. form, of Gout ai d Rheuma tism. Tmlr remarkaln pow.iaua ernvau. in te itliteaH.lnd'1'at.d are toii bed fi r by xiine of til m at dlrtingnlt-hed mwll- al men or the cointrr, both North and Mouth, a. wall as by rforted caww from tba mrt auquea- lonaDin unuriwa. ienumnniaia In pamphiei nrm f urnlnlird on anulloatlon. THKWATKK KOU8AI.K. The water l pat nn in oases ef onedoien ll'Hon riottir. at M per cane. Route to the Springs for thelSoutht, b - ui but) mui'iuuiiu auu aiiauta ii uiuv itailroad to Honttaburc Dep.t In Hatiraa county, Virginia, where all train, are met by niaruci lur mi opriege la waiiep aiian THOMAS t. OOODK, lrll 4-3taw-4m , rroprtetor. Mnchanio'B Building and Loan ABSooiation. THE 6it a HfUULAB MON THt.TMEET ingwill be bold at the Hibernian ball, Ui. erenmg, at o'cioca. O. 8. KUA8, Secretary and Yreaaurer. aprllt M-U Blue Flannel Suits ADE TO 0KDKR-tat J. McOOKMI"!K'8. English Diagonal IE HUB 0001)8, MaUK TO OBbrt Doltl, tl-et JAMB Mot OKMICK'S. aprllT -3t Wedr-rlAann Feather Dusters, A MILES, HABNB38, TRUNKS, TBAV 1IH2 Baga. Coliara, Bame., Brldlet, Back- amis, WlilH, fcpura, Axla 6r.aM, Ao. Trunk, llepalred and revered. CARPENTER a MALLARD. Bucceeaor. to J. 8. TOPHAM 00., No. K South Front Stieet, Wilmington, N. !. prill M-tf 50 BAKKBL8ANU BUXKS Oranges and Lemons. Tor Ml. low by GEO. MTIR1. JOB LOT OF 'Choice JtJutter." , riFTTIPACKAOES. This is the opportunity W get gocd Butter at vei y low price at ' WmU f" EXTRA LARGE New Mesa Mackerel, Oecrge'. Bank Codfish and Fresh Salmon. This weeks froth .applies coming In to day. At QBO. MYERS'. 11 dt It Sooth FrontRt. april T FATHERS! JJHISO THE BUTd AND FIT T EM " Suits of Clothes, Vary Nice and Cheap. COMB VOUKSEI.VKS and purehue ymr own outfit.. MUNSON & CO., CITV CLOrHlERS. april I M Plants, Seeds and Bulbs. Ladle and gentlemen ire resjieclfn'ly notl. finl that my (ittdi-ti and )r n Houra on - IHh. ti-twen frlweea and ba.ti.at .treat are now stocked wlih an eleg.nt vailciyof n'a U ol all kinds, whi h I ot1r at very low , , 1 prices ' A can ana au vaaniiu.uuu w re.peot iully solicited. . QUlir.binn, . april 6-lw FloriH, MISCELLANEOUS OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday Evening. April 7th. rtrat southern tour, and tnt and ouly ap prarance la WUBihigton of tba rhxjnent and moat ptt'ular.peier In Amartc, iuiuu mum uxunmuuii, wbo will deliver hr thrilling and popnlar ketch , "JOAN OP ARC,'' Creating a Profound Sensa tion Everywhere. T Seat, ran I atcured at Heln.b.rger'a. Adm'wlon, TS Cents, april a Reaerr.d Beat., SI. 7S-M l.i! AM) OPENING gPRING AND SUMMER UlLLINERr. For thelLadies. I have return' d fiom tt e North with a larae and handwme .took of Hllltiiery Oonla-.UKb a. French t alter n Honmu Hit j, Klower., nimiun., m a.ann straw Ooo.Hl Hating bnugl.t niv Oood. tor ruh, I ran v my txtron. ti ei'ltl Iniluiiementa. both In y in anil qiiaiitT, at e.tremely low pnoe. for arb only. Mrs. A. D- BROWN. Millinery Emporium, RlCIUMHCCoKS.R. Sl-'iW tprll 4 .OPENED YESTERDAY ! Spring Clothing for Men, Youth. aud Boy.. atterns for Clothing. Llia.T aTVLB VOB ALa. in the I Ahandaoma Una of HOTKLT1EB wejrsOARrtl,TlK8,&e. MUNSON & CO.. OITT OliOTBIEBH. April 4 $1U WIIX BVY A HANDSOMIt BUSINESS SUIT. Unite auad to Order from f 43 up. A- DAVJD aprll 1 81 Memoirs of Service Afloat DURING THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES. BT ADMIRAL BAPDAKL 8EMME8. "The Autocrat of The Breakfast Table (every man Lis own Boswell). "The Law and tho Lady." By Wil kie Collins. "A Fast Life" on the Modern High way. By Taylor. "Haltla" after the German, by Wis tor. "The Frozen Deep." By Wilkie Collins. For Ml by CONOLEY A YATES, 47 Market Street, march 18 T6 Extracts for the Toilet. QDKRLAIVS EXTRACTS, Lnbin'. Extract. Phaion' Night H looming Oereus. Hlr Rrnshes, t ombs, Oilwl Bilk, Ao., o. For aale by OSEBM FLANKER 11 arch SI Executor's Notice. TTAVING QUALIFIED BEFORE THE Juitge of Probata of N.w Hanover county al Executor of Patrick Murphy, deceased, 1 hereby give notice to all person, indebted to said decedent, to make Immediate payment to me, aid to all persons having claim, against aid decedent to exhibit tbe same to rue on or before th. lib day of March, A. I)., 1876. P. In MURPHT, Kxecutir march T 67-ltww. Constantly Heceiving F RUSH HUP PLIK8 OF IIRUW, WEUt elnes. he mils, Fancy and Toilet Ar t.ipnA. Perfiimerv and Hohii.. Prpkcrlption. compounded at a 1 boar., day or night, at JAME1 O. Ml'ND!" Drug Htore, ThlrdStreet, op o.lte City Hall april l M-tf Feathers." LABOK LOT OF MVE.0EKSE FEATn e r.on band and for aale low by D. A. SMITH CO. Sash,Blinds andDoors. LABOE STOCK JUST RECEIVED and lor Ml at rtduced pclee. by . - , D. A, SMITn A CO. 7-W april 1 MI CELLANEOU V OPERA HOUSE ," T WO ISTIOHTS ONLY, TIII'HIDtV AD tlllDAV, April Ntb and h. TKtUMrUaNT TOt'R. aftar a arlr.i.r brilliant aiigaa-enent In Mew York, t'bleatfii. New Urleaii., Kavantiali and tjharlenton, of me i rigu.ai ami limy M He Marie DeLacour's Famous Parisian Can-Can Dancers. In eonluuctlon with (hi. Dmutit rrgmlaa' tlou will bu loiiod a 1 rouao of 3D Spetlall Artletea, ' who have never been aioellrd on the AMKHT- A N N I A I K. runiKia in ruin. pear, ran b ar cnraii at lie u.b'i g 'a Hook Mora, ouora npea an n'clonk f. H. rerfotmanrr in eniiimeiice at s P M ( nrrlaaoa ran beordxred at lOi.lft H4KKV PtII.I,tP. M . B. MCAVr-TT, Rii.Iiiim Agent. Uvn'l "li t prlt 4 HI Bt Note and Draft Hooks, Kxin.'lr rn.de toonltr rrom lha :l.it it.. tgn. in l.rge ratli ty. ror .tie at liriNSHRHUKIt'S. Frames ! Frames! ilu.t received a Ian. aiwirtnienlof rraaie. nia l .I.e. and tyle. Suntetbltig new. tall and ra at HEINSBERCER'S Mra Book and Mu.lo HUir.. ti'll t T9 Bottled Lag'er Beer, JOOHKSTKR, MILWAU K RR, ANimVOM, Fcr .ale at U H. W. RUNtlK'S. -N . K. Corner of Market aud Beixuid tit. pr'l 81 Best in the City- Tbone Lftdien WLito Cottoa none tllHt ' am Bel''D8 'or 10 CeuU per pair, WM. FYFE. Collarettes ! GvllaActteo I Something new and stylish, just re ceived and selling for 5 cents each. At aprtl I WM. FYFE'H. 74 aWTIC Marshal's Office, CITY OF WDLMINGTON, N. 0., April 1st, 1875, THE ATTENTION F THE OITIZENH of the community I. reapectlully called to the ract that th. elckly sea-on appioaubaa with ihe warm weather, which ianow near at hand, and 'bit it neconifS my duty to adoj.t the moat stiingent sanitary measure, at tht - time In or- d -r to prrterye the health ot the city. To pre vent, a. far possible, the aprotd ff all dlasaae. Incident to the war m Maaon, which Decayed in alt r I'Mlb, Uarbage, 1'raaJt and all Keluae ITIattrr tend to generate, I would moat earnestly ak the hearty co-operation of the citizen, gener ally In placing our city in auch a cleanly con dition a. to render It Impregnable to those ills ea. which have birth in filth and anunahole- neme atmoaphere, and to a lack of prompt at tention at the proper season . To thla end th entire force of tbe olty will be emi 1 J1 In CLEANSING, DRAINING, DISINFECT. INO, UKMOVINO TBA8H, 4o , o.. ror at lestt tb next twenty day.. All person, ar. earnestly requested tJ have ihe trash and refuse matter upon their premi se, placed upon fie streets, where practicable In bairelsor box., which will b. rt moved Im mediately. DISINFECTANT B will be furnished rree of oharge At my Office to any person calling for aam.. ; THE HEALTH OFFICTtRB TO BE DESIOSATED BY A VELLOW ROSETTE, may be notified ol any stagnant water .landing upon any lot, dun p cellar., or anything which would tend to impair lh health of the City. Any complaint kdgsd at my Office will have prompt attention. Hoping that proper sanitary measures adopted now may secure to us a healthy e.ty durlnn the summer, I earnest y solicit the aU and prt mpt co operation or all got d clti.idi. to attain tht. greet. y to be de sired .td. Veiy resiectfutly, :, J II KOBP80N, april a tf ''.,'''' Mai.hl. NORTH CAROLINA OASSIMERES. THE TKUE WAV TO OBTAIN HOU f COMMFK0IAL Independmce I. to Patronize Southern Industry. A Ht d so rue Lot of Salem Cassimeres Just Received. Gentlemen are Invited to eall and examine theae MERITORIOUS COODS. In Color and Fabrlo they are I'nrlvaled among Ameriean liooila. and would be credit able to the h'glie t European manul'acterlng kl"" BOSKOWITZ A LIEBER. marsh 19th. NEW AD 45 BROWN & MlKiSTIliT, We still continue to sell at our former low priors notwithstanding the ad-Vriw- thfl market"' Ud " "ub"Unlittl proof submit the following list of OoaU' Spool Cotton fl oenta a sjmioI or 70 cents per dogen. I'nbl aohfld Cotton from 6 cents per yard. JM-inch Fruit of the Loom II Cent, per yard. Ho " " " " Loom. .. ' .. u" in.rn.miii New Spring Caliwwa, best quality, jjanira runs for tn Neck 0 ami 10 cents, worth 25 cents, a bargain It would be great mvlng to those vititing the cilg for the purpose of da ing their shopping in the Dry Goods lino to give ns a eall ptrviaua ta making their purchases. We tako tins method of ad vertiniiig prices tor vou to com ixtre tlicpi with not onlr Wilnfineton and vininitv hnt with ii,.h i . Jl!'& ',rJ'! 00"n!rI. We have no time ? ret-iw, or lotig you up in tne Hotels, Our object is purely business, and we SEVERAL Sitoh as 100 doEn Kid Gloves for 50 cents per pair, worth 1 50. Ladies hemmed Pure Linen ilamlkcrohiefa 15 cents, worth 25 oei u psira uianaeia jf., worm i Oil. WE HAVE GOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE-TERM! CASH-NO SAMPIES CUT. JR0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUAM CO.: OVl'lXVL, 1,000,000. 7 PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE UUNDRT or sale, either for CASH or on CHOP T "rZ ? . 1 1 KI'" with Merchants and other reliublo parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho a iuu"i W. Oiisnii cmoilsslon Merebant.. Agents fur Paujflflt ;.-. . Sub-Agents for the Sale H. liinsnin. t. utt ah An.... Jau II At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or 100.00, payable 1st of November, next; NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $3.1.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 , payable 1st ol November noxt, VB O0ARANTBK that th previou. HlghOra o of our Fertlll.or. shall be rally Uaimt.ikiu it, It. nRIIXlRKts, President I). M 'K A K, Treasurer, 0. h. (JUAfKLlN, Superintendent. JanS. WOW M. M. K ATZ'S, All the latest Novelties and thelbest qualities at the very lowest prices. More particulars in a few days. 31. M. XZAjrX, april My The Copartnership HKKrTOFOHE EXI8TISU BKTWKBN the nn1olgnl. under the Arm name of Hpruut Si llii'son, la thla day dissolved by mu t'lHleona n'. Ala. KP'iint and Jamt.Hpiunt are alone authorised to s.ttl. the eoparluer shl: am) to sign the name or th. firm In Itqul ilat on. AliF.X SPRrST, JOHN W. HINMON, .UMK8SPKUNT. lav a them-elves a. eopt.rtuer under the Brm hnd sUI. ot Al" Siiruii' S' n They will eon tlnue the hn.lnesor th. oM II m at the earn. plane; and they pled Re to tue irienus ami pat ron. f prnut Hlnon aud to all ether, en trii't ng bmlncas to them the most diligent and faithful .tti'titlon to their Intrrtat. ;A,..UW,lfc AI.KX 8PRnNT, JAMK8BPBINT. Having been asaoelated In buslnes. with Messrs the p.st r Alex Sprain and Jamea Snrunttor st eight ye-re, ai d Intending to leave the I to entoi into buslnef. elsewhere, I retire from that connection with tbe very highest ap nreotatlon or Uiem noin anwia tlemen of tliorougli capacity andlutegrlly;and raoirteorilially ricommend Ihe new Brm of Alex. Hprnnt & Hon tol lie patronsgnand oon fldenoe of lb public, and esieolaily of all my friends: and tske pleasure In awutlng thero that th." btrslnee could nit be Wilrusted to better or safer hands. APrtll.t,l.7 J0BNW;1N8ON. , aprlLJ -lw VEETISEMEli TS. 45 RODDICK . iai u n 10 wnU xr yard. . . , or inclination button hole you on the or by laying any claim of friendship,.. propose doing that iu a legitimate way. JOB LOT oeuts. I. MelUItY & ( 0., Co., anil Dr.l.T.ln No. 1 Peruvian Oiiano North Watkb Htrret, fWll.iniKMTON, N. of Soluble Pacific (Jnano. Old Hundred, N. 0. ........ Marlim. a. 0. 7I-:imdAw WE OFFER ODE STANDARD FEETILIZEBS For the Season of 1875, delit.red on the Cara, at Out Factory, at the tonow.U(, IMS I J UCIi:i XJtlOJKH : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINGTON, N. C. .-eod-d&wlm. PEMDWG AT 36 Market St. 36 Market Street Garflcn Tools! Garden Tools! lust received one of the best .snorted stock, of Oxrilen Tool ever brouglil to the olt, con Si. Ing of Hoe., Kahea.Npades, tioesand Rakes eonibinrd. Hoea for drawing lrllls, Ladiea lines. Hod e Xhears, dt i., o. All fee .Me at very low pi lee. at the hew Hardware llox-e ot april 4 GILES MURCHI80N. Liverpool Salt. ) fff 9aek. Mrerpoel Salt, now t))UUU landing and (orsuleby KKItCMNKR A OALDEK HROH. april 4 81 il I hive Just received tbe lateit styles of Boot and Shoe", comprising lion is' Fin Hand hewed Roots, Do ' " " Uox-Tos Prlno (AVlbertH, I)o " " " R ix Toe Strap Tie, fw Maohme Siwed Uoxleo Prlno. AlbtrhJ. , l adles, Mlsae. Children', and Infanta Red and Pehbln Hutton and laee llmta. Also, Ml-ae. an I Children', tolore i xhoea I havesecurl the agency for A McKlrath t omblnatlon Blacking llrufh Si niellilngn.w, mat and nobby. . ' 3 CHaRLfS A. PRICE, No. 91 Marktt 8tret, .prill S'gnofth.OjIc.nBoaJ SPRIMlySSTlLi f i 1 1 I, i, , t i'. ; 4 , 4

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