(I if lirf J) 3TCi yCy 1 .V i 111 II i ii iti i ; f VOL XXIV. NO. 84. WILHHTGTOH, . N. C. THURSDAY. APRIL 8. 1875. - WHOLE HO. 6,848. he thiln "brnnl, WILMINGTON, N. C. : fttURSDlY APRIL 8 18T5 BY TELEGRAPH. 11EAIMUAIITK!(S. T.IK COURT OF CLAIMS CIDES W1IA T -PAKDON' AND AMNESTY" MEANS. 1I Washington, April 8-Niplit Ihe CjuiI of (Jlaiuis h iii just diciilfd that. full pardou aud a uiuttty to tboG cou- ceruad in the lute war. While t blots oui or ItHowa ititbiivioiiiill peraoual oflVnci s, it dues not reHtore tbn pro- cei'ili placed in the .Treasury from con fiaoated property sold. The word par dou must, the Court say, be construed according to its meaning, aa fuuud 10 the English statute law, at the time of the formation of the Constitution, Ti)Kiughad uo power to restore en t-a except thOH iu -which lie. might be personally interested, besidea the Erooeetla of the oonUHouted property eiug received iu the Treasury it con d not te drawn therefrom except by irtuaofalaw passed in conformity wiiu theJCoubtitutiou. A dispatch reached Pensaoola when t e ditappointed Mexican excursion -iUdubatked for Lome via Jaokbou vi lie. PENNSYLVANIA. TUO0T3 EN-ROUTE FOIt HAZEL TON. ' .'t-; Philadelphia, April 7 Night The Fir-t regimeut of the Natioual Guards h is been ordered to Hazelton. Oen. O-bjrue at Ilnzeltou asks for these troops immediately. The First regiment, numbering 350 men, witb twenty rounds of ammuni tion and three days cooked rations, Las left , on a special train and will reach Uazulton at 9 o'clock to-night. The cause of the movement has not trauspired. 8i;banton, Pa., April 7 Night The meetiug to morrow will decide wheth er the miners of the Wyoming Lucka w ,m region will strike. The compa met refuse the 10 per cent advance deram led. The men are anxious to coutinae work. Hazeltov, April 7 Night. Two regiments of infantry and one artillery company are expected to-night. GOTHAM. DISCREPANCY IN THE BOOKS OF THE PACIFIC M. 8. CO. THE DANA LIBEL CASE. Nw York, April 7 Night The 1 0ks of the Pacific Mail Steamship Ou, when Dillon assumed administra tion of its affatra.ahowed over $250,000 oba'g d the, China agency. The China agenoy replies by telegraph that they hive advanced $100,000, making the d (Terence nearly $100,000. The China agents have been ordirad to New York. It is hoped that there is some mwtake. The Dana libel case is up, but ad journed till to-morrow. ELECTION RETURNS. Hartford, April 7 Night-Ingor-s ill's plurality is 9,482 majority 6.083; Starkweather's majority 372 The Republican! have gained two B ate Senators - t Schenectedy the Democratic M iyor was eleoted by 400 tnajoi ity. At Leavenworth, Kansas, the Re publican ticket was elected with one or two exceptions. At Topeka, Kansas, the Republicans were suooessfnl. At Irhica.N. Y., the Democrats gain three Supervisors. At Omaha the Republicans elected fie Mayor and the Democrats elected the Police Judge. EUROPE. LAUNCH OF A NEW BRITISH 5 MAN OF WAR. TROUBLE BREWING BETWEEN I PRUSSIA AND BELGIUM. STATE GRANTS TO THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH TO BE WITHDRAWN. ANOTHER PRINCESS PUT IN AN APPEARANCE. MEETING OF THE EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA AND KINO OF ITALY. ' - London, April 7 Noon The new British man of war, Alexandria, was launched to-day. The Prince and Princess of Wales, the Dnke and Duchess of Teek, and others of high tank, were present. A special., from Paris regarding Prussia's not.', says : Prussia demands new Legislation ou the part of Bel gium. Belgium ' refutes Prussia's o aims. Her note asserts that she is independent and neutral, and tlwt she lias done nothing that could a tcr her relations with friendly nations which guarantees her independence. The Times' Paris correspondent fates that Prussia has sent notes to other powers on the subject of corres pondence with Belgium, and duolured ie would await the resnlt of the Duchesul investigation. He voitobos , for the trustworthiness of bis inform ation, but ' it is probably incomplete), nthe triviality of the German com- plaints don't justify subsequent signi ficant expressions. The gravest fea ture of Prussia's note is that her oora- ' plaints tre directed against the Bel gians whose attitudes is thrreiu coii h. 1 led hostile towsrds Germany. InDos, April 7 Night The bud g t about to be presented will give tlie tol lowing satisfactory exhibit for the year ending March 31st, 1H75 : Reve nue from all sources, i.75,000,001); e Ois over ewtimati) 1,500,000; the re duction expennes aud inoi eased reve nue givis the government l,12"),0iK) surplus. Berlin. April 7 Night The bill withdrawing the Stute i( traits from the Roman Catholic clergy passed its Hiird reading. PKTTKi-m'Ro. April 7 Night Cz iriu:i, Priuot bs Imperial, lias giv. u birth to a daughter. Vksiok. April 7 Night The f.s tivities attending the meetiug of the Ktnperor and the King still continues Twelve thousand troops were reviewed ;it.d wituessed by thuly thuusaud peo i!e. A t ti e g raiid d i u ner 1 1 ie Kin g roast .A he tmperor hs Iuh on tlieraud frieud. Iu responding te Emperor said, 'T drink to the hoitlth of my dear brother and frieud, the King of Italy, i: ml to the well-being and prosperity of Italy. ELECTIIIl'ISJl. AtStrLtfliterMo., yesterday even ing, the steamer Purugon, while lying ut the Jvountz ijiue wharf, loading for Aew Orleans, took tire in the hold. She was towed across the river where she Imrued to the water's edge and sunk in 8 feet water. She was owned by Jas. Rue, ot Pittsburg, Capt. John Dumb, her commander, sua Thotnas Darrab, the clerk. She cost 1 0,001) two years ago, and waa insur- t lor ?J0,000 in a Pittsburg enm- puiy. bhe bad about a l,,r(HI Ion cargo ou board, valued at about ;! 000. Tuo Board of Directors of the I'uuauia Railroad have elected T. W. I'arke President, and J. iVlcCullough, Vice-President. Officer Shelby hag arrived at New York from Sherman,' Texas, with counterfeiter Isaao Baxter, aud robber Ueorge VanVelson SPECIAL. Bhwaes of lniutloua. Iluv onlv ttie teif uiiis folded edj collari, Elmw.o1 and War- Ick. liiajf are Hie but ma le. Mechanlrai Tlnkvrinir Cannot arrest the dvconiDUBition of the teetu. Kolhlim will do thUlmt that Dure dl lufectant and preaarTatWe whluh, uuder tba name ofSOZUDONT, habeoome aitaulaof the toilet tlirounbout tlx' world. More than So Torn hiivfltlapwd. since John- win . A m il j ne Utiim.nt a Brut InTnutrd, ilnriug hl.'h lime huudreda ot fioua uidit bare o-en iienrmteu dj tut line, rronaoij no arri cle ever became ao .luWeraaliT popular itk all claitDca u Juhnon' Ai odjrne l-lnlment. Pllli which eoi tain antlmonv. quinine ara caliimel, fhnald be avoided, an aevere griping I'Hiin would te tho.r ouIt renult. The wit.K. nurcSf, Kim bout. I'll 'B am Paraona' fursatW or Antl Bilium I'llli The (.real Tribunal. Public opinion la tlie great tribunal by which tUe va.ueof all diaoOTeriaa la Judged. IU fa vurablo vtrd let long ago f lamped Hottetter stomauh hitter aa Ike leading Inrigurant arid alteratlteoi tbeaje,aadthetruthfulneraol th dttcblon Ir c WHlMiitly reuelflng ireaJ corrobor ation In tha nijiij eot r.nuitn.tlio moat complete and tatlntuctorf, Hccuuipllsbed In our ft'J nidat. Trlbutea to Iti eftlcacy an a remtdy for ndlgoxtion, conalljiafon, nervou einiplabita, Mlduplencw, gcuerul debility, riieumattsnl and kidney dfsoriiers pour In Irom every quar er ; bytlclana emphatically commend It aa a remedy for moKt Inorganic maladies, acd the prea Inilortea tne dictum of the pio'ew-lon, 'Hum the populaiity of the reigning tonic-i-tiiniilsiit of America la conHtuntly widening despite the iuveotivea In mlnate.l against aplr ,ltuou preparation! by the vtndora of moct temperance liltteia, ihicb the pub lie torn lime since ditrovrred to be lermenttd rubbUh, and the Bales of which are rapidly on the wane. Many who are suffering from the effects oj Hi i warm wci.ther and are debilitated, are ad vised by physicians to take moderate amounts ot whisky twu or three times during tbeday In a little while tbesa ho adopt this advice frequently Increase the number of "drinks," and in time become confirmed inebriates A horerage which will not create tbirstfor Intoj leting liquors, and which 1 Intended esjieel ally for the bundle of debilitated persona, whether at borne .or ibrutd, ie Ir. 8-henck' Sea Weed Toilc. Contaiiiing ibe Juices ot many medicinal herbs, thW preparation dues not create an appatlte for the inUialcallng cup The i.ourlshliig and tlielll'c-supportingpropti-tits of many valuable natural prod cli:ins con tained Iu It and well known to medical mn nav.i amu-t strong hciiiug tmla .nco. A 'lug e b.ntieol ibe I onic will demonstrate ilsvjlua l.lu qi,alttics Fur debility n.imig Iro' sirk nta , over vxeriion c from any osue wtiat erer a wineglHiMl'ul iif- Se Weed Tonic, taken a t r meals will tinngthen tno stomach and creath an appetite tor hol- me tool. To all who are aliout ieainn tli'-ir homes, we desiteto say that the ex ;elli iUilet taif I'r. gcbeM k's insonahle remedies, Sea Weed loieo. aril Mandrake Pill'-, are pHrllenlarly (viilebtwlieii taken liTtlnwo who are injui iuuly Hlliu t-d by a ehinge of water and diet. Mo pers rn should leave Ii me wllbont taklrg a Mipply of Ihese safoguaMs al"ng. Fur ntlo by all unigg'ste. 4MnsiNawswaaawBbawavajavavJBnavanavsawawaw JEW WHITE MABSKlbLEM AND UNfcN V e.S I'S, elegantly made up. ' - 1 Wo hate attached to our Petcale 8hii ts the Patent Combination C ull. Hare you seen them ? The nobbiest Dd raott em pie to tlllllgf out . A. 13 AVI Ii, Moroltunt Tnilor. aprll 8 14 We are Heceiviiig to day Frcih Csroods ! !IKB, VEOAtt, OOS HEM BUT I KK. A few Tubs of Baltlmnre Butter at SB cuts'. GRANT ft HINrp.N, ' Oroceis and 1.0:11111 saiuti jleicuitnts. aprll 8 . Kl.il.Vwlt Iolasses ! Molasses ! S00 BbirS. H. olas, w'-s 90 Hilda. S H Mulwses, - 1100 Units New drop i,uba Mo asnei, 100 UbH. hCw Crop Cuba MoUssea. "" For sale by K E HO 'IN KB A UA1.DKK BROS, aprill HI NEW ADYERTISEMEST3. New Novels TIOTORl. By B. L. Tarjoso. rpHRTOKT Or VALENTINE AND HIS JL atnOTHEH. By Mrs. Ollphant AblFK SKCRF.T A Story of Woman's Revenge. By Met Henry Wood. vaaaLiAT HEIHSBERCER'S Uve Book and Haste. Htora. apill Corn, Oats and Hay. 3 000 1,08RmI'l, t,ohN' 1,000 " 0kTt' QflA PAI.EH MAT, - . (" or Mlt by KBROHRrn OAI.OBK BROS aprll I M Spirit Casks, Hoop Iron, &C? 200 8PIRlT0A88' 20 I an, 250 Bbl"0""' Bbls. hungs, 1 Q BblfcHpanlsh, 7QQ Paaers Rlveta. for aai by KRKUHMKK OALDKK BBtm pril I 11 Dissolution Notice rprlE OOP AHTNKR8HIP HEBUrOFOKB existing between tba undersigned at WUslng t n and Boeklngbasa, under tno Ursa name snditylebf Covington, Everett A Jo.,ws dissolved by mutual consent ou lb nth of February last. The business of the Brsa at Rocklnsham will he settled by W. I. K vers it and that at Wil. ITinirfnll h 111. P ravlnjlun skA mr nilkAh iid to use the same of ihe Arm la liquidation nooaiagnam, aprii Bin, isit. T. P COVINGTON WfI.VF.HKTT, j. w.txivi uruit, 8. W. WEBB, aprll U-t INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO. ' -$20- wruant a Premium Bond MP TUB Don't compare It with a Lottery ; bear In mind that the oapltaj Invested la always se cured. , This Loan la Issued on a l evel plan, and Is authorised by special Aet of tha Legislators of the State of New York. Every boadliolder mas reoelve at least s)t: , but be may receive , ;lOO.OOO! or 36,noo, or $10,00 1, or tijom, or 3,00 1, Ao. , Ac. 4th Preminm Allotment, Jane 7, 1875. 5th Series Drawing, July Ctb, 1875. ' t .. Circulars giving full explanation, will be lent Area of charge on application. For Boosts and fall Information, address without delay, MORCENTHAU, BRUNO t CO., FINANCIAL AGENTS, 23 Park Row. New York. Post Off ic Orawot Na.au. Hsmttby Draft on New York Olty Banks, Kegl'tered Letter, ot Post l.iflloe Money Orrtev. aprll 8 as tr Musical Instruments ! GUITARS.' ' BANJOS, VIOLINS, - FLUTES, FIFES, HARMONICAS, ACOORDEON8, &o Ao. ; ;. I Blank Books and Tapers OF ALIi KINDfl AND BIf.ES. ENVELOPES, VISITING CARDS. INITIAL PAPER, audPAI'ETUIES. For tale at CON OLE Y A YATES' Oity Book - Storo No. 47 Market Btteot. aprll It ': ..... ..-l'IZLi''K;r,rs-'i NEW ALVERTISIMEITS. Garicii Tools! Garden Tools ! ' ' Just received one ot the het s irteil sbM-ka of (nlen Tools ever brought to the rltv, eoa alstlne of Hoes. Hak e. 0 iale. Hoes and Hakes eombmfd. Hoe l r drawng Prills, l.adlrej Hon Ht (Oiean, Ao , j. All f r sie at very low pi Ices at 'ha hew Hardware House ot aprll I UIUKa MVKt'HISUN. ' Turpentine Tools, (Of warranted quality). Markers, Houn-' lhs, rurptiitlne Dtp pera. S'aek Wrlibls, Hark Kites. Keui d !he Wuettrrs, Ho-iri atraitwre, hkiwatiMs, llp ers, 4c A large stock " th- ab ive g sods and at prices that roc., sand or mud bolt m pries east eompata with, ran be tonnd at the Old btabllshed Uatdwar- Housn of JOHN lUWSdN, f oe It, 70 and HI Market Mrrrt. aprll 4 . M Feather Dusters, (ADIl,ES,HAHKKH4, TRUNKS, TBA V- ling Bas;s t oFrs, Bamea, llrldtes, Rack Tin t; W tnp:-ivpnej A t- r w, c. rrnak. Urpalred anil t ovorrct. CARPENTER t MALLARD. Mucceiwirs to .1. si. TDPMAM " . No. SHoulh Front btieet, W llni'.ngt in, N. r. aprll t M-tf Vl&nlSi Seeds and Bulbs. Ladle and siantla mn ra resjiect ftrll y-noti- tti that ny Uardeu and ren Hoiim on elath. between Prlnoesaand t.hestnat streets are now stocked wlih an rlcgint vailciyof pla Uotall kmfls, winch I onur at very low price. A call and anesemlnatton la rtSpect- uiiyaillrlted HKO. P. LAMB, aprll t-lw Florist Produce Exchange Tba Annual meeting of the Produce F- rhas:s will bt bell at 'be F'bai g Kroiiin on I UENDAT, April i:irb, IMS, at Uo'cio a M. tor th" rl. ctlon o' tllccrs lor the rnriilng year. Members are rcspertlully notincd. KlCHAKD W. ANDREWS, Hooretary and Treasurer, aprill 82-1 w Siaroopy Uth 18th. 50 BARRELS A Nil BOXES (A.pplcN, Orangfos and Lemons. For sale low by UEO. MTFItS. JOB LOT OP CJlioieo But tor." Firrr;pAOKAKs. This Is the opportunity to get gotd Butter at a very low price at GEO, MYERS. EXTRA LARGE New MesR Mackerel, Oeorg,'! Bask Uodllsh and Fresh Sa'mon, This weeks froth tuppllss coming Iu to day. At aprll t - GEO. MYKR8', II ic II South Front Ht. .... .. 3 HAW -or- . - - QPRING AND SUrflMEJ MILLINERY. For thelLadies. I have returnrd from the North with a large and handsome stock of Millinery Uootle-sucb as Frenoh fattern Hona.ta Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Hiiksand Straw Goods. Having bought my Goods for rash, I eaa glvx my pttrnns special Inducements, both In stylo and quality, at eitremely low prices for cash only. Mrs. A. D BROWN, i Millinery Emporium, Eioiuani CuRitaa. 81-lei aprll 4 MORE THAN , 6,000,000 Of Onb Ncmbeb Alonb of tub Justlt Celebrated SPENCFRIAN Double Elastic STEEL PENS Werefo'dln 1874 -being a gain of more than 1,000 000 over the tear previous ; this, with the marked increase In the sates of the other num bers, shows that the auperlor qualltltsaol tli'se Pens are being more and mora apprr. elated, and that t bey are destined to tak their place as the in oat popular Site Pens In the market. They are ma'le of the beat ateel, by the moat skillful work sen In Kurope, and are a nearer spproxl mat Ion to the real swan Quill action than anything of the kind hitherto Invented The dpencerlan flteel Prna are urtlver- aally uaedio'ne Commercial col leges throughout the tj, a., more largo' y than any other by the United States Government, and qultegeiieraily in the Banks, Counting Houses 'd 8ch00lS ol the cbutitry ;and are for sale by the trade generally. We claim tor tue 8ixicrlan superiority over all other tns ' durability, elasticity, flexibility, and m even ness of point 'I be Mpcncerlan Peps at comprised In IB numbers, varying In aexlblllty and flnrnefS ot point, and, for the convenience of those who may wbh to try them, we will send a card or ntainit g a sample of each number mll,socr ly tnclostd, on re ettptot 2B cents. ' Address all orders to 1VISON, Bl AKf MAN, TAYLOR & CO., 138 and 140 Crand Street, aprill -41-Wed&at.- Maw Vobk. nDllsTIIIP MtATLV KXK.i l'll at rnln I l"U be shortest mitlce and on lb most reoeunabi tr ma at tbo j6ubnal OFFIOB. MI CELLANEOUS. OPERA HOUSE. TWO NIOHTS 01MX.-V, TIII HNDAV A!U IBIDIY, Aprll Nth and Sta. TKIUMPHANT TUl'K, after a series of brilliant engag'rtents In Msw York, ChioaaiS New Orleans, Mavannah and Charleston, of tut I ilgmal and Only 3Iiul. lttKlTTZs'H FEMALE MINSTRELS AI - M'lle Marie DeLacour'a Famous Parisian Can-Can Dancers. In coniimetlnn with this monster crg.nisa- tloii will be leiliul a Iroupe of 30 MprrlaltF ArtiateV who have never been escellrd on the AM Kill. I AN a I' aur , NosnvANtm in raioa Heats cau be cured at He.nsbsrg 'r's Hook Htore. iKHirs opaa atl o'clooa P. at. Pwformaucs to commnnr at M P as Carrlaaee can be ordered at 10130 I 11. HAKUT PHII.UtH; M. B. LKAVFTT. Buslmas Agent. Uen'l u.t sprll t . II st . Bottled Lager Beer. JIOCHESTEB, MILWAVKBR, AJinTIVOLI, Kr.r sal at O. H. W. Kt'MIK'H, N. R. Ootucrof Market and Second Ms anr'l 4 II Best in the City TboRo Ladies White Cottou Hoae that I am gelling for 10 Cent per pair. mf. FYFE. Collarettes I Collarettes ! Something new and ityliali, jnat ro- eeived and gelling for 5 oeut each. At aprll I WM. FYFE'S. u NOTICE.; Marshals Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. 0.r( April lat, 187S. ( THK ATTENTION OP THE MTIZENB of th community Is respectfully called to th far t that the sickly ssawn appruaohes wllb ibe warm weather, which at now near at hand, and that It becomes my duty to adot th moat stringent sanitary measurs at this time In or. drr to preserve the health ot the olty. Topre vent, a far possible, the spread of all diseases Incident to the warm eeason, which Delayed !Iatt i I'lllb, .arbase. Trash and all stein natter tsndtogenorsto, I would awt earnestly ask the hearty co-operation of th eltUeni gener ally in placing our city In such a oleanly oon dltlon as to render It Impregnable to those dir. m)s which bars birth In tilth and an unwhole- ssmo atmoepher, and to a lack of prompt at tention at the proper season . To this end th entire force of the olty will be employed In CLEANSING, DHA1N1NU, DISINFECT 1NO, UEMOVINO TBA8H,'c , Ac,. for at least th next twenty day. All persons ar earnestly requested to hav the trash and refuse matter upon their pre in tes placed npon the street, where practicable In barrels or botes, which will be removed Im mediately, . ; . . DISINFECTANT B will be fumUhid free of oharge at my OOc to any person calling for same. THE BBALTI1 OFFICERS TO BE DESIGNATED BY A YELLOW BOHKTTE, may be notified ot any stagnant water standing upon any lot, d imp cellars, or anything which would tend to Impair Ilia Lealth of the City. Any complaint li dged at my ( Idlne will have prompt attention. Hoping tba proper sanitary measnrr adopted now may secure to a a healthy elf during th summer. I earnest'y solicit the aid and pn mpt co operation of a) I gocdcltins to attain Ibis great y to Isile- slred ai.d. . . -r Very respectfully, J. H KOBIRON, aprll tf - lilty Mar bal. NORTH CAROLINA OASSIMERES. THE THITE WAY TO OBTAIN 80UTH. KKN COMMRKCIAI. Independanee I to Patronize Southern Industry. A H it drnine Lot of Salem Cassimeres Just Received. flrntlemsn are Invited to call and eiamlne these 1 MERITORIOgS GOODS. fn Color and Fabric 'h.y are Unrivaled smoiiit American Oooils and would b credit, sble to the li'iihe t European roanufaoterlng skill. BOHKOWITZ LIEBEB. march I9'h I FATHERS! JJHINCr THE BOYS 'AND FIT T EM with ' Suits of Clothes, ; Vary Nice and Cheap. LOME YOCKSELVE8 and purchas yn wn aailisKii--Im(raa MUSON & COr CITY CLOTH1EBS aprll I . ' M SEW ADVESTI3I2EM3. 45 im BROWN & We still continue to it'll at our former low prices uotwitbstandiog tbo ad vance in the markets, and aa a substantial proof submit the following liat of prion: , Coats' Spool Cotton rj oouta a spool or 70 cents per dosen. , Unbl 'sclied Cotton from 6 bouta pr yard. ' 3M-inoh Fruit of the lawm .11 Cents per yard. SO " " Loom. ...121" " 8(1 " Wamsutta.... 16 " " s Now Bprioff Caliooea, beat quality, 10 ornta per yard. . Laliia I'tiiTa for the Neok 6 and 10 cents, worth 26 cents, a bargain. It would be s great aving to tuoao vUiting the citg for the purpose of do ing their shoppiug iu the Dry flood a line to give us s call prcvioui to making their ptiroliaeen. We take this method of advertising prices for yon to com pare tltera with not only . Wilmington and vicinity, but with those of any see- lion of the oountry. We have iio t ime or inoliuutiua to button-hole you on the" atreols, or look you up io the Hotels, Our object is purely buainoss, and we SEVERAL JOD LOTS i Such aa 100 dosuu Kid Glovea for 50 cents per pair, worth f 1 CO. Ladies hemmed Ture Linen Handkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 25 cents. . 20 pairs Blankets worth 1 L60 . -. .; . . WE HAVK OOT EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE TERMS CASH NO SAMPIES CUT. 4 JROWK & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. - SOLVCLE PACIFIC GUANO CO-; CAPITAL 1,000,000. 7 PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TW(iTnODflANDFIVpncNnnii:nTnKSHnT.lTnr.rpArTirTnnTTiwr for salo, cithor for CASH or on CROP with Merchants and other reliablo tmrties prices. . l .-jl . .:. W I'nmmlssion Mnrchants, agent for Pacific Oiisno . Sub-Agents for the Sale v. n. mnaoN... v. vMAiian ........ lull NOW QPJSNINO' SPUING I SUMMER GOODS M. M. MTZ'S, All. "the latest Novelties and the.best qualities at the very lowest prices. More particulars in a few days. . Ms M, KATZ, aprU 1-ly The Copartnership H a t . at sww t ie n v tr v iiiTii-ii DV'rnririrM JsVX iiH'iflM.Kiiou, unuar inn nrui immn ui kt . A 0. W. ...... 4. al.l. ril.aal.ait Ka mn. a ia . a. - a . OtTUIIIiCW IH'fWll, SP aisiT n T "' tuu!coi--nl . A. Hi-rurt tvl ,lnmenHt utit rt -vloiitt authorfsM to ictde the ooi-ai tner nhlp nd to ign U nme of tb drm In litjul eiiat un. . t ir.k-Y spbput JOH N W. HIWION, JAMES SPUUNT. y Th onUers gned have this riav assoelnlei llisni wives as nnjisrtners under trio Brm and stl or Alei. Bprunt n. They will con tinue the buslmisiorthi old B ra at the same vlacs; and they nledne to the trlends and t rons of rrunt A Wlnton and to all ethers en. trnt ng Win's to them the most diligent and faithful attention to their Interest. - -. . April 1st, ls7o. :,Ah1(Xw1ir JAMKSHFBUHT. Having been associated In business with M..xra Alfi Hnrnm and James Wpruntlor Die pst eight vexra, a d Intending to leave the Mtale to eniei Into business elsewhere, 1 retire from that connection with t.b very hlghnst sp- nreeiatlon or them both as marenmu sna gen tiemen of thorough capatlty and Integrity; and most cordially ri commend th rew Arm of aiex Kpriint ft'on to the patron, gf and eon Hdsuro ot th public, and especially of all my that their buslnFoould not be autrnstod to htttir or ssfor hands. April 1st, Wo - "i ' 1 JOHN W HINtON. art HI Extracts for the Toilet, , G DEULAIh S FXTKAtJT.I, i.kui.1;... Phainn's Night Bloom eg Oereus. Hilr llrue, Uombs, O led Milk, ac, Ac. Kor sal by (IBBEN 11 ANNKR -. 77 marcb 81 Constantly Kecelvlng j nBESHSnPPLIItS OF DKUOS. MKUl r .i.... i haa.ia.la. Vunn and Toilet Ar ticles, Perfumery and Hosps. -t Prescriptions compounded at a 1 hours, day OTDlgbt, at - : . I"' t JAMga 0. MtTNOB' Drrfg Htor. ThlrdUtreet.oppO'lteultv Hall, aprill 18-tf w v:isuimu tAauNandv imi I inu aj A K OS a spoelalty at th jouujnal urn 45 Ail, RODDIGK or by laying any claims of friendship. propose doing that in a legitimate way. TIME. Liberal terms will be made to sell this Quano at our Warebo ' . II Mr.ll ART A i iy Co., and Healers In No, I Peruvian Ouano riORTR VVATSU rrTMECT, WII-niN.TON, N. rTimrr of Soluble Pacillc (Juanb. . i - wlTf.... ...I. ........ ..Old Hundred, N. 0 .Marlon. H. C. id-lmdAw AT . 36 Market St. 36 Market Street- Liverpool Salt. 3fff Back Liverpool Salt, now iJJJ landing and iror sal by KKKOHMK A OALDKK BKOH, aprll i II I have Just received th latat styles of Boots and Hbne., comprising Uents' Fin Hand sewed Hoots, lo " " - ' . Bo-Xoe Prlno Alberts,' Do " ' " Boa To Strap Tie, Do Machine St wed lloa Toe Frlnoe Alberts. - l adies, Misses, Children' and Inlanta Red and Pebble Mutton and Iace Boots. Also, mi.ses anu inunrnn a voiorwu Biitna t have secured the Agency for A. McYlrath'f Combination hlacktng Brash. 8ometblnnw, neat and nobby. I IflASlji'.BS.rniuni No. 2 Msrkst Street, ' aprill . 8'ga of tbeQjlden Boo NOTICE, . , ri M, RKTAIk LIQUOR DKALEKS ABX hereby notified to oome forwrl and renew (heir '; : LIQUOR LICENSE according to law , otherwise they will be liable to the penalties prescribed by law. it-.. ;! OKO. W. BORDEAUX, 1 aprll M 1 Reg'slcr. ' . Tobacco, Snuff Lye and Potash.' 250 BoxeaHhewinR Tobacco, 20 Bbbls nd Half-Bbla SntifT, '.-25 Cases 1 Ol. BrmfT, ,100CiaeBLye, ! 75 Cases Potash, -t i i roraaleby -. ' . KRUCHNBa OALDSB BROS- WEDDING CMDSOT' ,.0a.lMa.b..rtyl.5atjJ(Offws i. r s ' f .J , .wr . S ' v ..' , ..;; ' : '. . e- r. 1 5' ''.'rrUjeJLjr5R!3fca....: