pt If j J) ' Jh II VOL. XXIV. NO. 85. WIIimrGTON, H. C. FRIDAY, APRIL 9. 1075 WHOLE 110. 6,849. NT WlLMlNUrON. N. a: FR.DAY. APEIL 9, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. TJE NEW CARDINAL WEAliS THE RED OAK ANOTHEK ATTACHMENT AGAINST BOvS.S TWEED. EXTRACT TllOM HEECIIER'S TESTIMONY. A DEFAULTER SURRENDE.HH. HIMSELF. THE DANA LIBEL CASE. Niw York, April 8 Nooa -Yesterday Count Marefaachi fultlilel tlu miiMion entrusted to liirn by tho huh He of announcing offloially to Arch Bi'liop McCla.ikwy, thut the Uoh Pa her had ben pleased to confer t n iiiui the titlr) aud clevato liirn to tin ra'ik of Cardinal of the holy lioiuuii C lurch. The oeremouy took pUoj at Cardinal MoClobkey'H residence und ww witnessed by a number of tn. clergy aud luity. The Cardiual in taking the sknll cap in hid hand pluced it uhi head. Monsiguore ttoncetta dj ivered the Black Uoretta. The tublio ceremony of receiving tin. Btietta will take place April 22ud. An ord-r of arront been indued in the new .nit against m. M. Tweed with three million dollars bail. A fur ther order of attachment Hginiw Tweed's property hat) bet n g rati ted but the details are w thheld until levy is made. ; The proceedingi are uu. ir the new law, which authorizes an at tachment oonourrent with order of ar r oak These proceedings uro the fore eruuner of units against riwtsei.ey, Con noly, Woodward, Corran, and the remainder oftlie riog. Nkw Yokk, April 8 Night The following ib an extract from lieecher'n testimony: Moulton never said to ue that he told Tracy that I was guilty of aaultery with Elizabeth II. Tilton, and that he (Tracy) said if this was true it must be kept quiet at all haz ards. It is absolutely fake, said the vf tness, there is not a word of truth in it. It is false frcm beginning to end. He never said anythiug to me about it except what I have stated. ' Ue never told me that he told Tilton of bavin? informed Traov of it. This ia entirely alrtbir never told Moal--4 ton that 1 was glad that liiton had as sented to this oourtte, and that perhaps good would oome out of it. A man giving his name as II. S. G irson delivered "himself up to the polioe, Baying that he was a defaulter i.i the amount of $50,000 to the Phila delphia and Reading R. R. In the argument in the Dana habeas corpu case in the U. 8. District Court, before Judge Blatchford, Dana was present, accompanied by his counsel, Messrs. Willard Burtlett and WmO. Bartlett. The other side was represented by District Attorney Bliss aud U. H. Marshal Fifke. J udge Biatohford reserved his deoiHion. HEADQUARTERS. T?EXANS ON."a"vIS1T TO THE PRESIDENT. ASSISTANT ATTORNEY-GENERAL HILL RETIRES FROM THE SUPREME , COURT.. . NO NEW CASES OF YELLOW FEVER AT KEY WEST. Washwoton, April 8. Night. Messrs. Bowles, Baker and other Ttxans tisited the President to-day to object to further changes of Federal officers in Texas. . , The Secretary of the Interior has added a topographer aud au astrono mer to the BUck Hill expedition. A full map of the country, with boundary lines, is to be sketched. " Assistant Attorney General Hill re tires upon the adjournment of the Su preme Court. Judge Loring expresses no intention of retiring from the Court of Claims. Judge Peck, who has nearly reach ad 70 years of age, will soon retire, but his successor will not be named until the vacancy occurs. A telegram received at the Navy Department tnis afternoon from Bear Admiral Jtfullaney, oommanding the North Atlantio station, announces that tha U. S. steamer Plymouth bus sail ed from 'Key West for Matar.zas and Windward points, the Oasipee for Vera Cruz and the count of Mexico, and the Shawmnt for Wallings Island. The other vessels attached to the station were to sail for Hiltou Head Boon. No new cases of yellow fever at Ki y West itJ repoitdd shoe the Norn wind Commenoed blowing. The Co'orado," flug-ship, Worwstf r, Pawnee, Dictator and Peaita go to Hilton Head. i .. . ' ELECTRlCISm The widow of the late Emperor of China died March 27th. The New Jarcey SeuatA has defeat el the bill permitting clergymen of all denominations to give religious in structions in Peniteutiary institutions. The Louisville (Ky.) Court of Ap peals decides that Jones is eligible to the clerkship of th Court, notwith standing the allegation t hat Jones had ooepted a challenge to fight a duel. The Ozark House, at Springfield, Mo., was burned yesterday. Loss $50,000. Seven Democrats, three Independ ents and four Republicans have been elected City Council of St. Louis. A dispatch from Omaha, Nebraska, says: A whirlwind demolished tha Platte river bridge at Schuyler yester day. Several houses on the Southside were prostrated. , Einsori:. PRESS PERSECUTIONS IN GER MANY. THE LONDON TIMES ON CANADI AN RAILROADS. TROOPS TO BE SENT TO CUBA. ARREST OF THE PRESIDENT AND A PROFESSOR OF THE UNIVERSITY AT MADRID. Bkkus. April 8 Noon llerr Sigl, editor of the Vateraud, of ReMu, who was reeeutly sentenced lu default of rtppeiranoe for publishing an artiel. i suiting Risniatok, has been mreeicd hy the AtutrUu authorities at Hal-u-burg, and oii application of tlin(i man G.tveruiO' nt. uiil be sent to U.i liu iubteud of Muuicb, where he Mm Trrrttr It is reported that the Governiu ut will prM-cuto th Geiuiiu HulMcriUrs to the CariHt fun t for f'ui tiit;ni 4 re bellion ag dust a friendly po .for. L ndok, Aprils Night The Tint' b siyauo amount of argument should lead sensible people to put more mon ey into Canadian railroad projtcis. Tlu re is no trallio for anch road, aud the danger is ihat the Dnmmiou uihv grant a subsidy toeouiprtitiveliue.s. in ths way the Southern has been built to ruin the proprietors ot the Canada Croat WeHterii, EuoubIi million have beou presented to the Dominion. Bruin, April 8. Night The Bitdiou of Rresluu has refused to resign his See. L g d prooeediiigs will bo com menced iiuuieiiiatoiy to enfoico c iai- iliancti with the deoree of the Coui.cil. MADitiD, April 8 Night Iho (iov- ernmeut has dt.ciued to send 1,500 soldiers to Cuba. Seuor Saluieron, a Professor of Madrid University und formerly Presi dent of tho Ministry and rrotessor ut Azcaiate.and.thr' President if the Uni versity have been arretted. Tho for mer has beeu sent to Lugo and the latter to Miranda. Other arrests are expected., Tho Government declares its intention of exiling all Professors who protest against iho recent edu cational laws or who resign their chairs on aooouut of their promulgation. UEOllUIA. SENATOR GORDON DECLINES. THE MEXICAN EXCURSIONISTS. Atlanta, April 8 Night Senator Gordon declines to allow his name to sbe used aa a raudidate for nomination for the Vice Presidener. Savannah, April 8 Night. Senator Cameron aud party of the Mexican excursionists, arrived here this morn ing. CALIFORNIA. TERRIFIC EXPLOSION OF GI INT ' POWDER. MANY LIVES AND HALF A MIL LION LOST. San Fhancisco, Apiil 8 Noon A quantity of giant powder contained in a frame building exploded to day, crushing the walls of Hathaway's bonded- warehouse corner of Spear and Harmon streets. A number of frame buildings, occupied as paloons aud dwellings, were blown to piece. In a few minutes the whole mass was iu flames. A number of men, women and children were crushed, and conie perished iu the flames. The loss on the warehouse is estimated at feouu,- 000. Tho fire is now under control. Search for the bodies is being pushed forward as fn-t a the flames will per mit. Only three have been taken out thus far. RHODE ISLAND. NO ELECTION OF GOVERNOR BY THE PEOPLE. LARGE DEMOCRATIC GAINS ON THE LAST VOTE. PiinviiiTwit Anril 8 Noon L?t- Eitt, mpported by tbe Liquor Dealers' league, received 7,04 votes; Hazard, ludopenuent ItepuOlieau, supportea by the Frohibitionists, received 7,500; aiid Cutler, Democrat, rfceived 4,345. This is a Democratic gain of neaily three hundred per cent on the elec tions of 1871, "" hen Pierce, Democrat, received but 1,589 votes. Eiw. Joije naTj. 1 No election by the people. The Governorship depends upon the sup plemental elections to the Legislature. The law, however, shuts Cutler out from the contest before the Legisla ture. PENNSYLVANIA. . . ALL QUIET AT HAZZELTON. MORE T R O 0 1B EING SENT THERE. Macch Chunk, April 8. Night Twenty-three special police got on the train but were ordered off aud are now trudging home "tin foot. The polioi men were refused transportation be cause they refused towoiktho pnmps. Hakuisuuko, April 8. Night Gen, Otiborue represents everything qnitt at Hazeltou and vicinity Muee the arrival of the soldiers. " PiiiLADiaraA, April P. Night. Loye, who killed his wife and out his own throat, is dead. More troops are moving to Hazelton. Ah ordinance presented to the City Ctunoil allows tho pneumatic railway tunnel of Bioadttreet fr(rhT Tioga to Prince street. . Eastern Hay BAKUKK AMI OTHER KUUNITUHK. Officii Ohlr, lck, JVrlting TublA, loklnn Ulna, 4S 0 Incltm, with S limine at Auction touriwleroomitliK regular tale da,, Frl. day at HI o'olock A.M., 7 CKU.NhY 4 MORRIS. pi II J-It AuctiOUttjr. SPECIAL. The (Vr-t tiling tob i"! .ideieJ l lintli.g co Ur ' tin fit. Tbt RlinvooJ kml WKiU'k ntiattur than any olhfri Fpl wti llav rut thotr Im twin, um th SOZODONT aa.l all bo ii ar alillug u d.clar to all wh.i luu't um It, that It h the mnt rfot and dilightl'ul IbiDf (at Ui trih Oir ?r JipiH-.l a ruB liiW- JiiknMa' Auodtu I, without ilojl.t ih , .ur-t, ana brrt rmfUy thai pinr Dnniut.iiH.i iitr luiarual aud -t riial uw It i.lwti. tu rt tr air cuiue'alnia, and u .ullj bcnrdklal It r man or i. Wa mrn It Matwl In varioua iiap-'i. Ihr.mgliout th ooarttr that Auta r. tho wtl i oi ShcrkUn ' C4lijr il.indition t'nadui. wore auintiriKM i reiuad in. mancy many pitrann who.Dvuid uM f.m and n."t ta atl- ned .Ui too nault W. dutibud ihia at lliMI a i' lax pr...riui aulliuriaa oa to ny lli.t I, A Tonic ! Hr nrll Thera are many, but fw In In wilsi-Wialaee aujuiibai affia:t-ibjui.rtiAcJ. t inn ni on uf th. ailltc Thl. KI ft In ru beinn a brnettl. la a tritiva dfi.lmcn , if iLa i k it ornana ara wrak, hv-an It taduiva tha t atient lu rat m ira than tba aeuii car 1 l '.t i;om -h can c uikjii, and Ibmajura- vaixl iiidigctXIoa 11. ore In, how.Ter, a tonio wii'.'h wi4i'i tha ram niant of iropHrlin b ithioi ami regularity to tha operutl"m i f nutritinn. Ho.t.itci'a Hloaiacb nittora "o v.ikii a wuul'"oma apretlta, brcanae thejren a'ilt tha at uu'h 1 1 d H)M of btt t rw.ira wub aii.-b lir-illb'U' raHit; that at I he ru.or tone fir mr.K'f It i not torpid from Indlgiia'rd ma'tnr, bat 0M- In ilmly .usimauce. It l thi ir'ry faotthat lt racUltata dlgt-.tlon that raudi r tha uatlinal atoniarblc aui h a poaer ml riii.tjiitnr or nctnre In liintitullng thoaf r cuerat:ve p oceaa-a which reault In tha koov. erjr of the g neral health. Uninterrupted, U ir..u-actloa of tha plijulcal machinery Iu erltahly reaulla fr-m the ium of Ilia ii.ume lnigurantaii4 altrutlfe. Many who are iuirirlug frum the effeota cj ill i iu waalhar and are dehllllatcd, are ad vlncd by phjalclana to take moderate amount of hiky two or three tlniea daring the day In a little while Ui mt who a"opt tbla adTice t'rxquently lucraaae the number of " drlnka," and In time buooma conflrmrd Innbrlatea A liovernjje which will not create thirst for Intoi ioatlng Uquora, and which la Intended eajircl Dll lor the benefit of dibllltatod peraom whether at home or abroad, la hi, feVbenckV ilea Weed Toi lo. . Containing the Jnleea o: many medicinal herb), lhb preparation do not create an appetite for tbe lutoxlcatiug Ouii l b. i ourljilng and the inVeupportlng propai Mi a of ruauy al liable natural prodoctlomeon talnt d In It aud well known to. medical men nave a muit atreng'benlug Influence. A Ingle buttle or the Tonic will demonstrate tun.lua le qiiailtira Kor debility arlnlng fto alck-iii-m, over exertion of from any cauae what ernr a wineglaaafdl of Sea Weed Tonic taken a'ter nieul. will inrengthen tha atomach and oreat an appetite for wholeavme food. To all arhu are about leaving tin Ir bomea, we deelre to ttav that tha excellent effect of Dr. Hcbenrk'a aeaaonable remedlea, Sea Weed Tome, and Mandrake Pill., are particularly evident when taken bv thorn who are Injuriously affected by a change of water and diet. So permm ehould leave U -me without taking a wpply of theao 4(eguarda aluug. For tale bv all lrugg'.iita. DIED. Dr. JOHI A H O. WI WANTS, aoo of Dr. J. X Wlnanta, at the recldrnne of the latter, on Filth etreet, In tbla city, at 10: IS r. M.. Wed nuiday, of congeation of the liver. Tbe de oiax 1 1 waa SS yearn old. Nolloe of tnneral hereafter. In Petortbnrg, V., on tha S7th nit., Mr. MAU1A U JoNRS, widow of the lata Aeneuu P. Jutiee , in the 4tb year of her age. On Sat urday, March mb, tbe gentle aptrltof out oherlahtU friend fled from U earth tin d la bora to tbe Saviour the ra loved and loilowt il. Sweet mat! A loan quiet roat, after a long wcai y nan. I After tho ttorm of life , acnlm loravel Sovain iabn fulMmenraa of wurde, for a l.fe ol deeda, tSat we would fain leave the lovely gentleneee of her cbrlatlan Chirac ter to tbe aad remembrance of flioae who knew and Iwved her beet. We thought aa wa lookrd oo bar OMlm, qulat lace, that It reflected tha 'eelingaof the heart ao cold within, ttpleaeed Oa I 'o call her bene, when ahe waa aioft lo.rd aa then rhe would be miat regretted. Althouxb o loved and honored by lierd-ar children, fhn waa uonitantly reeretting that rhe g i -a them trouble. In her ueaal unael Hfhiiiwi, ahe feared that ahe would In aonie wav add to the dlacomfmt of otliera. We tare la d herawav un.l r the pnrltv of fl 'wera, In a l.inir. aweet eleeo. in a dreamlem Teat kalelgh News p.eaae enny and aend bill to ih N.u. iTeiDjierianorao. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FACTQRY. Doors, Sash, Blinds and Mon dings, Ac. When von want bottom prlcea, go whrii they are made foot of Walnut etrett, OoIvIIIh .V to i Mill. W. DTKK". apill 9 8"-lm Notice S PKCIALMKE'lINO Or ffJE "HOAPI ul Trade" on thla day (Krldny) at l P. M. Vy order of tbe Prcaldent - v v J I MACK, aprll 9 It ' ' " ' '. facrctary. Quarantine. Notice PILOTS were notified a few day irliice to cause all vepeela from Havana, and Key West to come to for inspection by Quarantine Phy slcl in. They will from thla Sate, until further no tice, oaus vemela from all Weat India port Oalveton,NevOrleanaod Key Weat.Fla., to i'op at Quarantine Station for the purpose of belag ineprctfed by Health Officer. P. W. POTTER, Quarantine Phyalciau Port of Wilmington, N. C. " -. ' Smithvllle, . 0 , April tth, WS. aprll 9 85 TbaraA'atd'a-tlltMay EVERY DAY Frcnh Supplies. Bits r BUTTER ORAKOK COUKTf Oalry'a. Lolo. ft aelecllona fiom Oi alien l ounty Ureamerlea. - FRESH ROASTED AND 0RO0ND Pure Laguayra Coffee. Wltb oar "Swift Mill" we can meet every call. ; " Pre ted Corn Beef, ' ' Fulton Market Corned Beef, Choice Mackerel and Salmon. CHAS 0. MYERS A CO., 0 A 7 North Front St. aprll 9 .. . . eo- NEW ALVERTISEMENS. Turpentine Tools, (Of warranted qualltj), Hackera, Koun Phavr., rurpentin I '. p pera. Haek, Ha. lr Kile. Kvuud aha vVbettrra, Holn Mraii.era, bklmmer, IMu er,o. A lare tm-a l tha ah.ive g waif andatprli ea u at nvi , mt or mil.' bolt, ni prlr" can't romiwt wllh, can h Ivund at the M Sitawtrtied Hardware - JOHN lAWstN, fn l, SO and xl Market atreet , ai rll 4 . . . . M- Feather Dusters, tAUDI.RH. IIAKE!. rilUNKS, TRAV- ellnir Hc, Collar., flame-a, Bri.Ue, Back l.and, Whipa. fpur, Asl tlreun, o. Trunk ttepalrotl rn4 t uvorrrl CARPENTER A MALLARD.. h noelH!r. to .1. . 4 t!t) . No. Moulh Front m eet, W illn ngt iu. N i' acrllt rt-r riniits SpcIh und HuIIh, ttdlm.jijlgcntli'mn ira rei-peclflillv nj;IJ ucu ini my r.itu mi r-n rioupr 0.1 auth, b'twen I' r In con mill hc.lciit tre.ti are u. rlochett' with an eiognt vaiieivot ..Id ..... all L . n .. . .I,. I . ... PU ... pla taolall k'nil, wbn b I otter at verv I rir. A call aud aueiaminatkin la r ap In I.. .II...K.1 HFO. P. I.AMI1. Flormt aprll -lw Produce Exchange- Ttia Annual meeting of the I'nduee Fi 0 a I" will I." hcl.t i 'lie Kcl.aigi.' On Tl'Kl"AV. April liili, s'.!i, at i nVio k M. lor Hi' el' cilou of i Ulcer, lor ihe enMUng year. Member, are rcn ci tlully iiollHed. KH.HAKII W. AM'KKWtt, Secretary and Treasurer, aprll I HMw Niar copt nth A lath. . BAHKKaS AND BUXF.H Oranges and licmous. For tale low by OKO. MYFK8. JOB LOT OF KClioluo' Out tor." fiftt;packa(ik8. Thlt Ik the oi iiortunltr to g-.'t gotd Butter at a very low price at ur.u. n i , EXTRA LARGE New Mesa mackerel, Ueorge'a Bank Cod tin h aud Fresh Salmon, Tbla weeka fre.h auppllea oomlng In to-day. QF.O. MYEHH'. tt l South Front Hfc 83 -OF- PRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. For the. Ladies. I have returned fiom tbe North wltb a large and hurl limine mock of Mtlitnery flood audi a French faiurn ilomi't llalu, Flower., Rlbhuna, hlikeaiul Straw'1.. Hating bought ntr Uood lor raah, I can give mv natriina .pedal Inducement, both In, atyle and quality, at extremely low prlcea lor cafh only. Mrs. A.D.BROWN, ' Millinery Emporium, KlOII AIUI COBHtR. aprll I 81-Jw Bottled Lager Beer. jnOOHEUTER, T Mll,WALKKK, ANUTIVOU, Fcr tale at O H. W. RHNOFB. N . R. Corner of Market and Second bt. anrtlt 81 From this Date )HICEOrCOl.WII.t.BR" lOPerTon. O. O. TARSLEY & CO. march 2(1 7 - Qardca Ms! ' GarflcflTaoIs! .luit received one or the beet awnrted atoi k of llirtlen Pool ever brought totheclt', con ia ingof Hoea, Kai-e, fpadnn, Hoc and ekea ...nimnrd. Hoea lor tlrawlni( Prill, I,allc Hues, Hede Hheara, All lor ala at ve'y low prlcea at the hew Hardware Houee ot aprll 4 mi.EH A MOKOHISON. Blue Flannel Suits M AltK TO ORDKU 16 at , J. McOORMIOK'8. English Diagonal S I! R UK GOODS, MADE TO OKDEK Suit, l-at ' JAMB1 MoCORMfOK'H. April T . ' 83-St.WtdFrlASuri New Novels- JOVE'8 VICTOIIY. By B. L. Farjose. T1IF, aTOltY UF VAUCNTINE AND HIS UllOlHKU. By Mra. Ollphant A LIFE SECBKT. A Stniv of Woman'a Kevenge, By M.a. Henry Wood. roa iali AT HEIF-SBERCER'S Uv Book aud Uualc Rtore. aptlll M Corn, Oats !and Hay 3 AAA BTJSRRtiS (JOHN, 1,000 " OATa' 300 FALK? UAr rot .ale by KEKUHMKH & OAI.UEK BUOS aprll I e aprlU liRAl 0PII1 MISCELLANEOUS. OPERA HOUSE. two isriaiiTs only, llll'ltUY AMt tlllDWy Aprll Mk t h. ' TRIUMPHANT TOUR, after a criceot brilliant en gagwent In Maw York, Chlcani., New tlrtran., Havaiinah and tlbarleaton, of the original and iinlv Mud. JllSIN'rrZ'N FEMALE MINSTRELS ami ... M ile Marie DeLacour'a Famous Parisian Can-Can Dancers. lu rn ' lucll ti with till. Hun all. l 1 1. und a nonter wgnniaa" a riMa-4-30- fc at J Ll 1 rl I at e , ah.i hav never been f i.-iltd on the A M KRTrj NHAI.V.MK ia ruiraa Seat, rait be e cured at He n.beig'V'a ll.n.k Niore. O.iota oiteri at 1 .I'cl.ick I. M. Perloi ihHtu'. to .Ntnimence at H I at. ( nrrlawea mil be tirilrrtl ait lOl.itl IIAhHV PMtl.t.lM. . M. tt. I KAV'TT, BiiaimiM A(int. (lei. I Hurt sprit 4 M tit NOTICE. Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMlNdTON, N. tt, April 1st, 1875. THK ATTENTION OF TDK UriZENH of the tMirumunitt l rtictiully calleil to the liter that the alcklv wa'on appmacho with iho warm weather, which If now near at baud, a ii J lint It hecomca my duly to adopt tha moat ti Indent eanitary meaaurea at till time In or der to preaerve the health ot tbe city. To pre. vent, aa far poaalble, tha apread of all dlarue lueUlent to the warm eeanen, which llvcitrcd jnm r tilth. ;arbani Traah and ail I Kvtua IHialler tend to generate, I would m wt earnwtly aak tha hearty co-operation ol the cltlaena gener; ally lo placing our city In auch a cleanly con ilillun aa to render It Impregnable to thorn dir. cane which have birth In tilth and an unwhole- Die atmoaphere, ami to a lack of prompt at timtion at the proper aaaa, To thla end the auilre force of the oily will be emplojad In 0USAN31NU, DIU1N1NU. UlrjlSrKCT- lNa,HttMOVlNtt TBAU,4cu o for at tea.t tbe next twenty day; ' : All per win art earnclly raqneatad to have th traeh and retime matter upon tbalr preml im placed npon tic utreeta, where practicable in batrelaor bote, which will ba removed Im mediately. PMINFFOTANT8 will be fuml.hul freo of obarge at my Office lo any poraon calling Ibr aama. TUB HEALTH Ol'l'IOKllS TO BE DErUOKATED BY A TKLIiOW noHBTTK, may be notified ol anyatagnant water ttandlng Uk;ii any lot, damp cellar, or anythl'ig which would tend to Impair the heiitth of thaCliy. Any complaint tidged at my Ortlua will have attention. Hoping that proper saiillary lueaaurca ailopted now way at cure to ua a heallhv City during tha niruuier, I earneat'y the ala aud pn.mpt oo operatlon of all good cltlaena to attain, thla greatly to bado ured end. Very rpect,fiUyi 3. H. ROBINSON, aprll tf City Mu.hal. FATHERS! TKINC THE BOTS ANO FIX T EM Li wkh Suits of Clothes, Vary Nice and Chap. COMK TOT7H8ELVES and purobaae your own ontflta. MUNSON & CO., ciTr cnoTHiERS. ' aprll S . M Extracts for III o Toilet, QUEll I. A Ih'H FX THACThY lUhln'( Kutract. Hhainn' Mght IS I.hj m Id g Oeieti. Hair Biuhe, oinlw, ' CHI l Hilk, Ac., Ac. For anle by (IHEKN Si r-LANNEK 77 march 81 Constantly Kccelving FKKMII bllPPl.IK.H OF T)RI (J, MFI1 etnr. h'mteal, Fanor aad Toilet Ar ticle, Perfnnierv and Soap. Preauriptlou compounded at all bonra, day or night, at t, JAMES 0. UNDS' Drug Hiore, 'I liirilStrcet, opposite Oity Hall, aprllt Ift-tt N EW WB ITE MARSEILLES ANDUNKN Vl.ST 8, elegantly matte np. We have attached to our Pcioale Shirt th Patent Combination Cuff. Have you wen them ? Tho nobbiest and moet oniplete thing out -A. DAVID,' " Merclmut Tailor." ' aprll 8 , 4 Dissolution Notice rpilB OOPAKTNEasiUP UBRICTOFOKE eTictlng between the nnderplgned at Wllming b n and Itocklnghami uuder tne firm name and atyle of Uovlngton, Everett A Uo., we dliwlved by mutual conraut on the 111 b of February laat. The biwlnen of the Arm at Rockingham will ba settled by W. I. F.vere t ami that at. Wll rltiKton by W. P. Covinirton, who are authcr laed to uA ilia name or Hie firm In tiutdttlon. Rockingham, April Dili, 18TB. B P. COVINOTON, W. I. t VKhETT. J. W. OOVI -ttl'ON, B.W. WEBB, aprll T - NEW ADVEE.TISZMEM3. 15 BHOWN & Wo till onntinua to H at our former low uotwithiitaDditig the J- vauoo in the tnHrketn, und an a ulmtiintml pmof mibtnit the following lint of piiot: (JimU' HiHHil Cottou 6 owita a apmil or 70 emit for tlocoti. Unlit -mihod Cotton from 6 ooiita wt yarJ. X inch Fruit of tho Iamiiii Coutg pT yard. Si! " Loom. .J2l " ' III! " Wamautta , 1 1 t ' " Now 8riug Cilicoui, lit quality, II) riititu mt yard. I-adiin l'ulVa for tho Nfi'lt G auit 10 wutA. worth ccuU, a liarp&in. It would bo a yr uf wing Uy thoai' vlltiij tho vitg for the imrjioae of do tog their nluippinfr iti the Dry (lootln lino to give II". a cull prrviimt to making tht ir iuidiaam. We take thin method of advertieing price for vou to ootn- ntro them with not only W ilmitigton i . i . : t- - - ttoi 44lw OuUtoUj We hnyp Jit) Iluje etrttlH, or hmk you up iu tlio Ilotole, Our object i jmrely Iuimuohh, and we SEVERAL Huoh art UK) Kid Olove for M ootits per jmir, worth $1 00 I.Hiliwi hemmed Pure Linen IIitndkrrchitfH 15 tioufn, worth 25 ceutn. 20 pitirs Waukota $.'1, worth $t 50. WH I1AVK (JOT KVEIlYTlflNO Wli ADYEUTIHE. ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH-NO 1AMPIE$ CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street match 1 a SOLUBLE PACIFIC SMI CO-; PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVEllUNDHEDTONSBOLUllLErACIFIOOUANO for aalo, eitlmr for CAHII or on CHOI' TIME. Lilwal ternia will be mud with Mcrohunts aud other roliulilo )artits to it'll thia Ouauo at our War u ho price". ' . W. If. McltARY & CO., t)mmllon Morcbanw, AgenUfor 1'aciHotluJim Co., aud Dealeraln No. t Peruvian Ouano ! Nohth Watkh Htuhht, WllittllNlilTOM. N. Sub-Agents for tho Sato of Soluble Paclllc (Juano. r. n. inio! V; UIIAIIAn..,.. ...jii a1- .L.I ii NOtnf:.OPENINC' - AT M. M. KATZ'SV All the latest Novelties and tholbest qualities at the very lowest prices. More particulars in a few clays. 31. ijjrz9 aprll My At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or G0.00, pnyullo 1st of November, next; NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At :J3.00per Ton, Cah, or "$38.6 i payuVle let of November next, :" we OOABANTKK that tha previou High (Ira of our fertlllaera ahall ba folly Maitaihio K, IV HHIDOEK8, PrmMont I). MnKAK, TicaKurer. O. Ii. UKAKFL1N, S urerlTitcn1ent. JaoB. The Copartnership HF.RFTfiFOHK KXIHXINU BBTWRKN the mi lfrHl(Tii.l. mute tha Hrui nama of Wiriii.tft llinwin, I thla day dlKHoivnt by inu -tualcoiia"ti. Aim Kpruatai.d lam,nHpMirit arc alorc aiitliorint.i to aattla tha copartner aliln and to tln lis name of tha nrni lu li.jul diitou. A,rX SPKUNT. JUHN W. HINMO.N, JAMK8 BrnliMT, Tlienn.ler g icd hava thl day awnclatcd tliamwlve a copartner under the firm nd ttlo ol "AIM. Hprunl Sun. They vMI con tinne tha bnlnc-t thi old II m at the awa placr ; ami th pledge to th friend, anrt pat ron of -.print A rilnrvu and to all ullmr an tnut ng bin In' to them tha moat diligent ami faithful aticnilonto their lt'.tcr.ata. AP.IIW.1B, AI.BX 8PRPWT, JAMttaSfHUNX. Having barn aoclated th bu.lneM .with Mia AIM Dprunt and jamaa epruntlor the pt eight yo- r. ai d Intaudiiiji ti Irave tha 8tai to ii i hi into tmineaa a'aewiicra, I retire frum that oonnectlmi with the very hlghcatap. preeiatlon of them both aa merchant and gen tletnon of thorough capacity and Integrity; and moflt cordially ri-cnmmend the new firm of Alex uprunt S "on to the patrenagnand evm. flilnnr of tha pnbllo, and exiolally of all my friend-; and take ploaaare In aarnrlng them that their bust'in could not be anUiutod to better or eater handa. - April lat, 18IB. - JOHNW. HINSON. aprll S 1 45 RODDICK and yicinity, but with those of any r."'.' 1 1' !i i t . . . i or UirniiiiiToU foTlllltliB hfltytMiU Ulfl.. or by laying any t-laima of frieudship. iroive doing thnt in a legitiniato way. JOD LOTS .......... ..OUHnrulrad, H. O. ..M.rlnn, B. O. H-tlm4w .. 36 Market St. 36 Market Street' WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For tho Bciwjii of 1875, 'delivered on the Oars, at Our Fuetory, ot tho followmg ;i SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY . WILMINGTON. Nwiin ' I hiv nt received the lato.t ntyla.of Boot and 8hue, comprising Genu' riua Hnd aewed Boon, r " , n, i. ii Hoi Toe Prluca , J I Albert, ' Do ' " Boi-Toe Strap Tlee, io Machlna 8wed Boi Toe 1'rlnca Albert. ;" ' . ' ' " badie. Mine, Children' and Infant Red . and Pel'ble Button and Uee Buota. AIo, Mlwaan-I uniinretrevoioreii nnoaa. . I hnve oo u red the A genry for A McKlrath1! Comhlnntlon Blacking lirush. Scructhlug new, - . - neat and nobby. . . . . , OHARLF.S A. PRIOR, -i. - -i ..... No ii Marktt Street, aprill 8'gnof th6.blen Boo jAU, BKTAIfi LIQTJOB DEALF.K 8 AFK .,. hereby notified to ccme foiw irl and mir , . their j . - LIQUOR LICENSE ' according to law, otherw's they 111 ha llabia -? ; to the penatttea prescribed by law. GEaW.BORDEArX, prllMw " KcgWan

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