f (Hi! SkfFi l.V ii . s. . y i .rP w 1 T.N. 5 NC'" N 1 1 VHOLE NO. 0,850. 70L. XXIV. HO. Q, WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY. APRIL 10. 1875. L t I 1 1 f 1 . H N T 1 i i n 7 i I 1 i . if :'. I iiill. vVlLilLNG ION. N. C. SATURDAY. PE1L10 1875. BY TEUiCRAPEi. KING (OTTOS MARCH RSPOKT OF Tilt: MEM PHIS EXCHANGE Mrui'hih, April 9. Noou. The monthly ropirt of the Cottou Ex luiiige fot Alaroli from Went IV uusset, North-Alabama, North Mi;nii-hii!, Arkuusiu ttud U'rttl of the Aikanits r.ver, hIiovth by 6SS reajKHiKcs, li H lit p )r ceut. Ii't-s number ut Liali-H of cut to i wure produced iu tbiHtliatrict t'lHij in 1873. ,TLe facilities titmiidiiliy fur nisnni iu aid of producing c i were OX ..... ,.., il ... f... 1S17 I If i b3 I'vl WU JCiw illf. Jul J.'11'JV.. v An ti.itimated that 3 poroent. only i f tho crop reniuined , uumiirketetl on thfi U3.1. Tuer has beta an iuoreawi ol 1 ii.orers in thin dmtrict of ptr emit, a uo the coiittntuuintiou of last yeat's 0 PreparaUous or crop jiluntipg iv 5 per eiit iu an advauo- d coudi t;'u ua compared with' the HpriuR oi 1STP Th increase of awrnge by u. w 01 .red laud is 3 per cent, over lf)7i T I) pr spective decrease) in aoraixof c. um plautiug from that of 1871, ih et'imatcd to be 5j per Ctnt. Ln b ir rs are aeooptipg work with allien tv for 30 per oent. of wages, 43 pi r cut. for ebartg of crop, find 1'.) per o ut, tor reutitig. The general tone of compensation to laborers indicate a uecliue of about l." per cent, as cow pitrid with th n pant Uo xeusouH. PJnNxNSYLVAMA. THE FIRE ATSTOCKTON GAIN ING HEAD. T11E STRIKE TO COVER THE ENTIRE COAL REGION. Hazlbtoh, April 9 Noon Thft fire in -the mine at Stockton is gaining h adi It Bay-tequire rnonthH nn tboiwands of dollars before tho fire is extinguished. ' r-- The soldiers were received with jeers. Detachments of troops have bi eu moved to several points. There a-e 1,200 soldiers here. The indica tions are now that the strike will ei tftul until it covers the entire anthra cite coal region. Scbanton, April 9 Noon At a meeting held last night it Was resolved that all miners qnit work "to-day and Rf noon vote by ballot on a Strike The tflunlt will be reported to the nifeting to-night, when the mutter will be definitely settled. YVilkbsbarrb, April 9. Night. All is quiet, tad it is expected therm n will resume Work next week. ff azleton, April 9. Night. There whs an incendiary fire yesterday. Troops are arriving by every train. Pottsvilli, April 9. Night. Tho miners, in tho region about Hhamuken have struck. THE ST01UI KING. CHURCH BLOWN ' ILLINOIS. OVER IN FEARFUL STORM NEAR LITTLE ROCK. Edinburg. Iltj., April 9 Noon A fearful tornado has just swept over f'itf plaoe. Christian Church, where thirty or forty young ladies and gen- tleinen were rehearsing, was demolish ed. Fifteen have beeu tukon out. one of whom was dead. (Several had limbs broken. ' ' Five dwellings wese prostrated and eleven badly damaged. ) Little Rock, April 9 Noon A tornado three miles below this city uprooted a number of trees and uu roofd many houses. Mr3. Jones was killed, aid her two daughters were ser ously injured. GOTHAM. PRESBYTERIAN GENERAL CON FERENCE. THE NEW SUITS AGAINST TWEED. New Yokk, April 9 Noon The Conference of the Presbyterian Con ference was held here last evening, in the interest of the proposed Presbyte rian confederation. The plan for the purpose was submitted on July 21th. liepresentativrts of all Presbyterian bodies in the world designing to tuko part iu the movemeut will meet in Loudon to draft a Constitution for thtir consideration and to fix the time and vm for the holding of the first Cjuuoil 01 mo uuneu nouy. Notice of action was filed sgaitiBt Wm. 51. Tweed yesterday iu the ollion , of tho County Clerk. Tho list of prop erty attached embraces everything kuown to be in the possession of Tweed at the time of his exposure and winch h passed into the hands of o'her parties. ' CONKCTICUT. OFFICIAL RETURNS OF MON DAY'S ELECTION. Haktford, April9 Noon The totiil vote for Governor on Monday was as i 1 1 a a i. i fot'ows: Rerjublicau. 44,301 : Detno- ciats, 03,785 ; Prohibition, 2,809 ; scat t ring 14 leaving a Democratic nui j rifcj ot 6,661. The total vote ft r l ongressmen in the State was as fol lows: Republican. 47,311 : D.-nio- . ernt.n. 51 -093 : Prohibition. 1,909 The Demooratio maioritv iu th.s total vote is 1.867. The prohibition vote is al- niot wbollv drawn from the Republi- emn. The total vote t r Governor is la-crer bv 1.684. tnd that for Congress men by 986, than any previous vote in (I the State. iii:uiTA!iTi;:is. THE ATTORNEY HENEll L REX UEKS Ul'i OPINION IX 11E C.AED TO REFUNDING i'UIlES. WAsmsoTos, Ajiril 9. Night. Attorney G eneral Wlll'tiuis.in bin t p:n iou to rtVeiet.iry Brmtow regarding the refund I g duties savs : The Secietitiv of she Trea--iiry hnt no pow r tn re fund tho dutiescollccted .n aouordanre with any dici-iiot, ruhiiii r Alirection prior t ) the pj-Mlgrt ot tlie b.H. Iitili'.ss iuoliti.-l or overruled H- speeded iu the bill. Monoys. colit cttd miicc e ii. not bo rtfnnded exempt a provided for in fho bill. 1'he t it It of the bid roHiricting ami refunding duties, is March 3d, 1H75., Tfe PieHidiiif haves here 011 Fri d iv for M iasacliu-41 tts. ' 1'iiyniaster W. II Joliuwiu reliev-N Xlt j. Geo.' L Ft)ifii, a.- chief pry mter of the I).'piirtm'nt of ihe (uii, Mj C. Irving Wilson," recently poil.ti d, has been ord' ted o t'ie De friment of lex is. M.j.F. 51. Cox tuiB also beeu O'dered to .'t xu.-i. Miij. 0. 15 (loniHtock, of the Engin eer Corp, bus Iih'ii detailed to report upon the depth of water and the width of eh iimil tit-cured and maintained from time to time in improving the f outh l'u of the Aliisfippi. under the E.id jet-tees. Lieutenant Dio, of toe Eng.ueer Corj8, will us.sist Cmn stix'k in this work. ANOTHER F I G II T WITH THE CARL1STH. MORE . DESERTERS FROM CARLOS. DON Til E SPANISH UNIVERSITY TROUBLES. 5lAiitii), April 9. Noon General Compos entered Refoll after the fight, losing fifty killed and wounded. The Cnrlists' loss is unknown. DrnLiN, April 9. Noon Sir John Gray, member of Parliament and pro prietor of the Freemnu's-Journal, is dead. Paris, April 9; Night The I rem b Government has issued instruct ons to her Consuls to summons for the last time subjects abroad who owe France military sorvico to reginter at tho Con sulates. Fourteen officers, deserters from Don Carlo?, are at Brinritz. It is said that General Elio has given adhesion to Alfonso. i MAniuu, Apiil 9. --Nigh The con flict between the Government and the University nwy cause the fall of the Miuistry Keveral more Frofcssors were exiled to-day. The King's prin cipal physician was offered the head position of the University bnt refused. It is rumored thut Go icral Concha has been officially invited to leave Spain. ELECTlilCIS3IS. - The Delaware and Hudson canal opens on April 12th. Micheid Sullivan was hung yester day at New Brunswick, N. J., (or the murder of Daniel Talmnge. SPECIAL. The tli-f t thing to be considered Iji buying a colUr i Uia tit. Tha Klmwooct and Waiwlck Ut better than any otliwrs. ' I'tMipIo who Have Out Itinlr ie tei-t'i, ue the 8OO00NT, and all a bo d, are nlillug to def late to all wlio don't tl - e it, thai it is 1 lie 1110H purlcctand dolititi'ul th.i gfor ihe tusth they ever dlpptd A Mush Into. Jonnpon'i Anodvitu Liniment l"t Without doalit, tlm wtteo , suroi-t, nnd beat remedy that b ..ever been mvanlwl lor Itucrnai ana ex- t trnul tn. It l.appluubie t are.t variety o cmp itluM. and i equally beneUeiat tu( inan or bo.u-t. We have nocn it mated in various paper, throtistnmt Hie eonVtiv tlit Aiient. f-r the .1 tn sh-rUliit'ii Cavalry 1; -ntl.tiiiii I'owdtim weru auiliorimd t reltind tlio n.oin y to any oeriuiii who fui.iiiil in-e t em una ii' t De 8Htl lie.l w tli tntj reault. Wo dm, bud hie ut ttrt-tt bti' .tie! propria' vie authorize u to ny tli.-.t i is t uo. A Tonic of Hare Ilvtit. Thero are many tonics, lni' low liiilctd wilch produce any other ett'oct , than urtitcia Stluitiiatiou of tho appetite. Tbi. r-o firiritin being a benutlt, 1. a positive detrlniun , if li e d'B-etive orntttin are weak, becui! It Induct. the patient to eat mure th io tlu wmi para iymd Ntom'tch can act u, on, ami tbu. aggra. vate.intligeHtiiin Ihere Is, however, a tonic which f oososB-. il the rare merit ot imp-irting bJtti viot and regularity to the operations ef ntitrl'.iim. Ito-tettttt'. Stomach Bittern pio- Tike wholefomo appetite, because ttitycu aide th'S atomach to d'Hpos! of wh it -t receive with audi hetUhJU': rapt It; that at the, propel timti f ,r m-a It w ntrt-tfli ittt trora lndicti:t-d ma'ter. but cr.ivts lis ilm- ly ftis .-nance. It I. thiv.-ry fact that It faeilt'tttoa dig. .lion that render. te national rtomachlc .'it h a power- till ctntljultr of naluro Iu inrtmiting thofere- cuptrttt.ye p occ-fii'a which result in tin rt cov. ory of tho g ncrul healt i. Unlntorrui'ttd vlrfoMuo sctitin ot th pby.ical mi;l.lnci y in- PVl alily rcxuits fn m the iibj o! tl.i supreme invigtitaulaud altrrHllvo. Many cltj are aulridng trora llio efl'ectj lb v m m weather and aio tit -bilitatc.il, art ad- t o-ed by pit si. dan. to take iu delate .mourn. of whi.ky tw ior three time, tlnrn'g the day In a lilile while thoei who ai-opt I hi. advice frt qtit ntly iticrcasti the number of " tlrinks," and In lime hecotno cm firmed m-biia'c A bevorage wlilcti will not create thirst for intox- ic-ititur liiiini, aiit wltloli in intended especi ally for the benefit of tl bitit. tid peraona, whether ntlit mi or al-road, In Ir. Selicitck'e Mea Weed loi.tc. ( oioulnlng the juice, of many medicinal herl t, 1 lit- preparation doe not croutc an appetltn lor tho intoxicating cm The i oui ithiug and the lllc-aupportlng prop! tit. of many valutible natural piod tciiuit.otin talnedjn it and wi ll known to medical m-ri nav.i a mod aireng h.Miln i itln n -e. A di g, a b-t'iif nt Hit! Ic.tiii wll tit-nioiittr.tn lt.vilna tdoti ta-itica Fr debility auitliitf fro .. .it k-lt-,ov-r txer inn n fiom any can't) whttt-evt-r a wingla.4l'ul "f- o (A'ued Tunic taken at 'r meal, will 'r' ngtti-n t'n H'ttinat h tnil create an appetite lor whol. . tnc tool. 'l o ll who tire Rttout lea-lnii tin r home., we de.iieto .av thutth-cX'Oliei.tellectii'f Dr. (fche ck a.t.iiKbte reinedh-., Heft Weetl'l onlo. anil Mandraka Hip., are particularly .vitleiawl.eu taken bv tt.oto who arc injuriously attett d by a change of water and dint. Ho pei.un .liould leave li . me without taking a nipplyof iht'se auteguardi along. For rale by all Urugg.aU, ' m m iui, oiii i:. Th- HhpiiI K'ri.'e.nl ihrlat)- Vt. J ,'SIAH . ISANiS, ohua ifib r. aiinuiinrott Iu y tTiN. uiim. 1111 tk ilno. .13 o'e'erk In-. it" no " t tl. rrUl Bv of lr. J. K. Wini.. on Kt'th .trrt iTilvrilii r.rri-rt. ' ul'y in. lttil to .ttrnil .Uif v would cumluil ull h. wr hr. NEW ADVERTISEMENT! Slippers. 1.- Broo HUppwminlv 1. lo Mi'tutro Sii-n I rota l Mid p- W ' u Moii'ii r from tl and ufwaid MmiV Nnliiliai. I" i - i At CHlKl.tll A. PKH'F'. j N 8! Marlnl Slrwt oprlllO cnefib- O Idea Binit. Church Music Books. The Presbyterian Psulmidst. The New Lute of Ziou. The Staudard. The Southern Harmony. C.trmiim Sacra. The Shawn. Tho New Casket. Tho Jubilee. , , The American Tune Book. Gospel Songs. , H E I FJ S B ERG E R ' S l.l Bivok awl Munic rtlor. 11 10 S6 Xew Iloots and Shoes. W lire mi rfculvliiK our larga and wall ' I. t ied mock of Hoi.tt and hbuu. lor Uia irin( tradti, wliliti w ara iitlttrlng at Ilia V"ry lowu.t prlrea. We art .atlottud witb .mall i''"tlt. Wa ba.a in .lock (IrnU, I.adl, Mlc.aiid Ctiil-irt u'a Doi'tdm MmiIb HiHta and Mine., wlili h are the liaiiilMi-uiuat ai d next Curablt oer .mubt t tbl cltj. Kt uif ruber our Victory" 8h. ei. UurjobMnn Ux k l comp'eta and cannut f ill to gre aati.ta Ultra Iu prm. and qu.llty. A fill' rapply of Sola Leather, t'alf Kklii", i. i,l .vliiiu, (ialtnr and Boot Upper., Boot Kioiii., slioe Kit ilingn, Ac. EVANS & VoNOI.iHN. apt II 10 Quarantine Notice P1IIT were notlfletl a few days since to ciiiim) all tciicIi from Havana and Key Wel to come to for iMpectlon by Quarantlna Phy- x in, . Tboywill from this date, until further no tice, caw vjssilii f rom "all Wet India porn 0 . 1el 11, New Orleana and Key Wnt, Fla., to ienp at Quarantine Btatiou for the purpose of bolug Inspected by Health Ofnoar. F. W. POTTER, Quarantine Phys-clan Port of Wilmington, N. 0. Mmith.llle, N. 0 , April Tth. 1875. aprl'9 88 Thunft Jatdi-tMay Musical Instrunicnts ! GUITARS, , BANJOS, VIOLINS, FLUTES, FIFES, HARMONICAS, ACCORDEONS, Ao., &o. Blank Books and Papers OP AM, KINDS AND SIZES. ENVELOPES, VISITTNG CARDS, INITIAL PAPER, and PAPETRIES. For sale at , CONOLEY & YATES' City Book Store- No. 47 Market Street, aprll it FACTORY. Doors, Sash, 111 in tlx and Moulding, Ac. When you want, bottom price., go where they are ntatle fiot uf Walnut Hreet, Colvlllo & t;o'e Mill. W, DYKK8. aprll 1-lm EVERY DAY lrowli Nupplien. BEST BUTTER ORANGE COUNTY Dairy'.. llioiciiKt" aeleclinna from Ui.hen County Crcamerief. FRESH KOASTKD AND GROUND Pure Laguayra Coffee. With our "Swirr Mili" we can meet every eall. ... , Preyed Corn Beef, Fulton Market Corned Beef, Choice Mackerel antl Salmon. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., O A 7 North Front St. . aprll 9 Eastern Hay, UAKBER AND OTHER FUKNITUHK. nine Chair.. Desk, Wilting Table, Wklnn (llhmt,4-i x UO lni he., with Hundriea at Auction atour .ale.toom. thl. rtgular ta'.e da, Frt. tUj at 10 o'clock A.M. (JUtiM.V MORRf. apt 11 -H Atictionecra Bottled Lager Beer. ryo .hkter, MILWAUKRB, ANDTIVOLt, Frr .ale at O H. W. HtINGK'8, N . F. Corner of Market and Second bt. mr l 4 '81 Garfiea Too;s ! Garfica Toils!' .Itntt rrciived one of the beat aorled stock of 14 rilt'ti Pool, erur brouzhl to the oltv, con. tt in ol' Hoe., Haea,Mpadea,Hie.and Rake, comi'tind. Hoe. fur drawing Drill., Ladle. Hoe. Hetlee HheatH, ezi., o. All for ..le at vo y low pilce. at 'ho b ew Hardware Houe ot aprll 4 HII.K'' St, (MUCH (BON Potatoes, Potatoes, Pota- toes. DDLS EAUbt nUSB POTATOES, 100 For ..le by lUlUClHMB A UAUB BBOS. NEW AI'VERTIEMENW3. Turpentine Tools, (Ol an anted iuTiH, II. . k..r. Hniiii Hi.Tf.. Tarnnliw I lit. twrs, i. ac k Wrl.hi.. k I'i!r. Kt i(nd Sh. WhrtlPin, Holn Siranirr., Mtiliiniem. I'll' prr.. Ac. A tare thick o lb il, i ( ! and at pi ! ti nt rw, .audortnul tiott m price can't compete llM, can he loui d at the Dltl ft.tahitt.nrd Itaiunare ikiumoi JOHN lAWON, " ltl t, 30 and i Market Stiti. prll 4 . " Feather Dusters, lADOLKS, HAKNKd. I'Kl'NKS. I ttAV ri I til! Han. Ctil-arn. Patuc. Bridle, llitck I au U. Vbip. rpur, Al irec, ,c. I'rnaki llepalred autl I ovctrvd CARPENTER A MALLARD. SHcoctor. to .1. n. toi'mam n , No. t South Fiont Ktieot, W ilmttigton, N tt airtlt W-tl riants, Med and Bulbs, I, Hill,, and .riitl, m- n re ri-ni-ri-Oii'l v noli Bed that niv (inidtii and "te n llnutp mi t-lfttb. h-1 en Clint ct. t tl I hcptntlt street. are iit-tn ftoik.il nh an eH-RHit vm-ttytu Ida-t.et alt kmri.. aim h 1 (itl-r a vt-tv to I rife. A call and ancniiinliiittit n v r, .pivt't iuily ailicltcd OI'O. P. I. A Mil aprll f-lw Flori.t. Produce Exchange. Tlta Annual niectlng lit the Pri-duca Fi eh 'o will b" held a' h Kvchange lit i'lii O't Tt'Kl'AY. April Mih, InTA, .t liuVn k M. turih el, oiiou n' t flictm lor ihttenmlt j year. Mrmt er. .re rerf erllully nntim-d. KIC1IAHII W. ANUKKWH, Hecretary and Irvaanrrr. anrll S'J-l Hiareopy lth A 13tb. JJQ BAKKKI.M AND IIOXKS ' 'ApploN, Oruiiffos and liOiuoiiM. . For .ale low by tIKO. MVfcUS. JOB LOT OF (Clioiio IJ utter." riirTr PACK AO EH. Thl. i. the ni pnrtuoity to g t g'ttd Butter at veiy low pttce at - OKD. MYEKS1. TeXTRA LARGE " New Mess Mackerel, flecrge'. Bank Cod Hull And Pre.h Haimon, Thl. week, fre.li nuppllea coming In to-day. At 0 RU. MY KUS', 11 Si 13 South rrontSt. M aprll 7 I) -or-. SPRING AND SU.rlMEjj . MILLINERY. For the Ladies. I have relurnrtl from the North with a large and haitdMJine.lock of Mllilmtrv tKnt.aiich a. French l attem HoiiikIh. II.Oi, Klowor., Klbliona, f I k. and Straw (Itavla. Having bought my (lootla fur ca.h, I can glv my patron, .pt-c'ul in,lU'-rmenl, both In .tyle and quality, at extremely low price, for cath only. Mrs. A. D-BROWN, Millinery Emporium, F.XOIlANflBC'ORNRB. ' 81-'iW api ll 4 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OOUNTV OF HUKltT. . eouui r t'tiMMim ri.nA.. .Itmeph II. Iierh.ru, Plaltitlll', aKalti t Unrrlit li. Daniel., John II Daitlele, Charlotte H. Daniel.. Edward Daniel, and Ague Dan lela, Defendant.. ' ... IOPT ei'MMtiNf, To the DefendHiile. Harriett!. Daniel., .Inhn II Danlola, Charlotte H. Daiiicla, Kdwaid Daulel. anil Ague. Daniel. : You am herd y anminone.d and rcn'ilred In answer ilie comtilaint in tin. action, which 1. tiled in thecfllce of the Clerk ot Common le.a for the .aid cimntv, antl to serve a copv of your answer to thtt .aid complaint nn the .iib.c-.iiln r at hi. ofllce, in Cmiwiiybofo, . I),, within twenty duv. after the n-rvlee hereof, cxclushe Of the'dtv of .neb .ervice; and If on fall 10 an. war th complaint w thin ho time afote .aid, the plaintiff in thl. action will apply to the Court lor Hit! relief demanded in the com plaint. Dated March Sfith, 157K. l.ie.ll '1 HOH. W. BEAT V, C. C. P. ,loa. T. WAL.H, PlHintlfl'i Attorney. To the Defendant ; . Harrl -tC I a ilnl., Join H. Paniela. liar, lotte II. Daniel., f tin .id Dunlel. anil Ague. Daniel. Take notice that the .uniiiiin 8 In tins action, of wl'lcll the foregoing la a copy, 'o eettier wlih the c mip'a'iit therein, wa. filed In the office tit the ''lerk ol the Court of Common PI HH.atC'onwavriori, In the Ntateof Mitith Carolina, on the'th day of March, 18T5 jok.t: WAI.NH, riiiintlff'. AMornev. aprll 1 7S-Hawfi $50 $100 1500 $1000 nvrxled III Nlork PrlviU'HO. in all Nlreet, Icatle to mai y i noes. una n. t ul.l.AKS fki FIT. Coniprehi n.lve explana. tory elrciilar., containing itetalhd atatt me tit and imitation price, of all stotka dttult in at. tue ffno Yerk Stuck Kxi'hanit, rn'iiicd fret lo those dcidrlt'gto .peculate. Addr-ea, A I, CX FKIJ ' HINU" M CO., HackerH-i.i d Itrnker. (pp N t atork Exch.ngo. li Wall St.. Itbafi-ly-nd , NkWYORK Turpentine Distillery for Sale. We have a twolve Barrel Tnrpeut-ne Dlatll ler7 now in nae, needing tome repair., which we will aoll very cheap. Addreatt JNO. D. WFI.T.H rr) Tolmot. K. f . march 11 fii-'meod Pxecutor's Notice. TJAVINU QUALIFIED IlKfORE THK Judgeof Prohateof New Hanover toiinty na Executor of Patrick 'Murphy, deceased, 1 hereby give rotloe to all praon Indebltd to said deoedent, to roke Immediate payment to me, and to all person, having claim, against aald decedent to exhibit the same t me on Of before the 7tli day of March, A.D , K!f! P. L. MDRPHT, Executor inarch 1 8T-Ubw1w, MI CELLANEOU. lioTici." Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, April 1st, IH75, TH-? r att rNTtoM or the oirirv oi Ote cum mo n tt l r('fctilly calltd hi Hit' tact ilttl ih' . i-kl. ---ii appinache. vlth ihs w.rio wea'hrr, wltloli t. now near at hind, and ho it ictiiur mi duty to atlt'M th. nnt tt ingisni nlt.ry r neutu. at thl tini.ln ot. tl-1 lopn M" ve the hcaltli ot tbeclty. 'lopre. rent, aa tar ptwibie, the .pntid i t all iii-i'.m . incldt nt to th wai tit m, whiitt I'n)r4 .vin r llltli, .irbaa;, Tin.li nnd all It clime titit,-r i h il l to g' net at . 1 Mould in "ft .arnctly a.k tlu licarty oo-opi'iiitltir, nt the cttt.en. .-11.1-ally in I'l.iotng o ir t-ity In .11. h a r .anlyoon ilttton . lo rci tit r It Mni'tciitiMe to th.tetlir. caw. !il, h liv.. oltltl Iu Mm an i au iiiiwti"lv enic .itmi.1 here, nd t a -luck ot p'O opt at toiit tin at the proper .eam to I li it. end Hit' entire force ol' th. oUy will he ni !'eil In t' I.I: A Nil Nil, UKAININU. DISINriCCT. INO, HKWtiVIM) TKASH . Xf , Ac. l it at le.tl the next tw. lily day. ,1 II pcriti. ate earnestly rt'iie.tcit t ihnte he trnah till re I on j ni.ttcr u-oii their pr ml i placed upon V e .ttcci.. lit ro ra dltalilt in tmrt-litor l.iu... ahltii will ba removed Im incd atcly. i a intlNKrcTANIH alll be liirnl: httl tree uf olnuge at my I'tlUo to any peiwin calling fur luo. TIIK HKAt.Tll OrTU'KliHTO Dli DKMIONArUt ' 1IY A VKU.OW IIOSKTTE, Pay be 'not I tit il ot any.lag-naut water .(antling Lponany lot, il.uip cellar., or anyllilng which would tend to Impair the health of theOlty. Any complaint Itdgedatmy Oltloe will have proiupt atientloti. Hoping (hat proper .auttary mcaatirr. adopted row may .f cure to 111 a lualthv e.ty during the .ulumrr, I earnml'y willcitthe aid and pn nipt co operation of all jowl cltl.rn. o attain I hi. great j to bede sired end. Very re.pectrally, J II. KOIttNHON, April tit City Marthal. FATHERS! HINO TUB HOYS AND riT t KM with Suits of Clothes, Very Nlceand Cheap. LOMtt VOlUtSKIA'KS and tiurotik.a yur own outfit.. MUNSON & CO., CITY CL011IIEK8. aprll 8 TKW WHITE MAR8Kfl,I,K1 AND UNKN Al ' V t.a l a, elegantly ma-ltt up. We have attached to our Peicale Hhirl. Ihe I'BleiH omtiliittt ion 4 till. Have you seen th.m ? The noliWent and mutt c )n.pleto thing, out. A: iAVii, Icri'luiiit aprll 8 TiiHoi. f4 MORE THAN 6,000,000 Of O.MS JNTMBEK ATtONH OP TUB .Justly Celkhkated SPENCFRIAN Doi'iit.n-EiARTii' STEEL PENS Wereio'dln iHTt-bengagaln of more than 1,000 uoo over ilit) ear I'revlous; thl., with tho marked Incicuae fit the rale, of the otlior num ber, atiov,. that tho auperlor qunllliaia ol three Pens are being more and more appro-. c'Hfetl, and that they aro dcallned to ink their p'ace l the nio.4 popular bice Pen. iu the market-. They aro ma le of ti e beat atorl, by tha ninal ahlllfiil vorl urn in Kurope, and are a nearer. ppro.i matioiivU the rial Nu'nil t)ulll ac'lon thm anything of the kind 1 1' her to Invented , , - -.' , The Spt nceilan r'teel Pen. aie unlver- sally used ": Commorclol Col leges llirougliout the U. H., more laro j tlian any.olber. by the United States Co vern merit, andfiillcgeneiailynthe Banks, Counting Houses aid Schools of 'he '-t untrj ; ut d are for SBIO by tho trado generally, . We ol tlm lor tun hptnci rlan mrerlorlty over all other ten" in durability. elasticity, flexibility, and m even ness of point 'll:e MimiKrl.n Pen. ae cnmprls-d In IB numbers, wjlng In flexibility and fljittitits ui point, and, lor tho coi.vt nlence of tUotw who may with to try them, we will actol a card oonaniing a sample of each number mnll, tecurely tnclored, on re ceipt of 20 cents. Addieae all order, to . IISON, B1AKKMAN. TAYLOR A t'O, 138 and 140 Grand Street, ' aprll l-i-U-Wed&iat. awruait. From this Date -i -JHM i: 4F COA tl WILL BE lOPerTon. O. Q. TARSLEY 4 CO. march 29 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i . iu BHOWN & We at ill rHut nine to sell at our former low priees uolwithataiiding the id vauoo in tho umrkU, nd m a Hnlhintiul proof mtbniit the following lint of prices: - Cot-- SiKuil Cotton 6 eenta iimkI or 70 cents per doteti. - I'nlil aeiiod (aitton friim II cenU per ynrtl. X inch Frnit of (ho Ikmhu . . ... U Genta per yard. .HU ' ' ' Loom. 12J " " III! " WnuwutU ,.;-,'...... .ltlj " " New Hprltifj Ouliooo"., beat ipmlitv, 10 eenU per yard, I.Hilie 1'iiU'h for tho Neck tl and 10 retttH, worth 25 eentjj, a bargain. It would ba a great tavintj to thonn vinitiij the city for thn purprwo of do iiiR their nhoppiiif in tho Dry (looik lino to givt na a ckII )m iota tn making their purelmiten. We tk tliiM method if Bdverlinitiir price for yon to oom paro tliem wUli not only Wilmington and vicinity, but with thone of any Mo tion of the country. We have no time or iuolinntiou to button-hole vnu on the atreeta, or hnik you up in tho Hotola, or by laying auy clairua of frieudiiLip. Our object i purely buHinetw, and w. projioao doing thut in a legitimate way. SEVERAL JOD LOTS Such hm 100 doaeii Kid (llovea for 50 eeiita per pair, worth 1 SO. Lmlien liemined I'tiro Linen Ilandkerohit fa 15 cetita, worth 25 ocuta. 20 paira lUauketa worth gi 51). . WE HAVE OOT EVERYTIIIN(MVE ADVERTISE OU PRICE-TERMS CASH-NO SAMPIES CUT. BR0VN-& RODDICK, 45 Market Street. aoi'ch i at. SOLUBLE MIE GUANO CO- CAl'lTAL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for aalo, cither for CASH or on CHOI' TIME. Liberal term will bo mack with Merchants and other reliable parties toadl this (luono at oar Wareho prices. W. II. MclUItY & ( 0.. A'timminalon Morobaiit. Agent for PaolfloOuano Sub-Agents for the Sale r. u. (iiiinok.. UiHllAfl Jill III MOW OPENIN - At M JH.KATZ S, All the latest Novelties and theibest qnalitiesatthcvery lowest prices. More particulars in a few days. apilM-ly Just Keceived ! WK IIAVK .ItJMT KKUKIVKI) A LOT OK THK If A NIHO M EST Ladies" and Gentlemen's That ha. ever been oleretl fcr sale In thl. mar ket. EVANS ft VonOLAuN. NOTICE, iALL HE'JfAIL LKJUOK DBA LEI 8 ABB hereby notified to como fin war! and rere their LIQUOR LICENSE according to law, other w ee they will be liable to tha peint'.tlei iroaoMbed by taw. OKM.W. BORDEAUX, aprll 6-lw ; RegWer. Dissolution Notice- rjllIE COPARTNERSHIP HEHETOFOKE ex' t(pg between the tn ierdg'-ed at Wilming ton ami Uocklngham, under tne firm name and .tyle of liuvlngton, r verutt St Co., waa dla lived by mutual consen' on the 27th of Fohruary laav The liu.lonm of the firm at. Rockingham will beaettlnl by W. I. Everett and that at WII f'lutoit by K. P. Covlngto-t. who are authcr li mi to tn-e the name or Ihe firm In liquidation. Rocklnghitm, April Dili, Isle. E P. COVINOTON, W. I. kVKKElT, j f. W. (H)Vlv(iTON, 8.W. WEBB. aprll T f-t Corn, Oats land Hay. 3 000 BVinu!:l'!1 couK' 1,000 " 0AT8 On A PALES HAT, for .ale by KBBUBM& & OALDER BROS aprll I DO 15 RODDICK- 1,000,000. Co,, antlllrlliN. I Pernvtan OnTino " NortTH Watiir Hthbet, - Wll.niN41TIN, N. . .. oi' Soluble Pacillc Ouano. .Old Hundred, N. a Marlon, H. 0. . 'il-mdAw 36 Market SI, 36Iarket Street rriio Virginia BUFFALO SPRINGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL OF THE SOUTH. WATER OPEN 20th MAT, 1875, Tli nee water, are noaaoased of extraordinary curative power. In alteetloiis of the KlUNKYii aim ni,.lliKK,ln ail aeraiifteuwnui ui iu 1I1L1AUY OKUANrl moment ut warm wtaa mniln regions, Iu DyspS JSla, to Dl8 eases peculiar tot Women. Chronic Intermittent nu Hemlt tont Fevers, m Chronlo Conprr hoaa Seoondary Syphilis. Cleet aim ail ilmen.o. ol thn Cehital OrKSnS. a'idlnaume Inrmaof Coutaod Rheuma- , tlsm. Tbiirrtmarkahio powr antl emcacy ; lit i e iliaea-t. Indicated aro von bed tor by ; ..itue or the ni '.t ilist-e-cnisbed me.Ural men -of the co'intrvrboth NottU and South, a wellr ' aaby reported caaca rroin the mint unquot tloii'ablo anurcn Tm-tluiontal. In Panii'lilet . form Itirniahed on application. T11JS WAt'Eii; FIIIIBAL1S. The water i put up In casce of onedoiea h.irailion Mtiltir. at per fiw Route to the Springs for thei,South: r i ol tliu ttici.moi.d and A .,a-,l Air Line Railroad to Moottahurir l)p-.t In Halifax count v. Vlnrlnlv wh.-r all ttHlit.re met by (oacheaforlhei'prlngaljmileadirtant. THOMA8 F. (JIWDB, ; at rll U'ttaw-lm fr.t..r'etor. t Extracts for the Toi'et, QUICRLAIN'H EXTRACTS, Lnhln' Extract., ' 1 t . ' Phaion'i Mght Hloomlag O ria, ' Hair Bruthea, Comba, - , Oiled Nitk, Ac, AS. For .ale by . . . OREKN& ftANNEHJ march 31 Constantly Keeeiving F' RK8H SUPPLIES OF DRtTO, MEDl elneii, l hemloal., Fancv and Toilet Ar tiolo., Perfumery and Soi a. , 1 Preterlptioni compounded at a'l lionri, clay or night, at . 'i .' JAMES CMONPR'TH n (fKiore. -1 hirdStreet, opposite U! r H:'U. ' aprUt -

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