r n v ) VOL XXIV. NO. 87. WILHIHGTOH, -N. C. SUNDAY. APRIL 11. 1875. tTHOLE NO. 6.851. f HI m i?$ 1m mi; fl'hr'ttolin jlpuninl. WILMINGTON, N. C., SUNDAY APRIL 11. 1S75 BY TELEGRAPH. 3 lit -KUltOPlV THE LOCK OUT IS SOUTH ; WALES. CARDINAL: MANNING ON THE CHURCH CRISIS. AN EX-CARLIST AITOIXTEP TO THE MADRID UNIVERSIir. BOYNTON ADVENTlltE IN THE BRITISH . CHANNEL. LovDoiV April 10 N'ion The coal M inters at SoutU Wales have agreed to "top tbe lock but for a week and throw open the pits at a reduction of tea per cent. If work if not resumed in ther reduction will be demauded. T t y give the men a week to consider ou tiie question. If the trms are re jected fifteen thousand men will be un eai toyed. C irdifial Manning opened the Catll olio College at Keaxingron. He 8d lm arded himself eutrostfld with o nmnission of warfare ami believed th Charoh war approaching the moat fiery crisis for throe hnndreil years. Madrid, April 10 Noon The head Lmtion in the Madrid University h3 n oouferred npon Scuor La Founts, foimurly editor of a Carlist newapn per. No liberal professor would ac- 0 'pt the poHt. f Lore is much dissatiH- 1 notion ' at the appointment of La Feunte,' and the studeuts are signing a protest against it to be presented to toe government. Dover, April 10 Noon Paul Boyn to i started at 4:30 A. M. to cross (he G unnel in' his life safe dress. A ress boat aooompauies him laying tiegrpa 'cablft ' A telegram dated Md Channel, 11:15 A. M., says that B vton ia fourteen miles out. ... going splendidly, in good spirits aud smok ing. Cape Qrisney is in sight. NEW ORLEANS. POOLS FOR THE RACES. SOME ACCOUNT OF TESTER DAY'S DOINGS. New Orleans, ' April 10 Noon The following are tbe pools for the bn i die raoe; Limestone 60; Billowe and Shellalah 60; Hutcbiusou 15; Field 15. SeOftd race; Cottrell's Nuunie 7; Leap Year 100; Warfare i0; Baoon enters 15 and Mignon 10. Third raoe Bonaventnre 800; Stam n d 40: . Grander SO: Galwav 21. i'lttmatith 13; Nilligan 12. Nkw Orleans, April 10 Night The Spring meeting of the Lomsiuna Jockey Club was successfully inaugu rated to-day. Fine weather and a largeUeudaace, a good track and spirited racing. The first raoe was a hurdle raoe of two miles over eight hurdles, a club purse of $500; first horse, $350; second, $100; third, 50. T.e teven started and all came to the string at the finish, eieept Biloxi, wLo let down completely , at the seventh hurdle. At the start Capt. Hutchin bou took the lead, closely followed by Limestone and Biloxi, the others being well burched and five lengths behind at half. At the end of the first mile the horses were well together, but gradually stringing out until the fiuish. Hutchinson and Limestone en tered th? borne stretch, 1 Hutchinson load ng a length, but Limestone gain ing to the' finish made a dead halt; Little Flirt, on the third, beating Boloxi, Shillalah, Capt. Jack and BJj Brittou; time 6:63. - The first money was divided between Limestone and Hutchinson."" Limestone was a favo rito in the pools, selling on the track at about th same aa last night. The so6ud race,Piofcwiok stakes, for three yearoldfli $2& -entrance, P. P., with $1,000 added; second horse, 8200; tliird, $100; mile heats; thirteen nomi nations; four started; Nanuie F. one, two," one; Mignon twenty, 'one, two; Mainsail three,three,JR. 0-; Leap Year four.fou, RO.;time 1:51,1:18, 1:53. I a thd Apt heat Nannie took the lead, winning easily by a length. Tho second heat was won by Mignon, by half a head. The third heat was won by Nannie, by.half a length. At tbe start the betting was 2 to 1 on Nannie against the field, and 3 to 1 at the end of thtf flrtl .heat. ' At the end of the second beat the botting was nearly even on Knnnie against Mignon, with the latter somewhat the favorite. Third ' race, two miles, for all ages, for a olnb purse of $500, was won by Bouaventure, beating Galway; Orainffer: third Col. Millifran: Fb (month " stamped : Bonaveuture took the lead at the start and kept it ip.iiirhoiit. winninir bv half a length. The batting was $Jt on Bonaventnre against $L( on au otners. GOTHAM. THE LONG BHOKEJIEN'S STRIKE. THE TRIBUNE LN ITS NEW QUARTERS. New 'Yobj,' April 10- Night Dun Bryant, the minstrel, is aaugerousiy 211 .;fl. tha nnnnmnnio- IX l W.fVK vi- f . T. V Vrminh secretarT and treasurer.'aud S. Gicia.Ojuneoied with the Palasaides bogus insurance coiu pitpy, have been indicted for conspi y AmtnnA and convicted ' The accounts of the China agent of the Pacific Mail Hteamsnip uompany have been examinea anu iouuu.cor rant. Tha mistake existed in the nc counts of the agency between Hong v Kong and Yokohomn. ' There is no trouble from tho strike of the Lonffshoremen so far. but neither party show signs of compro Tiibune, which wus this morning, for lb tii 81 tmio iMMU'd from its tuHgiiitl eitit iihw building, signalized the vent by thrt presentation to-day to Mr. Wliitluw lloed of a set of ni'.ver. HEADIiUAIlTEHS. AND STILL ANOTHER RADICAL POLITICIAN CHARGED WITH STEALING. HINDS RELASED OS BAIL Washington, April 10 Nixmi lliiu s, recei.tly Maihtial of Alab.iuiu, w.itaivhted ou the charge of complicity in tampering with mail bids. He will be t'xauiiuf d by the United St:iti-s Commissioners this' afternoon. - Kittle, also ' implicated, is among the wit-iiBJ-sea, Washinotos, April 10 -Noon Ex- M trshal llindri, ol Alabama, ba b en releaaed ou $2,5lK) bail, for a hearing ou luewdiiy next, en a eliargo of ofh i ing to bride a public otlluur iu con neotion with mail lettlngs. r The President has appointed Rich ard Gibbs, of New York, Minister-Jo Peru. The U.S. steamer Blue Light will be fitted out fur the uae of Prof. Speuoer Beard, U. S. Fish CommisHiouer.' Commander Beardsly will command the venscl. , The Tallapoosa taker, the marine baud to Boston to assist in the centen nial of the battle of Lexington. ELECTH1CIS3IS. Col. John M. Powell, once a wealthy MiNsiiNippi pliuter, oouimitted t-uicide et rday at New York, witlf morphine. Powell's grandfather was George JVaHliingtonV c iusiu. Charley Berdex, formerly Vioe Prehideut of the Teutonic National tfank, committed suicide at New Orleans. Cause ungentle fortune. Judge A. A. Atoehe, provost mar shal under Bntlt r, is dead. At Scrauton, a ballot was taken yes terday in several miuos, which result, ed-in 1,512 for, and 319 against work. The result gives unbounded satisfac tion. Emigration westward is - unprece dented; 9,390 have passed through Omaha siuoe March the 1st; 1,000 are waiting there for tho cars. Judge Boreman, who is trying the polygamy case at Beaver, Utah, de cides that polygamy is a continuous crime, and limitations do not apply-. The Gibson county, Teun., Ku-Klux have been ocuitud. The Pottaville Miner's Journal sys that the supply of coal is one million tons short of last year. A fire in Greenville, Miss., a plan ing mill, hotel aud other buildings. Tho loss is etimated at $50,000. Sev eral citizens were hurt by falling clilmuevs. KEY WEST. NO FEVER THEEE NOW. Ket West, April 10 Night -A dis patch to Surgeon Gen.Beale says: "The weather is still cool and no case or cases of yellow fever since the last telegram. The fleet has all gone. The health of the city as reported by the health ofiict r is uniMiially good. uMBBBaBaaaaaaasaMSMi NEW ALVIR1I3ZUENTB. 825 Reward. rpHOSE WHO ARE IN N'KBD UP A NICE Spring- or Bummer Hult will ttiul it to tlielr advantage to emuilne wy etoek before !urebaalng elsewhere. Kcantiful lllue flannel Nulla at 14 30.. HanUnome Caacimore Suita at 10. Btyluh White Warn J Ike veaUatTS ceuta. Tha Bnort tk ot ?ioe-ttoel "tB Hie city far Merchant Xailoriog. i. : i apriin A. UAVin. PON FORM, "The Knatiaaok-full of Fuel" or 1,000 Ua- titina of T.inghtcr. . "Broad Uilna" of the Laughing Philosopher, bing a collection of Funny Juke and Iftoll luoidents. .",.' White's l thlopiau Joke Book, a perfect Cas ket of Kun. ' Aim, a large lot of new Comic and Senti mental Hong Hooks, and a great variety of Dime Noei, &a. .' All tor aaie by CONOLEY & YATE3, 47 Market Street. ini u ST in Store and to Arrive ! Kill I'inaeii Simmoua' TnrpenHtie' HHCk'r" and t n Hem, I'll dmen Wntwin Turpentine llicken and Futlere. BO dozen tnrpantlne Dtpps'a, 25 lci' n Hcker Fi-k, lOGrona Hack W i tie K.iliiren llitck Wclg'.ir, Ktraiiurc ofa-l izn, Hoiiiii I'lpper and eikimme'H, f unuelaaud MeaHiina. and everything e'xe ii.i.mIM on a turpentine faim or around a (till, all lor aaie at bo torn flgiinativ apiil II OILS' & MUKOHISON. BOYS SUITS VERT LOW IN PRtl'E MEN'S SUITS from $6 BO up. Linen Collars only 35 cents per Box. "nandoml TIES and BOWS, something entirely now. . Every Steamer bring' CLOTH I NO to MUNSON &CO. aprii n m WEDDING CAR08 .TdnV THIHI'TKOr RKKPCtr I At tn-mi nr meeting of the It r.l KeMef j rue r.niii'io i oaiiimn isa i, wuwingtoa. M tHlloilratt rMlutlou. iiuiwIt ol our regret t Hi Uw it uuc ueoad iirother Kxtti'iL NC, who .itn ttral Un Hllolrg pr mbie an. iviuiuiiuui woica were anamoieiuiy auop ttt: . Ailtbu nlvaaed the Almluhiy . ii wiiw x niTMieui 9 io reaii.ve iron our miu-4 our accrued brother Knunael Mia; ia.-reiore, tmu Kfi.Wr.-4, Xhal although ,r brother wMto m i" meet Willi un in Una hall, but tot aa bopi tht h ha. gum, iu hie tewud, and will meet uk !! nu wu. Fsiher'etbmne hi Heon kttUtrii, That in the dihif our Hruthr tt ruiu this ConMuiy eq-ttlned a loenut ht repair. d uatiae tod inlihrnl memtxr I K'tolvd That wt alter to hie fnh.m It artilt eimpethy aud rondolenoe tu tkla, tli-Hr ret beiearemmii. Rrtuletd, Tbt In reapert to tha memory of urn uauMuwi tkia tern pany wear their bedgne urnu iu nouraing fur ui apace vf tolitt dtvA noJit, That a blank page be left eum'lng iu uur lulnut-s with the atme, ag aaddeeUi oi "nr deceased b other Re$lrrU. That a etT oftheee reeolut'onabe i n to the family of the deeMt, and to the ony (apert wnn a reaeit to pebiieh. A. U Wawaau W F. LaaaHAa, Aro Dkcmilardt, . . U. VoLLaaa. Uommlttee. NEW AJVRTISIXINT8. " CHOICE FAMILY " cnocsniss 1 . Packed toorier In any quantity and lent , WHKRI DIBBCTED. " txwea valuea ehtrged roK BEST 0001)8. PINC TCAS. choice correEs, Every Variety Sugar., Imported Pickles. Sauces. Preserves, Jellies. Fine Layer Raisins tut Table urn, Fresh Canned Fruits and Vege tables n every rarlety. American, French and English Packed Coods-swy variety andaiy'e. A lull line of the mitt dealrable goodi in the State. CHA8 D. MYERS ft CO., 57 N.rtt, Front Ht. apt lilt l3t fQ bbu- B- H- Molamee, nnaa. b. n. atoiaieef. fwraaleby KtUUHNBK A OALUXK BROS. New Crop Cuba Molasses. ami Muls N'iw Crop Ouba Molaaaei, IU Hh'la Muanovad i Moluee, yiSU Bbla. New Uiop Cuba Molanwa. For aaie by KCKOHNKKCAHBK BROS. 8altand Hay. 3.000 Saoka M erpool Bait, H3w Balee Kastaru Hay, , ISO Balea A Mo. 1 M. tt. Hay. Kor tale by KEROHNKH A CALDEIl BROS, Turpentine Wagons. iiS Two-Horao Turpentine Wagone, 10 Une-Boiae Turpentine Wagona. For aaie by KEROHNKH 4 OALDER BROS aprll 11 81 Bacon-i-Corn---Synip-- MoIasseS' - 150 Boxes D. S. Bides & Shoulders, 150 Smoked Sides Shoulders, 12,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 50 Bbls. a. H. Syrup, 150 Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop (Jubs Molasses. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MUKCIIISON. Hay-Hoop Iron-Glue- Bice. 200 Bales Prime N. B. Hay, v 800 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue, , 30 Bbls. Whole Bice. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MUROHISON. Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Cheese. 800 Bbls. Flour all grades ; 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, , ? ' 150 Bags Prime Rio Ooflee, 25 Boxes Factory Cheese. For sale low by WIIiLIAMS A MUROHISON. Guano! Guano! 350 Tons Guanape Guano, 300 ions .ureKa uuano, For aaie low by WILLIAMS MCRCHIBON. "aprll it ' T Tho World on Wheels i ND OTHER SKETCHES. By BenJ. t L fay lor. THE MISHAPS OF Ma. EZRKIEL PEL ter. TSarAKIA M"NK'S DAUGHTER. By Mr. All L. St. John Eckel. HEINSBERCER'S lav Book and M alio Btor. aiU U 17 HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W!Ti OPEMIWC RI M. M. KATZ'S, All the latest Novelties and the best t - qualities at the very lowest prices. More particulars in a few days. 31. 31. lA.rr'5rV aprU My liEwaiyoffliii2TFilicl4)I.OJJ. HkKTHHKN: Von are herebv notifled to attend the next Hegular Uonnoll o. your Trltte whlob oonvenea ou the e'eep ol tiie mib Hun of flant Moon O M. U 3t. at tbe 8th Kun, aa bueinwa of tmportauce will be tnuaaeted. By order of Saibem T. J. HKHKINU, aprii 11-lt C. ofH. Howard Relief Fire : Engine Go. No. 1. OALI.KH MERflNU on Monday evening, the nub Inilaot, at t o'clock. ily order or tho rreaiurnt, WM J NO. BITHMANN. anrll Beo. Secretary. Bdgccombe Cotton Plows, Aleo the Watt and Dixie. Trace Uhalnt. florae; t ollara. Bark Band, Weeding lloea. Plow l.liiea, Shovel and Hpadee, forka, Hanie. &o. Tbe latgertat k and loweet pnoaa ean be tuuna ai tue uia auw tabltabed M ardware 11 ouee of JOHN T waON, Moa II, 20 and l Market Street , prlllt at Feed for Man and Beast. Hay, Oati, Corn, Prorender Sborta, Waier. Ground Meal, and freb Groctrlea on hand all the time. For aalejow by GKANT ft HINTOSi, Grooeiaand Uommlaalon jterehante. aprll 11 M.dwlt SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES IN - FANCY GOODS -AT-' WILIJAM FYFE'S, FXOHANOE CORN Kit. I w aid alao call parttcnlar attention to my took of Flaln. Htrtua anil Obcck Nalnaooki, Victoria l.awua,Pk.qne, Victoria 8trlpeOoola, Unen and lilnen uiaper, so , so. . Linen Handkerchief from 18 eM. up A lot of Ladlta Hematltcbed Handkorclilefa at 2S oenta, worth IS cent. A bargain. Meane alve me a call ami examine for your aolf. Don't forget Exchange Corner xpected dally a full Una of Ladlee Real and Imitation Hair Oooda, Huimbade. Paratola, wo., Ao. . aiirlill ;. T Plants, Seeds and Bulbs, Ladle and gentlemen are reapectrully noti fied that my Garden and (Ireen Houae on Nlxtb, between Princera and t'beatnut atreete are now etocked with an elegant vaiietyof plat Uot all kinda, wbirh Iottor at very low price. A call and an examination ti respect fully eollclted. . ' GEO. P.LAMB, aprll 8-lW riorlet. Produce Exchange- Tha Annual meeting of the Produoe Kx ohane will be hold at Hie Exchange Koom on TUESDAY, Aprll Wh, 1SI5, at Uo'cloi k M. tor It' election of officer for the eneulng year. Member re respectfully notifled. RICHARD W. ANDREWS, " Secretary aud Treaaurer. aprll 6 KMw Blar copy 11th A IStb. Bottled Lager Beer, T OOHE8TER, MILWAUKEE, , AUDTJVOLI, For ale at O H. W. HHNGE'S. N. E. Corner of Market and Second ht. anr'l 4 " l FACTORY. Doors, Snali lllinds and Moulding, Ac. When yon want bottom price, gn wh"re they are made foot of Walnut atrett, Oolvllle Sc Uo' Mill. W. DYKEt. aprll 0 ? B'-lm The Annual Meeting r THE STOCK HuLDE Rs OF1 HE REAL J Katntoanrt Loan Association, rr -tbe elcc lT7m nl Direr lorn, ard the tiananctlon nt other i H'tni-M. will be bel-t at the Hibernian Hall on I riday evening, am inatant, t so'cioca. 0.8. EI.LIS, Secretary and 'Praaarer. aprll 1 -a-tdm Tobacco, Snuff, Lye and Potash. - 2T0 Boxes Chewing Tobacco, 20 libbls . nd Half -Bbls Snuff, 25 Cases 1 Oz. Bnuff, " 100 Onses Lye, 75 Cases Potash, Kor tale by KIUOHNEH ft CALDKRBROS. (illlliH AT 36 Market SI. o 36 Market Street' Dissolution Notice- T HE COPARTNERSHIP HKKKTOPOHR etiatlng hxtweea the uudcralne0 at Wilmlng- t n and. Uoeklnghatn, under tne drat name andetyleof Uovtugtou, Everett ft Uo., wax dlaatlvfd by mutual eonaent on the JItli of February laat. The biiilnci-a or the fir at at Hocklng-ham will be aettlrd by W. 1. Evere t and that at WU. rlnglon by R. P, OoTliiaion, who are author ised to uo i he name of ilia linn la liquidation. Rockingham, April 5lh, HUB. HP COVIMOTOS, W. I. KVKIIKTT, " ' J.W.liOVI Ol'ON, S. W. WEUB. arrl1 t, mot - " n ' 1 1 I i ii i I i J 1 i . in- - 'ilia Lxtracts for the Toilet, QUEHLAIN'S KXTKACTH, I.ubin'a Extraeta, Phaion'a Night Blooming Cereua. ilalr Bruabea, voniba, ; Uilod htlk, Ac, Ao. , For sale by (1KEEN ft fLSNNKR march II CoiiNtantly ItiTulvIng w FKRKH SUPPLIES OF DRCTOH. MEDI einea, t hrmlnal,. Fnnoy and Tullct Af tiolea. Perfumtiry ami NiMpe. Prt'tcrtptluna compounded at all linure, day ornlgbt, at JAM E O. MONDS' Drug Ht4re. TblrdHlreet, oppolte titv Hall. ta-tr apt II I New Hoots ami Shoes. We are now rfcolvlna our large and well nlrt'teil auink ot HwiTa ami "hiira lor the Spring trade, which we are tl.ir in at ilii" verv owM uricea. we are ainuu wnn aniaii pnillia. We hare in aloi-k (leuta, l.atllv. Mlwwaaiiil i Chil'irrn'a Unatom-Mailn HiKila ami bhura, wlilib are the liainlai.meat aud mutt dntabki ever brought tu till. city. Remember onr "Victory" tstuna. Our Jobbing etock la complete aail cannot fall tu give aaturaatlon In prioe and quality. , A rail mpply or Sola Leather, Calf Oklna, Ijlnlng Skina, (taller aud Hunt Upliera, Hoot Front, shoe Flrdlnga, Ac EVANS VoNOl.AHN. aprll 10 EVERY DAY TJF.sr BUTTER ORANOB t CCUNTT At Dairy. . tholceat elecliou frouj Goaheii County Ureamerle. ' . ..FRESH ROASTED AND GHOUND Pure Laguayra Coffee. vvitu our "awirr mill" we or jneet every call. Pr.-ed Corn Beef, . Fulton Market Corned Beef, Choice Mackerel and Salmon. CHAS 0. MYERS A CO., II a 7 North Front St. aprll 9 Ho- Slippers. La1lt Bronx HllpperaOBly SI. Do Morocco Supper trout SI and up ward. ' - Men'a Slipper from SI and upward. . Men't JfrulliUerafor ft. At UHAKLR8 A. PRIOR'S, No B'l Markat Street, aprll 10 B'gnufthe Oolden Boot. Feather Dusters, ' gADDLES, 1IAHNESS, TRUNKS, TRA V- eilng Rana, Collar. Haaea, Brbtloa, Buck ban la, WIiIjm, Mpum, axle Ureaae, Ac. Trunk Itepalred nd covered. ' CARPENTER A MALLARD. 1 Snccara to . .1. a. TOPHAM CO.. No. I South Front htienw Yi ilmlr gton, N. C, aprll t M-tf 50 BARRM.S ANU IlOXel-l Oruiifjos and Lemons. For sale low by GEO. MYHtS. JOB LOT OF tT5 FIFTf. PACKAGES. This I the opportuultyto f-t gocd Butter at VVIJ lUff "IVV GEO. MTEK8'. 'EXTRA LARGE k New Mess Mackerel, George' Bank Uolflnh ,aol Freah Sa'nion Thla week freih (upplld coming In to day. At aprll 7 GEO. MYERS'. 11 A 18 South Front Ht. NEW AD7ERTISEMEMS. 15 JIlllMil' BROWN & m We still oontiutio to rM at our former low ri(s notwithstanding the sd tance in tho roatVU, ami m a sulitoutial jiroof submit the following list of IHtOO! ' i Hosts' Spool Cotton ft wnts a ipooI or 70 ctuta per doEeu. , Unbl ached Cotton from 6 emits por yard. ' JKMneh Fruit of tho Loom. .... .11 Cents mi yard .1(1 " " ' Lom. 4 :..12j ' ' 8(1 Warusntta... 11 " New Bjiring Calicotw, lf at iiiality. It) cents pr yard. Ladua l ulla for the Neok 6 aud 10 ci'iits, worth 25 cnts, a bargain. ' . It would b a grmt taring to those vhitintf the, city for the purpose of do-' iug their ahopjiiug tu the Dry Goods line to pive ns a call previuut to making their purchases. We take this method nf sdvertidiiiR prices for yon to com pare tWm with not onlt Wilminglon and vicinity, but with those of any sen ium of the oountry. We liavs no tinmor inclination to button hole you ou the streets, or look you up iu tho Hotels, or by laying any Maims of friendship. " Our object is purely bimiuoss, aud w prnpoae doing tbut iu a legitimate way. SEVERAL JOB LOTS Such as 100 doen lvhl Gloves for 50 cents per pair, worth ft 50. Ladies hemmed Pure Liucn Handkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 25 oeuts. 20 pairs Blankets $.", worth. 50. WE HAVE GOT EVEHYTIIIN'0 WE ADVEHTIHK ONE PRICE-TERMS CASH-NO SAMPICS CUT. BROWN & RODDICK. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GU10 C0-; OvVl'I'X'AJL, Jl.OOO.OOO. - PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO TnOUHAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sslrt, either for CASH or on CHOP TIME. Liberal terms will be modf with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Gnauo at our Wareho prices. .-. . ., ; W t'ommlHiion Merehanta. Agenuror FaoiUoOuano Hub-A gents lor the Sale r. B. nnuwtt i.VHt II A.71 Jan II . QUANO ADVERTISEMENTS. CASH Price 850 00 per to of 2,000 pounds. tHE HIGH STANDARD OK QUALITY HAS KEEN IWVt MAINTAINED, AND IT 1.1 CONSIDERED BY THOSE WHO IUVE GIVEN IT A FAIR TRIAL THE ' BEST AND CHEAPEST FERTILIZER MANUFACTURED. LIBERAL AND ADVANTACEOUSTERM8 FOR LARGE LOTS, GIVEN ON APPLICATrOW. " LOCAL AGENTS A.T JhJLiXu TtlU PRINCIPAL DEPOTS, DeROSSET CO., CENERAL AGENTS . For North , Carolina and Virginia, , W1L m I Jn IT . At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or 8(50.00, payable 1st of November, next; NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 , payoblo 1st of November next, WE GUARANTEE thattb previous High (Ira of our Fertlliieri luall be fully MAiMTAtsab R. R. BRIOOERS, PrralJcnt I). McHAE, Treanirrr, i " 0. L. ORAFFI'IN, auparlntendeut. J0 6. --u ' '' tot Received! WR HAVE JUST pmiVED A LOC OF THE HANDSOMEST Ladies' and Gentlemen's SHOES That bai ever beta offered fcr aaie in thla mar. k.t. ' me, -15 KX)D1)1GK 45 Mfirlt. Mt. .. .- , . . H MrllAIlY a ro. i Co., and UealerelnNo, 1 Peruvian Guana ! WOltTn WAtRU HTltBKT. wiMnint.-roiti, n. , of Soluble Paclilc Uuano. Old Hundred, H. 0. ............. Merlon, 0. 'Jl-amil&w TIME Price 358 00 ' per 2,0f01bs' Payable J J HOT, IL ' 5 it . AT- ' -1 IV GTON, U-I)ltaw(Rnnd')Un4VT4ia mimvs WE OFFER OUR STAHDAED FEETILIZERS ' For tbe Heasou of 1875, delivered on tbe Cars, at Our -.: Factory, at tbe following ' . , 4 , ... SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COHFAIiY r WILMINGTON, N C l 4-tlOtl-dJCWlB), From .this i Date . " IJHICi: OF COAL WILL BE ' ' ..' r ; 81Q PerTon. O. QPAESLEY & CO. 4- march 2S . llftltiTltin NEATLY XKHUTKIi t Pfll II I I Mil the anorteat notice amtoo I tha nioal reaaonabl tei au at Uto The editorial and city ttaff of tho EYAN3 tt YonQLAHN. I JOUSNAL OflOS.

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