p f iff 1 fTvrfiYiniv VOL XXIV. HO. 88. WILimiGTOH, H. C, TUESDAY. APRIL 13. 1875. WHOLE NO. G.C52. WILMINGTON, N. Q, : TUESDAY APBIL 13. 1E75- KUJtOPE. ritOTEST OP THE ROMAN catholic Bisnora in GERMANY. BHUAR. IK TO VISIT THE OP WIGHT.) ISLE 8UCCE3SFDL TRIAL OF THE BESSEMER STEAMER. REPORTED BLOODY REPRISALS BY THE CARL1ST3. Bbblis, - April 12. Noon. The Rouiaii Catholic Bishops, aoon after their conference at Fulda, addreaBtid a petition to the Euaperor W lluam iu person. reu)onBtratiuKaintttue witu urawal of the ti ate grants, to the maintenance of which they declared the honor of Pruseia was pledged. They also protested against being re quired to obey uncouatitutiooully the State laws. The Ministers authorized by the Emperor hare replied, expressing re gret that the Bishops should object to obey laws wtucn were always obeyed in other countries, and adding that tliH Bishops would have preserved the Fatherland from being the place first disturbing confession 11 they bad re maiued faithful to their own oouvic tions and to the warnings which they proclaimed before the Vatican Coun cil. London, April 12 Noon Bismarck is expected soon at Sandown, Isle of Wight, whither he comes for hit) health. The Bessemer steamer, which was rooently constructed to overcome the motiou o( tne ;aea. made a eatiBtao tory trip from Gravesend to Calais. The German l'rinoe Imperial goes to Italy, but at the request of Bis marck will not officially visit King Viotor. Pabis, April 12 Noon The gov ernment has seized a nnmber of ,Conbert's pictures under a decree of the Court, confiscating bis property to restore the Vendome Column. It ia reported that the Carl is ts shot eight Alfonsists in reprisal of the Car' list assassinated near Tafella. MADEtn. April 12 Noon In the engagement between the Royalists and ,, Carlists, pear Tolosa, the Carlists were defeated vita the loss of 100 killed. , MASSACHUSETTS. PROGRAMME OF THE ' PRESI DENTIAL PARTY. THE THREATENED STRIKE AT ' LOWELL. Boston. April 12 Noon The fol lowing is the programme of the Presi dential progress. Arrangements havo been so far completed that with a con siderable degree of oertainty the move ments of President Grant and bis Cab inet on the occasion of bis visit to Massachusetts to participate iu the Centennial celebration at Lexington a id Conoord can be announced: The Preaideut, accompanied by all mem brr of the Cabinet with the exception of Secretary Fish, will leave New York oa .Friday morning of thii week in a special train under the direction of the Post-Mister General. At the State line h will be met by the State offi cials and weloomed as a gnust of the Commonwealth, arriving here Friday evening. The Executive party will proceed to the Revere House, where apartments have been, secured for them, i On" Saturday morning a visit will be. made to Beacon Park, and upon returning the Executive will pay hw respects to the Governor. At half -past 2 o'clock the President will call upon the Massachusetts Club and at hal.-past 3 o'olock will dine with the Commercial Club. A special train will take the President to Concord, for which plaoe he will leave at a late hour in the evening. He is expected to pass Sunday in Conoord, returning to Boston in the afternoon. On Mon- - day morning the party will leave by a special train for Lexington. At 12:30 P. M. precisely the President will leave for Concord and return in the . evening to Lexington when he will hold a levee. LowaijV Apil 12 Noon The mill corporations will talk with their own employes, but decline to hear depu ties from secret societies. Tney claim that they con run a third to half their machinery after the strike threatened ' Tuesday They prefer three mpnths lock-out lb yielding to the demands made by the spinners. TIIE FIRE FIOD. FIRE AND DISASTROUS EXPLO SION IN BALTIMORE- LOSSESBY THE FLAMES IN NEW YORK AND TITUSVILLE. Baltimore, April 12. -Noon-Six per sons wereblown to the pavement by the explosion of a barrel of oil in tbe cel lar of a small grocery whioh was burn ing. All were burned neverely but not fatally. Borne had-their hair and clothes nearly burned off them. Not Yobk, April 12 Noon There was a large fire on Worth and Leonard streets this morning. Loss '. Stock of Geo. Trumbull ft Co., $200,000; Wen dell, Hutobinson & Co., $50,000; Park, Goodwin & Co., $500,000; marker, 4 Will er & Co., $10,000. All dry goods. The loss in buildings is trivial TrrusviLLi, April 12. Noon A Are at Titusville, Fenn., destroyed forty buildings. Less $100,000, including t'ie opera house. Woboestkb, Mass, April 12 Night A grocery store, together with a Mrs. Dinsmore and her aged father, has been burned here, (iOTllA.1I. DESPERATE ATTEMPT BY CON VICTS TO ESCAPE. Nf.w Yobk, April 12 Noon Si j tWperate couvicts succeeded in gi-t- j tiuff out of the penitentiary ou l! ack well's Inlands yesterday, but five were recaptured before tuey Buoomled in jrettinsr aorosa the water. The sixth is vet thought to be hidden some- whore on the Island and search is be ing made for him. rEXSYLYAMA. QUIET . BEING RESTORED. CONiINUED FLOODING OF THE MINES AT HAZLETON. HARRisnuBO, April 12 Night-The Ad- j.ilant General of the Statu ri porUtlmt tuough tliere is no lmtnodiuta danger of turbulence it would not be welt t- withdraw the troops, Governor liart- rauft v.111 not withdraw tlie troop nu til all dancer disappear. A dispatch from iltizioton says that flooding the mines oontiuues, und in- ca'oiilabie injury is re.-u tmg The tire rages in Stockton mine, which can on. ly be extinguished by water, which will wash the adjoining mine". X EILADLFBIA, April 12. Night Another detachment of the t ilth Keg- lment has gone to Hnzli ton. There is no propped of the troops being re called. HEAIMJUAUTEHS. PREPARING TO REPORT PLANT ING PROGRESS, - OAPi'UBE OF A. NOTORIOUS OUTLAW. DECISION IN THE SWAZEY SUIT. NEARLY FOUR HUNDRED PER SONS CONFIRMED AT. ONETIME. Washington. April 12 Nieht The Indian Department has no information of the nght at the Cheyenne Agency, Indian Territory. Assistant Surgeon Elbney has been ordered to report to the commander of tbe Department of the South for duty. Although cotton is not vet planted in all of the Southern States, the De partment of Agriou.ture is seeing out circulars in order to obtain the earliest information ooncHrninar the croD. The aorcttge will not be ascertained nnt 1 about tbe middle of June. Private information from midland and north ern Georgia is to the effect that 25 per cent more oi corn will be planted there thiii present year than heretofore. This will not interfere with cotton. The corn planting is simply for economical purposes, owing to the high price of corn and bacon supplied to Georgia from the West. The following was received this evening: At STiN, Texas, April l!2th. Hon, George U. Williams, Attorney General. : We have recaptured the notorious counterfeiter, Pete McCartney, who escaped from Special Agent Duck worth and Dopnty Callahan. TlIOS. R. I tJilNELL, U. S. Marshal. rsouaror uonner, oi morula, k iirrj looking ufter the interest of that State. Spprnme Court: North Carolina R. R. Company and others vh. Swazey ct. al. ; appeal from he Circuit Court for thd Eastern District of North Carolina. Iu this case the appeal is dismissed, because the amount of the debt in volved is not determined and the de cree appealed from is therefore held to be not final. The Chief Justice de livered the opinion. Bishop Beekes, of Delaware, to-di y confirmed 396 persons at St. Aloysinn' tjnurch, more, he bhij, then be bad ever confirmed at one time. There were 150 boys, 1G0 girls and 80 adult ; of these OU wore converta from various Protestant churches. NEW ADVE1l9E3HE9t8 Produce Exchange- The Annual meeting of the Prednce Ki clinnjt" will be hold at Hie Kxi-lmi go Kooma on 1UKSDAV, April i:ith, 1H7S, at 12 o'clock M. iurt! e election of nfflcem for the enduing ytar. Member are renpectfully notified. KICHARI) W. ANDREWS, Hecretary and Treasurer, aitrllo 82-lw ' Star copy 11th ft 13tb. Edgecombo Cotton Plows, AIm the Watt and Dlnie. ' - ' ' -Trace Ohaivs, Horre I ollars, "Hack Bamla, Weeuing Hea. Pliw Mtiea, Sliovole and SpaJeH, Forks, Ilmnen, Sin. Tho largest at'tk and loweet pi icia can be fnurd at tlie Old Er. tabllahed t atilware rJouie of ' ' JOHN DAWSON, Nos 19, 20 and 81 Market Street, annul Tho World on Wheels ND OTHER 8KKTOHE8. By Benl. F AA raj lor. THE MISHAPS OF ter. Mb. EZEKIEL PEL 11 AUIAMONK' DATJOHTEB. By Mr. 8t. Juhu Kuksl. fOBfAtlAT HEINSBERCER'S Live Kook and Wuaic Store, aril " C7 In Store and to Arrive I UO Poaen Simmons' TtirpenUnn Hackxrs and fullora, l'O d'neti WtMm TurMtitlne llickeis and Pullers, 60 Hiisen urptntp e Dippus, 8 Doitn Hcker K l"s, 10 Oroas llv k Wli'tteis, 113 lt70n Hack Welginii, Htralmr ofal sixea. IuibIm Plppeta hikI riklmnia a, Funnels and Meaanrr a. atul everytliing e've neulod on a turpentine farm or around a Hill. All lor sla at bo: torn Hgarcsbv apill II OILK-v & MCltOrllSON. Just Received ! VALKNTlNlt'9 Moat.Tui'ie. PKKPAKATIOM OP Mlie I Bird Hefd. ?5 crnt :i quart. lU'liorn Spring Water. Oongre8 hprlng Water. , v for sale by QBKKM & FLANKER. murohSO . 13 SPECIAL. The Mot thing to be considered Iu baying a ' cw'Ur i tin tit. The El in wood 4uJ Weiwkk St belter than any othr People Mb Hare ' Out their teeth, bw tbe 8OZOIM1NT, and alt wbo d are willing to declare to all wtio ilont DM It, that It la tne mwt perfect and doliititinl thing for the tath they ever dipped a rtuh Into. Jo'imon'. Auodtne Liniment la. without dJubt. 'lie eafetu, niret, and beet rented that usurer Uiu luvautthl lor internal and tenial urn. It laapplieabi to a great variety o mmpialnta, ami 1. tiiually beneficial lor man or bout. We bare seen It Mated In various papers throughout the voantr that Ajente f. tbe Mleol 8hrriLn' Cavalry UunUition Ponder. were aumcriaeu 10 reiund tne auouey to aiiT Kiem who.boold ue Uem and not be atl- tleil with the reeulC We doubted thli at Hrrtt but ih. proprietor! auUiorlae a. to My Utet I, A Tenle of llere Merit. There are ninny tonic, bur fee? In.teisl which produoaany ether effeel thae artificial tini illation of the eppetlte. 1 hl.t far irou being a benottt, lea ponltlre detriment, if the digevtire organ, are weak, because It Induoei the atleit to eat more than tbe eeml pare. Iytd itomanh caneot upon, and lhu aggra. Tnte. liKllgeetloa. There la, howerer, e tonie ahloh poiiwi'. the rare merit of Imparting b-tli tIkoi and regularity to the operation! f autrltlon. Ilo tettei'. Btovaoh Blttor! pro Toke a wholesome apt elite, beoauee they en able the atomach t diapoee of what It receiver with auch healthful repMtty that at the proper time for meal It la not torpid from Indlgeated mvter, but erarre He timely luatenaaoe. It la thivrry faotthatlt facilitate dlgeetlon that render the national itomaalilo turn ' pwer- ml co.Ojutor of nature In Instituting thoee i ouperatlr. p'oceaf! whloh reault In the reoov- ry or the general health. Cultiierrupted, Tlxoroua action or the physical machinery In ovl'ably results from the nu of It la nmme Inrlgorantsnd altcratlre. Many who are uttrlng from the afleot oj th warm weather and ere debilitated, are ad vised by physician to take moderate amount of whlaky two or three time during the day. In a little while thee who aopt thli adtice frequently lnoreaae (he number of ' drinks," anil In time become oonSrmed Inebriate. A beverage which will not create thirst for lutox- ioMIng liquor, and which! Intended especi ally for the benefit of debilitated person, whether at home or abroad, I Dr. Bnheriek' Sea Weed Tot lo. Containing the Juloea of many medicinal herb, thl preparation doe not create an appetite tor the Intoxlc g cap The nourishing and the llfe-eapportlng proper- tie of many valuable natural prodnotion con tained In It and well known to medical men have a most strengthening Influence. A Ingle buttle of tbe Tonlo will demonstrate It valua ble qualities For debility arising from tick iitS",over exertion or from any cauae what ever a wineglanfal of. Be Weed Tonic taken a'ter meals will strengthen the stomach and oreato an appetite for wholesome Isod. Te ell woo are anoat leaving tnnr homes, we aesue te mt that the exoellent elt'eet of Or. Sehenek's seaeunable remedies, See Weed Tonlo, and Mandrake Pills, are particularly evident when taken by thoee who are Injuriously affected by a change of water and diet. Mo person abonld lenve uum wiiuout rating tonpiy or tneee safeguards along. For tale by all Pruggl.ts, NEW ADVEETISZMENT3. JAMES C.MUNDSv JIUOC3rJLrTf .AMD DIJLIB IH FANCY GOOS8 and TOILET ARTIOLKS, Third St.. onno.lte City HalL aprll 18 88-tf Only 86 50 For a full Suit of Clothes. A very nice Caakimero Nuit for S.50 LltTITS OOiinARI only SJf Cent caeh. Evoryllilng CHKAP. MUNSON & CO., CITY UIXJTHIEK8. aprll 18 88 Howard Relief Fire Engine Co.No.-L. MEMBRK8: Yen are hereby ordered to aaiembln at your Engine House till (TUK -I) l Y) evening, at 4 o'elock, In lull uniform ror r.ngine trial. Mr order of the Foreman. JOHN MRYIK, aprll 18-lt Oor. Boeretury Dlcdical Copartnership. jp. P. L. MURPHY Is from thli date aaro omtod with ma In thepraotioe of medicine and urgery. aprll IS WM. J LOVP. 88-ltaw-8vr To the Voters of FENDER COUNTY. tie: X 'on vent Ion which assembled t Mlllngtun on the 8lt MarAi, saw proper, without any solicitaiiou on my art'to nominate me for the office of i lerk of the Mnperlor Oourt of Pei.-di-r county. I accept the nomination, and If elected will discharge the duties of the office to the best.ol my ability. Owing to an engagement entered Into be fore the county wu established, I am not able to cantata the dlXereut townships I leave myself therefore In tbe hand or my ft lends and the people of Pender. HeapecMully yonrs, R . BRYAN. Wilmington, April 9th, 1878. aprll 12 IW-t SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES IN FANOY GOODS ." 1 AT- ' WILLIAM FYFE'S, tXUHAtiOB CORNER. I w uM also call partienlar attention tony s'ock of Plain, Htrlie and Oheok Nainsook., Vloloria Lawua, Plcque, VIctorlaHlrlpe Ouoda, Linen ard Linen Diaper, So , &o. Linen HanilMrchlefs from 10 ot. np A 'ot of Ladli-s llemttltched Handkorchlefs at 'Hi cents, worth 83 oeuta. A bargain. t-loaae sive me a call and examine for your self. Uon't forget Exchange Oorner Exported dally a full line or Ladies Real and Imitation Hair Good, Sunshades, Parasols, &&, Ac prliU It MISCELLANEOUS. ' CHOICE FAMILY CftOCSRIES Facked to order in any quantity and lent WUEHI PlltKCTED. U.w. . value ch.rgtd FOH BEST 0001)8. FINE TEA8, CHOICE COFFEES, r Every Variety 8ugara. Importod Plcklea. Sauce. Preserves. . jeiuea, Fine Layer Ralalns for Table use, Freah Canned Fruits end Vege tables In rety variety. American. French and English Packed Coode-o'jtiety and style. A full line of the niiet de-trahle good In the Bute. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., S eV t NsrtU I ron l Ht. pill 11 KI-t u 3( r bbl.H. , H. Molame, A Hhd. , 8. II. Molaaset. Per sal by KEBUHNP.K A OALDKU I1HOS. New Crop Cuba Molasses. 00 Hhila Naw Crop Cub Molaaaea, tH Hilda. Muacovado Molaaws. UlaO Bbls. New Oiop Cuba Mulanae. rot tale by ' KKUOHNER ACALDEK 11UOD. Salt and Hay, 3.000 Hack LI -erpool Halt, naie canuru nay, IMS Hale A bo, 1 N. H. Hay. for aale by KBBCHNER A CALDKH BKOB, Turpentine Wagons. 80 Two-Horse Turpsntlne Wagi na, lOne-HoiIarpeuan Wagoti. For aale by , . KERUHNEK A OALUEK BKOR. aprll 11 . - . SI : Bacon CornSyrup Molasses' 150 Boxes D. S. Bides & Bbouldcm, 150 " Smoked Sides ASbouIdorB, 12,000 Buflbels Prima White Corn, 60Bbl. 8. H. Syrup, 150 Ilhda. ond Bbls. New Crop Cuba Molasses. For solo low by WILLIAMS & MURCniSON. Hay-Hoop Iron-Glue-1 Rice. 200 Bales Prime N. II. Hay, " 800 Bundles Hoop Irou, 100 Bbls. Glue, 30 Bbls. Whole Rice. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHIS0N. Flour, Sugar. Coffee and Cheese. 800 Bbls. Flour nil grades j 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, , 150 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 25 Boxes Faotory Cheese. For sale low by WII JLIAMS & MURCHISON. Guano! Guano! 850 Tons Guannpo Guauo, 800 Tons Eureka Guano, For sale low by WILLIAMd & MUHCHI80N. aprll 1 1 81 M FOR ALL, . "The Knapsack-fall of Fuel" or 1,000 Ra tion of Laughter. t "Broed Grins" or the Langhlng Philosopher, being a collect ten of Fanny jokes and Dtoll Incident. White' Ethiopian Joke Book, a perfect Ou. ketol Fun. Also, a large lot of new Uomlo and Hentl. mental Hong Book, and a great variety of Dime Novell, Ac All for sale by CONOLEY & YATES, 47 Market Street, aprll 11 HT Tobacco, Snuff, Lye and Potash. 2")0 Boxes Chewing Tobacco, 20 Bbbls . rid HaFf-Bbls Snuff, 25 Cases 1 Oz. Snuff, 100 C ises Lye, 75 Cases Potash, For sale by KEUOHNF.R A OAIjDFnfRUOtt Molasses ! Molasses ! 300 Bbla. 8. H. yolawos, ttOHh.U. S II Molaiwoa, ' ' " " UOO rlhris New Ornp Cuba Molssae, 100 Bbl. New Crop Uuba HolasMS, ... For sal by KEHCHNCH A OAUiEB BKOH. tprUI 81 MISCELLANEOUS Dissolution Notice mtm CtlFAKTNKRSlllP HEKKTOPUHK e!tlng botween the nmlcralgned at Wllmlng ton and Hocklnghani, under tne firm name ami at) le of Covlngtin, K rerun tlo., wa dlmilvrd hy niutual consent on ttnlithuf February last. ThebnaineMof the lira at Kocklngham will hewttledbyW. 1. Kvero t end that at Wll r-. tin I on tK. P. t'ovltiiton, who are author ise in am ihe name of the llrm In II ittldatlou itoottiitltim, Aptll oi II, lltlB. K.P mVlNOTOPI, . I W. i; VKHKTT, 5 J.W.DOVI (1 ION, 8.W. WKBB. eprll T N ot Kxtraclslortho Toilet. QDRHLAtN'S KXtBAUTS, I.tihin's Kxtrarit. Photon's Night llloomlng Oereua, lUIr Hniohe., t onilm, Ollwl Milk, Ac, AO, For Ml by QRF-KN A FL4MNBH 71 march II Constantly Kweiving FRKHtl StTPPLIKS OF DK170R, MKII einns, hrnilol, Fanny and IiilM Ar tides. Perfumery anl Hoana. Pre(uliitlons oumiiounded at a 1 hours. day or night, at tlilMKH O. MtTNON' Drug Htore. 'IhirdHUeet, oppMteOltv Hall, aprtll W-lf Now Hoots and Shoes. we are now recelvln our large and well selected sUwk of Uuol and Hiiue tor tha fpring trails, which w er nMurlng at the very lowt priiea. We ar. aatlfttod with atuall rtflt. W have In .tuck (lent.. Ladia. Miner ami Ctillirrn (Jartoni-Made UiHit an I Miovs, which are tbe lianilnomost aiid niostiMirabl ever brought U this city. Hemember our Victory" Bhoet. OttrJobblne atock la eomnlote anil cannot fall to give satisfaction In price and quality. A ful1 Hit) Hi v of Sola leather. Clf Hklim. Lining n ki ns, Oalrr and Hoot Uppers, Hoot fronts, Shoe Fli dluga, Ac EVANS & VbNULAHN. hi aprll 10 Slippers. La llrs Bronse Slippers only ). Do. Morocco Milpper from II and up- ward. Men's Bllppetti from l and upward. Men'iMulllllersfor ll n i u At CHAKLr" A. FKIUK'H, No.8'1 MarkitMtrnet, prtllO 8'gn of th Uolileu Hoot, Feather Dusters, CADDLK8, HARNK88, f IIUNK8, TBAV- ilfiig Ram, Collars, flame, Bridles, Itaok banaa, Whliia, Hpitri, Ail area, o. Trunk Hepavlred nndl tiovareel. CARPENTER MALLARD. Knceessor to J.'H. TOPHAM ()., Nft. I touth Piont Itteet, Wilmington, N. f) aprll T M-tf BAHUKL8 ANO UOXKS , Oranges and liCiuouw. For sale lowbj GEO. MTFI11. JOB LOT OF Olioieo U utter." rirrir pacrahicm. This IstheoMiortuulU to ii't mad llulttr at a eiy low prlio at UB.il. aiititg', EXTRA LARGE New Mess Mackerel, UoorgV. Hank OodllnU and Frfnh Na'mon This weeks Irerh "ipi lira coming In to day. At OKO. MYr-KS', II & IB South Front Ht. KI avrli 1 QUA NO. GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. Last year T sold Oennlne Peruvian Gtinno a the rntne nrioe tliamul bv Messrs, Hobmn Hurtailo St Co., ilia General Aguntsoftlie Pe ruvian uovernment iiKtnis country, aunitig a very small comniiwion im corapentaiion ior my services; and I am bappy to say that all llicwo who bought, ackuowleOge tlat It gave entlro antlafactlon. 1'hla ycary owing to the more liberal discount allowed tb purcTiaaersof large quintities, 1 am enabled to sell not only at tho same price without oomniliwloti. In lots of 1 to ft tuna, but even cheaper when In largrr qnaiitltiea, a I bny enough to obtain the lurgesc discount, which I propos to divide witn my cnntomers in proportion to their or ders; where. tbeOeneral Agents are obliged to maintain a Hxed scale of prices ana dis counts. 1 hi relnre, parties In want of small qiiantltlxs will tlnd It economical to club to gxther ard buy in lots of ten tons or more, on which there ts a saving both In price and cait age. I hear of some buyer of lllty ton and onward, who (till ei to iheOeneral Agents In stead of calling on me, losing noney thereby. To tnoiie l nay, u you cmuDi me genuineness of the (luano sold by me, I wil live to y u. or t your reiiresent.atlve here, my orders on tlie Government 8inres. whlrh will be couolus've evidence that the Ouano I the same aatbat aiild by Ihe Oeneral Agents, and at lers price. Circulars with refereuoes, testimonials, and full partienlar, mailed free on appllcat'on o . R. BALCAZAR, No. 03 Beaver Ht., Now York. r". O. rinxiw. march 10 69 d&wtf litelott yifitir. Superior to any Fertilizer Made in the United Ntatow Fur COTTON, CO UN, TOBACCO. Mr For aale b J M I.aunhlln Si Hon. Clinr, lotto, N,G,i Well St Hros, Onlilslioro. N O. H. M. Hnnton St i;o.. Mnnroe. N. t; ; Murray oil irt't n iiiiiuigwiii. h ( TvniiamaoTi. t'p chnrch to Tlioma.. Kalcluh, N. O: W. I. Me. Oheo, Fravkiinti n, N O; Timlierlake Rare". racino .-t ii : nrancn at 00. w Nil, N O: M A Anelir, Uurham, a C. ieoa BliSwtm E. FRANK COE'S Animoniated Supor-Hbosphate. FOB by OK SALE FOB CASH OH ON CHOP time O. O. PARSLEY & CO. marck II . DRIbTllin NEATLY KIKDUTKI) at rflin I IMU the shortest notice and on the moat reasonable teim. at tho JOTJBNAL OFFIU1. HEW ADVEETISIimTS. 15 MARKET BROWN & We still continue to noil at onr former low prices notwithstanding thestl Tnoe in tho markets, am! as a substantial proof submit the following list of prioes; Coata' Spool Cotton fl cents a spool or 70 oenta per dosen. Unbl !aeliol Cotton from 6 cents per yard. 83-inch Fruit of tho Loom ...11 Cents per yard. 80 M " Ltwm., 12 " 80 " WamsutU... 1C Now SprlnR Oalieoos, best quality, 10 cents per yard. Ladies l'tiffs for the Neck 0 aud 10 cents, worth 25 cents, a'bargaln. It would bo a great invlna to those vhilitui tho citti for tka ltig their ahoppiuv in tho Dry Goods lino to give ns a call prevhut to making their pnrohae. we take this method of advertising piioea for you to com pare them with not only Wilmington md vicinity, but with those of any sec tion of the oonutrT. Vve have no time or inclination to button hole on on tlm streets, or look yon np in tho Hotels, Our object is purely business, and we SEVERAL JOO LOT8 Such as 100 dozen Kid Cloves for BO cents per pair, worth $1 50. Ladies hemmed Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 15 oouta, worth 25 ceuts. 20 puira Blankets 1, worth $ 60. , WE HAVE GOT EVERYTHINO WE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE TERMS CASH NO SAMPIES CUT. ' BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street; - M. M. KATZ'S, All the latest NoYcltioo and tho boot qualities at tho very particulars In a few aprll 1-1 r 'timm yisicFoix - wit :fJ;:hM.ll MnimBPAriitir pit am rn- CAPITAL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho priooa. ...... W. II. BIcRARY & CO., Commission Merchant. A gents for Pacific dunno (Jo., and Dealers In No. 1 Pernrlsn Guano Nonm Water Htiiect, wiLimnuTonr, n. Snb-4 gents for llio Salo . n. ninnoiv... I. U I A HAITI Jan 81 825 Reward. mUOSE WHO AHK IN NEED OF A MOB Mprioar or Hammer mm win una it to Uielr.advantago to examine my (look before purchasing eltewhere. Heantifnl Blna riannet Null nt U 90. . Handsome Casslmore 8alta at $10. Stylish White Marseilles Vest at 75 cents. The onoat stock i-f Piece Qoods In the city for Merchant Tailoring, aprll 11 A. JJAYID. Bottled Lager Beer. JT OOHKSTKK, MILWAUKEE, AMDTIVOM, Fcr sale at . , O H. W. KTJNor'H, N. K. Corner or Market and Second bis. ar.4 -' FAOTORY. Doors, Sash, minds and Mouldings, Ac. When you want bottom price, go whsre Ihejr are made aot of Walnut alrett, Colrllle Si i;o'Mill. , . W. DVKE8. .ii 119 83-lm Powder! Powder I 4.00 Kt!' Siorllng &t(1 Biutn Fwje' norsaiooy , ; KEUUHNEU A CAIiDEKBROS. aprU 1 STHIT, 45 RODDICK or by laying any claims of friendship. propose doing that in legitimate way, AT - 36 Market St, 0- lowest prices, r.lorc days., 3Ie -M, KATZ, 36 Harket Street - ?w S1.000.000. ol Soluble Paciilc Ouano. Old Hnndred.N. O. Marlon, H. O. Tho Virginia BUFFALO SPRINGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL OF THE SOUTH. WATER OPEN 20th MAY, 1876. These waters are pneeased of extraoidlnary Curative powers In m ('Hons of the K1DMC Y8 and BL,l)l)K,liill dutansements of the KIUAKY OHOAMH Incident to warm rols ni'itic rrglona. In Dvspe JSlS, D DIS- ensos peculiar, to Women. a Chronic. Intermittent ana Remit tent Fever. " Chronic Conorr- '-hosa- Secondary Syphilis. Cleet and all dnt.aa ol ih. Cenital Ore;Bn. a id In some forms or Cout d Rheuma- tlsm. Thflr rrmarkablo power aud eincaoy In tne diiwans Indicated sre voii'-hod tor by . some of the m st dlstnisnlthed mentlral men of the oo intrr, both North and 8outb, a well aaby ruported cases from tbe mrvtnnqnes tlonabla source. Totlnonlals In Pamphlet form liirnlshed on application. TUB WATEIi r UK 9 Aillfc. The water la tint nn In ease of ens dosen half lillnn Bottle at 8 per c"fl. Route to the Springs for the South: Uf .tui tun mr.uniuuu anil AvuitiLa aii i.iiiq Kallroad to Hcottsburi l)ent fln Malllax oountr, Vlrilnit, whr all trains ar mat by eoaob.es tor the Springs la miles distant ' . THOMAS F, GOODR, rToiiriKinr. aprll 4-Staw-lm I'lrnni'" M"fi gottfn ir WCIjyiU tr ... J ai,d printed tkeuiuat lhioublesty 'e 3