r 1 VOL. XXIV. HO. 89. WILiniTOTOn, n. C, WEDIIESDAY. APRIL 14. 1875. ueois uo. g,c:3. W7 VS. riYD (i R X f(lj iftr df.S;uln Iciirnal u , lit . i. i , '.. WILMlVOT. S. 0.: WEDNESDAY. PHIL 14. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. IIEADQUAKTKKS.'; THE SUl'REME COURT AT THE MOURN ER-V "BEtfCfl, COMMISSIONS HIQN'ED BY THE PRESIDENT. ' MORI! MAIL BAUDS DISCOT. ERED. Nkw Yobe, April 13. NoonThe lo.it baa fhe following nasluuglon ,ri tl: "The statimmt is made npou excellent anhoijtjr that the Bupretue C uirt wilt not render any deoisious of , a political Miture at thia term of the (Jourt, poBtpouitig all snob until after tuu full ttlewious. lliis lias given re tu a stoiy, which is credited in li .u quartern, that theOonrt hue heen puiitd and a majority fi.uud opposed t dt o riug the enforcement acts oou a it.t:ooHL The belief js that the 0 urt will sanction the views taken bj Judge Bradley m the Louitiua cane, f I'oui which aa appeal wtw taken and tiie cane was brought into the Supreme Court, .... - WahKinoton, April 13 Noon Un t 1 States Nttmuitr Fortuuo has arrived from Ky. Wbktl No yellow fever on board. WwHLwros, April 13 Night Th President has signed the following ooramiMiious: Buj. Ootiloy, Postuias ter at Atlanta; J. M. O. IVker, Pont mnstrr at New Orleans: J. W. Ward, : Poiitmtster at Corpus Cliristi; Jno. 1). -Wilson, Pobtmaster at Murfreesboro, Term. . ; f '' : l ne minor parties to the mail swin dle had' a partial hearing to-day. The atuteinenle heretofore telegraphed is fully sustained.'" There were nine or ten bids for the Texas routes, three of which were genuine. . Hinds will have a hearing to-morrow. ' Frauds to the amount of $75,000 per year have been discovered in the St. Lonis and Indianapolis mail bag de positories. They would cut new bags j.ttou old ones wjtii rano charge for GOTHAM. ARRIVAL OF COMMANDER - LlJLL'fi.-J'ABTY.O ITT" THREES PRIESTS KILLED IN THE ATTACK ON THE JEiUITS' 06LLEaE. , Nrw Yoke, April 13,-Night-The Acapaloo has arrived from Panama with Commander Lull's party. . They have completed the survey from Pan ama to Aspinwall, and pronounoe the route the most 4 (easjblo of , any yet urveyed. ,'t:n i-J f" i Cen ral America is , reported as un usually tranquil. Ad vioes from Buenos Ayres say that only three priests were killed in the attuck npou the .Jesuit College. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, in his ac count s nt legations abroad, says that the number killed does not exceed four, and n priests among them. There are, however, some priests wounded. . , r . y . . if m The threat examination of Beccher is concluded, and Fnllertoo has com menced the cross examination MORE ABOUT THE CHURCH QUESTION. J. , i i .. - -' A MEDAL VOTED TO BRYERTON; THE NEW RUSSIAN L' )AN.' x BJtnuN, April lS-iNoon The' Post says its article of. the 9th,. indicating the possibility of war, was not inspir ed by the Government. , Pabib. April 18 Noon-The L'Union says the Pope made representations through the Patriarch,, of Venice, to the Emperor of Anstria, to the effect that the position of the Church is be coming more and more intolerable. If the unreasonable demands of Prussia are not resisted by the Catholic powers the latter-will lese all influence aud become subjects to the German Govern meut. which is endeavoring to bring the whjle German nationality undtr one, ceptre. The Emperor, replying through the Au trian jkmbassador at Rome, de plores the struggle between Ohuroh and State, and advises prudence. The North German Gazette accepts as reassuring the disavowal of warlike inteutions by the Freooh press. The Berlin fost says mat tlie ara.i has been, eompkted tf the bill pro hibiting religious orders in Prussia, except those employed in nursing the e'l. . , , . . . - Lomdov, April 13 Noon -The Ha mue Society at Bologne has voted a gold medal to Boyerton. . , - r The Rotittohilda have innued pros pectus of the new Russian loan of 15, 000,01)0, the interest on which is to be i per cent: per anuum, to be issued at 2 8,000,000 for subscription in London, and the balance at St. Peters burg. . ' , , LrvtBKJOl.;" April 13 Night The Arbitrator, for Orleans, which put b usk on scoount of a collision, has ailed sgein. i l " ' EIJiCTlIlCKJW. The Republicans of Patterson, N. J., have eleoted their Mayor by 1,000 m.jority. . - Seventy mills of the spinners at Lowell have straok. The balanoe will be discharged by agreeable notioee of the agents. 1 l.e fpiunom aud Vgents r etju.uiy reeulute. There was a light snow at Wanhing tdti and quite a heavy one throughout Pouusylvauia yestrdiiy. Ia aome p iu'cs the snow was live to seven Indies de'p. The A wkrtdo arrived at ban r ran Pisco yesterday. Thore are uo hopes of the recovery of the missing boats of the steamer Uotherberg. uniy iweuty tive persons wera saved. All of the olncers were loev At Indianapolis Rush & Co.'s eleva tor has betu burned, with 30,000 hushelauf wheat Low 70,000 Six oompiuies of c.tvalry and two of ii idutry liuve been , orueteii iium Om&hu to tbe base of the Black 11 ills, as an escort to the scientists who are sent by the Goverumwit to survey the country.' At Philadelphia yesterday the weigut of the snow broke down the canvaes of Barnum's Uiunodmme. I" irtr it - Huns were beneath, but none were ne- rii.Uftly hurt. 7 , Dinpatches from ITazleton re iireseut the sfi'itirs nncliMUKHd. At Trenton, N. J., the DemoorBts have elected tbe entire ticket, exoeut lax Receiver. NEW JERSEY. VESSEL ASHORE ON BARNEQAT SHOALS. Baukkoat. N. J. Niffht The ves- hel abhore ou Burnegat Shoals was uring guns from 7 this a. ni. toll. At the time our informant left he could K'tdihtniKuish what kind of vessel it was on scoount of the heavy foe. but udged tit to be a steamer, from tLe continuous firing and amount uf am miiu tiou exploded. ' DIED. fuUleiilj, un tli evrnlnii ol tl a llth (Mon- Axj), ut t-krilvKia, Mr. 'MIAKI.Ks u. Mo ;lmbi , HgeuiS ye .r and lu t-imb. Ijirroianu litrc.rii ? tu i bin tomiuunlty to wr.te ruicii-tlonllY ui tha droeaiiril inrlii nrarly ball ecnlnry ha hm roil hi henja arennil ntMi(ilini biL'h reputation a. a Clirintian genilewan, good us'lilior. aicelleiit riena. g:n.i nuniumi, uuiinriainer, aunquwi, moil'tt ilUo. He difd, II In believe t, lu fu I .wurMice of an eterntt of peace anil J 7 The luoeral aervica till t ih place nt the family resilience, on tivi 'ith, eetweeb Caitle aid (Ju-en ttreete, at S u'o ock tha nurninv, wi.er.i the friviid and acqualntancea Qf III auniy are idtiipo loaiieuii. SPECIAL. The flrt thing to bcoi,l.l)red In vH)!ng a collar is tbe lit. The Klmwoo l and Waiwltk fit belter than any othen , , . Feople wlio Have Cot helr Im teeth, n the BOZODONT, and all who do, are willing to declare to all who don't tue It, that It li the most perfeetand delightful thing for the teeth tbe j aver dipped a briuh into. ' Jafinfon'i Anodine Liniment lc without doubt, tbe aafeei, .nre-t, and beet remedy that ha ever been Invented for Internal and ex ternal nee. It 1. applicable to a great variety O' complaint, and ia equally benenelaJ lor man or ueai. We have sees It atated In varlout napen throughout the tsonntrr Uiat Aenta tor tbe ale 01 Sherldn'(5aTalry Oonditlon powdera were authorized to refund toe money ani peraon whoahonld utetiem aud not be aatl Ood with tbe result. We doubted ihla at ttrett bu' th'i proprietor authorlae us to wy that 1, l tfU. :,,:., i 4 : ' ;" A Tonic ol liar Neilt. There are many tonics, bur fear Indeed whico produce any othui effort than artificial vtimulatioa of tba apuellM. Thin, an far Iron being a benoBt, la a ponltlva detriment, if tbe geotive orgaua are weak, because It induoea the patleiit to eat more than the eml para-. I j ted stomach can act upon, and. Ill in aggra vated Indigestion. There U, however, a tonlo which possenst the rare munt ol imearting b jth vUoi and regularity to the operation of nutrition. ' HiMtettet'e 8toaach Bitten pro VJke a Vholeom ai elite, because tby en able the stomach to disixiaa of what it reoaivs with anch health! u) rapHltc that at the proper tune for mcaia it ia not torpid from indlgcaled ma'ter, but crave it timely tuatenanca. It la the trtf fact that it facilitate dlgfttton that rendere the national ttomacbfo uch a, powor lul coadjutor of nature lu instituting those re cuperative process which result la the recov ery of the g literal health. Uninterrupted, Timorous action of tit physical machinery in avltably reeultA from the use of HI supreme Invlgorant and iltorative. ' Many who ar satt'arltig tram the effect o.j th warm weather and are dHbllitatcd, are ad vised by ph.; sioians to take modorats amouuia of whisky two or three time d arlng the day In a tittle while those who adopt tbls advice frequently Increase the number of " drinks," and In time become confirmed Inebriate. A beverage which will not create thirst for Intox icating liquors, and which 1 intendsd especi ally for the benefit of debilitated persona, whether a( home or sbroad, 1 Dr. Bchenok.' Sea Weed To: lc. " remaining the Juices of many medicinal herbs, thl preparation doe not create an appetite for the Intoxicating cut. To coarisatiig ard tbe lire-supporting proper ties of many valuable natural prodactlonscon talned In It and well known to medical meu have a mint strengthening inflames. A Mug's bwt tieot the Tonic will demonstrate Its valua ble qnali tie for debility arlidng fro sick nr', over eiertlon or from any cause what ever a wineglaarul of- Se t Weed Tonlo taken alter meals will strengthen the s'omach and create an appetite tor bolf some tood. To all who are ilout iea-lng tli-ir homes, we desite to say that the excellmiT elftcfi of Dr. Sctiei.ck's seasiinahle remedies, Sea Weed Tonlo, and Mandrake Pill, are particularly svMeotwhen takiMi bv thoe who are Injuriously affo- d by a change of water and dlt. Ho pemon show id leave b me without taking a apply of iheee sategnsrd. along. For sale bv all Druig srs. Turpentine Distillery for Sale W have a twelve Bvre! Tnrpent'n Pmtm lery now tn nee, needing some repairs, which wo wl'l sell very -cheap. ' Adurex JNO. D. WFLH8 A ()'., i Tol.not, N. O. t march II rA-tmrnri Executor's Notice. H AVINO QUALIFIED BEFORE THE dodge of Probate of New Hanover county a Executor of Patrick Murphy, deceased, 1 hertby gtvo notlos to all persona Indebted t Said decedent, to make Immediate payment to me, and to all person having claim against Itld deoedent to exhibit the earn U me oa or before the 7th day of March, A. P., me. P.I MUKP.HT, Elecntor march 1 fMtawew. NSW ALTER TTS1IXIT8. WILMIHSTC5 LUIT IIFUIIT, ATTENTION! J To are aaatainned to mH at ;o.r Araaory tblt(Wtdneaday) .Tfnlag at I e'eloe. BMifurfaialahtiiaiirotaM IU be laally n-aakli red. By onier of the Oapaala. J. t. SWelll, a( rll M-tt orderly mgX SUCCESS, T)KOPLZ WIIL BUY wr they eaa itnj tlisch.apext I keep as books and tall lor UASH OSl.Y. Host no aioa.y and ota ad rd to sell I.OWKB tha tny ethar rtUll houM In the alty. A fn II (apply f fresh Ore- ccriet, aotth Carolina Usat, Oaa Ooodttnd Jeliiea. H. W. 8HURB, 31 North Front Streei aprll l fcdgcconibe (.'otton Plows, Also the Watt and Dixit. Welni Iloea.. Plow Line. Bhoval and iiaJes. f'ka. iUmos. tta. Th Urged ttk and lurest prlc oan he foand at tkt Old Bt tabliahed bardwar llouct of JOHBDAWSOH, ho II, M and tl MarlMBtratl. atrlllt p l JAMBS C.MUNDS. AM DIALS B IS FANCt GOODS and TOILIT AE1 IOLMfl, Third St., eppo.lt City Hall, aprll U SS-tf Slippers. Ladle Brona Rllppera only !. Do Morocco Bill) twra rVoB II aa4 saw watd. Mod's Slipper, from ei tad afvaiC. , Meo'tK alllner for ft At CHAHLM A.PEIOrH, . No SI Markt Street, aprll 10 Sign of th.Ooldea Mot). Feather Dusters, Q ADDLES, HAKNBSS, XBUIKS, TEAT- cling Bairs, Collars, Bamet. Bridle, Back- banaa, wnip, epun, xie ui Trnnlts RopMirod mm . CARPENTER at MALLARD Buccsawtri to 3. . TOPMAat A UO.. No. South Front SUttt, Wllmlngtoa, W. O. aurui - To the Voters of v E C0TOTY. FKLLOW-CITIIKNSi To Dtaaooratlo ijonventloa whioh aaaeaibled at UUiagtoa on tht IUt Mar oh, taw propor, without any solicitation oa tay part' to nominal at for Ut office or ultra of tbt Raporler Uoart of P derconaty. I accept the .mlDatiea, aad If elected will discharge tha doile of tht oot to tbe bttti my ability. Owing to an eagagemeat tntarti lata b. for tbt county was eslabllahed. I aa net able tooanvast tb dlStrant townships. I laare ray wlf therefore I tbt bands of agp tlu and tht peopl of Ptndtr. , . . , Betptotfully yoori. B.C. fig. Wilmlngtoa, April tth, ItTI. aprll ia " " M-tt ! Only 06 0 For a full Suit Clothes. A very nlew CtMslnaora Bull tot fS. LINEN COLLAR caly tw Otatttacb, f, t rU'-, , Everything CHEAP. xMUNSON & CO, ? v CITt etXTTBIBEa. . aprll II . , . - . ... U l lie World on Wheels AND OTHER SKRTOHI9. By Btnj- X' ay lor. i . THE MISHAPS Of Ma,'.EtaEIELPEL. tor. MAB1A MONK'S DAUOHTEB. By Mrs. L. St. Johu Kokel. , V SAU A . HEINGBERCEirO Llv Booh and atatlt Stort, In Store and to Arrire ! Ho Doarm Simmon' Tnrpegllno Hackers and Poller, VO doron Watson Turpentine Hackers and Puller,- SS Oosen 1 nrpontlnt Dippeta, to Dosen Hanker Files, 10 Grose Hack Whutteis, tS Dozea Hack Weights, Strainer of ail sixes, hoelo Dipper tnd Sklmm.'S, Funnel and Meaaarea. aad tverythln elat needed on a turpentine farm or around a Itlll. AU tor sale at bottom fig arcs by apillll tilLES fclfcitOBISON. SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES ,Y-; ' -IK- FANCY GOODS mmm fyfe's, 'k ! IXOBANa OOBRBBv ': ' I w uld also tall ptittcnlar attention to ray soi-,l of Plain, Strip and Cheek Nainsooks, Victoria Lawns, Picqno, VlcUiria Stripe Quodx, Linen and Linen IHaper, o, e. Linen Handkerchief from It ot. np A lot or Ladles Hsmstttoked Handkerchiefs at 2S cents, worth 11 cnu. A bargain. f lease lve me a eall tndexaaln for your self. Don't forget Exchange Onraer . Expected daily a full Una of Idie Beat and Imitation Hair Good, enatbad, Parasols, to, Ac, v-'; , . aprlill - t Just Received,.! rfALRNTlNR'S PBEPABATIOB OF V Meat Juice. Mixl Hlrd Serd tBo.nUso.aart. Hathnrn Spring Water. : ' t. Oongres String Water. i . V For sals by - - .-' " ' - . I i BB FLABJfEE. tarth it n HI3CELLANE0U8. CHOICE FAMILY GD00EOIES Patksd totrler ia any ouantlty and seat ' ' WHIKl PIBECTED. Uwet valat thargad FOB BBsT GOODS. PINE TEAS. """ CHOICE COFFEES. Every Variety Sugar. Imported Ploklea, ..-il .. . : tauoee. Preeervee. . Jellies. Fine Layer Raisins tor Tabi , Freeh Canned Fruits Vege tablee 'a tvery variety. Amerloan. Frenoh and English Packed Ceode-tvory variety and ttyl. A fall Unt of tht aioct dlrahl good la tht lata, CHA3 D.MYERS a CO., At t Nrtl rrotJi Nt. apt H it vr-st Blue Flannel Suits JTJADB TO OKUEK-e -al J.MOUOKVIUK'B. English Diagonal SBBUE GOODS, MADE TO OBDEE Suit, ei-t JAMES WaUORMMK'S. St-St WedFrlASon aprIT Bacon-Corn Syrup Ilolasses 100 Boxes D. a Bides k Shoulder., 100 " SmokedSidss&Shoulders. 2,000 Bushsls Prime White Corn, OU Dbis, d. tL errap, 100 Hhds. end Bbls. New Crop Cvbs Molssses, For sale low by - WIIaIJaMS MUE0HI80S. Hay-Hoop Iron-Glue- Bice. , , 800 Bales Prime K. B, Ej, 800 Bandies Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue, 80 Bbls. Whole Bios. For sale low by WILLIAMS k MTJBOmSON. Flour. Sugar Coffee and ... , -r . Choose. 800 Bbls. Flour all grades ; ' 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, ' 150 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, 25 Boxes Factory Cheese. ' For sale low by WLTXIAMS k MURCHISON. Guano I Guano I 890 Tons Gnanape Ouano, 800 Tons Eureka Qoaso, ( t . "5 ; for salt low by i '? ! ' .s WILLLAJlSf MCEOHISON. aprlill St PUN FOR All. "Tht Enaptaek-fqll of rati" or 1,000 Kt- tlB of Intughttr. "Brotd Grin" of tht Longhlsg Phllotopbtr, htlag a oolltotlta of Funny Joktt and Droll laoMtnt; White's Ethiopian Jok Book, a perfeet Oa ketof Fob. j ; ' Alt, a largt tot of now Oomlo and Bentl mental Song' Books, and a great variety of Dim Kovtlt, Ac. 'v All fortalt ty CONOLEI A YATES, I 47 Market Street. BUY aprlill Onr Half Dime Cigar . v 4 " - : Half Dollar per Dozen, ' Thtrhaapest Id Ui market At No. S2 Market Streei D.PICOTT; . as march 10 r ! Just Beceived! WBBAYIJiJST BEOEIVED A LOT OF TBE BAMDSOatEBT , Ladles' and Gentlemen's FINESHOES That hat trtt been fl'ertd for salt la this mar- u EVANS il VonGLAHN. From this Date THRICE F COAL WILL BE qiOJPer Ton. J 'O.G.PaBSLEIACO. fwh M 7S II0RE THAN 6,000,000 Of Ons Nrtn Alohs or tbi . JrsTi.i Celbbiutbd DorBLB Elastio STEEL PENS Wer sold In INT4 -being gain of mart thea 1,00 o ever tht.r.vlou: this, with tht marked Increase la tht rates of tbt ether aara bera, shows that tb anporlor sjatitlltloe of tha Paar bring anor aad ssor appro elated, aad that they are olltiel Uukt th.lr plao a tke taiwot itlar "i Pen In tb market. Tbsy ar maoa uf tb keat atool, by Ih mtl skillful work la Earopo, and ar a nearer ipproah methm to tb real SMrata tlwlll aotloa tha anything of tht kind hitherto Invented The Speaettlaa Steel Ptne ait unlver aally used ithe Commercial OoU legee ihreugheiit tha V. S , more largely than any others l.y tht United Statea Government tnd oditgeioiaiiy m tha Bank a, Countlng-Houeee and SohOOla tf the ecunwj ) and ar for Bait) by tha trade generally. Wt claim for tht Spenaernvi tuptrlarlty over all other pent ia durabdlty, elaetlolty, flexibility, sad lu avert neee of point 1 he Spencer Ian Pent tt toaiprlwd In IB numbere, varying In oeilblllly and flntnest of point, and, tor the oonvenltnotol' thoMwhoaiay wish to try treat, w will send card obtaining eampleofeaoh number by mll,eerly tnclostd, on re ceiptor 20 oenta. Address all rdr to 1VISON, BLAKEHAR, TAYLOR A CO., 138 and 140 Grand. Street, aprll l-tt-WtdAttat. Raw Yoaa. !TD!E. Harshal's OUce, Cm OF WILMlNaTON, 5. 0., I April 1st, 1878. , fTIHE ATTEBTIOW OF THE OITIT.F.NS X, eftkeeommanHyl Mtpeotfally oallsd to tht faot that tit ttokly season approach with tht warm weather, which I now atar at kaad, and that it becomes soy duty to adopt UM most stringent sanitary maaaore at thi Untt la tr. dr to pretervt th health of tht elty. Tear. vent, a far possible, th spread of all diss ass Inetdtnt tta warm season, wklok ' Oecayetl BUit r ' Tllib, arbat, TrsMk Mtl vU Bel aee fflMtwr Und to gtatrett, f would mptt taratttly ask thebearty eo-operatloa of the eltlttnt gtatr- ally la platlag tar elty la such k tleaaly aoa dlUoa at t rtndsr It Impregnable to thottdlt. I ss wklok have birth hi Slth and aa an whole. tome atmotpktre, aad to a laek of preajpt at Itntloo at tht proper Mason. To this tad tht entire force of tht alty will be tm ployed la OLEAHSIMO, DRAISINU, DlSINPECT- INO.UEAOYlNa TE ASH, At., A.. for at ltst nt nit twenty dyt. ' All persons ar earnestly nqotattd tohtve the trash and refuse matter upon their prsrat- its placed upon th ttrett, wher practicable la barrels or botta, which will bt removed Im mediately." . . ' ' DIS1MFEOTAM J B will b furulshtd ft Of oharg at sky Offle toany pertoB calling for am. THB BEAITB OFFIOEBS TO BB DESIGNATED BT A YELLOW BOSXTTB, may bt netiflcd ot any atagnant water ttandrng span any lot, damp oallart, er anything which would Und to Impair tha health of tbt City Any complaint lodged at mf Offlot will kavt prompt attention. Hoping that proper sanitary measures adopted bow anay sscnr to a a healthy alty during tbt tummtr, I earaest'y solicit th aid and prompt oo-oprUoa of all good sltisea t attata this greatly a be de sired tod. Vry respectfully, -?-- 11 J. H. BOBINSOK, aprll I tf City Marshal BOYS SUITS! .2 ; A yBY LOW IM FEXCB MtN'S SUITS from SO BO lip. Linen Collara only SB centa par Handsome TIES and BOWS, something tnlirslynew. . ' Every Stoamtr brings CLOTHING, te , , MUNSON & CO. aprll II , IT The press throughout the State will please notioe. . . , Extracts for the Toilet. G CERLAtVS EXTHALTS, Lubln's Extracts, i Phaion't Night Blooming Cereua. Hair Brushes, ombe, , . Oiled llk,e.,o. ; ' . '. , Fortalt by OKEEN A fUKilER march II New Boots and Shoes. Wt art now receiving Bite Urge and VQ telectad ttook of iktota and ttaot for tbe Spring trad, which wo are offering at the very lowest price. W ar satis Bed with small proit. . , r f - .". - -. , , ; , (, . j W kavt la ttoek 6vbU, fctdlet,' M laws aha Cblltrtnt Onstom-Made Boot and hhoes, which ar th handanmeet and meet durable tvtr brought to thit olty. J - i Beaembsrem- "Victory" Sboee."- Onr Jobbing stock I complete aadoanaot fall to give tatlafautiom la prlot aad tuallty. . A full supply of Stlt Leather, Calf SkUia, Lining Skins, Oalter and Boot Upper, Boot Front, Shoe Findings, Aa. , BY AMI A VtxGLAHN. M aprlill SPEflCFBlAN TtVT A15TXSTIlir2iT3. 45 BROWN & We still eontinue to esll st our former low prices notwithstanding the ad vanoe in the markets, aud aa a substantial proof submit the following list of prioea: s Goats' Spool Cotton 6 cents a spool or 70 cents per dosen. Unbl aaoufxl Cotton from A rwuita nnr is? 83-inoh Fruit of the Loom. .... 8 " Jjoopa 89 M WamsntU IlT . Q i ri .' i . 1 . . opuuR vaiHwme, ovo tjtiaiuy, Ladies ruffs for the Neck A aud 10 It Would be a arral tavina to those ttla? their ahnmiino in tha Drv Dnmla their purohass. We take this method ymrv uirnj wuu noi vvij numujgwD tiali nf ihl tanntl(rV Wtft htVel tin Hm - aw v awiw ww isaatw Iftteitd. AF larVsk vnit tin in tli Ifntaklai Our objeot is purely business, and we SEVERAL JOD LOTS fluoh as 100 dosnu Kid O loves for BO oenta per pair, worth ft 1 60. Laditts hr-mmrd Pure Linen Handkerchiefs IS cents, worth 23 cents. 90 pairs Blankets 3, worth $1 60. WK DAVE GOT EVERYTHINO WE ADYERTI8K. ONE PRfCE TERMS CASH-WO SAMPIES CUT, BR0WH & RODDICK, 45 Uarket Street. march I ' . bT i till P.? - . ..... ' ll'-'WIi' ,:VS.j i.'f 7? ' M. M. KATZ'S, All tho latoot Novoltloo and tholboot "" -' " -'.''j :,:(- ,,-' . n; i' - i v.!-,' i J j 'l..'-'t' ) !t!?. v.H'l ;t.i ..0:. qualities at tho vorylowoot prices. Moro porticularo In a few i , ,, ..: ,;; t.; 'i'' 54 j .t 1 r . el , . : , ; sptiit-ty mm ' At 153.00 per Ton) Cash, or $00.00, payable 1st of November next; N AY ASSA ACID J PHOSPHATE, , , ; At 138.60 per Ton, Casht' or t88.Q , psjble 1st of NoYsmbar nest, , WBCAKANTBthathprvious Hlghflr of tor Fertiliser aaaUb rally MAITAisao Soir4 : NAVA83A GUANO C0."?ANY ; O. L. OBAFFLIM, SupttlnUndtnt. ... j u WILMINOTON, N. ' JaoS.1 ,. -. ' . i . . A-eod-dAsHm. . fji., i m.jj 1 XLX.-S l 'Jim II js ),, i .1" 1 iLLl , 1 ,. i, i j praiiic mm m PRICES REDUCED THIC DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLTOIJSPACOTC GUANO for sale, either for GASH or on CROP TIME. " Liberal terms will be mad with Merchants and ether reliable parties to sell this Ouano at our Warhn , r W. OeramlmtoB MtrehMta, Agenhlfbl' FaclfleQusno h:r. t"::;i;-- - 4i 8ub-igents foi the Sale of Soluble Pacific Guano. t-2t,?lttH'''""-'';' 1; .W;;j!.;.;:..ittia iBmttdsi. ir. a J? tai'.r.. ,,,.-..,....,......., .... ,............t......,,.,.l,...atartoBl B. O. i Jan II 025 Reward. mnosB who abb in meed of a nice SprlHjr r aamaaer Stilt wlUSnd Hto their airvanUgt tt namlnt my stoek bsrnrt purchasing tlsewhere. ' ' ' " ' '' 'l ' sVeatitlf ml Blue Flstaael "Mile at 1 OS. r. -.,;.,!' ' ;i i - , Handsom CaatimevtSnitsat SIS. ' Stytlsh Wkltt Harttlllt Vest alls rnt. ' Tht Snaet ttock of Plao Goods la th elty for Mrhaot Tailoring. i "' SrBti : v:u v VwiA, kATUX FACTORY. Iora, SashV Blind and 'Whea yoa Want bottom ' price, bo wher rtiey ar made, foot t Walnut streat, Oelvtlle OltlO'tMIII. . , . ,f . " ' ; ! vn'.K-.-l -sviak! WEDDIIMS Utmttt tahloblt ttylt at th 10 USUAL OFFICE 45 RODDICK . . . , , ii . . .11 Cents rr yard. .12t " " " tl6i " M iu oeuts per yara. ' cents, worth 26 oenta, a bargain. virltinn th nlln fnr thai tmmnss rJ An. line tn uiwa na a 11 .mviiJiik in of advertising ptioes for you to com- ana tiodhj. dui wiiq in one oi nj teo- At nAli'naiMrtVt w tSnttsn rtntmwrvn n Ka rm taivntllVl WW VUt VU UVIO IVU USA kAI a S tmvv.nor avn Alafmsi a fv4AmA propose doing that in a legitimate way. 36 Market St. days. V ,y' f . f . -,' ..if? ..it, b At, jif, KATZ, : "'..:f. WE OFFER OUR DTAlTDARDiFERTILIZEIia 5' tot tha tmoAifO tiHiutd oa'ihs Cars; at Our 'if- tTM V-'-'r Z,Zv'mZZ, v : 80LUBU HAVA3SJI GUillSQ V " n McKAHY & CO., Oo., aodUealeral No, 1 FsrnvaaOaaat ; ' , . Nobth Watbb Btbabt, I- ' ftp -.. 23-3mdw .-1. - gfQ bbls. S. H. Molasses, .V, , naci. a, j. JSojaasee. . , . ;, ' r tai oy . -. i ,' . ; , EEECHMKR A OALMtk BKOS. , New Crop Cuba EMolasses". wee Hhda New Crop iCuba Molaaaaa, tS athtta Maaaia Molaww. 1 UtSe Bbls New CtopCaba Alulae. , !lMm,Foelby 7 ' 1 " ' fc i . j . , g.SK(,)HNBBApAUE BBOS. ,i ,, - ' I '-Cait arid liay.7 .;V;, '. .) Basks tl wpoM IMt.' ' ,"' " sj - BSe Bala tavtexa Bay, ! 1 l-M'.'fe-l ' , ISO Bale A No. 1 N. , Bay r .:,, 'for sals ' " ; i. H ' EEKCBXEm CALOEM BKOS, ' Turpentine. Vasoria, t..t Two-Hort Turpentine wr.ma, j w v , , ; AAUnllo'es Tarpeuuue ju. For sale by KEAUOMEB A 0AM)ER BRu.1. sprU U I House HOlEES. m i f!8

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