I -.. Crf! V unoiu i;o. c.c5i. VOL XXIV. -HO. 90. WILimTQTOI?, 17. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 15. 1875. WILMINGTON. N. I).! TH'JESD AY APBJL 15. '175. BYirrELECRAFH; irriniiiTAiiTKnK'" j . , v CRAZY HQJUBR. AND BLACK TWIN TO GO TO WASIIIXC3TON Z CLOSING rO? GOV, JURDS CftUM IfAVOfUBLY; AO- l MAlfiTtOUXE tmokERs.' Washington, April II. Night Comaiissoutr rtSmrth has rvoetved a telegram (torn Indian Agent ?avillt, of ilie Ited Cloud AgfVtvii,g tbat myKieugers have, txieu. dipaU)iied for Cruzr Horse and Black Twin, to in d'io th-'in to cv(u ta WiwIuukViu with the Siotu delegaiion, which ex pects to nnch Cheyenne, eu rente uUiiut May 1st. . ., , It, is said that ,0ti. Huieras. b !i i 1 to-day, will lw suect-edml, an OummiBMMrjr General, by (Jol.AmoR liivkwitb, oe 6f the Ahh tuut Ccim-in-wUry Generals. Lnundtir 0, Dyor; of Tonnesrwe, has lweu appointed Cousul at Odessa, I.ilsais,' li ' 1 " ' Enquiry Rt the Poetoftice Depart ment shows that in the adjustment of. Governor Bird's accounts, an Post master at Atlauta, involving the dia bu'sement of some 8'H),0o0, and clou ing Lit account, there is a balmim of 23 ohuU in his favor. The Poatoffieo Deparluiwnt bus iu firaiation that putties who. have se emed eoatraciff tor a iarg nituibr-r of mail routes ia Western State ie nya t 'inatioally offering to sab-let Unm, tlieraby Assuming in effv-ct the position of fusil ronte!brokr.S; Oue paity jo Kaifiai has tent out poshd cants invit ing bids fpr8ub-lettiiig speoitlo routt-a and stating th print! potseript that Iih iias sixty-five routes to dispose of and will send catalogues ou applica tion, 1 New OrlkaSs. April 14 -Night Tht. Lccuduiuio met at noou to-day. It wai outi vf t& most orderly meet, mg known for many yiars. Cu Bsrvativo members were sworn in and involution was itdopWd in thu House referring the claims of thoce included in . the award to' tie Committee un E eotious, which will Vep rt lo morrow. U lll parties ieeUl to HCiM'pt the attt withuut oppohitiou, making tlm com ptoiuU s sucoek ) Kollogg's misag totheljegitlature was an elaborate oue, and thai follow ing are some of the prluuipal poiul: t-I'UeoocaMon vi tins xaard;uary Htiou turas a nuw auu i iruf a mh tertra.m the history tt oor State. U0T1IA31. LOUISIANA. M E E T I N Q OF 11IE I.ErtlSLA , TU11E. KELLOGd'S MESSAGE. SPECIAL NSW ADVIETISIMENT3. Tb lrl Uitog to h rw-Mr4 In jlr a I MNr n Ui-i U Th Btawnoil aa4 WaiwU-ft , ttt b.ttw thu any othr t PMpl. Wk UtT. Ostth.lrwlMtavth.aiv th BOlODOT, and sit who do, ax wllllaf to dsclsrs ts all wd .too't m it, that It I. um DM psrfetan Jatlfktrtl ih.n fo lb. tsrth tS.y .Ttr dliipnl a broth Into. , PUBLIC. JoSaron'. SnodTiit I,(alnt la. without ituubt. 'b nklmr, hM, d brat nawd tbtt bb.ni Ml mniilM fur tuiMl tnd rx toriiKl uw It Uappltosbis to a griMt tarlstjr a cump nloli, ana M cuullr benrB.lM iot i tn btut. I ' W". si U MMd la vartou. HU t'irjuh.ii,t th nitiib that AseiiU fut ih .ileu I Hhiril.n'.llr7 lnditu rdra worn anuorisra wrfisno id amf taanjr rrtnu bofbun.il stb.m and n't b. Htb Sod wtb U itnilt W. don bud ikH tt irtt bur th. prui-rtMon antborli aa M j Ibit I, Marshals Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, April 14th, 1875. EXrilACT FROM THE TESTIMO NY OF KEV. HENRY WARD BEEGJEtfiil CROSS-, r EXAMINATION. 4 " . ' Niirt! rToBK.? April H-NightMr. BewoUer.on oross-examiuation, naid: " I found Mrs. Tiltoa in tod in the left-hand room, front. I informed her of theA olitrges her imsUaud iaW anaiiiAt me: Hho was dressed in white. I do not know whether she had retired tot the uight. tshe was ui, ana i sup pose had retired fo the uight, beiig confined to her bed. I ;id I had just cjrae from an interview with her bus band, and he had made serious charges against me. When I said he charged me with alienating her affections from hitn she showed responsiveness; nhn shed tears, which fell down herchceks. and by tba mwmeot of her hand. I bIbo BaM lletihurgtd me with creating dirc8 nnd dieord in his family, and a.kt'd if thia was so; he made no re nonse. I said he told me you bud t.nfarred vour Wifely offootioiw to mi.- she made no "' r flnpouse, uud the tems contmuea tailing aowu uer ciiceks When I told her of the mi propor advunoef, and asked her if he had told him so, she bowed her ht'nd. I expostulated with her, aud onid 'yon know this is not tru.' Iplidlier on (bese charga, aud asked- hor how she could navo uone suen a tuuig. duo . said: 'I eould not help it; I was tired' out with hiB persistence; he imir-tnoei-.and 'pursued me.': She thea spoks'of ail inteni 'W in July phe had with him when be said if she confessed her alien lovers to him and be coiilem- ed My tbev' would got along better and all woufd be again harmony, t-he asked mff what !he feouTd do. .1 said she ought to write a retriction of thos oharges. She said it might boused against her busbaud, ani, I Raid it would not; that 1 would only ne it for my iustifiuatjou if this charge should be used against me in t .e Church, or if there was , any trouble about it, thereafter niaking mo promio not to use il iu injuring her husband. I, at her request, got her pen, ink aud pa per, ana sue wrote. Aier bjiu" uuu vertion, not pertaiuing to this mat ter, I left, When I ,,went ,iusho was asouedeaa.' ' Tins lii-itiTj of ,ti-'iuji''i;a, kiuuo u iuAirpor.itioii into th' Cuion as Mim marised iu th-.i message', of sitiwtwsivd (ioveritoM iruui tiuv. Claiborne U iii iiveut tlmeni has boeu uuhappily pro title of raw an.agoiiiHms aud stetioual j(itlousies nnd disorders; though sec ond to uo State iu natural advantages ot r.!im:.te, Miil aud produotH, it Las fulhuiar behind other less favored States m tlevehipmtut4f its renourotw a id in the cu tivstiou of that houa ! g.niity of fwliug aud iuteteht w.thoul which uo oommuuiiy cau be perma nently proBperous. The causos ol this lack of progress and unity ta the past have been as varied as the ills that have resulted. Bom'-jare beneath the pate of legislation. They cau Only be remedied by the autiou of time iu removing the present prejudices aud e'lMug thrf memory of the past tmdi tions; others are the result of tlje p -I'loi'.r character of the poptth'tiou of th-) State and the prt-vniling diverui tnis of luoe, religion and language; othnrs again, and these by no uie thu leant cuuhiderxbh', Imve epruug from the improvident and opprisie Legislatures of late yeftrs, Itioluding thai ot 18G5 and lbG7. which have mnuaged to snbordiuato tLe material interests of the State to the enforce ni'iit of pnrtisan purposes and the prcuuiitrySaggrondizement of individ uals. It would serve uo good purpose to review iu detail the events of our recent history. ihe unfortunate past, witli whatever mistakes aud wrongs may have been committed on either side, ' is before you. The oousequceuces of these mistakes aud ' wrongs, more eloquent than any language I can use, are also before you. It, is your privilege to oorreot, remedy, vt at least alleviate them; and, inoro importaut still, to olT-ir guarantees that suoh events aliall not again occur. After a political con ioa., iiin Unuth mid bitteruessof which Lave been uuparaleliea, a tiuii i. at last been adopted which I think should have boeu tried at farst, ana which,. I trust, will afford an imme diate and satisfactory solution of the difficulties that have beset us for years and entailed misfortuue and distress upon the pe ople. It is a most hope ful eigu in my opiniou when, as tow, r.itizens of all political parties seem in clined to take the management of this affnir into their own hands, aud sink- inn imrtv ftins. unite to advaufti the a, rii.ral pooil. lU-ffardiua the State revenues and thoir oollectiou and disbursement the Governor efprosses the opinion that the present tystem is too cumbersome and exuensive, aud unjust, and should h rmlicallv chanaed . The Governor then details the changes desiied and gives a resume of the State .nuances, which hL'jws a reduction in the State 1nht 'f $:3.((f)5.9-2t) since 1873. The Governor vetoed the new-city cliarter bill of New Oilians, stating tit lie did so out of request of a flumniittee of the Merchants' Ex change, the Cottou , Exchauge,' and the Chamber of Cmmeioe, who were prepuring city measures themselves. IIo ulso vetoed au act legalizing- a lurgo amount of indebtedness said to h duo the State oharitable institu tions. Also an act authorizing the pi i su of Poiute Couixe to issue Lo ids, ou the ground that such an act wliuIiI e ucoaraae extravagance ana in crease the parish debt. Also an net ilinriviiiar the -Democratic sherifl of hiw fees, ou the cronud that the re lin-tinna made iu the payment for feeding nnsouers were excessive, and would work publio injury. Miuiy wha r Mftrlng from th .Sssts j th ari weather and aia iteMMtaUd, an ad iiwil by 'h' ati'taa to ttk atuderati tnoant. at wfelnkr twoor thrtlmd.rlBf th.d.y la lltu whlla Hhm who aowt tbta sdvtoa (rrquuitly liMra,w th B.mb mt drinks," and is time beoea Mndrnvd lnbrlii. A buvsiBf. w&lrh will Dot oral ibltitfbr Intoa tcllnu liquor., and which I InMadad tpet lly tur tbe bnBi f dtbillUMd tvmvm, wbrtber t bom' or .broad, I Dr. Bxhanck' 9i' W4 Toi tc r!itainl h. Julow of inry niBillcitial b.rl, tbti brapatatioa doaa nt rn .le an i tlU or tba IntoitoaUaf aB i 1 b roariahltiB Ad'tk.Iir-appHltif propr-ti-'i of in.'ij slslii flatuial ptoilootliiuoou t.im illutt and 'II know to wwdloal an an a ot tumi(.bulii( Iwdaaao. AUI' b .tllol i 4' until will d.Boiwlrata Itivtlua ttl. qi'slillf. ' rr debility ii1ii f tii h B.., over rlttrilon or fron any au wkat Tnt a winr glmwful ir- s. Wih'I Twlctakan a t-r oral, will .tr-nglhca th Momacb; and ercat au KpiIHe fur abob-aum luoa. I all who r .bout la.ln thrlr hoinr, w dBic lo & tlitUliwllaiiteltctor Dr. Hoh.nvk'a itiurinalil. reniedir., S.a Wed Tou'o, and Maiiilraku THU, ar iarilcalarlj cvid.iitwhaii taken bf thi who v. luJuilnuiilT affertid by a rhiir of watrr and iin. Mo pra .hoakl k b .m. wllboat takln( a -uily of lhv lr.gttirni along, rot fai. Of au iruggin. N IW AB VIRT 1 81 BE B 18. New Hovels. Tie law nrt the Lady TRGta. I'll Story or ValaUBaa4 UBSr mar DO a LII'b'i Huvrat Tb Rliiwomlr'i ot A ou l.o..'i Victory.. .. H art anil Hand. 1'lw 1'i.SKur Uuular... Alleiaa Ki-rrr. ....... .... A strann World........... O d Middtoton' MoatT.,.. ai'. niiMr, l oft for Lot. I- ... .... .. . fe., .... 90 ' Bt . M " 59 40 " W M W" SB ' in " 2B " OB SAL! At HEirJOBEnOER'O tlv Book and MUM 8tor. apil) 16 T NO OLD STOCK TB 0RX OFF ! i tJURCHASKRHWILLflltDrT BtOBl TO A their advaotai to ( Buy Hew Clotliing a to bar .hop-wora (od at half their orlf tirnl om. Hy tttookli all NEW, STYLISH find COMPLETE. Largs IdtoIo Gent's Fine Drosi Shirts Received To-Day. aprlllB - t A.I.AVMV One Hundred Tubs Choice Gilt-Edge Table Butter, At SB cent; " CREAMING3 " BEST I" OHAS. D. MYERS CO., 5 A 7 North Front Bt. ' FBRf BCTIOK " IN FLOUR. CHAS. D. MYERS 4 CO.. 0t.lNoTUrrontt fit t'RDKRTl) KNABUK MR lOCl.K VBB lb. City thoroughly, and with aa lltti dalay toMlbl. lbdlidad th Dily Into tt (4) ll.alih pKtrlrts with a Haalth Offlrwr igned to duty in aih. THS riST DMTBtOT, In oharf of Haalth tifflear J. H. Brown, av braso. that partian r th. Oily North of Maf kit ard Kart of Fifth StrMts. THK SIUOD P1STSICT. la charaomltD OBIoer 0. 0. Taylor, .- bre. that pirtlBof th.lilty North or Mar ket.nd Wcatof rillhBtr.eU. , - . - - - ' . IbK THIKI) DtSTBIOT,.. fn hrt of Health Ofllfer A. J. Ixnten, - br.cn that portion of th. City Boath of Mar -ki'l sod Kat ot Fifth Striata. THE FOUBTH DISTHICJ',- !n eharg of Health Officer B F. Walcott, en. br.or. ibat portion of th Ulty South of Har kt and Wat of Fifth HtraaU. TH Health Offlai may be designated by tbe yellow taaatia, aud they are lnatruated to In- speut and report all anoleanUnaw to my oflio It I. hoped that th CI llama gonerally will oo operat with Die In thle lm porta .t work, and bi-gla th a.eded cleaning without further delay. A ay peraon leaulrlng th servlee of a aca- yengnr mar rrportuia raot to in neaua umoer of tbe Dlflilon In ahloh tbe work la to be done. Or at my o0e, and the metier shall hate thr prorapUMattentlou. Ttaatlng no further eppeal tooor geodOltl- sen. nay be tequlcrd. and tbtt our City shall bea eaodel In neatoraadurlngtbeeonilugSuni er, ' . - '. I am, very respeetnilly, J. It BOBINBON, aprlt 18-tf Wty Maribal. i CHOICE FAMILY cnocsmss . T $i . iii s . Faoked to ardt la any eaaaltty acd Mat - WHEttB niBBCTKD. t FINS TEAS.' ',Z--' y- choice oorrEEs', NEWSPAPER 2)IR.CT0&Y. It l certainly oeet ef Anaer1 cast nageualaiea krfmt, HJ: ! r. He prrsil eilarllF alt ml par aaorlU" Vmm-nlt tuf- kmrfk. 'a. " There I Hall paa;o arlweaa It ceewra I'. rwa BJ' A aodl ferlodlcal.'' ri''e Vms. Why not 8ubacrbe for THE GALAXY FOR 1870. IT I0TBB BEST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. V family oaa aflord to do w I' bout It IT CIVICS MOKK GOOD AND A tTBAC TlVkt BKAUtNU klATTIH FOB. THK f ' MONET fit AN ANT OTHtH FEKt OUIOAI. OR BX)K rCBUSHfD IN THK COVNTHT. A New P.rlal bt Mr. Annr Fdwat.te, UAH, A WOMAN OF FASHION, ".JUST BEOUN. Also a Btory by Prof. H. H. UOTFBBN, , A Norseman's Pilgrimage, To eonttau aeetrel awatb. In th Kb. will be iomrenrei JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S NEW SERIAL Dear Lady Disdain. A serleeot Artlole by Pronilneiil Monlli ' orncr, on h CONFEDERATE SIOEOF THE WAR. Not t')ulrwvrlai, will suoo be eoai .. - roenoej. nW AJJTIETISmZl TS. 15 ' ' t t .' " BROWN 45 & RODDICK Intereatlng Sketches and Stories In each No. hy eneh writi-ra aa MIOH Rl (1HANT WHITK, ALBKHT HIKHiKS, HKNKY JAMKS, Jr , ,1 UN RIB HKNHi HKOWNV, KOR TRHHV, HI II AH KIMHAl.Lanil all th malt of RHU I IAN T W KIT It KB whli-h (he (lAt.AXT baa altraoU.1 to telf, and who bat aiad a bright mvk nn our rurrent tlteraiure TH S'.IKNTiril) Mti KI I.ANV, each nouUt, la worth Ike prtc th Magaalit Who would not rive M.00 to ?ieoure auoh monthly vleltan or the year 1878 Subscribe at Onoe. ' Head for our full Pmapetlua. : WE PRE-PAY THE POSTAGE It can Irs bait, with either Harper' W.ekl er "I)aaar,"or Appleton'a Weekly," fur .SHELDON A Jan 14 COMPANY, New York , ID 4W THE PEE DEE HERAID. j Published every Wednesday at WADESBOltO, ANSON . COUNTY, Bf ... , 1 .... .1 v 1 JOSH. T. JAMES! At CO. Ha. a tare and rapidly tnereulBf eltfnla. Uaroiiua Una la the Pee V ouuntrr In North aud South AdMruAerkwIlt find It th bt atedlum In We still eostinna to tell at our former low prices notwithstanding the ad vance in the markets, and as a substantial proof submit the following list of prioes: ' Goats' Spool Cotton 8 cents a spoof or 70 cents per doten. Unbl wooed Cotton frotn 0 cento per yard. 33 inch fruit of ths Loom...,. ...,.11 Cents per yard. , 30 " " ' Loom., i 121" " " 80 ' Wamsutta... ,..16 " " , New Spring Oaliooes, best inalityH10oonts per' yard. Ladies rufl's for the Neck snd 10 eeots, worth 25 eents, a bargain. It would be a prcof $aving to those vititing th citg for the parpose of do ing their shopping ia the Dry Goods line to give ns a sail previous to making their purchases. Wo take this method of advertising prices for yon to com pare them with not only Wilmington aa J vicinity, but with those of any sec tion of the country. We have no time or inclination to button-hole vou on the streets, or look you up iu the Hotels, or by laying any claims of friendship. Our object is purely business, aud ws propose doing that in a legitimate way. SEVERAL JOB LOTS Such as 100 doaon Kid Gloves for 50 cents per pair, worth ft 50. Ladies hemmed Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 13 cents, worth 23 ceuts. 20 pairs Blankets $3, worth l 60. WE ITAVE GOT TERYTniNoWE ADVERTISE. ONE PRICE TERMS CASH-NO SAMPLES CUT. JJ10WN & RODDICK, 45 Uarket Street. WOWOPEWIWG ,. ' ' ..- : :! . : ' - . -AT- . , . , M. MJCATZ'S,1 36 Market St. I il-KI j il l: t , . All tho latest Novcltlco and tholboct A, it il. I CHOIuaiiARQI - BREAKFAST MACKERVL. 1 CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., O and 7 North front St sprit liv-u Imported Plekleo. ::' ; Sauoes. .in .'.v. ; ; .'. -.' ; . ! Presorwea, Jolllea. Fine Layer Raisins f" Tabio u, Fresh Canned Fruits sad Vege tables to avwy variety. , American. French and English Packed Coode-'r aiity andwyi. A fall lino of th moet deilrabl goods In the State, CHAS D. MYERS & CO., lit North rroait Nt. apt II U "-' i Edgecombe Cotton Flows, Also the Watt ana Dim. . ... . i if . nt.H tl s ,k n.nit. Trace unaine, pun. --i , ..in. line. Plow l inen. Hboveis ana m....i.. rnrka. Hamna. &a. The laraeat it. -en" and loweec price a can no ioubq a. u , I tabliahed Mardeare Hons of JOHN HAWNON. No Hi 80 asd II Market Street. aprll II . . rT . u H.. Ik. i Q.-.-'- .nnBr of to vvunu men iiaiii f,TW attentive local advtrlUing pat ronage exhibited in U eolvmtu U tVW bent evidence of it large and influen tial circulation, . .'is..'-,-?-'-- T Speolmea copies, with rates lor adrar. llalne. eent free. poaUre paid, on spplloatinn to the unoerslined, eltlirt at Wadesbore or dlon. l M ... o vm v. ... i , Kdltoraahd Proprietors" .... .i as-tr qualltlcsatthovory lowcotprlceo. More partlciiiars in uVoV 7-. j i ! i aprll 4-1 f IL- flOTIarket Street Slippers Ladles Bronte Bllfiperionty St Bacon-Corn-Syrup-- Molasses 150 Boxes D. 8. Sides A- Bhonlders, 1G0 " Smoked Sides ft Shoulders, 12,006 Bushels Prime White Corn, ! 51) JJoie. a. u. nyTup, 160 Hhds. snd Bbls. ' New Crop Cuba Molasses. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MTJRCHISON. , t Hay-Hoop Iron-Glue- Rice. 200 Bales Prime N. R, Hay, 800 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue. 80 Bbls. Whole Rice. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUI CO.; Sl.OOO.000. ' " CAPITAL i PRICES REDUCED THIO DAY. V TWO THOUSAND FTVE HCNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO Jor sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mads r .. ' a .a . .B a . II It.!- at Aaraeei flTekeuVeei with Mercnants and otner reuaDie parweB to seu tms uoauu at uu naiwv . W; II. McItAllY & CO., Commlesloa Marebant. Afentsfer raolnottnano Co., andUealerilnKrijt Pemvlaa Quaao . North Watbb Btrkbt, . -s,.a s ' ,, . WlLmiNUTOIf, aj. Sub-Agents tor the Sale of Soluble Pacltlc Ouano. r, B. IRBON.... V. J HA HAITI Jan II . i. ...- . ........ ELECTU1C1S31S. Ann foot of snow throuchout New York ou Tuesday. Trains a little be hind. Snow with tho severest north west of the season prevailed all day througout New England, It oeased snowing . at two o'clock yesterday morning wi.k('. . At Highland, Pennsylvania, the pick-, et guard tired four times Mouday uii;Lt at men trying to break through the lineav It la said that two men were shot aud severely wounded. ,,The. Democrats have elected a ma jority of the aldermen and directors of education, and chosen freeholders, at Jemey City.. ' The dead body of '-.Daniel Askew with three brrilet hole in hiB head was found near the residence of the James brothers, at Kearney, Mo. It i snp- noBPrl that these outlaws hfivo oni .mittrrl another murder. The 'sheriff is in tontattrit with a posse. finn. A. E. Shiras. Commissary G. n- eral of SubBtBlenoe, ia dead, aged 74 1'he Democrats have carried the city of Albany: N. J.". by a mniority of four hundred. Tbe reports from the oittes in that county- indicate a large majority in .li hnard of commissioners. - CmtntnAar sljerov Fitch, of the um ia Henil. fetThe Republicans mere generally successful ia elections at New Ur,uns wick and Rshwav. N. J.. yesterday Later At Rah way the whole Dew - ooratio ticket was elected. PENNSYLVANIA. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF ANTI-SLAVERY 8O0IETV. $5 Reward.) JOST, AN OLD POCKET-BOOK WITH A sum of money In It Flv Dollar rewara win lo waid. Morocco Bun" irom SI nd "P" I flour, Men's Bllppers frosa SI and npwaia Men's n an iih... ttr ae. No.M Market Street, B gn of the Oolden Boot. Sugar. Coffee Cheese. and be iid for It return to this offle. apru in lit' Only $6 50 For a full Sulto Clothes. ry . , , i . s .. . , , ...... A very nice Caastnaere Beilt lur 8.80 UN1CN Ot)IXA9 oaly iH 0ot each. PHir.AnEiiPinA, April 14 Night Thu centennial colobration of the or- anni7.-it.inn of the anti-slavery society, nrtmrrienced this morninff iu Concert TTatl Vine-President Wllsou caiieo tho assembly to order, and in a short address, stated the character of the Ererythlug CHEAP, meelinsr. and sketched the progress ot tne organization, cimming um " trTTinT P nil-, was tbojoldest society of this character JJ J bUIN 02 Vy. in tuo worm At aprll 10 Feather Dusters, . . aw wraW Isn wa A t Q ADDI.I8, MAni5BB, inuai I ei?ntPH, Collar, Hames, Bridle, Back- banda. Wilps, Spurs, axle Urease, o. Trnnke HrpeUred ana tsoverea. CARPENTER A MALLARD, ., , , , Huccesrors to J. B. TOPHAM & 00 . n sHmirk front Street. WllmlBCton. N aprll 1 U-tf 800 Bbls. Flour-all grades ; k -100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 150 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 25 Boxes Factory Cheese. i For sale low by ' '' '" ' WIIiLIAMS ft MURCHISON. Guano UGuano! - 850 Tons Guanape Guano,;,t l,; 800 Tons Eureka Guano, For sale low by WM J. LOVE. SS-HUW-IW EUItOPfi. aprll IS 0ITT CLrOIHURfl. U EOYNTON AT BOULOGNE. London. April 14 Noon Paul B ynton exploited in Boulogne harbor to-day in tue pnseuce ol au.uuu peo ple. . , A Unrnn urunnow, ivusMan ujpiomi., is dead. London, April 14 ight The new market handicap nt the new market craven meeting was won to-day by St. Logan . 'easeaaeeBeBeeeaBawaBB8MBBeaeeaMWjBiMBai Tobacco, Snuff, Lye and Potash. , i . a t 250 Boies Chewing Tobacco, ' 'ill libbls ud Hnlf-Bblb Snuff, ' 25 Cases 1 0z Snuff, , 4 , ( 100 C ses Lye, " '" '' 73 Ciea PbtaBh, r'orasle by ' a KEKUHNEK 0ALUKU.BUUS In Store and to Arrive ! loo Dren Simmons' TnrpeBllne Hackeri and Pullere, K0 doten Watson rnrpoinin lacker, and Pulleri, SO piDpeis, 116 Oomii Hacker Files, lOOrons Hr Wli ttr ,Ulpsaa Haek Welgaie, Btraln.r of ail eltee, Bosiu LMpper and Sklmnie-e, funnoleand aie.aur. ana TO,.u herded on alurpentlno farm or around a rtlli. All tor saleatboitom p.i.u"t.,,. . .j.i II il Q1LKS dt alt SUCCESS. pF.OPf.S .WIlL BUY Whra tbey en boy th obCBpatt. ' 1 keep no books and sell tor 0A8H ONLI. , 1 lose ae money . and aa . ... .u i 4 I - aft rd to sell LOWER thsa any other retail house In the rlty. A fhll supply of frweh Gro rerle. froith oatollna Hams, Caer Ooedtand Fl FOR ALl. Tha Knapeaek-fttll of Fuel" or 1,000 Ma- tloni of Laughter. ' , "Brosd Orlns" of the Laaghtng Philosopher, btlng a collectlen of Fanny Jokes and lroll lnoldente, s Whit' Ethiopian Joke Book, a prfeot Cas ket of Fan. Also, a large lot of new Comic and Bentl- mental Bong Books, and a great variety ot Dim Ho-rele, Ac All for sal by CONOLEY ft YATES, 47 Market Street. .prill i WILLIAMS A MCBCHIBOM. . 87 Jolllee. aprll li ' H. W.8HURE, tl North Front Street ' Best in the City Those Ladies White Cottou Hos that I am selling for 10 Cents per pair, . WM. FYFE. Collarettes! ' Collarettes! Something new and stylish, just re ceived and selling for 6 cents each. Medical Copartnership. a P. U MUKPHT Isfromthli daUBMo. oia ted with me la the praotln of mertleln and surgery. , , aprUIS ' Quarantine Notice. PILOTS wer aettfled a few dayi since to came all vesseM from Havana and Kay West to som to for Inspection by tjoajan tin Phy iloltn. - " -' - Thy wilt from this data, until further ao. Uo,euiaBlifroai'all West India port GalTSStcn, hew Orleans and By wt, na-, to stop at Qoarauttu Station for the pnrpoi of being lnapotad by Health umoer. , . : ,,':, f. W. POTTEB, 'V Quarantine Physlnlan Port Of Wilmington, Sralthrlll. M.0 , April Ttit, JiTaV 5 aprll - j. i Th urs 4atd'-ttstMay aprll 11 87 At aprll 1 WM. FYFE'S. T Molasses 1 Molasses I $1Q0 ' $500 . $1000 SAO Bbls. B. P molseaes, t AO Hhds. S H Molasses, OOO Hints New Croptioba Mo'ssssi, 100 Bote, newurop viuoa aiui ror eal by -v - BROUMBH UALDBK eBOa, aprll I It w rDPlKIOCABDNABslVllwiriMO juuaufAX orri jAMIeaapoiaii Invented la Btoefc Prlvllesie iu u.ll Nlrrt. leada to mar V THoueaBD o no Li. a as ranviT. ComprehfnalT xplana .i.n..i.r. nntalnlni itntallrd statemaats and a notation price of all stacks dealt la) at tne New York ftukk ttckang, mailed Jrtew tboMdwrlrgfosroculate. aaureae, t ALEX.FR0rUIN3HAMC0., Bankers and Brokers Onn. N. T. Btoek Ixohaac. M i wall St. nh M-ir-eod .....Old Handrd, H. O. ,..maxion, b. w. ZI-3md4w SPRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES -IN- ( bbU. 0. H. HolassM, Bbdi. S. U. Moiaseee. fvrealeby KEBUHNEB ee 0ALUIH BROS. New Crop Cuba Molasses. BOO Hbili. K.w Orop Onba MolaieM, ,t Bhds. Musoovado Molaeaee, 1 ISO Bbls. Mew Crop Cuba Molasse. , F """'HMKACALDIB BKOS. , ..i ; i - : ' Salt and Hay. 3.000 Sacks LI re'rpool Bait, How Bales Bantam Bay, ISO Bale A Mo. t M. H. Hay. for sal by , .- KERUHMEK a 0ALDEH BEOS, 1 TurpentlncTwagons. 30 Two-Horon Turpntln WBiroai, 10 One-Hors Turpentln Wagon. Kor aa e br KBttUUMBBt at Bprll It GALDEK BROS. . , . . . 8J FANCY GOODS' i ... I . - - ' if 1V.' L 1 . I it , ...JChlMr New Boots and Shoes. , W arnow receiving ear large and wll f selected stock ot Boot, anu boo .or w Spring treae, wnicn wo ar ;' ' loweri privv. -- ta. : . nr. k... in Mrwik flenta. Ladles. MIswsaaA' bhlMnnt Onatom-Made Boole and bboee, which ar the bandBomest aad moet arable Boot kprll 10 ' . JAMES O. MUMPS. ' DRUGGIST, . meemiM . Beer brougnt to mi ohj. , . ; ta t , WILLljliil X X X i Q i Rememb.r oar Vlotory" Shoe. , . ,, , ',, J ! Onrjobblng itoek n eompleU and cannot . FX0HAN0B OOREB. - f 7 ,u to glv iaWMtlos ta prto and quality. , i i- .. ...1-ii- -. ' ' A full supply of Sol Leather, Calf Skint, . 'rfJIXr: "Z liini i,hTck "KiniW Ltnlng Skins, -Oter and. Boot Uppers, Vla L.wn.Tp.oe.Vtctorl.Btrlp.tJoOd.;' tK 1 ' Mnen ar.d Linen OUper. e . vl ! kVAMU A VeNfiLAHN. Linen Hau.iaerclil.is romiuo.e - . V. 1 ,. SM A kit Of l.anlra ttemaiiionea naiiuaercuioia. at IS cent, worth W oi-pta. A o.rgsin. . . - y eleaae (e me a call and examine for your- f I Brir lrea't tor.t ExchaiiR orncr Rxpented dally a fuU Una of Ladle Beal and Imita'lou Hair Goods, SJunahade, Parasol,' As., . , ,, , w ,- EW III St.. YOftK. WEDDIHG CARDS 2' ie at turn locanALorrioi ' ABD DBAIfBB t AKfiTOOODS and TOILET AETICLE.i, X f Mr St.. ouno.lt City Hall aprll II 1 et( ""-etc B -6fetl.ni'..'.'i'.w-yw ,