9ff A 1 , -1 I . vq. xxiv. no. oi. wnumGTOn, n. a. feiday. april ig. 1875. 7H0LS HO. 6,855. 'Ml 1 t wkjstim)ies; MISCELLANEOUS NEW ALVERTIS22EM3. r rf v WILMINOTOS. N. a : ' FRIDAY. APRIL 16 1875. IIEADQUAltTEItS. v..' '! . ';.!: FUNERAL OF JUDOE ATOClIA. GEN. BEQWITU TO BE CHIEF .lJiCOMMIS3AIir. iBAfJOIOJ !JK4 ATLANTA TOST MASTEliSHlF. Wjwm pril J6--Koou (Jen; A. .eVekeritli ha.4 btit-n awigucd to duty as Chief Conmrirf. va '- The funeral t,f Judge Afcwba, who difcii irf Nk Orleans, look place thi morning front, Uut Church ol the Im- oiHcnlate Conception in tniseity. His remains were buried in Alt. Olivet uTfct Preiuieut and party Me this morning and will return pa Weunea day. ' WiiimoTOK, April 15. Night ' 'OffcH-yk bond has been forward d for rum jt0.r4U.up, , Oov. Bard elaims that the'peopfe of Atlapla prefer bini. iJB.ilh Ukt: Pmiwferit and Postmaster General mt that if the people of At ilanti prefer Go: Bard they can Lave ill 01. , THE 'CARLlSTa CAPTURE A ' FORT ANp T.AKE A NUMBER tnoaX 0 PRISONERS. 1 CHRISTIANS KILLED BY THE TIi,dagk, April 15 Noon The CarliatBurprisedFartkAijH ". Bantahder.'and" carried off two huud red prisoners and four guns. ' Vienna, April 14 Noon It is re ported that the Turks have killed 275 Christians in Roumalia and Bulgaria within the past three months. ILLINOIS. INTER-STATE BILLIARD TOUB- 3.T Lament., ri. - - GstoAto. Spfil 15. Noon IB the litter -otate billiard tournament yes terday afternoon Rhines, of Chioago beat Harnincr. of Ohio, two hundred to one hu4ifiA andeigthy-tbree; Miller, of Louiiiana, Wfct Bhaw, of Indiana, two hundred to one hundred and ten; Jttacrigold, of Louisiana, beat Liver man, of Wieoonsin, two hundred to one hundred and thirty-five. . In last night's billiard mathccs Car ter, of Ohio, beat Paroker, of Chioago, two hundred to one hundred and forty- five; i Burroughs, of Michigan, beat Gallajner, of Ohio, two hundred to sixty seven; Macafee, of Iowa, bent Hoa, of- lapsiaiana, two hundred to mnety-twd. ELECTRICISMS. Thomas P. Wiadover, of New York, a veteran of 1812, is dead. Henry W. Dutton, senior proprietor of the Boston Evening Transcript, in doad. ' . Advices from Sau Diego, Cal.,. re port btttroges by the Apuches. Three wen, with-a pack train and a mail rider were killed. Troops recovered the pack train. An injunction against free passes wiU rompeJ Grant aiitl.hia party to CaHfi up over the New York, Hartford and New Haven Railroads thither and hither from the Centennial of the But' tie of Lexington. " ' The Detroit and Milwaukee railroad has been placed in te hands of re ceivers. ' c Canadian dispatches report a gener al opening of navigation in the St. L iwrenoe river. A monster benefit for the support And education of Dan Bryant's chil dren will take place on the 29th insi nt each plaoe of amusement in New York City. The grow proceeds will be pUoed in the hands of Travers, Bel mont 4 Dunoanfor investment to meet the objeot. One thousand dollars ha ben donated, by the managers for the immediate wants of the family. ruUertoq is sicki The Tilton bus iness Las been adjourned till Monday. SOUTH CAROLINA, THE SENATORIAL EXCURSION " PARTY, GOV. CHAMBERLAIN WILL. VETO . "7 . Tp TAX. BILL. .- BUCH. AND, HARDEE EES .niA. PITED. - CABiJt8Toif, April 16 Noon The Senatorial excursion party arrived here last evening, . and are to day visiting Fort Sumter and other points of in terest in the harbor, the United States Revenne Cutter being tendered by the Collector for that purpose, They will leave for Washington City to night.' ' 1 Governor Chamberlain let Colum bia last Bight to attend the Lexington Centennial. The Newa and Courier says he has decided to veto the enor mous tax bill, passed by the Legisla ture at the 1 f scent session. This ao tion will give great satisfaction to the property holders throughout, the en tire State. 7 HUi A ' a Two tegf'otl murderers, named BnrSjhaid Hwaee eentenoed to be hung here to-morrow, ; have been re spited for one week. Demoorata don't want Bostiles. All they want is a little ballot-box with a hole in the top," says Gov, Allen, of Ohio. " ' . ' ALL QUIET AT JAMAICA AT LAST ACCOUNTS. SEIUOUH DISTURBANCES AT HAYTI. . t , AliiaVAL OF SUAUKEY AT HA- .. VAN A. Havana, April 15 Noou Sharkey in lu rt'. He clipped his handcuffs teo times during the mouth of January, and , ouon.ftiUJupted to jump over borL He is art atly depressed KiucHtou advice saj that the cans of the meeting of the latxtrers was the buruiug of the fields bj spnriis from a loeomotWe. The suppositiuu at ibe , timn wax tbat the laborer Imd fired tbe e."tU't. Ail i quiet now and the ttnubcata sixl troops have returueu to Pi.rt Roval. ', Haytien advicea report much din- tut Oaiioe. Bevel a! parties nave Bod to tbe English and Aiu.tricau Count- lates for protection, where they re' main, safe from arrcut by the govern- mciit. LOUISIANA. THE HOUSE ADOPTED THE RE ' PORT OF COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS. . ; 7 ' ' - RECOGNITION OF THE KEL LOGG GOVERNMENT. New Okleanh, April 15-N'rht4 the report oi tne Uommittee On Electious, embodviug the terms of the award waa adopted in tbe Howe ty a vote or a to lo. Most of the members displaced made rpeeohes intimating their acquieMCfiice. Poiudexter, of Aasuuip tioM parich. one of t lie' Oulorad tntcu- bers ousted by tbe ward, paid Jhe had tbe satisfactiua in giving up his seat; toiuow Uiat hi old maHter, who had always bectf juhtaud kind, would take ; fin.;- 1 1 1. lit xuia was bu uuuur wuiru uiu uui occur every day. A joint resolution recognizing tbe Kellogg government and pledging tbe members to support the efforts of tbe Governor in the line of reform and good government, was adopted by the uouse, by a vote of S9 to 1H. SPJECIAL. ' r W clii longe tba wjtlil to produce a eoilar tht will keep clean loiger, wllhoni Mutti, thaatballaiwund. . Lauf htar Lends a New barm To beuty, ho It diaclotei a pretty tet of teeth. Wltlteaeu. wfcen nature has supplied thin element of loTellnea, aisjr e retained through life, hjr arlng the frsgrent Siizodont An trifthman elled at a drua store to eet a bin tie of Jnlinron's Anodyne JLuiiment tor the Kueamatiem ; the drngglet eeird him In whet tartol the toitv It uoauled tlm nuist. ' Be me Mul," utfd he, ! Lutb It la Jn rr boulaul coiner er uie." . - -. i for lots of cud. horn all.' red water In rows. )owof eppxtlte, rot or murrain In theep; thick wind, broken wind, sni rnsrlne. end for all (jAlietruotluuf of the ki liu-yslnboreesuMtlherl- wii (.sTiiry uonuiiiea rowtiers. - Dr Nchenck'e Pulmonic Nyrup, Rea Weed Toalc, and Jflandrakw Pllle. Thrse medicines hare undoubted. J perform ed mote cares of Louitumtion tbsn ny other remnily known to the America public. They sre compounded of vegetable Ingrrdleuta, and contain nothing w.hkU ran be Injnilous to the human constitution. Other remedies adver tised as curef for consumption probably con tln opium, which Is a soinewhwt dsngerons drui; In all eases, and ir taken freely by cou umptlTe pillsntu, It m at do gr at Injury ; for Its endenrjr U lo cm line the morbid matter In thitavrtem, which, of eouiee, murt make a O'ire luipoHSible. Bchenck'a I'ulmonlo Syrup Is warranted not to contain a particle of opi um. It ! eomp wed of poweifsl but harmless herbs, wnlch act on the lungs, liver, etonnch and blocil and thus correct all morbid secre tions, and expel all the dlscaitd matter fiom the body, 'l h. ee are the ealy means by which consumption can be enred, ai d as Scbenck's puiraiiniii Syrup, ea Weed lonlo. and Ma diake Pilla are the only medicines which op erate to thU way, it la unvloua ihey are tin' Only u. ti ultiw cure for I'ulmonarr ConaaniD Ion Kach buttle of thin Invaluable medicine I accompanied by lullillrectloi.a Or rhenck I lirofctaionally at lila principal cfll.-e, corner sixth inl Ar.li atierMi, fbll .deipbla, every Monday, where all loiters (or advice ronn be add'eaaed MARRIED. In St. Bar holomew'a Clitir.'h, at Pitttboro ft 0..on tbe evening ot the Mth loatant. by the Kectnr, Kcv h II. Button, li. 1 . aaa it d rv Kov. Qeo ge Patteraon, or t. tlnhn's, Wll m'iugton. Wr.JOHNO .1 MKS, of Wi'm'ng. ton, 10 Miaa NAKAH 8., daughter ot Tucpia Cowao, Csq ,o( fltts oro. In this city, last evening, (P'h inaan!),by the Ret. 0- . Bernlieim, tr.'.'iH" W. HTKAOSH and Mlw OAHOLlNi D. M, HAUL, both et thla city. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. aBAtlQUARI'ERI 4 Artillery Company, Aphil tftll, 1878 There will be a meeting of the Company this (Friday) evening, a'. 8 o'clock, at Wilmington Light Infantry Armory. .All membira and those who wlub lo Join the Company are re spectfully requested to atUnd. - II y order ol the Captain. B. W. PBICE, 0. 8. apt It 1C THE ONLY WAY To prntoot your cash receipt from THIEVK ii tolutru t them toMILKa' AUh.M TILL Patent Safety - IVIoney1 Drawer, SOLD AT Fairbanks Scalo Warehouses, april 16 i '. u : ' 9Mt t' ARIOSO. The regular monthly meeting of tbe Club will be beli this (r-riday)ovBhi at 8 w'oleck at Oonlmercial Exchange, at lilch time -rangemit will be matmfiir the eighth Hop, Byertter bf the Fretldent. c W.J.OOKtioS, Becrelary and Treaaarer. aprUW HI-H ,. KEW AJV1STI81MMT9. Carolina Contral Railway Co. (rs.es Oiaaaaa ScritiirtsaasT. is ,,- wiiiogw,(.y.,ApiUi,ni.I Change of8chedule On and after Fitdav.AprU Mth, 17, ike i win siver wis Hallway ae roiioaa: Leavw Wiliatugtoa. at ,. t la A M Arrive utrwikass t,;H.,rt Ml P as Leavet.bsrewat ., H,.MeA M Artie M WUsaragaaw at s.w p PKBIQMT TRAINS Uav Wllmlngtoa.M,,.w.mp. am .earian at... 1 - u ,'k..Li. -. ..... lar.M Arrive la WllmirsV aV.V.V",V.' MIXED TRAINS. S.( A. M .-W A. M isan uaajrwat at.... ....,.... M Arrive at Hunalwal (........., HM lave HofTaloal ir.SPM Arrive Ui t'barlo teat..... ..-.( P m Tralsi mm nnmmmy eieepsene rreUbt trail 'bet leaves WilsalMua M P. M .ln- iiom wf ua aaiaraai ini. Oonnectlona. MMtaneeUai Miluiingtua uh wllealntes 4t Wetdon.eal Wllmlngtua, tolnmbia A Ae. gasu Kailroade, V saf-sraekly aw York and rt-weekly Haltiaaore aad weekly Pklladrl. i hie nteaaaere, mum the etlver Jtaat as ra etUetU. - Uoneeeta a Charlotte with it Weetera 1)1-vla-on, North l arellna Rallreax, Charlotte Si.d Mtateaville Kallreat, charlotte Atlaata Aw Line, and CharhHsa, Veleaakla and A a guata Hallrwad , Thns supplying tbe whole West. Kevtbvwet and Boathweat wltb a sbert aad roeep Has She BMboard aad Barev. - . L VKIMVIT, Chief agtaeet aad apertaMitdedt. Alrtl ( ' r Papers pabtuhlns 0. 0. Hallway ached ale will pleas nutlo ebaase. BUY ONLT THE GENUINE STANDARD tCALCS. NltiMvM t '.MS,''AQ'D The moit Perfect Altra lub Ertwer, AuABM T'u" CO. Also, i Herring's Safe's Coffee and Drag Mllis, Utter Presses,. , . . FAIRBANKS' .""i MTAItDAIID scales. v.- aavwAorgaaaa "'.''''.;.,!. E: fic.T. FAIRBANKS & CO-, . BT.JOHHatrilT,TT. " rataoiVAL aoAiai WAaaaowaaai 1 rAIUHAsiaia H CO., $11 gIraMMeeay, r aibba'm ksa oo., m ruitiasotw an.; Bai- , i tlraore. MA. ' rAiaaAsai0.,BiuaaiB ttreet, KewOt- Faibbaiks g,M Mala Atreel, Baffala, Y. ' - 1 rAiBAls A IM Broadway, Albany, U, 1 Viiaeaa IU SkAA SB a, f IS aval A 1 r ea mmm m saas vVf)CFtai 9f. BTBIUI PAt aWJlrfMI, rAlKBAVIUit UO.,14 KiDf WUiUa 0t atOKa. UOUi Aw DIC. Faibsaiixs, Baowa At Oo, Milk Bt,, Bat two. Mass. FAiaaaaaa AEwns, Maaonle Ball, Phila delphia, Pa. - Faibbabu, sseasa A Co., Ill Lake 8t.,lhl. oaso. FAiBBaaaa, Mokes A Oo., Ill Walnut Street, Cincinnati, Okie ' FaUbabas, Moasa AO., tag aperior Bt., Cleveland. Ohio. Fairbsbks, afoasa A Co.. a Wood Btreet. Pittsburgh. Faubabk, Moass A Os , Stb aad Mala Br Leaisvtll. Faibbabbs ACo., Ill and 104 Washington Avenue, St Louie, FAisaABK A Hvtcajbsoi, Ban Franclaco, For sale by leadlsg Hardware Kealere, april II tl-dAw-10w-od Hew Hovels. The Law and the Lady T Ots. Theiltory ofValeutlneAnd His Br ther 60 A Life's Secret ,,,, ... ... so Tbe Hloeaomlngof an Also " v icwitt.,. .. IS" tt'arts and Hands..;......... .... se " 'l'be Treaenra lTimtara . -. aa t Allecee Ferrers M A Htranira Wnrld . aa Old Mlddleton's Money..,,,...,Ju',,..I SO " jacs niaesr , re l out for Love., , Jg VOB SALS A HEirJOBERCER'O Live Book and Maate Stove. spill 16 at MQ OLD STOCK Tl fQEOFF! TJTTRCHAaFRS WILLF1BD IT MORS TO j, tneir aavantage to . Buy Hew Clothing than to buv shop-woro goads at hair their orig inal cost. .My Stock Is all , NEW, STYM8H and COMPLETE. lrge Invoiee Kent's Fine Press Shirts $ I t , i' i it ' ' ' ' ' - Received To-Day. april 16 - A. UAVIO. One Hundred Tubs Choice Gilt-Edge Table Bntter, ... At 66 Cents; " CREAMINQ8 "-" BEST 1" CHAS. D. MTEK8 A CO., 5 47 North Front St. " PERFECTION" IN FLOUB. CHAS. D.MTERSACO., I A 1 Mortb Front rt CHOICS LABQB BREAKFAST MtCKEREL. CHAS. D. MTER8 k CO., ,. . S and 7 North Front St. 1 april 16-tf . ti $5 lleward. J09T, AM OLD FOCKKT-BOOK WITH A sum of money la tt Five Dot) are reward will be paid for Its return to this ofloa. april 16 v . ,t- ;: Bl-tt , IHIIstTIUnMATLT KXEOUTKU'a rnlR I Inll the shortest notice and en the meet reeeueebie teiBseel the JOUBBAA, OFFiUB MIBBANKS 1EWADYZ1TISEMIST8. Children's Carriages. tiui tuck or mw sttlks for bKteg trade. Also, Straw Mattlac, Wl idow hades, Sattaa aed Willow Chairs, foot Mate, lew Hoses. Ae For sale lo by rm If t, A. SMITH A CO. Auction aSAlothls Day. AtlOu-oloek A. at. Ibis day (Friday) at oat aalearMma, te Bbla. AppK-e, eonUBtaef Bar ber thop, Reaeekold aad Kltehea Fernttare ' " OBOMLT A MORRIS, apt II IS-It Aaetleaeers. White Goods. Ths IkAlaa are la'araeed tkat wekaveem sal haadenma stock af White Uooile, A large aka." Haasbuesb gtlgieia, all Kdgliige aid Inarrifnga, Real I aces. Mtripd and Figured Plqeis ptrli-ed PlsU aud Plain Nainsook Mall, (laennel and Hwlas Muallns tii eat kargaine are belag a Acred , BUSI0W11 C A LIRBKB Parls, tats 2Ei Kul Glcrcs. BaadKiase Kid Uloees at tl-gned. Haiidaoaae Hlaek Kid Alovee at SI fS. Haadaume Faraeole aad Sua limbrellas eery ekeap. Tbe beet Uarseta add la tba eity for tbe BJTIfsBjg BUaXOWItK A LIRRRR. Attention le nailed to our superior stork Impatud Hoakery Ueat Rngliab Hre. K Hose, Fngllsk Faneylaat Hoe Regllsb Faasy LlaleTbrrad Huae, , " Lilian Poeket Maudkerahlefs, " Bilk Pocket Handkereklefs, 1 (tause Merino Underablru, " Uale Thread Uadersblrtr. A fcandaeia swpplt of oolwrcd Psroale and Whl ssb'rta Ureal bargains to caah bnyera. ' BOSKOWI f t At I IEBEK ! ; For the lloney ' Tenrv-gve dv eent In Prices can be saved la all kinds of Dry Uoods at i r: ; t ; i BOBKOW1T Z A LIBBfR H, april II ,i :lfl! FOR THE INFORMATION PUBLIC. Zlarsliars Office, ; C1TT OP WILMIN6T0N, N. C, i AprU 14th, 1875. I MORDKRTOSNABLR Ml IOBLBAMBB tba City tboionghly, and with as llttls delay as peaslble, I hay divided tba Olty Into four (4) Health Districts, with a Health Officer as signed te daty n each. . THS FIBBT DISTRICT, In charge of Health Officer J. H. Brown, em braces thst portion or the City North or Mar ket and East of Fifth gtieets. THB 8EU0MD 1ITRICT, la charge of Health Officer 0.0. Taylor, ant brae ee that portion of tbe City North of Mar ket and Weet of Fifth Btreets. THE THIRD DI8TRIUT, In charge of Health Officer A. J. Denton, em brseeslbat portion of the City Booth of Mar ket and Beat of Fifth Atresia. THB FOURTH DISTRICT, ta ehega if Health Officer B F. Watcott, em braces thai portion of the City South ef Mar' ket and Weet of Fifth Streets. The Health Officers say be designated by ibe yellow rosette, and they are Instructed to In speet and report all anclsenltnaei to my offlos It il hoped that the Cltiseas generally wtti so operate with me In this Important work, and begin the n-eded cleaning without further de- Any person teejnlrlpg the services of a Sea venger may report the fact to the Health Officer of the Division In which tbe work Is to be doae or at my office, and tbe matter shall have ths promptest attention. Tr acting no farther appeal to oar good Olll aens may be if quired, and that our City shall be a model la nestorasdurltigtheeonilugBum mer, -- r - , ' I am, vety rearot(nlly, J. H. ROBIHON, april IS tf LltyMartbal. Edgecombe Cotton Plows, Also the Watt and Wile. Trace Chal. Hotae I ollara. Back Rands Weri.lng lloee. Plow I lues, Bhovels and Spades, Fuike, H a aw-. Ae. -The largest st-ck and lowest prloee can be found at the Old Ka. tablishsd Hardware ttoare of JOHN DAWSON, . ItA. ia aa at u..b.t ur-.t 4 april 11 ; M Slippers. T,adlf a Bronae SlItineraoBlv II. Do Morocco Bupptrs lrom SI and np- wara. Men's Slippers from 1 and npward. Men 'a Nulflflera for SI. At OHAKLK8 A. PRICK'S, wo si siersti street, april 10 Sign of the Golden Boot Feather Dusters QADDLEB, HARNESS, TRUKKS, TRA V- etiBg Bses, Collars, Barnes, Brldlos, Back bands, Whips, tipurs, Axle tirease, Ac. Trunk Repaired and Covered. CARPENTER at MALLARDv HiiciwsHira to . J. B. TOPHAM A 00., No. I South Fiont Btieet, Wilmington, M. R, aprlll as-tf In Store and to Arrive ! too Dosen Simmons' Tnrpenllne Hackert and Pallers, ino dosen Watson Turpentine Hackeis and Pollers, 60 Dosen lurprntli.e Dlppeis, W Doaen Uacker File, lOOruea Hack Wh'tte'S, IS Doien Hack Welghis, Btrainrrs of all sisee, Moeio Dippers aud BklmmS'S, Fnnnslsand Meaaures, and everything elae needed on a tnrpentine farm or around a ttill. All tor sale at bottom flgjresbr apiUll UILKB A MCROHISON.. Tobacco, 8nuff, Lye and Potash. 2C0 Boxes Chewing Tobaeoo, , 20 Bbbl . nd Half-Bbls BnnlT, 1 .' 25 Cases 1 Os. Snnff, 100 Cases Lye, 75 Cases Potash, - ... For eats by . RIBOBMItt A OAXDBR.BROB Bacon Corn Syrup Ilolasses- 150 Boxea D. a Biiles k HhonMcra, Hmoked Silica A HhonMora, lj,0ts3 Husbela rnms White Corn, 50 Bbla. R H. Httod. - 150 ilhda. and Bb!a. New Crop Uuba Molasses, For sale low by ' WILLIAMS A MURCHISOK. Hay-Hoop Iron-Glue- Eice. 200 Balm rrirae Nr R. Hy, 800 Bontllpa Hoop Iron, 100 Bhla. (line, " 80 Bbla. Whole Ricu. For sale low bj WILLIAMS MUKCni&ON. Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Cheese. BOO Bbla. Flour all grades ; 100 Bbla. Refiuod Sugar, 150 Bags Trime Rio Coff.fi, ' 25 Bozud Factory Cbttese. For sala low by WHlilAMS A MURtniHON. Guano! Guano! 350 Tons fluanrtre Ortano, 800 Tons Eureka Qnano, - For sale low by WILLIAMS A Ml'KCHIBON. : april II . si ' p- til : tot sale by KKRUHNr K A UALDEK BKOrt. : New Crop Cuba Molasses. Oe Hbda. New Crop Cuba Molassea, tS Hbde. Mneeovado Molaswa, if Bbla New C on Caba Molaasee. ejBaBk'or sals by a alto ri el Kit dl vALItKn pttUS. Salt and Hay, S.eeO Basks U rerpool Salt, US Hales Kasteru Hay, . ; imm Bales A Bo. I N. K. nay, ; Borealeby KBROHMR A OALDKR BKOB, , Turpentine Wagons. Bf Two-Horse Turpentine Wsgoas, i .B One-Hoi ee Turpentine Wagons, For sale by - KKRUHNKR A CALDK11 BROS. April 11 a CHOICE FAMILY cnocsrjss Packed to order in any quantity and lent WHERE DIRECTED. V Lowes' valuaa charged FOR BEST GOODS FINE TEAS. CHOICE COFFEES, 1 Every Variety Sugars. Imported Ploklea, Sauoes, .. : ' . Preaervea, Jellies. Fine Layer Raisins for Table use. Fresh Canned Fruits and Vege tables 1 every variety. American, French and English Packed Goods every variety and style. A lull 1 Ins of the most deslrahls goods In the State. : CHAS 0. MYERS & CO., ' (tf North Front (Nt. apt tl U . w.3t ARDTODARBTHKN SHRi: TOM HA VK the HEirr nt qiiiM ii, Mow la Btook and Oonetantiy Heoeivlng Ad. dltlons i . - , " . Plows, Hoes, 8hovels, Spades, Wheelbarrows, Pitchforks, ANVILS). BLACKSMITH'S BKI.I (IW Vices, IIBimars, Trace Obalns, Collars.Hamea, Plow Nieel, Bar Iron, hims, Bpokee, Hubs, 1 ssa rmm MPIDKHN, , OVKNN, 1 ' " Nirion'ruiNii iRnvt. TABLK IHTLCHr, HKVOI.VKKN, LONDOI'fWISTlli, I IIOPlHla loni a. And a Complete tock of A HARDWARE, NATHANIEL JACOBIS , HABDWAEE DEPOT, TVO. O MABKCT gT, jan tl Medical Copartnership, aB. P. L. MUBFHI Is (rem this data elated with me la the practice of medicine and mrgery. anrUll Wat. J. LOVE. W.gtaw-lw m HonsB Molasses O PQ bbla. S. H. Molaasee, go T y JLIRKIiT BROWN & . ... i v We still eootlnn.6 o Vll ti onr lormtr low irior notwithstanding the ad ancs in the markets, and as a aBlmtanUid proof submit the following list of prior:, . ' . ' ; ! ' ' ! t Coata' Pw)ol Cotton cents a spool or 70 cents per Wn. 1 UnM 'BoheA Cottou from 6 cents pr yard. ' 83-inoh Frnlt of tbe Loom. . ,. . . , , ... It Cents per yard , an , , ,m i Loorn. ,...TrrjT.;i2t ' ' ' 30 " iWamsutU..,.,.,. ..............164 " " New Spripj Cttlicoee. bHt ijTtalitT. 10 cents per yard. . , -Ladies T tiffs for the Neck tl aud 10 centn, worth 23 cents, a bargain. It woald ba h pt-TOf errttitiy to tboae rMNtuf (he citg for tbe purpose of do itiK their rborpjWr iu tb Dr.t (looda line to filve ns a call previous fo ntOAitiy their rmrohaiH's. We take this met hod of advertiaing prioca for you to com pare then with not only Wilmington snd vifinity, bnt with those of any sec tion of the country. We bate so lime ot inelination to button-hole vou on the streets, or lotkon np io the. Hotels, or by laying any claims of friundahip. Our object is purely liiuoBs, aud we propose doing tliat in a legitimate way. SEVERAL JOB LOTS ... . ... 1 : ..!.. :i.ii l ;.' Bttoh as'lOQ do"u Kid Olorea for 50 rents per pair, worth $1 50. Ladies hemmed I'ure Linen Handkerchiefs 15 oouts, worth 25 oei 1 2U pair Blankets g:t, worth 91 00. , f i. jWR 11AVR OOT EVEKYTHINfl WE'AfifEllTTSEi " ' ' ONE ;PRICE-::TCRMt CA5H--N0 SAMPIES CUT. : i n , .BJIOWN 4 RODDICK, 45 Market , Street, . ' , 'l i i. .'-! I 1 - '. ; r? i t. '.:.i. J h..; ,1 -i i'i;i l.: ' 11 r. .1 i ' ' ' ' : 3,.-''i bu.- t.w' h.,J? AT.t ;..iu-? - :v-..t - .:; M.M:KATZ'S, id ' m: ! i . -.1,1. I 1 I " AH the latest riovcltioo and tholbcot -.' ! j ... ., r,.. ' 'i . . qualities nt the very particulars in a few days. ' ' ile M. april t-ly . CJiVllXVl SOLILB PACIFIC CMI CD.; ,. -i . St-.f - r .'. i PRICES REDUCED TlHllS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDKED TONS BOLTJBLE PACIFIC GUANO for salo, either for CAHH or on CHOP TIME. Liberal terms will be mode . with Merchants and other rcliublo putties to soli this Guano at onr Wareho prices. " W. II. MeRAllY & CO.. Commission Merohantt, agentsfiir Faolfleunano Co., and Dealer in No. 1 Perur anOuano North Watkb Street, . WILniNUTON. N. Sub-i gents for the Salo of Soluble Paclllc Cluano. r. II. MIHWOK V. UHAHAJI Jan 11 At $53,00 per Ton, Cash; or 860.00, xNrVVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At eyw.OO per Ton, Catih, or &SH (J WB OUAKANTKE tUatthe jirevioua rtlgtidra B. R BHmo KM, President I. MoHAE, Treaaarer, O. L. UKAFfUN, 8BierlnUmiei.t. . JnB.t . . . Blue Flannel Suits LI AOrS TO 0rVrER flat J. McOOKMlOK'N. -1 -. . . i. English Diagonal, ; SFHOK OOUlIK, AIADK TO URUKtt Suits, m-st ,AMI5 MefOHMtrKW. aprlll a u S-W WwUfriASnn Only 86 50 , For a full Suito Clothes.1 ' .. . ( w.. V,.,,. j -J t A werr silcw sjaawlittwre Suit let 8.80. LlSKM OOLLA H8 taly M Cents eacb. . ! ! . .i KeerytiilDg OflrTAr4. -i' MUNSON & CO., CITT CLOTH IKBS. april II W STItL'fcT. ; 45 RODDICK oeuta. 36 Market St, v.,-i) 0 M ' 'it : : t . -' !''! ' 'f1? !""' ."' : s ' 'n- ' lowest prices. More 30 Market Street 1,000,000. ..'....;......;".. i. ......i... Old Hundred, N. fi. Marion, H.O. TK'tnd&w WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FEETILIZERS For the Heoson of 1875, dolivercd on tbe Cars, at Our L Factory, at the foIlowirg , KEDUCm) PRICI2N : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO ! payable 1st of Noveinber, next; , payable 1st or , November next. a of oar For Ulliers shall be fully MAIWTAiaao NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINGTON. N. C. -eol-diw4m. New Boots and Shoes. We are now receiving oar large and well selected stuck of boots and Hbure for the Sprn.g trailo, whlrli we are orlering at the very lowed iirlcps. We are satlatied with small profit. t : , - We have Instot'k (Jents, Ijnll.a. Miswsand Clill'treri Onatom-Marte Uixits anl hhoes, vrhlcli are the baiKlsomett and most durable ever brought tothla city. Ktiruemberenr Victory" Shre iiiir Jol'liiriu stork la vuinp'ete and eanaot lull dt a'lve aatlsl'et'ttnn'iu nrloe anil nnallty. A tiili mpply of Sale Leather, Calf Hkiua, Llnlneikiiia, Oalter and Bout Upiicra, Boot l'iotiis,!hoe r lidiuga, 40. i j ' !.,! .' ... KVANS A VoHOf.AHN. April 10 . ,, . , , , ., ... ,..,. M . . - ,,'i,; f, i '.tic Li'y ,' i ' hi , i. . ' Vi JAMES C'. MUNDSv J' ' '' DRUGGIST, si anr tBAtaa m FANCI GOOD aud TOILET ART1CLK3, ' ThlrdSU, app wit Cty Ha t. " apm is , gs-tr Just Received! ' TTAtENTrSR'S' fREPARATlOS Of V M et .T'llrw. Mlsed Bird Herd. s eenls- quart. lUlhiyn rsprinu Water. Oongrewsprinir Water. - r-"8b' 0RSW4FLANNKS.' inarch M Is

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