ur Hiiilij journal. WTLWOTON. N. 0 : FS'.DAY APRIL IS. 1875. TtM Uaii.t J'niHAX, Uwolilewt daBy parr ii North Catvlina, it pub!isliOl every moraing, except M u!iy, at EietT I Villas a yr ; Ft-va DiLUM tlx nmthi ; Savsirrr-Fivs cents per mouth "or sborvr perMa. Served by Carrier I- the dtf at SaVKHTT-FIVE nti ... r www h, or Two PoIXAM and T win ; ,t i"-rir cent per qoarter. "IT Wwjat Jocwiai, (FriUj) trtrtr-tfi 5?iimrt "paper, Two Dollar net year; three cnplet Fitb Dot .LAW AKD a halt ; ftxir topiea, Enn Dollabs i-y opi, Fjopt Doilass A A ai 1 ten cor-ir. Pirrtr Doi lam; tn(j copies Twa-mr-rivw Dollar. 9rcmPTT0 In all f payable , "" aBreyanrt m paper emitluood after tl ! s irmlioii at the rim paid1 fr. l;.iirrAciw should b made by Fnf .in. Money Orrtrr or Kirpreja. If thSi cati ot he done, protection ap tlntt kiaset )y ntaii may be euml by forwarding a ilrft peytW to tl order of tlif proprietor J th JorKSii, r by mmllng tfie money a repiswrefl letter Adveritalm rUtet (per Inch ot twtlv Mid Ur advrtlaing type.) One li-ch, one liiiHrtii4. Ji.t.A n; two Inter iM.s Dollar asd a half; throe insertion, Two T dJAKa; four Inanition. Two Hollas. ABU A HALF; 8 Inter bunt Thrkk Dollars; ill ftttertJim. ( Kltl UoutHK and a half; twelve laertlons, FIVB Poi.uab ADD A BAi.r. r. etnroitV F.1UUT Dollars; two month. .firrrtc.v 1ollaR8v thee aimitba, Twm tf-rwo Dollars. Contract for l'nnr period and Inugw apace inni'e upon liberal lrirt .Mrew, RNOKl.M A HD ft Ht'MlKRA, TIIK THIK roilill OM TlltS boitii. The Cincinnati Enquirer thinks the nominee of the Democratic party will b the next President ot tho United btatea, and that he onght not to be a New York man, and 1n thin opinion wi heartily concur. Not ao muoh, however, beoau we have any objec tion to New York men, aa because we believe it is the best cousre for the HontU to throw its iufluenoa and ita votea witli the men of the 'West and of ,llKtliWst.- a Tho true policy of the South to pur sue, whito keeping her own (States united.is to divtde those of the section heretofoi called the North, but which might tie more aptly deaoribed as tbe wenterq aud the eastern Statoa, The i atorehts tif the eastera and wsU rn Statoa of the Northern portion of the lvpublie are not only diverse but in a great degree hoMile. The South on never hope to form a mora perfect union with the people of the eastern Btatea thin now exinta. With r he - people of - the - western States the cace is very different. Our Jmaineaa iuteresta aud - theirs art alinoat identical, both being bontile, so to npouk, to thono of th eHHteru 8tat' and for tbe same reason; that in to soy because the eastern Stntea utrlnd iu tho sunn relation to ns both, the rela tion ol buyer to seller, the relation of lender to borrower, the relation of cuptalists to laborers. These relation always, aud almost necessarily, .bring about conflict more or lost bitter be tween the partie maiutaiidng them The buyer is willing to give only the lowest prineand the seller ia willing to take only the bigheet, and the irre pressible ooidliot begin at once, . . The western States, then, are our natural buninesa allies, aud it we would promote our material prooperity, must Bpodily bo mado our political al lies, It requires but a few figures to :hiw fiat the southern and western Ma tee oombined can control the entire national legislation of the country, and if the West shall find that by southern vote ita ambition is gratified and its policy enforced, it will take, but a short while to create a kindly feeling for the men who give theae vote. It is human nature for meli to like those whom it is their in tercet to like, and it ia human nature also to court power, no matter in wnose hands it may be lodged. The Tjtoa of the South in the Electoral C Jege and tbe votea of the South in t' eFederalOongK as, if properly welded together and oast solidly for tbe pur pose and with the view of advanoiug and promoting the interest of tbe j South, oonstitnta a power in the nation to which both the eastern and the western States will speedily psy respect. ' Passion that so long blinded the eyes of the people who fought igiinst us ia now fast calming, and the men of tho East and ot the West are beginning ta look once more to their interest. In the future we may ex pect in the West a verj different atatc of things from that which existed in the past Heretofore the legislators, both, na'ional and local in the western States, were men born and raised in the New Eugland States. So that th.ocw) State were in fact mere outlying provmoes of New England and that c mid at way be eonuted on to come to the defence 'of the "old homestead" whenever danger threatened. But that lay baa pasaed. From this time iSrw d the waitern States will be e mtwled by men born upon their soil, aud with the ooming of this elau of men we witness the end of New og lind dominion.' Now, then, ia onr opportunity. Let ns not thnw it away. In onr legisla tive Hal! and io political euunoilg let it be our oons tat. t endeavor to aatab. lmb the most friendly relation with tL s people of the western States, Ot ft ItXtLIHlL A O TUK MET- ! i H i t r. I The New York lleraid, that astute obmrver of men and motive, call editorial attention to the f.'t tint Pn-iJut Oraut ha derl.uwl toawj't the invitation to tin Ct-oUiauial Cele bration of the ILwVlcubaig doekr tion of IoJept'nJeDoe acd Mgely tug geU bj y of explanation that Ot-n-eral Grant baa accepted ao tuuoh that tLia declination maj be regardtd an apology to the country for the error of the past. But cautions anJ politic and an adept In the difficult aoieuce of picking blaokberrie on both idea of the fenco, the Herald is care ful to qoalify' the abova declaration with notion to tla reader to re nt ruber that the Charlotte people ffertd tho President neither A dog I nor horse nor a third term. This habit of refusing things is doabtleas a cood one. especially in a I President, but than it ought to be w" f"- uv" a 'fi. K I made lor uie errors or a man going into a new bnsineaa and in Lis lat UnaGrant i empbatically in a new .r ... I Uu.ine. laaeeo, prior w m rnu.i .... . Ml 1 I tbe onty thing reoorUJUa no nanjtion.' l'Tora m graen wvui io tue reftnmd to aooept aa tbatfamou letter pnpbut then tbe Ex pros ehargea were unpaid. WHAT URHEHAL UIHDON -111 INK Of- THR HI TI ATIO. Oeneral OorJon, oi Georgia, baa re oeatly given expression to hii views about the political condition of the country. He seems very hopeful aud avutautlv thinks tbew ia a better and a origiiM uj ' I i, 1 1 .. . OI ,... ue woaa io mo vouiu.favio -i.j . . I. ... L. 1-k 4l . T... ... I the rtdemptiou of tbe South and for the salvation of the oouutry generally aud be believe if that party shall aet with ita eccUHtomod wmdoui and boii ety in framing ita platform, it will have no difficulty in eleotiug whatever candidate it mav nominate for tho Dint Presidmicy. Senator Oordon thinks there are four cardinal purpose lb it might to be incorporated iuto our plutform to iusure mioook aud theu adhered to by the party to insure peace. , These eardinal pnrpo et aret s lxt. An houeetpurpoae to reform the abuaea of tbe lladical party, to ad minister Uie goyerumout fairly, aud to dispose of iU revenue honestly. , . . i..j at,a. An aonra. purju, w aliout kiudly aud frattirnal relation between the now glienau'd soctious uf tho now alienated sections v' iry, o that the people jbf this ILvi. a ..min.. -ml ,l , , .. . ' the country Republic feuding a common right, buildiug up A common country, shall move for ward in harmony aud pence, 3rd. An honest purpose to protect the negro iu all hie constitutional. right and franchises, which purpone ought to be nindo manifest by a den nite, nt-'niinUkable pledge from the Southern people In order to dmebu. tho Northern mind of the idea that tin flrHt step that would mark Democratic reuaoeudeucy would be. the return of the negro to A condition of at lesht quasi ulavery. ' 4th. An honet purpose to return to Constitutional methods, both in the State and in the Federal Government, yielding to the general government all the right it bag or may have un der the decisions of the Supreme Court, but insisting upon tbe right of the States to manage for themselves their own internal domeatio affairs. On this platform with ita four cardi nal points of honesty, concord, the protection of all ciliwue iu their legal right and a Coimtitntional republic, Senator Gordom ' think that any straight out Democrat who has the ouufldence of the people w. uld oer tainly be elected, believing as he doet that at leant two-third of the people of America are openly and squarely oj posed to the Ail ministration. He thiuk the Republicans are hnpclissly divid ed, and that it ia no exiiggeratiou to say that fully half of the preeout Re publionn party are to-day ready to fol low Solium, Fenton aud Hesing Bryant, Evarta and Ferry, who are irrevocably opposed i a tbird-torra, and to the administration wing of the party, which i controlled by Butler, Morton, Conkhng, 'Logan and Ed mund. ., a ; - .'r' ,- The finsuoial question, the Seuator thinks, ought to be treated just aa tbe tariff qnestiou was treated at Cincin nati, and left io OoDgreas to net tie, , The Sutro Tunnel, ofteu mentioned in connection with the snhjectof Nevada mining, is an unburnned work of unap preciated magnitude. The famous Comstook lode ia in a fissure aoveral mites long aud of unknown depth. Over $200,000,000 worth of gold ami silver has been taken out of it. To reach the rioh deposit ebafis are sunk an aiong tne vein, ana some of them ate 2,000 feet deep,4 The lowest mines are the moat productive. bnt the air iu them ia ao hot that the miners can only work ou the syrttun of five miuutes labor and followed by fifteen ot rest This makes mining mere very nncomtortabie and expeu aive. Mr. Sutro'a plan is to run a tunnel from tbe foot of the mountain meeting the lode at right angles, and then following it, the total length be ing about eight miles. This wonld furnish a handier outlet for the ore, besides draining and ventilating the mine. The tunnel, whioh is now about a third done, ia fourteen feet wide by ten high, and will cost about eight milliona. The company will get a royalty of two dollars a ton from the miners, and tbe ownership of any min eral lodes whioh the tunnel may ctrike on the way to the Comstook vein. - : A spruoe gum famine is threatened in Massachusetts and the Boston girls are saving np their old India rubber shoes. Thx I'alnm llalrl an lrH( lim a I mi tt nndi-r A g'"l J'"! h bit u wr.lton altoul . "Hi ft' t Caraii' id tlm J a til.: p 'p'e of Sau J- ruai'Wu I ke to call tin- rU ILt.'!, ew.,1 tLo fact I that uch a tru.'taie js lmildiu( l i pti-Uy gcn'-rail auo ia. 11 u' a proat'bujg compleU'Di i-l tear enough to mid a uor eiUmticd druri tion of mterfet. The buildiug i centrally ituad ou the block boaudod by AUiket, N. w M otgompwy, Je e AcJADnjeHreetw, I aud cjver a pc of SM by 2u f"-t, m making au an a of toiure teti. It is built of brick, wo u4Ui, I and is baudud together ay compleU ly that it reaemblea bug i bir4 oego, aufrgcatinR to an eastern visitor a po: i ilhie ior-igu giuM earn ouaao efftrcta. Tber araMToM storie above the atreet uvtM, vue lower story peiug 20 ft bigh and MU of the otbr 10 1 feet. There are three inuer courts, the centra ona Ulug 141 by 81 feet, I oovered with gtami at the height or the oiaja bnilumg, .wnh- ournagc ft d promeuado eutrauoa 4t feetu width, auu iiaving a oirouiar am..way ic " . marb e tiled iiromenade and a trout- 0i Karden having piotid plaou, statu- ry and fonutaius. Fronting the cu-J tre ixmrf irom evory , atory mere will be YerandiUI ' 15 ' feet wtde, 1 . iiim.r.ted l,v .tundurd " ..... J - "I I veranda oi uio wcoua nxir more win be a tirce;J ornamented at its vi rioua landing with atntuary and flower va. Uuuer UiM wiiioe a smoaioK and reatliug room.'witu pUreglu-H partition, allurding an anobetrueted View oi uiu garucn pruuirnnur. iuiu- wav uu the tiitce will be tbe ap-1 proach of tbe mnmo pavillion for the ne of the band (which i to be em ployed exclunively for the hoti I), with A promenade 24 feet . wide ixtemliug the fall width of the court,' From the garden will be the iiihTu BUirwIOtl Wl U1B U1UUW IWU uioimili : f . h- fJi r.tr,mcea to ""O J - . , . - 7 brvu.tt room, winch meatoii w km) by 55 fret; to the dining room, 150 bv fiA feet:- to tbe mnmo - nu nun room. t)5 by 65 fett, and V the com outlet :r twins. ' Un tbo i M-coiut noor ill le the lndWdiawii K riHilu, ht by 40 (cot. til ImlfS billiald Win, tlm cfiiMion'a diuiiig-liull and piivntA diniiiff roonut. , Alt the outer, rooms have nay win dowt; every room bat a tiieplacu and a clothes cloi t; aud to i veiy two room th'-ro are a Imtli and toilet room. Tin mtkeM a total of 31H bay wiiiiliiws.ntid 877 Iwth room. '1'he total uutubv of rooms iu tho hotta' above the oauleu floor-most of them being 20. f net siiuuie, and Done lens thnn To reach these rooms tuerewiii Do four eleviilor leading to the' Upiier story, and a nun for tho transport .. . . At . tion ot bnggnge. A bazaar promouude on the gardeu floor paHH by tho pinto- trlass show wiudoms of the atorea uu- fflW(l4 UH' to uuem ! Home idea of the elaborate fittings Some idea of the elaborate fittings of the hotel may be obtained fropj the following items from the lihen and nphoUlery bill: 1.325 table npkin; 6.750 vards -of 'daroaak table lines: 1 r.fyl vu.fia nff nti.i lm.n I'M ntirt ilurA. I - . .. . . . " w-v .... y-" towels; 6,000 yurde crash towels; 26 don tray cloths: l.nUO Iitjou pillow sham; 1,100 faids ountonfiaaael; OOO I, PiottuighHm lacy cuiIhiuh; 200- pieces fine pluih: 100 pieces fine tetint 16 bales ticking. The. fnrullnre uo in - process of tiinnufiictuio , b tbe West Coast Fun iture Company. of San Franoidoo iuolodoH 7.0O lud stends, ? 650 bureaus, 850 dreading studs, 200 chests, GIK) rocking chain, 650 ccitumodo. 1,000 large ay eiiaire, 1,000 Ihdiea' Caty chair. 4,600 dicing and chamber ehair, 360 sofas," 1,10(1 tables, aud equally large qnantitiea of mailer articles. . All these are mado of the most durable material, and iu the moat complete manner. It will require more thau si veuty-five thous and yards of carpeting-to cover the rooms. The amount ot table ware reaches figures that are almost incred ible. The hotel ia expected to he ready for occupancy by the 1st of Septem ber, and already many application for rooms nave been recorded. Fro the Bwiun Port. Paul llwynton. Tho new product in the "amphibious man," and . bis nunm stands at the head of this article. He dotis the title of "Captain," probably by reason of oomtnaudiug b)H own craft, 3 He is the same individual who, a few months ago, promised to leap from an 'ooenft steamer on its paHsage irumNew Yoi k to Liverpool, and for the rent of the trans-Atlantic journey , to . shift - fof himeelf. He kept his promise, too, althougn instead of going over the good ship's side in mid-occau ho took bis chances not until he Lad reached a distaooe of twelve or fifteen miles from the coast of Ireland, making the rest of his way to land ia -perfect safety. He proposes to himsblf some higher purpose than merely to show how long a human being may live under wate. eating, drinking and smoking during the submersion; the ambition he cher ishes is founded on use, and he would demonstrate the practicability of ; a life-saving apparatus, in the form gf at? India-rubber suit, with a continuation and tubes hermetically sealed, that are capable of inflttion and holding the simple secret of safety. On the 10th lust, be crossed the straits from Dover ' to Boulogue betweou 4:30 A. M. and 8:15 P. M., or in about sixteen boors. A small kteumet accompanied him, from which was laid A telegraphio cilile that reported the progress which was making The Boyuton . life-saving drees, or tunic, allows the wearer to carry a supply of provisions, with roekots aud other signtl apparatus. When tbe wind favors a buihII sail may be st, pautilns foshiou. The propulsion is "tflWted with a double paddle. The whole outfit ia of the simplest character. The Queen has witnessed the Boyuton perform an oee in the waters of Southampton, and or dered ieveral similar suits for the royal yaoht. , , , : J The account of his voyage across fails to state as to the experience from ea-eiokness, so it is not yet fully dear whether , the Bessemer stiip saloon is to be tnnded in another form or not. Bnt of the capacity of this new invention for saving life on tbe witter no one can with reason be sceptical. It will asburedly bring the inventor much fame and more profit. , Hn will be tossed in the blankets cf honpitulity in London for having done this peril ous nity mues or nnpieassnti naviga tion in safety, while the managers of the Maritime and Fluvial Ephibition anK IttDIO-CIOtllS; lO.UUUJfirUll Ol plllOW elmri li 1 lioniiWiKaieifili, N. u; w. u Me. linen; 1.900 qniliv ,H ifet; blanket, 4 fvet by 7; 20,(KU .tarda it A a. kih Vvtu, y; ... T linen sheeting; 1,300 duson TurkiHb rebj, t A..alAAA44Aaii iu I'nii nrt cspcrlr aailing Lis arri v il iu 1'iui r to ui.ilo a At a-liou of him tliHu-. The l''it Hjtt rr"patory will l e CUR" ruiUR the wuU rn ' pliu;.-, the t.ioM rruitix, ai.d ull ui Hri-ttinnier d li'LU aud recrt-Htio'11 . What is ta bo the proli.e i ff ct i thlND'"1r ii YMutiou a- ..ijl' eait, t '.a a .trattttt that perw. s a rrou t t oa' to re main iu 1 4 a ii-r at Li L Mure, but to 't ,tt in ' :bnt e meut a'.y dintani 4 Oil jnttibld WttU r-rvfT pr.iviKiouiDkt ALiA 10 almost auy ea ex c,,t a aurf,By wtB be accounted not - rely a uioe.ul rh It a auaocxkfut rival to the sea- aerpeut. but to the ae-idi landlords tDd cottriirPrttnemAtTte."' Every oua mj iiow. Lv his owar sea side hotd J. I Li orn yaohf, acting iilji puidiudi j a. iaud Ue4 or -ekrpper, acT cording to cbQica. U,aul b a mere tp from Cp Mnyld Newport, or fr ,m urrngaurtott t' f r V) JUbant an Dr - wnerV Laedlur: ' No danger from drowninir or cxoloaioo. bat the whole aaftty nffnir with provicionA ion board. Yacht and and hotel corpblnej; W'u cellar and ciaar box lianly aud, crka drawn aud light furnished at letnure. tf anytnmg M ttiia son ta ,,, i !., rvnlMtioniawl matter f,r,j,i ni-.. uujm'u ttLd coufuntd tbe alrtant.v TLe leant efiumgrbnir'iinicide can dou oo of hi rnbU tuutca and ga drown nlniHelf. Mvtriiiiia diianuitraunea will muUi- k a. .:. h- I'll, ' 1 V. U. V. V V ' . (. QUAO... ,r CENUIfJE f l.Mt tr t M(i Genuine Pru laa Qaano a (lin price i'hrnfil b JUvter. tHobKm. Hut twin a in. tni (irnnml AMrni wl uie rr. tuiuii (iDjrruBKnt Hi t"l tfiuntrr. Killing ir nifc I vBimln a ruiBriiNttiiii mi n-r..r; kiiil I am l' 'T to hi ihl U lUwe h hkocht. rkn-'li"lf IMJ I: fl nmre lllirrnl IImo idI allowed in inirltivr ul larim An .Bl lk-M. I m i rblfd t rlTsW iiv t low hrli-nhi eomiiililf. In t-ti ,m I bi A dm. l)litiiieh tr ahen In ru j iiimiiiiiuii. I Iiiit riioiiitn m iMi'tin ium tug Mi ilinnt' wMc I piflpfi to illti(l ilii in rtt'toue M oi i(iMrlliiu Io' Ih'tr kr- ill; nnn tn-fir-' A iii-iii" are o'iiiii-' o m .intmD nn i rnif ui imrat iui ui , Ii. t. ! if, i.k'Op. in it oi imnii 'l i. V' 4.t)ri ii.,Ji il'ii IU 'i,it uyt'aili-t ' Mt liiv in iniel t Nli'lUlf '! 'W ti - mint Mi0ii ptnii 1i."l lmnf -"in.' I'livoi ol fltT tiinnil uiiot'il'. ti I J.'t.' liMtfiier-' At'-nti'liM tcail i rl m mi , liml n oaet nrti y r.i i In) ! I , n i"u ii.mi't 'in- Kotiamentf Hir '.un (.mill ! me. I nil tlvrtov u to lour ri-riitiiMiie aet, my mdi-ri on the timet n.n r, lo ti "l(h roneliMTA viil niiti 1 hut 4 h flu.iii la ihn Mm ttt . m . I I IkiiOdtiiTHl Ai trt. n t l Drill- ( lrculr rer itbiuiiw, imumn ian, iw" full I'Mltwilam, 'j'M fr n "ilirtn ' " V.' DALVaAAK. ! ft. m H.ar sr. , de.w Yra sf'.Nwlrwfkl -f e dtrj r. u. n' ir . - mtrro Ml . i it it li 0 Superior to any. Fertilizer Made In the i j I "7 f' .71 t Hii t o'fl ! ,Ji LjjiLLy i'kRtfh)ffAbh6 'Dr wtrusr, wiiv; tuisau. - P. it bi i MrT,nifi.iin son, chr. l"".". - w,il Jrp u bMioro, n. 0.; -IMM lift,,.!.. XI. llil 1 M.HIVIUC M. ! Mllrfav el i:e.. wuinn.(lu. ,ii ) w " -".7T"? V irr""S.:::. " .. ' --rj- E. FRANK. COE'S t-)- Amnioniated Super-lIophatu. . .VW "I irf1 iTW1M.it IVY pott salk r oh cash or on VROPjfiii I -"" 'n rt , i,'CT i nn , roarsb II tT.tr FINE ARTS. . , : I. . 1 ' .I ' I ' '5-'? - Goo.K.Scbtt, ARTIST IN CRAYON PORTRAITS. Sum pies can be seen and Orders left at the Book Store of P. Heinsber ger. .-. .V . - ! The Patronage of the Public is re spectfully solicited. . ' i t niftrob td-tf -r gPRING AND SUiflME MILLINERY. ! For the Ladies. , I bv returnrd flow ttt Ninth with a lrg and hatiilminie toek of Milliner flood unch a riench faitrrn IH'iinn. Hal. Flower, K!llnne, Mik unit Rtiaw (luoil. Hailng bontht my 0(i6d tor rh, I can gW nit pftlraiia ninolal Imlnrf mente. both tn myle and quality, at extremely low nc lor 1 au univ. I Mrs. A. D. BROWN, Millinery Emporium. KxcriAtoa Corkkr. ajrll 4 Marshal's Office CITY OF WILMINGTON, ) , . January 23d, 1876. ( ' . rsoTLicii:. . FROM THIS DATE AOQf tODKPKS ARK iroblhlted MlMng Morer of Wto. knf ht kind In I rout of tbe I lly Markut. princeen eueet Irom the (tern line of P ront tret to the w u tern line or Fourth mrr-et or tlerond and Thiid utreete, between Uie ourllioin line of Market aid the routbern line of CheU' treet, re deelunatcd tut th'k purpoee. , . By order Mamw. h J. H.RfiBt80N, . . , ' ' ! City Martha n ... ., .v d- - i , .-. z. 'ugu Bar lion-Hons, v pURll'A ORANGE AKI 1,KM('1J tlicr, rrlm Chocolater, Ovm Pri'i, ud lullaimrtnantof MbeA Otmllr And Ktiti, Mlin-e Meat, Apple Buttar, Oiosm and Bliek well'a Ptckl. Old Port and Baker Whiskey.; ,H. W. 8HURE. i No. 81 North Front St. aprll I It Molasses! Molasses !, 300 Bbla. 8. H. MoIwmm,' . u' ..... rtO Hhd.H H Molneena, 900 Mid New Crop Cab MoU, 100 BbN. HewCro CuU Molo. . ,v ,. ... : t.-...'Vv UKIOJoNAI dk OA(JF.K MKOM. arrll 8 ' , It WEDD1HG CARDS: mEtf I ' tkewwl Uibioiiahle attle t tba .' 1 nlftftlr niAfnonti ik lilUM) Ql'EMXtj . "j 1 ii; i. ' uaiAi.irrtuB: RAIL LOADS' JINEHAL t Trvn-oFrici '.LRCAD CD. ,4 April I, IMS Inc. f- -mm OF UiOi Onhd aiur Moif, A all SVi, th lollow- in( erriMal will M ma : MUH'l' KXfKAaa XfiAiA,DHj). LtJMlailiirtoa..a .. A.7B P. II Ajritttolumbia.. "'".."."..... .l A. M Air . lit A. M Ullltu.Mi..W. I ll f M tnnrinrn,, b ( viumbia..., .is r. M tcavrrtnruv 1IHA.M ArriTt WUaiUurWa,,.,, -1. 10 A. M Pii Mm W( 'Wrm't .ol.ilji will tk llirongb Train, llng Wynjluf or r AillMiM TKAiy.'lU'fl iiMt 81 uavf(tf.(eif.rvvll klia- natj. . Flurciua . ..k..... l.io I M Auawiit, .t(i tak .bt Ki- (rrw rata l.vn tjt uaiUMiioa. ' I IU U v. vtltl JKUlMun. 0BT8arcinUndent. I i-rf 1 s ti U o-tr WIlMINCTOlf WEIDOJI BA1I t , ROAD COMPANY. ' ;fii ot fiy aaatt avaaat. ) K & t A (T lifts 4 Vi. t, imi ,T) . . UflANOJI A) sCHXDlilJt Ob tna afUr Jaa. la. fmiatrr Vraia tli w. W. Hallroad wlo r.illow : vs . mau. TRAIN Haiaa iMott dull lexeeni .. tttadaf) -Mum.; .ii I T M A. M Arrive at UolaAtwrrxt.. .. It 5 A. H Hock MmbI at. .a-: HIP, Wellinatv,i S4iP, it WtOtondiiiy (........ ..... tdm A M Kir -t UockTMonnt..,.......ll4l A. ' ," 7 1 ,JOolUlJ)rot.-.......j IAP. M ,itvpin '..i".t.- p. i ' iflUr',Pw"A7,"ANI' TBBOUNH '.. . . -i . .'Orrt a , .,l - ' 1 Il'a4tui,air, ... 1.11 P. Irxlvaal UliWiott t........i..: . I.t A. M t ' RockT Moanlt. ........ ISO A.M. .JBTaMM a . 110 A. M Vavt'.Wetaw. ttallya..A a.'ii' . P. M Arrtfat Rurkv Uvaatat. .....,; 1 1 P M 014brttat... .. U 18 A M M " rjnwi Oeotat-. .... 1 10 A. M 'Mar) raln makMoloM oonixrtloa t Wal ion for all tioloU Norti y ta Bi Uaal A ial4krtlf rente.? ' . fr KiptMt Train oonnecuoalt wttfe aoqoia Irnekrontt fmllman' Palate Hlov far mm . -i frelgbi Tralna will luav Wllmlntoa tri eklf at lift A. M. i 1 H t M0 P. at. II . ' .1 - ..WI.BUr.. Uentr) ft l.lDU W I1IVIU Bap' r. f"; T TMEiifleiaTiiTies. O. O. DAVENPORT Associate Ed. Tiaa :-On Yer,l 00; RUMontli,l 00 Unaprott tacm. invaremaf Menane inai come to from U UM fluttA mttM-Baltr nrnHi. hwuhi.i.i . .. . t . . wreaa, Hammer, Mil., JiKll(iii iron the flret namber, 1" iU nnnu dlatuly take rank, dltorlaUj.wttb the flret H take r Lh tl an an pern In lb (Mat SrfJeflfeUi ( r ) lournml, ttkotrtaiitliuari qMnr and 'evince muct ouonJi4'Umnr aritnr.in oiic a enterprise 1 tb fnr nak ue and meobaw- Iral eiiecutlon.-flmaM ( Tt)Jttaim. ' VQna'v'thliiettAktAwl fcet adited pi r ; the Hlt ,HryiHa .W.) riatniMttr. Tb biet printed uaiier la horth C-rolln, MrtJwiAaMrti'V.1 " ''"' ,mmMtn It it . o.f The F!orPifTfofetef,r .i.rewwbed'Wtiif af ' ruRKfic uahi.iwothii 'wo,,- a, d Termai fl'A Per Atrnitm In Ailrnbo. . I ttftlargaft dIU tnrrinf elirulatlon in ill' Pee l ee roontr?, ' d lm the tlpe 0' tli .WUbIWh'Owi lnib' y A ngiieta Ralli aw reri'ii IMn eaeellfM1 flTertMrg pierlliiin let the hiiKlnew men ol Wilmington- ' I , Montiiiy Mitynatfyeonrt-nrfii mad Ipon tb mot liberal tern. ' ';' ' y .. j -; ""' WW. LITTLE, ' ; .4t Editor and Proprietor. ' rb - : j 1 ti j ii , , .u ...j rt 11 r , , , , S THE LANDMARK, s TJBU9HFI AT-' ':' ! ;1 STATESY1LLE. IREDELL COUKTr N. C. W A ' ' ' IS THS5 '' .. Leading Newspaper In Wester North Carolina. ....... IT IS THE ONLY DEMOORATIO PAPKK pnblinbed In lrtrtell ( onutv-- ne ol the largeet and wltin,t toauUe i ih. -tte and b KUaiiKH) 1' loral Alrmlation thn any pper ver hernofur publlelied Ii. tb eodatv. . ,t . Ittolrenletlon In Almsnder, Wllkee, Ah, Alleghany, Vdkln,nle and Iredell) la larger thrni Ih it'.'f an to paper In tii Stat ooni hlned ; and I rapidly Acquiring a trout toot bold tn rorMtlio, Surry, Kowan aud Wealen. MecklMbnrg It to tb onW pper tn WtaUro North Otro llnatbat 'mrloya a regular csnviralng get.t, And le thus kept" ronrtant'y before Ue people. Under thla eyelets a tapldly-dncreairltig olr eo lation It Ibe reeult, making tb Laomarb Tb Best Advertising Msdlum In ' Weatorn North arollna. Adilreai, deo Tif 'LAN JMARK." btateevilie. N. C. gQ BARRELS AND BOXES , , V.. Jini " -- ' Vi;T .. Oranges ana liemoiu. For al low by GEO MY IRS. JOB LOT OF , li'l. '.'ti-!. 'Hi 'i : Clioioo Butter." '-; -rDrTrpAfcKAftKB."4 Thla t the opportunity to get gord Butter at a very low price at .. y OKO.MYKHB'. EXTRA LARGE New Mess Mackerel, 0rge'a Haah OodBah.aeA Preen HVnvn. Thie weeka froth auppllea coming In to-day. : a H I Grtr. MYRRS'. . 11 & IS South Kront 8t. . aprll T SPRING AND SUMMER ' K-i.Ti:. . ! M. -IK- FANCY GOODS , j- ,j if? 3 !"' Ai-.T A 1 J! A 3 WILLIAM ;PYFE'S, VX 3HAN0B COBNF.R. ' Iw old ira elr parttctlar Attention to my rork of Plata. Mtrtp and h-e Kinook., Linen Bd Linen Plaper. &o , 4o ""U,, i.awne, r icque. y irniria etriie OoodJ, j i.iiini iKiiimoi-rnii'ie rrnn, A lot of Ladles Hinintlluliei fmri JO ote. np lir-Manilkerililnr. at ceu t aoeeut. worth SteemA' A bargain. fliMian n ma a call n,l .nti... .n... NOVELTIES clf llon'l torget rxcltnge i Virmr Exacted dallv a foil ifn of Ladle Re1 tnd ImiUtktn Hair Oooda Bubabade, Paraeol. dt,fte. . - ' ' . apri;itr! " , i- , , , . u ; : il'l f o . it- 1 14 ' 8HIPPI2TO. rjEy yoric ahd VIA Wilmington, fl. C. Fast Freight Route to all Polnto North or South. NEW New YnTirflnfl Wi IiTtiTi " U.ill.. I vrm nTiv irnnvron lioiu istn iuua, n tuii uua I ica 1 1 Hi A l li a f. JU., ua from WILMINOiON, WEDNESDAY and SATtEDAY. .t. BOSTON AND New York uiiit Wtlniington Meantship Company, CONNKCTIKO WITH TIT ' OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS, a Dally Between BOSTON and NEW YORK 11 ." Semi-Weekly between NEW YORK and WllINQTiJ'N.i , nednendar aud Katnilar Iroai eirt Prt, - ablriner way rely npon the p-omi r end ref'tar eltin(i V lhe Iteataert, and tlk dtt-. Mich liven to all eb.li nituta l ttiu ronie. wnn ii. e Wll MIKGT N.tHI.ra'B'A AVOVHTA , ; yjl.klltiUTON A WM.tiON BA II. BO AT) i . '. ' THKt'AKcL'NA ( r.NTKAI. Bill WAT. "' A KT t'AVK I FAR elYEK ATJtA MKBS Tbroogh Billaof Idlrg jlfi-n tnard fin all Point In . KORTH and SOUTH CAEOLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Alio to NEW.I0EK. BOSTON. PROVIDENCE. FALL E1VEB and baetern Cities. r Kate guaiaoterd ae tew a by any ether rooily said. iMark all Goods Tla Clyde's WilminRion Line. ' For lorther lulormaliou apply'to i'.htr u. r. WINK. ; tieneral ka.fi rn Agent. 5 Peiou lilte bini't, Boelon. Baltimore ai Sooim Steam TrapiatiCipf Via' .WIUMIIS'GTON, W.'O.'V'i lw-rvAwJ FAST FREIGHT ROUTE To all Points North or Gouth. BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Wiminton Line, ; ; ..j....- eKMI-WIIKLT. ' -SALINft FROM BALTIMORK- Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. AND PROM WILMINGTON Wednesday & Saturday. bostonanIprovidenge, - ' Bnltlmore and Wilmington Line, . ' Baltimore, Boston and 1 rovldtne Lint, Ur via Canal Dally to Philadelphia and Clyd' Philadelphia end Providence Line. . Semi-Weekly from each Port Shippera my rely uoon thprmpt and retnlnr aalllne of thee Steamer, and sntekdla. patrb given to all aliipmentt by thi route. SJO DELAYS. Tbroagh Billaof Lading given to and from all Paint In " NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA ftnd ALABAMA. Also to BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and other Eastern Cities. .. . ; AT" Rate guaranteed a low aa by any other Route and tim a qaicit. Low or trtreAMM promptly paid. a Mark all Goods Tla Baltimore and Wilmington Line. W Por fnither infurmation apply to either of th undersigned Agent of tht Lint. ' EDWIN FITZGERALD, Agent. tlaitimore Lint i W nouiU atroeir Baltimore, march l.tr Carolina Central Railway!" GENERAL THB ATTENTION OF THR PIJBLIO W RF.SPBOTPULLT INVITJJO TO THI tact that tL Carolina Oentral Kallwar. being completed and fully equipped for boalntaaJ ittera-wiih It eonnectioti at Wilmington, both l direct Steamer LlneS and via Wldin ai PntUmonth. to B Itlmora, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Proridoaot-antaaaltA f aal liy lor handling ehlptnent from w-iww iou WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR. LOTTE, STATESVILLE, CREENVILLE, SPARTAN .,, and all ttationa on Atlantic, Tennrreee ft Ohio Atlantic and Blrbavnd Air Una ud Wmth Carolln Railroad a woll all point In QEOSUIA and ALABAMA. inauranuetrom Raatrrn cltle ptmianteedKelow via nt ether line. No terminal or trana fer charge, and Kate alwaye a low at the lowest. "-, Rate to all polnta inrnUhed uiwnaiiDlloatinn to the nn.w.,mt noli.. I ti..w H.nover JBuUdlng. , . aprll J-80-Jy Feathers. jf LAROK LOT OP LIVE OEESK FKATH rm on hand and for rale low by . D. A. SMITH CO. Sash, Blinds andDoors LARGE STOCK JViS RBCKIVXDand lor aal at reduoed prlte by D. A. SMITH & CO. w-tf aprU 1 BUY Our Half Dime Cigar FOR Kalf Dollar per Doien, Tb cketpeit la tbli mwket . At No. 22 Market Street. D.PICOTT. Starch M et bogtoh liheg YOK. crtnTi SfpnTTtfihlTl T.1T1 A f .wa mv i v i o i irr nn it i n r FALL RIVER. :.'(;; ., i"J 1 i 't :1 NO DELAYS. Vcnatctiai al Wbtkita PAILKOAP. other real and time a auiek Lome or tvtrakari .1 ot th nnderaignfd Agenuordi Llat. WM P. OLYDK & COOenerl Afat, Ktw ot l ine, Bowling Ore, 1, T. ' ' it'. .Ui i A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. 1 ill! 'J ) ii .m.TT J- PHILADELPHIA. Baltimore and WOminjiiDn Ik . .y jwatci.VBBTwaaiti. '" BALTIMORE AND WILMINOTON. Baltimore ind Phlladelpbl BttatabvatOav, ' Dally via Canal betweta BALTIMOUK AND PHUiADXLPUIA. WESTERN CITIE8. BALTIMORS AND WILMINGTON UNI. Northern Central Railroad AID THB Baltimore and Ohio Baliroad. -o- A.D.CAZAUX, Agent, Ualtlmoie awl new Voik Lmtt, ' WuamtTow. N. C. FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, Wilmington, Maroh 81t,, 1875. F. "W. CLARK, Oentral Freight AgBt. HOBTH CAROLINA O ASSI MERES. 4 THK TKTJE WAT TO OBTAIN SCTTTB". KHN COMMKKCIAIi Indtptodaatt SB) . Patronlio Southern Industry,1 A HardeomeLotot Salem Cassimeresr, Just Received. 4 . Gentlemen art lnrltod to call and ejkral , thee r . " MERITORIOUS GOODS. In Ookir and Fabrta they art TJarrtvaletl among Amerlaaa Uooda, and would b orodlk. able to the b'gh4 Baropeaa JBanofatttrlBg . alflJHi ' BOSKOWITZ LIEBEB. ' marebHth ., r - ' - 0! ' ' factor-1 Doors, a sh, Blinds and w Monidii.gr-, When yoo want bottom. rlot, 'go vfc'rt ' th y are made foot of Walnut etraei, Oolrllt. at Uot MIIL .i. - ' : W.DTftS.; ! A PrU i .. , ,-. . , , ,,,'W-IA .1 ..;.o a in 1 1 . i4- ,'i 1 J' 1 ft . 1 1 r v - it -1 I -7-i-Ji-it-iiari

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