'O WW WHOLE HO. 0,030. VOL. XXIV. NO. 92, WILIII17GT0II. N. C. SATURDAY. APRIL 17, 1875. r 4 - JJ- Cj)f puli fjuntal. WILMINGTON, N. C.: FATITRDAT APRIL 17 17?. BY TELEGRAPH. 7" , Missoum. DELIBERATE SUICIDE OF A TOUNQ WIDOW LADY. 8t. Lous, April 16 Night Mr . E. Ii. Iryiug, bibly marketable young widow lady of Ildnnibal, Me., U id a clothes line aronnd herself and little girl tix years old, fastened the other end to a stake in tlio ground, and then taking .he child in her arm, deliberately wa'ked into Deer Creek, and both were drowned. Financial pmbarraBements and disappoiutment in love are understood to be the caute. LOUISIANA. FIFTH DAY OF THE JOCKEY ,CLUB RACES. New ' Oblbans, April 16 Night The tit tli day's races of the Louwiaua Jockey Club. The first race was a htudioap hatdle race two miles over eight hurdles, Turn Leathers wiuniug bv a length ; Limestone the second. H it) Britton the third, beating Capt. J.ck. Uhillelah aud Little Flirt j time 8.47. At the fourth hurdle Li ale Fir. Ml, but with little damage to boiSMor rider. At the fifth hurdle Suil.elah fell, slightly injuring tie rider. Second raw full handicap mile heats Mary L., 1, 1 ; Mildew, 3, 2 ; Vortex, 2, 3 time 1:47 ; 1:47. Third race: One aud a quarter miles for all ages, was won by Cupt. Hutch iusou, beating Granger, liouaveuture and Stampede, iu the same - order; time 3:10. On the track before the sturt Bouaveuture was the favorite four to one against all others. Bona venture and Granger ran neck and aeck until entering the home stretch or finish, when Granger went to the front but was passed by Capt. Hutch inson before reaching the string. Good weather," good track aud fair atteudanoe. , . T EUROPE. PETITION AGAINST THE TICH BORNE JUDGES. London, April 16 Noon In the House of Commons a debate, over a petition praying for the dismissal of the Tiohborne Judges for partiality aud corruption, was dismissed upon motion of Disraeli. Rous, April 16 Noon Cardinal Aunibal Cupalti is dead. : Taws, April 16 Noon The L'TJni vers reportejanother note to Belgium in relation to the Anti-Prussian Pam phlet Madbtjo, April 16 Noon It is re ported that the Oarlists have sieved a number of women and children in the Province of Boris, and threaten to shoot them unless they are ransomed. ELECTRICISMS. The Louisiana compromise resolu tion has been adopted ayes 45 Demo crats and ii Republicans; nays 13 Democrats and 5 Republicans. An onated Senator beoomes a wharf master. The miners at Hazleton, who are doing what is called dead work, aie booted at by women and children. The fire at the Stockton mine is be yond control. Several companies of cavalry have been moved from Cheyenue to guard the entrance to the Black Hills. Yeatman & Anderson's paper mills, at Columbns, O., have been burned. The lookout of the iron works at .' P.fsburg has been broken, All will doubtless be at work within ten days. There are some legal international .complications between the Spanish and American offioials in the case of Wm. 8. Sharkey, consequently there are doubts of the return of the mur derer to New York. Three pieces of Tweed's real estate, in West Chester county, worth $500, 000, have been attaohed. There was snow yesterday morning at Cincinnati. Fifty excursionists, who are work ing in the interest of emigration to Texas, are at Cincinnati, from when o a they disperse to different localities to urge" the object of their mission. " " I Ti e President and party left New York for Boston yesterday morning. Teaaperanc Appointment. Thea N. Bamsay, State Lecturer for the Inderjendent Order of Good Templars, will address the citizens of Norm 1 aroiina at tne iottowingpiacei; Kenanstille, Duplin county, Monday nifft.ADril 19th. Teacheys, Duplin county, Tuesday night, April 20th. tSmithtille,Bninswiokoounty,Friday night. April 23rd. Whiterille, Columbus county, Mon dat nisht. April 2Cth. Bladenboro, Bladen county .Tuesday night, April 27th. Elizabethtown, Bladen county, Wed ' irsday night, April 28th. Appointment. ' For the information of our readers we publish the appointments of Kev, W. H. Blaok. P. K. for his seoond round of Quarterly Meetings in the Wilmington District: Bmithtille, i Bethel, April 2Hh and 25th.. Wilmington, at Front Streot, May 1st and 2nd. Bladen, O. F. Miwion, at Deem's Chapel, May 8th and 0th. Elizabeth. May 15th and 16th. ' Whifivillr,, at Fair Bluff, May 9th SPECIAL. W tlia li-ng the wmM to pruduo. a collar that wt.l keep clean longer, without waaulug, than tha Elniwotd. Laughter Lead a Newt barm To beauty, when tt diKluer a fnllj Mt mt t eth Whiiene. wbra nature bu .upplud tai dement if lovellne, may he retained through if, by alr th" fragrant 8 dot Aa lrlfamaa called atadiut .tor to fet a b..iti of Jhnrou' Anely I in ra-nt lor th Kh-anatlem ; th tirnfgUt aak.d bin In what I artot the I o lv it t'ouliled Mm Bint, Mt' 111. uul." Httit be, '"I bat It ta W ri boul at.it comer er me." l"or lo-eof roil, bom all, nd water In cow, ww or aiiH.tlt. rot or murraiu id a :; thic. wimt, tir km w ud, nl rrarti k, aid lur ail nlwtru.tlon. ot the klilnry. In hor.ee uer ImrL daa a Cavalry i.otui kw rowttrre. Or ftcbenrk'a Pulmonic fcyrup, "ea, Weed 1 eulc, and DlaKruk. 1'tlle. . Tbi no moliclue. bar und. nbttd y periorni efl mote eutee ot Loo.unii.tloa than an; other rom'i y known to the American public 'I hey are eoniiiumled of rrgolable Ingr.dirnU, antt contain potliii g wblth ta be In nrk u. to tit human con.utuilon. other rrm illrn ad re tied aa c nref for conma p ain rol ably con I iln uyium, "blch I a euiucwbat dangerou. drug In all caaee, and If taken (reel by tn . imptlre pttliiita, It m at do gr at Injury ; lor It. endtney Ltto cutSne tU morbid n.atterln tbetm, which, of couiae, mu-t make a cure imKWllle. 8chenrk t'ulmon p Hrrnp l ranted not to. contain a panicle of upt urn. I; 1-composed or rn'weiful but htrmteM hftl'i, walcb anion ihtlungn, llrer, .tomich a,d blood, and tbu.eoirrct all morbid .Tre I oiu, and (ipel .11 tL dt.eatd matter fiom he bod . 1 ba are the only mean, by which rjLuumpt on ran be CHied, a.d a. Srhrnrk'a t'u monld !t)rup, Ae. Weel Tuulj, and Ma -I ak Fill are the only jufdicmre abK'h or i rte In tll-way. It In obrlou. they aie tlir only g nuin-cure fur Pu mmiary I onaump ton Kiicb Ix ttle ot tbt lnalnalle m-dic'ne t- anrnni.tid.d by tut) direction. I"r ,-rlin.. a i i roftwHimiallT at lil prn cIimI i Iti e, eornet "tlxlliHnl Ar.h I'bilidttlpbla, every Monday, where all letter, lor advice mutt be .f Id'fPHHil NtW ALViEflSEMENTS fILMISGfCM LIGHT lHFUtBT, ATTENTION ! 1 Ton ara hereby luramoned to atteod a .PKoiAL HiKTiaa of your Company at your Armory ovr Mere. Carpenter A Mallvd a Saddlery 8tre, tbl. evening at I o'ctocki- A full a tendance I. ordered by the I aptaln. J. I. MaottKJ!, aprll H-lt orderly Serg't. Ladies Trunks, Oentt 1'runka, Ha'cheM, Traveling Bag., Saddiea, Harneaa, Mrldle., Collar, tiamaa, and all kind of Saddlery Good. Repairing due promptly at retainable prloe. at tb Factory of CARPENTER A MALLARD. huooeaHor. Ut J."- 8. TUPHAM a OO., No. Mouth Ftont SUeet, Wilmington, N. n. aprll H ti-lt New Novels. 8 AFKI.T MARRIED. A Hotel. Bt th author or "Oart.' "Colonel Dare," 4c, MR. VAUOHAM'S HEIR, A Novel. By Fr.nk Lee Benedict, Author of "My Daughter FUnor," Mim Van Kortlaod' "Jeltu Worthlngton't hame," &9 , &o J aft received and rOBMtliT HEINSBERGER'S Lit Book and HuMe Store. amU IT II To the Public. UTANT OF THE 'HIENDHOP Ma. DUN ILL VAN CROMART1K, of both Political Faitlea, take this opportunity of announcing him lor the office of Delegate to the Oon.tltu tlonal Contention to be held In September neat. M ANT OimSNS OF BLADEN OOPNTY. aprll 19 SII PltESBYTEHIAN HYMN BOOKS. A FINS A8SORIMENT Juat received at EDWARD MANX'S Bookstore. aprll tT 2-1t BINFORD, W & GO, OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BBL1. FLOTlR-all grade. ; 100 BAGS COFFER, 150 BBLB. STRCP8, 2,000 SACKS SALT, c, e Send them Your Orders. aprll ir M-ly Medical Copartnership, P. L. MTJRPHTIifnaithbi date aato oiaU'd with me la the practlo f medicine and NEW AD7IRTISEM1ST8. The Carolina Central Railway Company Wilito. N. O., April Mth, 1T. CAROLINA CENTRAL Fast Freight Line. pHIIUHTIRS Al KOTiriiO THAT Freljht. to th .ilent of lv ear letda vr day 'h way, will be carried lwa Wilming ton and Charhitt tkreegh la TWILV HolTHs. New Twrkan Rstltlnaere Mteavwaer Freight wltl be preaiptly traaTrrc4 and tkea by thUHaa. 1 Freight either way by ear load will bar. rled U an1 from OLD DOMIMIOH ITBAM KHS to Chailott ta twenty-nine hear Regular freight train thregh t Charlotte or Wl'mlngtoa In twentyfoar aeura T A PaHenger Car will b carried Freight Ula betweea Leartabarg aad Wil mington. L. FBEMOST, .p-ll IT-lw O.nrral Sep t. BU Y "ONLTTOE GENUINE FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. The moit Perfect Alarm Cash Drawer, KlLBe ALARM TILIi CO.'S. AIM, Herring' Sa.'.Ooire and Drag MUla, Utter Pttm. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. AinvAOTvata -- E & T FAIRBANKS & CO-. aT. job Na bukt, vt. taiaoir.L soaLa waaaaoo: FAIRBANKS Ac CO., 11 BMaMwavF. . V. FAlRKAMKa 00 Iftt alUawr It, Bal timore, Md. Faibak AOa .aiUaajp Met, Maw Or lean. FAiaaaaaa A 0., M Mala JtrMt, Baflal., .y. - Faiaaaaaa A Ce., sat BreMl way, Albany, N.I. FAiBBAacs A 00., MS Bt. Pal1t, MeatreaL FAiaaAaaCo.,MKlng Wllltaa) Bt, tea. don, Kng.- Faiaaaaa, Baowa A Co, I Milk Bt, Bea ten, Ma. FAiBBAsaa Alwiae, Maaenl Ball, Phila delphia, Pa. FaiaaAHK, Moaia A Co., til Lata Bt., Chi cago. Faibbabk, Mob. A Co., Ill Walaat Btreet, Uloolnnatl, Ohio. Faiaaana., Moaaa A Co., It! Sapertor St., Cleveland, Ohio. FAiBBaaaa, Moaia A Co-t A Woed Street, Pittsburgh. FA!BAan, Moats A Oa , Ma aad MalaBt., Loul.ville. FAiBBAaaa ACo., SOB and 104 Warhiagtoa Avenue, Ht LeuU. FAiaaaaaa A Hctoaibiow , laa Fraaalaoo, OaL For aaleby leading Hardwar rtealer. aprll IS t-4AwUtre4 NO OLD STOCK TB 10! OFF ! PURCHASERS WILL FIBD IT MOBB TO their aetaatag to Buy Hew Clothing ban to bay .hop-worn goad at half their orig inal eon. My eMek I all NEW, STYLISH and OOMPLITI. ., Largo Inroiee ... Gent's Fine Dress Shirts Received To-Day. aprll IS - A. DAVID. arreted la Sleek Pvleiloffoo tm Wall street, lead, to maavTBoraaan or dollar raoriT. 'OB.prehrn.lre eaplana tory circular, enntalnlng detallrd tatei t. and quotation price of all Mock dealt In al the Nt rr Stock Batkmg. mailed ft to tboMdetlrlngtotpernlat. iddreai, ALEA.rnUlHiH JHABi oiuw,, Banker and Broker Opp- N. T. Stoek Baonaag. II Wall St., fib ae-ly-ood WBW YOBS Quarantine Notice PILOTS ware notified a few day Mora to caua all teal from Havana and Bay West to com to for ltupectkm by Quarantine - Phy ilolta. .' s . They will from tbl data, until farther no. tlce, caane reiiMll from all Weat India porta G.lveten, hew Orlean and Kay Wt, Fla., to (top at Quarantine Station for th pnrpo of being Inspected bp Health Offlotr. P. W. POTTER, Quarantine Physician Port of Wilmington w.o. - Hmlthtillo, M. O., April Ttb, 175. aprll 9 8S Thnr.A4atd'-tltMay FUN FOR ALL. "Th Knapeack-fnll of Fu.lM or 1,000 Ba- tlen. of Laughter. Brosd Grin." of th Laughing PhUoaopher, btlng a eollectlon of Fanny Joke and Droll laotdonta, ( White' EthloplaB Jok Book, a perfect Oa ketof Fan. A lao, a large tot of aw Ooml aad Senti mental Bong Book, aad a great variety of Dim Kovl, As. .All foraal by , CONOLEY TATE3, 47 Marke. Btreot april it ST $100 $500 $1000 TrFririGt1r -tvi i f ifty JTEW ADVmi3EMIST8. Children's Carriages. JNIBQB STOCK OF SEW BTTLKS FOB hprlng trad. Alo, Suae Mattlat , Wt dow kadea, BatUa aad Willow Cbatra, Foot Mat. Io Beiaa, Ae- Fer al low by aprll l U, A. SMITH 4 CO. White Goods. The Ledlee are Informed that w have on ale a hamuaim etnrk or White (ionda, A large te at Hamburgh Kclglnaa, Mn II Kriglnftard laaeriings Koai t ate, atrip d and Figured Flqlle, Btrlred Flaid and Plain Nalnaaok Mall, Jaww.t and Swle Medina Qreal bargain are belog ofl.red. BOSRUWIir A LIBBER Parasols, Corsets aid Kii GIotci Plandita. Kid Olive, at St-gnnd. Haidin. Hlaek Kid einvr. at SI ?R. Handwm. Faraaol aud Sua Cmbtaiiaa very cheap. Tb bMt Oorwt told, la th olty for th prioe. BOSIOWITt ALIRBIR. Attantlo I called to our auperlor ttock of Imported Horlrry Uenu Kngll.h "ro. H H.M, Rngllah Fancy t aM Hoe. KngH.h Fancy Llle Thrr ad Hoe, " Linen Pocket Hendkrrotileie, Bilk Poeket Handkerchl.r, " Oaun Merino UnderehirU, " I.t.le Thread Dndarahlrtr. 4 hanitKim. anpply of eolored Percale and Whl'eNhlrta Qreat bargain to ..h buyer. BOSKOWll Z A I IKBKR. For the Money Tweritv-Bv per cent In price, can be avd In all kind, of Dry Ooud t BOSKOWITZ ALIBOBH'8. aprll IS l FOR THE INFORMATION -OF THE PUBLIC. Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. 0.,( April Hill, 1875. (- H ORDERTO ENABLE MB 10CLKASBB i Cltt tboteaahlt. and with u little delay a poealbl, I kat divided th Olty Into four (4) Health DUUlrf, with a Health OBor aa- aiga4 todaty laach. THB F1B8T DI1TBIOT, Iahargf H.altbOfflor J. H. Brown, em brace that portion of tb Olty Forth or Mar ket and Eaftof fifth Streets. THB SBOOBD DISTRICT, Iaehargof HaltbOffloer O.O. Taylor, eat- braaa that pertloa of tb Olty Bortt of Mar ket and Wait of Fifth Street. THB THIRD DISTRICT, la eharg of Health Officer A. J. Denton, brace that portion of the City South of Mar ket aud Bert of Fifth Street. THB FOURTH DISTRICT, la eharg of Health Cfflotr S P. Waleott, m. braeea that portion of the Olty Sooth of Mar kt and Weat of Fifth Street. Th Health Officer, may be dedgnatod by th yellow roeette, and they are lntruotd to In. tpeot and report all anoleanllnea. to ray office. It I hoped that tb 01tln generally will oo oporat with m In thl Important work, and begin th BMded cleaning without furth.r de lay. Anyaertoa requiring th service of a Sca venger Bay report tb fact to th Health Officer of the Dlvl.lon la which th wark ta to Udono, or at my effleo, and th matter .hall hav tb promptctt attention. Tratttng ao further appeal to ear good oiti aen. mat b reaatttd. and that oar City (ball b a model ln"nUii daring th eomlng Sum mer, I am, very ratpeetfully, J. H KOBIVSOK, april 11 tf City Marihal Edgecombe Cotton Plows, Alio th Wttt aad Dili. Tree unaini, nor loner., caca d.uup. Spade, Pork. Ham.. e. Tb largeet t.ck and loweat prlo. can be found at th Old Be- lanuaneu narawar oeuce oi JOHN DAWSON, Wo II, Mend II Market Street, ennui F Slippers. 11.1 Brenae SHppw only SI. Do. Morocco Slipper trom SI and ap- watd A M - - . M an' Slipper from SI and upward. Men' XalllOer. for . . At CHARLF8 A, PRIOR'S, No SI Marktt Street. aprlllO S'gaofth Golden Boot, In Store and to Arrire ! 100 Doiea Simmon' TurpeaHn Hacker and Puller., 10 do.en Wataon Tarientin Hacker, and Poller, B0 loaa 1 arpenttr IHuoera. ts Doaen Hacker Fe, lOOromHaek Wh.ttei., MDur.ea Hack Welglita, Strainer of all at, Ho. In ripper, aua n.irome'. Funnel, and Maaore. atd everything elae needed on a tnrpenrlne farm or around a ttlll. All loraal at bottom Sgareaby apiUtl . GILKa A MOKOHISOW. Tobacoo. 8nuff, Lye and Potash. 250 Boxes Chewing Tobiooo, 20 Bbbls nd BaB-Bbls Suoff, 25 Cases 1 Oz. Bnuff, 100 C-ses Lye, 75 Oases Potash, For Ml by KRROHNKH A OAI.I.H BROS Executor's Notice. TTAVING QUALIFIED BEFORE THB Tndg af Probata of Kw Hanover ronntya Kxoeotor of Patrick Murphy, deceased, J hereby gtt notlo to all poraona tnd.btcd to aid decedent, to mak ImmtdtaU paymont to me, and fo all peraon. bating claim, agalnat said deeedtat to exhibit th a to m on ot befor In 1th day of Mareh, A.D., t7 , P.L. MCRPHT, Kleentet aiareh f SMtawSw. rz 1 GOTTFS UP 4 I i aud printed iiabi i t t!e IOkAL CrFICB MISCELLANEOUS. Bacon CornSyrup Molasses 1&0 Boxes D. 8. Bides A Shoulders, 150 BmokedSidMAHhoulders, 12,000 Bushels 1'rimo Whits Corn, 60 Bbla, 8. U. Byrnp, 130 IIIuls. and Bbia. New Crop Cuba Molafwes. For sals low by WILLIAMS A MUBCIIISON. Hav-Hoop Iron-Glue-Rice. 200 Bales Trims N. R. Ilay, wH) liundlea Hoop iron, 100 Bbla. Glue, 80 Bbla. Whole Rioe. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Flour, Sugar Coffoe and Cheese. 800 Bbla. Flour all grades ; 100 Bbls. KeQuixl Bugar, 1A0 Bags Prime Kio Otilfoe, 2R Boxes Faotory Cheese. For sale low by WIIJiIAM8 & MURCHISON. Guano! Guano! 860 Tons Oiiatisps Guano, 800 Tons Eureka Qiiauo, Poraal low bt WILLIAMS MVRCHIHON. aprll 1 1" I OSJA bbla S. H, MolaaM, Hhda. S. 11. MolaaM. ferteleby KKRUHNBK e)CALlKK BROS. New Crop Cuba Molasses, BOO Hhda New Crop Cuba Mola.nei, S Hlula. Muanovailn Molaawa, ISO Bbla New C op Cuba Molama tdOgtror .ale by KKKOHMBR 4) CALOBH BROS. Salt and Hay. S.SOS Sack M rpool Rait, S30 Bale Baateru Hay, 10S Dal A Bo. 1 M. H. Hay. ' Pot taloby K.KKOHNKR a OALDXH BROS, Turpentine Wagons. SS Two-HorM Turp.ntln. Wagoa, , IS One-iior Tarptotlne Wagon. for l by KBBOHNER. A OALDEB BBOS. aprll 11 W nORE THAN 6,080,000 Op Onb Number Alomb op tub Justly. Celebrated SPEtlGEJ! Doublb-Elabtio STEEL PENS War .old la 1874 -being gain of more (ban 1,000,000 star ths year prevtou J this, with tb marked Inoreaa In th .ale. of tb other nam b.n, .how. that tb euperlor qnalllUeof the Pen are bring more and more appro bated, and that they are leatlned to take th.lrplac a the not popular Bti Pen. In th market. They era made of th Boot steel, by th an oat eklllfHl wark. mob) la Enrepa, and are a nearer. pproil' nation to tb real Swam Qnlll aetlon tbaa anything of tb hind hitherto Invented Th. Spencerian Steal Pan at unlvar ally used Dtbcommerolal Col- leaea Ihreughout the U. more largely than any other, by th United StAtea Government and quite generally in ths Banks, Counting-Mouses and School ofth oonntrj ; nd are for aalS by ths trad generally, Waelalat for tn Bpenoenan .upertorlty over all other p" in durability, laatiolty, flexibility, and in even, neaa of point t1k Spencerian Pen ar eomprlatd In IS numbers, taryiag In flexibility and floen.n of point, and, for the ooatcnloneeor thOMwhoaiay wlfh to try them, w will tend a card eontaining a sample of each number by mall, toeartly nolod, on ro etiptor 20 cents. Addre. all order tn 1VISON, BLAKBMAN, TAYLOR A CO., 138 and 140 Grand. Street, aprll 1 4t-Wed&iat, - - Bbw Toaa. One Hundred Tubs Choice Gilt-Edge Table Batter, At oo oeuuj " CREAMINGS "- BEST 1" CHIS. D. MYERS ft CO.. 6 ft 7 North Front St. - PKRFRGTIOM" IN F-LOXJPt. CHAS.D,MYEIl3ACO.; J3Torthrrontt CHOICE LA ROB BREAKFAST MACKEREL. CIIA8. D. MYERS ft CO., pruis-tr0nd:"orth rron,83l lT9'l"'iTI," i-ATLY KJtKtiUTEl) a rlilij I Ii I th. .Iiorrw notlo and on th Bwat reaauiiabl teiDiaattbo NEW ALVESTISIIM3. 1j MARKET BROWN & Ws still oontinna to sell at onr former low prices notwithstanding ths ad. tanoe in tbs markets, and as a substantial proof submit ths following list of prions: Coats' Spool Cotton 6 oenU a spool or 70 cents per doxen. unbi 'acned Uotton irom o cents 33-inch Fruit of the IxMtm 30 " " " Loom. 80 " WarasutU Nw Rnrino CbIIivmm. 1m1 nnalitt I.adica Tuffs for the Nrck 6 aud 10 cents, worth 25 cents, a bargain. It would be a grrat taring to those vititing the citg for the purpose ot do ing their shopping iu the Dry Ooods line to give ns a call prcvioua to making their purchases. We take this method of advertising prices for you to com pare tVro with not only Wilmington end vicinity, bnt with those of any Mo tion of ths country. We bate no time or inclination to button-hole rott on tbs streets, or look you up in the Hotels, or by laying any claims of friendship. Our object is purely business, and we propose doing that in a legitimate way. SEVERAL JOO LOTS Ruch aa 100 dosn Kid Glovoa for 60 cents per pair, worth $1 60. Ladies hemmed I'ure Linen Handkerchiefs 15 cents, worth 23 ceuts, 20 pairs Blankets $.'), worth $4 CO. WE IIAVE GOT EVERYTI11NO WE ADVERTISE. ' ONE PRICE TERMS CASH NO SAMPIES CUT. 6B0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. mareh 1 61 NOtiV -OPENING SPRIWG1S - M M. K ATZ S, All tho latest Novelties and tholbcot ... qualitieo at tho very lowest prlceo. Moro . ... . . " . ; ..; J . - . '.. , particulars In a few days. - bt M KATZ, aprll l-lr mm PACIFIC Gil CO.; O-AlMTVL. 01,000.000. PRICES REDUCED THIC DAY. TWO THOUSAND fTVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLEPACITIC GUANO for sale, either f6r CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at onr Wareho prioes. ... W. II. McRARY & CO., CommlMloa Mwrchanti, AsenUfor FaoifleOaano Oo., and Dealer. In No. 1 PerBvlanQaano North Watbb Stbbst, WILmiNCtTON, H. 8ub-Agcnts for tho Sale of Soluble Pacific Cfuano. r. n. ninnoN (J. tJHAIIAM Jan II BUFFALO SPRINGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. , - THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF THE SOUTH. OrEN 20th MAT, 1875.- " The water ar pMe4 of extraordinary euratlve pow.ra in aftcotlor. of the K1UNKYS and BbI)lKR,lnall derangemenU of the HIL1AUY OUOANH Ineldeulto warn) ala matte rralon.. in Dvaoa ala. In Dl8 eaaea peculiar to. Women- a Chronla. Intermittent aua Nemit tent Fevere. ' Chronlo Conorr. ncea. Secondary Syphllla- Gleet ana ii iiiia.oi iu Genital Orana. 'id in aome rnrm. of Oout.id Rheum, tlam. Thilr rrmarkable power autl ettiuaojr in tue niaeata lridirtcd ar vow bed fur bj .oniaoftue lunt dm'ngnl.hed mmilcal men of the ro'intrv, both Noitli and Smith , a. veil aabv reported eaaea from the m t nnquee tlonabln uro. lertlmonlal In Pamiihlet form I nrnUhrd on applioatlon. THB W A'l'KH POItSAI.K. Th water r pnt up In eaae of one do.en hirllon Hnttiea at 6 per eaa. Route totheSprlnvs for th) 8outhi y w ot the Hicemoiid and At!anla Air Lin Uallroail to Moott.bur( Iept tn Halll.l eountr- Virginia, where all train, are met by roaohearor th Spring IS mile. dttnt THOMAS F. OOODB, Sprll 4.w-4m - froprletor. jOnly; 06 50 For a full 8 ulto Clothes. A Torf ailce CaaalaaoreSalt far fS.80. UNXN OOLLABS only lx CenUeach. Everything CHEAP. MUNG0N Cz CO, 45 RODDICK per yard. V. 10 iwnta tint taril ..11 Cents per yard. ..121 " " " ,.16 " " " AT - 36 Market St. 30 Ilarket Street ...Old Hundred, S. a ....al(rio.,B.u. U-3md4w CHOICE FAMILY Packed toanler la anjr quantity and inl WHEKB PIBECrriD. UWMt value ohr4 fOB BKST G00D8. FINE TEAS, , CHOICE COFFEES, Every Variety Sugars. Irriportsd Pickle. ) 8auoes. Preserves, Jellies. Fine Layer Ralalns ror Table a, Freeh Canned Fruits and Vege- tablee la treiy variety. Amerloan. French and ffngllah Pecked OOOdS-ory variety andstyl. A fall 1 In or th moet delrahle food, la the State. CHAS D. L1YERS & CO., , a f Nertat rroa( ft. P'H W-3t . SUCCESS. JJKOPLE WILL BUY whtr they eaa ny tatehtapMt 1 keep no book and veil lor CASH ONLT. 1 loe bo money acd eaa afford to Mil LOWE& than any otbr retail hone In th city. A rail npply of freeh Oro eerld. Morth Carolina Bam., Can Cwdaand Jellle. STREET, 1 n. tt. r::u: nr-"ir fr ani !;:;. i. Ter .:itJ-!ier,,iand C!h. C . v )! pll-V nrgery, irU II 7 WM. J. LOVE iiJk ta, a a i , t t ! 11 - aw-w . n t . i