! j - . . I . K";. f I i ii VOL SUV. -HO. 03. unnmaxon, n. c. btjuday. april is. i875. V7H0LS HO. C.C57. WILMINGTON, N. C. : 1TJSDAY. iPlIL'18 1875. DY TELEGRAPH. , HEADQUARTERS. B1POBT ON THE FEYEB CIS! AT KEY WEST. BOMJE FEAR8 OF AN EPIDEMIC The Fleet Snrgaon, James SuddnuH, of the North Atlantio Fleet, writf i to the Mavy Department under date of Port Royal, ti. 0., April Hth. 1375. n regard to the health of the erewa of the vessels attaohe I to the fleet anil the report of yellow feTer at Key Wvt and Havana, and Mji It was remarked at Key West and at Havana fiat the winds were coosUotly from . tvis eastward and there bad not been single northerly wind daring theses- m when they are the most prevalent. Toe average temperature ai Ker West from December 11th to March Stat, 1875, haa been more than six do grte above the average of that sea on of the year. The probabilhy is thai the good health of the rquadron ft Hey West, at all times for tue fat jeer, may be attributed in a great m-Mnre to the strict sanitary regula- Uont observed. Borgeon Buddans then speaks of ha departnre of the Colorado aud Fly mouth from Havana on the 29th of lurch, upon learning that the yellow . fever azisted there, and their arrival at Key West, whore a botrd investi gated the circumstances att nding the reported appearanee of yellow fever there. They found that three deaths ' had occurred from yellow fever of the moat pronounced onaraoter, while of several other cases the surgeon was till doubtful. During the few days the fleet remained off Key West no new oases in the town were reported. Borgeon Suddan says all this time, however, a strong northwest wind had teen blowing, cooling and purifying the air, and when hot weather comes, which may be expected from day to day, h fears a fresh outbreak of the diaeaae. It now only remains to state the general probabilities of the health Oct disease in this station during the - oming summer. I have heard but . oo opinion expressed since early in the winter, All the old residents of Key West with whom I came in eontaot invariably expressed themselves - as fearful of a very - ftiokly, season. In Havana, - too, I made point of examining the opinion V. of almost every one I met on this point; it wss the same. A general ap prehension was "felt, and even the stoat conservative were compelled to acknowledge their fears. In conclud ing his report he says: The inoreased tsjBtperature of the past Winter being , six 'degrees above the average, the entire prevalence of . southerly and easterly winds, and the absolute ab sence of northern winda during the whole Winter, the general opinion ex isting among those who have had the beat opportunity to observe, and from e judgment of the aotual appearanoo of yellow fever so early in the year, both at Havana and Key West, all mbine to favor the belief that any protraeted stay of a large nival force at either of these places might have a most calamitous result and would therefore be in the highest degree im prudent ELECTRlCISm gharkey remains in jail at Havana, end is not allowed to communicate with any one. At Philadelphia the striking weavers unanimously adopted a resolution to tend firm until the employers yielded , to their demand. v The Rhode Island supplemental elections resulted in favor of the regu lar Republican candidates, which will probably secure Lippitt the Guberna torial chair and repual the prohibition end State constabulary laws. The strike at Great Falls has ex hausted itself. In the billiard tournament at Chi cago IteAfee beat Maggrole 200 to 146, Parker beat Harring 200 to 110, nd Miller beat Liverman 200 to 160. Geo. A. Abrens, Junior partner of '-" the firm of Bterlisg, Abrens & Co, of Baltimore, suicided yesterday. No -cause. EUROPE. A STILL MORE ASTRINGENT ECCLESIASnOAL BILL PASS ED THE PRUSSIAN DIET. . firaxor, April 17. Noon. The bill abrogating those clauses of the Con stitution wbioh grant the independent administration of eclesiastioal af fairs, unimpeded interoonee of reli gious associations with their superiors nd freedom of clerical appointments, passed its second reading to day iu the Lower House of the Piuwiau Dis trict In the course of the debate rrinoe Bismerok said the govern ment was loth to proceed to snoh injures, but they were Tmavodable. Since the Vatican Council no one pos sessed the influence the Pore who bal with a compact party, a well organ ised press and an army of obedient prieBts. This power would be Berious, even if it belonged to a native instead of a foreign monarch. That moneroh if he hud means would carry out nis programme in Prussia, but he would fl. have to destroy a majority of the .Prussian people. The Prince closed his speech with these words : "When all the breaches la the bulwarks of the rJtate caused by granting too many rights to unworthv objects are repair ed, then will we be able to conclude a CHINA. FIGHTING AND REPRISALS CE TWEEN THE CHINESE AND - BAVAQES. 8aj Francisco, April 17 Noon The Colorado has arrived. Fighting has occurred between the Chinese and Htvagesof Forn 0 'a, which was provoked by the Chuito. Telegraphic oommuuioatiou has been established bttweeu all the importaut citiea of Japan. Two Cbiuese officer's vetiturfd iuto Formoaa, inhabited entirely by abo rigine. and were killed. Two hun dred Chinese in retaliation bnrued the village, killing old men, wouieu and Ohildren. Subsequently the aborigi nes attacked the Chinese, killing (W. The savages loot SO in the fight. PENNSYLVANIA. THE DECREASE IN THE 8UF- PLY OF COAL. ' ' PomviLLB, April 17-Night The amount of coal shipped Inst week was 11,86 tons against 70,5 1 the eorren ponilitig week last year. The whole supply sent from all regions as far as returns received this year, was 3,395, 576 tons, against 4,124,737 tons for the same time last year a decrease iu the supply since the outbreak of 954 616 tons. THE INDIANS. EIGHT HTJND"RED CHETENNES ON THE WAR PATH. Lancaster City, April 17 Noon. Eight hundred Cheyenne warriors oiossed the track of the Atchi'on, To- peka & Sante Fe railroad, Thursday night, fiftoen miles east of Lakin, going north. A company of cavalry from Fort Dodge is iu pursuit. A large party of Black Hill explorers have arrived here. Carpenter's expedition will start soon, THE COLD. SERIOUS DAMAGES TO THE CROPS FEARED. Lancaster, N. H., April 17 Night The anow is 10 inches deep at this plsoe. Nashville, April 17 rus-nt one quarter of an inch of ioe here this morning. It is supposed that vegeta tion has been frozen. It is believed that the fruit, wheat and ootton crops of this and adjoining Bttee are se riously injured, u not entirely killed. 8PECIAX. W cha'lengs the world to produce a collar tint will keip clean longer, without waahlng, than th Klmwobd. Laughter Lends a Nw I harm To beauty, whta It dlsclonei pretty let t Ueth. Wbtteneii, when Datura baa supplied thin tlcaoont of lOTtllDeas, mar b retained through life, bj using tlia fragrant Boiodokt An Irishman c.lled at a diug itore to get a buttle of Ji'bnrou'e Anixly.e Liniment for the Rheumatism ; the drugget akd lilm In vhat l art of tin toil It doubled bin) ttiuet. ' Be me oul," laid lie, "I bare it la lrcrj haul and corner er me." for loof end, horn all. red water In rowi. low of sppotltu. rot or murrain In nheep ; thtov winn, DnKfD w no, na roaring, ana for all olmtmntlona of the kl'lnr ti In hoi see me Bberl dan'e CTlry Com'l len Vowdera. Or Sctaenck'sPulntOMlc Pyrup, Weed Tonic, and mandrake Pllla. These medicine bnre undoubtedly perform ed moie enree of touiumptlon than any other remedy known to the American pnbllo, '1 bey are compounded of vegetable lngrdlenti, and contain nothing wMiu can be lnjurloua to the human cpnatttutlon. Other remediei adrei tifed aa curef for rontnnjptlon protably con- tiln opium, which U a Mmewhafcdaugerous drug In ail oaaea, and If taken freely by eon tumptlte pallinta, it m itt do gr, at Injury; for Ita ietidenry la to confine the morbid matter In theiyft-m, which, of eouree, mutt make a eure ImpoMlble. Hchenck'a Pulmonis Hyrop la warranted not to contain a particle of opi um. It 1' compoMd of powerful but harmleee berbl, which acton lb) lung, liver, stomach' and blood, and tbut correct all morbid secre tions, and expel all ti.e dlwasrd matter from the body. Time are the i ny means by which cnnsumption Can be cared, aid aa Schenck'a eo'monio Hymp, xe weea j unto, ana ma -rtiake Pills ate the only rofdloUir which on emte in thlt way, It Is' obvious they aie the only g ruin cure for ln mona'y Consump linn Kacb bottle of this InvHluatile medicine l accompanhd by mil directions lr Schenk Isi rofecHlonallv Kt his prinripitl efflce, corner Sixth and Anb st'e'sa, Phil idelphia, t ve'v Monday, where all letters for advice must be addressed MARRIED. In this cily, on Wednesday, the U'h I' start. In St. .lohn'a hurch, by til" Mev. Thomas M. Ambler. Lieut. 8. M. CHOsLEY, U.S. lev. cnue Marine, to Miss KLLA V., denghterof George W..Jewett, Ksq ,ot this city No care's. NEW ADVEETI8EMENT8. OF PRING AND SlUMEg MILLINERY UN THURSDAY, AFRIL 22fl, 1815, Mrs. A. D. BROWN, Exchanae Corner, Will display the largest and beet selected stock of Trimmed and Untrlmmert Hst and Bomii ts, elected (rem the Prlnolf al Imiwrt era or French acd Kngllsh Fashions in tbla eonntry. Thev embrace many nov. 1 les and will be ofl'ertd st pornlar iricea. All are in. Tltcd 1 1 call and examine. april 19 93 Howard Belief Fire Eugine Co. No. 1. CALLED MKETINO MoNDAT, thelHh Instant, at t o'clock P. M. By order of the President, WM. jm. BDHMANN. aprttis.lt lata. Baaretary. WW ADTTXTIimJTI. 0P2BA nouss. One Hiht. Wadiisaday. April tlit. Tie ravarlta OSaroeaar OoataaUeJ bacbh avd ratios. f hue faapeMM Dtalact AeUra aaA raiexwsterl MALE and FEHALE CHARACTERS, Will arev I iktlr greaa 4raaM4e aaola alaa,ttik CHRIS AMD LENA, Ovtterae Llfeaa aba atiaaai rvt. Sappertid by Ike TalaU4 UraaaeKe Om puv troei . Bid wall's Aeadaanr a Sew Orlaaaa Meeara. Biker farraa will lab-eSeea daring h Oraaa, tteir Urswl aa tnlflaal Suota Daaeeeand Skaaekes, laeledlaaiaa Mew Maldeea Caevdt. Ila flakatty, fh Little rrtels, Tke Har ! Fair. Ita , Ita. Reserved Seau can be seearet at Beleeaere n' l h"il extra eharga. Adr-Il a is nsnal. Male or seats aoaaaaaea Kwa4ay, April lvth nil M. april is St-li CHUDREH'S ALPACA SACKS, I. , I lull yaasa,' ' OKI,T ORB IX'LLA RAnR. Children's Alpaea f ante anly One Pol'ar sack. ears While Unea Dok Task aaty Twa DelUraeaeh The PE1KI HtIT. N'W style Cellars, ,aa i MUNSON & CO'S, enr clothiem. apnl is -22- J3SOMPT TIMt, OB OAS! IOTIM Wnted fur 57B Packaea Fine-tut and Ping Tob&ceoi, Al rrlewa ta Swla. V. t-IOOTT. april if Edgecombe Cotton Flo wi, Alas Ua Watt aad Dials. Trace Ofealxe, Reres (Hart, Raak Bta'a, Weening Boee. riew i laea. Bbaveia aaa Spadaa, rorfca, Raaae. a. Tke IvpaeWk aad taweslptloeeaaa WafwwMat kke t!4 A tabliaaed atawara aisaas ac jobs ikAvaokT. Rat 1, IS aad tl alewast Sttai print as I Hokssss IHol&ssdi! ee Bbit. a. r. vei, leeRhds. S H Malaaaee, ' aeo Rkdt. aad Bbkv Oabe Melataae, ---- - For sale ky . RRBCBR OAXPtn BROS. Flour ! Flour! Flour! BSSBkli. B.W. Blear, SOO ' Bell Mills ?!. SOS " rrlaaaat Beyal riaw. farealeky KRR0RRRR OAUBRR IMt Hay! Hay ! . B3 Bales Ne. I aaetera Ray, 100 Bale M R. lay. rat salt by KRRORRRR OaUCHA BROS, Bacon ! Rtcon ! Bictn I SB BaxetD. R. Sides, set n. a. ShnBiaara. r te " 8mke Sides aad Bketldera. far sale by KERORRRR St OALORR BROS. arrlUS SB Bacon-Cora flyrup Holacses' 160 Boxes D. B. Bides k BhouMers, 150 " Smoked Bides t Shoulders, 12,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 60 Bbls. 8. H. Byrnp, 160Hhds. snd Bbls. Vev Crop Cuba Molasses. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MTTrXClLTBON. Hav-Hoop Iron-Glue-Bice. 200 Bales Prime N. R. Hay, 800 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue, 80 Bbls. Whole Bios. . For sale low by WILLIAMS k MUBCHISON. , s Flour, 8ugar, Coffetj and Cheese. 800 Bbls. Flour all grades ; 100 Bbls. Refined Bngar, 150 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, 25 Boxes Factory Cheese. For sale low by ' WILLIAMS A MUBCHISON. Guano LGuano ! S50 Tons Ouanspe Guano, 800 Tons Eureka Guano, For sale low by 1 WILLIAMS A MCTCHIMON. april IS A Communication. YOU WILL riSD Handsome Dres Bnita at A. DAVID'S. Fine Prince Albert Coat at A. David'. Nobby Buslnett Suit at A, Davifl't. Tb latest style Pant at A . Davll's. A beautiful Una of furnishing Oocdi at A. David's Anything la tb Clothing tin at A, David's. Suit and to ordea- at A. David's." If yon want tb style gets A. David's. . Coaa one I eeme all an b suited at A.DATID'R. aprii is IIWADYE1TISI1CXIT8. MORE PARTICULAKS! MY ASOBTUEHT OP I 10 HOW C01IPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My entteaere bare shown their appreciation of my LOW TRICES by their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful STRANGERS not posted, and desiring A tofue of theit money, ean get it by oalling M.M. KATZ'S;36 Market St. april U Ladies Trunks, (teste Trunkt, la ehela, Traveling Bags. Saddles, Maraaea. Bridle, Oollara, Haaaea, and all klaia of Saddlery Ooodt. HepalrlBg daaa promptly al reaaoaable prleee at Ue Vactary of OARPINTKM MALLARD. Successor W a. S. TOrBAkt 0O, He. I Scott f iaa Street, Wllmlugtaa.W n. april It To the Public. TTWT OF THR tBIENDB OF Ma. Itm IJ. OAR OROMART1B, of both Pailtlxal F etlee, take this apponanlty af aaaeundng klxa far the afflca of Delegate at tke oansUta ttaaal Oaaveatloa W be Bald la September "mart oitubks or blaubm owntt. aprti is ta-ti FISNIII PIUI! FISHINI mm Jastreeelved aUrgelotef thaet Ins risk lag relet esseW! by as last season. A 1st a fall palyof ail klaJs of LI nee, Reaka, Owka, Slaiers, Spina, Bene, e., Se. (Ui sat eat atry iw mj ttlUOIIUBtRIIOW. - aatHis Just Beceired! A large and complete assortment of BtaUoaery, Legal Cap, Fools Cap, Letter, Pocket Note, .- ComRiereisl Note, Ootare Note, BiUst Note, Long and Broad Bill Paper, and the best and cheapest stock of Envelopes in the city. ALSO, JEHniik JBooUm Of all kinds and site. BLANK BOOKS made to order. At OONOLEY k YATES' Oitv Book Store. eerllll M RETAILERS trill tnd II ta their edvaatage to eiatnln a lotf . e rackafes mt Ohoice Butter" f kat w are jbkln at W eit. pr pa. Tkayr IB th eeuntry w are afrarla tatelal ladaeemente" "FOB OAS!" aad r. SBdtbprloieall OBOOBHIES R "eitr eharg" for packlag. Bead for eanpleteadprle, and w gnaraaU aatla- faetlca. ORO. MTRRB, april II 11 A 18 Month Front Street. PURE SPICES la Caator Bottles. WB1TR, JPBPPHR. BLAUK., ) ALLRPICR, OINHAMUH, CLOTKS, OrNGKE, MAOB, These Spices are guaran teed strictly pure. Finest Imported Goods UMsrcband's Pore Olive Oil, i L Marchand's gardlae In Pat Oilv Oil, Olive Oil la "Bettles," Edaia, Pin Apple and Bleak Cheese, McKwaa't, Tonnger'a and Base' Ale, no HAMS, BBIAKFA8T 8TBIFB, Largest and beat lln of TB AS In the BtatJ, ranging la prlee front e cente to SI a pound. . Family Grocrla delivered lathe elty. CIIAS D. LIVERS & CO., T Nertat mmt at. astVis GISniMERGQQDS WilmlngUa Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. i - will a Mllfcd maft1nai ifef this lAm paay oa Haaday at S P. at. Msmbere will pleas take aotie. mj rar i u rmmeni, WM.A.WILLONl sprit 11-11 Secretary. FOR tALK. Raaaedy't Medical Dlaeavary, Pleroe'e Uoldaa liovry, . Jaalper Tar, Viae of Tar, Ollr Tar, Deehler't and Shallsnberger'a Pills, Oraaa flower Water, A varied assortment of Perfumery and ekolo Toilet Artlelee. al HAnUIbS' Dmg Store, N. W. Cor. Market and Front 8ta. aprii ts . SS.H Slippers. L41a Braiia BllrDeriSBly St. l)o lierocM Slippers from SI and ap- wara. -' Men's Slipper from SI and upward. Han't Mallifltre for St At VHAHLBS A. PRIOR'S, No II Market Street, april It ' B'gnuf tkeUuldeu Bool. In Store and to Arrire! HU Daaen Simmons' Tnrpatn Hackers and Pullers, I'O doeen Welson Turpentine )lckr and Pullari, M Doaen 1 urps ntli e Dipper, ts loen Hecker Fl', 10 Oroas Heck Whstleie. tS Di sen Hack WeliiUs, Strainers of all slses, hosln Dipper and Sklmme e, funnels and Meaearee. and everything else needed on a terpentine farm or around a still. A II for sale at kottnm ng arre rv apill tl GILM m MUHOHISON Children's Carriages, ?' ARQH BTO0K OF NKW STYLES FOB. ptlag trad. Also, Btraw Matting, Window 1 Shades, BatUa and Willow Oh aire, Foot Mate, Is Raise, Ae For sale low by ' April IS D, A. SMITH A CO. PRESBYTERIAN HYMN BOOKS. A PINR ASSORIMINT J oat received at EDWARD MANX'S Bookstore. april it 1 12-tl BINFOi, COT HO., OFFER TO THE TSAOE 500 BBLS. FLOTIR all grades; 100 BAUB COFFER, 150 BBLS. SIRUPS, 2,000 BAOKS SALT, Ao., Ao. Sand them Your Orders. april IT , M-ly v HewUovel8. SAFELT MARRlfcD. A Novel. Bv the author of "Oar te," "Oolonel Daroe,"4c, Ao. TTR. V ATJOHAM'S HEIR. A Novel. By LA Frak La Renedlot, Author of "My uangbter t Elinor," "kilse Van Kortlaad,1' "John Worthlngton't ham," dee., Ao Joat received and FOB SALB Af HEirJCDERCER'G Ure Booh and Mam Store, apitt IV , ' HEW ALVESTISZJIIaTS. 45. BROWN & 45 MARKET A RE NO W FULLY PREPARED FOR THEIR ' i AEUaPADW, : WITII A COMPLETE AISOnTJIENT OJT STAPLE ID Fir Wi CIS, t (onip rising the Novelties of the Season. BTRTPED BUMMER BILKS 75 Cents, worth tl 12. PLAIN ORENADINEH from 18 Cents upw&id, FIGURED (1UENADINE8 15o., worth 870. LINEN CAM01UOH 28o. and npwajd. t vrr rkslct laUcile l Nsw Drss Wear, FRENOII OAMBRICa 15 eta., woith 25 ets. NEW BTYLEiJ IN OINQUAM8 11 eta., worth 17 oU. WASH POPLINS 12 ets., worth 20 ots. DEBT CALICOS 10 cts., worth 12 ets. L'LAMA LACE BITAWL8 AND BACQUEB, NOITINOUAM LACE HIIAWLH AND 8ACQTJE8, BI1ETLAND BHAWL8. IN WHITE AND BTRIPES. A VERY larae assortment of SUNSHADES, the Utoat styles that can be fonndjn the country, at prices ranging Ladles, Misses and Boys White and Striped Hose, Gents White and Striped Bocks for 8nmmer wear. - Ladies and Misses Oauce Undurveap, ' ' Gents snd Bojs Cause Uuderwear, Qent'a Jeans Drawers (made to onr speolal order), Oent's White Dress Bhirts snd Bows, Woolen and Linen Ooodt for Oenta and Boys wear, The largest lines on MU8LIN8 ster shown in this city, snob as SWISS PLALD8, Btripes snd Plain, . NAIN800K PLAIDS, 1 ORGANDIES PLAIDS, " " " VIOTORIA LAWNS. X3ed airnlai IVom 11 up-vrnrd. - Litton istlteetlnof ami Villon Casslng, T WE WILL BUOW for ONE WEUK a vry handsome line of DRAP D'ETE MANTLES and SACQUES. T BOLR AOENTS for rrititk I,e.lm a rut Pitpttr Matleirsis MACHININCIDLCS 5 Cents eaoh. We lists several JOD LOT3 in (iitTureut departmouU, but want of spaoepre vents us from eonmeratiufr ; a visit only oan oover the ground, ONE PR1CC STRICTLY CASH NO SAMPLES CUT. BR0WH & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. P. H. It has been almost impossible for ns to pay the attention to onr pat roue that we would desire owing to the innreaso of oar business and lack of room. We take this opportunity to apologize to tboae who have not been waited on as DroroDtlv aa we ahonld wHi, and would reoommeud all who oan to call early in the day as we' oan show SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUAM CQ-; oXiirr-AJU PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC OUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be madf with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at onr Wareho prioea. W. n. McRARY & CO., Cem mission Merchant. Agents for Peolflo Guano Oo., and Dealer In No. 1 Pernvlan Ouane Nobtb Watrb Btkeit, .... . . . . WILiUlNUTON, N. Sub" A gents for the Sale of Soluble Pacillc Guano. r. B. OIRSOlt... Old Hundred, ff. a O. tjMAIIA.TI.. Marlon, B. a , jftn l 2J-3mdAw At $53.00 per Ton, Caah, or $C0.00, payable 1st of November, next; ' NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, ' At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or 38.0, payable 1st of November next. WB GUARANTEE that tb preyions Hlgb Ora of our rrtlUsers shell be folly bUxtaimii U. R RRTOnRRR. PreaMent D. MoRAK. Treasurer, U. h, GKAPFMN, Superintendent. Jan 5.' SUCCESS. pKOPLS Wit L BUY whr the? ean buy the ehs ape.t I keep no books and cell tor CASH ONLY, lloat no money aad oan aft" rd to sell LOWER than any other retail bona In the city. A full supply of fresh Gro oerles, Moith Carolina Hants, Can Goods and Jellle. , . H. W.18HURE, 81 North Front Street, april it w . Just Received! WB HAVI JUST RB0B1VED A LOT OK TBB HANDSOMEST Ladles' and Gentlemen's That baa trei beea offered fer sale in tbla mar- EVANS k VohGLAHN. 45. RODDICK STREET, 45 Qaeti f.r La la aaA CRIMrea'e from 20 cts. to 7. them more attention. apl 18-tf 1,000,000. WE OFFER OTJB STANDARD FEBTJXIZEBS For the Season of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Onr Factory, at the following IIJ313UCJJb:i PRICES I SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO ' " NAVAS8A GUANO CO'iPA' Y WILSHINOTON,!; NO OLD STOCK TB WORK OFF! PURPHASSRS WILLUNDIT MOBBTO tbelr adrantag to Buy Hew Clothing than to bur shop-worn good at half their orif Inal ooat. My Stock 1 all NEW, STYLISH and COMPLETE. ; Large Inrola Gent's FineDress Shirts Received To-Day. aprii is a, iAVir. Extracts for the Toilet. QTJBKLAIVS EXTRACTS, T.nbln's Bxtranta, Phaion'e Might Blooming Oereua. Balr Brushes, tombs, UUed Hllk,., e. Bor aala by . GRKKW fLAKKBI! tt march 11 V )SIN(i !sr'.nd VISIT! Jk (AtearO a vc '' ilUiMiu vie