J f 1 . C " I - VOL XXIV. NO. 04. wiLmnQTon. ir. a, Tuesday, april 20. 1875. 7HOLI3 110. 0.C33. i i 1 i Cfcf Dailn ImininL WILMINGTON, .N. 0.: TUESDAY. AFEIL 20. 1175. DjT TELEGRAPH, 1 THE FLOODS. THE WATErTF HALT LAKE. TREMENDOUS FLOODS NEAR , , , . . , BOSTON. , Saxt Lais, April 1 Nootf Th flood in the Bitter Water Valley is in , creasing.- Three of the Union F.ieitlc bridges nave gon. This trouble x tenrls ten miles. Nothing can be dune till the water subsides. Boston, April 19 Noon A trerneu. dons flood, with disastrous remits, oc curred last evening in the towns of Wrentbam and Norfolk, about twenty five miles distant, by the breaking away of the dam whioh restrains Mm watt r at Ritou's pond, the source of Mrti'riTer. This is a small river, not oer twenty-live feet broad at low water, but running witu a strong cur . rent matly through the meadow-land ' and emptying into Charles river at JMi-dwav. At this time an immeiise bu.ly of water was confined in the poud by the dam, about 100 hundred feet in length, at the Wreubntn and Frank ha county road. The sudden bnr.st.ng of I he pond through this dam hnrlod tremendous flood upon tho land be- Ijw. kweipmg away mills, bridge.', oounty roads aud dams in its course, and causing damage to theextentof be tween $100,000 aud $200,000. Half a mile below this milt was a sawandgmt mill of Eliot,' Felting k Co., kuowu ns Fisher's mill, and such was tne force of the water ou reaching here that it burst the 30 feet dam aud carried away the saw mill portion of the establish, went as though it was a toy ship On rushed the water three-fourths of a mile, through low lands to where there wre located the woolen aud shoddy mills belonging to Felting & Co. Both euds of the dam were washed away, and below the mills a large heap of coal waa deposited for the use of the mills, and seventy rods further on the great dam of Eliott, Felting k Co.'s mill waa met; this, with the road from the mill to Franklin Centre, beneath whioh the river runs, offered a sub stantial resistance to the rushing cur rent. The road, however, soon yielded, allowing the full force of the water to strike against the long dam ;mean while the inhabitants of Franklin and Wreu bam rendered valuable aesistanoo to th watohman at the mills in opening a place in the dam, hoping to save a portion of the same. Their labors ware successful, sod although 50 feet of the dam were carried away, the mills were saved. Down the stream half a mile further was the track of the New England k New York R. R , 40 or 60 feet above the river's bed. Bon ath this the water usually passes by hu aohed culvert about 10 or 15 feel in width. Here the waters, with seemingly increased foroe, foroed )n the stone culvert as if. it were consti tuted of pebbles. So firm was the embankment of sand above the cul rt that it stood apparently intact for the epaoe of an hour, then, undermin ed, it caved in for a distance of 150 to 200 feet, forming an impat sable bar rier to the waters above. Wnea the road bed sank a freight train was with in 100 feet of the plaoe, though not id motion, but a great volume of water had already passed the railroad and hurried on to the achievement of its greatest feat forty rods below, at the City cotton mills. The mill was origi nally a three-story wooden building but lately was enlarged by the adui tiou of a wing on each end. The bridge over tho county rod succumb ed, and then the water, obtaining a firm hold on the main building, lifted it and sent it crashing to the meadows b low. , Bo thorough was the work of demolition that the cupola alone of what a few minutes before was a valu able mill, remained standing upon the plain. The machinery aud water wheel went with the mill, and stared . the fate of the structure which boused them. The vings weie left standing, but were so badly I wrenohed and undermined that they j are probably mined and will have to come down. Down the stream again about a half mile was another country road bridge near Kingsbury pond. This was snapped from the founda tions almost at the approaoh of the waters and carried away. Oo the level space between the road and tho river the witers spread out and ceased their work of destruction. Tu i last bridge was swept away about seveu o'clock in the evening. One body was swept down on the fllood, but it waa supposed to be that of a man of some means. As far as known no lives have been lost but the damage to property ia very large. No houses were swept away, as their location on the bnuks was nch that the water did not reach tbem. The following are the losses as far as asoertained: Whitney's dam, $3,000 ; Elliot Mills, $10,001) ; town of Norfolk, W.000 ; N. Y.- & New Eng land Railroad, $15,000 ; City Mills, $50,000 to $75,000. A large number of persons are thrown out of employ ment by the fall of the City MilK EUKOrE. SIONINQ THeIJeIv' ECCLBSIAS--"j- TICAL LAW. " .Losdon, April 19-Noon A special to the Daily Telegraph say the Em peror William has signed the bill withdrawing grants from the Catbo lio Church. - " ' The editor of the German, a journal eonapicnaus for opposition to Bis tuarck, has been arretted. . The office , was s' arched by the police. M, Tolk, widow of General (Bish op) Leonids Tolk, the Confederate t ' " ' t, 1ied at New Orleans on THE COLD. snow atTnorfolk. EXTREME COLD IN THE WEST. D AMAGES TO FRUIT AND CKOrS. HEAVY SNOWS IN WESTERN VIRGINIA, i NoKrouL April " 19. Noou. It aunwed here ou Saturday nicht aud yesterday. The cold snip has killed the f ruits and early vegetables. Loss to truckers very heavy. Cincwnati, April 19 - Noon. Re ports from Kentucky, Indiana ami Ohio tdiow that th weall.er during the last two days has been the ouldent for the season known iu yearn. Im theiuometer ranges from 12 to 25 de greea above zero. Eurly fruits are luongui to Da -tinea, aud tooHcco sen ously injured. Louisville, April 19 Noon Quite a heavy snow fell here yesterdu to-day and latt night. Ihe tueriuonw ter is several decrt es below tin sinir. The same snow storm and cold baa prevailed throughout Kentucky aud Tennessee, and great duraxge bits been done to fruits aud tobacco plat t. RirruroND, April 10. Njou. Heavy s ,o at intervals yesterday, with a high cold wind. At fiiurise this morn ing tho thermometer was eight de grees below freezing. Early vegeta bles, frmti and young clover is killed. Advices from various parts of the State give disastrous scooiinU of dam age from cold. The loss among the 'nickers iu the western part of the State is estimated at a million dollars. Totionto, April 19 Nijrbt It is fenred that the Fall wheat liss beeu killed by the reoent freeze. Iu some M-ctious the thermometer is niue de grees below zero. ELECTIUCISm A squaw brings the news to Sioux city, that the warriors had surrounded the miners iu the Black Hills and knit d and fcoalped one. The troops rescued the miners and took them from the hills. In the billiard tournament at Chica go on Saturday night, Cutis beat Hoa 200 to 67; Burleigh beat Millet 2C0 to Hi. In the last imuRa Burleigh made 117, the highest couut of the tourna ment. McAfee beat Herring 200 to 196. The troubles of the North raoiflo railroad have culminated in tha ap pointment of a receiver who will take immediate control of all the propeity. Two men who were refused admit tance into Bush Tavern at Walts' in Springfield, Mass., attempted to foroe an entranceoand both were killed. The adveutists of Chiuaco were pre pared to leave the world last midnight; MASSACIIUSETOS. THE LEXINGTON CENTENNIAL. FIFTY THOUSAND FEOfLE ON HAND. Lbxinoton, April 19 Noon The official ceremonies oommenoed to-day and Curtis aud Dana are speaking. The population is 2,200, and it is esti mated that 10,(100 people are here. A train leaving Boston at 9:20 A. M. brought seventeen cars loaded full and left 3,000 at the depot awaiting transportation. Hundreds are at the stations along the route unable to get aboard. Lexington, April 19 Night- -There are from 40,000 to 50,000 people here, and it is impossible to go anywhere. The procession is now moving in ac cordance ' with the published pro gramme. Promptly at 10 a. m. the oeremonies in the tent began, the immense pavilion being crowded to oveflowiug, and thousands surging about the entrance, unable to gain admission. A raw cold wind has prevailed from the east siuce 9 o'clock rendering it extremely uncomfortable, aud testing the patriotic enthusiasm of the vast multitude to the very ut most At 10 a. m. the Superintendent of the Lowell road telegraphed to Boston to sell no more tickets for Concord, the single track being so blocked up with immense trains that it was impossible to transport them beyond this point. The President, with Vice-President Wilson, and four of his staff, rode in a four-horse carriage in the proces sion. HEADQUARTERS. SIR EDWARD THORNTON UM PIRE IN THE MEXICAN CLAIMS CASES. THE ST." PATRICK'S FAIR. SUPREME COTRT DECISIONS. Washington. April 19. Night Growing out of the raid upon Bugdad, Mexico, iu 1860, there are 108 Mexi ciu claims against the United States, and 12 American claims against Mexi co. The latter were brought by Amer ican citizens who were doing business in Bagdad. The American Commis sioner claims that the raiders were in vited by Mexico and commanded by Mexican oflleers to drive the Imperi a ists from Bagdad, and flushed by suooess, saoked the town, and that United States troops were sent across to preserve order. The Mexican Com missioner olaims that the United States sol iers did the sacking, and that the United States is responsible. A test oase baa been submitted to Sir Edward Thornton upon which all the claims will turn. Sir Edward will give his decision as Umpire in a few days. At the St. Patrick's fair in this city, a splendid picture dojated by Max Wehl. to the most popular physician. waa won by Dr. A. T. P. Garnet', ha receiving the highest number of votes. The following coses were disposed of by the Supreme Court: Moore vs. State of Mississippi, error to the court of MiBsisi.lr'i'l. Tha indictment oharg- e 1 1 " ora v ith soiling lottery tickotj ... -' i-L and keeping a gaming table. The plea waa that in the aota oomplained of ha waa acting aa aeot for tha Misaiaaippi Agricultural, Educational and Manu facturing Aid Booiety, a body incorpo rated oy the Bute in 1867, and that prior to the present Btate oonatitntion the corporation had eomplied with all me provisions oi toe aot of tcoorpo ra tion. The demurer by the State waa sustained aud tha accused waa triad and oonvioUnl. The Court say that upon tuia rt-ooru ae presented no red eral qutwtion wee rjewwearilv decided and in enoh a oase thi. Court will n t raezanuue a case. A plea to be good a bar to the whole indictment mnat meet the whole case. If it dot not, it will be held bad upon a demurrer The demurrer to thia plea waa. there fore, prop-rly unstained ; writ die- unused. Abe Chief Juatioe delivered the opinion. Tha criminal court ease sgainit HiuiH, manual of Alabama, was pobtpoued until to-morrow. j ALAHA3IA. SALE OF THE WESTERN ALA BAMA RAILROAD. MoNTOOMEKT. Arril 19 Niuht At the sale, under a Chanoery decree, of the Western Railroad of Alabama to day, W. M. Wadlry, President of tha Georgia Central railroad, andj. 8. Davis, Vioe l'iesident of the Georgia Railroad, became tha purchasers for their roads jointly. The snm bid wa three million one hundred and wenty nine tbonsand one hundred and sixty- six dollars and oue cant. There have been frosts for tha last four mornings, causing soma damage to corn, ootton and vegetables. The fruit is not much hurt. . ClEultUlA. DISTRESSING AFFAIR AT HAW- KINSVILLE. AcorsrA, April 19 Night A dis patch from Hawkinsville, Ga., reports an unfortunate affray there this morn ing resulting in the death of John W. White, seriously wounding of Nick P. Dillard, and slightly wounding of w uiard OH ver. Ail were young men. White was killed instantly thre pia tol balls entering bis body. Dillard was snot in tne Head. The affray was caused by the renewal of an alterca tion whioh occurred Saturday. TEXAS, MEXICAN BANDITTI AGAIN ON A RAID GivisTor April . 19. Nioht, A special dispatch from the border re ports the Mexican raiders burning ranohea, Telegraph communication from Brownsville has been interrupted by the supposed raiders, who nave out the line. People in several border towns are in arms. Manv rancheroes are moving to the towns for safety. SPECIAL. Tbs bett collar .ver ma4. U th. Elmwood. It du b.tter and look, batter than anr .iber. Tb molt itjlUh collar jroa caa wear lath. Waiwlck. A.k f.r It at th gnt' rnralfhlog tore. . Laughter Land, a Ncwtbarna To beauty, wh.n It dUcloari a prttty Ml ft teeth. VhlientM, when natur. baa .applied thl element of lov.llneai, nav b. retained through life, tij wing th. fragrant Hosodokt An Irishman called at a dim .tor. to let a bm tie of Johnron'. Anody. Liniment for the Kheuniatlem ; tlie droggttt uktd him In what rartof tlie tody It doubled him mott, ' Heme coal," eaia be, bar. It la ivirf houland corner er me." For lota of end, born alt, red water in cows, Iom of appetite, rot or murrain In tbttp i thin wind, broken w;nd, and roaring, and for all ohitrnutioni of tha kidney In horteauMBhtirl daii'. Cavalry Conor Ion rowdtra. Dr Schenck'a Pulmonic ffyrup, Nca Weed Tome, and IQaadrake Pill. Tbtie medicine, bare undoubttdly perform ed mote caret of uoutumptloa than any other remeoy known to th. Amerloan public. They are compounded of vegetable Ingredient, and contain nothing which can b. tnjnrlou. to th. human constitution. Other remedies adver tised a. curaf for consumption probably con ulii opium, which is a aomewhat dangerous drug In all ease., and if taken freely by eon umptlve patUnls, It m i it do gr at Injury j for Its tendency It o cor line tha morbid matter In theantem, which, of Bourse, mut make, eure Impossible. Schenck'a Palmonle Dyrap I. warranted not to contain a particle of opi um. It It composed of poweifbi but harmless herbs, wnloh acton the lungs, liter, stomach and blood, and thus correct all morbid teen t ons, and expel all tLt diseased matter from the body. Tht se are tb. only means by which consumption can be cated, ai d as Schenck'a Fn monio Syrup, aea Weed Tonlo, and Ma -diake Pllli are the only medlcinra which op erate In thU way, It I obvious they are the only g nuin cure for Pulmonary t.'onstimp Hon. Each bottle or thi Invaluable medicine ia accompanied by lull direction. Dr Scbenuk Is i rofeeslonally at bis prlrclpal office, corner Nlxth and Arch suets. Philadelphia, every M on. I at, where all letters lor advlc mutt be addressed. . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wilmington Lodge No. 319. 1 Regular meeting Ihls (TUESDAY) P. M at (o'clock. TkM l. will be conferred afUr regular business. riiisiuamjiMinii, Beoretaiy. , april 20 H It Accordeons Jti't received another new lot of tht se One Accoideons the very bett In th market, ' For sale at ' HKINSBEBQEB'S. Frames! Frames! Another new lot of the, new ttyl of frame., Jnst received at HEirJSDERCER'O 1,1 v Book and M aitc Stor. " apt II 90 M V IT FPni l CA W 1m4 V 191 riPIM SjAHIiii aspeoi""" ' "e HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MORE PARTICULARS I MY ASSORTMENT OF spRirain IS NOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers have shown their appreciation of my LOW PK1CE3 by their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. 8T1UNGEBS nut posted, and desiring th valut of their vwwy, can get it by calling V - ' -AT- : ' . M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market SI. aprlt II Ladies Trunks, (lent Trunka Ha'rbala. Travellni Baas, Saddle. HaraaM. Hridla. Collars," Hm, and all kinds of Saddlerv Qoods Horalrlna don. promptly at rureouabla prices at llio raotaryoc CARPENTER at MALLARD. MUt' wtir w J.'K. TUPHAM A Q. Wo. ISouth Visut Stieet, Wilmington, N. f! apru IT - To the Public. TAWVCF THE PK1KNPH (r MB. DUN LI OAM CKOMARTIK, or both Pollthst FaTtles, take this opportunity el saoounrtng klai tar the ofllc nl Delegate t the Cunstitu nenal Convention to be held In Saptembor nasi. M ANT CITlZKNSOr BLAPIN UUVNTY. april It . M-l FISNINQ POLES ! FISHIKQ POLES t lag Pols as sold by us last Mason. Ale. a lull sapplyof ait kinds of Lines, Useks, Ciorks, lBkera, Spinners, Belie, Ac, Ae. All JUIHK WW Vj Ql JDS A MCRCHI80N. aprUll w Just Eeceived ! A large and oomplete assortment of Stationery, Legul Cap, Fools Cap, Letter, Pocket Note, Commercial Note, Octave Note, Billet Note, Long and Broad Bill Paper, and the best and cheapest stock of Envelopes in the dty. ALIO, .. ' 'Blfiiik Boolw Of all kinds and aire. BLANK BOOKS made to order. At CONOLEY k YATE3' Oitv Book Store. april It W RETAILERS Will Ind It t. their adraatag. to examine a Utef 1 OUoice JBnttcr' 1 kat w r. jobbing at ts. per pound. Tobaysrs la th. country w. nr. oAVrin e.lallndBeemnt""rOli CASH" and re- duecd tb prices on all aBOCEHIES K. "extra charge" for packing, Bend for samples and prices, and wo guarante. satla factlta. I OKO. MTEHS, april n tt IS Son'h Front Strest. PURE SPICES In Castor Bottle. WHITE, , i PEPPBR. BLACK, ) ALtSPICB. U1NNAMON, Ol.OVMS, OINOKU, MACK, NUTMK08, The Spiffs are guaran teed etnctlj iure. Finest Imported Goods. U Marohand'a PnreOUTB Oil, ht Marclianrt's Sardlnee In Put. Oilre Oil, Ollva Oil Id Bettles," Edam, Pine Appl. and Bleek Cheese, McEwan't, Yunnger'. and Bass' Al. , riQllAMii, BREAKFAST STBIFS, Largest and best line of TEAS In th 8tt ranging la price from 50 cent to St s pound. Family Orooertc. delivered In the eltjv ' CHisS D. MYEHS b CO., T Nrth rrott tft. api nu v -t QDS COMPLETE I Molasses ! Molassc3 ! 8110 BM. R, It n'.ole, I OO -H lids. H H MiiIkuh'H, UUU Moils aud Mbii t aUa Malaawis, ' For sal by ' . ' . K KHCit ) BH A OAIjDEH hKOM. Flour ! Floud Flour ! .Ifle Ubla. H, W. Flour, .KMI " I'eli Mills Hour, SOU " rili-Sfis ttoyal riout, r.raal. by KRKUHNKR A VALNIK UHOi. Hay! Hay! 91S Males No. 1 F.atrn Ray, 100BuleaM.lt. Bay. fur aale by ! EEKUIINKH CAI.DBK flltUS, Bacon ! lincon ! IUcon 1 3S Hoses D.S. Sides, Aa) - f). H. fboH'ilnra, , . t , " - fl - Mrunked Sides and StoHldr. For sale hr t - KKKOHMKK A OA UE k BHOS. april is vi 2 2 JJUOMPT TIMK, OH 0A9H hCVKIS WihU'J Tor 075 Package Fine-Cut and i'lug Tobaccos, At Prlev lo Kulu d. tTQorr. april it Edgecombe Cotton Plows, Also tb Wstt and IMjtle. Trace Obaln, Hm-na I'nllnr, ttaok Bands, Woo.ln llies. I'luw line. Hhoe1 ant Nial(i, Forks, llamas, An. Tha lsignst stnek anil Inwfst prlM-sean naft.raat tha Old Ks tablisbed Hardware Home ef JOHN RAWKOJI, ios. 1, 26 aait (1 Mm liet Street, april in M CHILDREN'S ALPACA SACKS, 8, 4, S, and T jean, OKLV OJSE UOIXAR EACH. Children's Alpaca PsnU only One Dollar ai-h. Pure White Linen Dank Vests only Two Dullnrs each. Tb. "i'll.l!;Kl.BS8, eUIUT. N, m itjU Cellars, &o , at MUNSON&CO'S, CITY CLOTHIERS, april IS 9.1 A Communication. YOU WIMiFiNI) Handsome Die's Stilts at A. DAVID'S, Fins Prince A Ibert Coat at A. David'. Nobby MunlnetsSuitsat A. David's. Tlie latest stylo Pants at A. Davi t's. A liautifttl lino of Furnbblng Goods at A, David's. Anything In th. Clothing line at A. David's, Suit mad. to order at A. David's. If you want the style go to A. David's. Com. on. I crmo all and be suited at A.DAVID'S. april 1. M Extracts lor tho Toilet, QTJIUILA1V8 EXTHACTS, I.tibin's Extracts. JMicin's Mgbt H loom log CeKus. flair IJrtihr, i onilix, OiIihI c Ilk , Ae., Aits. For sale by OKEEN & fl.ANNE f march St ' Mc dical Copartnership, jQH. P. L. MURPHY Is frtm this d ito asro otated with me In the practice of mediolna and surgery. aprU 18 WM. J LOVE. SH-taW-8w Tobacco, Snuff, Lyo and Potash. ,2C0 Boxes Chewing Tobnoco, 20 libbla . nd Il'alf-Bbls Suuir, ' f 25 Cases lOz. Snuff, 100 Otses Lyo, ' . 75 Casps Potash, For sale by KFRcasr.a a caijDf.r nvm HIW 4DTIRIISI2I5TS. 45. BROWN & 45 fllMKET STREET, ARE NOW FULLY PREPARED FOR THEIR mm nuD solved (DAiuaPADW, WITH A COMPLETE A8SOHTMEIST OF STAPLE llll FANCY DRY GOODS, Comprising; llio Novelties of the Season. RTBirED RUMMER RILKS 75 Cents, worth 81 12l. ' PLAIN OHENAD1NKH from 18 Cents npwud, FKJUHED UUKNADlNEa 16o worth 870. LINUN CA MBllICa 2o. and npwajd. A vt-ry t holcSlacila el New Dr ) for Ladl. ad ChlldMft'e wr. FRENCH 0AMBRIO8 13 cts., wotth 25 ots. NEW HTYLK8 IN OINQ1IAMS 11 cts., worth 17 ots. . WAU POPLINS 121 ots , worth 20 ots. ' BESlOAUC0810oU.lworthl2ots. L'LAMA LACE RIIAWL8 AND RACQUE8, NOTTINGHAM LACE HHAWLH AND 8A0QUES, SHETLAND HIIAWLS, IN WIllfE AND STRIPES. A VERY large assortment of UUNHIIADES, the lateat styles that can be fonnd in the Pimntry, at priocs ringing from 20 ots. to $7. - Ladles, Misses and Boys White and Striped Hose, Gents White and Striped Bocks for Summer wear, , 1 Ladies and Misses Ganxs Underwear, Gents and Boys Gauze Underwear, Gent's Jeans Drawers (made to onr special order), Gent's White Dress blurts and Bows, - Wooln and Linen Goods for Gente end Boys wear, The largest linns on MU8L1N8 ever shown tn this oity, inch aa HW1H8 PLA1DH, Stripes sad Plain. NAINSOOK PLAIDS, . . . OHGANDIES PLAIDS, " " ' . VICTORIA LAWNS. IIocl eWriula IVom 11 uptvnrd. IL,tii4n Mhtliiif ami Pillow CnstlniT. r. WE WILL SUO W for ONE WEEK a very handsome line of ' . DRAP D'ETE MANTLES and 8ACQUES. - SOliB AOKN'i'l fur f rsstik I.ealla- l ul t'npur Htatteirna , , MACHINiNttDLtS b cents eoh. We have several JOB LOTS in ditloreut departments, but want of spaoe pre vent us from tmumoratinrT ; a visit only can cover the ground. ONE PRICE STRICTLY CA$H-N0 SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. P. S. It has been almost impossible for us to par the attention to onr pat- roua tliHt we would desire owing to the increase of onr business and lack of room, We take this opportunity to apologize to those who have not been waited on as promptly as we should wib, aud would recommend all who can to call early In the day as we can show ' . . JQLUBLE PACIFIC G1IA10 CQ-; CAPITAL PRICES REDUCED THIO DAY. T WO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CKOF TIME. Liberal terms will be mad with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Ouano at onr Wareho prioes. W. II. McRAItY & CO., Commission Merohants. Agent for Paolflc Guano Co., and Dealers In No. 1 Peruvian QoanO North Watbb Strbbt, WILBlINUTOn, n, Suh- gents For tho Sale of Soluble Pacillc OuanO. r. n. canNom V, UIIAIIA.M.... Jan HI , . & OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BBM. ri.Ot R-all grade.; 100 B AOS COFFEE, 150 BBLS.'STRTJPS, 2,000 SACKS SALT, o., 4c. 8ond them Your Orders. april IT -ly Slippers. Ladlr. Brona. gllMrfrsonly St. ' Do. Morocco ttuppvrs rrom SI and np ward. . Men' Rllppr from St and upward. Msn'sulllllersfor .,., At CJiAKLFS A. PRICK 8, . No 82 Markit Street, aprltIO . S'gn of th Oiilden Boot. Children's Carriages. jrAROK STUCK OF NEW STYLES TOS Opting tmd.. Also, Straw Matting, Window Shadr, Rattan and Willow Chair., Foot Mats, los Boies, Aa Fir mis low by s Irt !, A, ' " r'"' ' ' 4C. RODDICK 45 them more attention. apl 18-tf 1 i l , UXii.l.l 1,000,000. , , Old Hundred, V. O. ., .....Marlon, S.O. S7-8mdAw Bacon Corn Syrup Molasses 150 Boxes D. S. Sides A 8he)ulders, 150 " Smoked Sides k Shoulders, 12,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, SOBbls. S. IL Syrup, , 150 Hhds. and Bbts. Nsw Crop. Cuba Molasses. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Hav-Hoop Iron-Glue-Bice. 200 Bales Prime N. R. Hay, 800 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue. 30 Bbls. Whole Kioe, For sale low by WILLIAMS k MUBCHISON. Flour. Sugar, Coffee and Cheese. 800 Bbls. Flour all grades ; 100 Bbls. Kenned Sugar, , ! 150 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, - 25 Boxes Factory Cheese. . For sale low by . - WILLIAMS k MURCmSON. Guano! Guano! 850 Tons Guanape Guano, ' v 300 Tons Eureka Guano, , For sale low by WILLIAMS k MCECEI80V. prlU8 s r