: ibiln journal VITLMTNOTON. N. 0 : TUXSIAY. AFSILS3. 1873. The Daiit Jk kxix, Uie oldtwt daily ijtT In North Carolina, li pubiUlied itt morning, except Monday, at Eight PoU.ARS t year; ForX DaLLABS six u-Hitbs ; Sivextt-five cents jt month r- shorter ptrrixla. Served by Carriers " tl cttj at Skyehtt-FIVE csdU rt war or Two Dollars and Twtn 1 f-fiTR rents pr quarter. Th Wkklt Jocmau (fridayl tilrt-s;i fnlumn paper. Two Dotxaw p-r rar; thtwt copies FTVE Dollars AW , half ; fair eorta, Sm Dollars ff topi, llRT DOLLARS AD A BAIF ten copWia, riFTKts Dollars; twsntj ftm TwxNTT-rrrK Dollars. SPBacmrtiosa In all cam psysbls In anew, and no paper continued after the - 'ration of ths tim paid for. l.tMiTTAKcu should b warts by Fost Money Order or Expreaa. If thla ran - nl be done, pnKectloQ agalnat losses by mall may be cured by fbrwardiui a Iraft payable to the order of th proprietors J ths JorRSAL, r by tending the money a registered letter. A.drilatnf Rat (per Inch ot twshw MM Wwe of advertising type.) One l", u Insertion, On Dollar; two Inser- lioia t)KC DOLLAIt AND A HALF; UlW InwrUona, Two 1H.i.ak; four bertimit, Two Dom.ak and A HAi.r; five Inaer thrin Tun Dollabs; six Irwsnlotis 1 .REE DOLLARS AND A HALF i twelv' aertloiia. Five Dollabs and a half, o rnotit!.Kl0HT Dollars; two months. .IFTRBN Doiaars; three niouuia, Twas tt-two Dollar. dmuai't for longer periods and kmjjei laoe ma le upon liberal tenv dtlress, Enhelhard A Uaukdkhs, Wilmington, N. t EDITORIAL NOTES. ItU ftuerted that tbs government offidials of British Iodis and tie con traotora they employed, disbursed the heavy appropriations for feeding a fumiahed population of ignorant na tires withont stealing a penny. The statement is almoat incredible to the progreasiye American mind. Another pilgrimage from the United Btatos to Rome it on the tapis. The party, numbering fire hundred, from all parts of the United States, are ne gotiating, through representatives, for passage to Europe en the steamship Ohio, of the Philadelphia and Liver pool Line. Euglaud is a good market for auto graphs, yet any one who should under take to ooustruot rales of value for thorn would have a difficult task. At a reoent sale, a letter of Queen Mary brongut $105 ;one of Queen Eliza beth, $410 ; an autograph of Mary Queen of Soots, $285, and one of Hums, $300. An elopement in Millbury, Mass., had no novel feature, but it called at tention to a strangely oomplioatod family. The wife who eloped was twenty-one years old, having been married seven years, and the husband whom she left was sixty-seven, fhe husband's two sons by a previous wile are married to his recreant wife's two older sisters, and her brother is the husband of her husband's duughter. Mr. Selby, one of the attorneys for Mr. James Lick, the Ban FranoiBeo ' millionaire, is authority for the statement that the only change ' road in the now deed of trust about being executed by that gentle man is the making of more liberal al lowances to bis relatives, some of whom mouths ago refused the bequests in his former deed. The other gifts will not be materially changed. A New York paper credits ex-Speak er Blaine with having said last Fall "that the Beecher scandal had cost the Republican party its supremacy; that too much progress was the trouble with the party. We had progressed through the negro and made him a citizen; we had progressed through the States and made them into prov iaoee, and now this infernal scandal business threatens to exhibit Republi can chief j in the role of progressing clear through the family circle," and that the people would not stand it. . MawaoQUBetts Baptists intend to raise in their State $250,000 for edu cational purposes, in $1 subscriptions. It is to be a Centennial gift, and is to be divided among the denominational colleges as follows: $100,000 to the Newton Theological Institution; $60, 000 to the Worcester Aoademy; $50, 000 each to Brown University and Colby University and to the American Baptist Missionary Union; $10,000 to theAmerioan Baptist Ilome Mission dooiety; the money raised to be used for permanent investments on build ing. By an arrangement which went into V operation in New York last week, about sixty of the leading law ofBoes in that city are put in telegraphic con nection with each other and the courts, roe project was discussed about a year ago, but nothing practioal came of it until now. The oompany is form ed by aixty subscribers, each of whom , has a card containing the names of all wU are oonnected, and to every indi Tidual a number is assigned. Between these seveialoffloee private telegrams can be instantly sent, or messages ean be seat directly to any part of the ooontry from any one of the offices. The company also provides messenger service for the oourts,' reporters and operators. By the end of another month it is probable the oourU in I'-rool !jf will be connected. ACCIU IMUT TO njlilt. ik-ta'-Ajr Uort-JB drws a vmd jio tare of the South, and it is at wretch ed as virij. Ia the course of an in terview with a eorreepoudent of Lhn Cincinnati (Jatttte, he said, after Uuv ing Richmond : lis dul not see a single firm houe one-half as pretentious as the average farm-houses in Indiana. There Wire no evidences of tante, thrift, or pros perity. During a ride ot 210 miles through Mississippi, he saw only one white man at work. II and reds of thousands of negroes were plowing, and otherwise engaged, but the whue men were not to be seen outside of the oities and the larger towns. Deso lation and destitution seemed to stalk over i he land. Biting aoonstomed to well cultivated farms, the fine farm buildings, the upr ght fences, the white school bouses and steepled churches tf the Northern Btatea, i. was really painful for him to look upon such scenes as were preaeuted to his eye wherever he went or whichever way tie looked. Itie plantationa were poorly cultivated, or not cultivated at alL ienoes were dilapidated, ana ine houses for the most parts were hovels. Commenting upon this picture the Chioago Iirfer Occan adds its insult to the injury inflicted by its party, when it says that "tbebaue of the South is idleness and unthrift," and that "these qualities are not the legacy of the war, but of slavery. Senator Morton's testimony is pro bably true in some respects, but in others it is unqualifiedly false, y im putation, if not direotly. If he saw .but one white man at wotk in Mississippi, it could only have been because be ought out for observation only such places sa he kuew were worked by ne- gioes alone. More likely, however, Senator Morton penned a deliberate slander, In Mississippi, as in other Southern States, is a well known fact now that not only white men, but hite women often till the fields, that in many inatsnoes would other wise lsy idle. Necessity knows no law, aud with many it ia, alas, either to work or to starve. The desolstion which marked the track of Sheridau's barn burners in Virginia, and of Hher man's bummers in Georgia and South Carolina aud North Carolina lift tue iuhabitauts to a laud ab solutely bare of subsisteuoi They not only stole the products previous years of labor and thrift, but ven the very seed that had been re served for another harvest, aud with a refinement of crnelty never known be fore in oiviliied warfare they stole the very implements with which the ground was tilled, and burned the very farm aud store houses from whence they stole the grain, and then sacked and burned the houses that sheltered the helpless iuhabitauts. Had the Oermaus overruu the South as they did Franoe the result would have been diQoreut, aud Von Moltke could tell Grant and Sherman many a rule of civilized warfare as Bismarck oould toach onr statesmen many a priiolpal in political economy aud diplomacy. A hundred conquests of Frauoe by the Germaus.two nations who have been at enmity for a thou sand years, oould hardly have left that country more utterly destitute than was this fair land of ours left by our loving brethren of the North. Yet it was not only the actual pos sessions then in baud that were stolen from us, but the horde that swept down upon us after the close of the war pledged the credit of the States tor years to oonie to satisfy their Insatiable rapaoity, and now, after ten years of peace, with Mississippi still plnudered by a carpet-bag Governor aud his allies. Senator Morton, one of the most malignant of bis type, and the Chioago Inter-Qctan, a represent tntive of the thieves who have plun dered snd robbed the poor South, at tempt to cast ispersions on a class of men, poor, laboring, toil-worn mon, the men whose , dust-stained gar ments they are not worthy to touch. Thank God that the stables have teen cleaned at last aud that new men will next Fall inaugurate a new era in the government of this country. Giv en peaoe at home and houesty and capacity in the administration of the affairs of the nation and one half of the next ,decade of years will ahow more of plenty and prosperity than will have been known in the South for twenty years past. The citizens of Olssgow are raising funds for the erection of a monument to Livingstone. The subscriptions are limited to $25 each, and are coming in freely. The most popular of the hymnssung by Baukcy.the vocal partner of Moody, the revivalist, has this chorns : ' "Hold the fort, for I am coming," Jeaue elgnala atlll ; Tf to the anewer back to hearen $ , "By thy grace we will." Thvariety of kisses introduood in tho likelier buniness is calculated to amssa people who do their kisrictr by analysis. There have been the paroxys mal kiss, the inspirationol kiss, the impulsive kiss, the enthusiastic kiss and the holy kiss; the kiss of recon ciliation, the kiss of graoe, mercy aud peaoe, sua tne kiss mutual. The other kisses are reserved for the re- Duiiai ana sur-rebuttal testimony. It would not do to bring them out all at once; there ia a limit to human en lur- anoe. Wrnll Nlreos, leada to mery tbod"ms or DOLLAR! aiT. ComprehfnelTe eiplana. tory olrculwa. oonUlnlng'deUII. d ilatem" ta Sf arJES?. dealt la at inveales IB tobr trln.. uoi...,rnVToTc-ridr.r 10 ALKX.FKOrHll,3iaM AOO.. tbS-ly-od KKWlOak. (TtaakamwaYaawawavamwSAaYawawaw $50 $100 $500 $1000 fin T the I axe: 1 BT"1' AKKTME in It TO" K ATK riifc Mi:r i qi .ti.iTt. Nnw la aiuck aud UociUbtiy HocoiTing A ditkw: Plows. Hoes, ShoveN. Spades, Wheelbarrows, nuhforks, ANVtlJI. MI.aCKxi-lTH'i BKU.OWS, Viroa.HajBDira,TracUhaina,rollaia.HaB, riuw niesl, liu Irou, Hiau, fcpoaM, Uulw, OV KTiooTitiKu moss. PUCK ET KRIVM, raui K i i ri.t HT, Mt.Vlll.VrHK. LUTUMi TWHTOI'Sja, (OOPfctt'S TOOLS, And a inilet Fbck of HARDWARE, NATHANIEL JACOBl'S HARDWARE DEPOT, NO. I MA11KKT HT. janll -or THB- PUBLIC. Marshal's Office, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. 0., j April Uth, 1875. ( I HORHFKTO Flf1MLF. MB I Ol LF.iNSK I ha CltT hoionghlT. and with as lilt' dolaT l lwlM I b'tadlT ilKd tba Oily Int i four A) I U-a ik DltiH with a Haalth Offloor at- flgnrd to duty in tach. TBB FIKST PI9TKI0T, . Inehargoof H-alth (mcr J. H. Brown, em- braren that portion of tha City North of Mar- kit ai 4 Kari 0r fiflh Streala THE 8KUOA1) HISTKIUT, In chargoof Hllb Offletr f). C. Taylor, ra bracra that 'rtlotiof lhat'lly North of Mar ket and Will of riltb Street. TfiR THIRD DISTIUOT, In rhrga of Health Officer A . J. Denton, em- braoeathal portion of the Olty South of Mar ket and F.avt ol Fifth HUeats. 1HB FOURTH DI8TKIC1, Ia chage of Health rffloer B f. Waloott, em. hracn that port! in of Ilia Olty South of Mar" aland Wet of Fifth Htraott. Tk Health offlrara may be designated b y the yellow roaette, and tbey aro Inatrootsd to In. loent and report all nnoleanllnan to my office. It la hoped that tb Cltla.ne generally will co operate with me In tbla Important work, and begin tha n tded oltanlug without further de lay Anyperaoa lequlrlng the aerTieftof a Bca vengnr may report tha fact to the Health Offloer of the PlTlilun la which tha work la t be done, or at my offlee, snd the matter ihall have the promptest attention. Troitlng no further appeal to our g.'Od Cltl- ien may he refulitd, and that our City aliaU be a mooel In neatDewdurlpgihooomlngSnu- mar, I aai, yery reaiectrully, J. II KOaiNBON, aprll IS tf City Marfhal. BAKRBLS AND BOXKB OraiiR-cs and Lemons. For aale low by QF.O. MY HIS. JOB LOT OF Clioico Buttor, FIFTT PACK AW KM. Th'a la the opportunity to gt gd Butter at a iiy low price at GEO. MTRR8'. EXTRA LARGE New llesfl Mackerel, neorge'e Wank UodBah and Freah Ba'mnn. This peeke freah euppllea oomlrg In to day. At aprll t OP.O. MYRRH". 11 All South Front Ht. 8PRING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS AT WILUAM FYFE'S, BXOHANGE . CORSER. ,-.,,,. twnld alaocall partlmlar attenlton to my Mock or Plain, Strip and 'hck Nalnnookn, Victoria Lawtia, plrqne, Victoria Stripe Qoodi, Unen ard l.lnnn Klupfr, o , &o l.lnen Hamlkerphlrra from 10 ots.'ap A lot of I aril, a Hronllchea HandkerchlefVi at JScenta, worth He. nt A bargain. einaae elTe ma a call anil examine for your clf. lion't lorgat Kiclianga r.orn.r Rlecte1 dallr a full line or Ladlee Real and Imitailoo Hair Ooode, Bunehadee, Pararala, die, c. aprll 11 kt One Hundred Tubs Choice Gilt-Edge Table Butter. AAA. ' " CREAMINQS ' BEST I" CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., ' 6 A 7 North Front St, " PERFECTION " IN JFXuOTJU. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO.. o AlNortbFrontSt CUOICRLSROR BREAKFAST M "CKERF L. CHAS. D. MYERS A-CO., .0 and 7 North Front St. aprll 19-tf si PRIIITIFJO ATLT KAROGTEUoa ' III M I r' U tha hortwt notloa and on the meat raaaunable tai ma at tho JOCBNAL OFFIUK CUA!0. mm gum I vl r 1 mlil Oetiuln Fcunaa Ooano a tl.e me wire c'ii d br ketvrn. Hotwoa Hurla.l.i & I o Grnrr! Atrmeaf tb ft. rutin ( aimt lo tliw ccui trT, adUUifa mT kinir. mi i in i 'o m mat all thi who loi(bt, arkniw.i tft W f arr .ma aaiuariiir Ifciayiu. avisftu lk nor literal dwoaM allownl to parrbaaera of larca qu .nl llra, 1 an iablrd to atll got only ac ttio .ine i-rtro without ouaiaiiaaiva, la tou of 1 to t Uh , but irt cbrar boa la larnr auaolitl'a. a I bur euoana ob'ala ia I vg'utt aaoeam, arnica mpooo in oinao run nT ca(otnra in proportion 10 innr or- d'ra; wberoaa. Uo Oow Ainta aro oM'fen to BtliiMin soa araio of priooa ana uia. cvunia I brrrio, MttiM In wart of ratall I ao.atiil-a will B'kJ It oroauaiicN to cut u (dhof ard bay la lota of t" to or i-n, oa hicb tb' b a rTiti boihtD pile and eart in, I bearofMin bunra of BUT tori and atiwardii. who atlll f to kaUancral Agetita la 4ead of ral'icg on ma. loalnf a.oney ibtrrby. TtflDOa 1 HT, If TOO OOIM UO ' of tbo oat.o auld bT at, I wll gWotoy a.or to yoor rrcarntatlT brr, mj uidrra on tha UoTrrnmrr.t Miii, wbl k will bo roaoliM-vo aTtdmeo Ibat tbo Guam la !h a ma u tb.t old t.y ik. (lt.nrr.1 AgroU, Snd at lo-aprico. ( Irculara wilh rrtwein e.liumi) i, ann foil iartlcur, mailed fr'O on anplii-at'Oi o ' R. BALCAZAR. I0 SI HraT.r 61., Now I ork. t. U. Rna 1 JB. prrk 10 SdAvtr r. Superior to any Fertilizer Made In the United HttxtoH - j Fur COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO. mr Fnr alnb J MrlAughlln A Bon, Thar. I.ti N C;W'I 4 Kro. U Idrboro. N C. H. M H"uton St Co., Mooroe. N. i ! Murray ' .. Wilmington. N. ). ; W llllammn, l'p . horch 'I bouiu. Kalrluh. N. : W. L Mc. Ouro, Krai kunton, N C ; llmberlake A Kae. racmn. nrancn & km, ttucod, n u; ai A Argur, uuraam, MU. rb in oi-altn E. FRANK COB'S Ammoaiatad Buper-Hboaphato, FOR OR SAI.K FOKCAHHOR ON CHOP time O.Q. PARSLEY k CO. Barer! II ir.tf Marshal's Office CITY OF WILMINOTON, January 23.1, 1875. IOTICE, FROM Till HATE AffTIOWF.I'RII ARF rrnlilhilml amili g Hurara or fcUx k of any kind In I rout or tba CHy Market rrmore atieet from the rartrrn line of Front atrent 10 the wwtu n line of Fourth atrret or Heoonrt and Tblid atrecia, between the northern line ot Market aid the touthern line of UheetPUii arret', are iienlgnitrtt lor tbli purpose. ty order e maror. J. H. ROBINSON, City Mariba' janM Nuga Bar Bon-Bons, pLOHIUA ORANGES AM LEMON bilcea, Cream Cbocolatea, Com Propa, snd a full aaeortment of Mixed Candles and Mute, Mine Meat, Apple Butter, UrouM and BUek- well's Ploklee. Old Port and Baker Whiskey. i ;n. w. biiure, No. 31 North Front St. aprll I IS White Goods. TheLartlee are Informed that we hare on aale a bunmwme ernrk ot White Monde, A large ati-cko" Hmburgb Kilglnga, MiillKrlglnga and Jnaertlngn, Keali acci. itiripru nnu rigurra rique, Htrlivd Plaid aud Plain Nalnaook Mull, lao.inet and Rwln Muallna Oreat hargalna are bolng offered. B08KOWI1Z L1ESKR Parasols, Corsets and Kid Gloves. Handfome Kid OliTraat fl good. Handwaie Black Kid OloTtie at SI IS. Handsome Paraaola and Sun Umb'el.aa tstt Olieap. ffgf tub dosi t eraete aoia in ine olty ror the pricee. HUSHOW1T2 S L1KBEK. Geits Fniiiii Us. Attention li called to our eupertor stock of ImporUd HiHierT" . Uenta KnglUh Hro. Hoae, Fngllah Fancy t at 'oo. ' Engllfh Fancy T.Me Thread How, " Unen Pooket llandkerobiefa, 11 Bilk Pocket Haudkerchlota, " Oauee Merino lTnderhlrt, ' I.lale Thread Uuderahlrtr. A hriil me aupply of oclored Percale and Whle-hirta Oreat bargalua to eaah bnrer. , BosKown z at i ieber. For the Money TwrrttT fle rcr cent In prloet can bs tared tn all kluda of Dry Good at BOSKOW1TZ St LIEBER'R. aprll IS St BUY ONLY THE GENUINE FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. ALSO, The most Perfect Alarm Cash Drawer, MILKS ALARM TILL CO.'. AIM, Herrlng'i Safe's Coffee and Drug Mills, Letter Preatcs. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. MAscrAOTuaaaa E- & T- FAIRBANKS & CO-, ST.JOHNSBURY, Vi', ramoinL soalb wabihocss: FA Hi banks dc CO., Sll Broadway, FAIRBANKS & OO., 16 Baltimore Bt, Bal timore, Md. FAtaaaHKe Sc Oo , S3 Camp Street, Hew Or. Irana. Faihbkks Co., 09 Main atreet, Buffalo, 'AiaaaaBS & Co., US Broadway, Albany, FaiBBABKi AUo..ftnt8t Paal'eet, Montreal. FaiBBAKACo.,4King Wtl.Um St, Ion. on, Eng. ' FaiaBAHKa, Baowa A Co, I Milk St., Hot ton, Maaii. ' Faibbakks A Ewiaa, Matonlo Hall. Phila delphia, Pa. Fairbanks, MoaBB A Co., Ill Late 8t.,thl. eago. FAinAK, MonaB A Co , 139 Walnut Street, Clnclnmtl, Ohio FaiBBABRa, Moitaa A Co., 181 Superior St., Cleyeland, Ohio. Mas A Oo., 48 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. FaiiiBAitKa, Moasa A Co , 8tb and Mala St., LoulaTllle. FairbabisACo , n and 104 Wathlngtos A en ne St. Louis. Oai""" Hdti''0i Baa Francisco, For sale by leading Hardware fealers. t"""1 Sl-dAw-low-eod WEODIHG CARDS 2SW r-rron taatilnnableetyleat tha 1 01 l t f. Tirrtna (lAKIteaepaolaltTatth. JOCatNAL urri The Ciclina Central Hallway Company, WfLaiaeroa, W. C, ApU IWh.UTa. Ffglghl is, pUIIOHTIRS ABC KOTIF1ED THAT reight. W tha extent of Sre ear loada rr day each way, will be carried bttweea Wllmlng- ton and Iharlottt Uroegh la TWELVE HOCRS. . .- - - - "w i"aai Dmiiimiar Miamiera Freight will be promptly vaoafernd and takia by thUltaa. Freight either way by ear load will be ear. rted to enj from OLD DOMINION STEAM ERS to Chilians la twenty-Bine benra. Regular freight train through to Charlotte or Wl'mlngton la twenty-four benra. aA Faaeenger Car will bs carried oa Fi eight train betweea Lanrlnburg and WU iington. S. L. FBEMONT, aprll IMt Ueneral Sap't. Carolina Central Railway Co. OrviCsOssssAlScrsaiaTBaBBRT. Wilmington, M.O., April 14, IblS.f Change ofJSchedule Oa and after Friday. April Uih. IMS. the tralaa wUI ran otoi tLU Railway aa follows; PASSENGER TRAINS LeaTe Wilmington at T IS A M AnWe in Chaillotte at T:IS P l liCire Ohar'o t at I:lX A at Arrive at Wilmington at ...630 Pat FREIGHT TRAINS aTe Wilmington at. ..... Antra at t brlotte at...... e.nop.M .8:00 P. M .S. A. M ..6.WA.M Arrlralu Wllnnngtcn at MIXED TRAINS. Leave Uharlotia at t.no a m Arrire at Buffalo st li M Leare Buffalo at jg-.jo P M Arrire In Charlotte at 4.30 p aj No Train on Hnn4aTiiMiitna fr.ioht train 'hat learee Wtlnlngton at 8 P. M.,lu stead ot oa Saturday night, ' Connections. Uonneotsat WlluilliliUin .lib 7llmlniiii Jb Weldon, snt WUnilngton, (olumbla A An. gnaU Kallroadal.rinf weekly New York and TrUweekl Haltimora and weaklt Phlla.l. l. hla Steamers, and tha Klar Mnata to ir... stteTtlle. ' - Connects at Charlotte with ita Wulprn III. Tlalon, NorU Carolina Railroad, Charlotte and HtatesTlIln Kailroad. Charlotte A Atlanta Air Line, and Uharlotte, Columbia and An suata Railroad. inua supplying ine whole West, Northwest ananoumweet witn a snort and rhaau Una t the Seaboard and Europe. B. L FREMONT. Chief Engineer and Saperlntandaot. aprllis , 91-tf Papers publishing O. O. Railway ached- tale w pieasw uuuoa cnanges. Q.KNBBALnnPEKINTENU'T8 OFFICE WILMINOTON, COLUMBIA : and . AUGUSTA IAILR0A0 CO. ' WumnuTtiB. N. U.. Aprlj I, IMS ' CKANQE OF SCHEDULE Ou knd alter MoorlaT, Apatl Bth. the follow ing schtdnlu will be run : AIUHT BXPUEHO TBAIN, (Dally). Leara WIlmlngtOB 8.28 P.M. Leare Floreuce u 11. M P. M Arrire at Colombia. 4. IS A. M : ' " Augusta. 8.411 A. Sf lieare August is y,n Leare Oolumbla. 8.18 p. M Leare Florence 12 60 A. M Arrire at Wilmington T.lft A. M PaMenger. going West beyond Colu nbla, will take through Train, leaing Wilmington at e.26 P. M. PASSENGER TRAIN, (Daily except Bun . day.) Leare Wilmington ,. t 46 A. Arrire st F'orenoe ....12;M)P. LeaT. Florence , l jo t M ArrlTat Wilmington...... 740 P M. S Pawn gere 'Or Cbarleatnn, ('olnmbla and AuguMaand beynnd. ehould take night Ex pres train tVorn Wilmington. 8-tTh ough Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charleston and Augusta. JAM EH ANDERSON ,' Uen'18np.rlntendent. aprti i ao-tf WILMINOTON AND WELDON RAIl ROAD COMPANY. Offiob o Ubbbbal flDraaiSTaanawT. ) Wilmington, si. Jan. I, mt CHANGS OF 8CHEDTJLA. On snd sfter Jan. 8d, Passenger Trains oi the W . A W. Railroad will rnn aa follows i MAIL TRAIN Uare Hnlon Depot dally (except Mnnrlavat at mt truiuaooro ai., " Rooky Mount at. " Weldon at , Leare Weldondally at..... trr eat Rocky Mount.., Oolilaboroat...., " Onion Depot.... 11.411 A. M 16IP.M .4 ' P. M 10.1'S A.M 11.41 A. fti. 18S P. M. 8 OS P. St tIPRFBB TRAIN AND THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. ta. Union depot.dally, as.. ...... 7. IS P. St, Irrlre at Ooldsboro at 1.10 A.M. " Mountat 4 60 A. M. " Weldon at. 7.80 A. M Love Wrldoti, dally, at . g 40 P. M Arrire at Rock Mount at D.ig p. M " Goldaboroat....... 18.18 A. M J" Union Depot at... SIOA.M Mall Train mkuii ... .. - muuu at Tl ml don for all point. North l Rv., Lins and Ae- 4 auigvvjss 89" Exprass Train oonneetsonly wlta Aoqnls Oreek route. Pallman'a Palao HInsi Ina-Otra thla T rata. . . Freight Trains will leare Wilmington tri weekly at 8.45 A. U. ai d rl at MOP. M. JOHN V. DIVINE, . . OSBsral Bapt. Jsnt f-tf Star notiy The Enfield Times. DANIEL BOND, Editor 4k Proo'r O. O, DAVENPORT Associate) Ed. Tsaa-s :-Ona Year, S8 00 ; 8lz Months, 1 00 One of the moat Interesting exchangee that comes tons from the Old North Btaw! B.Hr awri, Baltimore, Mil. Judging from the Srst number, I; will Immr. diately take rank, editorially, with the first na pern In the Houth.-AroroJ ( Fa.) AmntaJ. Shows an aptitude and abllltr In dlsouaiinr Important pnbllo questions, and erlnces mnoh enterprise In the general m np and median loal execution. Bmmnillt ( fan) SUUi. to.1 801. Tobacco, Snuff, Lye and ..... Potash. . 250 Boxes Cbewing Tobsooo, 20Bbbls nd Half-Bbls Snuff, 250asesIO. Bnnfl. 100 Oases Lye, 75 Oases Potash, Forsalaby A-KHOHNER A OALDKS.BROS UEVJ YORK AUD VIA Vilm!ngtont fJ. C. Fast Freight Route to all Points North or South. NEW.YOIIK.- New York and Wilmington Steamship Line ! SEMI-WEEKLY, Bailing from NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY sad SATURDAY st S P. iL, and from WILWIKOlON, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. . BOSTON AND FALL RIVER. New York and WilmiiiKton Steamship Compan CONNKCTEtO WITH Tff" OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. Daily Between BOSTON and NEW YORK Bemi-Weekly between NEW YORK snd WILMINGTON. Wednesday aud Hatnrday from each Port, . O Shippers ray rely at on the p-omt end reflar sailing of these Ste.sB.rs. aai toirk (It. ,uta ro"' HO DELAY8. Connactlng at WlSaaiagtoa WILMINOTt N.VOLrstB'A A ATGITHTA VAILROAP. WILHlNUTONAWrl.IiONRAII.ROSD, , THE OARcL'N A t'FNTRAI. BAII WT, v v ,. AND (APE f FAR H1YFRSTEA Mill 1 hrengh Bills of Lading given to ard frora all l omts la NORTH snd SOUTH CAROLINA. GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Also to NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, FALL RIVER sxd other Eastern Cities. rVpaul,BdMl0WMb'an,OlllerOIItDat'B,',M,,ule,, 9r .Tsrafaargaa Mark all Goods Tia Clyde's Wilmington line. tr For luither Information apply to tliheroi the nnderslgnrd JgenU of the Lias. D. D.C. MINK, Ueneral KaKtrrn Agent. .9 Detomhtre Street, Boston. Baltimore ail Men Steam TraisioitalioiCoinir Via WJLMIKGTOIV, H. (i). giJT i j' fWl FAST FEEIGHT ROUTES To all Points North or Gouth. BALTIMORE. Ealtmore ana" Vilmiiiton line, UMI-WXIKLT. -SAILINO FROM BALTIMORE Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. , AND FROM WILMINGTON Wednesday & Saturday. B 0 STO N ANDPROVI DENG E. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Baltimore, Boston and I rorldeoce Line, Or Tt Canal Dally to Philadelphia and Clyde's Philadelphia and Prorldesee Una. Semi-Weekly from each Port. Shippers may rely upon the prompt and reinftr skiing of these Steamers, and inhki . patch glTeu to all shipments by this rout-. NO DELAYS. "w,n,", "a tds. Through Bills or Lading giren to and from all Points In NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA otwrEwtefn1'?1111, PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and ptopUyt'.idn.r,nled M b noth" Kot snd timsas quick. ; iHorSTSisharss Mark all Goods via Italtimore and Wilmington Line. 86T For further Information apply to either of the undersigned Agents of ths Lias. , IDWIN FITZCERALD, Agent baitlmure Lint , 60 ttouth street, iia.tl march ts.tf utimore. Carolina Central Railway, GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, ) WaMraoTON, March 31st, 1875, J T,1!.A.TTNT.,0,,. OF THE PUBLIO W REK P E T FTJI.LT INVITED TO TRB fact that ft. Carolina Oertral Railway, being compl?td and folly eqntr fo7bss.S? Mlrrs-with its connections st Wilmington, both .1. rilrl-ct Vteamei Lines aST Vis .WM? 2 wilmington and all eastern cities to char, lotte, 6tatesville, greenville, spartan burg ; Ai, L.a.'Jfam Han1erVuU(llnlj!"iUrnUh the nnders.gurd. Offlos in Bsnk of Ntw aprll s-80-1y Feathers. jf LARGE LOT OF LIVE OEESE FEATH tr on hand snd for sale low by D. A. SMITH & CD. Sash. Blinds andDcors. LARGE STOCK JUSt RECEIVED and lor sal. at ndueed ptieat by D. A. SMITH & CO. 76-tf aprai DUY Our Half Dime Cigar FOR Half Dollar per Dozen, ' Ths sbespast In this market. At No. 3 Market Street. D. PICOTT. Sarchs as BOCTOH UUZ r WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, New ork Line, 8 Bowling Ureaa, H. T. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. PHILADELPHIA Baltimore ant! WilminjitDn line. ; SMI-WSBEI.T BITWBXB BALTIMORE AND WILMINOTON. Baltlmorsand Philadelphia Bteaak at Co., Daily yia Canal between BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. WESTERN CITIES. BALTIMORE AND WILMINGTON LINE. Northern Central Railroad . . aao ths " Baltimore and Ohio Bal'rosd. A. D. CAZAUX, Asent. Baltlmoie and Xew l"k Lines. WiLMmoTos. N.O. Uonaral Freights (eat. NORTH CAROLINA OASSIlSrCERES. THE TRTJK WAT TO OBTAIN BCWTH. K.RN COMMERCIAL Indapendane B) te Patronize Southern Industry. A Hal dsome Lot of ' Salem Cassimeres Just Received. Gentlemen are Inrltsd to call and examine these MERITORIOUS COODS. In Color and Fabrlo th.y are Vnrlvale among Amarioan Goods, and would b. eredlt.' able to the h'giie.-t European maLuraoterlaf I BOSKOWITZ ft UEEEB. march ISth EAOTORY. Doors, Sash, Blinds end Monldlngs, Ac, Wheayoo want bottom prir., n whara AoTlrlTllf ' Wlnu .C1 rills sprllS 1 1