V VOL XXIV. HO. 95. wnmnGTOn, ii. c, yteditesday. april 21. 1075 WHOLE HO. 6,859. WILMINGTON. N. 0. WEDNESDAY- APRIL 21. 175- .BY TELEGRAPH. LEXINGTON, THE USUAL PRESIDENTIAL RESPONSE." DANA'S HAPPY ALLUSION TO . MASSACHUSETTS AND MA SOUTH CAROLINA. ( LETTEB READ FUOM GLAD J STONE.' A GALLANT COMPLIMENT TO BqUrHEIOI SQLDllLIlS MIDE ON THE SOIL OF MASSA ' CHETT. AND BY A FEDERAL COM MANDER. LOUISIANA. j REPORT OF THE HOUSE COM-! MITIEE ON ELECTIONS. RESOLUTIONS OF IMPEACII- MENT OF C1IAULES CLIN TON, STATE AUDITOR. SPECIAL. WHnmTO!, April 20Noon ' Tiw followiug are extracts from the Lxington Outeuuial speeclift: 71 TotwU The Pres dentof the United St ites. Responded to iu the nsuul mmuer by Hi Eiodlloucy. Note-. Tuii and nothing more reai'lied Wash , iiid'WJ conat-ruiDK: the President's ' fri H: Dana, Jr.. relied in ft wj'iy and happy spei cli to ; The St ate of g)itth Carolina,. Kever wilt Masaa . setts forget the prtmd rpoiie of &utb Carolina on the very night she beard the war note from Lfliuctou. ' 0"';C lZIw.r.itt my vrtjeverytliiug he wishes, but be mnat not veto our MfTiett respeot for a voice from the fcalnvetto qtate to, the pine. 'i'lotter from Gladstone was the ou'y response to the toant; England ud the United States. Extract: In a ' ft tfodpeotive view of au eveutful pe riod my comtry men can now contt-m-pUte iw Incidents with impartiality. I flo not think they should stiverely LliHe their auQestots whose struggles to maiutain the unity of the British umpire is one that must. I think, after the late groat war of the aud Roth, be viewed in America with some sympathy and. indulgence. Wo can hardly be expected to rate very highly the motives of those other power who threw their weijjht into tu ether scale and who so sensibly Qoutributed towards determining the am C thS war. Yet, for one, I can moat trulv sav. that whatever motives and however painful the process fi,..v while seekins to do au injury; conferred njftn ns a great ben- v.- .aWqinff nn from efforts. tllO att.i?irHnn ol Whiah WOUld hnflii an uumiied evil. - As ' L.,o,j - thn ' fathers of the Amer nnnntitnbon 5 themselves. I . UIiaw nan Ann do now oontem ' VlMU V WM wmmm w ' plate their great qualities and apbieve toeutH with an admiration aa pure as . n... .. annioan nitizeua themselves .MB. ' liui..w andean rejoice no less heartily that .i. ........i. nr Prnviilunnnthev were IU lUUUUHUDCio v. J ----- madoinstrnmenUof apurposemost ben eaoial tolne woria. ineoiruuiuswuoB nnder which the United States begun in.ir national eiistenoe and their un- L.imii r.niitr M advanco 'in . oUh ami nnnnlfttinn. enterprise ana n er have Imposed on their people au enormous responsimmy. iunj wm . aaisatliall he at the bar of his U J "IW. " WW- . tory, but on greater aoala, , Ihey will be oompared with the men not on ly of other countries, but of other . if .J Tko nunnnt' PKRATie from liu- fclill O. 'v T " " - i bilitka and burdens Which trie greai " to is impc oa them No one desires more fervently than I do that fcey msj be enabled to realiae the highest hopes , and ' anticipatioua jihat belong to their great position in th family of man. , The North Qd,8outh-au response to a oomplimehtart catt qf Preei ' Sent, Gen. Wm, f, Bartlett, ot Maaaa - ehusetta, made a remarkable and beau tiful speeoh. Referring to the South- ... ....liorat m Utk( ill "Ai aa American' I am aa proud of ii... in nhttravA n bravelv with T:V..lt' iliviainn nB bar line! Bt UOt- tvsbnrg as I am of the men who bravely 1 v oA vonnlsed them there. Men e-unot alway a choose the right cause but when, having cnoien wa wuiua i tbf 'Conscience dioUted, thef are toady t) 4i9 for it, if thy justify pot their cause they at least ennoble themsejyef, and the; faep, who for ooa - aofenoeWe fought againat their Gov ernment at Gettysburg ought early to be forgiven by the sous of the mon who, for conscience sake, fonghtagaiusttheir 4 government at Lexingtoii aud Bunker Hill. ' Oh. air, as Massaobusetta waB firotia war ao let ber be first inpcao end she shall forever , be ttrst intbo hearts (if her countrymen. . Khw Dmaiiii Ai.ril ioit The majority rejxjrt of the CouituitU e ou EJeetioas and Qualification, de o nrtbg Uerge R. iiuckhitrdt of Or icaus; O L Uollius, of M. lleleua; Jiiarle Dalhomme and Felii Voor- liAtw. of St Maileu, wtrj entitled to the seats now occupied by Richard. Hnhuiui Vlovil aiul MarlirclL wait adopted by a voteof 61 yeas to 'M uaj a. otlore lue anoveacuou iuiiih miu-e the Senate bud ajournej until to-uior-row. Before adjournii.g, however, a retolution wax introduced uuHeutiug oode and rtstating Urusier. Mr. li'iw.ill, lieput!.MO, t h.iiruiuu of the Committee of the House to examine the hooka of the Auditor. hiAuiiitUil a report which cloned hm IoiIowh: lour Committee further report that Uon evuleuco collected by them, aud iu virtue of the powers aud duties iu posed upon them by the laws of the State undt r which they were Hpxi t eu, they are vi the fjiaion that Chai. Clinton, Auditor of th Pu'lio Ac 0''Untv(the StutO of LouWana, be impetolied for high enmes aud mic denienuors; they therefore recom m-nd to the Uouie the aih ptiou of tii scQt)nip(itiyim resolution ; RcxohrU, That Clua. Cliatou. Aud itor of Public Accounts of the State of Louiaiauii, b. iuipeachtd for high crimes and misdemeanors iu tlu Tho riwt weiif oyer under tie rules . Ih BM cellar am mmit to ta Ilaxw4. It St. bli aa4 teki htlmt taaa aaf .law. Th. atoat ct-ilbk collar yoa cu -rar hi tka Waivlck. aa fur It alia Mata' raralaklni turra '.fhtvr l,ai4a m Naiv ( kauraa T bs.ut-, tt aiacloaw a jrtnj aat af fe-rttt Vhltratw, wbra aalura kaa aapattod thl clratil uf lavsllaaM. at a raialaad tkroafh Uf., hj alD ik rragr.al BtiaooanT UfcAIHAHTLhS. REPORTED RETIREMENT LAUNDALET WILLIAMS. OF An Irtnn.a eaia4 at a iif atora to t a ' af J-'htuoa aatxljaa ll.'BUI (uc la. Khamali ; th. draaW kla. la what l.rloi th lolly tt kla Bual, rlaa iuuI." Mid aa, "I aara 11 la It.tt kaalaii4 cnaer r aia." KorloaorMil, korn all', rr4 vatar hi mva. Ion or apfwota. rot or aiarrata la h ao ; tkleD arliwl. Ikrukaa Marl i wA utMtra' llun. of th iltnnlaboiaMa.kkarU tun it.!tt i on'ion rowd.n. Or achcMeka ralaaile avraai, a UtMlTMlaii Klaatfraka rilla. t bta eaieloa. kara andonbtra ? pcriocB rd BOia anra. of laniBBtittoB tk.a m otaar romr j kaova to to. ABtrleaa pablte. Tk.j ara miottdd af vrplakt Urrdl.ala, aa4 cunt.iB Douirg wnica caa oa lawrwatwina koman ranatltutton. VKbar rtBMtlei adT.f tUoJ a .urer lor eonkmp!! a(ut lf roa tln oi'1'. fkiok tt B koVt omrou ilru in all ftfat, ut If takaa (real; bj oon- iB)f MM all all, It at Mot (AM lajaij ; tot IU i.hdracy U0 roi n Ik BWfbld Batl.rla thoiH'B. hick, of auarar, aa akaa cue ImjoMlbla Ncheor' F.laaala Sjfnp Ii w'iai,te4 at aaaialaa attlel of pV. um. ' tll-evnipoai4o( powatl'nl bat kamieM hor'.i, vnVrk fcton (k lung. Ilrar, atoaaeh aiut blood, and tbmaumct atl Borbld Mtr t an.,audtipla(tka aatwr rtam ihfbodf, JbM air bj only B)MBbjrwhik M nimit'on an ratrd, a 4 M ftitf'Vi 'n'monlJ mp, B Wred Tw1 '. . Vak hill kit M-r:!'. aiadie.Ba vklok aa ';. .i.i. u u ik at tk. oiily g nuln. rnra far Fa'Btona'f anniBB hob Each buttiaal tkl. Inaaluabl aadiolna I- erm'nl.4 by lu'ldlrvctlok. Dr Bobanrk la t riifwalonaliy at kl prlBclpal aBloa, aoroar ilxthnd Area ft'., bU Mlaiphla, y Uondar, aboraaltlaiwrttar adiloa ka add n4 nW ADYE2TISSXXHT8. MORE PARTICULARS ! MT ASSORTMENT OF IS HOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My mttowart hava shown their appreoiation of my LOW PRICES by their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. 8TRANGER3 not posted, and desiring if ralu of tfieir monny, can get it by calling M. M. KAT7;S, 36 Market St. .... ' M1 TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. NIWAIiVE1I3EHZST8 WiamviiTiM Ahril 2(1 Nifflit Among the later rumors of Cnbinet ohuuges, is one to the effect that At torney General Villium9 will soon ro- tire rrooi w prt-seut position. a the report, but admits it is probable furnmw. Some of his moat intimate iends say the indication is he will re sign at the end of the present fiscal year, if not sooner. secretary Tracy cans la u?e minion five twenty bonis upon which the In txrmit aaasah nn thn '20th Jnlv. The Assistant Treasurer baa ordered the pay of Aliiy interest without rebate, EUROPE. TWQ PRUSSIAN EDITORS FIGHT A DUtiU THE EPSOM SPRING MEETING. Ice Cream! Ice Cream! JW.IX Of IS tat IC cba Atooa o Thitrrdty. AyrUlM, Ira Ciaaai. ai.de from para raa, Mat ta any part el tk. ally at II eawu aor iart j 4. u. i,uatai". aprilxi avlw aprUtl Ladles Trunks, aala Truuki, atckals, Traraltai Ba. Saddla., klarBWt. HrWla., i:olla. TUbm, T... l-a. J ijia fiend. R.talrlu dona Bfowutly k raaapnabit jrloai al U CARPINTt A MALLARD. SuvcaBwr. U J.". T0FMAM AW. Ha. IRoatk rol kuaat, WI1bibU. W. n. aprU 1 "; rMl -22- To the PuWiCa AST OF TH rHtPOrilB. IU'N .TaV nhiiimin af hatk Pall'1'.! Or., tak. ibli oi'rortnnlty at kaaanolni tonal VtliYvBltcnte a b'.'id In B.pUBbar I aprtlll M ANT Vllllllivr DiAum wi" aprlt It ' pHOktrt TIMK, OK CABH BUTKR8 w.BMd for B7S rakaM Fine-Cut an4 Plus Tobaccos, At Frlca t MmtU HEW ADYXETISZ3IZATS. 45. 45. BEOWN & EODDIOK 45 MM1TST1E 45 ARE NOW FULLY PREPARED FOR THEIR C 0 LI D D. rlOOTT, WILMINQra BU1L5I58 ASSOCIATIOS. TBI EKQULiAB MOnTallil . . . . . . a 1 . I Ml tba WllmlBftoa pniuuag bbw'" kellitold Library Baaaa, aa front twt, at T:M tliba (WaDaaav.t) araalBi. Doaiwul bt tealTft a tkt iea oflkt NaTaiaa aana Ooapany rln tkt 4ay. WALT 0' XVAB;, iaor.Ury a4 Traawtr aprllM ltnuTTw Anril 20. Noon. .The i x - 7 . . T.nnar IT nil an nf the PniSSllin Diet DBS passed the bill restricting ecclesiastical powers,. "i Pun Anril 9(1 Nnnn. A duel took place yeeterdsy between M. Msg- groto, euitor 01 tue union, uu ui Kocat. editor of La Tbvb. The wea pons used were swords. Both of the lYimlmtuntH were wonntied. ' l Auimu Am-il 911 Niorlil. . 1'hn I'.IW snm Hnrinor Kfnetinir nommenoed tf , n v . . . day, a great crown Deing in anena ance. The weather is taMmtifnl. The great race of the mett'rg, for a city and Riburban hamlicap, was won by Dalham by a half length. Freeman second and Tam O'Sbanter third. Timonr started Favorite at 6 to 1, hut rnn hadlv. The other bettiDfc wm i() to 1 aeiunxt Dalham. 10 W 1 against Freemm aud 11 to '1 against ram u ouaiiier. LOUISIANA. . MORE LEGISLATIVE TROUBLE y BREWING. New ORtEANB, April 20-Noon There it creat excitement over the rl.-fnirninntinn nf the Oonservatives to seat certain members, which will give the Conservatives a majority on joiui Packard quoted if thia course is nnrnnert tho Uennta will adiouru (of three davs. ana it persiBwu in, wm o.linnrn aiiA dip.. Tho. UPpuoiHwiii flia not ana would, not consent to being depriwd ... . i w..lli 01 tne. mBjoriiy ou juiuv.yauuu., BOYS Blue Flannel fluits, unit vary klaa at W to. tr Bandunt airlpt alta, all wool, aaty ft W. ay-M.n'iBIJJB rtAKWtl L"rlT"' ooda ana nipaiy "j(e-kwi BT uandioaia PARTS, alt want, anlj tut r Htrtpa Half HoM, Balhrlgaa So., at MUNSON & CO'Sj CITY CLOTHIEBS, riSHINB POLES I riSHINQ POLES! Cdsccombo Cotton Plows, r Alto tka Watt and Dlilt. Traaa Ckalna, Horat tellart, P. ok Band., li . Ur.. lnt.r tluaa tna flak- Waa..ln How. Plaw Una., Bbewia W laa Palaa ai nkd kf n. la Maaon. AIM a lull Bpadoa, rora., uaaar, an. i . ,r''7.i!r w SpAA HOorka, --r.Br:'Htert IBM!. BpiDWV, OvW, mt I " , . w .a-a.a f unit tw rj bp , X oa. It, M nod II Markat Btraat . aa EUitOPE. KENEALY ARRAIGNED LIBLE. FOR iBtnTawai alnlnTMM. Robl, aorUlt W Just Hecelred ! A large and complete assortment of BUtionery, Legtl Cap, Poota Cap, LatUr. Pocktt Note. Commercial Not, Oetava Note, Billet Note, Long and Broad Bill Paper, and the beet and cheapest stock of Envelope! in the eitj. - Blank Booku Of Q kinds and aitea. BLANK1 BOOKS made to order. At aprll 11 aprll tl Oitr aprll It CONOLET ft YATES' Book tsx-ore. m Bacon-Cornr8yrup. - Elolaeses' : ISO BoifB D. 8. Bides A Shoulders, o i i i . araa. 1 a 100 HmoieaoiaasaDnouiuen, 13,000 Vusbels mme wniie uorn, AO Tthla. S. H. HvruD. lSOHbda. end Bbls. New Crop Cuba Molasses. For sale low by WILLIAMS ft MUROHISON. Hav-Hoop Iron-Glue- Eice. 200 Bales Prima N. R. Hay, 800 Bundlee Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue. 80 Bbls. Whole, Rioe. For aala low by wniilAMS MVRCHISON. CAinPAICiW, WITH A COMPLETK ASHOIITMENT OF STAPLE All FANCY DRY Comprising the XotcIUcs of the Season. STRIPED SUMMER SILKS 75 Cr nt, worth tl 12,. PLAIN GRENADINES fmm 18 Cents npwajd, FIGURED GRENADINES Wo., worth 37o. LINEN CAMBRICS 28c. and upwud. A vary Ctealca MeUrtlaa ! NaW OrrMUtaai for l.aMlles mm rhM4rn'a ' W(tf, . FRENCn CAMBRICS 15 eta., woith 25 ota. R NEW BCXLES IN GINGUAMS 11 els., worth 17 ots. WASH POPLINS 121 eta., worth 20 cts. UALiK'ua iu pis., worm ii cia, LTuAMA LACE RnAWLS AND SACqUES, NOTTINGHAM LACE SHAWLS AND 8ACOUES, SHETLAND SHAWLS. IN WHITE AND STRIPES. i vtcnv I.... ..nrimauF ist ftTIWMIf ATIK.H tha lalitat atvln that nan be A 1 &1II IHlc riwi;iihivu. ' v "t -- -' - f found in the country, at prioca ranging from 20 cts. to $7. Ladles, Misses and Boys White and Striped llose. Gents White and Striped Socks for Summer wear. ' v Ladies and Miases Oauae Underwear, ' Gents and Boys Gams Uuderwear, " Geut's Jeans Drawers (made to our apeoial order), Oout'B White DreBaShirta and Bows, T i : Woolen and Linen Goods for Gents and Boys wear. The largest linea on MUSLINS ever ahown In thia oity, suoh aa SWISS PLAIDS, Stripes and Plain. NAINSOOK PLAIDS, " ' " " . .... : ORGANDIES PLAIDS, " " " VICTORIA LAWNS. Msd Nircnlit iVom W I up ward. . tr WE WILL SHOW for ONE WEEK a very handsome line of , ; DRAPD ETE MANTLES and 8ACQVE3. . . a biii AOKts mr r ""aVmM ..oh. We have taveral JOB LOTS in dinureut departments, but want of space pre vent as from enumerating l a visit ouly oan oover the ground, ONE PRICE STRICTtT CASH MO SAMPLES CUT. BR0WH & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. n n ii t-. t I ....uil,1 4n na In na f.tm aftnHnn tn nur nnt- -i.l J.. ll,a lnuM nf nnt nnainMia anil lank of rons ma. wo woum uti uwiumj w - - . ' room. We take this opportunity to apologiie to tbosa who hava not been waited on. as promptly aa we buouhi wi-n, uu uu iwiu.iu ... . . . . . -1 1 1. - lAiln f aril IW. I f tn nn l eariv in tne aav as we qbjb biiuw uimu uui. vk " SOLUBLE PAC1PIC EMI CO.; CAPITAL. 1,000,000. GRAND nriiMM. OP PUB Mrs. E. A. LUMSDEIt Ob FRIOAV, AbvII II. UT Tka Udlft art iaotfally Invlki oall. april tii Accordeons .Jat r.celr4 anoih.r now oi of Ikattliit AccorrtooM-lka very batt In Ui. aarkat for .W i HFTVSBKRQER'I. Frames! Frames! - Another new lot or tkoaa rtyltt tf Frame., juat reotlved at RETAILERS Will tad It U tk.ir advantage to ttamlnt t lar SS PatkH" Ohoioe Butter,f Tfcat wt art Jokblsf al IB alt. per ponni. To bayara in tkt tountry wt art tkrlB paolal ladaoaaanU" "FOB OA99" aad re. SnoadttprleaiwaU OrllOOEIIES. Fa "aitrn abarga" for paaklof. 1.04 for ampletan4prteaa, and wt aarantaa aatla- ractton. ' RO. HTIBI, aprll II . It IS South Front Strati. Flour. Sugar. Coffee and Cheese. 800 Bbls. Flour all grades ; 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 150 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, 25 Boxes Factory Cheese. J For sale low by WnJLIAMS k MURCDISON PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. .mrnnnAlin 1 MTi WTITC TIT! VTim TIYWH RfT .TTUT .TC PACIFIC GUANO for Bale, either for CASH or on CROP T1ME. Liberal terms will be mad with Merchants ana otner reuaoie parwen tw " uuk " prioes. ar it wv.Tt i Tiir o. tt H. Jl. JMCJVAHI a CommlMlon Marekaskj. Atennifor Paollleauano Co., and Dealer. In Kot I Guano fGuano! Sub-igents for the Sale of Soluble Faciiic Guano. 850 Tqdb Quantp Onftuo, 800 Tons Earekft Gaano, lM tmlA low bT WILLIAM 9 MUBCHWON. nffl 1H sfp 'Extracts for the Toilet, QTJKKLAIK'8 EXTBACTH, tnbln's Ixtracts. Phaion'i Might Hloomlng Oeraua. Balr Bnwkaa, i omha, Oiled Xllk, ., e. ' For aala by r. B, niBaoiv....: .......;..,.. ..i """"'"."Sn'VS: I C. WMA11A11... ...i,.. -8BdW Jaall i " narek II oart5 fLAHsaa -Hi a La1lf i Bronae Bllpp-"onW SI. -)o ktbroieo Supper, rron ! and op- :;,TUEiNDlANS. A GENERAL WAR APPREENDED. w.r. ttrrf Anril 20 Noori. Au - I1.BIWI I - offloer who commanded a detach- ment of troops in tne receni; ngni the CheyenntB, reports two soldiers dead from their wounds, and that four soldiers were corrolled by thirty-five Indians twenty n i es south, of Fort Wal lace on the 15th Inst., when a fight en ; aued in whioh there were ten redskins killed. The aoldiera esctip?d in the darknesB. " There is a general war apprehended. , . t w , f i TENNESSEE. ANOTHER SHOT GUN TRAGEDY. MKHTHifl, AprU 20-Night,-Oscar Barton was kiUed at Somervllle, Tenn. , yestetday By man unuiou Burton, latt.falbjhad a terrible en; cruntef with three brothers named -Rivers, during which two of the Riv era were killed and the other danger oualy wonnded, 1 Burton being shot C niue times and it was thought fatal'y. No particulars of the killing of Burton feave been received. ii 9nKiohlDr. Kfr. nna'iv annwar ml in Guild Hall iustioe room to day in response to a summons I i . .i ' - tit-;.. I, lasuea at ne insiauce oi iur. hhkij, editor of the Advertiser, charfting him with lih.O Thn rnnm Venn filled with toe friends of the doctor, and a den 0 crowd was in tue street alter near- Inrrthn mimmmia bah rliatniuflftd. The result was greeted with tremendous cheering by the people in tho room which was caught up by thoce outside. Dr. Keuealy was escorted from the building by thi..nsands of people, ELECTlTltlSMS. Tim nlnonf.isl at fHiiniifM ftHHfm- bled ou Mouday night in a privnte, way and waited till near morning witn their white robes on iu reHdiuess for tho txpooted coming of Christ. They finally dispersed quietly. Just Received! TK BAVB JC8T RE0EIVKU A LOT OF TBE HANDSOMEST f Ladies' and Gentlemen's 'KAIVIS HHOES 'That baj tftt been" offfted fcr tale In thia tour. krt EVANS VonGLAHN, , i UtririnrtrnnFP'fil Meat Wipp-t from ai and apwud. Iiaaliav aaa. Men'l liUUIBi apitl Q Lira Book and Mailt Store. tea-, ammuwa.v. w- (Hiu,ri A. PRICE'S, Mo MMark.t Street, aprll It " g'gnoftkaQoW-B Boot. 1,1! U II OPENING PR1NG Am SpilEflS MILLINERY .05 THURSDAY, AFB1L 221, 1815, Mrs. A. D BROWIT, ExcbBBiaa CarMcr, ' trill iania (li l.roaat anA kftBt Mleeted irtoo. of Ttlmmrd ad Vntrlnmed Bat. and art of French an4 KBgllab raihlon. la thia OOillitrr. i neTeiBoraos mtmj amuai wm wlliiieoftertd Pt pofnlar rlct. ,AU ara la, TlUd t" oall and cxealna, aprll IS ; ' " Children's Carriages. r AROB STOCK OF W 8TTLB8 FO spring trde. Alto, Straw Mattlna, Wlidow Shades, ftvuaa and Willow Chain, Fot Matt, j lot Boxta, At Foraalelowby aprll It Medical Copartnership. Wtt. p. U atUBPHT It from tblt data awo- elated wita tne in me praoiio. i muii nrgary. aprttll Wli. J. LOVE. 88-Uwl WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Seasfol of 1875, delivered on tha Cars, at Our ' " ! Factory, at the following ,'.t.i- ' SOLUBLE NAVA3SA GUAHO n v.i At aria on tier Ton. Cash, or 860.00, payable 1st of NoTember, next; - t N AVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, J a at. 1 a.av.1 At $38.00 per Ton, Cash, or 138.0 , payable m o. ovemow Wl QUAHAKTBE lhattha pr.mu. HlgkOrai of oar FerUUnwa shall btfally M.TM.sa NAVAS8A GUANO UUi.lrAni U, A. SMITH CO. From this Date PRICE Oft COAbW1UI , ., -. - ' , . . . i i, . . ' 8lbPerTon. 0. Q. PARSLEY A CO. asarehtS 7 Unga Bar Coil-Dons, ILOBII'A OBANGIS AND LEMK Hllcaa, tirram Chooulate, Oust Propt, and a mUaMortaentof Mlied Candlu and ut, Mine Meat. Apple Butter, Oroaw and Blaek vell'l Pleklee. Old Port ant) fiakarWhlakev.i ?L W. BHTJRE, No. 31 North Front St. aprni T Jast Received! arr Af.ltKTlKra PEXPARATIOV 0 I V Maatjntne. mid ll eaan. w oenw a quari. tiainorn nprina CotifTM nprlng Water, For aala by ggjcn A rLANNIt saarekW TS Harshal's Office CITY OF WILMINGTON, January 23d, 1875. f NOTICE, TIROM THIS DATE AUOTlOPBf KB ABR r prohibited eelH1! Horat. or Ktock of any nH 1 1.. ht r.r th. filtv Markat. Prince. auaat iroia mo aartern una ui rivui tr. tna wonarn una oi fwuiwi r-w.... and Third .traeU, brtwron the northern Hn. of Market ana tna rouiurrn una m vuraww. nmli. are dealgnat.d tor th'. purpoee. Bt order t ha Mayor. , . City Mar. ha1 JanM BUY Oar Half Dime Cigar rojt Half Dollar pr Doiorta j Tht rhtaptat ta thlt atarkak , At No. 92 Market Street. D.PICOTT. stank M u tl. wridorrb. Pretldent D. McBAE, TrrMurer, O. I.. UBAfFUW, anperlatendent. JanB." .- - ' aajit asilUATAU ftl. tn. Molasses ! Molasses ! 300 Bbls. S. H. Wolaawi.,' 100 Hhd... U Molawe., . ; f VOO HUH. and Boll Unba Molaataa, . For aala hy KBHOHNRK OAI.DEK BROS. Flour ! Flour! Flour ! ntim Bbla. B. W. Flonr. , . v Bell MUle Flour. 300 " Prlnaen Koyal Flour. Far aale by ' " mRKKUHNMK OAWJER BROS. Hay! Hay!:, -1 ... - , ..a.n .. ."i lBaJatB.R,lIay. ; ,,;i!t ;: ; ... Fotaalebr ' 1 " ' ! ' , KKRCHMRIt OALDER BROBj Bacon ! Bacon! Bacon ! SB Boxta D. H. Sldee. . M " . BbonSdert, TS " Smoked Bide, and ShooMera, r0KRyHEa A C ALDER BROJ. aprllW " BINFORD, CROW , HO., , t ( ..'1 OFFER TO THE TRADE f f 500 . 1 '? 1 TL ' M i . .... it '..1 5l JQQ BAQSCOFFall, i,,,t a U ' " ' . .,,.1 n?rr ft- 2,000 farKJ BAIT, ., Aa. 8snd thard Your Orders: ami n ' ft i