07 A I 4 1 I I I I 1 I i II t t 'N rlT) J VOL XXIV. HO. 96. wiLmuoTO. n. c, Thursday, apiul 22. 1875 WHOLE HO. 6X30. LAL B, 1 B .jr.-xaw. m WILMINGTON. N. C: THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1875 DY TELEGRAPH. SOUTH CAROLINA. EFFECTS OF THE COLD. THE NEWS AND COUKlEil LI- ' i TJI.T. KTTTT ' , ' C&ASUts'toir, 8, C, April 21. Noou There bM been great damage tu So IUnd ootton soil early fruits. The jar; in the Uoweu libel unit agaiost Riordan A Dawson, publish ers of tlm Nriwa nu.1 dnurinr. ooiiHiRta of 6 whiten and 6 black. Publishers admitted by defence. The admission of the proof of the truth of the alleged libela ia corroborated iu every point by the prosecution. GOTHAM. A CITIL . RIGHTS CASE : BOOTH'S THEATRE. IN LOUISIANA. KF.LLOOO WANTS THE FI NANCES ATTENDED TO. OUSTING A FEW OF THE USURPERS. THE PAPAL ENT0Y3 VISITING BALTIMORE. : V MORE ABOUT THE TWEED CASE ' DANA ; DISCHARGED. Nbw Tom., April 21 Noon.- The treasurer of Booth's Theatre was ar retted last evening ona warrant issued front Commisekraer Davenport, based oi an affidavit of a colored man named DUllkU BUB. UD nuii sun mm BWO it" fused seats in tba parquette of the theater. ' 1'Xhe treasurer was bailed Count Marefaaohi, Monnignor Ron retti and Pr. JUbaldi," papal envoys, li it turn oity for Baltimore tnis morn ing, and will sojourn with Arohbishop Barley until that prelate comes to New fork to confer the Beretta on Cardinal MoCloskev. Nsw Yobx April .31 Night It is aid that three men in cleaning ont a oepool at States Island, came upon between twenty and thirty thousand dollars in gold coin. It ami thatlbe premises was formerly owued by i eity bank cashier who urTed dofaujlho. U Specie shipments to-day was a quar ter of a million. .'-,'"" , An jorder for the rearrest of Tweed, under tbwe-rflilttorfc dollar bail, was placed ia sue uanas or me warueu ui the penitentiary. Should the decision o tbe Court of Appeals favor Tweed, he will be taken to the Ludlow Street Jail to await the further action of the courts. . .... ,. ' , : ' udfe Tflatoliford rendered a d eieiou in the case of Charles A. Dane, arra-ted tipoa an attachment issnea out of the Surreme Court of the Dis trict of Columbia by United States Marshal Fiske. JndgaBJatohford dis eharged Mr.'Diba front the Custody of the, marshal of thiediatriot in every lengthy opinion. ,,. ,,.- v -- -'. UEADQUAIITEKS. DELANO NOT REQUESTED TO TUB ATLANTA - PP8TMASTEB ,t,. t ' S HI P.V WA8HW9TOK, April 21 Night Post master Jewell returned to Washing- i... .t.:. MApninn TTa at a tan nnftitivftlv i umrt .hkt thn Prsiident . lias I qhesled Secretary Delano to resign not tra&i Governor Jewell wns in ik. ... with tli a Prnniilpnt and Mr Delaiio wben tbe published statement rof erred to was prougut w mum mu tio'a and his assertion is based upon what was then said by toe- panics ai " isotlv oonoerned. t r Postmaster .General Jewell bat re iwivad several petitions signed by al most every republican at Atlant,Ga., indorsing bis appointment of Conley as poMmeswr f o puiu uu i.. ii.t ka will not reconsider his ao tiod and appoint Bard. Besides these 'tetitioBi a number of letters have been received .wssruuy uiuuinug wuidj appointment. ROYALTY AT THE MOODY AND 8HANKEY PREACHING. ' BISMARCK WRITES TO LtiXEM- a BURG. ! r )Low6oiHpril . 21-Noon-The Daohess of SatherUnd -end the Duke and Dnohese of 'U? Albane, were a the , Hy market, , conducted Moody aAdSaake'- '-; v It is rumored that Bistimrck has ad dressed a note to Luxemburg similar ' to those pent to Belgium. r : n r n AftyA Vnanm Hnrinir meetinir to . il. 'MAnt MatwinnliMn atalCAH iibt .mi 'imwvuvi.. - were woijf VJ Hampton, q j f W3AT THE SMALL FRYF. mrNK ABOUT IT. THEIMrEACQMENTOFCI-INTON "Ybw 0bla!is, April 21 Night Gjv. Kellogg to-day sent a pcil msHwage to lnth Houses of Uie lne rl A"Betubly, calling aUentiou to the fsot tht tiie time for which the A s-?mbly was oonvsued is rapidly draw ing to a close, ami ea ueatly urgiug tiie pattsage of the bill fur the re. lot t f the city of New Orleans and riom meuding ao amendmi nt to the fund ing law. His nuxtags closes a fol lows: Permit me to say that it . is ex pected of you, under thesxistiug cir cumstanced, that (he great interests tf the State and city shall reoie th prefereuce in your procttedings ever the advancement of party . ends, aud that our financial condition renders it very uudesirable that the term of this neHsion should be extended, nor oan it bo with jiiHtioe to the tax-payers or the creditors of the State. The fol owiuo' telmranis explain themselves: Nrw Orleans, April 20 ' Hon. Wm. P. Frye, M. C, Lewis- ton. Me. The Dtmoerala unseated four Republican members to-dsy. Telegraph me whether (in your opiu in It the avreeniput mffnedl the Democrats were to disturb more of the members of the House exot-pt those mnntiouud iu tiie award to go ont (Signed i a. V. i accakd. Lbwiston, Me, April 21. ITn a P P,.linr.l TT Si Ht.PUl,.l AlVUi A,'. A .SSweiS W a J AUWiiTUWi) fcward the status of your Legislature was to remain as we loft it. TLeDemo- Arara wri.l.iLi r ttnj rtruA fuifli rA y v avsuwu wuuaa a vv 14. awiwu a jh plighted houor in their outrageous at- l a : 4 i-i' x nt w- ws (aigneaj w. r. rBra. IThA lmriMii.hmAtit nt Amlitrniihtnn t " " passed the Houbb by a rote of 73 to 21. The Senate is iu executive session. ELECTIUCISjIS. At Cleveland. O.. nearlv all the peaches have been killed and apples ! n.Mi me wneat crop m un injured. ... . Ij. frnm all nsrts of EentUCKT show great damage to fruit and tobac co plants, utner crops navo uuou tnnmgiy. - ::. ' - . Atl "WWDBlTe Oil C1UUJ iUvMJi J yr- t tli F.iutfirn Manufactures Company.wBS burned yesterday morn- ng. iit'SS VlUU.wi; insurance qm.vw. Parker, of Columbia, arrpatiul vesterdav on the charge of embezzling $28,000 of the sinking fund money oi tue dibw, no bus not yet procure! dbh. - la tne oiiuara ournuiou u- CRgo, on Tuesday Wgnt, rars-er uear Hoa. iJUleigu Best onaw uuu omwv beat Mazzioli. DIED. AprHUt, ALTO!, taasrj.K. And O It. Ijtila, Si atoalkf. TU. faatral mttipmwIU Uk. alaa tnm 'ka tHliltBMaf sir. Joka -OoWilta, lata arata atlSo'Alaek. frlaad. Iktii.4 ta.luaA. IXW ASTCinSllIIlS. SPECIAL. Th he.t ro'.lar eTcr made li lis F lmoo4. It flu betttr and looks better than any other, Th njoattyllh collar yon oan wear lath. Warwick. Aak for It at tb g.nU' furoliuing stores, to heanty, when It dlaclosm a pratty at af taeth ' WWteoeM, wbB natnt has sappnea thl alvmeut of tofellneal, may M rsiainea through life, y u.t the tragraBt Busowv MORRIS' MINSTRELS -4T OPERA HOUSE, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, April aaslM. Adnmloa aa a.aal KanrreS aaata raa he pror are i at Maiknal Hotel of tbe Maaafer. NtiTB-rhl. Trtai.e la Bnt-oliai .ad Mrletty 7 oral tn every rwpecA, apnl 11 as M Frank farter Lager Beer. gUAira AMU PI9TB, HIT IbTTOBTBD. Ia taas r Foar a4 Us Deaea. OHAS. D. MYERS ft CO., I ft T North Front ft, .CMcc Larie lul Orama. IJWMITT BOXM. . CHAS. D. MTERSAOO., SAtKefthrreat Elegant Doll Batter for THble Use, 35 cents. CHAS I. IIYEIt A CI., 4 t North Front t. eill (1 , kut oopy. ' ' ' Mults nules-IIules. A OOOD(WOI) SIDL4S, jjTQOOD M ' MOHin. ror sale y BRUHWH 0AUBE4 BBXJt Spirit Caaksl Spirit Casks I SjQQ STANDARD 04.11. rut aa e o URCaTB04tBWi tEOt. Hoop Iron, IXW ADYX&TISXlf X1T8. MORE PARTICULAKS ! MT AS30RTXE3T OF srniniBcooDS IS HOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. r win O ' - ' My eutomen bar shown their appreciation of my LOW TRICES by their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. STB ANGERS not posted, and desiring IA vahn of iAesr money, oan get it by oalling AT- M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market SI. apttl II Ladies Trunki, eat Truaka, latehels, Trarellnf Bag .. T rtnAm Ranalrlni at reaeooeble prlees at the 4 Jie, waraaee. eria'ee, wiu s.4 all klaae t iadSlery Good oan. prospuy saemy oi QARPINTSK MALLARD. uvoeeaire w Me. Itoeth front IkeM, Wllaiiatoa, V. 0 aarUll FISH 1X0 POLES I FISHIKQ POLES! Saa tlah. Aire a lull Jsat realve4 a large let ef Oioae . paly oT all ftloli ef Lines, He., Work., laser., Bplaaere, Babe, As., aa. 411 ff sals vary lew by April 11 mi M m stoaieaisun. 10 T ISA Bhla. (Una. 9-43 rapera BiTvtS. MO BM Atsnas. KKBOkKBB ft C4LDBB BBOt- Flour, Bice. ColTcaand l. See B BLB . TLOXJB, a Bbie. Hloe. 90 Back. OoSee, l.eee Boabels Meal. , WO mmim A n-nauovam A OALDUUBBM nrll ea . M Just Beceired ! A Urge and complete assortment of Stationery, Legal Cap, Fools Gap, Letter, Pocket Vote. Commercial note, uetave nvao, amu mi and Broad Bill Paper, and the beat and cheapest Hock of Envelopes in the oi'yY ALSO, Blank Books Of all kindi and., lias. BLAH a BOOKS made to order. At Edgecombe Cotton Plows, , aim tea watt ana vine. T.ata r.kalaa. Rum Lallare. Maak Baxla W.nulna Uoaa. Plow Una. Sbomla aa t Spado., Ferk., Bane, Ao. The largeet atiek eal lovett prloa can balusne at tbs via Be. tabllshes arawars Heaae af ' OHM DAWIHIM, Hoa. II, N and II UarkatBUaat. avrit IS H Shirts Made to Order. I have weared the 4gney tor Wars' Shirt. tA am prepared t rak. the saa Hew Terh Mill, and WamaattsBhtr at , asant- Ing a Mr at, OitT ap.ii COK0LEY ft YATES' Boolt Storo. it RETAILERS blilrttt. in Iri.hmnn r.ll(Hl at a Situ .tore to get a ......I. ..r iniulni 1 Inln.nt fur the Kheumatlfim; in nrufgiM aiiu mm Lartol the LodT It uoulded bin moat, Hem. nodi," mid hf , :'I hare it Is imy houl aud corner sr me." . - ;7 1 IS I '" ' - , Tor low of r. nd, horn all , red water la eowt, loaa of appetite, rot or murrain tn .been thle wind, brukea w:nd, and roaring, and for all oliMrurtlon.of Hie kidney, in hnre.u8 Bherl dsn'. Caralty Condnion Powders, Or. BcfcewckJPi"M Wyrtip, ) WeeA Tonic, stnel navnUrak. Pills. ; Tb.se medioloe. bare onduubtcdly perform ed mote cure, of Cen.umptlon than any other renwiiy known to the Amerloan publie. Tb.y are oompouuded of vegetable Ingredients, and contain nothing which can tie in ftirton. to he kiim.n en natituiion. Other rrmadle. adter- tlaed at curef for conaumption probably oa taln oplom, which ia a aemewhatdengeroa. drug in a caw., n4 if takn fteejy by con .um rtailMita. it nitt d tr at tunny ; for ... i. 1. ia jwtnfitui thrt mar bid .matter in 1 1 . irpui - ' ths'svtftt,' Which,' V soutrt, mhf makes ouie lmuoMible. Boheuck't Pnlmonl Byrnp i. nrrulMi not to contain a panic IV F- not. Ittaeompoaedof powwfnl bnthAtmleat i...k. .hii-h .ftmi thalauic. Urer, stomach aud blood, and Uiui correct all moroia secr. tLnn. ni umI all tbe dlMawd Blatter ftom tbe body. Tht are th only mean, by which consumption can be cvred, and a. Bcneno a . . L mil. i .. adiaiMui vhieh oa- ... a In t.rll. WAV. IT U UDTHlUa 1UV miv mi. onlyg nutne rare for Pn'monary t:onump lion Each bottle flfttUlii.alnable medicine .. .....uni.i h fnU ihr.ctlon. Dr.ScbearR i , . I .1 mMiA .11.11., I. iirorenaionaiiy t. hi. ihuiiii'.i vu.. - Slxtliand Arch at'0, Phlldlpbl. eery Monday, where all letter, lor adtic mntl be addressed i , Bert Raw Tort ant Wsaratas atUle, Btad. to orn.r, SI B9 a pieae . BTery B"-"-- teed te fit. Made hy M. w. ware, " 4. D4TID. 4enl at WUlBm. i.uMi..n.jMjiMiiaM.ii linn BWim wmwwiwow--. Qents l.lnea Oamhrle rlekerehlefHet. , , usiits rws nan bobs b twm. OATrn inrlltl ' ' f- f'A, Ai- se Win tB it s SheU adrsBUge k tsamiB a 11 ( O rekoeee Choice Butter, t hat w ar jobbing e Us. par pssBi. -22- JJROMPT TIKI, OR 04BH BDTKM W.nUd fur 870 Fackage Fine-Cut and I'lug Tobaccos, 4t Prtcae te Bali. sprit 11 0. i-IQOTT. a or nun '": ' .'" -41 Mn. E. A. LUBISDEIf , a rRIBAV. April 14. sr Tk .Ladles ar. reepectfally Intind sail. april li.si IEW AD VIETISmil TS. 45. , 40. BEOWN & EODDIGK 45 MARKET STREET, ARE NOW FULLY PREPARED FOR THEIR 45 ArjaPAicM, WXTU COBIPI-ICTK AtSftORTMENT OF STAPLE HI Fir DRY GOODS, CoinpriNlng Uio Novelties of the Season. V ! . 8TRirED RUMMER SILKS 75 Cents, worth II 12. PLAIN GRENADINES from 18 Cents npwaid, FIGURED GRENADINES 13o., worth 870, LINEN CAMBRICS 28c and npwud. 4 very Caiolse Bsleetleai el New Dreas Uees lev I.4ls fta CatlUrew's wser. . a ft FRENCII OAMRRICS 15 eta., woith 25 ots. NEW STYLES IN GINGHAMS 11 oU., worth 17 ots. WASH rOPLTNS 12 ots , worth 20 ots. BEH1' CALICOS 10 oti., worth 12. ots. LLAMA LACE Bn AWLS AND BAOQUES, N0IT1NGHAM LACE 8IIAWLH AND SACQUES, SHETLAND HHAWLH. IN WHITE AND STRIPES. A VERY large assortment of SUNSHADES, the latest styles that oan be fonnd in the country, at prioea ranging from 20 ots. to $7. Ladies, Misses and Boys White and Striped Hose, ; Gents White and Striped Socks for Summer wear. , Ladies and Missea Gaute Undorwrar, . Genta and lfoyi Qaute Underwear, , , Gout's Jesns Drswers (made to our special order), Gent 'a White Dress Shirts and Bows, Woolen and Linen Goods for Gents and Boys wear. The largest lines on MUSLINS ever shown in this oity, saoh aa BWIHtl PLAIDS, " J Stripe and Plain, , . NAINSOOK PLAIDS. " " , ORGANDIES PLAIDS, . " VICTORIA LAWNS. 4 ' Yesa, S ts1atA.sllas wtwf 01 rtWll . T WE WILL SHOW (or ONE WEtiK a very handsome line of TlIliD TVE"ri? K i vt'i ra i a mm erraBi I nJUiit'ut J'aDKiJ'sllS'B'...... We have several JOB LOTS W UiUnreui uepartmeuis, out wbu. t . . : k -Hla Man A .SWAM WAnilll .ant. n fmm ennmeratina i a visit only oan oover the ground. - imf fICI.ITHCTLY MIH-MO SAMPLES CUT. of spaoe pre BE0WN & RODDICK, 45 'Harket Street. - . i .i .i t..,..ll.li t tiy na Hi a attantlnn tn nnr nat- 1'. O. 11 OAS Deen Bimua. uuinmim. f-j - . rone thst we would desire owing to the inoreaso of our businesa and lack of ' W . a . . . A :4 k . ..Lwm'ba rA sVlarkalik fMlll ttaaVA tlftB hilswtk bA.tm aa fair a rma nnnnriuunr imj mvu.vumw w wbw mbiw a.-- waited on as promptly aa we ehould wMi, mid would reoonunend aU who oan in nail aarlw in tne IBT B WW OBU buuw uiviu uiuiw ; t-f. - HAND UPHG -or- PRINQ AND 8UaUEra UILUNERY SOLUBLE PACIFIC GliirJU LU-; CAPITAL 01,000,000. ON THE WEST. The Uipscys Prophecy ; ;-;-r.B.TM!.',:t: Bride of n Evening. ftr. Ebbbb B, n. BWwtkworSk. a . A BIA4a abb, ttav-aa sku TTallMrfM Kdltlon of Mrs B. V. B M. aUwartfc's aele- Dratea wit. teaiplet In ens large UBoaeeiBW mi fOBIAlSA HEirjODcnocn'o lATe BOOB Boa wrwrm iii nil ' - " , ,,,, BOYS Blue Flannsl Quits, Bom verr AIMS Sl i i i ; we srs sArln Te ssyar ra la. Msawy 'aaeslsl Bue.Bente" "fOB CAIH" end re. Ssssl lhrtMaall "extra aarg" let paoking. 8ea lr ssaiplaB4BrtBAi, and ws iBaraatss sstla- wnt 4ImIm ktkm larvae! ait stock ofTrlnn.4 and Untrlmmad aprU IS BO. MTEBS, 11 II Bentt Front Btre.1, Dlippera. IMUt BrwnB Bllppersenl Bl. Moraces iipperB mm -k- Mlaatail hA K.ia and noun. i., iiikhu ,. u . . .1.1. ere f French anl Bngllah faablon. tn tblt eoaatrT. may emsraee cany non -" in h. arrarad at Donular srtoe. 411 ar IB- Tiled bo call aad .uunlna. ' aprii is " Extracts for the Toilet QUL4Jh'8 X1TB40TB, . Lblnp. EXiraera, Phalon'a t Igbt Blooming Oerena, ' Balr Braakae, lenba, Utlad Silk, ..,.. ; far sal br Da. Wr 5 Mew's Bllppen froai el and spwaro. BB S BiBUI-w. . ...na Al o SafarkeawBet, sprit te or Ike aoWen sow tCf HandBJBl nw aBUB, an warn, ", i :- . nly .u..r,.i n rT.mvtl, BnlTB.baa good Aid nlcelj aisaa-wiu set ibob. -. , BV Baadssai fABTB, all wa1,eaiy T strip Half Bow, Bslbrlggaa eX, 4) Ao., at Children's Carriages. b A BOB I TOOK OT BW BTTLBB FOB nrlniwsds. 41oBWaw Mattlnj. Window Shadea, Bsttaa snd WIUow Oaslrs, Foot atata, le Basel, (ie, . '"BBJeanroj -.. a n wnit;?? t riiri;il f'u t.iw totntm wtibistb ib DAMAGE TO THE CROPS BY THE ,eu LATE oold." mi.i( 1 "' ' . 4;0cnrK4TT, April 21-NighU-Re-rorte from aixtj .Ohio, and thirty one . Iodln4 'towrs; indicate .'4omplete lAtlure of peaches; apples are slightly riiuredrtweiityfor jtowna .report wheat nrtinjared; twentyitwo report hU crop; twflye report. no erop f CMXlity fowns In. Western tennsyrvAnk ifidioUe' 'hatf 'a crop of srheat and fruit. BeporU from Mich igan Indicate great damage to wheat, and destrnotion to pesohes; apples Eimise well, and plentiful rains may prove the peaoh crop. The Enfield Times. DANIEL BOND, SHItor A Proo'r O. O. DAVENPORT Assoelato Ed. 1'bhms :-One Tear.tS 00 ) Six Month., SI 00 One of the moot Interesting exchange, that come, to n. from the Old horUk StaU aJN mm, Baltlmnre, Md, Jndalng from tbe flrat nnrnber, It will imme. fllatlT tike rank, editorially, with the flrrt pa nr In the Houtli. Aorollt (Fa.) ot.nte. Show, an antltnde and ability In dlMaMinf Important publlo qnetlor, and erlnne. mucb enterprlne In tbe general make ap and meohan Inal eternllon. Hrmmtwillt ( Term) Ktalu. One of tbe neatett aad bert edited pApiri . irjlui lN. (1.1 PlalwAtaUr. Tne Beet pn tew uiur m vmvuwb Prime TlrginlaBacon. TT41I8, . . IU00LOBBI. Another eonlmnt JbM aritvsd aad for l,bT r..nwoWim April n . Spirit ate 101. factory; Doom. Sash, Blinds and - - Mould. UV Ac,, T When too want bnttom prlcea, m wan apttl w lien too . . ' the; are n.d-trooUf Walnut .treat r. mm. OoWllle ft-lss TB 4LIT1 TO HF IBTBUBSTW ib w I Oateiina. m bwinss will sdvsrto la TIIE VA5llinQT0H ECHO, a bug and wsU sUblf.hd wMkl a.wrpa. par, evenianrif aTwniiij - " Hrde. Beaaion, runiw, r n., ..w- Baa woxs BojoniDg. - rERRB . ' " CELEBRATED CUCE MEATS,' - HBme,BbB-rider.,-TBBFBrWiHl TmtwweT, 1 u.am iWkAi MrT Wan T,a 4, WMi Qreand Meal, Onf pe ruler XX Iu. I. tA-H . I 1 ' - -. ... " ' "4B4iHr HIHTOW. T apru i j ' Medical (partnerehip. Ta. f . L. ttrBr tofroevekts date abb. 4 oiatad with se la lb srseUea ef meiJleUe aad sarprr.'?-"-apiUtl WM, j. t.nvn. a-taw4w Walt T. Watumaos, LaMWTBrDorv, sotai ruiinra aafl Wrwrttetjie. BMrsotiy. B. Obabbbs, Of WsaBIBgroT). Pee Bee Courier. m f; 7 HI MEK0H4HT OF WIUSIKV- ton awar that tbs Oomiler Is las onl Da- eraUe paper pabllahed ta Beeklu am, Sad thai ittralt exMnstvctr is KlehsMad. MoBtgoBiery sad 4neoB eenntle. t ' lUUeef adTBrtterei tiberal and B wtia haraws Siaas ret SkABglnf adrsttl.era.Bl Vkly. DUCKITIBTI; .rnrnh SAf "dlUB THURSDAY, APRIL 22ft, 1875. Ilrs. A. D. BEOWIIi Eiehaif. Cerwer, PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. two THOUSAND nVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Iibal terms will be mad ; with MerohanU and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warebo P''8 w ir ifn a t v tv nt ' If. II. itiUIhAlvi. a s.v., Oammlafloa Merehauti. Aaeakifbr rslB0B Oo., snd Dealjriln So A P.rBTtanOuane I , . . U'll U , . : ' : , ' j ' ' WILRIINUTOII, N. Sub-Agents for the Sale of Soluble Pacilic (Juano. sa msMS.. v. WI(AlI4.n Jan SI i il A ,.'..., ..Old Hundred, N. 0. .........Martoa.S.a in-3mdw Xlolasses ! Holasses I Bsarcklt GREEK fUASHXKl - ... f : , ( r II The Piedmont Press, HICKORY N, O. t th anty psper piblWied ta Catawba BOBBty, a an net aa anennre nreni.. "' nee. men is the bum. j ae rii .".'' Ma medlnm for advartlMng la Weetara Morih Carolina. lAberai nrm biiowto T.rtlMmenU. ?P:',P.t i V.wII??- a mm fBaai jaa. ubriuub a w-b y leilorssadrroprietorB. ' tee Bb!. 8. H. MolaaMi, , 100 Hhde.0. H. klolaiia.., 1100 Ubd. and Bbl.0abs MolaaMi, j For ibIb bf BBBOUMBBi 4V OALDElt BEOl" !. . ...... -, ? Jji 8UEJ1BY BASiiMIUi v.KtbhsMl Mh1v. fttSHELBT. Clmlsd : VT ATI Al Bit BA WfeAW MWlMSJal. lit mA- enlatloa la Barl ZI tie coontle. W.et of Flour! Flour! Flour! BOO Bbls.B.W. Floor, BOO " B.ll Mill Flor, . 800 " rnnaaa. oojai now. rfMiebr " KIBOHBEB OALDIR BBOB. HayTflay! ' tBBa)Nlla.ltuUraEr,' 100 Bala. H.R. Hay. Foratl.br .-l-i ' KEHCHNBB A OALDBB BBOB, MF0KD.CM. CO, OFFER TO THE TRADE Meekleobirrr. 4bLaa .iteBrtr ylreulatloB , , , . , V?s?jirSw Bacon ! Bacon! Bacon ! twenty t a ttlrtr-two solemn, andta-ow AitnmLl with aa entire an dress. Af K ftik S'aii n.Ml Railwav being bow o mpn'w inronjn w " an 4 Bkemv Ming ua ww Aaaiwrhia moat exoellent advertuiaf steal- nrumu A WSRR. BJItoreBBd Prwprlel-f..' Ka n. e . B Mm. ae ' . t). H. fboaiden, ft ' " Bmokrd Hid., and sbouiaer. 500 100 BBLB. FLOflB-aU psdeii 11408 COfFEB, 150 BBL8. BTKTJP8, For sal by ' ' ' aprll IS 04LOEH BttOR. II tavuThe Spirit of the South fa thm lArt nfrtrir tobtWiM t BKsT- be Infb.ra a1 k. tbe Isrgret elrfulatlon of any leper pnoiiaB'a in ine rwm D( rwd seek w.ek by at leant 1, 000 raon.S, making It tbe bH adrtir awaimn. tie. It W M, JtoaVpeadml sad rtaritn.lh mt can of ao party or ellqae. bat I the rhamploa if ibe Feople". Blghte, being thoreagbly de voted to tbe beet IntereW.ef all. - 8BbeortptlBo.wBiyaiyear,freet oile BperlmaB eople. mailed free an BrpHoaUon. Bates ef BdrerttetBg ery naeoBabls. ; .T . trnrterfHi owni,i- Boeklngham.W. 0. 1 It j' SS-ff ,MbUb.U.t.tbBb0fF1i Quarantine Notice xJvr wi notiflM a few day. alnr to m, .11 .ta rmm Havaa aad ByWt! to come to for (nupeoUen by QnarautlD. Fhj- sioi ta. . ' n..nl frnm 1hll date.' nntll further ne- tloe, oaaM reeMl. fron tall WM India port! Gle.ton,MwOrlean.Ba Key wan.ruv, aaatoBBtOaaranHn Station for th purpose of being lnp.etd by Health 0cr..' , " " . Jf..W(P0tTEB; j " bnsrsntln Fbyitotan, Fort of Wilmington, Bt.a-.i a B.ni,lllA.ll.a.. 4nrlI ttlli tSTBtV l'"'"' spril 88 XhWBaVJatd'S-MltMay TbTEDDIHO C4BDsiB)4IBlTIr V.SeaI orri 2,000 B4CKS SALT, Ac;, A. 'Send them Your Order. sprllll v , .,k i. f"1 ' Marshal's Opice ; , ' " crn OF tomtngton, i , , . i ..M. Jannarr23d, 1875. ) .NOTICE, SnfcOIn3 THIS DATE AtTCTIONEKRS AB1 X ivablhltad aelllnt Hones or Work of any kind In front of tbe City Jnarkat. Prlneaai ati t from the mmkb Hub or r ront Mreei to iha wwtArn line of Fourth rtreet er eeond Bad Tblid ttreeta, between the northern line of Market ai d the ontBetn lie. or t,aeera .UeeU, are deilgnatcd tor this purpoee. Byo,d "2B0BIag0rT. - CltyMarehA. , JanM

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