I , ni,r I! I 1 M I I I I i JJ VOL XXIV. 110. fir no Ihitn loiimnl. WILMINGTON, .N, C. -. FRIDAY, A P JUL 23, 1870. UEADQUAlltEIW; ; REPORTED DECISION OF THE SUPREME COURT VOIDIaO .TIJEFpRjJEMET V I . ACTS. 'rESIGNATIONO? ATTORNEY general williams. -Supreme court. j becretarx delano, will -. RESIGN. Ntw York, April 22 Noon A di ptoh to tbs Han from Washington B that the Banerne Court wiit al- j tre oa the 84 day of May. Altbong'i t ef has been no formal ooufereucd or vote on the Louisiana ewe, winch ii vu Tea the constitutionality of the ' Eofuroenieut aots, there is good reaxon t Micro that this tribunalby a tu xit deo ded majority, will sihUiu the d s eiHion of JuhHoO Bradley in th Court , b mow and declare all of the legialution too void and without an; oonstitu tionality or warrant. . The opuiiou will b rnwvad until, the aieetin ? of the Conrt next Fall. WisHwaTOK, April 22- Nlght-Altor ney Goneral Williama has resigm d Hia resignation taken effet on the 15th of MWtNouooeser has been named.' Wilh'ams feoea home', hojiiog to become Bnator from Oregon, It ia the general impression of those like' to' be iujaredrtbat the cA known as the Grant pariah Sonne, iui jiving the "constitutionality of the enforcement aot of -May t3Uti, J870, wil uot be decided at this term of the Sipreme Court, but tbe same au ih rity asserts that a large uiijority of ti 1 Court, if not all, are of the opin ion that the act is unconstitutional. All the oases whioh have been argued at the present term, exoept tins, it ia thought will be deoided before ad journment One of these is what has bam called the capitation tax esse, from Maryland, Arising uudtif a statute, of thu'Btoto paused iu 1832, which- v on res to the State one-fifth of tie gnx4 Smoarit received bj'thf rCoqp ? tuf from"' passenger travel on the Washington branoh road of the Bulti - mire a'id Ohio Company. Before the counsel of the Company advised that this tax . waa unconstitutional, the Company had paid into the State Treasury on aooouiit of the tax more thau 2:3.000,000, and has paid in divi dends to the State, as a stockholder in thd branoh road and as a stockholder in the main road,more than $5,000,000. Seoretary Delano will certainly re- Sir Edward Thornton has one hun dred oases referred to him as Umpire of tbe Mexican. Commission, and will not reaob the seat easel deciding (La responsibility, of sacking Bagdad at ' tbe mouth of the Rio Grande, very soon. GOTHAM. SINKING OF THE STEAMER ! SfONINGTON. j , . - THE - f BLACKMAILER'S TESTI- M0NY CONCLUDED, . Nkw Yoek. April 22-Night-The fitouington, of the Boston line, sunk at her moorings, , while repairing. .There were forty workmeu on board, 11 of whom escaped. She went down iu a heavy swell in five minutea .The Ninth Annual Convention of the National Board of Fire Undor .writ met here to-day. Fifty Con-.; piuies were represented, lhe pro ceedings were preliminary. Specie shipment. 83(56,000. ... , N Beecbera testimony was eono'.uded to-day. Half a dozen witnesses were examined regarding the general morals and wiles of the blackmailer. . , .- , euiu. THE ' INSURGENTS ACTIVE IN BAGUA AND COLON. KftV WstApril 2l-N?ght.-Ad-vipoa torn Havana (epott that 1,000 well mounted insurgents entered the jurisdiction of Srigua on Friday hut, and burned seveu large plautationn io the district of Qurmada de Los Guinea.' They met with no resistance. Manuel Buarez, formerly an officer of 'tue Spanish army, was in command. Anotbef -rebel -eavalry corps, esti mated to be 1,500 strong, is operating " under tlefl. Saftgnill, ' iu the eastern part tf thd jurisdiction of Colon. It was supposed at Havana that rein forcements had been reaeived by Cap tsin General Valmateda, sufficient to i prevent the insurgents from overnu ' ing Colon, and to check their progress westward fox thd present, r ' MEXICO. THE ME?JCANn CONGRESS IN , SESSION. , ; , ,(;,ij',i k !- - ' ...... TOM BCQTT AND HI3 PARTY AT i "THE CAPITAL." CiTT 0, Mexicoj April 12, via Ha ' tana, April 23 Night-The last bch ioa of' the present Congress wsg Opened by President Lor do de Tejada with a speech. The President said that the relutions of Mexico with the foreign, powers were friendly. In ac cordance with the recent amendment to the Constitution a Senate would be organised in September.' The execu tive had fulfilled all the requirements of the constitutional amendments and ' the reform laws, but old prejudices and a spirit of bigotry still lingered. Borne persons, by artfully creating an 07. unreasonable rxoitemeiit, had given ocoiiiou or pretext for the formation of laiall armed bands in parts of Micheour and Jalinco. They pre tend-e-i to believe that Mexicans would illcv ' themselves to be deprived of the glorious result of the victories tUt-y hud purchased with their blood; of those ideaa and principles whose incorporation in the constitution aud laws of the country elevated the repub'ic to a p!ao among the mofct liberal and civilized people. Thfl PreKident stated tli it niesHiireH would be Kiibmitteil making eduoat ou com pulpory and providu-g for a uormnl col lege iff femule teaohem. , ? $ Ool. Tom Scott and party have ar rived at the capital. Mauy who tuoiigbt that their purpoae was diplo uudio and warlike, are now convinced thrtj they are here in pursuit of i i urelv speculative ami commercial en terpntte. Fuuds have beeu oV posited fur the ooustruction of light houses at lampico and eta ( ruz. t KALKKJII. DISTRESSING CASE OF SUICIDE. lUi.Eirm, April 2'2 Night. Jacob is Xvombouird. ciaar tnar ol iJhar liittesville. V., more recently of Lynchburg and Hichmond, shot him' stiif futtilly in the hi sd here tliis even ing with a email pistol. Cause, failure to obtniu work and disheartened ia cotisequence. He leaves a wife aud three ohildreu iu Lynchburg Ho be longed to botn tue K.niglits of I ytlins of Oharluttesville, and the Red Men of Juchuiond. f LOUISIANA THE SENATE IN COURT OF PEACnMENT. IM New Touk, April 22 Night.- The Si-Hate to-day resolved itHulf mlo a Court of Impeachment to ; impeach Clias. Clinton of high crimes and mis demeanors in office, and notified the House of tlteir action.' A Committee was appointed to prepare rules to gov em tbe Senato when sitting as a Court of Impeachment, aud a joint resolu tion was adopted, suspt-ndmg Auditor Clinton froji office pending impeach ment. Aiunom THIERS COMING TO THE FRONT i i- AGAIN. x - Paris. April 22.--Noon. Th Mon iteur any a : Thiers lias been eleotedto tbe Senate by many departments, and may possibly be elected President of that body, whioh position he is sure to tioia tor are. London, April 22 Night The bearing of the scat holders in her Ma jesty's Opera House, restraining Moody & Sauky from using that build iug for a revival, has been postponed. ELECTUICISMS. The Presbytery of New CaBtle, Del., rejected tbe General Asaembly'a over ture, regarding rotary eldership, by a vote of 4ti to 14. . Tbe Union Pioifio R. It. is passable except six miles, where the trains transfer. Roswell C. Smith, of Hartford, Ct., author of Smith's Grammar and other school books, is dead, aged 78. At New Orleans there is a railroad war. The fare via tbe Jackson route to New York is 33, aud the reduotioi at other points are iu proportion. A San Fraiicisco dispatch says: Toe steamer Venture has been wrecked at Point Lua aud is a total loss. All the passengers were saved. The cargo will be saved with fair weather. A burning steamer, suen off Santa Bar bara, is firing distress : guns and a schooner hits goue to her relief. Jessie & Duvali's cotton mills, at Zanesville, 1 0., were on Wednesday evening damaged by fire to the extent of $25. UO0; insured. . In the Chicago billiard tournamont Callaghan beat Livermau. Garter beat McAtt'ee 200 to 46, making the highest average of the tournament. He counted as follows: 18, 11, 15, 23, 0, 20, 11, 72, 30. Time of gaae 55 minutes, Burleigh beat Magsiole 2U0 to 164. A dispatch from Jan Francisco says there is nothing authentio regarding tbe burning of tbe steamer oil' Santa Barbara. Hlie fared 25 guns, and her stern was burning when the fog u:d her. - One of the Shah's daughters wa married on January 26th to the Imau Jumeh of Teheran. A corrfspondent of 'lhe London Academy writes that public opiuion in Persia regarded Ihj marriage as another link of the chain with whioh tbe King tries to attach himself to tbe priesthood, and then adds this description of the festivities attending the wedding! "The bride Vailed, and covered with what looked like a waving mass of molten gold, was taken to her husband's bouse at half-past nine ; soldiers with can dles in the muzzles of their guns, lined the road, the walls of the houses were illuminated with oil lamps, and as tbe priucess lelt her father's palace guns were fired and fireworks let oft. Tbe. fireworks weut off very well, with but a few exceptions; on the roof whore we had taken np onr stand some hundreds of rockets suddenly burst off in all directions, burning many of the spectators, aud some suns aud stars exploded just as the bride's car riage was passing, frightening tbe horses and burning the uniforms of many soldiers , and servants.'; To-day a grand salvo of artillery was fired off, aud some festivities took place in the greut square. "There was (jf: old family fuel te tween them," waa what a witness iu a Chicago murder case said to the juiy. The Judge aeked ber if she didn't mean 'feud,'! aud she, Apkqd-hinvwho was telliug this story. luriimun ntoiiCf IlLUUinU IfHItUO and rtDt.d taamoit taiblonabla ityl at tha lUDBMALOrriOB wiinmoioiT. it. c. Friday, fLKL-U-i 1 I 1- SPICIAL. Tbs Wwwtok eolla Is mlt Ilk tht . wood, ltk klltU J(M toUsd, Uf U sot turn sut la lurj ar tU, Both ab aa4 ksnaalk, ' Bring ttfhttr namsl'd and this, " TkrwlU(Tr ktokdava. Nor mra j.llow tot krewi, U lb. tOXODUMT'a 4ally krMk4 tm Wttnot doubt haixtrol. at popl mio rta iui arm r. .unriBg wiife KMMy III m a. (vtm, wbloh aa tKu b eurad with) abjtUatw lw ot Jiuoa't AnodrncUaU PtisnntPimtlTaPillt.vklsk araus k li-gei'aiulT.lTKilS la tkla SUkla, aj aaralf t).i-ub;, and at mild aad gaatla la tkair openuiB. On.lcaduM. Uaad taalttlaa, tr Itr Sckaack's Palavaale BTrvPtfcs Taalc, lllaaSraka Pllia. I bra attdlMBM Lav undtubudiv sartor cd tutu a eiUM of Laniuaptloa Ifeaa aa; ataat riac j knova to U Aatorlaaa aabH -tkay ar oamiiaaaded T vr4al Ingrvdlaaa, and contain aotbtni kkh eta bd Injartaufet tb baman eanrtiMnkm. , ()th raaiadk. adrar. tld aa auMraw eonaaapttoa probably eea uln opium, kik fc) a toaMwhat danfwou di jif In all UN, aad If Ukaa (raalf kv oon uniptiTa p.tl'nla, It raw da (T.at lajaryj for tt idenrjr U ia eabftaa iht iwrkldl aatUr la thaMfai, allien, of aiarna, Ba-t aak a out lapeaakls. Schsaskl rshaoala J rua I. wartajitad not to oonlataa pariMlaofaprV Iti.eaaiBOMdor powaifai feoikvailoaa bi-rsi, wa kk atlmi Ik lanp, tlrar, itomaeh d blaud, sad tbaaoarract aR aiorktd ra t m, and ipl all it. dlMawd aittter fiaa tbabodj. Tb m r tb l j aaaoa b wklrb ooii.umu on eaa be aid, a..d aa Sokak't Paiinouiasyrap.ftaa Wad loo la, and Mi il'.k Pllh ai h oolt mcdielnM vbiek on er u In till, way, M obvloa tbaj ara tha only g nutn. eura for Paimooary ron.caip inn Hmui. ma in.aiaania aniein UafeoBpanlfd by talldirartlon. Ir Srhamk I. irui.aioallf a lilarlBvlil ofl.o, eurn.r Mitband Ark , fklljd.labla. ..art Mondar. karatll1tralt addaa oh bo adilrtaiiad , , lfIWADVRTl3IME51i Wilmington Lodge No. f j 319. Kinartrst anatln tbli inmivi . if. S o'cloca m work In Ika F, V, aaaraa. . MJ IUl( Wl W TT. Wl. "a I . fBEaXOMCUaalNO, . . Saaralary. i P , W it VllmlnKton i Steam Fire Engine Company Ko. 1. ! MBMBKRSi TbfraalUbaaaiaaUn.ariha Dampanr tbli (Prldav) avanina atsa'ekiak. A. .undry bwmim of Importance IU b uruugn. up, a inn naaasnoo ia anttrrd. , , W.U JBWITT, f mf ' : " " ao.ttry. , HEADQUARTERS IighttiU .WitaisoToa, . (J., April I d, ins. MBHBEKSi Toa aro kaakv ordered te aft. tend a aaellpf of your Ooapaay, to-aifbt, at S o'olook, at th old Llbra.y room. Soutb crwnt .vrcv., wr Lii. purpoaa Of adopting a name and nnllorm. All 1U oa orenand to aeUI their initiation fee. Member who kaa not slgord tbe Oon.litntloa are reaa.eted to oome lorward and do ao at this ateetinf . By order or Uie Captain. . . . KlCtURf" W. FRIOI, Orderly Sarfeant. aprllM ,.. n-it MORRIS' MINSTRELS ...... . , -AT- OPERA HOUSE, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, ..i - trtl 9M aad SSd. ' r Admialoa at uaal. Batervad seat aa be pros nred at tiatlonal Hotel of tbe Ma afar, j Nor Thie Troop wsmiaarad ttrletiy moral In tvery renpeoi, .ril2a.f ' aa-tt Shirts Mad to Order, I ba, Moored th Aaeaey for Ward' tklrM and i prepi renared to nuke the flneit New York Mill, and WaauaUs Nklr sat loaiaDtoo- tng a lure tit. .at New York and Wamratta Mill, aaad to order, ataS a pleoe. Rrery Kklrt aaraor teed to fit. Mad ky U. 4k W. Ward, Broad way, Hew fork A. DATID.AfMtat Wl)alBfta. f Oenti Merino tJndrhirU Is eenU. OentiLinfa O.m'irie UandkerrhlafktS or. (ienti Fin Hair Hot 98 cent, . , , , , a. piyio. aprtltl '. .. ; . ., ,, as The Ulpseys Prophecy ; ; OR, TBI I Bride of an Evening. . .W H ,!: li . SV S ' " . f . ,. . .... ' . . v, . tr-t ( fir. Enaata , E. H. Saatkirarf k. ( Beltii toluae Flfh f m Mew end Uaifornt edition or Mi S.U.B a.aoatkwrtk'l brated work. . tiomplete tn on tart OaodaelaMi volaatk : ,,:;"- oaa at . HEirJODERCER'G wUW Book aad Uaal Store. ' - apill e - ,,'ir . . -, , ; -i '-' 1 ."? " "i" ' BOYS Blue Flannel Suits, Bom vary til at as W. '": ? I , (. . r Randaoat r.rlp Salts, all waol, nly M,M' i mi Mtf if it nt 1 " ' y ' tV-Mea'eBI CB FLaWUFL SUITS, beat good, and nioely made will aot lade. Vt Handson PAkTS.all woi,nly tUO 7- Strip Halt Bom, Balbrla do., A., Ac, at . , , xMUNSON & CO'S, ciTT cTjrrjERa, aprll It ' FAOTOUr.5 Doors, Sa she Blinds and ' Wben yoa want bottom price, fo vbrrl i her are mad foot of Walaa trt, Oalvlll a, oo miii. W. DTKBS. U-tai prill KIWADYtILTI8IJCINT8. MORE PARTICULARS I MT ASSORTMENT OF 18 HOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers hava abown their appreciation of my LOW TRICES by their liberal purchased, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS not posted, and desiring iht valu of rAetr mokiy, can get it by ealliug -AT- ' M M KATZiS, 36 Market SI. aprll It Ladies Trunks, Bent Trinka, Hatrh.l,, TraTOlinf Bm. Saddl. HarDe, Bridle., Collar,. Manage, and all kind, of Saddlery Good. Ke.alrin don pronplly al reeeonabl prloe at the factory or OARPKNTCR A MALLARD. , , . to 4S. TOPHAM t0.. M.ISolh riant aaaet, liming ton, N. O M n . ,f f. ... l-tf FISHINO POLES I v fISHlKQ rOlEt! Jart reoelred a lartelotaf thuee Ine Plab- lB Pole aaaold y nelaet a.aaon. Air a lull appiyof all kind, of Line, Hooka, Uorki, laker, Splnaem, Bol. ., A. all Jataalt wary towky wi -.1 .KU IftBOBIBON. aprU II ust'ReceiTedf A large and complete aaaortment of BttUoBwy, ' Lpl Cap, Fools Gap, Latter, Fookat Note, Commercial -- 9 -. iff. ; t i" , NoU, OcUve Note, Billt Note, Long and Broad Bill Taper, and the beat and eheapeat stock of Envelopes in tbe j ; ALSO, - Blank BooIcn ; Of sll kinds sad sices. BLANK "J.J".:-' :. BOOKS mads to order. At 0OK0LEI A TATES' OitT aprll I ' Book Store. M RETAILERS Will lad It to rkelr advaatag to xaala a Maf """ . ' i M Packaa; af Olioice Butter" ; That wear Jobbla at Vote, parponad. To bay or ia th antry we ara offer! n "tpeelal ladaMBMBt "BOB CASH" and ra- daodkhprtoMaall , ''tra aharf" for pklag. land for aaaplee and prle, aad ww foaranhM aatlt- faotloa. - : ; ' " " SKO. MTBBS, ' aprll II II II Sooth Front Street, Children's Carriages. TABOK STOCK Or Bf w STTLE8 FOB HuriBl trad. Alao, Btraa Mattlnf, Wlidow ahadaa, RatUa aad Willow Chain, root Mat, !e Beiea, A ).' Bo al low by ' aprll M .., O. A. SMITH A CO., Prank farter Lager QUABTS ,AB1 riBTS, on ' rv 'li f;BtiTiMPOBiiu. Ia eaar of Four and Sli Doaon. CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., V ... . 6 A7 North Front St. CMce' LafiilwGet Oranw.; rpWBNTY BOXES. j i CHAS. D.MTERSJkCO., I T orth Front St Elegant Holl Hotter for Table Use, 35 cents. CHAS 0. MYERS k CO., 7, North Front 8u aprll tt ' Star oopy. ccombe Cotton Plows, Alio th Wttt aad Plila. ' ... : ' Trac Chain, Bora Collar, Back Band. Weei.lnr Hoea. Flow l ine. Sborela and Bpd(ws Pek, Hame,. did. Tha largeat .twh ad loweat prlora eaa be fonnd at th iM B Ubliabad Hardware Haur of JOBM DAWROM, Bo. II, and ,1 Market Bttett. aprilll M apeil 23. m. III;; -22- pROMPT TIMK, OB CASH IICTKKH wanted for 875 rakio Fine-Cut and Plug Tobaccos, " .... At Prions la Bait.';, ' , Dt riaOTT. anrill W Mrs. 13. A . LtlMSDC'H, ON FHIOAV, AprU M34. Th Ladle ar reapectfully Inviwd to eall. aprll i-m GRAND 0PEMiG -or- gPRING AND SlIfdME MILLINERY THURSDAY, AFRIL 22d 1875. Ilrs. A. D. BROWN, Bxcaanga Ceraor, ... Wllldiaplay tha 'larteet and ttMiUd atoek of I rimmed aud untrlomad Hat and Bonnet,, "elected from the Principal Import, r f French and BnglUh Faeliion. In tbU aonntrv. Thev embrace manv noreltlee and will k rrd at popular trio. All ar In vited to call aad examine. eprlMS M ' OF THK- PCJBLIC. Ilarsliars Office; CITY OP WILMINGTON, N. C, April Mth, 1875j ( JB OBDBB TO BNABLB ME 1 OlkAMBX the Olty tboioughly, and with a little delay aa poeribl, I here divided tbf Olty Into four (4) HraJih Dlatrlrf, wHh a fltalth tlltlcorFaii tlgardtodntytt ae'hj S S ii i 1 L THB FIB8T DfSTKIOT, In ohar( of Health Offlew J. B. Bovn, em braoe, that porMonot the City North of Mar ket and Eart of fifth Bt;t. i THB SBOOBD DISTBtOT,' "ii t In eharge of Health Officer O. O. Tylf,n brae that portion of th City North of Mar ket and Wcat of Fifth tttraett. In charge of Health Officer A. J. lMon, em brace tbat portion f th City Boatb of Mar ket and Eaat of Fifth Htraat. THB FOURTH DISTBIC1,, (, , Ia charge of Health Officer S F. Walcott, em brace that portion of th Olty South of Mar ket and Wert of rtfth Street. Tb Health Officer, may be daftgnatcd by the yellow roaette, and they ar Inatruoted to In. pact and report all anelenntlnont to my effir. It 1 hoped that th Oi tl gone generally will 00 operate with la tbl Important work, and begin the B'tded cleaning without farther de lay- ' " " ' Any proa reqalrlrg th arrrlrn ef a ftca. vanger may rrport the faot to th Health Officer of th Dlrl.lon la which tb work I to t dona, or at aty effloe, and th auttteV thall hae Uie proaiptrit attention. ' . ' ' ' ' '. Trnatlng no farther appeal ty oar good Ctti- aen aiay b tqulrdiand that ear Oltyinall be a nodal In Matneaa daring tbe eoming Stuu- ar, . , , ...... i . i i j ' I am, wary toapeetfally, '-tl; J. Hi BOBIUBON, , aprll 16-tf - city Marihel. : Medical Copartnership J R. P. L. MTJBPHT I frea) tba flteMX i i i eta ted with m la th praetlo of nedloln and lurgary. Wkt.J. LOVB. , W.ttaw-lw aprll II -i f. ! , I ,.,,..) ... .,- t . . ,.:' H OF ' W i ! . AT - . . SEW iB7ESIISII5IS. 45. BROWN & 45 , ARE NOW FULLY PREPARED FOR TIIEIR ' ; ::OASU.PAlQW, WITH A COMPLETW ASIORTMENT OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY COOOS, s (Comprising tlicoveItIes of tlie IScnson. STRIPED HUMMER SILKS 78 Oiita, worth $1 12,. PLAIN (1RENAD1NEH frttm 18 Ct uta upwiud, FIGURED OKENADINES 15o., worth 37ft, . LINEN CAMUKICH 28o, and npwajd. A rr I'holr lartlua al Naw lra di lor l.adl aad Chlldroa'a ', .'i' ! ,. 7.. - ..Waar. . ... r... 4 FRENCII CAMRRTCS 13 eta., woith 25 ots. ' ! . , 4 NEW STILUS IN OINQHAMS 11 eta., worth 17 ota, V ' WABU P0PLIN8 121 ota , worth 20 cts. : : . ' ' i It EH I" CALICOS 10 eta. j worth 12 cts. LXAMA LACE SHAWLS ANDBACQUJ88, t NOTTINGHAM IjACE SHAWLS AND SACQUES, : . j . i . BUETLAND SHAWLS. IN WHITE AND STRIPES, A VERY targe aaitortmoot of HUNHHADES, the latent stylus that can be found in the conntry, at priet-s rsogbg from 20 cts. to $7. Ladles, Misses and BoyJ Wlilto and Striped Hose, ' Oents White nd Strijied Seek for Snmmer wear. v j Ladies nd Miaaea Oatiae Underwear, .( t .tr. - ' OobU and Hojs Qauze Uuderwear, Gout's Jeana Drawers (made to our apeoial order). i - ,'u -.'J -. .! Geufs White DreasHhlrU and Bows, Woolen aud Lluon Gowla for Gents and Boys wear, The largest lines on MUSLIMS ever shown in this city, snou aa BWIHS PLAIDS, Steipes and Plain. , ! NAINSOOK PLAIDS, j j ',, OUOANDIES PLAIDS, t , VICTORIA LAWNS. V lied Hi-nl" ft'om til upTrnrtl. . Linen wlutinir mid l'Hlow Cttmlnir. i ar WE WILL SHOW for ONE WEEK a very handHomfl line of , DRAP D'ETE MANTLES and SACQUES. ST- 801, K AOFNTS for r ran it l,alina (in fapwr fattwrna " - MA,CHINB NsrOLKS O Oantaaaoh. We have several JOB LOTS in Uiilureut detmrtuimitH, bnt want of space pre vents u from enumerating ,' a viait only can cover the ground. ONE PRICE STRICTLY CASH-NQ SAMPLES CUT. ; BROWN & K0DDICK, 45 Harket Street. r. S. i It has been almost impossible for n td pay tha attention to onr pat rons that wa would desire owing to tbs inoreaie of our business and lack of room. . We take this opportunity to spologtzo to thoso who hare not been waited on as promptly as we should wi to call early in tbe day as we can show 't ..' i ! 1 SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUMO CO.; CAPITAL 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. , TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad with Merchant and other reliable parties to sell this Gnano at our Wareho prices, 1 W. II. McIlAUY & CO., Commlailoa Mtknia, Igentafor PaolfloOiano Do., and Dealer, in Ni. 1 Perarlan Quan ) ,,, -1 , Nobth Wateb Btbeet, 8ub-i gents for Uio Sale r. n. niRMi. CJ, daMAlf AM.... jan II At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or 860.00, . ... a AVASSA: ACID PHOSPHATE, At 833.00 per Ton, Cash, or 838.0 WB OtJABlNTEK that tba ptrrioat High Gra B. B.BBtD(tf!Bt1, frelder.t . It. yrlliK Tl. uiin.r . , I l bji k sb a a t icaarrurTr, 0. h. UfcVArKl.IN, auiirlnteiident, Jan Molasses ! Molasses ! ' BOO Bbla. 8. K Moiait, 1 , . 100 Hbiia.N 11 Molaaaaa, ' " ' aoU0ii aad Bui. cnba MoIbmm, i ; For le Dy i . . ' ' KKKO iNIH A UALnCB BROS, i ": !'.f.""l ui iJ . J' ' j Flour i s Hour I Flour ! 1 ' see Bbi,. b .tr: rionr, 1 , !'Vw""'a! ! i- 00 . Belt Mllle Floor,' 11 , ' I i , . t 30 ( , rrlaaar Bof at- flow. : - U , faraalaBv -. V i ii o H i : . ,,,, KBRUHJir.B 0A1JJBB BHDS. attf Bafw No. tCaatera) Hay,'( i.J,, "AM Bales Bay. ..il t .: h njKj .Foeaalakr ii m iui nnir m in ,j KEBOHNKR OAXJDEJV BBOB, Bacott i; Bacon I VBacoa ' Jtoii, Ti. B.'KMrk. Ai " -uUi) I S " D. 8. abonfderi, ' 8mokedBldt and Shoulder. For 1 by BKBOHSIB A 0 ALDER BKO: aprUlS M WHOLE 110. G.801. 45. RODDICK 45 - h, aud would reoommeud all who oan them more sttention. apl 18-tf I ...J ..II... 1 .1 i li . i in , of Soluble Pacific Guano. ...........Old Hundred, J, , 0. .0. , Marlon, S.O. 37-Smdttw : WE. OFFER OUE STAlfDAED FEETI1IZEES ' For the Seasob of 1875, delivered on ;ths Cars, st Our t ."..W ;'; ' i 1 FBotory, a the folloiring ' ' REDDdli)!) PRICES : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payable 1st of November, next; , payable 1st of November next. of onr FertllUari ahall befnllr UAiMTAtaao NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BB1.3. FLOPB all grade; M.f H'.tl I i 100 9A09 corrn, ., K'ai u''ii t-Bi'i ,w, ''nit,- it ,ii " 'i ;.:,i50 B&I.S. fintrr j, 2,000 BACKS SALT, . 'Send thBm Your Ordr. april IT M'1