N yOL XXIV. -HO. 98. wiirmiOTOH. n. c. Saturday, april 24. 1875. 7H0LS 110. GX32. J u jTwIIp Icnrnnl. WILMINGTON, N. 0.: 8ATUEDAY, APRIL 24. U75- DY TELEGRAPH. (J0T1UH. NATKmL BOARD OF FIRE ' UNDERWATERS. & DEATH OFJOHNIURPER. TEN YEARS FOR A BASK THIEF. Nw York, April 23 -Noon The National Board of Fire Underwriters have resolved to continue to charge taxes to polier owners where it is found neoessarr. The Executive Com mittee are empowered to offer reward for the arrest of incendiaries whether 1 ; the local authorities did so or not. John Harper, Sr., a partuer of the firm of Harper Hros., u df ad, agfd 7 Chas. 0. Lewis, member of tlu suspended firm of Webster, Lewis & (., and whose family is at Aikiu, liot himself and died at the Windsor . Hons yesterday, in consequence of hi difficulties. f i The cashier of the Hoboken Sav 'mat Bank bus been convicted of sU at ing the bauk'a money, and set-tenetd by rarious courts, segregating ten years. The resignation of Oho. W. Cass, . President of the Northern Pacific Rai rond, has ben eoepted. , The Natioaal Fire Underwriters elected the following Executive Com mittee: Stpben Crowell, D. A. Heuld, J. W, Murray, Chas. Piatt, A. O T Bakerj D. R. Smith, B. Lockwood, J. B. Hall, 0o.P, Of am, Geo. L. Chasa, Henry Kellogg. v- , . HEADQUARTEHS. A STRIKE AT THE CHRONICLE OFFICE. A DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIT. DELANO AND OUR STUBBORN PFESIDENT MORE" ABOUT THE CONSTITU i 'HONAUTY .OF THE EN- i ' FORCEMENT ACTS. Washington. April 23. Noon The printers of the Chronicle office atrnok yesterday Amateurs and old bands got the paper out. The strike includes oompositors, proof-readers, pressmen and apprentices. Wahhinotoj. April 23 Night. There was nothing of importance be ' fore the Cabinet, and no allusion was fbade as to Cabinet changes. The Attorney-General left early for court duties. There is a dangerous five dollar bill on the First National bank of Buxton, 111., in circulation. The counterfeit is printed from an altered plate from whioh base fives on the Trader's Nat ional Bank of Chicago were printed. The heads of the bureaus of the In tenor Department visited the Presi dent in a body, assuring him that De lano bad unduly controlle 1 their . decisions. -The President said be was glad to see them, but that the visit was unnecessary, as his confidence in Delano's integrity and official deport ment remained unimpaired. The ' President appointed E. H. Banks, . Postmaster of Camden, S. 0. The question of the constitutionality of the enforcement act to be deter- , mined by the decision pending, has been fully argued on the merits four times. In the first instance it was ar gued at the South Carolina Circuit on ' a motion to quash indictment nnder it by Reverdy Johnson and Henry Stan- berry. There was then a division of opinion between the Judges, but the hearing being on a motion to quash it, it was held that the decision o mid not ba certified on such motiou. It was again argued on a motion in arrest of judgment, and the question was certi fl d h ti, where the case was dism ss ed, the aooused having been pardoned by the President. The question was - sgsin argued at this term in a case from Kentucky by Mr. Stauberry and Mr. Baokner, and still 'gain in the present case by Mr. Johnson, Mr. Field, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Manu. EUROPE. MOTION INTHEBRITISH PAR LIAMENT TO EXCLUDE , . . OUTSIDERS. London, April 23 Noon Notice has been given by Mr. Sullivan of his intention to have the resolution that all persons not members be excluded from the house debated to-night. Mr. Bright will probably make a move that reporters be allowed to re main, "though the Government will consent to refer the subject to a Spe cial Committee. London, April 23 Night The motion impugning the verdict in the Tich borne ease, in the House of Com mons, attracts an immense crowd. Extra policemen are s'ationed around the building. , ALABAMAo""" MEETING OF THE YOUNG MEN'S t CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Montoomkrt, April 23. Noon. The State Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association of Ala bama met here last night, H. L. Mo Kee, of Selma, presiding. There was a larger delegation in atteudanoe than at any previous meeting and much interest was manifested, G. A. Hall and T. K. Cree.of Washington, D. 0., were present, representing the Fjie entive Committee of the United States andJJritish Amorica. THE OKI EXT. A VICEROY DETOSING A KING. Calcutta, April 23 Night Lord Niothbrook, Viceroy of Iudia, has is sued a proclamation deposing the Uuikwar ol UaroUa and declaring nim and his isssu preoluded from all rights appertaining to the sovereignty of the country, and compelling the Quikwar and his family to select a place for their retirement in liritish Iiidia. The Viony sys that tlis nvasnre is based iiulrpeudeiitly ' f the recent trial of the Uuikwar, upon bis notorious misconduct, grims migor eruiueut aud incapability; sud further more a restoration of the Uuikwar would be detriment! to the interest of Barado. The Viceroy will iv ct a member of the Uuikwar s Uuuly to leigu. BALTIMOItF. SUDDEN DEATH YERGER. OF COL. Baltimorb, April 23 Noon Col. E. M. Yerger, formerly of Mississippi, tint for seven I years paM a resident of this city, died very suddenly lant night. At one time bis name was prominent before the public in con inrtion with the killing of Col. Cram at Jackson, Miss., for which he was tried by a military c ouimiimiou. D oeai-ed was in apparently good heakh up to 1 o'clock P, M . yesterday. For several years sin te residing iu Balti more he was proprietor and editor of the Evening Journal. LOUISIANA. TERRIBLE STEAMBOAT DISAS TER AT NEW ORLEANS. New Obleans, April 23-NigLt The steamboats John Kyle, Expositor, aud ' Chales Bodman, while lying at the foot of I'o varus street, were bun- ed to the water's edge. Many lives are said to have "been lost. Particu lars soon. No particulars received Ed. Joubxal. ELECTMCISMS. Special dispatches to Texan papers report continued disorders along the Rio Grande. A dispatch from Sauta Barbara, Cat., says tliat tuo Bouooner sent to trie aseistanoe of the supposed burning steamer has returned, and reported that a man of ... war passed yesterday, nnng guns lor prgoiice. no oiner in- furmalinn inndinff to COtlfirm tlin rtr mor of the disaster has been received. The defalcation cf $($,000 from the Western Union Telegraph office, at Philadelphia, is attributed to John A Hi iner, chief clerk to Superintendent Bates, liemer is non en. The library of Princeton College contains a large collection of books, pamphlets and other publications re lutiiiDf tn the recent war. and the libra eian lias addressed a circul n to the alumni of the institution in the Southern States asking them for con tributions of the war literature of the South. The Washington Capital says : Plvmiuth Church is not so hspr y in its mind over Henry Ward's cross as it was over his direct examination. Henry " perjured himself like a gen tleman." and we are sorry he encoun ters questions that call for more per spiration than truth. We fear that this good man will have to step down and out after all. Wnat a sliame. Ainerleanaare a Nation of Djopep .. tics.; We live fast, dissipate and fill early graves. We drink all Kinds oi aioo Eolio spirits, and swallow, without mastication, pork, grease, and every kind of life-destroying, system-clogging, indigestible food. Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vinegar Bitters will remove the evil effects, and the recovered pa tient, with pure, vitalized electrical blood flowing through his veins, will have a clearer head and a cooler judg ment, which added to experience, will cause him to abstain in the future. 4w To tho Afflicted. No matter under what form of sick ness you labor, there is one great truth you should keep in miud : All disoase originate in aoimpure condition of the blood. Purify that, and the dis ease must depart ; but you cannot pu rify the blood by the use of poisonons d'Ugs, and exhauxtive stimulants. The bot Moot Purifier ever discovered is Dr. Walkeb's famous Vinegab Bit ters, compounded of simple. 4w Mules-Mules-Mules. GOOD (WOKK ) MULES, J GOOD " HOR4E. For tale by KKKOHNCS CALDEtt BROS i ' . Spirit Casks! Spirit Casks ! fjQQ "TANDARD CASKS. Kor lo by (KKKCHNKK A CALDER BHtia, Hoop Iron. Glue, Rivets, &c. lOT'iNU HOOPIROM, .0 Klile. Gin., 2i3 Paper. R relt, V iO Hll. ilungii. ti tor .ale br KKltUHNEK A CAUDER BROS- Flour, Rice, Coffee and Ileal. l,eeonsM. FLOOR, Alt Hb'. hice. 2IMI Nackii i.'ortee, 1,11110 Bn.hel. Mal. Kor le by KKUUHSER A 0ALII"3 MHO -1 51 M SPECIAL. Tl Warwick eolltr Is aaaJ.lik th. rtlra- wood, wltk .11 th. dge raided , to U.j all' sot tuts out. la ) lu of j r Utth, . Both b. . tn I b.B.lk, Being lightly .ntB.l'd and Ihla. Th.fwlll B.?r brMkdaws, Nor tarn j.llo mot bruws, U th. SOZOIXIWT'S dkllj bra.hrd la Wltaoot d"abtbnndrrd. of npl. who will raid ifcU lUM r. iBrt-rlnt wtlh Kldn.y 1I In . ma form, wbl. b aught bo ouiwl with biUlaor tt of JohnwiT. AuodvmUhl. ant, awd Intora.lly Whyaottrjli? r.ronn'. PorgstW. Pill., which aro now bo lug i oiirlrolT wld In thu Hule. aro pnr.lv To.etmbl., and aro add and gntlo Inthair l-rtion. on. Madiwo. Uoudaaalitlo.,ior tamly. Or. Scheack'a PalmwDle Srrnp, aa WedTnlc, and UlaaSr.k. rills. I turn uodielno. ba. onduubttd.y parlor m rd moie cure, of ouinmptton th.n any othor ron y lnwn to Uio American publle. They ar. oomponndrd of rrgotabl. IngrtdleuU, and dintaln nothing which cat b. Iniurtout to th. homaa con.tltullon. Olbor rrmrdle. adr.r tlcod a. eurof for eonmKptlon prolably coo t.ln opium, which I a aom.whal dangroiii drug tn all ouo., and If tak.a freely by con- imptlT. patient., H mil do gr at Injury ; for It. leuilibi-y U to eofln th. morbid n attctln th. .jH-m, whloh, of ouuro., nu t mak. a our. lufoonlblo. Bchenek1. fnlaionl. Syrup I. warranted not to oontaln a parilel.of opl- m. It U eompoMd of powoifiil bat haiml.M hcrbi, wa leb acton iho Itugn, llror. .to at eh and blood, and thai oorrott all morbid acere t on., and cipl all tb. dUrawd matter fro to the body. Tin tm aro tho snly moan, by whloh Mii.umpt'on can b cared, a. d a. Br.b.nck'. Hmmoula tjrap, o Weed Tonic, and Ma -dake fill ar the only mtdloin.. which o .r.ttt In tril way, It I. obrlou. they tr. the only g nuln euro for Pulmonary Coinump non Kach bottle or tblalnraluahlo mnliuiue I-acivimpaukd by tnlldirertlona lr irb.uk l. irotlonallya bi. prluclp.l ffl., eorner .sixth and Anh Mre M, Phlllilila, erery Monday, where all lei tor. tor ad Ice Bunt be .iblrenied KIW ALViRTISIMENTS. Office L V. Granfl ScriiB and Trcasu'r I. O. O. F. Wrtmsoios, N. C., April S4tb, HT5. The 2Hh Annual laiBiunleatloa of the R. W, Grand Enoampnv n', I. O. O. I., will bo held at Bll.abeth City, oa Thursday, Ue llth day of May, proximo, lath. Hall oriehoreo LodfO Mo. 14. Tho B. W. Grand Lodge Bitot. the following 4ay at the Mm. plaoa. Arrange aienM kaeo been parfeotrd ier attending boih, hue; On Monday, the lOih of May. all muac b. at Wrldoa In lime to take the nail train tat any tor Parteajoath, Va., wker. tne rte.mer Pamlloo (of the Mewbera and Kllaa- twtn utty line) a ni be la roadtaosi to take na to Eltaabeth City, via Albemarle and Cheea DeakeUanal. aoaato antra at Ella.b.ih nu on Tneeday morning. He tarn by th Mm etramer oa Friday oronlng. Railroad rooulr mo fl'tt-olam far to rorumouis am win return the officer., reuro eatatlrt. and vialtore fioe, , "... ' MIDHARDJ. JOKla. Grantl Serib and Treasurer. aprust ta-lt QAPJTAL STOOE OF THE Wilmington A Weldon Kallroad, North Carolina Kalliod, Pint National Hank, and Bank of New Hanover Will b eold at Auction this day (8ATCR DAT), at Kiehange Horner, at U e'olock A. M , April Utb. S7S. OKOJiLY A MOBBIS, Auctioneer., aprll S a) j Lost or Stolen. BROWN BILK UMBEELLt. with A iDoma. Qrsmo, Wllmlnitoa. N. 0.. en. graved oa th tip of th hand:. Atultabl reward will b paid upon It iturn to this effle. apitlH M-lt Buggy Harness! Wagoa Harn.ne, Dray Haraeai, Oart Bar sens, collar., Heme., Hackbanda, Blind and Hiding Urldlea, Haltrr., Curry Comb., Horn Bro.hee. Feather laatere. Trunk., bin and Hatchea, Summ.r Lap Bobee, Whip., Span, and all kind, of ttaddlery Good, at bottom price CARPENTER A MALLARD. ftnrceaaor to J. R. TOPHAM A CO. Ke. Sooth Front bbeet, Wilmington. If. O. ir a fa-ir 2, 4, G, and 14 Pound Cans of the FOB I.anch and Plc-Nic Cxcnraloa. Parties for the "SOUND" should not Forget this. Alwan on th lookout for om.thln "new and "good," w take "pride" la "lutrodiin Ing" n.w good., tuck aath above, andth drmand'Tfor tb "Cooked Cora Beef" la .of Detent erldence that our ffrt ar anoracla. ted. SOMETHING NEW AGAIN. WhvJo.t r.oelved the Erst ablpmentof 'NEW BUTTER." "Flrrt tbliaeaasB." Sand for th above only to GEO. MYERS, II A H South Front Street, april. ts The Uipscys Prophecy ; OB, THE Bride of an Evening. : ,n .-. rira. Emma 0. E, n. Banlbwarth. Being volume Firth of oar New and Uniform Edition or Mr E. 1),E N. Southworlh'i eelo- btated werke. Complete In on large Duodecimo volume, PJB fALI A HEINODERCER'G Uv Book and Marie Store. araUn ts DUY Our Half Dime Cigar FOB !Hlf Dollar per Dozen, Th che.peet ht Ul market vv .-; .-!.,, i. .1,,'... -. At No. C2 Market Street. D.PICOTT. marrb x l.'illIN Uf - 1 printed SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MORE PARTICULARS! Ml ASSORTMENT OP IS NOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. Mj customers bare shown tbeir appreciation of mj LOW TRICES bj their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. 8TRAN0ER3 not posted, aud desiring th vatu of thtir money, can get it bj calling -AT- M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market SI. apilt IS FISHINQ POLES I riSHINO POLES! J art received a targe lot of thue 8ne ri.h ln Pole, u .old by u lant .oaaun. Alraalult ui plyor all klD.l vt Line., Hook., Uurka, Bluk.re, Spinu.ra, llolis, Ac, A.. All lor tale very low by tUuKH A MVROHISON. aprll II M Just Received ! A large and complete assortment of Stationery, Legal Cap, Fools Cap, Letter, Pocket Note, Commercial Note, Ootare Note, Billet Note, Long and Broad Bill Taper, and the best and cheapest stock of Envelopes to the oit. . " - ; ALSO, ' ' Of all kinda and sit. BLANK BOOKS made to order. At CONOLEI A YATES Oitv Book Store. aiirll IS M RETAILERS Will lad it ts their advantage to siamin a lotaf M rackaros ef "Olioioo Butter" That w ar Jobbing at SB t. per pound. T buyer, in th country w. ar eff.rln peelal ladsoemenU" "FOB CASH" and re. daoed th prleeaen all N "eitr tharge" for peeking. Bond for temple, and price., and w gnarant eatU- faetloa. EO. MTEB8, aprll II It A IS South Front Street, Children's Carriages. TARGE STOCK OF KEW STYLES FOB Spring trade. Alto, Straw Matting, Window Shade, Rattan and Willow OhalH, Foot Mat., Ie Boxee, A For Ml low by aprll IS I), A. SMITH A CO. Frank farter Lager Beer. QUABTS .AI FINT8, BEST IMPOBTEI), In eaer of Four and 8li De.en. . a CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., 67 North Front St. Choice Larue Sweet Orannes. rJtWENTY BOXES. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO.. 8A7 Korth Front St Elegant Roll Butter for Table Use, 35 cents. CHAS 0. MYERS CO., e aprll tl Star copy. 7 North Front 8t, TO Edgecombe Cotton Plows, Aleo the Watt and Dll. Trao Chain. RorM Collar.. Back Band. Wem.lng Iloee. Plow' I Inee, Shovel, and Bpadee, Pork., Hamen. A. The largeat rtck and lowest prior, can be fnnnd at tb Old K tablished Bard war Hour of JOHN DAWSON, Mos. II, M and tl Market Street, aprll IS W lnrate In Btocnt Prlvllcges In iaa.11 atrwea. lead. manv THnv.itMD of COLLAR. ra iT. (omprahf imiv eiplana. inn fllrrnl.ni. containing detalkd etatemei.t and quotation prtceo of all eleCk dealt in at tliO ItfW fir Bloc s.riumgt, moiiru jrwm 9W tboo dealrlng io .fnlBi. AdilrMB, $100 $500 $1000 COMPLETE o- -22- jpROMFT TIME, UK CASH BUYERS wutil for 076 Faok.go. Fine-Cut and X'lng Tobaccos, At Prlnoalei lalt. D. i-iaOTT. aprll 1 or FINN AT Bin. E. A. jLOlSDE'S, Oat FKIDAV. April 3d. SVTh Ladle, am re.etfullr liivilrd to MIL airll!.;n - or- gPRING AND 8Udf.1E MILLINERY THURSDAY, AFRIL 22i, 1875. , Hrs. A. D. BROWH, Ezcbaaa; Coraar, Wllldl.olar the larcet and beetxleeted rtoch of Trtmmtd and Uutrlmmed HaH and Bonnet, leleoted from the Principal Import, re of French and Engllih Faeulona In tbia country. Thev embrace manv noveltle. and will be orTercd at popular rrloee. All ar In. vlted to call and eiamln. , april IS S -OF THE. PUBLIC. Marshal's Office, CITY OP WLLMINOTON, N. 0., April Mth, 1875. JNOBDEBTOE5ABLEMETOCLEAMSE the City thoroughly, and with a little delay . poeolbl, I h.v divided tb Olty Into lour (4) Health Dlitrlrf, with a Health Officer tf .Igned to duty in acb. TBE FIBST DISTBIOT, In charge of Health Officer J. H. Brown, em brace, that portion of th Olty North of Mar ket and Eat of Firth treeta. THE 8 BOOM D DISTBIOT, In charge of Health Officer O. O. Taylor, em brace, that portion of th. City North or M.r ket and Weet of Filth Street. TBE THIBD DISTBIOT, In charge of Health Officer A. J. Denton, em brace. Uat portion of the City South of Mar ket and Eaat of Fifth Street. THE FOURTH D1STBICT, la charge of Health Cffloer 8 F. Waloott, em brace that portion of th Olty Sonth of War ket and Wert of Fifth Streets. , Tb Health Officer, may be deelgnattd by th yellow roeette, and they ar Inatruoted to In. poet and report all nnoleanllnaa to my office ill. hoped that th OltlMn generally will eo operate with m In thU Important work, and begin th n- tded cleaning without further de lay. Any person reqntrlng th service of a Sca venger maj report the fact to th Health Officer of the Divl.lon In which th work I to lie done, or at my efflee, and th matter .hall bar. the promptest attention. Tmatlng no further appeal to our good OKI sen. may be required, and that our City .ball be a model In neatoee. during the oomingSum- mar, I am, vir rerct fully. april is-tr Vitj Mar-hal. Extracts fop the Toilet, G UKRLAIA'S KXTHAOTH, tnbln1. F.traet. Ph'on'a Mght BloomlO Ctrcaa, Hlr Brnnriea, t omba, UHH bilk, Ao., Aa. For aal by NEW ADVEHTISIIiT3. 45. BROWN & 45 ARE NOW FULLY SPPiSUG AMD SlDjlBn WITH ACOMl'LKTK AgHMORXJUENT OF STAPLE 1 FANCY DRY GOODS, Comprising the Novelties of tho Season. STRirED BUMMER BILES 75 Ocnts, worth $1 121. PLAIN OHENAD1NKH from 18 Ct'Uts npwud, FIOUUED (1UENAUINES 15e., worth 37o. LINEN CAM BlUCa 28o. and upwaad. A very t hole UnUctlan at Now Ore Oaods for l.aoilc anal t'UIMrcu's Var, s FRENCH CAMRR1C8 18 ots., woith 25 cts. NEW UTYLE8 IN QINQ11AM8 11 cts., worth 17 oU. WAS II POPLINS 12) ots , worth 20 ots. liKHt CALICOS 10 oti., worth 12 J ots. L'LAMA LACE BHAWL8 AND BACQUEH, NOXT1NOIIAM LACE HIIAWLH AND8AOQUES, SHETLAND HIIAWLH. IN WHITE AND STRIPES. A VERY assortment of SUNSHADES, the latest styles that can be found in tho country, at prices ranging from 20 ots. to 87. ladies, Misses ami Boys White and Striped Hose, Gents White snd Striped Rooks for Summer wear. Lsdiea and Misses Gauss Underwear, , Gouts sud Boys Gauze: Underwear, Qeut's Jeans Drawers (mails to our spoolal order), Gent's White Dress Shirts snd Bows, Woolen and Linen Goods for Gents and Boys wear. The largest lines on MUSLINS ever shown in this city, such as SWISS PLAIDS, Stripes and Plain. , , NAINSOOK PLAIDS, ORGANDIES PLAIDS, " " " VICTORIA LAWNS, lied Mpi'cndN IVom tt upvrnrrt. Lluon aaluoetluir and Pillow Culiiir. T WE WILL SHOW for ONE WEEK a very hanrtsomo line of DRAP D'ETE MANTLES and BACQUE8. T S'lLB AOKNTS for Franb. .n.ll i rit Paper Patfrrn m .rtnTAai VACHINatajiiOLSS D Cents each. We have several JOB LOTS in aulureut departments, but want of space pre vents ,u from enumerating i a visit only enn oover the ground. ONE PRICE STRICTIY CAXH-N0 SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Harlret Street- P. fl. It has been almost impossible for us to par the attention to our Dat- rons that we would desire owing to the increase of our business and Jack of room. We take this onoortunitv to nnolorize to those who have tint hnnn waited on as promptly as we should wi to call early in the day as we can show CAPITAL SOLUBLE PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TON8 SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warebo prioes. W. II. McItAItY & CO., CoiomlMkOD MartaauU. Aotfor Faolflo Ou.no Oo., andIalerlaMo. 1 P.rarlan Guano North Water Stbext, ... WlLailNUTON, It. Sub-Agents for the Sale of Soluble Facilio tiuano. r. B. OIBNON,,., O. HHAMA.n.... janSI Molasses I llolasses ! 800 Bbl.. S. H si nlaiiMM, 100 Hlula. S U Molamot, 1100 Hlid.. and Bbl. Cuba Holaaa.., For aal tj SKKOUMIS OAUDKB BBOS. Flour! Flour! Flour! SOe Bbl. B. W. Floor. 300 ' Bell Kill Flour. 300 " Frio Hoyal Floor. - Fralby ' KBBCHMIR A OALDIE BROS. Hay! Hay! aa Bala No. 1 taatera Bay, IOOBsImN.R. Hay. . For sal by - KKBCHNER OALDEfl BROS, j " Bacon ! Bacon ! Bacon ! Se Bo. 0. S Sides, ft It. H. shoulder., It " Smoked Side and Sbonlder. For Ml by KKKUHNER & OALDER BROS, prills tl Shirts Mad to Order, t hKTacenrd th Ar-ncy for Ward'. Clilr'a and sat prepared to mill tb flntt N.w York Mill, and Waniautta Sblr.aat SB, guarantee ing a tut fit. - HltirtN. Brat N.w Tork tnd Wamnutta Mill, mad to ord.r, al S3 apleo. Kwry Shirt aimran tod to fit. Mad by M. W. Ward, Broad: way, Hw York a. uariu, agent at wilmingt. (lent. Merino Tnderahirt. 29 cent.. ' Oun'al.lneo t'ambrlo liar dken blcft 95 eta, ueni. Iflua liaif iiuna cut. .. AVin. aprll 12 m r.a J l.t V lUt n ! ami tn 4G. RODDICK II 45 PREPARED FOR THEIR - li, aud would reoommend all who can them more attention. apl 18-tf pacific UO GO.; $1,000,000. t Old Hundred, tt. O. Marlon, S. O. 27-3mdAw BINFOi, GR0V7 ft.GOL, OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BBLS. FLOHH-all grade., 100 BA0800FriCK'' 150 BBLS' 8TEUPJ' 2,000 BACKS SALT, r., 'Send them Your Orders. aprll IT HA DOYS Blue Flannel Suits, Soma tery Dl.e at tt Kl. 1 VT Bandsom (trip 8ulta, alt wool, nty IS so. trr M.a'. BI.TjK FLAKKFI. RriTS.bmt good, and Blcljr maOa will not lade. , tar Handaom. rAKTS, all wool, .nly S3.SO. SF Stripe HaU Moee, Balbrlfgan do., Aa., Sio., at MUNSON&COT-, The pirer mill of (leo. Benton A sn ft :!""-.'". ,'ii, 't., wns burned '.I t" . no. ' r a 91

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