l 11 r! 1 1 ,fl ill l I I I I I i i VOL. XXIV. NO. 09. WILinilQTOII, N. C, SUNDAY. APRIL 25. 1875. 7H0LE ITO. 0CC3. Tf .Jlalln flOliilllll WILMINGTON. N. a: BUH DAT, APRIL 25, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. (JOTIIAM. CELEBRATING CERVANTES' .ANNIVERSARY. THE BEECHEB TRIAL. Nsw Yobk. April 24-Noou The Ppanish resident of this eit j ro day Commemorated th 259tb. anuivwary of the death of Ceuvautes, author of Im Quixote. Force Si Son's linseed oil fsctoiy baa been burned. Loa $120,000. Nw Tom, April 24 Night Tbo Bewlier trial will be adjourned one wet k to enable the counsel to prepare their stories. , A caterer has been found who will swer that Mr. nod Mrs. Beeober were served by him on the alibi day. lie mile a note of it. The specie shipments to-day were over $1,000,000. LOUISIANA, THE TERRIBLE DISASTER AT NEW ORLEANS. FIFTT LIVES LOST. Nkw Orleans, Apiil 24 Noon The bulla of the Exporter aud the B dman were towed across the river. That of the Kyle floated a couple of miles and anuk. Capt Reeves, of the Exporter, bad o party aboard, but moot of the ladies were ashore. The Captain's daughter was lost, The latest esti mates rate the loss at about fifty. The Captain and watchman of the dman report about twenty-five women and children lost from that boat, and the same number is estimat ed by the spectators. Among the frautio croud upon the Exporter's forecastle about twenty-five were res cued, among whom were several ladies. Boiue were rescued badly wounded, among whom were persona who were aboard the burning boats assisting at aaviug life; in some instances extra ordinary heroism and endurance were display. All three boats were tied at the same ring-bolt, and in the hurry of cutting the Kyle's moorings; the three boats were set adrift. There Wits a lamentable want of ordor among the skiffs and tugs that (endeavored to reave Uvea. One boat had oil on board ' wbieh floated, burning on the water, among thoae struggling to reach the ahore. THE WEST. CROP EEPORTS IN MISSOURI AND ILLINOIS. Ft. Loots, April 24 Noon Reports from the State show that three-fourths of the full wheat crop has been lost. There will be a half avex ago of the oatorop. Corn will be plauted. The pouch crop of Missouri and Arkansas is nearly destroyed. Apples and pears are uninjured The wheat in Indiana Is b idly injured. The rye and barley crops are also short. The oro s in Ktnsasare unoertaia. The when t in Michigan is badly injured. In Ne braska the prospects are flattering. Ia Wisconsin oats and barley are bad ly injured. The prospect for winter wheat in Illinois is very discouraging and many wheat fields are being plowed for corn. NEW YOUR. A FEARFUL TRAGEDY AT CUBA. Cuba, N. Y., April 24. Noon A young Irishman named James Laffer ty, being refused by an eighteen year old daughter of George Lannoy, living near Rockville, Alleghany county, drttw his revolver end shot bur in the bead. Her mother hearing the report of be pistol, rushed in the room, when Laf ferty shot her in the right t unl" and then placed the pistol to b a head ""d fired, blowing off the who e aide of his head. The women will n cover, Ha had previously killed his grauiiuiutuur. . EUKOl'E. AD ELTNA PATTIS HUSBAN D KILLED IN A DUEL. London, April 24 Noon. The jol liers and owners throw open their pits to the miners on Monday morning at a reduotion of fifteen per cent on their wages. A dispatch to the Standard from St. Petersburg reports that the Marquis deCasey.husband of Adeline Patti, has b"eu killed in a duel. Losdok, April 24- Night Tho trika of the cotton operatives at Black burn has ended. HEADQUARTERS. TEE GALLANT BRIGADE OF QUARTERMASTERS. SPECULATIONS ABOUT THE V CANT PORTFOLIOS. Washington, April 24. Night. Firt Lieut. & D. At wood, ixtn In fantry, First Lieut. J. H. Lord, Vaona Artillery, First Liout. J. M. XI iB'iBl'. Fourth Artillery, lave been pi -pointed Captains and Assistant Qnrtormasters. The Quartermaster's nT is now full. It may be stated on reliable author ity that Secretary Bristow would not avert the Attorney (Jeneralsbip, i ' .f iM f n ponition be tendered tohiiu. 'i I'i -r.t l . H not yet accepted ' 'iff .Attorney General 't rm U no doubt merit that Henry T. Blow ha been tt-i;dered the portfolio of tin Interior Itepartmeut, ainl tuat he will accept it. lieporu mention tho nam of Ex Senator Cole, of California, in the fame oounectton. ELECT1IUCSMS. ScliofVld's large cotton mill at Mma yuiik. Pa , was burned yesterday. Ls heavy. The Archbiobops of Mexico hive lpatud an sudress regnrtlniff church aws. They cjoio obedieuee to the ijws, and auvie fjAtiiolic to be pa'ieut. Kt Josephs Roman Catholic clinrch at San Joe, CaL, was buried on Fri day. Loss SjO.OOO. Sevetal thousand tii'ket holders in the Louisville Library lottery, have plnotd their conpousio tlie hands of 1J tin ton Duncan to bring suit sgHitrnt the uianseis for breach of ooutraot to recover their money. There was three i nodes of snow fell yeterdy at Oswego. N, Y. The approach of warm weather does' not encourage the friends of General John 0. Breckinridge, but serious re sults are not presently apprehended. Recent reports from Keutucky are more favorable for the tobnoco plants. . Arthur B. Barrett, mayor of St. Ionin, is dead. The strikers of the Nutio and Arc tic mills, at Providence, R, I , have untitled the superintendent of their willingness to resume work.'. A report to the signal office from Nurfojk. yesterday evening, says that the velocity of the wind was forty-two miles an hour. It snapped the fkp s'uff of the signal ofllce in that o ty at d danger to the shipping was sppre heuded. 8PECIAL. I ns cheiM)in collar you can re-.r U II, Elm wood, bicauwlt will keep olean longer (huDj:Lr. Try it. In .( Iteory. ur teeth, Both abo an l beneHlh, Being lightly enamel'd and thin, Thei will Mr break down, Nor urn yellow nor brown, IftheHOZoDONT'S dully bribed In Without duubtliuixlrcdi of people who will reed tola item are eatt'niiua with KUlu ll ca In Dome form, which might he uurwl with a bottle or twe of dohn-ou'. Anodyne LIuU mont. used internally why not try UT Pareon'a Purgatlra Pills, which are now be Ing extenrlvelT told In ttita Stale, are purely testable, end are mild au1 gentle la their operation. Duet, a dote Uoodi)ualitlei, cer tainly. Dr. Htbenck'e Pnliuonic Pjrrnp, Nea Weed 'I onic, and mandrake Pllle, J hue medicine, hare nndcubtcd:y perform ed moia caret ol totieumptton than any other remedy knowu to the American public. '1 bey are compounded of vegetable lagredleute, and contain notliing which can be Inlurloua to the human coriaututlon. Other remetllee adrer tired aa curd lor conatinipuon prolably eon Uio opium, which Is a aomewhat daogeroua drug In all ciieen, and If taken freely by oon ninptiTe patl nta, It mutt do gr at injury for Its leudency t.i o confine the morbid matterln tlieeytt'm, which, of couree, mut make a cure Inii'Osslble. Schenck't Pulmonio Syrup ll warranted not to contains particle of opi um. It 1 compostd of ioneiful but hrm!en hcrbi, wnkb actou thi lung, lirer, atomiuh aud blowl, and Uiu. correct all morbid irrre t'ona, and txpel all tuo dlwaied mattvr fiom the body. 1 line are the cn'y rueitu by which ciiaumit'on nan be cuicd, . d a Schunck'i Pu inonlii Syrup, H Weed Tonlo, and iai lake 1'illi are tUeoulv medicmea which op erxle In thl- way, it 1 obriDua they are tho only g ninn" cure fur I'u'monary Consurup tiun Each buttle ot tbls lnalualle mtliulne 1- ac.coinpKiiltd by liel direction.. lr.Hehem-k la 1 rotof.loiially r hlHprincliKl fffle, curnur sixth and Artb t e- as. . HhiUrfiitdiia.eveTv Monilny, hHr all loltort lor adtltvo must be adl i Med MARRIED. In Kh hmond enunry, on the mornlne of Iht 9lai. bv ii Jnaepb Hliericr, Mr O. M. COV. laGTOS to Mjs MULLIE WAiL. DIED. Very furtdenlf ,on the "ornlne of the JJd of April, ii.5, nruU"i wi i.iam i.r.Mnuw, up ft Ke. Juo. Paul Lei non, gd 16 yeira a-id t month. He e a mott exemplary and wormy iaa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST. On Thimlay nvimli g last, on Front or llilrd ctreer, a Oo'.d Necklace, with a rmall g-j!d heart aitachud. The fl idur wiil be ll'icrally reward' 1 by 'caving airne at th a office. apni ! , ss-lt Country Merchants CAN riNI THEI.4KGKMT Nr MOT comp ete aloe of Hidward nd at the lowet p'iceiu the city, at the Old -tablih-ed Hardware lioune of . JUHN 1)4 WHON, oa. 19, 20 and 11 Market Street. aprll K Auction Sale. I will ae'l at my Sale Roo-n, No. H Market Sirent, on Monday morning at 10 o'clock, Houeotio'd Kir tiiture. Walnut Writing lk, Lur Hoke, buggy Harneaa, Stove, Kltchou I'tcnalii , B. KaHNWEILRR, i.uoi,lonee. apr':l M j9-lt Hay! Hay! 1 000 Bni''"1 Co'a- 'reah Water- (Irourd Meal erery dnr, Mill Kerd, Oale, t'rackr d t orn, t'eaa and FreBh tirocerita For sale low by GRANT ft WfNTON, flrooers and Uommianlon Merehar.ta. aprll 25 09 tf-iUt R O E HERRI TJC. 50 Kegs No, 1 Family Roe Herring A SUPERIOR ARTICLE. This Year's Oatoh For mle low by NEW ALVf E1ISIMES13 Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, 1. 0. iJDT 0. 1 WiLMiaarow, K. O., April M, 1879. BROTH VRTo-aor row (Monday) being the Mth A nlterMU-y of Aaerioaa tMd rltowMp. y, a am hereby aotin Mto anevtat in ie"jt na ni a 14 o oteox r M,poanptiy, tor rr i hia't purp.. VMiiua Broihrr. is g".l Maadlug are sor- uiu ; inirru w mew wnn oa. Py order of the H.Q. BINJ. BELL, H. 8. -lt apillU Orion Lodge No. 67. i. o.ir? O.F. Waatisarwii, N .O., April 14, 1811 mUTHriKX-Toa are hereby rrqurated to a wmble at the Utgs Room oa to-morrow ( Monday) afternoon, at I 'elect prompt, to celebrata the M b. Aonlerery of American Oddielhiwablp and the Ind Aanlveraarj of your l odge. All Brvth en la good landing In ' ha city are rtapeot'ullj lovltedui paiUo pate Hy order K.U. W H. ORRRKN, Hioerdmg heeretry. apillJS -lt Personal Remlnlacencea, Anac dotes and Lattera of GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE, By Kev. J WIIXIAji JUNKS, D !., Formerly t.baplaln Armv northern Virginia, and of Waehlnt m College, Virginia. Pulillahwl by authority of the Lee family and or ite Faculty or waramgtua ana 1 1 Unlvereity.i Sixteen Splendid Portraits and sTngravlngs. Prloe, In Cloth, ft W, eheepr 0i Half Tur key, Fall Turkey, SI SO. A part of the proceed, ef every copy sold gone to complete Valentine's aeioepbegua of tee eoktouly by eubeortptwa. MRS. 8. M, WCVKRI, Agent. aprti as w u Under Shirts, Dr awers, Ties and Cravats, COIXDR.ED bows s, QF ALL 8TTLES at MAaUFACTCRKIi'l w boiemie rrieee. Our OKAWKKt are of the Inatlv eetebrated Pepimd Jeana, beat make rantaieoa Cut Bd twenty-fire per , cent loea U aa I art yea' MUNSON & CO. Cm CLOTHIERS, aprll U St Bacon Sugar Coffee and Hour. 100 Boxes D. 8. and Smoked Sides, 100 Boxes D. and S. and Smoked Shoulders, 150 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 1. 000 Bbls. Flour-all grades. For sale low by , WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Corn-Hoop Iron-Glue and Rice. 12,000 Bushels Prime White Cora, 800 Buudles Iloop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue, 50 Bbls. Whole Rice. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Syrup, Spirit Casks, Nails and Matches. 100 Bbls. S. H. Syrup, 800 Second Hand Spirit Casks, 200 Kegs Nails, 15 Cases Matches, For sale low by WILLIAMS 4 MURCHISON. Molasses Molasses. 150Hhda. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba Molasses. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON Guano! Guano! 250 Tons Ouannpe Guano, y 200 Tons Eureka Guano, For Bale low by WILLIAM MTJRCniHON. aprll 88 W Corn-Coin-Corn." 5,000 Bo"ll,uorD For aale by " KERCH NKR A OALPRK RKUB Spirit Casks ! Spirit Casks ! 500 TAMDABD casrs- rortaleby EEROHNER CA1.DEB BROS. Sugar House Molasses 100 Ht",fc 8 H Mo,',e,' 500 B"JI' 8 H Mo,Mae' For aale by . KBKIJUNER A CAL.HER BR08- Flour, Coffee. Sugar and Rice 1,000 BBLt. FLOUR, ' 400 Sack, Cottee, ne BhlaBugar. 81 Bbla. hice, Kur aale by ' KKKUHNKR CALDKR BKD" aprll 25 f PIANOS AND r . ORGANS. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FINI IN- at. omenta aiwayf on exblbltlea and lor aale by eay lnaiaUment or caah, at T 7 NEW ADYZETISIXENT3. MORE PARTICULARS! MT ASSORTMENT OF IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers bats shown their appreciation of toy LOW PRICES by their liberal purchases, for whieb I'm thankful. STRANGERS not posted, and deaiting (As talus of Atr money, can get it by calling ... -at- ; . M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market St. aprU II Notice. BT ACfHOKITT OF THE OWN- eriofthe Br. Barquenline Rnllah man," we aareny ftre nonce o at) eoneeraed, tbat ao debts contracted here by the Captain or arew will be paid by the ship or ewnia. ALri arai) at aaua, aprll IVnalw A genu and t onalgnee. New Hanovev Tent No. 07, I, O. of R. BROTHERS The called mtetlnt to confer dea-reea, on Mondiy nlfbt th tnat., will be poatponeuon account 01 ine vuii-rwow e uaii which takee plaee on Monday night. 91 omer oi u.a HKNttT O. BAIKIN.R aprll H tS-lt W Usee I WwedlBg; llwwa t One ot the larceet ard bart Moried etocki of Weeding H ve brought to ihia mwket ean now ne ruuua at our eetaunaniueni, wuera mi ruliawlng brande ean be i ought at very low flgnreai Hoorlil (g-nutn, Idine, tilbaon, Ault man, Klwell biith Heel and iron The Han dled Canon and Corn Hoeaand Double- B laded Hoee can alao be found with ue. - OtTe A a call betoie tiurchaalng elaewhers. Oll.K e atUBC'UlSON. aprtlSB Wet Nurse Waiited, ANTED Immcd'ately a WK'F NCRSK Apply to V' WALTER OONET, Corner Fifth an I Obeatout street, aprll if -St BUTTER, DIRECT FROM THE DAIRY. AND SWEET ORANGES. For aale at O H. W. RUNGE'B. N. K. Corner of Market and Second bla. aprilJB . . 1W Economy I BOUKH. Mo lowiai to make up by ad ding to my profit. Fresh Groceries BT EVERT 8TE1MER. BAKER 'WHISKEY, OLD TORT, ' ALE AND TORfER. XL W. SHURE, Xo. 31 N. Front Street. aprll 28 Merchant Tailoring. French Caaaimer Pant made to order. Blue Flannel Sulla made to order, Bualneta Suite made to order. Diagonal Snlta made to order. Wedding Butte madeto order. " I bare on hard the flneat atock of French 'loha and Cia-lmer 8u ta mad. to order In tti latent etyles, and aa low In prlcea aa any houae North or Booth. , A DAVID. aprll 2J 3 SUBSTANTIALS Choice Lot of N.O. Ilams and Sides, Sngar-Oured Pig Hams, Should ers and Breakfast Strips, Large Beef Tongfues, Ohoioe Outs, Smoked Beef, Ham Bologna, Fulton Market Beef, T Cold Pressed Corned Beef, Salmon, Mess Sc Ho. I Mackerel, Dry Salt Sides, Dry Salt Shoulders, Son oro and Cream Cheese, Fine Apple aud Dutch Head Cheese. All grades Flour advanced, but for the pieeent we bold old prices. CHAS 0. MYERS CO., O A 7 North Front St. Irish and Scotch Oat Meal, In Tins and Tound Packages. Inval uable to Dyspeptics. Still selling Best Butter at Forty Oenti. ' Butter in Pats Thirty-five Cents. Good Butter Thirty Cents. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., A At V North Front M, aprll IS Musical Instruments. pUNOB.OBaAMS, SUIT IBS, VIOLIN Banjo, Aoaordeooa, Flutea, Urea, Harmonica., o All (or Ml at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, -.-. : C0N0LET4YATES, ' ALSO, FUIB aaaortmeat of Beautiful Cbrumoa, colored Lithograpba and Bttrroioopl Viewa. AT THE CITY BOOK STORE. aprll as v w AN8,- PAKA80LU, AT NAINSOOKS, VICTORIA LAWNS, WM. PICgUES, VICTORIA STKICES, FYFI't, LINEN, LINEN DIAPER, EXCHANGE CRAVATS, HAIR FIX! VG8, CORNER. ;; Aid a general aortmnt or Fancy Article. Tbalale.t New York NoraltlD. recelrtd week ly aprll 51 tf Slippers. Laillrt Brone Bill ne'ann't SI. l)o. Morocco Hi.ppera lrom SI and up. waia. Men'B Bllpper from tl and spwaitf. Menlaulllflertor . At CUARIjEB . PRTCF.'H, No 12 MarkttBtreet, aprll IS B gn of th Qoldeu Boot Buggy Harness, Wagia Harn'M. rirar HarneiM. Cart Mar none, iollara, Hmia, Barkbanda, Blind and Hiding Brloln., Baltcra, Curry (Jomha, IIit-o uruxnea, reatnrr Duatera, Trunka, tliigi anil oaicnea, nunimer, l ap ttoora, winpa, parn, and all klmla of Baddlery Uooda at bo tu price. CARPENTER A MALLARD, Sm-ceeaoea to .T. SI. TOPHAM A CO , No. SRnntb Front Btieet, Wilmington. N. O aprll S3-tf rj;ho Virginiti BUFFALO SPRINGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF THE SOUTH. OPEN 20th MAY, 1875. i There watere are peamaaed of extraordinary curative power In artt-cttone of the K J ON r. YS and Hlitllr H,tn all derangement of th BILIARY OKdaNK IncUlmt to warm nlaa mtio rgiona. in Dyspejsla, ln Dis eases peculiar to Women- Chronic Intermittent na Hemlt tent Fevers. Chronlo Gonorr hoea Secondary Syphilis Cleet anaaiiiiiMHarKoi the Cenltal Orsansi and in eome forma of Coutaid Rheuma tism, 'l'belr reninrkalnii power and eiliuitcy In tue dlaeaeta Indicated are Ton bed for by romeofthe moat dlrtingulshed nirxllral men of the eoantrr, both North and South, aa aell ae by reported caeee from the mo.t unquea tloiiable aonrca. Testimonial, in Fami.l let form fnrnlahed on applluatlon. TUB WAX EU FOH8ALK. The water la put tip la eaae of one doien half cation Hottlei at 8 per caae. Route to the Springs for the Souths, r a. of the Kicninnnd and Atlanta Air Line Hallroad to KooltKburg Depot In Halifax connty, Virginia, where all tialna are met by roach e. for the Hprlnga II mllea dl.tiut THOMAS F. GOODB, arirlt 4-tAW-4m , froprtetor. FISHIXO POLES! FISHIX3 POLES t Inert. rfop!Tf1 ft liirsA lot of thw riMh. REW ABTIETISIMI1.IS. 45. BROWN & 45 ARE NOW FULLY PREPARED FOR THEIR SPQEie MID SOILED WITH A COMPLETE A88ORTMENT OF STAPLE ID FANCY DRY COODS. Comprising the (Novelties oftho Season. RTRirED RDMMER BILKS 75 Cents, worth l 12. TLAIN GllFNADlNEH from 18 Cents tipwud, FIGURED ORENADINES 15o., worth 37o. LINEN CAMBIUCH 28c and npwud. v A very Choice Selection of New Dreaa Wsar. FRENCII CAMBRICS 15 ola., woith 25 cts. NEW BTILE8 IN GINGHAMS 11 cts., worth 17 ots. WASH POPLINS 121 cts., worth 20 ots. HEHi CALICOS 10 cts., worth 121 eta. , LLAMA LACE RHAWL8 AND SACQUEH, NOTTINGHAM LACE HUAWLS AND 8ACQUE8, rJlIETLANl) HHAWLH, IN WHITE AND STRIPES. A VERY lares assortment of SUNSHADES, tbe lattwt styles that can ba found in the country, at prices ranging Ladles, Misses and Boys White and Striped Hose, Genta White and Striped Bocks for Bnmmsr wear. Ladies and Missps Game Underwear, Gents and Boys Omasa Underwear, Gent'a Jeans Drawsra (made to onr special order), Gent's White Dress Bhirts and Bowa, Woolen and Linen Goods for Genta and Boya wear.' The largest lines on MUSLINS ever shown in this oity, suoh aa - SWISS PLAIDB. Stripea and Plain. NAINSOOK PLAIDS, ORGANDIES PLAIDS, .. .. VICTORIA LAWNS. Ued Hproiulat iVom fl up-vrnrtl. Linen Nlioolliiu unci Pillow C7nnlnr, T WE WILL SHOW for ONl WEEK a verv liaudsoms line of DRAP D ET13 MANTLES and SACQUE3. tr 8')L,K AOE.HI'1 for Frank I.aella- t fnpar Pailoriia , , . r, , MACHINC NCC0L.E8 8 Cents saoh. We have several JOB LOTS in Uiunreut dopartmuuts, but waul of space pra vents us from enumerating ; a visit only oaq cover the ground. ONE PRICE-STRICTLY CASH-NO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. P. S. It has been almost impossible for na to pav the attention to our pat rons that we would desire owing to the increase of our business and lack of room. We take this opportunity to apologize to those who have not been waited on as promptly as we ahould wl to call early in the day as we can show SOLUBLE PACIFIC SMI CO.; CJ-cVlJXTiVI 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. ,TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS 80LUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad' with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warebo prices. V. H. McRAUY & TO., CotontlMlon Merchant., AgenUfor PaolflcOu.no Co., audDealeriln N. t Peruvian Ouano NOBTH WaTUB HTREBT, WILiniNQTON. N. Sub-i gents for the Sale of Soluble Paciilc (Jiiano. V. h. imo.. .......... V. UltAlIAn jaoSl At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $60.00, payable 1st of November, zsr;. NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33,00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 , payable 1st of November next. HZ GUARANTEE tbat the prertoue High Qra t of oar fertilisers ehall bs full j Maihtatsbo n B. BKMMIERK, Preeldent ' 1). SitKSK, Tii'neurer, . h uttATPMN, siiierintendent. Jan e BIHFORD, CROW & CO., OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BBL1. FLOHR-all gradea, 100 BAGS COFFER, 150 BBLS. SYRUPS, 4C. RODDICK 45 Ueoeta lor Lad lea anel Children's from 20 eU. to 87. h, and would reoommond all who oaa them more attention. ; apl 18-tf .Old Bnnrtrerl, K. a ..Merlon. S. O. 37-3111(1 Aw WE OFFER . OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Season of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Our " " Factory, at the following SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY WILMINGTON, N. C. a RETAILERS Will find It to tlielr advantage to examine a lot of '. . SO Packages of 'Clioico Butter'' Jhat we are Jobbing at 28 eti. per pound. To buyere in the oonntry wa are ofTerln "apeolal lndaeementa" "FOR CASH" and re. doced tba prtceeon all OEOCEBira. K "extra charge" ror packing. Bend for aaanplea and prices, and we gnamntso e-"i-faction. UT!' CO.

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