C77 r ) v, ' 1 r N vol. xxiv. - no. 100. wmmrGTOn, h. a, Tuesday, april 27. 1875. WHOLE HO. G.8G1 1 1 1:1 la t N J) WILMINdTON. N. a: DAY. 27. 1875. oY telegraph: UEAUQUAIITEKS. SLifTER TO 00 TO ALBANY Fl R FOUtt YEAK8. FJlAtJpLXENT HAIL CONTRACTS CANC11LED Jf iH;,J';. DELANO WILL NOT RESIGN FOU THE PRESENT. " ' (VI t ' i 1 ' COLLISION OX THE BALTIMORE 1 AND POTOMAC RAILROAD. NO SOUTHERN NAMES AMONG THE INJURED. Washington, April 26-- Night--De Iaoh will not rehiRn uutil Uie cloud " Tt- ting over his department is diim p ted. . a ' " Qot. Bard lias res-'guod the Attor nev Postmaster a hip, to t.tke pUoe uu ih 1st of June. - Sarah Walitor alia Press Oakley, tin i oliiid. ateuler, lias been Beutuiiued to , ture motitha iinpriaouineut, wit-li the . uiuleeUi.diDg that upon her relnta aLi should returu to .Norfolk. The President will appoint two Paj masterr in the army to-mornw, vice those, the Senate has tailed to ouu flim. The Postmaster General ban official ' 'feJviooa that the Postoilice at Carizo , hs been plundered br Mexioaus and Dr. Lovell killed. Aoolliaiou occurred on the Balti more k Potomac railroad abuut 5 'J o'clock this afternoon, just outside the , tfliiuel Sear the eastern branch, be tween the 4:53 train from this city and the New Fork train doe here at 5:13 p. "m. Eight or tun persons were seriously injured, and both of the trains were badly wrecked. Later In the collision this after noon there were nine persons seriously injured and others slightly, A careful enquiry gives no Southern names, either in incoming or outgoing, among the injured, though some may bi delayed through oonfasion of bag-g3-engines' ' tenders are da inotmne4 and -the Vggage cars are piled on them. . . ? A AMibeJ of olerla took id London eleven million dollars in bonds, being . ,., the last of the subscription by syndi- Out. Tha President lias declined to inter fere in the' fcase of Hope II. Blatter, ' recently convicted in this city of mau ' " slaughter. " in having killed Michael Hussey at a restaurant two years ago . Bind sentenced to four years in the Al , bauy . penitentiary. The application for bis pardon had, been pending frr several weeks. , ""The Postmaster-General to-day ie sued an order cancelling all awards of 0 mtracta heretofore made in favor of Jerome J. Hinds, Patrick Laughlin, Johu W; Delaney, William Weiss and I'Wm O. Iddinn, these being the names contained in the proposals fraudulently imposed upon the Depurt nwut by the, complicity of clerks at the regular letting. The order directs the oontracts to be immediately award ed to the respective bidders whose propomts are next lowest in amount to the proposals rejected. The routes , , .referred to are all in the State of Tex i. i s. The fraudulent bids baviug been , ' , made with the full knowledge of the amounts of the bona fide proposals, jod only a few dollars below them, the loss to the government by tue ,, present order will be very small. ELECTR1CISMS. ' Tie raid made on a gambling house .bj the Stat polioe resulted inth cap ture of 48 gay people and as muoh ma terial; so says a Boston diopatcb. Tue neavy sieei storm in mew lorn on Saturday prostrated tne tei lines. ; i , Jao. M. Corner,1 forjnffly secretary lor Col. Fisk, wagerffeted yesterday in New Yjjdrrofa 895,000 defalcation easnrer of the NatioLal Stock Yard Coflotoanv. . Navigation on the St. Lawrence river is open. The militia in the Pennsylvania coal - region . have been relieved by other regiments. CIUCAUO, i LAST DAY OF THE BILLIARD v ;( , TOURNAMENT. f"" CfinjAoJ, April' 2G Noon To-day was thhiBt dayof this International. iu State BilUaml Tournament. In the vfieat gaOMof tbe fternoorr Burleigh leatBoa200. to 111, Horning theu beat Carter 200 to 186. tbu deorivinc Carter of th Vhird prize. This was a well played and very interestinff aiu , throughout. The r last game of the 1 J tournament was played between jio. It. ui rAfl nd LiVerwan, the former wh. nitg by a score of 200 to 89.. , This $ ' h H-)veS Millet the ehampion, he having won nine games and lost two; BurleirK ' hnd Bbines soch won eight games and lost, three; Carter,, MoAffee and Galla- ' tehet eaoh won seven games and loi-t four: Shaw and Parker woji six games and lost five; Maggioli won four games and lost seven; Horning won 2 games and lost nine, and Liverman ana Hoa 'eiteh VonStfM game and lost ten, XKMa . T11E INDIANS: ' SEVEllEr "FlGHT WITH THE CHEYENNES IN KANSAS. JmCAOO, April 2(5r-Noon Licuten Anstin, tf tbeCth cavalry, reports a severs fight with the Cheyennes in ii, Kniisos. Nineteen Jodiaoa, inolnding b t two ohio'a and on meJiolue man, . were killed, The soldiers lost asor- geant and a private. LOUISIANA. B3TH HOUSES OF THE LEG IS' LATTJRE ADJOURNED. RESOLUTION SUSPENDING V CLINTON POSTPONED. Nkw OiasAKs, Aiiril 2CNoon Both Uum-s t-f the Lt pihUtnre have adv mrned oi'ie dir. Tlie rebolutioiis tuibpendiug Auditor C'mton- noder tho iinpwiMihmeut pro ciedaigs were pstpbBd by the Sen at.bya vut.f 18 U U But few, if any, rtform inquire beouniK a law. A bill, hwevtr, ap proprintiog tl70,lH)O for the vxne of u eitra kesMon panstHl. The oflioern, pHM.eug(r arid hands ill the bum d steamers lobt all of their olothmg, baggage, 4o. Till: KI0 GRANDE. NO ABATE M K N T OF THE I TROUBLES. Dttai's from the llio Grande show no abatemeut uf the trouble. Tie Mexican bandits toeui deter mined to prevent telegraphic coDini.u iiicatiou with J.rowiihviiio. They drive off o)terators aud line repairer. EUROPE. London, April 2G - Noon. The Rev. William Selivin,cliap!ain to the qiv eo, aged Mixty, and Ileury William 1'er kers Gill, portrait painter, aged eeveuty-four. are dead. SPECIAL. I hi n. tbleit col nr jca cn w 'r i tk) Wuwick. It it the 'y!t.-b wi'lih (hi. witoih Aik lor it kt tin' furni.Mng utorr.. ,. Ill Sj lie fit y ur teeth, lljlh Kbu e"Hiil bo ne .th, fitting Uglij antinel'd sad thin. The j will netor break dnws, Nor turn jellow nor brown, If the SOZODUN l 'S datly bruthed In Wltuuut doubt liundiede of i.eoiilB who will read UiU iti'ra ire rufl-rlr villi Kldnejr lie iu in aome form, wbich might be curml with a bottle or two of lohnou'a Anodyne Llul ment.iued IntomllT Wbjr not try u? rarmn'a Punatlve PIMa, which are now be. lug entendrel? ld In thia Ntate, are purnly vegetable, and are mild and gnntle In llieir operation. Ouelaadooo. UoodqualitleK.ver talnly. Dr. Bcbenek'a Pulmonic Siyrup, Ra WeelToBilc, and Mandrake IMIU. These medloihea bate undonbudly uerium 4 moi carea of uoneumptton than auy other tetaeoj aowtouia aaieriraaulle. tmj are compounded of regetab le Ingrrdtenta, and contain nothing which can be Iniurtoua to the huniai eoimtitutlon, Utnor rrmedlei adror tised as carof tor contnmpthia probably coa tatn oplara, which Is m aomflwhatdangerouj drug in all cutt, and If taken freely by con- etimpttve watlf nta, It ajaft do gn at injury ; for Ita tendency la to eouina the morbid matter In tbeayrtttm, which, of oourae, bui make a cure imiiowtble, Sche nek's Pulmonic Hyrup la warranted not to oontahi a particle of opi um. It la eompoetdef powatfnl but harmleai her 1)1, wu kb art on Ibaluuga, lirer, atomaoh and bloed. aud tliun correct all morbid aecra- tiona, aad cupel all the dlveaeod matter from the body. Ihraeare tha only means by which conaumption oau be cmrwd, add aa Scbenck'a Puliuonio syrup. Sea Weed Tonic, and J(a diake Pill are the onlv medlcinea which, op emta In thl way, It !' obrloui tUoy are the only g nulnxrure t'nr Pulniona-y Consiimp thin Each bottle or thin Invaluable ruwliclne l accompanied by lull dlrctiona lr bchenck t profeiwlouallT at his prlneliml (ffl.'e, corner Klxthnnd Arch strain, Phlljdolphla, wrery Monday, wbere all leitera lor adrtce must oe atldrtwed. NEW ADVERTI8EMENT3. WILMINGTON ' LIGHT IHFABTRY. I ATTENTION ! J . iHerabers are b'cby aummonrd to meet at the Armor tbuMTiiemlay) eveuiog, 2tb Inet , utSo'tlock By order of the Captain,. ' J. I. MacHKR, aprlUT-H rdorly Serg'l. Hcaiguartcrs Cape Fear Lilit Artillery, WimisoTO-t, N. O., April J7(U7S. ME M H R KH- Yonueft reordered to at tont a meetingutfiir Hntiery w-nlght at e '.'cluck, RtMiruiv'ii Hall, on H oond street, he- tw.'ijuriirket ami PrinoeM, A lull and prompt prelidence is cummanded Ur older of tue Cai't lu HIvIliHU W. PBICB, apriizr-lt Onleily strg't Sealed Proposals TTIUi BB KE0K1VKD lor the Bnildli g cf the Temple of I.rael un'll May 51, 12 o'loci. The Oommltte'e reecrTis Uie light to lejeet one or all of the Hit, t : Plane and ppec flcarmna ran be aeen at the offico of A. Willi. l. wnu, 81)1. UK A It, V. KHxINal'KIN, WM. UU'JllHlN, ' ommitte Wilmington, N. 0., April VI, 1S7B. aprii 27 100 It , MT, AffiT WHTrE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Mt. Airy, N. C. 0 PEJUS' llith OF MAY, 1875. t Board Per Month, 35; Per Week, fl2.SO; Per Day, $2 80 TJTATISB equal totireenbrier White In every letprct. a a iiitierlor In matiy Parties vUit Jig tho 8pnn,B tail will g t oft the cat at "iMi N. o., where Ugo will cout) them ' ' 8. SMITH &SON3, Proprietors. aprll It TarrcuVa Aperient, pOND'B k IXTBACT.PilH KfU.EK, ailwiok's Porou Plartwa, Horlda Water, aoda full and complete stock inte Uiugv, Obemlcala, fatent Madiolnea, Toilet and rancy iri.icie. . v Foraale by JAMF8. 0. MDlsDS, IiruejIrt.Third 8t., Oppoelte Uty Hail ap lino 1(H) All Will Rejoice ! ptAKIi HOM1NT radoced In pries Tea Onta P Bnthel. : Hold to tVa'irs'at FWe i en' Urn than an othrr mill In the city. Ap ply lor supt'lyto the Oape Fear Jf-ihur Mills aud Pearl Uomlnv Hannfaotory , v. AbX. OLDHAM, rrofrlftor. aprll 97 loo-naiot NXW AEYISTISISIKTS. Ice Cream ! Ice Cream! T WILL OTKH MT ICR CKlASt BAtOON oa Thursday. April IM, Ice Oreaai, aiada froaa par areaai, sent to any part of th eity at 7 oewu per aart. J-.U tTJMSPR!. aprll HI, Country Herchants rt4N FIM THE I.VHOMT ANI HOT J evaapieta atoek of Maidwatd ant at th iowk-i prtt-ea ttt th etty, at th Old r.rtabi ah d ataiuwarw ttwui ot joannAwaoN. hoa IS. M and (1 Market street . arrtlM m Personal Remlnleceneea, Aneo. dotes end Letters ef GENERAL RQBERT E. LEE, By Ker J WII.MA JONKS, D. I)., Formerly Ch ip aln Arm Northfra Virginia, and of Wtilnroa Cllg. Virginia. (fahiirteh by authority f th Ul NbIIt and ef tk Faculty of WarhtBgWa and L j or wftjatB l'niiUf.i Sixteen Splendid Portrait and Fngravlnge. Price, In Cloth, I.O; iho.p, (IN); Half Tur- kt-y, ti.;; full Turkey. 1 iw. A rari ef th prt weeds of rry ann aolit gorat crmplei Valentine Mairophagii of lpo eoui outy oy sai'dtripuoa. M8, 8. M. WCVIRf, Agent. aprll H . U U Under Shirts, Drawers, Ties and Cravats, COLORED BOWS QF ALU ITTLKS at MAUfFACTfRKK'' Mboitai rri.. Our uKAWbHM arc of th Itutly Mlnbratrd Peppt rel Jean, brat assk PaniaiMntui 'oil twviiiy Qi per Orut kwa Uiaa la.t yi" prim. MUNSON & CO. CITY CLOTHIERS, apiilU tt Bacon Sugar Coffee and Flour. 100 Boita D. a and Bmoked Sidea. 100 Boxes D. and S. and Bmoked , ' Bbonldera, 150 Bbla. Refined Sngar, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 1.000 Bbla. Floor-all grades. For sale low by WILLIAMS i MXJRCHI80N. Corn-Hoop Iron-Glue and, Eice. 12,000 Bruhela Prime White Corn, 800 Bandlea Hoop Iron, 100 Bbla. Glue, 50 Bbla. Whole Rioe. Foraale low by WIIJJAMS 4 MUROHISON. 8yrup, Spirit Casks Nails and Matches. 100 Bbla. a H. Byrup, 800 Second Hand Spirit Caska, ' 200 Kegs Naila, 15 Cases Matches. For aale low by WIIJilAMS A MUROHISON. MolassesMolasses. 150 Hhda. and Bbla, New Crop Cuba Molaaaea. - . For aale low by ' WILLIAMS at MTJRCHISON. Guano! Guano! 250 Tons Gnanape Gnano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, ' For aale low by WILUAMa A MUBCHIHON. aprllM : W Corn-Com-Corn. 5,000 BMt09n-; For aale by KBKOHNKH A OAM1RR BHOS Spirit Casks! Spirit Casks! 500 STAND4KD asks- . Foraala by . :' '., KBBOHNRR A CAXDFU BROS. Sugar House Molasses 100 HhiU"-u' Mo'e' 500 Bu 8,H' Mo'MMaL For lata by ' KKHOUNCK A OA1.DK.II SKOS- Flour, Coffee. Sugar and Rice- 1,000 BBL9. FliOTR, 400 Hacks Coffee, " , OS Bbl, Sugar. " U Bbl. HIc. Foraala by KKRO'HNKB A OALDIR BROK aprll 25 l piArjos AND ORGANS. LA ROB, ASSORTMENT 6f FINE IN. atiumtnta always on exhibition and for sale by eMf iotalliBat or cash, at ' - , HEINOBERCER'G Ut Book and Moris 8 tor. apll Medical Copartnership. JJit P. U MURPHT 1 from thU date auo oiated with ma Id th praetiea of mejlcin and nrgerr. aprll II - , ; .-A Wt. J LOT. U-ttaw-tw DRUGGIST, ; I . ( f ' ' A KB D BALSA IS .' '. f " FANCr Q60I)8 and TOILET ARTICLES, hlrd k, oppo.lt Ci'j Hall. SEW ADVERTISIMIHT8. MORE PARTICULARS ! MT ASSORTMENT OF SPRIG i SUMMER GOODS -...- t IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My euatomera bare shown tbeir aireriation of my LOW PRICED by thoir liberal puroliaaea, for which I'm thankful, STRANGERS mt pouted, ami deairing tiw valut of thtir tuotwy, can AT . M. M. KATZ'S,. 36 Market St. aprll tt Notice. BT AUTHORITT OF THE OWN era of the Br. Barquentlu "Rnglbh man." w atreoy gir nunc to ail eonoeraed, that no dabta oontrctd bare by th Uaptaia or crew will be paid by th, ship oi twner. ., AIjFA BritUNi (SBlJH, aprll l5-n1 w A gnt an.t onsign. Weedlmc Haa I WcadlsBar lleca ! On. at the tareeat aril best aawjrtrd etorki of Weeding H e brought to this nrket oan now b round at our establlahnieat, where the following brands .'an be hoiight at erjr to flgnres: Hoorlil (gnaln), l.ne, Ulbann, Anlt aaan, (lwll bulh steel and iron. Th Han dled (ottoo and Corn Ho awl DoubW-Bladed Hot oaa also be found with a. ttlr a a rail belor purchMlng laewner. UlLEi MUalCHUtiN aprUH ' Wet Nurse Wanted, RANTED Immediately a wIT NUBSC ApOlT W . WALTER OONET. Corner Firth ant Uheatant Streeta. aprll .. - W- . BUTTER, 1 DIRECT FROM THE DAIRY, AND 8WEET ORANGES, Fcriala at ' O. H. W. RTJMOE'8, M. R. Corner or Market and Seoond 8t. anriias w Economy ! 1TO SOUKS. Jio loese to make ap b en ding to my proflU. Fr och Groceries BT XVEBT STIAMElt. BAKER WHISKEY, OLD PORT, ALE AND TORfER. H. W. BHURE, i No. 81 N. Front Sired. spill as m Merchant Tailoring. Franeh Oaaalmer Pant made to order. Blue Flannel Suit aiada to older. Bostntrt Hult mad to order. Diagonal Snlt made to order. Wedding Suit made to otdr. I bare on baud the finest ttock or French Cloths and Casiimer Suit mad to order In th latent styles, and aa low In prlcui a any house North or Sooth. A. DAVID, aprll as m SUBSTANTIAL Choice Lot of N. O. Hams and Sides, Sngar-Gured Tig llama, Hhould . era and Brenkfaet Strips, " Large Boef Toogoea, Choioe Cute, Smoked Beef, Hum Bologna, , j Fulton Market Beef,1 I ' Cold Pressed Corned Beef, Balmon,Mea k No. 1 Mackerel, Dry Salt Sidea, Dry Salt Shoaldera, Sqnare and Cream Cheese, Piue Apple and Dntch Head Oheene. All grades Flour advanced, but for the pieeent we hold old prices. CHAS D. MYERS A CO., O At 7 North Front St. Irish and Scotch 0at Meal, In Tins and Found Packages. Inval uable to Dyspeptics. Still selling Best Batter at Forty Centa. Batter in Pats Thirty-five Cents. Good Butter Thirty Cents. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., at F Nmrtk fToot Hi. aprll M &M R O E HERRING. 50 Kegs No, 1 Family Roe Herring, , .., A SUPERIOR ARTICLE, This Year's Oatoh. For sal low by DeROSSET A CO. aprll tt gut it by calling ' Musical IiistruiiitMitN. pUN'08, OKOAhS, Ol' n'HS, VKILINi Banjos, AoMrdeon. Flutes, Files, Htiuonlca, hv. Alt (or al at tha LOWEST CASn PRICES, - IT - CONOLEY & YATES, ALSO, II FINE aaaortment of Beautiful Chriimtia, Colofd Lithographs aad BtMrosoopte View. AT THE CITY BOOK STORE. , aprll 29 vu ians, ; FAHAH01.H, AT NAINSOOKS, VIOrollIA LAWNS, WM. VICTORIA STRIFES, picgrjss, FTFE't, LINB.V, LINEN D1AP8II, EXCHANGE CRAVATS, HAIR FIXINGS, CORNER. Aad a general asaortmant of Fancy Artlole. Tha latest New York Noreltlse recelrtd week' U aprll VM it Slippers. lAdlei Broni Slipper only SI. Do. Morocoo Biipper front Si and up ward. Men' Slippers from SI and pwar Men's Nullla.rs lor Si. , At CHARLFS A. PRICF.1, No 12 Market SUt, aprll 10 B gnof the Oulden Soot Buggy Harness, ; Waa-oa Marnss. Ilrar Hemes. Cart Hr new, collars, Harare, Backhands, Hlinrt and Hiding rJrldlea, Halters, Curry Com In, Unr.e urtiaiiea, reatnrr lmaters, i runes, nags ami Satchea, Hummer Lap Kohat, Whip, ripare, and all kinds of Haddlery Uoods at bott im prioes. QARPKNTKR at MALLARD. . 1 fU!4WSMrS to .1. H. TOPMAM A HO , N. SBniith Front Stttet, Wilmington. N. fl aprll tt W-lf BUFFALO SPRINGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF THE SOUTH. OPEN 20th MAY, 1875. Thrse water are possessed or extraordinary ourativa powtrs in allrctlons of the KIDNLVn and Mi DO K, In all derangeninrits of tui BILIAHY UHOASS loohii-nt to warm iriaa ntatle rrgion. In DVSOO iSla, ! Dla- easoa peoullar to Women' " Chronic. Intermittent mi Remit tent Fevera. ' Chronlo Conorr hosa Secondary Syphilis. Cleet ana ail diatwiieaoi the Genital Ornana. and in sum forms or Coutd Rheuma tism. Th.lr remarkahln power am! ,mooy in tue diseasrslndirnted are ton- hed fur by some of th miiet distinguished medlral nan of th eointry, both Noith and South, as well aa by reported eaaes from the m'M unques tionable aourora. Testimonial in Pamphlet form tornlahtd on applloatlon. THE WA t Kit f OH SALS. Th watr Is pat ap In eaaea of onedoten half gallon Buttle at S6 per ran. Rout to the Springs for tho South! ur war of the alonruond and Atlanta Air Hue Railroad to Hootuburg Iept In Hallrax county, Virginia, wher all train ar met by eoaoheator the Sprtnp 11 miles dlfUnt . THOMAS F. GOODS, aprll 4-ttaw-lm - yroprtetor. rixHixa poles i FISHING POLES t Joel rMlTd a larg tot f thoaa an Fish ing Pole a sold by as last seaaon. Alto a lull upplyer all kind of Lin, Hooks, Oorks, Slakera, Splnaers, Bob, As., As. i All for ial rerr low by OIuKS A MTJRCHIHON. aprll IS 60 NEW ADVIRTISEMEM3. 45. BROWN & 45 MMET ARE NOW FULLY PREPARED FOR THEIR SPRING AUD ;;SOHffiffia W ITU A. C;OM l'Lirril OF STAPLE Ml FANCY M COODS, ('oiiipilNlii?; Hie 'Novcllles of the IScnson. STRIPED SrMMKU HtLKS 75 (tonla, worth l PLAIN-ORENADINF.H fronrlH tVnts npwaail, FUIUREI) OKENADINEH 10c, worth !57o. LINEN CAWB1UC8 '2Hc and niwaj(l. A very I'holra M.l.rtlan )l Ktv Or. fJood for l.ndlea and t'hlldrou' FRENCH CAMBHICH 15 eta . wo.th 25 eta. NEW HTYLEH IN (HNdHAMH 11 eta., worth 17 oU. WASU POPLINS 121 ct-s., worth 20 ots. MvSl CALICOS 10 r,U., worth U ots. LXAMA LACE KIIAWLH AND RACQUEH, NOITINOHAM LACK HIIAWLS AND 8AOQUE8, BHETLAND HItAWLH, IN WHITE AND STRIPES. A VERY large aaaortment otbUNHMADEH, the littont styles tlmtcnnbe found iu tho countrj, at riws rangiLg from 20 els. to $7, Ladles, Misses and Boys Wliito and Striped Hose, (lents White sud Stripetl Sorks for Sunimor wear. Ladies aud Miaaes (lauza Undcrwpnf, ' Qonta and Iloys Gauze Underwear, , Oout'a Jau Drawers (uiada to our apooial order), Oeut's White Dreaa Shirts and Bows, Wooh'n and Liuen Ooods for Gents Bnd Boys wear. The largest linea on MUSLINS eer shown in this eity, snoh as SWISS PLA1DH, Stripes aud Plain. ' NAINSOOK PLAIDS, " ORGANDIES PLAIDS, '. VICTORIA LAWNS, lied HptviulM JVomlHtl iipwaiJl. , IJlltMl MlKM'tillUT mid l'lllow CtiMliiir. r WE WILL SHOW for ONE WEEK a very handsome line of D RA I D'ETE MANTLES and BACQUES. VT H'1I,E AdKNTS for Frank Leslies Cut Pup" lattrna MACHINE NEEDLES B Cents each. We have several JOB LOTS in different departments, but want of space pre vents us from enumerating ; s visit only oau oovor the ground. ONE PRICESTRICTLY CASH-NO SAMPLES GUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. P. 8. Tt has been almoat imponrtiMo for us to pat the attention to onr nat rons that we would doeire owing to tho iuerenHe of onr business and lack of room. We take this opportunity to npologiKO to those who have not been waited on as promptly aa we should wi-h, aud would reoouimeud all who cau to call early in the day as wo can show them mora attention, apl 18-tf SOIUBLE PACIFIC EMI CO.; Oiirrvi PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for aale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberalterms will be mad with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warcho prioes, V. H. McttARY & :()., Oinmlmlim Merchants, Agent for PaolflcOunno Co., aud I)elralri N. 1 Pnritlan Ouano North Wateb RtuHkt, v . vriLininiuTON, n. 8nb-a4geiitH for the Sale of Soluble Tactile tiiiauo. r. b. niitMo.'v !. WMAIIA.I Jan II At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $00.00, payable 1st of November, next; N AVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At 833.00 per Ton, Cnh, or $38.0 , payablo 1st of November next. WB Q0ARANTBK that the prenous High Oi ' of onr Fertlllaers shall be fully Maibtaikio R. R. BRinflKKC, Presldout I. icBK, T'casurer, ' O. h UKAFPt'lM, snierliiloii(len'. Jaas. - OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BBL9. FLOHR-all grsdus; 100 BAO3C0FFEK, i t. 150 BBL3. 8YRUF3, , 2,000 SA0KS SALT, A., Sand them Your Orders aprll IT 45. RODDICK SIIIIXT, 45 $1,000,000. Old Hundred, K. O. Marlon, H. O. WE OFFER , OUil STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Season of 1875, delivered on .the Cars, at Our , Factory, at the following 1M0IUCL01 JIIOIi: : SOLUBLE NAVA3SA GUANO KAVASSA CUANO COMPANY W.LMINGrON,N.C;Aw)m RETAILERS Will and tt to tlitlr adTantaii to txamine a i.,t0r " : ! ' .'.."V,- SO I'lichaRca of "Choice Butter'' ', That we are Jobbing at ct. per pound. . To buyer ta tha eouatry wa ara olTcrln "meolal Inducementa''FOR CASH" and r ' . -1 " . .r. duced tha prices on all .... j : t-,r ,i ? "'', iQROCEBIES. , r ' "eatra charge" for ptckloa. Send lor aampla and prises. Mid w guarantee satl faction. j (i . . t ' 0 BO. MTKHS, aprll IS " II 13 South From MroeU 11011X1?'?' hEATLVTrTlTK l on rii in i ift? ,h '""' i'n "'ton the most reason!)' tei n t i in