i V y I ! fly VOL XXIV. HO. 101, wmmroTOH, it. c. Wednesday, apeil 28. 1875. WHOLE 110. 6,865. 1 WELMINOTOS, N. a; W1D5E DAY, APEIL 28, 1875 BY TELEGRAPH: jPQMyjPIUXa XHB BERETTA. ON CAliMNAL WcULOaKET. I NTERESTINQ ACCOUNT OF THE CEREMONIES. m4 ( wxclHtur ontWed at Saiul (BkMok'a Cathedral this A. ML, to wit nest the ceremony of conferring tue b retta on Cardinal McClokej. There ha bestf la1 enorfuous - geuuud (or tiokoftftnd number of thono who Lad them, feared great difflerrttj ttf gtm iog eatrauoea. -Tbe 'treata in the im mediate neighborhood were packid with human beings.:1 The iuttrel m mifeated was ao great that repmmu tu irea from every part of the Uuiou present. Naoiberi of front seats -www nnoma lur iutimhi (iwh arm - among those seated in theta were Chief J untie Daly, Judge Donahne, District t A tyrnaj Phelps, Sinclair aud Loring, Cillector Arthur, Thomas Murphy ami miuy eUror weM . kuown oitizons. At 2drnuuU to 11 o'clock the heed uf ytha!rJrvaS8Jon emerged from the ves- Jry, Aoolytef leading them,, followed by long lines of clergymen, who after mkinga genuflnctiou before the high alit!.pasBe4 down the ooutreuiht, which was soon paoked. When the trplioed priests had all take i their pieces, the representatives of the rari- TbOa religious orders in the diocese bi giQ to enxerge from the vestry ia their E'otuesqUihabite.' When the procession ad all been arranged in tue proper p.aoee there was an interval of ten Ttmnoteef dnring which : the Church Vwiia tilled With joyous masid from the BioirV ' The procession of the Prelate at lengthy emerged from . the - vestry with slow and measured tread. The audience rose as the maguifloent speo taole began to unfold itself, and the loeue was maguifloent. Boys with picturesque robes and swinging cen- aore and dignitaries ia .dark purple prt coded the Archbishops and Bishops. T e procession was olosed by the cole brat is ta of Mass, Bishop. Loogteia of Brooklyn, Rtv. Dr. MoOlynu, Assist- kut Rev. Father McGlean. Deaoou, aud Father Keen, tub-Deacon, Then oame Cardinal MoCloskey, the Papal ... P.iiwnraL..TW M"n Mnffiaio-fiiv Km. ikmut Marefosohi of the Pope's No pie Guard in his dazzling uniform. Cardinal MoOloskey, wearing his purple oassook and mautdlets, knelt at the Epistle side of the altar; the Arch bishop of Baltimore sat on his throne on the tame aide. The officiating Bish op and Clergymen stood at the altar fltiina and mass was commenced at the . eoatiteer : the Cardinal stood up aud proceeded to his throne at the Gottpel id ; he alone oft all the prelates pre sent navtng me pastoral stan, wuiou was oarried by an assistant. The offl ci itiog Bishop, after inoensing the al tar, three! times,- sat down with the Daacon and Bnb-Deaoona. Bishop Liughlin read the Introit, reoited the celsis, whioh was sung by the ohoir.- The Collects were reua by tue ueie brant; the Epistle by the Sub Deacon, and while Bishop Laughlin read the Gospel, the entire congregation rose " to their feet He then chanted tLe words credo in unam Deum, and ; in a low voice, reoited the remainder '. " of Jthe Nioene creed. When it was ' concluded, the Celebrant, together with the Assistant Deacon and Sub- "ldiaoon,isat down uutilthe choir hod finished. Bishop Laughlin returned tJ) ta the altar, whore, after the custom ary domxnm vooiscum ana oremus, ne p -oceeded to read the prayers at the offertory ; the deaoon and sub-deacon ,-i prepared the sacred vessels and the .1 bread and wine. Merohandantes quam dUeeta was sung during this period Aolytes again advanced with censors, and the altar was inoensed by the Celebrant, Jhe Archbishop, and Bish ops rising and removing the mitres; the Priests and congregation ftlao rose. At this time the church was a level sea of heads from right to left, from the sanctuury to the doors. The right, 8 'left and oentre aisles weae packed as rfull -as- they could hold with people "who 'were glad to get standing room. When the bell tinkled to announce . i the: ODenlne of the canon er solemn ' part of the ceremony, the people Uiiditig mad the attempt to kneel but were unable to do so, being jnassed so tightly together and the very unu- Sual spectacle was witnessed oLa huu red stiinding np during the eMseora- -! tHti.' Towards tre end of the mass w '.was introduced the ceremony of giving Pax or the Kiss ol Jt'eace. I'ax was , givea' from one to" another until it ' passed along to the right and left all " throuch the crowded sanctuary. Wheu mB9 was finished the interesting part of the ceremony commenced. Lardi Dal MoCloskv rose, and knelt at the left band side of the altar. The urcb .ihoiL of , Baltimore stepped down from Lis throne and knelt at the Epis --tt aisle. The audience rose with per ceptible excitement and some crowded trp among tne clergymen in ne bhuc tuarv. xne lewte. roonsiKoeur nou cetti, stood beside An hbishop Bailey and in a lond clear voioe read tne mis sage in Latin from the Pope t) his venerable frater, ' tue arohbiBbop of Baltimore, settini forth the reasons which induce him .tot confer the cardinate upon Aich jishoD McClonkey, and at the c!oae handed him the brief authoriz 7.. fnjr bim to confer the beretta on this uewjy aproiniea rnnce oi mo vuuruu 1 he Arohbishop having replied in Latin, passed the brief over to I ether -MoOean, Deacon of the Mass, who then read it. Count Marefosohi then ,-pnr rendered the beretta to Monsignor lCoBoetti, who handed it to Archbishop Bailey, who then walked over to the the cap on his head, at the same time addrsi.u:R hiu in latin as emenpntia tna. The Curdi in ml made a suitable reply alsa iu Latin and after intonine the To Deura re tired to th ,etry and put on the crimson rore of his tiuice and return d to the altar, while the choir sang the Te Denm. At .the close of the hymn t!ie Cardinal gave the pontifical beue diction and the ceremonies were end ed and the rest of the congregation' parsed out of the Cathedral, - 1IEA1HHJAUTOS. ' - in i . r " THE ATLANTA" rOSTMASTER SIIIP. WasniNOTON, April 27 Night Postmaster Bard's re ipnatin wnasc ncpted, and will take effect on the lot o(May. , In contradiction of half a dozen re ports that he h id not, it is now aar. that the President to-d.iy has signed Con ley's commission as poetimuiter at Atlanta. " ' SOUTH CAROLINA TIIE CHAKLESTON NEWS AND COURIER LIBEL SUIT. ; THE JURY FAlITo AGREE AND ARE DISCUAROEI). Chabi-eston April 27 Night -The News and Courier liliel snit euded U1 day iu a disagreement of ,tbe jury, after being looked tip for tweuty-fonr hours. It is understood that eleven jurors were for aoquital and one for ooaviction. There are seven Other in dictments against the proprietors of the prper,. but the flourt announced that no more would be tried this term. The failure to oouviot is generally re garded as the end of the c-vhc. THE WEST. THE INDIAN DEPREDATIONS IN KANSAS. A NICE LITTLE BUMMER TRIP FOR FRED. 4 WaxTjACI!, Kansas, April 27 Noon. Lieut Henley arrived at Fort Wal lace yesterday, with a nnmber of sol diers in an exhausted condition Four hundred Indians were seen about fifty miles from Wallaow, near th"JKansa8 Paoiflo Railroad track. The government is making prepara tions to attack the Imlians. Chicago, April 27 Night. Mr. Jenney s geologic d and topograpliioal exploripg expedition, to the Black Hills and vioiuity, headed by the Gov ernment scientific commission, and ac- rimrHw1 hp rr.ilitArw avrt under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Fred Grant, will start about the 10th Mny from Yankton, Dakotah, proceed ing thtroe by a small steamer up the Missouri to Fort Abraham Linooln. Its ultimate destination ia the Yellow Stoue Valley, whioh will be thorough ly surveyed, the waters of the river will be sounded and the mirjeralogioal features of the region will be examin ed. The Yellow Stone river will be navigated as far as possible. The ex pert itition will follow the river a dis tance of about one hundred and fifty miles with the view of making a chart of its course, depth of water and height of its rapids and cascades. Another expedition will, in the course of the season, be sent out, led by Gen. Custer. Iti destination is the Big Horn and Powder river region. ELECTIRICSMS. The steamer Metropolis, from Ham iltop, Bermuda, for New York, is one week overdue. The owners say she has fifteen or sixteen passengers, and think she has broken a portion of her machinery, and that she is kept back bv headwinds. ' No disturbances have occurred at Hszleton since T hnrsday. The man killed on Thursday was a well-known desperado named Peter Mundy, wno was a leader of the mob. ; Chas. Page Woodbury, of Boston, the well-known inventor, is deadi The Louisiana Levoe Company, et. at., have sned Scott and McComb for 8282,000 for a violation of contract. The schooner Gettysburg, from wu minsrtou. N. C.. arrived nt Boston on the 27th inst. SPECIAL. 'A'bi nobbtett eolt.r you cn wciir l thi Warwick. It )B tlie sryllrti width Oils lewon. Aok for it at the furnlehlng store.. In iUe of y ar U-tk, - - . ; Both a bo an i bene.lh, .. . JW Being Hgbtty eoamol'd and t bin, Tbey will never brcaV down, Nor turn yellow uor brown, If the SOZODOiiT'S dally bru.bed In ; Wlthont dnnbt hundred" of people who will read thla lti-m are fult'. ting with Kidney li eiwe in some form, wblch might he cured with a bottle or two of dohtiMm'e Anodyne Lini ment, used luteruilly Why not try iit Parf.on'ii Purgative Pllla. which are now 'be ing exieuxlvelT aold In tula mate, are purely vetfetaDie, ana are mua aim gnnno m ii operation. Onolsadose. Ooodqualltle., ver tult ly. . ; ;.. Dr Ncbench'e I'ulinonlc Pyrtip, Weed Tonic, stud laantf rake Pilln. 1'hcae medicine, bare undoubtedly perform ed ipoieoore. of t.oiitumplkn tlinn any other remet y ktumn to the American public 1'bey are oompaunded of vegetab to lugndlente, and contain nothing which can be iniurlun to the bumau con.utullon, , Other rumcdle. ad re' tued a. curef lor con.iiirtptlon probably eon tain opium, which hi a aomewhat dangerous drug in all canoe, and if taken treely t) j con- umiitu e ptl, nl, it rtiiat do gr t lnjuiy ; tor Its leudem-y le to euiiflne the morbid ru utter In the snb rn, which, or courei, mut triaiiea cuio Imi'fwwll'le. ncbonck'a Pulmon e Syrnp la warranted not to contain a particle of opi um. It i oorupowd of powerful tint htmiltM her In, wnlfh acton the lunge, llvor, tnmch ami bloixl. aud tbii'coimt all morbid areru tona,and exiiel all the dlwiteed muttxr from the body. '4 In .tf are the only mean. I which conminiptlon can be cuied, aid a Hcnenck't Pulmonlo svrope Weed Ti'iilo, and Man diake Pl'lr are the only medicine, whioh op- ernte In tlil way, It u ou.iou. mey are me only genuine wire for Pnimonary t'on.nmp Hon. Kach bottle ol thl. tnvalnable mmlicine l aocompaiiltd by lull direction. Dr. Hcheuok u nrnfiwiiiiinallT at -hi principal ofli(, oornor Hlxth.nd Arch atrema, Fhil.id.lphla, every Monday, where all letter lot advice mutt be addr.swd. C irdinal and placed ?ilmiiitoii, N. 0, May lst,M. NATIONAL HOTEL. Change of Managiment THK TJMnEHSIOMKD foe many Tr. Pro uneUirot t. NATIDIAL ilOTEI., iu rlty. bu thl. d.T wUhdiw-1 lur ol h m.a, V. U. JOB.S. t kuikful lor tk Ilbrr.1 fttroug. M the pMt. k wuu 4 bwiMkk owutmiuuc wf th. urn. lur kla nccmw. REUBEN JONES. To the Traveling Public, H.T.ii MMWt th. aaaftnBt f ! wtll-kiMjwa luxl pui.r kon, U llon Hu(t, i ranwfltraliy aslforl th rtrt)nt 01 th trtrtlliif publio My eonntaut ndMor ball be to railn tk high rtpaUllou thli rtooM ku alayt buru. uu4r ib. -hi ! aiy libt Ke.,j:lfny, C. R. JONES, ap.u 28-ioi-2w Proprietor. If You Want to Saie Money -BUY OUR j cAiru nommy, " JIOKI Y VHHVi Per Bidiat km tbaa tht fnart, aiui pioaouao ky all wM sm it to M lur ouporlor. ' OW PKAKL BOBIIIIT, equal to any mannraoturfd, wa nil at ftfurw u low a. auy oibr mill tn tttU oKy. We would caH attention to out cnnlrs brands orruHut, hOLTruMEaL,nttiH,o fftlhu guaraut-wd aa amal. . , , . , t , , B. F. MITCHELL A BON. SltfilsD 101-St FOR BALK. Tba Butt dcalrabto Diana on OraanTllla Hound, astan mile, trom tba eltv. Uwallmc rontainlBgclgbtrooma.btalilo aaa all neera cary ont buUillBg. ou tba ptaaiiM.1 tioud watar, uatuaa put rruit Troea, Srap Vina., Au., in abundance. Hae of Lot to teat trout, lunntrg haok nn teat. fuawMlaa gl.ao at one. App'yto . VkONtiV St MORBH, atTtl2S-l ttaal Ratata Hrokem. ; Sash, Blinds & Doors. A LARGE STOCK ON Hand && to Arrive For sal low by D. A. SMITH CO. 101- aprll H Koguler nantbty wiaalr( tkut (Wadaaauay) ei.ning, wtb inn,, tsa'cioea, ai tiowaia lief Fire angina Company'. Hall, on Fourtb, between Market and l)ock tUneia, rano'ual aH.ntlana. iadeairad. By orUer of tbe Prealdmt JOHN U. KOCH, KM. toe'y autll . . Wi lt ICO Cream ! Tp.a Crftain ! WILL, OPEN MI ICE CKBAM SALOON ou Tbaraday, Iprtl I2d. Ico Croam, made front pnrs cream, sent to ny part of tba olty at 7S tent, per ort - - 4. O. LUMSOKW. aprll n lw Country Merchants M1N Tun THRI.HKOKUT 1911 MUT J complete atock of Hardward and at tba lowest price, in tne city, at uie vm wun,u ed Hardware Haute of JOHN DAWSON, foe 19, 20 and 11 Mtri.t Street. aprllflJ ' .. Under Shirts,. Drawers, Ties and Cravats. COLOBBD BOWS A ALL 8TTUES at MAK UFACTUBEB'B WhoInMle Prloea. Our UKAWEB8 are of tbejutly eelebrated PejIjrel Jan, beat make PaniaioonCut nd twiniy fite per cent lart Un lat yeai' t pricea, a. MUNSON & CO. CTTT CLOTHIERS, aprll VS f Corn-Coin-Corn. gjrjQQ Bu,..Oont. - for aale by , . CXBUMNBR A OALUEB BEOS Spirit Casks ! Spirit Casks ! gQQ "TANDABD CASKS. , For tale by KEBOHKKR A CAIJJKB BUUH. Sugar House Molasses 100 Bhds.8. H. Molaaaea, Bbl. 8. H. Molaesea, 500 , For .ale bjr KEBOHNKR A CALDBB BROS- Flour, Coffee. , OUKBi ailU AbAVb l.neOBBLS. FLOUR, 400 Sack. Ootlc, e Bbl. Sugar. 50 Bbl. Hloe, For aale by KKUUUNEK & UALDF.K BRO aprll SB PIANOS AND ORCANS. I.AROE ASSORTMENT OF FINIS IN- .trumsnte alway. on exhibition and for sale by ey inaiaumeni or oaen, at . HEINGBERCER'S Lire Book and MuMe Store. apill sn n FIXHINQ POLES! . FIXHINQ POLES I T ranau.d a lar lot of thoae flne Fluh- tng Pole a aold by u laet aaaaon. Alro a lull hi T . ply of all kind of Line., Hook, Cork, Sinker, Rplnaer, Boos, so., e. . A II inm aal. tirv low bT dluKSAMORCHISON. aorUlt KSWAUVZETISEXZHTS. MORE PARTICULARS! MI ASSORTMENT OP IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers, have) shown their aprroohtton of tty LOW TRICES by their lialUaw fo' nich fm thankful. STRANGERS not. rosted, anj desiring the value of their money, oan get it by calling - -AT- M. M. K ATZ'S, 36 Market SI, - anrlt II , KMf Notice. T AUrHOBITV t)P TUB OWN- era of the Br. Uarquantlna ngiuo- mau." We hereby gire notice to an oonorrnad, that no debta oontraoWd hero by th. Capulo or orew will bo paid by the .hip or wai-ra. . ALfi aritupii .bub, aprll IVnal w A genu and i omUgnee. Weeding llal Weedlne lleei ! ... . . 1 ...... ..I Unb. UUeOIllie lrgmtl aru wr mm Of Weeding Bwi brought tn thl. market ran now bo found at our eeUbllabnreut, where the following brand, can be f-onght at very low figure.: Bcorlll(gnulne), Lane, Olbaon, Aalt man, Elwell both .tool and Iron The Haa dlrd Oottoa and Com Hoe. and Uouble-Bladetl ii tic. can eiee ne louna wuu mm. Olro at a call before purcswmg rn. OILEi A kHJiCCttUoN. aprU3S ., , - BUTTER, DIRECT FROM THC DAIRY, AND SWEET ORANGES. For amla at O H.W.RUNOK'E. ' R. R. Corner of Market and Seoond kta anrll OS W Economy I Jjt BOUKD. Do toMM to ataks Bp by Hi ding to my proflw. Fro s h Groceries BY EVEIlT TBMBR. BAKER WHISKEY, OLD FORT, ALE AND PORTER. " H. W. 8HURE, No. 31 N, Frotti Street. as prll a Merchant Tailoring. Kroner, Cmlmer Pants made to order. Blue riannel Suit, made to older. Bmltton 8ult. mads to order. Diagonal BulU made to order. Wedding Bull! made to order. I have on baud the finest stock of French Olothj and OaMlmer Suit, mad to order In the latest ttylet, and a low In prices ai any bouae North or Booth. A, VAVIU. aprllJS ' w Hay! Hay! 1.000 Biuhel Cora. Freah . Water- Oroond Meat every day Mill Feed, Oata, Crarkrd Corn, Feaa and Frenh Uroceriea. For aalalow bv OBANT A HINTON, Grocers and C'ommllon Merehanta. aprtlSS SB ttdSw MT. M WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Mt. Airy, N. C. OPENS IMh OF MAY, 1875. Board Per Month, $30 ; Per Week, $12.60; Per Day, 12 60 WATER equal toUreenbrler wnne in erery . i n ii .. re,pect, a' a superior in weny rtuwm lug tbe Springe by rail will g t off the oau at Wiiiaton, rt. o., wucre niagct wnicou,jr umu ' to the Bpthigt. ' . " N. S. SMITH A SONS, - Proprietors. apriitr 100-am Tarrcnt's ipcrient, pOKU'B EXTRACT, FAIM Sll-lM, t,lnock.a Porcti. Pl.rters, FlorMa Water, and a run ana oompiete noo. r' i"ri ohemioaa. Patent Medicine, louet aim Fancy Artldoi. jfor aaie ny emmno. nu-i lriig,it, Third St., oppcelte Olty Hail, ap 11 S6 " Peraonal Remlnlacencee, Anec dotee and Letters of GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE, Br Key. J. WILLIAM JONE8.D. D Formerly Chaplain Armf Northern Virginia, ana or waauingtun vuuvge, , PnUllched by authority of the Lee family and of the Faculty of Washington ana lite uniTer.ity.i sixteen 8c endld portraits ana Enaravlnss. Price, In Cloth, tt Ml; Sheep, 4 SO; Half Tur ' ' !. lrli T..Iiii .I NI. a narLnf the tirnceed. of every copy told goes M Complete VBieumiea Da.wpugii w. Lee. Sold only oy UDoripuoo MRS. 8 aprU alt M. WEVCRC, Agent. Medical CorartnersliIp fR. f' I MTJRPHT to from this date ano ciated with a la the practice of medicine and urgery. aprll 11 WM. J. IOVB. 8S-staw-lw Musical Instruments. piANOH.OHUANS, UU1T4RS, VIOLIN Banjos Aesotdeori, ' Flutea, Ft Ax, Uarmoulear, He All for aal at the LOWEST CASH TRICES, m T CONOLEY A YATES, . ALSO, A f IHCaaaortment of Beautiful thrtini'W, Colored Lithograph! and Bterroapople Vlew.l AT THE CITY BOOK,1 STORE, aprll IS M jlAMS, PAHABOLS, AT VIOrOBU I-AW9 WM. VICTORIA STKU'EH, PICQUB8, FYFE'I, LINBK, MNKN DIAPER, EXCHANGE CRAVATS, HAIK FIXINUH, CORNER. And a general aneortm.ntof fancy Article'. The latert Hew York Moreltlea reoelred week ly aptlt 28 tf Slippers. Ladle. Bronae Bllpper.only 1. I)o. ktoroceo Suppers from II and up ward. - , , Men's Bllpperi from 1 and apwaid. Men'. Nullinera lor . At CHARLK8 A. PRICK'S, No U Market Hireet, aprll 10 Hign of tb" Gulden Hoot Buggy Harness, Wrn.ni, Hirnui. nra HitnuM. vart M neaj, liollara, Hamra, Backhand., Blind and Etdlng BrUllee, Halum, Curry Comb., Hir.e Bruahea, Feather Ourtem, Trunk., Bag. am) uitrhna. Hummer I. an Rebel. Whips, rfpara, and all kind of Haddlery Uooda at bottom prlcee. CARPENTER MALLARD Snoneaw to ' r TIIPUIU Jr. 1)1) . No. I Mouth Front Street, Wilmington, N. 0, anrll S4 93-tf, The Yirffinin BUFFALO SPRINGS Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT, MEDICINAL WATER OF THE SOUTH. -OPEN 20th MAT, 1875. Tliete water, are pomeaned of extraoriilnary curative power. Inarrm'tionof the KIONKYH anu Blilurn, in an ueraiigeBi"' BILIARY OKOANH Inclrtcut to warm mla. mallr. reirion. in DviOS JSlM. DIS- ..... nar.niia n Women in rk..nlTlt.rmlttant auu Remit1 tent Fevers. Chronic Conorr ho.. Secondary SvDhllle. Gleet and all do iitmra i iii" uenuai v iritans ai'd in aome mrm.oi uoui"u hiiouih." tlam Thrlr rernrlilw pownr anil eiheauy in tiiedleeant Indicated are ton bed for by ome of the rnont dli-t'iigutabed mediital mn of the country, both North and South, a wnll aaho ntnorlad cane, from the miwt nnoue.- tlonable inure.. Teetlmonlal In Pamphlet form lurnt.Ued on application. THK WATKlt FOR BALK. Th. mmiKT 1. tmtnn In cane of ondoen half gallon Bnttlr at per cane. Route tn tha Snrlnvs for the .South: By ....t tl,.r Hii'iimnml anil Atliiiil. Air LI Kailroad to HontUburg Dep.t In Mailt county, Virginia, wu.re an nam mri iu vj eoaonearor tue opnag. i. un. u.-b"- THOMAS F. OOODE, : proprietor. apriVa-ltaw-lm JAMES C.MUNOSt ADD 0IAL1B III fAKCT GOODS add TOILET ARTIOLKS hlril at., onrmalta DI'T ti.il. ---' ' -a , KTW ADVERTISEMENTS. 45. BRO WN & 45 MARKET ARE NOW FCLLY TRErAUED FOR THEIR spring jm suraiiE OAU.PAiCI,S, WITH A COllJLli2TK AHHOlirIKNX OF STAPLE AND R Coinprislns llio Xovoltles ol the Kcason. BTRl TED BUMMEIt SILKS 75 (Vuta, worth 1 12,. I'LAIN aRKNAl)lNEHfriml8Ct-uta npwai.l, FKIURED U'.liNADlNES lfm., worth 7o. LINEN OAMU1UC8 2Hc and opwaJtl. A trf Chwlc Kelertln ml New DrraeJoot far l.nrtloa lad ('Ulldroii'a ,. y er, FRENCH CAMRRtCH 15 eta., woith 25 eta. NEW STILEB IN OtNGUAMS 11 ota.. worth 17 els. WASH l'Ori-INS 12 eta , worth 20 ct. RES I' CALICOS 10 eta., worth 121 ota. L'LAMA LAOE Rn AWLS AND HACQUEH, NOTTINGHAM LACE HllAWLS ANDBACQUES, SHETLAND BirAWLH. IN WHITE AND STRIPES. A VERY lare Msottmutit of SUNHHADES, the lattwt atjloa that oan bo fonnd in the country, at priori raiigii g from 20 ota. to 7. Ladles, Misses ami Hoys White and Striped Hose, Geuta White ami Striped Book for Summer wear. Ladies and Mi'hhcr Qauaa Underwear, ' Oeuta ind ltoya Oauze Uuderwear, Oeut'iJeaiiN Drawers (made to tmr apuoial order), , ; Oont'a White Dreaa Hhirta and Bowb, Woolen and Linen Good for (leuta and lloya wear. The largest lines on MUSLINS over shown in this city,, auoh as SWISS I'LAIDS, - Btripea and I'lain. NAINBOOK l'LAIDS, ,. " ..- . - OIUUNDIES l'LAIDS. " " JAnvn h1i'''1 timl lMllow CnNltiu: f.i.Hnw '"'"fifAPD'ETlS MANTLES and SAC " WE WTT.1 T SMLK AOF.NHfrrrank Leslie We have several JOB LOTS in ditt'orout dopartiumita, but want of space pr vents us from enumerating ; a visit only oau oovor tlio ground. ONE PRICE STRICTLY CASH NO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. T 8 It has bosn almost impossible for tis to pay the attention to our pat rons' trial w wonld desire owing to the increase of our business and lack of room. We take this oppwtuuity to apologize to those who have not been waited on as promptly as' we should wi li, aud would recommend all who can to call early in the day as we oan show them more attention. apll-H ' - - 1 SOLUBLE PACIFIC GMI CO.; x CAPITAL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUHAND FIVE HUNDKED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC OUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other roliublo parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho pri W. II. McItAliY & CO., Commlwion Merchant. AgenUfor Paollloau.no Co., and Dealer. in No. 1 PernylanQuano NortTH Wateb btrbbt, Sub-Agents lor the Sale r. ii. mnaoN. j. uiiiun..., Jan 11 At 53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $60.00,' NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At33.00 perTon,'Cash, or 38.0 WB O0AKANTKE that the previou. Hlghdrae R. B.BRtrtORUa, Preldent l). Wi llAK, Tieaxurer, ' 0. h UKAKFL.IN, auperlntendent. Jan 6.. BI & OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BBLS. FIAWR-iill grade; 100 BAUSCOFFUE, 150 tlULS. 8YRTJP3, 2,000 8A0tt3 SALT, Sid., Ac. Wend them Your Orders. urun . ni 45. RODDICK STItlffi 45 8ACQUE3. iWVM DRY GOODS, machine needles B Cents each. 1,000,000. oi' Soluble Paciilc (Juano. .Old Hundred, N. O. ,.i Marlou.H.O. 'il-3mdAw WE OFFEK OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For the Benson of 1875, do)m.red on the Cars, at Our Factory, at the following 10IIJ011 PKIOES : SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payable 1st of, NovemW, next; , pajablo 1st of November next. of our nrUitaen .nan neiuuy NAVASSA GUANO. COHPABT uiii ajiiaiOTAM. N. C. "'- .:eod-dftw4m RETAILERS Will And It to their adranlage to examine a lot of ' AO Packsffee ol OUoico Xiuttcr" That w are Jobbing at 28 (. per pound. To bnyer in the eonntry we are offerln (peclal InducemenU" "FOB CASH" and re- cedth price on all , , QBOCBBIES Ko "extra charge" for ptcHng. Send lor eainplMandprtcei, nd we guarantee atl faotlon. , : . GEO. MTKB8, ltd; 13 South Front Street. prll IS PRINTIHQ KKAiXY JSJKlDTBlon tha rhoitert notice andoa th. rebl.--ul4 0,,w,

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