i f Mr! 11 li I i ' VOL. XXIV. -110. 102. wnnmoTOir. n. c, Thursday, april 29. 1875. WHOLE 170. G.C NEW ADVEKTI8EMENT3. KIW ALVE&TISZMEffTS. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVISTISIMEaTS. FORTUNE IN IT. F"y faaUy A SHORT HISTORY MORE PARTICULARS ! 45. 45. BROWN & EODDIGK I i.ui it. mi iy Agjuis. Auuieae, u n WALKaK. atrie. Pa. 4w OP THE English People, WITH MAPS and TABLE?. BY J. K. OSIIN, M. A. WILMINGTON. N.. a : Ann Dally te Ageala. e3 new aitl V&J ei an .1 lb tirat r am:ly ratr In A oftt-nca, wnn iwov uorowoe, rree. AM. at'FOC.,3vtt Hroadway, N T. 4w THUEDAT. APRIL 29, 1875 Ml ASSORTMENT OP OY TELEGRAPH. UEADQUAHTEItS. JUDGE FIERREPONT APPOINT ED ATTORNEY GENERAL. williams to practice in toe "Supreme court. Washington, April 28 Noon. Judge Edwards Pimepont, of New York, has accepted the position of Attorney-General and will enter npoo the discharge of his duties on May 15tb, at which data the resignation of Attorney-General Williams takes ef fect. The President to-day appointed Mj. Robert McFeely, now on the staff of Lieut. Gen. Slieridan, to be Commissary General of Subsistence, vice Shirus, deceased. Washington, April 28. Night. The National Banks are responsible for counterfeit money sent here for re demption, i Characteristic letters of &o., panned between Williams and the President. Wi'liamsdisavowsoonacttiQg with Ore go i for senatorial honors. He will moiid his fortuuea by practioa before the Supreme Oourt EUROPE. DEATH OP TWO ENGLISH STATESMEN. THE PRINCE OF WALES IX3TAL ED GRAND MASTER OP .THE GRAND LODGE. THE SPRING "MEETING AT NEW MARKET. Madrid, April 28Noon Lord Ro bert, Governor of the Presidency of Madras, is dead. London, April 28-Nood. Gillery Pigeatt Puisne, Baron of the Court of Exchequer, died to-day. The oeremony of installation of the Prinee of Wales as Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Masons of England, took place to-day in the Royal Albert Halt in the presenos of a immense concourse of Masons. Great enthusiasm was manifested. - ; A fade for two thousand guideaa takes, took place to-day at Newmarket. It was the first Spring meeting and waa won by Oemballo. - -f , - ELECTBIClSm The MetropoliB.overdue was last seen on April 17th, with the. .head of her foremast gone and sailing slowly, but did not signal for assistance. There was a heavy gale thejnext day after the was seen. There have been several fires within the last 24 hours at Bellow Falls, Vt.. including Graham's : woolen and blauket factory loss heavy. The business portion of the t:wn of Herman, N. , Y., has been burned lo $100,000. Antonio Luaoes, a rebel surgeon, ha been executed at Puerto Principe. The town of Oshkosh had a very distmotive fire yesterday. One of the engines had been burned and the others had ceased work. At last accounts the flreoen were blowing np buildings hoping to save a portion of the town. SPECIAL. Ti nobbiest collar you can wea t the Warwick. Itli the stylish, width this teaton. Ask Car It at the faralsblng store. Io si lte of year teeth, Both abort a4 beneath, Bte lightly eaanei'd andihlo, , The will aTT break down, Kor torn yellow aor brown, It the SOZODOtiT'rf dally brushed la. Knott dpobt hundreds of people who will read tht ltera at altering with Ktdnoy INK ( lu some form, which might be cured with bottle or two of Jocnaou's Anodyne Linl. meat, uied Internally Why not try li ? Parson's Porgatrve Pills, which are now be. lag eitenrtvelv sold In this Htato, ait purely vegetable, and are mild and gentle In iheir operation. One Is a dose. Good qualities, cer tainly. v., ,f r , ,; ; . . Or. Scbenck'a Pulmonic rymp, a Weed Tonic, and mandrake Fills. Thcee Bsedteiaoe bate undoubtedly perform ed note eves otJJOfitumptlon thau any other reme. j Vnowa to the American public. They are compounded of vegetable Ingredients, and contain notblrg which can be Inlurlous to the human cfusUtutioa. Other remedies ad ref ined as curef for contuu-ption probably con tain opium, which Is a somewhat dangerous drug in all ewes, and If taken freely by con sumptive patLnts, it must do gr at Injury ; for Its eudencjr tso Confine th morMd matter In the srttffl. which, of course, ruu't make a ciifrmiwrMe. Schenck's rutmon'O Hyrup g warranted not to contain a prilcle of vpl nm. It ionaipoerd of pawe'ifnl butb4tmlt.es herb, wnlch aatoa the lunge, Itrer. stuniarh a"rt blood and thus correct all niorbtit ron ton.) eaa expel all the dtaeased raatb-r Horn tbe body. J luse are the only nieanii by wlilch eon an mu t on can be cured, and ti ttclicni k's PHlmonlo rup', ea Weed Tools, and Mbm dke PHI are the onlv mrdioine wblrb op erate to ttt way, it Is obvious they aie t ho only K' nuln cure for Puimnnarv t'ovsamp Hon .. Ear bottle of tbls liivaluaM mtiulne I acdompanlMl by lull directions lr . hcheiirk Is prolwHloimllv at hts .principal office, corner Sixth end Arli atrer-sa, Pbtl xlxiphla, every Monday, where all letters lor advice mul be add'seeidV . 1 ! PIANOS ORGANS. A LARGE A880BTHEMT OP PINE IN- suumsnts a'waye on exhibition and lor sale by e.tsy installment or oash, at l,rv.r,'nr?pas7p,fl a ...--- . . ... I . VA m It t f i -i t, 1 V 'iire. TO MAKE ' ENOUGH ' MONEY t5 In the avxt three months to keep you a yoar. Kuy un-iupioyei oriou oeiweeu tue agus n 15 ai d CO suou d take an agency fur Tun II i uTaTia Wiuli, a !'-. , ..aiklio., r ry nd taniily pir, i Si) a jear) ur , In struct) te and amusing; Laifi.l lis pae full ot l eautnul picturm, tho oilier bli contaimiiii the chiiinat rea1lu( miltiT. Jamis PaaTk eoninbuUnii e litur. Like thi grrat toy l-h a rr. tur .oaJu IlluttraU i Stvi, It Is high y wrai, but eiitircl . uMni'iarlaiiaiHl non-punni. c.i UuiinH juarli tuiui-h-sover I lO'i'tc tures and the rq; a of 'nrif vtro .lumen i. reading maiur. T GIVES AWAY, tx'recb we,a lue eiitvii.g ( in t:ur) l i ', ltx'4 incur I lire are eaiUiite faftimihtt t the a et etel engravings, on Un.ty uuud inr. with niaiglns sjit tb.e lu framing, ai.d rt (ruin fi art gallery rrtr H'ar. Be ldo, eaili suiiacilbor it pi ex lit d ub the i-h.onm, cli'lil K-b, Fraits and Tlt ii " (isc Z'St 'iTt, In n o culms pal. te I y R iui y. A utify the larynt and tnr$l premium eeer ginm, bat Ike aut wonUrjullu SfiiahaJ ekrr.vu) e ctr produced. It Is Jui tbe pap r fur which evertbodf hat teen K'uid-la.ir and flimr th any other, at bli tbe uul cuat lit facrcM (nearly I tKW sulinorlbers aday beluc rcite i piorrs lliu Mo o mplet., o pr -. gfresne, so t u 1 ot uwfu) as we I as utirtMn mt matt, r is tus piwr. that we venture tt a suit tlit to every ibmkti g. ubrervsnr Amerl eaii,sye'' subtcrip !tm (imsis S2.60) is In a -nml nwfal vlu. wurtti ttfiy Uo lar. AGENTS Thiseoinlitnationts uucquiil tl. H .. iMntuiai and jironouneed' lucent Kvery gi o.t auierion tukea at least onu pper, ofiouiBO He taka tips pr be aunl) It lntb inceHt, nrwe'taiid bent; () It U the i h apett niving gr-at baigitln-snil hi.s suiisth hard timi's It anil, iiroir. heulok, t. ynu want u at' ncy. 1 his time ot the mr any aei t oaa mitke inmi $10 to svo p,r d .y. !! d ilireuinpa fur .poimi a so l ltrrai ttrins, wit i reirtu from sgmtt, su!'rbi'r. au.i pn,M notices; or. brttt-r y.t, to ve tmi , soikl ti so at nii. tor a complete outot, ami makv $KJ U ; yau would olWle oe wail ing. Y-u nr. Kiir. lu tuke h Ul an-bow Mimey rrfundtd if not vtrf telly tatifir.d, at If the tnrri tor y. u waut it already o- cupled Adilrew al orders for si'c men.. subscrlptloiiS, or outfits to T K. JVIOOHK, l utillsher I he lllus irat"t Weekly," P. O. BoxfttiO, No 11 Oey St., N. Y. ' KIDNEY COMPLAINT Probably there Is no complaint thtt afflict! Ih humau eyatem, whieU is mt little under stuOt at the resent time, as some ot tbsvaiiel forms of Kidney Uouplaint. there is no dmease which cauaes such acute pain or more aUrmlng in Its results thau when tbe kkineys tail to seoreto trum the blood the uric acid, and other poisonous substances, wblish tbe blood accumulates lu .is circulation through the system. It fioro any cu-e the kidneys tail to perform the fu- cilons devoliini apou thorn, tbe eusaa lations are taken up by tlie absorbents and the wbol system Uirown futo a state of disease, canning great pstn and searing and eery ofteu immediate death. Hence tbe importance of keeping the kidi eye and blood lu a healthy condition, througb which all tbe Impurities ot the body must pass. ' Fain in the Back. The la no remedy known to medical science welch bas proved itself more valuable in caees of Kidney Complaints than tbe Vios-rma. It acts directly upon tbe secretions, cleanses aud puriaastbe blood and restores the whole sys tem to healthy action. QTbe following extraordinary cure of great sufferers, who nad been given up by the beat pnysicians as nopeiass cases, wilt sprat tor tbrmselves, aad rhould challenge the most profound attention of tbe medical faco ty as well as of those wboare sutUrinc from Klduei Uvmplaint . ' The Best Medicine. East MausnriaLO, Aug. 21, 1870 Ma. bTevitis: Dear Mr lam seventy-one years or tg; have sutured many years with Kiduey Complaint, weakness In mj baok and suimauh 4 was kduued by friends to try your VaoKTiita, and t think It the best medicine fi t weakners of the Kidneys I aver used 1 have tried many remedies (er the complaint, and ever found eo much relief as from the Vsul tik e. It strengthens a d Invigorates the whole system. Many of my acquaintances have takeu It, and I believo tt to be tooi for all the oom piaint. for which it Is vecoramende.1. Yourstruly, JOdlAH H.6USRMAS. Pronounced Incurable BoSToa, May SO, 1811. H. K. mn, Ksq.i Drar 8 r 1 have been badly aftlicted with Kidney Complaint for tea yetrs; aave sulfered great pain In my back, Lips and side, ith great ditttculty In ps.ieg ariue, whlrU was oftea, aud in very small quantities, frequently accompanied with blood ana excruciating pain. 1 bave faithluiiy tried most ot the popular remeuiet recommenaeu i.ir my complaint; i bave been under tbe treatment of some ef tbe most skillful pbyilciaus in Boitou, all of whom pioonounced my case Incnrable, Xhls was my condition when I was advised by a friend to try the Vxiistiks, and I eon Id see the good effects fiom tbe first dose I to'.k, and from that moment I kept en improving until I was en tirely enred. takit g in ail, letiou d think about six bottles. It is Indeed a valuable medicine, and If 1 should be afflicted again In the sme way, I wou a give a uouar auose, u i couia not get u without. lteapeotful y, J. -w. Ulltt, iltfl i nird street, south Boston Nearly Blind. H. H. Btkvkkb: Itear Sir In expressing my thanks to vuu for bene tits itttrlvod from the Hue of Veobtims, and to benolit Others 1 aril etatel When eight or ulue yeiusu.d 1 was atnuted with ttcrotula which made i.s anpeaiano lu my evoa, fare a d be n, and I was very near blind for two years All kinds of operations we e perfornmd on my eyts, and all to io goo-1 result. Flualiy tbe dineaae principally seitied in my bo-ly, limbs aud feet, aud at times in an aggiavaleii way. it st Summer I was, from some cause, weak In n y spine and kidneys, and it was at times very hard to ret .tit the urine. Seeing your ail teniae nvmt In th rommerctat, 1 bought a bottle oi Vr GE I I E.and oi mmeiimd using according 1 1 direction. Jn two er three days 1 obtained great relief. After uing fr.r or Ave bottlne I nwl.ed it bad a wnndeiful erf ct on the rough, acily M itc.hei on my body and li im. 1 still used VkOXTma and tbe bumorona sur.s, one atler ano her, dlsnteard nutit tliey were all gnc, an i 1 attribute the cure of tne iwoatarsaFsio vxiiriNa,andniitiii'geisi). If I am ever ft':cuil with anything of ti e kind itga n I shad try Vkoxtike as the only reliable remedy. Oms more accept roy thanks and believe me to bo, very rmmctluil.-, AltH'J lN Y. HKii'J'T, Xo 850MIO.H., Cincinnati, O. Dcc.1,1912. Dieatsof the Kidneys, B'ad'ler, etc., are alwa a uui'ienaitiit, and at Hmos they becoms tlie mnst clistri sclng and dtiixeoruu discHsas that can adeor the buotan ava'era. Mi.atitu Micseftlie kldn-y arlae from tmpuritl" In the hloid canauig uuim rs which lettl'ionthrKe parrs. V mihtimi t'x nny known ronndy irvtlnwliola wo ldfoi cleansing a d ur fying the hio d, tHereby eaus ng a healthy aotlo-i to ail the organs ot tho bedy. 4W Vegetinc is SclHy all Dnnsists. Parsnips, T1EETS, CABR0TS, . , A3 . TUttNlPS AND 0SI0N8. For sale at Q H. W. rtUNOE'". N. R. Corner of Market and Second St, april 2 , m rjlUE AIM OP TUB ABUTC WUHK IS dslvtd by Its J It fs; It Is a lil.twy, uot ot Eng lish King or Kugltsh eoni)ueste, but ot tbe English people. , For sale al CONOLEY A TATE3, Cily Book Store, aprlizs io 11 Pure Si i MADE CP KtJl'AL TO 'MEKUUANT Tailoring Style, OK ONLY 9S.SO. WHITE DUCK VESTS, Handsome Stripe Pants. ONLY $3.40. iVlUNSON & CO., CI1? CLOTHIERS, atnllSi wa MAYDAY. Carolina Central Railway Company yjlhl, BELL KKICHN TIUE&TS FUR one Fiist-Claae Fare to aartlee calling on a geuta for such Tickets Children Half fare. tickets good for three days only. 8. L. FRLMOKT, Engineer and Superintendent, april tot tt Passenger Department WOminito & Weldon; JWMiiilM " WltstiMswosj.M.C., April th,lT. yiaiTOBi ao the ceniannul Celebration at Uharlotte, N. O., Hay 30th, 1871, will be transported over thee BoadJ at an average rata of Three Cent Far mi for the Roaad Trip. Throngh Tlsketf will be sold via vTUmlnftea and the Carolina Central Hallway frgm Ml BUtlona ef each Road, aad also via Ooldsbore and North Carolina Hotd (Tom Utlona Of WllmlngteBAW.ldoBK.il. A. POP, ! Ticks A'tra, pill t ion-it 1 OmiEton, N. C., May 1st, 1375.. NATIONAL HOTEL. Ohange of Management. THE TJKDERSIONan for many vears Pro prtetorof the NATIOBAI. IlOTKl,, In this eltv. baa this dav withdraw la favor of his eon, C. H. JONES. Thankful for the liberal patronage of the past, he wvau beepee continuance of the same for hie Moeesaor. REUBIN JONES. To the TraTeling Public, Tl.ln. akai M Mnn . iaf alt. well-known and popular bouae, the aatlonal Hotel, s raspeoHUiiy soiioiv ma pwva'in vi .... kll. tMm Aj.a.atnfr .fiMtfir hall be to sustain the high reputation this nuoN B a. aa war a iu rbuh u mmmMm mentof my father. t Aespeotfally, C. R. JONES, april 28-ioi-2w Proprietor. If You Want- to Save Money BUY OUR "Extra Hominy," POBTY PENT Per Boahel leae than the Pearl, and pronounoed by all who use It to be tar superior. , OUR PEAKEi HOMIItY, equal to any manufactured, we sell at figures as low as any otber mill in tbls city. We would call attention to our choice brands of FltOUK, KOLTBlJ MEAL, FEEDS, SO Weights gaarantwd as q'oal. B. F. MITCHELL k SON. aprU S8 101-It FOR SALE. The most desirable place on Greenville Round, seven miles from tbe city. J'welllng containing etgnt rooms, etanie ami an neers aar nut buildinss on the nrem'se.s (iObd Water, Garden itpot. Fruit Trees. Grape Vines, An., in abundance, pise of Lot 200 feet front, runnlj g baok SH feet. ; . Poaseaslon given a, once. Annlvto CBONLT A MORRI. april i-2t Heal KsUte llrokers Sash, Blinds & Doors. A LARGE STOCK ON Hand &o to Arrive Fer aale low by ('".' ?' - D. A. BMITE & CO. .. .. 101- april IS iatii nairnlar menthl meetlne this (Wsdnts..av) evening, SBib Inst., et 8 o'cloek, at Howard he. lief Fire knglne Companv's Hall, on Fourth, between Market and llock strae'ie. Pundual attendanes isaeasren. By order of tbe Preeldent. . JOHN 0. KOCH, Keo. Hec'y april M 101-lt Country Ilerchants AN FINrt THE LA.BGEST iSn MOT j comp ete stock of Haidwhrd and at the lowe-t prices in the city, at tne via trtsbiiHti IS NOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LIN ES. My customers hate shown tbeir appreciation of hit LOW TRICES by their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankfal. STRANGERS not posted, and desiring the value of (heir tnonry, can get it hj calling AT M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market Si. aprtl IS Notice. BT AOTHOKITT OF THR OWN eisofthe Br. Barqunntlne rngllsh mau," We here' y give notice to nil eonoeined, that no debts contracted here by tbe Cantata er crew wsLU be paid by the ship or owners. pRUNT A g0N april r-nalw agsntsand t ouslguee. Weedlnsi lloest UeodlMf lleon I Il.aAi tli as lafnoaf salt il h.L aaurted alouks or Weeding Hiesbrougtit to this market ean now be fnuud at our establishment, where the following brands can be (ought at very low ngures: nconu (gtnuiucj, uiuwa, nun itImii h..ih aiMt anil Iran. The Han dled Vottou and Corn Hoes and Uoable-Bladed llocs ean also be touna wnn as. Give us a call before purchasing eisewnore. GILES A BtUstOUlatiN. april J6 - Economy U SO BOOKS. Mo losses to make np by ad g t my profits.' ' Fro oh Groceries - BT BVBBT BTHMKB, : BAKER WHISKEY, OLD PORT, ALE AND TORfER. H. W. SHURE, No. U N. Front Street. april es L Ilercliant Tailoring. French Oasslmer Pants made to order. Blue Flannel Bulls made to et der. Business Malta made to order. Diagonal Bultv made to order . Wedding Suits made to order. I have on hand tbe finest stock of Frenoh Cloths and Gesilmer Suits made to order In the latest styles, and as low In prices as any bane Berth ot lonthi A. DAVID, april m N Hay! Hay! 1,000 Bushels Corn. Fresh Water- Ground Meal every day. Mill Feed, Oats, urao so corn, reas ana rresn urocenee. For sale low by GRANT m HINTOlf, Orooers and Commission Merchants, april 28 swtf-dAw MT, M WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Mt. Airy. N. C. - OPENS ltoh OF if AY, 187R Board Per Month, S30 Par Waek, BI2.00; Par Day, f 2 00 w ATBB equal to Greenbrier White In every respect, at d su)ierlor In mat.y Parties visit ing the Springs by rail will gt off tbe eais at Winston, K. v., where stages will convey them to tbe ttpilugs. N. B. SMITH A SONS, Proprietors. , april v loo-sts Tarrent'g iperient, pONU'B , EXTRACT, FAIN KILLER, itileock's Porous piasters, norma water, and a lull and complete stock Pure Diuga, ... . . . . .. i . nAiiA. .. .1 vinrmicais. ratens wuimaoa, iwwi Fancy articles, J . . ... a n u v M I orsaie oy araai&s. u. aunwfi Urogglst, Third St., opposite City Hall. ap II to 100 Paraonal Remlniscencaa, Aneo dotaa and Lattera of GENERAL KOBERT E. LEE, By Rev. J WILLI A id JONES, D. D., Formerly Chaplain Armv Northern Virginia, anaoi waenington uonoge, yug uu.. Fobllahed by authority of the Lee fimliy and Of IDS f SWUIIT Wl n i.uiiiImu ana M Vilvarslty.i Sixteen Splendid Portralta and Engraving. Price, In Cloth, 8 ot( Bheep 8-10; Hair Tor key, iftJSOi Full Turkey. 1710. A isrri of the proceeds of every copy sold goes to complete Valentine's taaicophagu of Lee. Hold ouly by subscription. MRS. 8. M. WEVERE, Agent. april sb W-tf Medical Copartnership. TR. P. L. MCBPHT Is from tbls date asao oiated with me la the practice of medicine and sargsry. aptU ti WM. J. LOVE. 84-ataw-lw Ice Cream ! Ice Cream! T WILL OPEN MT ICE CREAM BALOOK on Thursday, April tM. ice Cream, made from pure cream, sent to COMPLETE J1ANJ, . FAKAaULH, AT BAIM800KS, VIOrolUA LAWNS. WMi PICQTJKS, VICTORIA 8TB1 i'K'i, FIFE'S, LINKN, LINEN UI.tPKU, CXCHANQE CRAVATS, HAIll FIXINGS, CORNER. Aad a general assortatentor Fancy Articles The latest Sew York Novelties received week lt'-'U aptliMtf Slippers. " Ladtss Browse 8Mririeniv SI. - Do. Morocco b uppers from l and ward. Men's Slippers from SI and epwaid. Men's Mulilflers for . up- At CHARI.F8 A. PRICK'S, No si Mark it Street, april 10 H 'gn of the Golden Boot. Buggy Harness, Wae-on Harness. Drev Harness. Cart Bar- aess, Collars, Hemes, Baokbands, Blind and Riding Bridles, Halters, Curry Combs, Horw Dianiiai, r mavr ionaii nun.., nana iiiu Batches, Hummer Lap Robes, Whips, apars, and all kinds of Baddlery Goods at bo'.wm prtoea. CARPENTER A MALLARD. Bucceeaors to 3. n. TUPHAM A CO., Mo.SBnntb Fiont HUeet, Wilmington, H. 0. april It 93-tf Xlio Virginln, BUFFALO SPRINGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF THE SOUTH. OPEN 20th MAY, 1875. These waters are possessed of extraordinary curative powers In affections of the K I UN K Vn and BLaDUS R.tn all derangements of th BILIARY OKUANH Inoldent to warm nlaa niatie regions. In Dyspe iala, In Dla- eaaea peculiar to women. , Chronic, intermittent snd Memlt tan Faavstrsi. iu chronic Conorr- hoea Secondary Syphilis. Cleet ana all diseases oi ill. Cehltal Orana. and In some forms of Gout sua Rheuma tism. Tbrlr remarkable power and emuaur in we aiseeacs inuioaiatu am vum u-u iu. uT some of the most duittngulshed mnllcal men of the oo intrv, both North and Mouth, as well as by reported cases from the mort unques tionable source. Testimonials In Pamphlet form furnished on applleatloa. tub w Ain.it FOR BALK. ..., . ..- ,.., The water Is pnt ap In oases of onedosen half gallon Hnttlrs at SS per ease. Route totheSprlnva for the South: By wav of the taionmond and Atlanta Air Una Railroad to wcultsbur Iletxt In Halllai county, Virginia, wbrre all trains are met by coaches tor tne etpnags is mnes mwn. TMOMABF. OOODR, anrll 4.aw-4m froprietor. Quarantine Notice PILOTS were notified s few days sine to cause all vessels from Henna and Rex West to oome to for Inspection by Q oar an tine Phy siol n. . They will from this date, nntrf further no. tlee.eanse vessels from! all west India ports Gilveeton, New Orleans ard Key West, Fie., to stop at Quarantine Rtal'ou fnr the purpose of being lnsp eted by Health Officer. F. W. POTTER, Quarantine Physician Port of Wilmington !v. t-. Bmlthvllle, N.O., April 7th, 1K75. Sprll 9 88 Thtira.V-'a'il'a-tls'Maf FACTORY. Doors, Sash, Ulinds and Mouldings, Ac. When von want bottom tirlees. o where they are made-foot of Walnut street, Uilvllle dlOo-sM.ll. , DTRM. aprU ' w 8-Im JAMES C.MUNDS, SD DIALSR IM 45 MARKET STIET, ARE NOW FULLY TllErARED FOR THEIR WITH A COIPLirri2 ASSOHTJUEIST OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS,- Comprlslns tho Novelties of tho Season. BTRirED BUMMER BILKS 75 Cents, worth il 12J. PLAIN (HtENADINEH from 18 Ct nla npwoia, FIGURED GRENADINES 15o., wt.rtU U7o. LINEN CAMBRICS 28o. auil tipwuiJ. A very C hoice Melet-llon of New Ore Wear. FRENCn 0AMRRIC8 15 pts , wo.th 25 ota. NEW STYLES IN flINUIIAMS 11 cU., worth 17 ot. WASH 1'OriilNH 12J ots , worth 20 ots. l:EH 1 OALICOS 10 ot., worth 12 cti. L'L&MA LACE 8IIAWLH AND BACUEH, NOTTINQHAM LCE SHAWLS AND 8ACQUE3. SHETLAND SHAWLS, IN WHITE AND STRIPES. A VERY Inrco BHmirtuiont of SUNSIIADKM, tho latent styles that can bo fouud in the count ry, at prices ranging Ladles, Misses aixl Iioys White and Striped Hose, Oeuts White anil Btripea Burks for 8ummrr wear. Lsdiea and Misses Ouuze Underwear, Oeuts and Roys Gauze Underwear, ' Ount'aJeans Drawnra (made to onr speolal order), Gent's White Dress Shirts and Bows, Woolon and Linen Goods for Gents and Boya wear. The largest lines on MUSLINS ever shown in this oity, suoh aa SWISS PLAIDS, Stripes and Plain, t NAINSOOK PLAIDS. " " OR0ANDIE3 PLAIDS, " " VICTORIA LAWNS. Hod Hprontli IVom H1 upward. Ilnsin (mluHtlnir and l'lllow CunIiiix, ... T WE WILL SUOWor ONE WEEK a very handsome line of DRAP D'ETE MANTLES and SACQUE3. aW BlhX AOKNT for Frank l.eslle a Out Paper I'sutorne . ..a.r,i MACHINE NKCDLCS D Centaaaoh. We nave several JOB LOTS in diliorout departmouta, but want of space pr rent us from enumerating ; a viflit only cau cover the ground. ONE PRICE-STRICTLY CASH NO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Harket Street. F. S. It has been almost impossible for us to par the attention to our nat rons that we would desire owing to the room. We take tins opportunity w waited on as promptly aa we should wHi, and would roooinraend all who can to call early in the day as we oan show them more attention, apl 18-tf nuni PACIFIC GMB CO.; CJA.lXTA.Li l.OOO.OOO. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for aale, either for GASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at onr Wareho prioes. W. H. McRAUY & CO., Oommbwloa Merohants, Agents for PaoifioQuano Co., and Healers In Mo. 1 Peruvian Ouano North Water Street, WILmiNUTON, N. Sub- gents for tho Sale of Soluble Pacific Guano. r. n. oiRaonr j. uiuiun Jan 11 HO., OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BBb','Fl'o,'H'"H irt,ie,' 100 BAUB COFFKK, 150 B13L8. 8TKTJP8, 2,000 SACKS SALT, Ac, Ac 'Send them Your Orders. april IT f I TIV11 is -or- PRINyND'8Ui4Ug MILLINERY OK THURSDAY, AFRIL 223, 1815. Mrs., A. D. BR0W1T, Exchstng; Corner, Wlllrtlfpliv tlie lsrg's. an.l hel aclcoleil toes of I rlinim (i and IM1I1 iiuin"il H"t S'hI Hontr ta, .rlrotiirl 1 .om llli' i, n nl 1 n .. r t -era i f rr"n'n su l rrf i- i r.t'w.a hi Oil. CH'llllT-y. hi"? Pin l.r .7 j.) ' ( V liiii.hltH l-- .1 .t. ,! ' . I Hi r 1 i. .1 li I I il. 45 floods for I.ndlra and Children's from 20 ots. to $7. inoroaso of our business aad lack of apologize to tnoso wuo nave not been Old Hundred, V. O. Marlon, 8. U. 37-SmdiSw RETAILERS Will Snd it to tiieir advantage to examine a : lot of SO Packs;es of . Choices 33 utter 1 bat we are Jobbing st 29 els. per pound. To buyers in tbe country we are flertn 'special Inducement" "FOR CASH" and re duced the prices on all ' QRO CEBIES. Ko"eitra charge" for prosing. Bend for sainiilesand prices, and we' gnaritntee satis faction. GEO. MTFHS, aprlMS 11 A13 8oulU rrunt Street." -22- J)HUMPT TIMB, OR OASH BCTEUS wauttidfdr 575 Packsgos , rinc-C'ut und Plug Tobaccos, At Prices to Suit. D. rIGOTT. april 1 M $50 $1001500 $1003 Invralrrl In Stoelc Frl vIKir"" In tVall Mreet, lesii to mary TiioiiHASits us .uc.T I nninr.'h. nclve ril'rn- nm.LAiia rn'M. t ompr.'h. rwiv "' r.r r.li i'lihtr. ftcnr-illili'i: ii-miuiu aim aa.l iriio iif ion ririfna oi' all l.nvY'W l'nr ;'. Ihiu-o Uralrlne t" ' " A I . V- 1 , k. il- i ed Hardware Meureoi JOHN TtWir)N, t.'os. 19, 20 and l i iket Sire' e-U25 I ! FAKCTCO(n and TCH FT AI5TT"! .i tLlM! .1 tr. and printed any part of the City at 75 cents rer quart. J. C. I C ,. ,,, ..T tiiriuiiat Ineiiioiiablestvte at t"e 101; fc crr?"i p