7- JAA UK VOL. XXIV. HO. 103. WILinilGTOH, N. C, FRIDAY. APRIL 30. 1375. WHOLE 110. GX37. j l j j i ' - i ' i' J i WILMINGTON. N. a : FRIDAY. APRIL 80 1175. QY TELEGRAPH. .OOT1IAM. THE NEW CARDINAL FERFORM IKQ THE MARRIAGE CEREMONY. MATCH GAME OF BILLIARDS. COMBINATION TO CONTROL THE PETROLEUM MARKET. New Yore, April 29 Noon Cardi 01 MoCloskeT married Miss Nelly Murphy, a daughter of Mr. Tom Murphy, to Senor DeRivas, a Bpanh-h banker. There was a large attendance both of political and faehiouable notables. In a match game of billiards, 600 po uts, for 81,000, Gamier won 46 in Ii Dgt, Vignaux scoring 258. A combination embracing 90 per cent of the oil refineries of the coun try, 'ieffeoted to oontrol the produc tion and price of petroleum, expect to o uitrol the remaining 10 per oent in 3 ) days and then the combination will g i into effect. Naw Yoke, April 26 Night Cardi nal MoCloskey married General Adam Badeau to Miss Mary Elsie Niles. THE FlllE FIEND. FIRES AT SING SING AND DE TROIT. A CHICAGO FIRE IN OSKOSH. TERRIBLE PICTURE OF THE HOUSELESS INHABITANTS. 8m Sins, April 29. Noon. The Nelson, Empire jand Mansions Houses was destroyed by fire last night. Loss $30,000. Dbtboit. April 29. Noon. This morning a fire broke ontib the factory of the Webber Furniture Company, and oonanmed it with ten or twelve dwellings adjoining. ' Lobs on the fac tory building $200,000, machinery $100,000, on dwellings from $30,000 to $50,000. Insurance unknown, Osiosh, April 29. Noon. A fire broke oat in the Morgan t Bros, saw mill, burning that ana a doien other aw and shingle mills, millions of feet of lumber, .nandred of houses and printing oiHoesM The' burnt dis trict is one and t half miles long by balf a mile wide. There are hundreds of homeless. v Two lives are known to be lost The thieves are in possession of the city, Special policemen have becn4tUtachi ta 'fn-eveo! depreda tion. ,4 , - Ohhxobh, April 29 Night Num bers of women and children are lying about the .streets or roaming around in teti oh of shelter. Over 200 dwel ing have been burned. Three lives were lost and other fatalities are ap prehended. Gangs of theives are prowling around, against whom the polioe are, impotent i ' '" - OovraoTON, Kx., April 29 Night Neimeyer'a brewery has been burned. Loss heavy. r- - ' ELECTIUISMS. A dispatch from Corpus Christi says that tranquility has been restored. The companies of citizens tre dis bauded but soldiers are scouting through the exposed region. Valmasedea proclaims pardon to all rebels in Cuba who surrender before the 8Jth of May. The British delegation is permanent Iv established at Yeddo. The negro preacher who murdered his wife at Georgetown. Del., and se creted himself in the attio of the oburoh where he beard the funeral a-rmon. has been arres ed. In Milton county, Ga., a white boy maeA 17 years, whose throat a negro out over a game of cards, died in stantly. The negro escaped. -The Georgia Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Masons has returned to its allegiance to the general Grand Royal Arch Charntef ol the U. S.. which was severed in 1861. VllEADQUAIlTEliS. A NEW PLANET DISCOVERED. PRESENT CONDITION OF THE FREEDMEN'S BANK CONCERN. Washington, April 29 Night Lev errien announces to Professor Henry the discovery of a ttw planet. The citizens generally pay no atten tiou to the new tax law for the Dis . trici. ' "' , "; ' .;' The Freedmen's Bank Commissi. n era hate $300,000. It will require M0U000 for a 20 : Der eent. dividend. ' The depositors number seventy-five thousand. Many of the depositors are , sollincr their bank books at ten cents ou'the dollar. PENNSYLVANIA, THE LABOR RIOTS IN THE COAL REGIONS. 'MORE MURDERS AND OTHERS i sii THREATENED. Wn-KESBARRE, April 29 Night The miners at Sawyer's works have voted unanimously to hold out nntil the restoration of the basis of 1874. Two members of a posse of consta bles were wounded by the barricaded miners while servinar civil writs. Two of the miners have been arrested and thereat are surrounded a sheriffs posse. One familv. consisting of ten men desperadoes it is feared will texnesee; A NEGRO ATTEMPTS TO OUT RAGE A WIDOW LADY. Mkitpuis, April 29 Noon Dan Wright (negro) attempted to violate the person of a widow lady, but her cries attracted the attention of her sou w'aen Wright fled. He was subse quently captured and bangd. Nashville, April 29- N gat Ami nnilirntiwlinr hvtween tliv Governor of Georgia and Tennessee has result- d j in the disregard ol each other a requi sitious for fuitivs. EUKOPE. ROYAL 8CION MOBBED A.nD BEATEN AT VIENNA. Vienna, April 29 Noorj The po lioe are required to protect Dou Aliuu so from the mob. Don Alfonso as insulted and beaten. t A Mutall l lcllua The Baltimore Sun has been at some pains to show the lalttity of the legend on which Whittier's poem of Barbara Fritoiiie in founded. Whittier, it xeems, heard some liar tell how old Barbara Fritchie waved a flag in defi ance of Jackson's Corps ou the march through Frederick; how she wan fired at and yet still waved the wouuded Aug, fend how Jacksou himself called out, as Whittier puts it : " Who tiim hi's a hair of you fjmy head, Dies like a dog. s March on!'' lit) said. The Sun disposes of the whole thing, showing that Mrs. Fritchie showed no fl ig, Jackson's Qurptrdid not march by her house, and nobody shot at her or W418 rebuked becanae of her. The evi dence given by the Sun is complete, being derived from citizens Of r redbr ick and neighbors of the late Mrt-. Fritchie, and we are glad that the cor rection Las been made and is likely to reach the Northern people, among whom alone the story is believed. In our army, indeed, nothing was ever heard of the story until pictorial apers of New York brought us ac counts of it. Jackson s G rps, of whom the writer of this was a soldier, certainly saw a United States flag or two iu homes of Frederick City, and heard not a few expressions both of welcome and of abuse from women in that town; but it saw no ostentatious flag flaunted or fired at. The troops were careful to obey the strict orders they had received to respect the rights of the oitizens, and forbore not only to levy contributions, but even to an swer the viragos, of whom several took advantage of and abused our patience,, "Norfolk Virfflnian, 1 ( ; f- $ A rather unique sort of a miser died a week or two ago in HuJs n, N. Y. rr !T 1- ! J t 1 He was an episcopal nuoiaier wuo served as a missionary for his church in Greene county, receiving a salary of $200 and numerous donations. He lived in extreme poverty, and when he died a subscription was taken up to av the funeral expenses. Alter tne funeral his rooms were examined and a will found, together with a package containing $94,000 in government bonds, and a bank book showing a de posit of $10,000 in a bank in New York City. The wiU gave half of his prop erty to his relatives and the rest to St. Luke's Hospital and to churches in which he had preached. The clergy man's name was Clark, and he went to Greene county from Halifax, N. S. Cue may live as a conqueror or a king, or a magistrate; but be must die man. The bed of 1 eath brings every human being to his pure iudividuality, to the intense contemplation of that deepest and most solemn of all rela tions between the creature and urea- tor. Webster. MARRIED. ilnir Thur iT, April 29th, at the residence of the brde' father, by Ke J B. Barlow, Mr. 1 HOfAH O. WHilSlOEB.of Wilmington to MlM HANNAH, daogl.ter of Dr. tbirlee H. Peterson, of Bernum'a Creek, New Unoer county. THE F.1YSTERY. Battlo's ltcvis OF THE -)UBUC STATUTE OF MOBTB CABO- BUSBEE'S Nora Carolina Justiec and Fori Boot A Draotloal and reliable snide for Juttlce of the feace nd other Coui.ty Ufllorra, and a useful ilend Book for all Bueinrw Hen. For isle at ' HEIMSBERCER'O Ut Book and Uurte Store, apt II 30 ll ' piNB APPLES, BALDWIN AiTLKS, " 8WEKT ORAMOCS, LKMON8. OOCOA AND PECAN bVTA, CHUCOLATK AND (11 M DBOPS, OBKAM BONBONS, &o. FBE3H OKOCERIEi H. W. BHURE, No. 31 N. Front Street. aptll 80 Extracts for the Toilet, QCBBLAIit'S EXTBACT8, Luiiln'a Extract. ' Pliaion'i Mght Utoorulng Careui. - v Hnlr Brnahee, 1 ombe, ' Oiled MlM, Ao., 40. for tale by . GBEIK A LANNER NIW ALVIETISISEJTTS SPECIAL II0TICE. THE FATBON1 OF THR OLD E8TAB tu&cd Saloon, Brock's Exchange, Are fMpcetfnlly Inform) that the above -UMWitnent ku bea enUr.lv refilled and W tt-hel. r t A Pine Cigar Store- enauiMnc ih b m i.ii,u ..u fi.uit Billiard Saloon b bwn added. lb.bMtof LACKK BiEH.eobob ttioed by tb uim, wan ur Kr. W. H. CERKEN. ProerletCr. l rU SO r vi-u A SHORT HISTORY OF TnE English People, WITH MAPS and TABLES. BI J. K. OBkEN, M. A. 1HK AIM DP THK ABUT! WOKK t dcllnrd by It. Ttttr ; It I a Htitory, not ot ng- II eh Ring or Kngltoli eonqutitl, but Ot the SogUab people. - , , Fur ul al CONOLEY 4 YATES, Cily Bookstore. piUIS lot BeantiM Pare Wl Yests, ii"" CP FQUAL TO Taiiurtog Style, MEKCHANT f OK OKL.Y i3.30. WHITE DUCKVEST8, . oxlv $t 00. Handsome Stripe Pants, ONLY 9S.S0. MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS, Irll 19 MAY DAY. Carolina Central Railwaj Comnany riLL BILL BIT UBS TI0KE.T8 POH one Fliit-ClmM far to partlet ealtlng on A genti for each Tickets Children Balf rars. TlokeU good n three dajtenly. S. L. rBEMONT, ; Engineer and Superintendent. aprit , iwt FACTORY. Doers, Sash, Blinds and Monlding's, Ac. Wlia jou want bottom prion, go whr they ere made Coot of Walnut itrent, ColvlUi W. nVKKH. . aprilS ' S5-lm FOR THE INFORMATION -OF THK Marshal's Office, CITY OP WILMINGTON, N. C, April Uth, 1875. TNOBDEBTOENABLK UK 1 0CLEANSE the City tbotoughly, and with h little delay u pomlble, I hTe dWIded tb Oity Into four (4) Health Dlrtrlctf, with a Health OOl oer ai- ilgntd to doty m each. . . THE riBBT DISTRICT, In charge of Health Officer J. H. Brown, em- hneeethatDorUoaorthaOity North of Mar ket and Eent or fifth Street. THE SECOND DISTRICT, In charge of Health Offloer O. O. Taylor, em brace that portion of the City North of Mar ket and tftwt of Fifth Street. THE THIBD DISTRICT, In chrge of Health Offlcer A. J. Denton, em brace! that portion of the City South of Mar ket and Kartot Fifth Streets, THE FOURTH DISTRICT, In cha'ge of Health Cffleer F. Wa'eott, lm. bracee tbat portion of the City South of Mar ket and Went of Fifth Btreeti. The Heilth Offlcert may be detlgnated by the yellow rosette, and they are lntruo'ef to In. pectand report all anolaanllneai to my cmoe It If hoped that the Cltlaent generally will 00 operate with me la thla Important work, and begin the needed cleaning without further do 'Any person requiring the eerrloe of a Sca venger may report the fact to the Health Officer of the DlTlelon In which the work It to be done, or at ray rffloe, and the matter lhall bare the pre ro ptrrt attention. Trotting no further appeal to our good Cltl tent may be required and tbat our Oity thall be a mouel in neatneetaunngioe iwwiug cum mer, I am, wy retTiectfully, 1 J. H. BOrllfSON, aprlt 16-tf Wtf Manhal. Chlldreu's Carriages. T ARflE STOCK ' OF SEW ITTLK FOB ,irlntrade. Alao. Straw Matting, Wli.dow Sbtdnr, Rattan and Willow Phtirt, Foot MaU lee Boxer, Ae. For tale low by - , aprtl 16 V, A. SMITH 4VCOJ Invrated In Block Prlvlle;ea In UM.II Mtreet. lead! to mary THooaaitna 0 noi.LAK! ra'iT. Compreht nilve eiplana. tort olrrulara, ecntalnliig detalltd ttatemeutt end quotation prloee of all aterke dealt In at tne Nev Tori Stack txckangt, malted fn to tboeedetltlngtoeperulaie. aoareea, AXaX. FKO I H1N3H AM A CO., Banker! and Broker! Onn.N. T. BtoehSUohaage. II wall nt. $1000 ii wan NEW OBl KZW ADVERTISEJHNT8. MORE PARTICULAKSi MY ASSORTMENT OF pnnTiTn Pfin mum IS NOW. COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. ilj enstomers have shown their appreciation of my LOW TRICES by their liberal purchases, for which I'm tliaukful. STRANGERS not posted, and desiring f he value of their money, can got it by calling -AT- ' M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market S(. aprll II Notice. av inmnuiTV nw THC. OWN. ertoftbe Br. Barquentine "gnultih- nan, we ueeuy give uwm. iw m eouoerned, that no debta contracted here by the Captain or crew will be paid by the ship or ewn-re. gpRUNT SON, aprll IVnal w A genu and Con.lgnee. Weedlnf lineal Weedlnar 1 1 wee I One 01 the largett ant beat aaorted itovki of Weeding Ht brought to (bit mtrket can now be luund at our e.tubll.litueut, where the following brand! can be t-ought at very low figure.: Scorlll (grnnlne), Lane, titbeon, Ault mn, Klwell both Heel and Iron. The Han dled Cotton and Corn Hoetand Double-Biaded Hot can alao be found with ua. Uive at a call bniore purchaelng elaewhere. OILEi MUttOBlSON. aprll IS W- Merchant Tailoring. Frenoh Oaatlmer Pantt made to ordor. Blue Flannel Built made toot der. Butlnett Suitt made to order. Diagonal Bnlta made to order. Wedding Suite made to order. I hare on hand the flneet ttock of French Olotbj and Oaatlmer Suite made to order la tbolateatetylee,and a low la prices a any bona. Berth or South. ' A. PAVID. aprll 21 ' - , . m Hay! Hay! 1,000 Buthelt Corn. Freeh Water- Uruund Meal evtrv da. Mill Feed. Oala. Oracktd orn. Peat and Freuli Urocerlet For tale low by GRANT & HINTON. Orocere and Commitelon Meroliautt. aprll 25 W tf-d&w Ml MWHTfE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Mt. Airy, N. C. OPENS mh OF MAY, 1875. Board Per Month, t3Si Per Week, $12.80; Par Day, f 2 DO TTATEB equal to Greenbrier White In trery reeneot. a d tuperlor in many Part lot ylilt- ing uit Bpringt ay rail win g. t on me eait at Wtnaton, N. o., where tugea will courej them 10 ine opitngt. N. B. SMITH A SONS, Proprietors. aprll w 100-3m Tarrcnt's Aperient, )OBD'S EXTRACT, PAIN KILLEB, Allnta Pnrnua Plaatjira. Vlnrlila Water. and a full and complete ttock Pure Diugr, unemicait, raint mcuioiuve, avuo mu Fancy Artlolet. jrorMie oy oaii. v. buhvh, UroKftkt, Third St., oppoettt Oity Hall, apllio luo Personal Reminiscences, Anec dotes and Letters of GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE, By Her. J. WILLI A Jl JONES, D. I)., Formerly Chaplain Armr Northern Virginia, ana or waeningiiHi uoncge, virgiui. Pobllrtied by anthorltf of the Lee ftmily and of the Faculty of Washington and Lee , .-v uniTariuy.i Sixteen Splendid Portraits and Engravings. Price, in Cloth, SI M); Sheep, 4 10; Half Tui key, cs.ou; r uu luraey. wi ov. A pari of the proceedi of erery copy wld Ketto complete vaienune e saicopuagua 01 e. Sold only by tuhiorlption. MRS. 3. M. WEVERE, Agent apruxo w-tr Ice Cream! Ice Cream! J WILU OPEN MT ICE CKEAM SALOON on Tburtday, April lad. Ice Cream, made from pnre cream, tent to any part of the city at IS cent! per quart J. O. LUMSDEN. aprll HI 81W -22- pBOMPT TIME, OB CASH BUYERS wanted for 070 Package! Fine-Cut and Plug Tobaccos, At Prices to Bait. D. rlGOTT. aprll Jl Country Ilerchants CAN FIND THE LABOEST AND MOST complete ttock of Hardward and at the lowei-t prlcea In the city, at the Old E.tabllth d Hardware Boune er JOHN DAWSON, Not 1, 20 and 11 Market SUeet. aprll IS 8 w FDnimO OABDMMelTIBITIIVil OA USB especially at the S UN, PAUASOI.S, AT NAINSOOKS, VIOrOKIALAWNH. WM. ' PICQUES, V1CTOBIA BTBtl'K', FYFE'S, LINKS, LINEN DUPElt, EXCHANGE CRAVATS, HAIR FIXINGS, CORNER. Aad a general aaaortment of Fancy Article. The latett Mew Tork Norelllet received wtek ly aprll 31 If Slippers. Iadlte Bronaa BllnneriouW 1)0, Morucoo 'Mitppert Iron SI and 11 p- wara. i Men'aBllppert from eland apwatd. Men'l Nulllueri for SI. . .. ki aprll 10 CUARLVS A.PRrCE'S, No II Markit Street, Sign of the Golden Root, Buggy Harness, Wagon HarnuM, Dray Harnett, Cart Her Beao, Collar!, Hatmt, Backhand!, Blind and Biding Brldlea, Halter., Curry Cumin, Hur-e Brunhaa, Feather liu.ter., Trunk!, Bag! ami Batchee, Hummer Lap Kobe., Will), apart, and all klnda of Saddlery Gooda at boa mi prloet. CARPENTER A MALLARD. HuccetMir! to . J. B. TOPHAM 00., No. I South Front Htttet, Wilmington, N. (1 aprll It . ea-tf Bacon Sugar Coffee and Flour. inn n it a --.I at,,.,t Q.Maii 100 Boxes D. and B. and Smoked Bboulders, 150 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 100 Baes Prime Rio Ooflee, 1.000 Bbls. Flour-all grades. For sale low by WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. Corn-Hoop Iron-Glue and Rice. 12,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 800 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue. ; 60 Bbls. Whole Rice. For sale low by WILLIAMS t MURCHISON. Syrup. Spirit Casks, Nails and Matches. 100 Bbls. 8. H. Syrup, 300 B oond Hand Spirit Casks, 200 Kegs Nails, 15 Canes Matoues. For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. MolasBos Molasses. 150 Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba Molasses. , For sale ldw by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Guano! Guano! 250 Tons Gnanape Onano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, Foraalelowby WILLIAMS MCBCHISON. eprll28 Passenger Department. WMDtfon & Welflon; WUminton, Columlila & A. R. R. WiLMiaeros, V. C, April I'th, 1871V. TTI8ITOK8 10 THE CENTENNIAL V Celebration at Charlotte, K. O., Mar 20th, 187, will be tranapoitcd over three Boadaat an average rate ol Three CenU Per Mile ror the Bound Trip. Through Tiekata will be aold via Wilmington and the Carolina Central Hallway from ail Station of each Koad, and alao via Goldsbore and North Carolina Hoad from Btationa of Wilmington A Waldon R. K. Am POPE, Owat'l Tich A'srt. .apillM mm WEDDING CARDS 2SW' u.-t-1iwB.b..rtr...ti..ij0moB HEW AD VERTISI IS. BROWN & 45 MARKET ARE NOW FULLY FRErAUED FOR THEIR SPRING mm SULBEB GAlw.PAIS3, W ITU A COMPLET11 A8WOIIT3IENT OI STAPLE AD FANCY DRY CHS, CoinprisiiiK the Novelties ot the Season., STRIVE!) RUMMER BILKS 75 Cents, worth &l 121. 1'LAIN (1UKNADINKH from 1H Ccuts miwaud, FIGURED G11KNADINES 15c., worth 3to. LINEN CAMURlCa 28o. and upwaad. ' A ery f holes Kelectlwn ( New Ire da lor I.ftdlea Mtf. ChlldreM's Ver, FRENCn CAMBRICS 15 ots., woith 25 cts. NEW STYLES IN GINGHAMS 11 ots., worth 17 eta. WASUrOI'LlNS 121 eta, worth 20 ots. RES I CALICOS 10 cts., worth 12J ots. L'LAMA LACE SHAWLS AND 8ACIJUEH, NOTTINGHAM LACE SHAWLS AND SACQUE3, SHETLAND SHAWLS, IN WHITE AND STRITES. A VERY Inrge assortment of HUNHIIADKH, the lutwt styles that 01m be found In the country, at prices ranging from 20 ots. to $7. Ladles Blisses and Boj n Wlilto and Striped Hose, Gents White and Striped Socks for Summer wear. Ladies and Misses Gauze Undorwesr, Gents and Vojs (lauzo Underwear, Gent's Jean Drawers (mado to our spoclul ordor), Gent's Whito Dress Shirts and Rows, Woolen and Linen Goods for Gents and Boys wear. The largest lines on MUSLINS ever shown in this oity, suoh as SWISS PLAIDS, Stripes and Plain. NAINSOOK PLAIDS, ' " " ORGANDIES PLAIDS, " " ' VICTORIA LAWNS. I3HiirnlM iVm I iipwnnl. Ititn Hhititlnir mid Pillow CtiMtiiir, r WE WILL SHOW for ONE WEEK a very handsome line of DRAP D'ETfi MANTLES and 8ACQUES. HOI. AGENTS tor frank I.aell' fnt fnpr fattorna . . - . MAOMIMet NEEDLES 0 Cent each. We have several J OB LOTS In ditlorout departments, but want of space pr vents us from enumerating i a visit only oau cover the ground. ,. . . ONE PRICE STRICTLY CASH-NO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Harket Street. P. S. It has been almost impossible for hi to pay the atteution to our pat rons that we would desire owing to the increase of our business and lack of room. We take this opportunity to apologize to those who have not been waited on as promptly as we should wi-li, and would reoomniond all who oan to call enrly in the day as we oan show them more attention. apl 18-tf MMIPACM G AM CAPITAL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACDJIO GUANO for sale, either for GASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Warebo prices. V. II. McKAltY & CO., OoiomlHion MerohanU. Agent for FaolfioQuauO (Jo., and Dealeratn No. 1 Fernylan Guano j North Water Street, WHjIUINIJTON, n Sub-Agents fop the Sale of Soluble Pacilic (Juano. r. n. iho. V. WMAIIA.n.... Jan 11 For the Benson At 053.00 per Ton, Cash, or 800.00, a -r-r rvr a a r-i I At $33.00 per Ton, Cash, or 838. WE GUARANTEE that the prevtoui High Or B.B.BRio(lERH,pre.w...t O. L. UUAFFUN, euperlutendent, Jan 5.. OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BBlil. FCOTIB all gradea; JQQ BiOS COFFEE, 150 BBLS 8VBUP8' g QQQ SACKS SALT, &o.,Ao. tSend them Your Orders, april H Ml 45. EGDDICK SUIT, 45 5 ,000,000. ....Old Hundred, H. O. Marlon, 8.0. WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS of 1875, delivered on the (Jars, at Uor Factory, at the following SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO payable 1st of November, next; ' TV TlTTVCITlTT A n1T7l 0 , payable 1st of November next, a e of our rertlltaeri (hall be fully Maistaihid NAVASSA RIIANil r.nr.lPilNY WILMINGTON. N. C. 4-eoU-dAW'tm 1 llDEtOD, N, C, May 1st, 1375. NATIONAL HOTEL. Change of Management. THE CNDERSIONHD for many Tear Pro prletofoi the NATIOSAl. HOTEt, in thl oity, ha. thla dT wlthilrawp In favor of hi. wn, V. II. JO.MK8J. 'thankful for the liberal patronage ol the paat.he wvu d beeak a ooutliiuanco vf the earn, lor hia mecemor. REUBEN JONES. To the Travellns Public. s Having awumed the management of the well-known ml popular houe, tbo f ailonal Hotel, I renpectfully aoliclt tjie patMn-grt ot the traveling vblio. MT coiietnnt e'liiimvor hall he to sustain the high reputation thla Houne liae alwaya borne under the mauag. mentor lay father. ' Benvertlnlljr, - C. R. , ipril 28-101 2w Prcprletor. rflil I lfii lie eliortpxt notice ami on the no reaionihle t""" ' " . ill,.. .'Ab vsrl j t Cht to the laBt. ieb as-ly-wo

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