Viri 1 ,'A i I i! h ffH 1 ! Mm j i. i 'i M i i WILimiGTOIT. 17. C SATURDAY. HAY 1, 1875. WHOLE 110. GX03. VOL XXIV. HO. 104. WILMINGTON, N. a ; FATURDA1!. MAY 1, 1875. BY TELECRAPHL "llEADQUAltTEKS. THE MEDICAL MEETING AT LOUISVILLE FRUIT TREE3 IN WASHINGTON UNINJURED. CONGRESSMAN KELLEfS RE TURN FROM A SOUTHERN TOUR. UNQUALIFIED "TESTIMONY IN FAVOR Or' 'I HE bOTIII. NO MORE NEED FOR TROOPS THERE THAN IN PENNSYL VANIA OR OHIO. THE COUNTRY TREMBLING ON THE VERGE OF FINAN- . C1AL RUIN, 1 WASHnaTOS, April 30 Night. The Nnvjr Department has aligned it Ktitll' to represent it at the meeting of Mm AmVricsn Medical Association, to b held at Louisville on the 4th proximo. The fruit tree in tbU vicinity are nuiujurod. The recent rains havu. hfiptid the wheat. Judge William D, Kelley.of Fi'unsy 1 uania, returned from a aix wet ka tuur in the South to-day, and boars wont euapuatio testimony against the South ern policy of his own party iu thelaet Congress, Whan asked to-uiglit whathe thought of the political condition of the South, he used these words: "The vote I most regret during my fourteen ?'dnr in Congress, ia that which I cast ast winter in favor of the Force Bill." He further said that ea-iaras his ob servation went, during hia extended t iur, there was no more necessity for tue use of Federal military force thau thre is in Pennsylvania or Ohio. He talked with Confederate soldiers, with Northern men, negroes, carpet baggers and travelers, aud he was snr . pnz-.d at the good feeling existing. Ho said he should hereafter taKe lit tle stock in Southern outrages, espec ially if they ae reported as occurring in toe sections he visited. He gave an example of the fueling in the South by relating what he himsolf s w in Augusta, being himself unknown Ua happened to be ia that city on the d y onuses for decorating the graves of the Confederate dead. He remain ed and observed closely the proceed ings. A long procession marched through the streets with engines, civia organizations, &0., it being trrated an a general holiday. Judga Kelley ob served the signitioant fact that while m ta and women were gathered for the parpose of paying tribute to the mem ory of tho dead Coufedorate soldiers ' the prinoiral mcrslo on the occasii n wa-Siurmihad by the band belonging to a regular U, S. Infantry rcgiraeLt stationed in the vicinity. There were notaunis, no insults, no complaint, and no appearance , of ill-feeling any where visible. While absent. Judge Kelley spent from two days to a week in eich of the following cities, etoppiug frequently at places of less couse- qtieuce, viz: Richmond, Charleston, Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Augusta and Aikon. The most of his time was spent iu Florida. He say?, so far as he saw, aud be went wittx eyes and ears open, there was no feeling of fear or distrust . on the part of the ooiored people, and he could Dot, fcr the life of him, see what use there was for foroe bills. He was very glad to have made the trip, for It has enabled him to . under stand the condition of the South bet ter than he ha ever understood it bo f re. He said it was not the Ku Klux that was ruining the South, nor was their unhappy condition to be attri fated to the hatred by the Southern people, to the people of the North, nor was any political -uestion involved ; thinks the whole tronble in the Hnith arises from financial and indus- , trial causes, and he believes that the Bouth will not improve and advance uutil the forty-fourth Congress re peals the financial legislation of tbe forty-third ; until the industries of the oountry are ruined and we are forced to live within our income!, the" South will grow worse instead of better, As matters ore going now. the Judge tbiuks not only that the South and Southwest will 1 6 involved in ruin, bu". the oountry its df will be hopelessly iusolvent. The treasury he thinks is h already empty, work is stopping iu the navy yards, on the publio works, buildings, &c, for the money has rnu out Tue reoeipts Bre not equal to tbe expenditures, and a day of settlement is not far off. - :-. He was asked how long the Treasury would hold out, and he auswered that unless there Is an improvement in the customs and internal revenue receipts the Treasury will be empty by 8ep temlernex. .Judge Kelley called t.u Secretary Bristow, and had a long talk on flnanoial matters, but did not sno oeed in obtaining any new information from the Secretary. The Judge asked ' him how soon he would begin to buy currency again. The Secretary did not seem to like the way of statiug it, but he was told by the Judge that he thought he had used the right term. v ... i- i . - i : .,1 1 lie did not inina u was wiuug k'" but bnying currency, whioh is neces sary for daily use. He told the Seo t itary that the South, the West and t w whole country would never reoover while the effort was being made to bring about speoie payments by con raoting the currency. ,., ' The National Cotton Exchange meets t lt''i Wl.-. r.ulj-hur Kprinpfs,- Orrcn ! i- ' ' Vn., on J.i'v tlht. f - , v 4,i . f l.y THE F1UE FIEND. AUDUBON'S LIBRARY DES TROYED. FIRES IN MICHIGAN AND AT LAWRENCE, MASS, TiVO AND A HALF MILLIONS BURNED AT OSHKOSH. Siiklbwilus, Kr., April 30 Noon The resideuoe of Mrs. Bakewell, sister-in-law of Mr. Auiuton, with Audubon's library of eight hundred vo'uaies, wia burned. OaHKosH, April 80 Noon The Court House with the records bus been saved. - Milwavkre, April 30 N'Miu A fire at Oeonnoruowito yesterday dei troyd the Lulielle House, Drug Store of Aoklev Lardue and the Dry Hoods Hfore-of T. W. Webber. Loss $20,. 000. Lawrkkck, April 30. Noon fh wotil shoddy factrvat North Salem, N. H., operated by Peiidergrat & Ca, was burned yesterday, l'endergrsxt A Co. lose $13,000 ; loas on buildieg 4?').()iK). Osukobh, April 30 Night All of the iusnranoe agenoiesluive b eu bun e0i xocpt one. The loi-s will reach two aud a half millions of dollars, in-nred for fifty per ceut. The C ty Couuoil have appropriated 82,0110 for immedi ate ' want?. There are 300 homeless families. One persm was killed and Si venil wounded wlio ventured near toltucing walls. EUltOrE. SUPPOSED LOSS OF FRENCH COMMUNISTS. THE MOODY AND SANKEY CASii IN. LONDON. Bisuiiiv, April 30 Noon -A Com. mittee of the Prussian Diet has pre pared a bill declaring that old Catho lics are entitled to a share of the Ro man Catholio churohes, cemeteries aud revenues iu proportion to their numbers. Melbournb, April 30 Noon It is supposed that Dr. liastout and his companions (French Communists), who escaped from the Islaud of New Cale donia, perished on the water as no tidings of them have been rcoeived aud fragments of a boat have been re covered. London, April 80 Noou The case of the Leader vs. Moody and Saukey has been settled by the aooeptanae of a suggestion of the Master of the Rolls that defendants pay one shilling dumiiges and costs and agree not to retake her Majesty's Opera House for their meetiugs. ALABAMA. THE SPENCER INVESTIGATION. Mobile, April 30 Noon The Spen cer Investigation, theioint Committee u - ' . of the General Assembly of Al- aoamn, consisting of Messrs. .Lit tle, and Parks, of the Senate, and Messrs. Price, Brewer and Coon, of the House, ojfcanized here yester day and examiued four important wit nesses. The investigation will con tinue here for some days, aud will probably be adjourned to Montgom ery, Nothing authentic is kuown out side as to tho character of tho evi dence, though it is laid to throw some light on the relations between Spencer and J. J. Hiues. ELECTMl'ISttS. The ship Airey Farce, from Austra lia for. Situ Francisco, has been wreck ed and sixteen lives lost. There lwis been a severe Btorm at Rochester, N. Y., in which a bark fouuderod and three 'lives were lost, aud the Luightou Iron Works pros trated, ijobs nf;u,uw. A dispatch from St. Joseph, Michi gan, says that three of the eleven fish ing basts iu the gale are missing. Eleven persons are probably lost. Ice Gream ! Ice Cream! T W IU. OPEN MY IUE OKEAM SAMiON ou ThtirKly. April Tift. lea Or en ni, made from pure cresm, rent to any IartoftU citj BtT6 centrr ia rt. J. O LUMSDKN, , 05 lw- Hprll lit Country Bier chants CN FIND THE LAKQKHT ANI M(l"T nini. eto ;ui- of Hmdwuid t Ihu lowt prices In the city, at tbe Old Kttnlillnli e.l llaiuware Home of JOHN DA WON, tto 19, 20 aud 21 Market Street, spril 25 W THE MYSTERY. ptNK APP1.ES, BAUW1N APPLES, - bWKET OliiKQES, l.BMONM. OOOA ANIvPEOnMiTS, CHOOOLATF. AND GVM DROPS, , UUEAM DONBONS, Ao. FRESH GKOCKH1K1. H. W. BHCRE, No. 81 N. Mont Street. djirll SO 0(3 Extracts for tho Toilet, G Uf.KI.AIN'U KXl'KAU'B, ' I.nhlii'n Rxl.riMitii. DIED. Ytnl.T. th W(k IBM , Mr CATUAKINR L K KISS, aged SS yrnra. Th funrl will Ukt '!c tkt (turil, ktcemoon, t o'rlork, tiom th ridnc of kr nhi, Mr. Patrick I rHr, en Ked i loio, trtMa Ihlid sml Four b Imii. lh fiienO unit r)uaiotiuictiif Mi Iiunlly r im.Wd tOKItend. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS Wilmington Gardens. rjlHK UNDK iMONED vonld huiiry hi tiirnd. and be uhlic rl t that Yi h 'J HtKat th VII.M (MIKIN (UK. IKN, ha b will ke it fa arlr on hand I lis kit twrt of WINS-, LlgUUKS and t IUAk'4. may 10 it WILLIAM BKTHFL. Retailers (C7PPLIEI) WITH JMu-' nml Fine-Cut Tobaccos, Clgarti and Smckers Articles. D. HGOTT. may t 3ECURE A HOME. KtTli riNH 1.1 iTM fur aala In iliud. HIL1,.I W.HH.. n r..ii- unit li, Anu, Nun, Orai'ir. 1 ck, l but cut. r" 1 1 mom. Mullierrv, hum, Seventh, WIUoii, Kikih, Ninth, i'hkI, t:hrlotU, I'enth, K nih, 'I WHlh, Thirteenth ami Kourlaemli -Irort Alan, Mferal ma 1 huutcafor pal un ".iUntactory tuina, Aiiuiflo JAMBS WII.ON. may I loi lw BLANK BOOKS, LFIIOKMS, JOPRN4I.R,' 1AT h OKS, i ali Booki. Invoice Huoka, Krcord llwikii, dm Hoota, Note; Dratt and Ueoelpl Vooki, Ac, Iu larg vaittty, at HEINSBERGER'8. Frames Frames VERY LAKOE AS80KXMKNT OF FRAMEi-new itylea. For al at HEINSBERCER'S Uv Book and M uvle Store. may 1 - h . SPECIAL NOTICE. TUB PAIRON4 OF THE OLD K8TAB lUUed Saloon, "Brock's Exchange," Are respectfully Informed i bat lb above ct talilUhment tuu been eutlrdy retlued aad lurubdMd. ' . A Fine Cigar Store, contstntn Uie nwt &raud ud u legani Billiard Saloon lv been added. The beat of LAGER BEER on be ob Uined by the (jIm, Maiture or Ki'g. W. H. CERKEN, Proprietor. aprll 30 lui-u A SHORT HISTORY OF THE- English People, WITH MIPS and TABLES. BY J. U. OKKKN, M A. rJIHE AIM OF THE ABCVE WORK tS dettrcd by its Title; It la a Hlvtory, not ol Kiig-lli-h Klngi or Enullih conqueeta, but ol the English people. For wile a( CONOLEY & YATES, City Book Store. apt 11 29 104 iPure MADE UP EQUAL TO MERCHANT Tailoring Btylfl, IOII ONLY 9H.H0. WHITE DUCK VESTS, OXI.Y 1 00. Handsome Stripe Pants, ONLY 03.50. MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS, aiirlHa 102 FACTORY. Doors, aili Blinds and Mouldings, Ac. When vou want bottom i rlcfa, go whfre they are 'made toot of Walnut atrett, Colvilh & Oo'aMiU. W. DVKEH. aprtlfi 8Vlm FISHIND POLES! ,""7" , FISHIKG POLES I JuKt received a large lot 01 Uihk Uue p ich Ing Polea a nold by ua taut auaeon Alto a lull eiipplvof all klnJd of Urns, Hiokn, Corka, blukdrf, Hpliinera. Bol), o., 4o. All lor eale very low by Ol -E8 A MUHCHIHONi aurlUS M . Tarrenfs aperient, . pOD'8 EXTRACT, PAIN KILIKB, it'leock'a Foroua Plaster. rior!d Walnr, and lull aiid oomplrte mock Pore D uitf, i liiruicalu, Patent Medicines, Toilet and Fancy Article,. For nale bv JAMK8. O. MHNDM, Drupjlpt, Third St., opposite ulty Ha l. ap ll tn 100 Personal Reminieoenoes, Anec dotes and Letter of GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE. By Kov. J. WILLI AiS JONES, 1. D., Formerly Olmplaln Armv Nortlirm Virginia, and of WnKhlnnt in Cnlloga, Virginia, rputilli'licd by airtliotlty oftlie Iee family and of the ITarulty of Washington and Lee llniveralty.i Sixteen Spondld Portraits and Engravings. Price, lh Clulh, ); Sheep. 4 0; Half Tur key, . ; Kull Turkey, SI. W. A pun of the iroeda of every cuiiv aold f t-r to ri'ii'ii i-iH Vn ""' t -vt' -m ol J I'V "i. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MORE PARTICULAKS ! MY ASSORTMENT OP SPRIWG1SB IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINKS. My ouotomers bve nLpwa ILcir ain'reoiation of my LOW TIUCES by tlii'ir liberal purcLane. for which I'm tlmnkful. STltANOERS uot yosted, and desiring the value o( their money. Pun get it by calling - AT- . M.M.KAT,Z'SV36 Market Si, aprll ID Notice. BV AlT'f HOHITY OF THE OWN- sianfth Br. Uaroiienllne "Krulth- Tfj.tmu." W heieby give nolle tu all concerned, that no debt contvacleil hre by the Captain or crew will he paid by the ulilp or wntra-- AU, x UPBUNT HON, aprll Vnal w A genta and I ondgne. Weeding lloeal Weeding lleee 1 One ol the lu gger, ard butt an-urltU aiwoki of Weeding ''" brought to thlt ratrkft van now be round at car entabllahment, whrre Ihe following brand ran he I ought at very low rlirnrpa: Scorlil (g-nulne), .aiie, (iibaon, Ault man, Klwell and Irun The Han dlfd cotton ai d Oorn Hot'nend Douhle-Bladed Hi'ei can a'o be loutid with i'. Oiv ua a call betore purchwliig e'Mwhere, GILES At MUUCUlsiiN. acril in - : ..... w- Merchant Tailoring. French Oaailmer Pant mad to ordor, Blu rianrel Suite maile too-der. Buslnen Bulla made to order. IMagoral Unit made to order, Wedding 8ir1oiariato order I liav on hand the ft n rut Movlt of French Olothi and Oailmr Suit mad to order In the latest itylea, and as low In prices a any houne North or Booth. A. DAVID. aprll ?1 ' Hay! Hay! 1,000 Buihele Corn. Froth Water- Oiouiid Meal evrry itsv. Mill Ken, Oata, CrarKid i oiii, ffas and Freiult Orocertea Foraalolow by (IHANT A HINTON, Qrocert and Oommlanlou Mfrchantn. aprll lis Ull tf-d&w MT. AIRY WHITE SULPHUR SPRING?;, Mt. Airy, N. C. OPENS mth OF MAY, 1875. Board Per Month, $39; Per Week, $12. BO; Per Day, $2 BO jjATEB equal toOroenbrler Whit In every reppeof , ard mpertor In m y Parties vlnlt Ingthe Hpringa by rail will g' toll the cars at Winaton, N v., where mage will convoy them to the Buiing. N. S. BMITII A SONS, Propriotora. ' aprll llW-am Tlie "Virgiiiin BUFFALO SPRINGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF THE SOUTH. OPEN 20th MAY, 1875, C The water ar poiwiinod of eKtrnordltiary uratlve iwht In h licet Iotih of tho Rl lNK and HI, 1)1)! K, in all duianiremerita of th B1LIAKY OllO AN Innlileiit to warm n.iaH nmiio rrgioim. in Dyspo sia, Dis eases peculiar to Women. Chronic. Intermittent Hemlt tnnt Fever, in Chronic Gonorr hoea Secondary Syphilis. Cleet ami ail dnwHWHor tho Genital Orleans and In some fnrnm of Coutaud RheumB tlsm. Thflr ri'mttrkl)i fiower ami eincaoy in tue dlseanrs Indii'HUd are vmi hexl for by wmeot the m t dint'i'guUued medical men nf the conntrv, both Ninth and South, as well an by reported enees from the miv-t nnquos uonable tourer... Testimonials In Pamphlot form lurnlsbcdon application. TUB WATER FOHHAI.K. The water t put up In ease of. onndoxen hlf .Hn llcitt't at SI) pr mm. Route to the Springs for the South: v wh? ol thu arid AtmiU Air Line Railroad to Hcottnburg Oepet In Halifax county, virmi, win?r an trains are met oy coaches for the Hprlngs 18 miles dlrtant THOMAS F. OOODE, .anrll 4.2taw-4m iroprlior. If Wilmington T8 ALITK TO HER. INTEhKH'fH In Fast X Carolina, bet business men will a ivcrtlwin THE WASHINGTON ECHO. a large, and well estauusnea weeny newspa per, circulating etnslvely In tltoountlcao Hyde, Beaotort, Pamlico, Pitt, Edgecombe and tboe adjoining. Bate Low. - Walt. P. Wuluhmow, r. urakrbb Late of TarNiro. of Washington. Editor and Proprietor, ootas Star ropy. ato-tl Parcnipor TIKF.TS, OARliOTS, Tt T!vn1 AV! OMON8 HER GOODS Nit, I'AKAHOliM, AT NAINSOOKS, TlOrOKlA LAvVNtl. , WM. riCQUBS, VICTORIA BTBlrKI, FYFE't, ,af" LINEN, , LINEN DUTEK, EXCHANGE CRAVAT", HAIR F1X1N0K, CORNER. And a general anortintnt of Fancy Article, Th latest New York Novelllst rolvd week lr aprll 2ft tr Slippers. Ladlf Brona Hllppersouly ft.. ln,. Moratw Biippur, irom (I and up ward, . Men's Slippers from 1 and upwaid. Men's Nulllllera fur . At CUARLrfl A.PIIICK'A, No 8'i Market Ntront. aprll 10 H gn ol ihK (loliH'ii Hunt. Buggy Harness, Wairon HarnrM. I'rsv KnrncM, dart Hat- ness, Millars, Harms, backhand. Hlllid snd Hiding Hrhilcn, Halters, turry Uouilis, llnr liruxhes, Featnrr misters, rruims, lings aim Ua'ches, bummer Lap Kobes, Whips, nmrs. and all kinds or Haddlvry Uowls at bo ruin pilcos. CARPENTER A. MALLARD. Hin'ceimors ti) .1. N. TOPHAM 00,, No, DXmitli Front iltievf, Wilmington, N. (1 aprll St Kl-tf Bacon Sugar Coffee and Flour 100 DoxiB D. B. and Smoked Sides, 100 Boxes D. and H. aud BmokeJ BLouldcrs, 150 Bbls. Reflnod Sugar, 100 lings Prime ltio Ooll'.-o, 1.000 Lbls. I'lour all grudoB. For nalu low by WILLIAMS A MURCIIISON. Corn-Hoop IronGlue and Bice. 12,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 800 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Gluo, i 50 Bbls. Whole Rice. For a tile low by WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON. Syrup, Spirit Casks, Nails and Matches. 100 Bbls. 8. U. Syrup, 00 Hi ootid Iliiud Spirit Casks, . 200 Kegs Nails, 15 Daces Matches. For mtlo low by , . WILLIAMS A MURCIIISON, Molasses MolaSBes. ISOIIIuls. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba Molasses. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MURCIIISON. Guano! Guano! 2.ri0 Tons Guanspe Guano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, . For sale low by . WILLIAMS Si MUKOHIMON, aprll 2S 119 Passenger Depart nieiit. Wilmiiiton & Wcln; la&A. Rl WiLMtKutos, K. C, April SMI), Mb. 'yiSlTOKS ao THIS .CKNTKNNIAL Celebration at Charlotte, N. O., May 2Mh, 1875, will be transported over thera Uosdsat an average rat ol Three Cent Per Mil for th Round Trip. Through Tickets will he sold via Wilmington and lb Carolina Central Builway from all Station of tack Hoad, and also via ClohUboro and North Carolina Komi -from Stations of Wilmington A Weldon B. K. . A. POPE, tiul TIckM A'trt. spill S9 ' Ilia .It SEW AD VEHTISESIZi T3. 45. V BRO WN & 45 MARKET ARE NOW FULLY PREPARED FOR THEIR mim aid mmm CAiaiPAIGM- ' with a cosiir.K'ri: AHsoiirsiKivT of STAPLE Ml FAD DRY GOODS. (Vinprisinj: t lie .Novelties of Hie Season. HTRI1T1) RUMMER SILKS 75 (Vtits, worth 1 121. PLAIN GIIF.NADINF.N from 18 Cent. upwaJid, FIGURED GRENADINES Mo., worth 7o. -LINEN CAMWUCtt 2Ke. and upwwd. A very C'holo Nrlucllun ol New Ir f 4ood for l.adle andi Clilllriii'a :. 'r. .. . FRENCnCAMI!IUCH13ots., wnith SS ota. - ' ' NEW SITLES IN GINGHAMS 1 1 eta., worth 17 ols. WASH POPLIN H l'.tj ots., worth 20 ots. RES I' CALICOS 10 ot, worth 12J cts. LLAMA LACE SHAWLS AND BAOjUKN. NOTTINGHAM LACE SHAWLS AND HACOUES, SHETLAND SHAWLS, IN WHITE AND STRIPES. A VERY lnrre asKottmcnt of SUNSHADES, the lutust styles that can bo found in the country, at prices ranging frcra 20 otM, to $7, Ladles, Misses and Hoys White and Striped Hose, Gents WThite and Striped Rooks for Summer wear. Lndit'B and Misses Gauze Underwear, Gent snd Hoys Gauze Underwear, Gent's Jeans Drawers (made to our special ordor), Gent's White Dresa Shirts and Rowa, Woohni and Linen Goods for Genta und Boya wear, The largest lines.on MUSLINS ever shown in this oily, auoh as SWISS PLAI DS, Stripes and Plain. NAINSOOK PLAIDS. " " ' ORGANDIES PLAIDS, VICTORIA LAWNS. Ilttfl HpreiulM iVom Wl iipwitrrl. UiT WE WILL SHOW for ONE WEEK ft very haudsoine line of DRAP D ETtf MANTLES and SACQUE3. VT 8 I.K AOKNT1 for Frank l.ealtn- n Ptipvr Patfrrii , MACHINE NEEDLES O Cents each. Wo have sovcral JOR LOTS in liitr.innit dopurtiunntu, but want of space pr vents ns from enumcrutiiifr ; a visit only cau cover the ground. ONE PRICE STRICTLY CASH-NO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. P. S. It hits been almost imiioHsililo for us to pay tho attention to our pat rons t Imt wo would dosiro owiiifl to tlio iucroaso of our bunitiosa aid lack of roflur. Wo tnko this opportunity to apologizo to tliono who have not been wait i'd on as promptly as wo should wMi, and would recommend all who can to call early in tho day as wo can show thout more attention. - apl lS-tf SOLUBLE PACIFIC GMI CO.; CJVXIXA-I-j 1,000,000. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for salo, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad with Merchants and other reliablo parties to sell tLis Guiuio at our Wareho prices. .... . . W. II. McItARY & Ooin mission Merchants, A gents for Paulflqfluano Co,, andUoalnrslnMn. 1 Psruvlnn tiuano Nob Water Stkekt, v ' - WII.irHNMTOlV, !V. ' gents lor the Sale of Soluble Pacific titiano. II. JIHSO'V. Old Hundred, S. O. V. Ull A II All,,.., , ...Marlim.U.O, ; Jan HI l!7-3m(lsw At$3.00 por Ton, Cash, or $(10.00, payublo 1st of November, next; NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $113.00 per Ton, Cash, or $38.0 , payable 1st 6f November rjexk, WB OUAHANTE1C Hint Ilia previous High (Ira of our Fertilisers shall be fully Maihtainkd R. R. BRItXlFKf, PnsWunt I), MiKAK, l it'Dfurrr. O. L. UKAKKI.1N, tiui.orliiteiHlent. jau S. . BIKFOI, GROW k CO,, OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BBli'. FliOtUtll grmlos; 100 04(18 C0FII'KK' 150 Bats. BYurjPS, 40. RODDICK SUET, 45 WE OFFER OUR STANDARD FERTILIZERS For tho Season of 1375, delivered on tho Cars, at Onr Fuotory, at the following ' lMSIU3rCl PH1CES : S3LU3LE NAVASSA GUANO NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY wiLMiain i on. N. i:. -eo(l-(IJtwlm WiimjiiEtofl, N. C, Ma? 1st, 1815. NATIONAL HOTEL. Change of Management. THE UNDKKSinNKI) for manrfars Pro prlctor of Mi NATION All HOT I I ,, In tins n't, lias tills ilur lllnlrawi lu fnvjr nt' Ills sun, C K. J0,I;N. 't haukl'ul fur the. liberal (jatroiifct' ol Uie iaxt. he ftuint Iwcpenk a coutinuaiice ut the tm lor hi tuec-Kor. REUBEN JONES. To tho Traveling TubHc.! IltT'iig arstnncil th maiisgirnent of Hio null-known and Miiular limine, thit ailinl Hotel, 1 rwpootlully suilcit the jmtMii-ntfvt the travellmt vtili.10, hit nonstMUt OfHli'wr rhall e to HiiK'Kin thu iiiirH mimtHtKin lh a rlouseliHS altvftvs hoiua umlur tuti ui4iipi;i monl f wy Intini'. i '. ittitit'filiilly. r r -' ' . 11 . v . . .... mil 2i"!UT . ' I'liMim'H Nilit lllminlng Oirrcui. flior lif tinht'p, i otitl'ifi, lilted Ml , A (!., 0. Ht liiiid l.y st