Hi fiuu i J : I- I S i i V VOL. XXIV. NO. 105. WILHIHGTOIT, N. C. SU1JDAY. HAY 2. 1875. WHOLE 110. 6X09. Or Slailn 30nn.nl. WILMINGTON. N. a: kUHDAY, MAY 2, 1873, OY TELEGRAPH. IIEADQUAUTEHS. TIIE PHILADELPHIA ENQUIRER, ULTRA-RADICAL, AND JUDOE EEL LET. COMMENDING AND ENDORSING WHAT HE SAYS. - THIS DEBT STATEMENT. Washington, May 1 Night. The Philadelphia Enquirer Kays edito rially: Hod. Wm. D. Keliey, having returned to Washington, from a pro longed tour throughout the South. declares that the vote be moNt regrets during iiis fourteen year, service in Cwugrees, is that which be cant lust Wiuter in favor of the forco bill; and he added that so far as his observa tion . went during hia extended tour, there was Ho mora n3oeity for the uae of a Federal military force South thin there is in Pennsylvania and O-iio. He talkel wit 1 all oLs e and conditions of men regarding V.e polit ical feelings of the petple of tue South, and waWurprined to find the " prevaleuoe of amity and good will to bo universal. Judge Keliey has lout all faith in the stories of Ku-KItu ami Southern outrages, having personally proven them to be the myths of mere partisan malevolence. When a Republican of suoh enq ueues as Judge Keliey given testimony snob as this, it would seem as if it were time indeed for Mr. Williams to retire to his native wilds of Oregon, aud for the soperservioable organs of the oa pet-baggers to learn new tunes to stir np vindictive feelings against the South. It would also appear to bo time to withdraw our army from those places where it is not wanted, and to send it to the Texa frontier where it is wanted very much. As a new crop of Southern outrages will be rt quired next fall, it will be just as well for the North to remember the testimony of Judge Keliey. Note. The Enquirer has been nlcra lladical, and Judge Keliey is he who refugeed tinder a table when there was loose shooting in Mobile some years ago. Wabhisoxox, May 1. Night. Loans decrease i million ;in Treasury, coin 91 millions, currency 1 million. The Treasury Department has called in 6 million 18G2 bonds, interest to ooase after August next. v GOTIIAM. TnE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF MU8I0 TO BE ORGANIZED. CARDINAL MoCLOSKEY IN B03 ' TON TO-DAY. , Nbw York, May 1 Noon The American College of Music will be or ganized in a few days under the recent act of the Legislature. Some of the best known and wealthiest citizens have applied to be enrolled among its patrons. Dan Bryant's widow, in an applica tion to the Surrogate for letters of ad ministration on his estate, sets forth thut the property left by him does not exoeed 8200,000 in value. Nbw York, May 1Nigbt Cardi nal McCloskey, occompanied by papal envoys and a number of bislops and clergymen, left here this forenoon for Bjston, to conduct the services iu the elevation of the See, of Boston to the ' Archdiocese. EUROPE. RELIGIOUS ORDERS TO BE ABOLISHED IN PRUSSIA. DLL FEELING . B E T W E E N FRENCH AND ENGLISH FISHERMEN. THE BUNKER'S HILL COLLIERY EXPLOSION. Bkblin, May 1 Noon The Em peror has given his assent to the in troduction of the bill abolishing re ligious orders in Prussia. Geneva, May 1 Noon. Gutierrez, who was president of the revolution ary junta of Cartagena, Spain, is dead. London, May 1 A oon. On repre sentations made, that ill feoliug eiihting between Frenchmen and Englishmen, engaged in fisheries off Newfoundland, is likely to come to col lisions, the governments of Franceand Eugland have resblved to send war vessels to those waters to prevent dis turbance. Edward Browning Stephens, the English sculptor, is dead. , A number of miuerswere killed by en explosion in Bunker's Hill colliery, North Staffordshire, yesterday. The calamity ta greater than at first report ed. Forty-one dead bodies have been recovered from the mine. These are Srobably all who have perished, any of the bodies of the miuerswere mutilated beyond recognition. A great number of the miners have left large families of children in a destitute condition. THE FJLBE FIEND, Whitehall, N. May . Noon The paper mill of Barnes, and the of fice of John McLean at Faotoryville, near Ballston, N. Y., were burned lat nisrht. Loss 870,000 ; insurance $32,- MoNTrrxTim, Vt., May 1. Noon ' ' via ii""trons fire last night. i i i i ruv.d. 1 1' vi fully L0U1S1 ASA KELLOGG SUING CLINTON FOR STATE Fl-NDS. Nbw Ohleans, May 1 Noon Kel logg sues Auditor Ciiutou's bondsmen for various sum alleged to have beeu withheld from the Stat and money umtnthorizedly paid by Clint n. Half a million is involved. ELhXvrmilS31S. At 'Nashville the people took Joe Rjed, who killed the policeniau wtio u.tcmiHea to arrest Heed lor wiiippiug his wife, and threw Reed over a bridge of ninety feet fall. Reed's body has not beeu recovered. Ou and after May 1, 1873, the cot- tou brokers of Boston have decided to adopt a rate of brokerage on cotton of tifiy cents ptir Lale, to be paid by tue seller, iu lieu of one per ceut, the f irmer charge. luere was a heavy storm at Kuox- ville, Teuu., yesterday, blowing down the county bridge over the TeuesNeo K'ver, and also damuiiug the Charle- t u lailroud bridge. Loss to the county 40.000 doliurs. lho United States Hotel, at Sara toga, sold for S.Jj.J,000 cash, with the mortgages, which makes the value of the property half a uiilllou dollars. lue rennHylvania liailroad bus de clured a dividend of i per cent., l Here is to be a eoufi renoe n Rich- m ind, Vu , Tuesday, to conaidnr the iti"ntion of exchequer. H. K. I'anter. IX. H. London. 0. M. Firev. of New Yoik. S. T. WiNoi. Providence. R. I aim representative men Irom all sto- loiis of the stuto are expected to tuko part, also to urg modification or re peal of tax on tobacco and spirits. DIED. Iu tni cli.v, y etitiWr anera"Oti, tli It nsian', rf I'.ittHwu. Mr, .) se H 1KWIH KKKN, who wi burst hi t.lioltontiam, Olou. wtieiMilrr. r.iiL lui.d. My IStU. 18 12. need tii Mar. It months a nil ldT. J lie limo Hl services will be helil at the nt ri .i'leiicH or tli e ilca')tl. ournor Priiinon. ml Flltn tret., till, (tundtv) ttriioiii t o ciomt, irom inrnee to (mkiimo Ui meterv. rief.d ami .counlnUticei of tho tamilv are liivlt-d to KttnU. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .BROWN & RODDICK Har thl. day r.clfid . tine of Liama Lc SAtyru un upproTHl, dH will exhibit the Moia lor one week only. I to In want of lucb lll do well to mil and maka their h-o-tions, a tlier will be offered Cheap. ThB baiiuicB will ioaitlvely b tvturoed at tu time Htaled. may 104 3t Cape Fear Jjodge No. 2, Wilmikqtoh, N. 0., May 2d, UTS. BROTH KKH-Ton arc herehy notinfd to meet at the Lcitiio Koom llilt (SuudAy) alter m on at B o'cloi'k tor the purpose of paying the lat end tribute or rtmiieoc to our d eased llrcthcr.J iHICPH L. KKKN. Mom'iors ot Orion LoiUe No 67. and vlltlna llrollietn are Invited to matt with in. By on.'er (it the N O. BEN J. RKI.L, may 2 it Seoretary. Orion Lodge Ko. .67, WamnOTOH, N. C , May I.1KJ5. BKETHK1N: Von ar Iiereby rce,aeited to meet a', the lodge num thl (Sunday) aftr neon, ats n'f.lock, fr the purponenf fayli g lb la-ti-ad tribute of rented to the renia'tio or Briber JOjI. L, KKES, of tapa fear IjoVe No S HporderoftbsN. O W. H. GKKKEN, "'Jilt Secretary. Si. George mi St. Aiflrw. the member of St. George and St, An. drew Society are rrqueeted to attend the tuneral of Our late Vlc-Prefldent, JOSEPH I,. K KKN, at 4 o'c nek, from the houie, corner Fifth and Prlnceeantroetii. H. U.HM4LI.I10NES, may 2-lt Kceretary. A FOLL LINE AT New llurdwarc Store. GI E8 MCBCHIMON, 3 Norlu Front "t. may 1 COME EAELY .: AN1 BOY'"""""?"""" Boot and Hhocs FROM EVANS VoNOLAHN'S WHOLE eal3 and Hot? II Hoot and biioe Store, on Frlnoc atrret, where you will find all the new eti lea width!, tore, heels, helghta, make, li'a, colore, Xa., at the very loweHt price. We take ureat uare Iu pelecting our stuck of Boota d blinef. We have bad much exptrl ence In the buflneu, and witb many other Ad Tantagee, we are furo we can natlsfy jou tn gooda and t-rlceii We are thankiul tor pant fTor and hope the geuerout pnbllo will tcu tluuo thiilr far-'iK EVANH&VonGLAHN. may 2 loa HEADQUARTERS, LIGHT INFANTRY. Wilmikotok, N. O., May 1st, 1S75. GENERAL OlOKllS) o. 9. J Memb; ra are hereby tnmninned f mitt without further noilee. at their near Aruiory, Dnnlq's Itall, Hroond st'Cet, on the eienl'git ot th d, 4tli,mii, 8th, 7tb at dlh luata. at a o'c'oi k each evening, wlih ainie, tor Company drill nacb member U aim comm tndtd to pay at once to the Secretary of the Ompauy h.i Iul la Ion F and the oust of tail unilorm. By order of the Captain. J. I. MaoHF.K, my-U FlrttBerg't, Hubs," Spokes and Kims. BOO ,t VrBKELN, Axlea. tjart Whi 1, Wt!-n Amos. Buggy Springa, Mi ky WheelH, nha te, liuggy liodlea, sheet , lion 8tt ,Urrlga Trtmuiinga of all klndai Out 1) ih l-athor, &a. The Urgent and oheapnet atock In the city can he found at the U,cl K tHhliKhod rJatUvtare Hoiim or JOHN DAWSON, Hot 19, 20 aud 21 Market Slreot. r "T 2 Via HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "PERFECT." BURNETT'S Perfect Baking Powder, Try It the beet broogbt te thli market. Try It wltb our "Sew Prvreea Kawplre) f lH( and 'atUfy'1 yoaraelf It uj the "Beat" hew Butter to arrive Konday, "Best in the World," From vat regular l' ry and "Done genuine without our atamp." 100 KITS 100 X'o. 1 31nekerel At J I"F.H KIT. All CANNED FKVIT9 and VEdHTA- BLS we hare brought down the prlcet and aelllng now very low. "8nd lor prloei." The benl opportunity te boy Canned tjoodiever oitVrdd In tbU ruarket. ttend to ui aud me ni"ney. AI'PLES, OBANUKiand LRMONS, Parched Java arm Laguayra Cof fees "to arrive Monday." Our weekly (apply of the Cooked Corned Href lii' In., Rvery houaekeeper thou d have It. Genuine told by CEO- MYERS, II A IS Bouth Front Htreet. ItlS-lm my i Pure laguayra Coffee, J1KE3H ROASTED and FRESH GROUND, DAILT. FINE TEAS In great variety-beet gradei Imported. 1 BMOLIHH BRKAKFAVT, JAFANM. IMPERIAL 0UNPOW0KR8, HYSONI, and the fullctflar ired FOKMUBA OUI.ONQ we have ever handled. Prlcee from M eenu upward. CHAS D. MYERS A CO., 57 North Front 8t To Date. Our toing and eirtlve Bookkeeper bu made out all our Bill to date, ar.4 will thank tboto having account to call at our offlot tad Inter view him. In the event of hi abaenee either member of oar oonoern li authorlied toalgn the firm name of CHAS Or MYERS & CO., S eV r North Front mi. may I los. t Bacon Sugar Coffee Hay, Flour, Etc 100 Boxes D. S. Sides k Shoulders, 100 Boxes Smoked Sides and Shoul ders, 150 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 100 Bags Prima Bio Coffee, 200 Bales Prime N. K Hay, 1,500 Bbls. Flour all grades. 200 Hhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses, 100 Bbls. New Crop Cuba Molasses, COO Bundles Hoop Iron, 50 Bbls. OJne, 250 Second Hand Spirit Casks, 50 Bbls. Whole Rioe, . 12,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 300 Kegs Nails, 200 Bags Shot, 100 Bbls. S. H. Syrup, 75 Bbls. Mess Pork, 75 Tubs Prime Leaf Lard, 100 Boxes and Half Boxes Candles, 75 Boxes Candy, . 50 Boxes Soda, 20 Cases Matches, 100 Boxes Soap. For sale low by WILLIAMS & MUKCIIISON. Guano! Guano ! 250 Tons Ouanape Guano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, For tale low by . .. WILLIAMS MURCUIUON. may I 109 Spring, v MuTMG. Slimmer. . English and American Oil Cloth, Mosquito NeU, Wire and Tin Heat Hafei. For tale low by D. A. SMITH & CO. 105 may 2 AT NEW TOI COST E OFFER, ITHOUT KK8KRVE, on. enure Slock AT COST for carb only. Our enftomeri are Invited to participate with the public In the great bargain! we offer. BOSKOWITZ & LfEBER, 29 Market Street. notice:, Our bill ae mide op to tbe 1st or May. Hereafter our transaction will be fur CAta eiolualvely. FBIKMJ3 who are inarrean with u are reepectftilly Informed that they will Inereaee our obligation by a prompt et tlement. Vet j reepectf ully, BOSKOWITZ & LIEBFR. may J i s NEW ADVERTISEMENts. MORE PARTICULARS! MY ASSORTMENT OF mm IS NOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers have shown Uicir appreciation of my LOW PRICES by their i desiring f7ic value of (heir money, can liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS not posted, aud 1 -AT- . ' M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market SI. aprll 19 R3 U Wl w.-w1 Carota Central llw. JgXCURSION TICKET8 nom Wil. minglon to Obarlolto aud return, ean new be purchased of the Com p my Agent at 913 each. Good to return aeven day from date of lain. f. W CLARK. Qeueral Ticket Agent. IW-lw y 1 Carolina Yacht Club. 2Tbe Annual Meeting of above Club will be bald at tbe Produce Kxchattge n MONDAY iveulng neat, the Id Inatant at o'o.'oek. A ell end nunotual attendance l deelred. K'eo- tlon of omcara and othnr Important builneM will ooroe before tbe mealing. Tbe annual due are payable at thl meet ing suutvuuu un.r.i, may . It furaer Fresh Water Ground MeaFEvcry Day, Hotel Rame Price ae Rteam. IBM if m DAllva nlt &JKJ 1,000 0P8HKL9 CORN, CANNED OOt'DS, FLUUK. MKATH, 4o. uitANr ev Hinrrnnf. mayl lut-dAwtf Trunks and Bags T1ROM THE CRLKRRATK9 MKTRO. polltaa Factory. Hole Agent for till city Trunke for I.adtee, v 'trunke for (gentlemen, LADIES SATOHKI.8, Fine Grain Leather Bogs, Trunks Seventy-five Cents and up. BAGS One Dollar and np. 1MXJNSON &o GO. CITT OLOTHIERU. may I 108 Drugs, Chemicals, &c, FOR SALE. VEGETINE ! VEGETINE I Railway's and Ayre's Sarsaparilla Wistar's Balsam Wild Cherry Mar vin's Cod Liver Oil Magnolia Balm Katuairon Ambrosia Hiawatha Hall's. Knowles. Thalon's, Ayres1 Miller's and Mrs. Allen's Hair Tonic, Reuewcr and Invigorators Goneial assortment rerfumery, 4c, at IIAUKIsS' Drug Store, N. W. Cor. Market and Front Sts, may! im.lt Notice. BT AUrftOHITY OF THE OWN etaofthe Rr. Uarquentine "Kngliab ruau." We hereby give notice to all concerned, that no debta contracted here by thrt Captain or crew will l paid by the ehlp or ewnrr. , ALr A UPBllSl f BUJI, aprll iVnalw A gent and Coiulguee. Weeding; lloca I Weedine; lleea I Uneot the Inriient aid beet a-,rlfil (lock! if Weeding H ee bronght tn ihia market can now he found at our eKtannsnnieni, wuvre ine following brands ran be t-onght at vety toe figure: Hrorlil (g'nulne), Lane, Olbon, Ault mun, Klwell hiitb fteel and Iron The Han (lit d Cotton r.d Corn Hon and Uouble-Bladed Hura can also be found wltb n. Uiva u a call bftore purcbawlng elaewhore, GILES & MUKCrllSi'N. aprll 26 W- Mercnant , Tailoring. French Canlmer Fant made to order. Blue flannel 8ul'made too dir. Buainet Kult made to order. Dlagoral 8nlt made to order. Wedding Suit made to order. I have on -hat d the fluent tock of French Cloth ami Uauinier 8u U mad to order In the latent rtylc, and a low In price a any houce North or South. J A. DAVID. aprll 2-1 DO Ice Gream ! Ice Cream! T WILL OPEN MY IOE CliEAM 8ALOON on Thureday, April id. Ice Cream, made from pure cream, tent to any part of the olty at 75 cent per quart J. O. LUMSDKN. aprll it w lw ' Extracts for the Toilet. QCKRLAIN'8 EXTRA lTM, Lubln' Extract, Pbaion' Mght Blooming Oereu. Hair BTuhe, tombs, Oiled hllk, AO., AO. For ai by Ga?"S & FLAKNEll in GOODS COMPLETE got it by calling Slippers. tjidle Bronte Hllpper.enty n. . Ho. Morocco Hiippcr trout l and p nl. Men' Htlpper from fl and upwatd. Meu'aKullillerafor ti 'At VIIAHI.FR A. PRI(!K', No U Mark it 8trtwt. aprll 10 H'gtiofthU lileii Hoot. Retailers JUPPL1ED WITH Plug and l Fine-Cut Tobaccos, and Cigars Sinokcrs' Articles, D. 1'IGOTT. 104 may 1 81CURE A HOME. HUll.riNO l,OT8 f.ir .ale tn de.l rabie and beallhv locallile on tiattle, i iiuuli, Ann, Nun, Urange, D 'l'k, Clmtinit, rrinceu, muiuerry, niitn, neveuin, wimon. Kiuluh, Mnth, Wood, (Jharlntte, rentlt, lv entli, Two 1 1 111, Thirteenth and Fourteenth nreeta. Also, (everal .mail bouse for rule on atlalactory term. Apply to Jambs wilson. mayl . . 101-lw BLANK BOOKS, LKDORBH, J017KN4L8, DAY Mt'OKH, tah Books, Invoice Books, Iteeoid Books, lime Boots, Note, Dralt and Ueoelpl Books, o., iu large vailety, at nEINSBERGER'8. ' FrameflFrames' VKHY LAHGK A8HOHTMENT Or FKAMES-new style. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Muilo Btor. mayl lot SPECIAL NOTICE. THB PATRONS OF THB? OLD K3TAB luthed Halcon, " Brock's Exchange, " Are respectfully Informed that the above es tablbhment lias been entirely re titled ami lurulhoil. A Fine Clear Stora, eontaining the li'H brands, uiiil an elegaut Billiard saloon nave oeen acmca. The best of LA C E R BEER cn be ob t lined by Ik ula, ikleatture or Keg. W. H. CERKEN, Proprietor, aprll 30 ll-tf Tarrcnt's Aperient, pOHD'B EXTBACT, PAIN KILl.KIt, Ail rock's Porous Piaster, Florid Water, and a lull and complete stook Put Uiiigs. Ohemlcala, Pateut Medicines, Toilet and Fancy Article. Fur sale by .fMC,S. O. MPNIIfl, UrngjUt; Third St., opXite tilty Hall. aprll to 1IW piNK APPLKS, BiLUWIM APPLE! BWEET OH1K0E8, LEMONS, COCOA AND PEOAN MJT8, CHOCOLATE AND OCM DROPS, CREAM BONBONS, Ac. ! FRESH OHOCEUIB8. II. w, 8HURE, No. 81 jr. J'Yoni Street. am aptll 30 Medical Copartnership, jyi. P. L. MURPHT U frem thl date 0. ciated wltb me in the praotlc ol medicine and surgery. aprll IS ! WM.J. LOVE. BMtuw-Bw Quarantine Notice, PILOTS were notified a few day sine to cause all vessel from Havana and Key West to come to for Inspection by Quarantine Puy loUn. They wilt from thl date, until further no tice, cause vessels from "all Wist India port Galveston, hew Orleans and Key West, F la., to atop at Quarantine MHtloii fur the purpose of being Inspected by Health Officer, r. W. POTTER, QuarantlnX Physician Port of Wilmington, Bmlthvlllo.K.C, April 7th, 1875. aprll 9 85 TbuipT .vMtM"'tJ NEW ADVERTISIMIM3. 45. BROWN" & 45 MARKET ARE NOW FULLY spring am msm WITH A COMPlKTIJ AHHOUTSIKIST OF , staple Fine our m Comprising tlio Aoveliies of Hie Season. 1 V HTRTPEI) SUMMER SILKS 75 Ot-nts, worth $1 12J. PLAIN GRENADINES from 18 Outa iipwaatl, FIGURED GHKNADINES 15ii worth 87o. LINEN CAMBRIC'S 2Ho. ami upwajj. 1 i A vory t holre Retortion of New Dreee Wear. FRENCH 'CAMBRICS 15 ots., woi tli 25 eta. NEW STYLES IN GINGHAMS 1 1 ca worth 17 ota. WASH roi'LlNH tl ola., worth 20 cts. 1IHH I' CALICOS 10 pU., worth 12J ota. L'LAMA LACE SHAWLS AND SACQUES, NOTTINGHAM LACE SHAWLS AND BACQUES, . SHETLAND SHAWLS. IN WHITE AND BTRirES. A VERY lartto aHaortment of SUNSHADES, the lutoat atyloa that can be found iu the coufitry, at prices ranging Ladies, .Misses and Boys Gents White til Striped Sooka for Surtimor wear. Ladica nnil Mi'bho GaiiTifl Underwear, , Gcnta and lioya Gunzo Uuderwuar, Geot'a Joaua Drawora (made to our apcoial ordor), Gent'a White Dreaa Shirta and Bows, Wmilnn and Liucu Gooda for GouU and Boyi wear. The largent linea on MUSLINS ever ahown in this city, suoh aa SWISS TLA1DS, Striiiea and riain. NAINSOOK I'liAIDS, " . nilflAKIilRM PT.AIIiH ... . VICTORIA LAWNS. ' Il4l Nirnl IVom 11 lipwitnl. TjliMMt xliMt Inir itntl lMUow OnMtiiir S-r WE WILL SUO W for ON E WEEK a very hanilaoroe line of DRAP IJ'ETE MANTLES and SACQUES. . r AOF.NI'S for frank Leslie fill I'apwr Hatlcrna MACHINE NfEDLES s Cent each. Wo haveBerrral JOB LOTS in tlillnrut departtuouta, but want of space pJ "; veuta u from enumerating ; a vinit only can coyer the ground, ONE PRICE-STRICTLY CASH-NO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street- P. S. It has been almoat iranoaaiblo for ua to nar tlio attention to our nat ions that we would desire owing to tho increase of our business aud lack ot room. We take this opportunity to apologize to, those who have not been waited on as promptly as we should wHi, and would recommend all who can to call early in the day as we can show SOLUBLE MIFIC GUANO CI o lrrAJL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad witb Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho pricos, W. H. McRAttY & CO.. Commission Mernbaut. agentafor PaclfloQuano Co., and Dealer In No. 1 ParnvlanOuano - Nobth Wateb Street, wilkiinuton, n. Sub-Agents for the Sale of Soluble Paciilc Ouano. V. It. niHNON..',,.. OM Hundred, N. O. V. UHAIIAM Marlon, H.O. Jan 31 , SMnd&w 1 ' 1 1 . . . 'At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or $60.00, payable 1st of November, next; NAVASSA ACID PHOSPHATE, At $33.00 per Ton, Caah, or $38.0 , payable 1st of November next, . WE GUAR NTEK that tbe yrevioua High Or of oar Fertilizer shall be lalj Maihtaixib NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY U. Ij. UHAFFL1M, uyer Into n dent. WILMINGTON, N Cj , Jan B.. -eoo-44i4Bi BINFOED, GROW & CO, OFFER TO THE TRADE 500 BBL.3. Fl.Ol!K-all grailos; 100 BA0S corrEEi JgQ JJBL3. 8TRUP8, 0Q0 8ACKS 8ALT c ("arid them Your Orders. If !"l t 40. RODDICK STREET, 45 PREPARED FOR TIIEIR t4ood lor l.adlea and Calldreu'a from 20 ots. to $7. , Wliito anl Striped Hose. tli era more attention. apl 18-tf 1,000,000. WE OFFER Otm STANDARD FEETIIIZEHS For the Season of 1875, delivered on the Cars, at Our Factory, at the following lt.ia3U'Gli2I PRICES : SOLUBLE NAVASSA WiiniiiiEtoii. N. CL May 1st 1815, NATIONAL HOTEL. Change of Management, THR CNDERSIONKD foriany vear Pro prietor ot lb NATIONAL IKIll l, lii tins rltv, hat this dav wilbtlrawn In favor of hi. .m. :. It. JOi:S. 'Jbankfiil for the lihoral patronsge of the pt, he oulil bwiieak a contlniiance uf tbe lauie for bis succefwir. , REUBEN JONES. To tho Traveling Public. Hit tig apsumed th management cf the wull-known ami ropttlt hou'W, tho attonal .. ..... . ..ll..l tl,H l.atrnilHir Ol the traveling r ut.lic Mr couiitant, 'lTO rhall HO to su'imn mo ihk ."i'- - House has alwsv bom uuUW Uie uianeg -menl of my lather. Besyectfully, c. n. Jc:r