,x s. I ill f t 5 4 I IT 4 WIUIIIIQTOH, IT. C, TUESDAY. MAY 4, 1875. 4 WHOLE IJO. 0,870. . a, w Ifi V. ' : 1 QXiJpW&XOIQyi N. C. : TUESDAY. MAY 4, 1875, ' BY 'TELEGRAPH. HEAIMJUAUTEKS. SALES OF GOLD BY THE GOV- .ul?,.I)EpMT.;- RESIGNATION OF THE AUS- .yiiJi'i'1!'' " NOTICE TO MARINERS. IMPORTANT RAILROAD CASEIN THE SUTREME COURT. Washington, May 3 Noon TIip Government sells one million and a a " hall of gold on the first ami third Thursdays, and one million on the second, and fouit't Thursdays in liny, . making total of five million. Baron Bchwszseiiburg, Austrian Minister, las tendered his resignation ... , and it hss been aeoeptad. Washington, May 8. Night. The . light and fog bell on Fort Carroll, IMapsoo River, Md., will be rpmovtd May Oth, to the southwest angle of the . forftu - ' Custis8. Buruhsm, of Richmond. Ky", Las been appointed Assistant , Stieretary pf the Treasury, vice Hunt ley. : ' , The- Buproona Court to day decided the oa3e of the State of Maryland against tha Baltimore aud Ohio Rail road Company. , The State claimed a If (deferred payment: of five hundred thousand dollars as due for the period between the yars 1800 and 1870,being one-tiftlfcof tjje" auioruit Of pasnonger fare over the Washington and Balti more branch of the Road. The coni pauy refused to pay the amouut to the State on the plea that the tax was un constitutional. This the Court of Ap p ials of Maryland overruled, affirming tiio right of the State to the money in question. The Supreme Court holds to at the passenger tax was different from a tax on inter-State Jcomnieroe, - wbiou theSAato- oonld -not enforce. The State bad a right to impose con ditions in the granting of the charter fof tad load. And It muttered what bo- came of the money. The proportion ate amount, or one-fifth of the pasHen- ge' rare, wan m iwuub u me puH.v a wacalPonditiOn Imposed in considera tion rf the franchise. This the State had right to do. The Court, in view of In facts presented, could not re gard the stipulation between the par tite . .unconstitutional. The decis ion of tha Court of Appeals was ' affirmed. - Justice Miller dissented from the opinion Of the Court, regard ifig the tax imposed by the Stto of Maryland as unconstitutional. 202. The Meohanics Bud Traders Banlrvi. tbi Union Bank of Loirlsiana, errory to the Supreme Court of Louis .sinniv, The plaiutiff sued in the Sixth Dis riot Court of the Parish of Orleans to recover of the Union Bank $130,000 which they had paid under compul sion of ft judgment giveu by the Pro vost Court of New Oilcans in 18i2, when the city was occupied by govei u- .tavxiMroops nnder Gen. Butler. The afgumnnt was that the establishment of the Provost Court, the appointment JoIiLi 'Judge and the proceeding in rhtease before him wore inv tiiJ be- ' c nVse in violation of the Federal Con wUtotioiJ( which vests the judicial pow er of the government in one Supreme CoutJ and ip, suck inferior courta as 1rJngss may, from tima to time es tablish.. It is here held reaffirming the decision in the case of the Grapeshot, thfttihe' Court Instituted in this cane "bj rfuthorily of the President as Cora- rmaalei ia- Chief, to hear try a-id dr termioe civil causes, was lawfully au thorized to exercise such' jurisdiction. Its establishment by military authori ty was held to bs a violation of the constitutional provisions referred to bove, and it is said that that clause has no application to the abnormal o moltiM of conquered territory in ttiQ occupancy of the conquering . ftrmy. ' The power to establish i bp military ftuthority Courts for the ftimini tration of civil as wo 1 as criminal justice in portions of , thu . tosnrfeit States oooupiod by tintioual forces is precisely, the same as that whfohrexlst Hrhefor'ign territory h'M been conquered, and occupied by the conquerors. What that power is ihas several times been decided. The oasa of Lietorsdorfer and Hauguton "ts. Webb, growiDg out of the ooti- vqaeat ol New f Meiioo, in 1846, is cited as-(a - notiblo illustratim of ,thsir, powers. Thera siu i oourta wera-ebUbliahed without aajr legislation of Congress and they were held t bft lawfully conBtitnted by this tJourt. In view of thet;e de cisions it is said that it is not to he '.questioned that the Constitution do( B "not prohibit the creation by the mili tary "authority of the Courts for the 'trial of civil causes during the civil war in oonquered portions of the in critnt States. It was bnt Jtha exer 'bise of the ordinary rightsof conquest. fThe plaintiffs, therefore, were proporly subjected to the power of tbohe Courts ttid" had ' no right of immunity. General Butler being in command in Louisiana, he was invested with ell the powers of nuking war, except so far as tbey are denied him by the oommander-in chief, and among these ' powers was that of establishing courts it Jla.SBq tiered territory. It tniiht be presumed that he acted under thu der pf his superior officer, the Pts at, and that his acts in the pros- ecution of the war, were the acts of his commander-in-chief. Although the order by .which court was created ' did lV hot ' ddfioe thu nature and extent of rits jurisdiiv vilo; ani-whilo it J trite- thut 1W Tost Court, ordinarily, ha o gnizaaco nnly of minor criminal offences, still a legal jurisdiction may be given to it, but whether such further jurisdiction was given in this cssa, the Court are pot called rpoa to determine, having - I . A .V L ' A . TL affirmed the decision below; as to th jiht quej-tiuued, tbeouly Mint which ninth's th chs to be heard here, this Hiiitt dwliue to inquir whether the l'ruvost Coaft aute ) withiu its juris diction, or not; that is suid to be a question nelmivdv for thi S'ate tri bunal. The 8 ate Constitution of 1818 ord uning thut alt jidgments n con tru'ts ot'taiu-'daiut mile in good faith a-id in ac(-oordancf with existing laws of the State betwwn the i!th nf May, 1801,'sud the ad i!iuu of thi Constii- tutio t-bonUl t'f Talid, imimiudino impiitd exMitiset on th psrt of the Lmoti ii.iun to r fund hi casotno judgment vi the I'rovot-t Court whh void for want of jurisdiction, beeausrt if the Court was lawfully established, uo fcuch promise wasratst d. Il -mli's, the Court cannot admit that the L gis- Uture of a State may uot validate the judgments of a Court in fact, though m giving the judgmei t . the Court may have trumeei iled its jurisdiction. Approved. . Mr. Justice Strong delivered the ooiuiou. Mr. Jusiioo Fiolddisseuttd. LOUISIANA. THE LEVEE COMPANIES FAULT, DE- ARREST OF MEMBERS OF THE LEfllSTATURE. New Obleans, May 3 Noon Both the City s'nd the - Louisiana Levee Couipauus defaulted on the iutertt duo Huturday. Five por ous, members of thu L 'gif-luture,- have been indicted, charged with tiie inteiitiouof influencing vote.. TH E CONTROVERSY BE TWEEN GEKMANY AND BELGIUM. TWO GREAT ( VICTORIES FOR THE CARLISTS REPORTED. MUTINY ON SlIIPBOAUD.1 London, May 3 Noon A dispatch from Berlin says: Th' last Belgian note was highly satisfactory, and ter minates tue controversy. The Carlist Committee her has re ceived telegrams reporting great vic tories by Don Carlos forces, under command of Saballs, over the Spunii-h government troops at Breda, Lerida and Santa Colomo. The latter place is in the province of Barcelona. The enemy numbered 4,000 men. They lost five of their ehief officers in tbn first engagement, and 8T0 men in that at Santa Cbloma. Another great vic tory for the Carlists under Castillee, is reported from Aragon. Tho gov ernment troops are said to have lost all their artillery, and many prisoners, The Alfonsoist general, Delatre, Vis killed. - j .London. Mav 3 Nieht The fiohr. Jefferson, Borden, from New Orleans for this port, has arrived off Perth Levcn. The captain reports that the crew mutiued, the first and second, mates were killed, and two sailors were wouuded and put in irons. One sailor was wonndea and chained to the pump. The vessel W:ts worked bv three hands. .' (JOTHA.tf. FRIGHTFUL DISASTER ON EAST """ : RIVER. - , Nkw YouS, May 3 N on T! e steamer City of Hartford, while, push ing through E"t River this morning, rati into the seow Charles MoMauus No. 5, ou which was Cit. Cofti, wife and four children, the eldest being seventeen years old. The scow cap sized and four children were koned in tho cabin. Capt. Costa and wife were saved by the crew of a passing pilot boat, . -- , Nxw York, May 3 Night The captain and pilot of the City of Hart ford have been held for $5,000 bail for tunning down a' scow, whereby four children, 15, 6 ond 3 years and 20 months, vere lost. The father and mother were saved. M1SSOU1M. , ACCIDENT TO THE STEAMER 8T. LUKE AND LOSS OF LIFE. St Lons.May 3. NightThe steam er StLukestruck the St. Charles bridge aud four persons were lot-t Mrs. Llwan, wife of John Llwan, a railroad man of Kansns City or Jefferson City, and h.ir two little girls, aged respec tively seven and eight years, were lost on the sUjumboat St. Luke, .md six or pe von deck passengers are supposed to have been, though their names can not be ascertained, ,,- fi , ALABAMA. THE SPENCER ; INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE. MoNTOOMEny. 1fBV 3 flnniiTlii'. Committee of the Alabama Legisla ture to investigate Spencer's election. win uo in Bunion, m iuooiio, uutu Wednesday nicht. find will then d- iouru to this city, and commoner ' oh Thursday. Jad-e Bruoe. Busteed s suenAHKor. commences his firt trm here to-day. ULECTUICIS318. The production of the mills a Lowell, Mass., has decreased 25 to 40 percent.' since the strike. In-spinning it has dtcreased CO per cunt Uaytion advioes report the British Consul assaulted aiidwouufled at Port-a-Pais. - Tire English War vesse s are in motion for an explanation Or retaKa tjOU. ' , . , ;.'-.i " ! . " A water spout on Sunday lifted the bridges, ouWprtt iuid track; ou the Kansas hnd Texas Road near Ellr Creek. The losses by Saturday's fire at Montpelior will aggregate $137,000. A desperado killed a policeman at Plymouth, Mass., who attempted to arrest him, THE F1HE FIEND. SAW MILL. BURNED IN JACK SONVILLE, FLA, Jacksonville. Fla.. Mt 3 Noon j lue xtenaiTe tem lit tuuls ol p- stroyed by fire. Loss $100,000. Only partially lusurea. THE WEST. A TORNADO DOWN IN GEORGIA, Augusta, May 3. Noon. The storm struck the up passenger traiu on the Georgia Railroad as it was leaving Uutledge. Trees were blown aoroea the track. Dr. Montgomery's house near Kutlrdge was blown down, and a son four years old blown away. Johu Norton's wife and ohild were badly hurt at Covington. NW AD VtRTISEMENTS. Soda Water. JCK COLD SODA WATER ON UKAVUUr mid In 8 1 1' boa Bullies, t JAMKS. U. MUNUS' lrgStor, Third St., opposite Cltjr U'l. 1 I MM Da? EeceM ANOTHER BCPPLT Of THQX HANI Med. M.ehliMMd and Cable WW Bix.to lyjwqu.rmr Show l T.rlnu Ktl Alitu (ieuta Gust 8 rp Tl and hull ar. l.di. llppr to rt rlelT, from 1 unit uiiY.nlt. DJlaiN). slid tblldtcu"'. felioo. N. b. Lwllei Broni. Atlppon bo't SI. CeAKLr.H A. PKIoR, No. S Market St , Sifa T tli Oold.ti How. o 4 - 4 BRICK. NKW.Kll N JUSt BUHNKI). BKICK will ooniixi wltU lli. bt Hold at aad S t aid, and si for dliprlng. - ' MATH IS t;0, or OLnaAM A Uumhiio. oit4 ' m it For Rent! OFTHB MOsr COMFORT able mi room Huu'mx la Mi. tit. C.n t tally lix-ntw!. Adilreri n ninjr4 BOX 837, rixnliigum r. o. IDS it The Mysteries of the Court of Queen Anne. iir wiuiam aAkaisov aisswostu. Papsr. Fries M OtnU. The Mysteries of tha Court of the Stuarts. IT WILLIAM BAatlKM AIH.WOKTB. Pper. rrletTS Csnla For Ml at HEINQBERCER'8 Lit. Book and MadaHtora, r ms4 ...... ins Nobby Styles. JEOKITED TO-DAY PER EXPRESS ftuc'tber lot of Men audj Hoy's i'lolhing, KOMKTH1NU EN T1KKLV NEW. . , . . ' 1 . Tlioss wlio wut Has Suluwlll do well to call eHilj b.lore th.j are ni. A. DAVID. mT 4 Baker Whiskey, i QU) POUT, Ai.K AMD POHTZR, APPLES, ORANGES. nd LEMONS. I'HESII CROCEB1E9 BV EVBHY SlEAnElt. ' ' D. W. SHURE, No. 81 North Front St. may 4 I! Hubs, Spokes and llims. BUG IT WHEELS, A lie, Uart Wtieoln, Waa Axle., Buggy Spring. Sulk; Vv'heel., Stiafts, Hungy bodlee. Sheet Iron Het , )rrlge rrlmnnngs of all kind. Uot Vwh leather, Ac. The largest aod cbeapwit Monk In the city ean be found at the 0:d It tablUbed Hardware Honee of JOHN DAWSON, ' No. 1, JO and 1 Market Mtroet. mv 2 inn Buggy Harness, Wgg ia Harness, Dray Harness, Curt Bar qbm, Voll.r., Hmf ., Uackbaad., Blind and Hliting bridles, Ualtera, Curry Combs, Htjr e Hrnche, Feather Du.ter., Trunk., Bag. and Na'chc, Hummer Lap Hobes, WbiiM. spur., ami all kind, of Saddlery Qooda at bottom price. CARPENTER MALLARD. Rnoneiwort to T. . TOPHAM OO. No. .Snuih Front Street, Wilmington. N. O. april tt . 93-tf Trunks and Bags FRO THE CE1EBRATED METRO. It .u Faolory. bole Agent, rot tbl .ty. - ' Trnnka far Laullea, . ' ranks lor Uentlcinen, LADIES SATCHELS, Fius Grain Leather Bags, Trunks Seventy-five Cents and up. . BAGS One Dollar and np. e ( iviuisrsoisr && oo. CU T VLOTBIEB8. may 9 , . 108 SjrlngT7 ilSf TING. - mm. ' English and American OU Cloth, Moeqnlto Nets, Wire and Tin Meat Safes. For aala low by . d. a. Biirrn & co. 1?S may NEW ADVI2TISEMIHTS. MORE PAETICULARSI MI ASSORTMENT OF IS NOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers have shown their appreciation of niy LOW TRICES by their liberal purchases, for which I'm tlmukful. STRANGERS not posted, nJ desiring the value of their money, can got it by oalling .''. -AT- M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market St. aprll It JXCURSION TICKETS u wii. wiiigtoa to Charlotte and retura, ean bow be lurobaaedof tha Compmy'. Agent .at 13 each. Oood to return asyen day. from dat. oriwue. F. W.CLARK. Qoueral Tlok.t Agent. lu-lw may "PERFECT." BURNETT'S Perfect Baling Powder, Try It the beat brought to thl. market. Try It with our "Sew preceaa Kniplre Flonr" and "MtUfy" yonraelr It li lb. "Beet" i.- ' flew DutUr to writ Monday , 'Best in the World." from our regular Dairy and "sone genuine without our stamp. M 100 100 IN'o. 1 JVIixokerel At 94 PUB KIT. All CANNED FKV1TH and V KG TA BLES we hare broeghl down the rtar. and ae'llng now very low. "gnit lor price..'' Trie bret opportaalty to bay Canned Goc'Leter offered In thl market. Send to n. and m e money. APPLES, ORANGES and LEMONS, Parched Jaw arm l aguayra fees "to arrlya Monday." Our weekly .apply of tha Cooked earned Beef Jut In. Every houekeepir.hoa!d bare It. Genuine aoM by . t. CEO- MYERS, 11 4 IS South Front Street. 109-lra may i Weeding- Moeal Weeding; IIee I One ol the Urgent ard b.rt auorted .(ocki of Weeding Hee brought to thl. market can uow be found at our extabllehnient, where Hi. following brand, ran be I'ouglit at very Ion figure.: Bcorlll (gfnulne), Inline, tilbaon, Anlt' man, Klwell b"th rtoel and iron The Han dled Ootton ai d Corn Hoe. and Doubla-Bladed Hoe. ean alto be found with na Give a a call before rmrcliMlrig e'lwwbere. UI1.K9 m MVKCH1SUN aprll 26 Pure Laguayra Coffee, nRKSH ROASTED and .. FRESH QHOUND, DAILY. FINE TEAS great rar lety-be.t grade. Imiiorted, EMQL1HH BREAKFAST, . JAPAN., IMPEKIAIj gunpowdkru, HVSOMS. and the fullextflaT rred POKMOHA 0(iiXNG webaTCaver handled. Prion, (rom 90 oent. upward. - CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 57 North Front St. To Date. Onr yonng and aotlr Bookkeeper ha. made out all our Bill, to dale, aud will thank thoM haying aocomite to call at our office and Inter view him. In the event or bl. aberoce either member of our concern la aulhorlaed toilgn the arm name of - ; CHAS D. MYERS & CO., - - V f Karth Front nt. may 2 . 106-it Just Received ! TTALI V Meatitulee. M Led Bird Bed. 78 oenta a quart. Hatuorn Spring Water. Congrem hprlng Water. " " - For tale by , GRICK A FLANKER, marrh I 78 Carolina Central Railway, COMPLETE ) i Slippers. I-aillf . Rrorne lllpimeonly SI. Do. MoriH-eo Si'l'jHr. iroin 1 and uw ward. Men'. .Upper from ! and upward. j wen'i Kuiunertror ai , At' CHAKLKS A PRICE'S, No it Markt Hire- f aprll 10 - garUi4Glile Moot. 8ECURE A NOME. IMiLJ MUILPINO LOTS fur (ale in decl IIIIL J ..i a h.tiihv lunallllsa on Caatla. inurr li. Ann, Nun. Orangs, Dock, t'hi'rtnut, Prlnreee, Mulberry. Sixth, Seyentb, WIIkou, Eighth, Ninth, Wood, Uharlotle, Tenth, f lev entli, Tw.lllh, Thlrteonth and ronrteetitb treeta. Alwi. aeveral mal lioimo.lor ml. a .atutlaotory terma, Apply to iiana KS WII.OON. may t 101 lw Merchant Tailoring. French Oaialmer Paata made to ordr. Blue Flannel Bull, made to order. BoalDar. Suite mad to, fder. Ulagoral Hrilt" mmle to order. Wedding Suit. Wkde to older. I bar. on baud the floeet Mock of French Olotlu and Oauluier Buit. mad., to order In tb late.tntyle.,and an low In prion, a. any bouea North or Month. ' A. DAVID. aprll 1 ' 9 Ice Gream I Ice Cream! J WILL OPEN MT I0K OH NAM SALOON ou Thursday, April I'd. loa Oraam. made from pure ctnam, arnt In any 'art ol the elty at TS rent. ni qurt. ' i i- ; - J.O LOM8HKN. ! Apr" f . Extracts lWihft Toilet, QCKBLAIa'D FXCMALTN, ; Lnbln'. Extract., I'at on'. k'glit HlimKlBg Oereaa. ILilr H'U'keK, iimlia, -Olkl Mlk, Ac.. o. For .ale by v , t . ' ORrSES A fLANNKtt AT HEW YORK COST ! WE OFFER, IT1I0UT KESEHVK, on. eburo Stock AT COST for cah only. Our curtomen art Invited to participate with the public In tho great bargain we offer. BOSKOWITZ t LlEBER. 20 Market Street. . NOTICE, Our bill, ate made np to tbe lit of May. Hereafter our transaction, will be for OAtu eiclu.lvely. FB1ED3 who are Inarrear. with ui are reapectfolly Informed that they will Increaae our Qbltgatlom by a prompt act- tlement. ... Very repectfully, ' BOSKOWITZ A 1-IF.UIC It. my 1 lift 1 1 ' ' " '? ' Bacon Sugar Coffee Hay, Flour; Etc 100 Box s D. S. Sides & Shoulders, 100 Boxes Smoked Sides aud BLoul . - ders, f -i l i 150 Bbls. Refined Sugar, " 100 Bogs Prime Rio Coffee, , 200 Bales Prims N. R. Hay, '.. . 1,500 Bbls. Flour all grades. 200 Hbds. New CropOnba Molasses, 100 Bbls. New Crop Cuba Molasses, 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 60 Bbls. Glno, 250 Hrcond Hand Spirit Casks, ' 50 Bbls. Whole Rice, ' 12,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 800 KfgB Nails, 200 Bogs Shot, " 1 100 Bbls. S. II. Byrup, 75 Bbls. Mess Pork. 75 Tubs Prime Leaf Lard, ' , V. 100 Boxes and Half Boxes Candles, 75 Boxes Candy, ; ' .. , " ; t 50 Boxes Soda, 20 Oases Matob.es, 100 Boxes Soap. ilk 4V ' ' For sale low by ;"'"' WILLIAMS k MURCITISON. ;! v.. Guano! Guano! 250 Tons Gnannpe Guano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, for tale low by WILLIAMS MTJRCHtHON. r"tl n ...a t NEW ADVERTISIMEM8. !' 45. . BHOWN & 15 ARE NOW FlTiLT rKKPAllEU FOR THEIR SPB . . . . '.. .... i ' i : I' " ' - ' ..with A cou'iii:Ti: amnoutmisinx or" STAPLE ill FAfiCY Comprlsln?: llie -Noveltics of tho Henson. STRIPED BUMMER fin.K8 75 CMils, worth' ei'12j. PLAIN U URN ADINEH frtim 18 Ceuta upwhd, v FIOURED Ol'.ENADLNES 15o., worth 37o, r LINEN CAM1UHUS Utia, aud upxtiud. A verf ('bole SeUcttoii al Nav lraa FRENCH CAMBRICS Hels., wtuth 25 cts.J . . - . NEW St'YLEH IN GiNOUAMH 11 cIh., worth 17 at. : . . 1 j, ' ..... M , WASli POrLINS I) cts . worth 20 ets. , J " " , I BRHl'OALlCOS 10 otA, worth 121 ta. LXAMA LACE SHAWLS AND SACVUEHr t . .. , ' NOTTINGHAM LAOK HHAWLH ANDHACODE3, ' f . . . . SHETLAND SHAWLS, IN WHITE AND STRiriiS, A VERY larse aunortuM-ut of SUNSHADES, the latrwt stylos tlmt cau bo found in the country, at prices riuiKit g . " ' h ' " I ,,. Lauics, WI8SCH nnu HoyskHimo auu sinpcu iioso. OonU Wlite.mi Striped 8tks for femaf ',s' M-4 Ladies und Miskph Uen.a Underwear, oa i; . Jl v 4 1 ' ' Oents nnd Roys Oauzo Uudorwar, 'lni ., r . ..,, Otmt's Jeans Drawers (made to our special order), ; 4 , . , f. Oont' hUft DressBbirta and Bows, ' e Woolon and Lintm Goods finr Qeuts and Bots wdar. The largest linVs on MUSLINS ever slwwn in this oity, suoh as . ' - ' ? - SWISS PLAIDS, ' Strips and plain, . , , ,.4 ? ,., , vi NAINSOOK PLAIDS, . " " OROAND1F-S PLAIDS, ' " " ' m ' "l ' ' 1 - i ; V VIO'i'ORIA LAWNS. . ,5. v,. tfrt M.n ri,t:..i : Ilod 4ifilN Vit iipwiinl. ' - j 4. i TJiin Mimi1ii iiimI jH1ov CnIiiir. , CT WE WILL SHOW for ONW WKf;K'rvry bandsiimn lino of ' ' . , , , , . DRAP D'TH MANTLES and 8ACQITK3. W 9'II.K AOKM'i for fr'raiik I, . nt fapvr Iaitrn .. .. . ... . A J-i I . MAOHIME NCCDLES 6 Csnts oach. . We huve several JOB LQI3 m dijirrout dopurtaumts, but wsut of space pr vents tiH from eimiuerating ; a viait oijly caii oovor tho ground. " n 1 OKI PRICE $TRICTLy CASH-Na IAMPUS CUT. ' BROWN & iR01)DICK,145!arkei, 'streets . P. B. H has boen almoit impossible for us to pay tho attention to our tutt rous that we would desire owing to tbe inorekss of our bnslriens and 'lack of room, wetaeuits opportunity . auuingiza ta tpose who nave noiDoon waited on nt promptly us wo hIkiuuV wl n, mid ..would reoomuitmd all who oan to ettll frly iti tho ddy as wo can show n:... !..'. nil' " "'i ' i""" " arajiwroait SOLUBLE OAPITAL'a 1,000,0001' 1 .f , .. . 'i sa H u "I I H 1 : - PRICES REDUCED THI8 DAY. ; TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLEPACIEIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or oo CROP TIME Liberal toniis will bo made with Morohanta and other reliable parties to sell thit Gilarlo at our Wareho - priees, .. ;,in 11' --'1 1'" "' ' ' ... ! .. .( V f.I...!-.c-l 1 .: - J , ; ... . j a- v W. II. McRAlY'&- (U; CoiumlHeluu Morobau... genUfbr PaO ioOutino Co., aud Dealer In N. lP.rutiaaOuana .. . . . ,,!.-, !"' ' 1 ' ' Nohth Water Stheet, sub-Agents ort Hie Said of tSolublo; Pacific 0 jiaiiii. 11. UIIAIIAiU.... Jnl T . ; v;;.:'TWE'Oi'';.v,-,: - ,S!Af 853.00' per Ton, fjain,' pr6()1q0,)ayabla 1st of Ndvembe, nexfr?' (" '.: ' At $33.00 per Tpn, Cuehor if38.0,.payable'lBt Of "TTovemo'er text' , WE WpAUAN'l'iB tUtttlve prayiaua rMtb Qa . ,? KKr ?!! .0. h. KiHAl'IfUH, auferlateuieav " ' Jan e.l ' .... . . t. l3-, SPECIAL HOXICg 1W 1:, - i'II "I I (1 iJ i-lfcll j ' it ja;aI TUB PAtBONB OF" TflBOLft' Ksf Arj: i.j '1 BtockV Excharrg; Ate mrpeotMlty lnibraief IfirT tbV nbne PS UilillchHient baa been entirely rutltied aud tumUbed. ' A Fine Cigar Store, eontaini tii h-t brahda, anil ii elegant Billiard 8alOOn neve been added. The bertof LACER BEEf ea be ob t ilnul by the Uliw", iiiaa.uia ui K.i k- w. H. csrxrv. . 40. HODDIOK 15 'I 1 M foada far I.avdlaa and 'blldroita from 20 cts,: to 7." .. , ,-,, t I t t.'t f V Jl va not lice .11 who oa Lapl 18-tf thorn more ntteHtloii. , " inuii a ii -."i;l:lriii' '11l j ill. .. 11.-J. m . DUO CO.; :i ," .! : ,H j, . a,. Jl J, I't "! it 1 1 ..i,l,l. i.Uld Pond red, M. Ol ' ' D 111 I' ..,iiii ma, p,im SI-3tnaw l. XiiU'l-'Uf! dry conns. CUE STAHDARD FEETILIZER For the" Season of ,1875, delivered, qn.lho. Carv ai Our " , ' .. " ;J?etoryl al thp following -S-!J us SOLUBLE fJAVASSA fiUANO w ' WrtmseW &aU tejnilf j MAmAtss irassA guano. co:.'po i ' Wli-lqiON. N. C. r . t r -1 fH l4,il.S ... a-eoo-d&wira VI ( ,Ior;2 , ;PlUg n(i ! !ll Dlsrars and Smokers' Articles

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