Cvivv-isv it J r 7- r WHOLE HO. C.871. VOL XXIV. NO. 107. WILimiOTOH. H. C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 5. 1875. WILMINGTON. N. 0.: WEDNESDAY, MAY 5. 1875., BY TELEGRAPH. KiinorE. THE TOPE AGAIN IS MEDIC h HANDS. A NINE POUND LUMP OF GOLD. KATiriCATlON OF THE POSTAL TJJEATY. , r f..-;:il, THE MUTINY AT SEA. Ron a, May 4 Noou-The Pojie i gia in a weak state aud under treat ment of hi phjreioiitns. Bebnk, May 4 Noon The aeutatives ot the States belonging to 11m postal union ratified the treaty. France signed subject to the cou aeiit of the Axaeiubly. London, . May 4 Noon Sir John Uo ke, Holioitor-O.m ral, will he eb vuted to the bench, vice Juilgu Pi'Rot dtcouHed. The att amor Africanns, from the Cape of Good Hope, brought 851), OK) iu gold from the diggings; this is the largest shipment ever sent from Sou lb -African; one nugget weighed ninr pound!. ' There are strong sjmptom' of a collapse of, the strike iu South W.ileM Sixty miuera have returned to v1i uu the master's terms in one eollierfy. . Three additional deatlis by the Bun ker Hill disaster have been rerortd. The sohooner Jefferson Borden. Patterson masUr, sailed from New Nn Orleans March 5th, for Loudou. When eighteen days from the former port, a mutiny broke ont. Cupt. Pat i Uwn and his officers fought the nu n twitb revolvers ud knives. After a terrible straggle, in which the rirHr and second mates were killed, the Captain enooeeded iu disabling and se curiug all the men who resisted. II o hailed passing vessels and obtained sufficient hands to work the ship and proceeded on hia voyage to London. The mutineers seized an opportunity to carry out their plot wheu on watch with the first mate aud boy. The lat ter was gagged. The men struck the J first mate from behind and fraotured his skull ; the second mate coming to his rescue, iwaaJ seized and thrown - overboard alive. The boy in the mean whill fro Ire ano ajarmed Oaptain Pattersott, whd came up from the cab. in with two revolvers and began firing with effect. Oue of the mutiueers re ceived seven bnUeta, toother was wounded la the stomach, and One who was reported dying, amy live nntil the vesstd reaches Linden. ' "" " Tim iiuii. " ENTERTAtNMEN T OF THE CATH OLIC PRELATES, . Boston, May - 4 Noon The pro gramme for the entertainment pf the Cathol is prolate, who partioipated in the consecration ceremonies, was fully and most pleasantly carried out to day as pre-arranged, closing with the reception by the Catholio Union at Boston College this evening. Be tween six hundred and eight hundred persona were present, ALABAMA. RICa DEVELOPMENTS PROM ' ISEB BY THE SPENCER J. COMMITTEE. ' fcloBiLB.May 4 Noon The Spencer Investigating Committee here are still examinW witnesses. The develop ment is said to be ricb, throwing light on the outrage business and the nee of trooos la Alabama. This evidence promises to be interesting and volumi upas. ,,;...- - - '. I'lULADELPlIIA. TRIAL OF GUDEMANN FOR EM- i BEZZLEMENT. Philadelphia, ! May 4 Noou. The trial of John W. tiudemann, ex-rresi ' riant at St Rnnifuce'gohnreh.for embez zlement of church funds, commenced . yesrerday. The greater part of the " day was taken up with the arguments of tlit counsel. I As the scoused and his wife left the Court House they were seoeived with jeers from nome and cheers irom otners. UEADQUAKTELIS. A FEDERAL JUDGE IN TEXAS " CHARGES IN, FAVOR OF , CIYIL RIGillS. PRESENTATION AT COURT OF THE SPANISH AMBASSADOR, Washinoton, May 4 Night J udgo Moireles, of the U. 8. Dibtrict Court for the Eastern District of Texas, in his'chanretothe Grand I Jury to-day. reviewed the civil rights law aud ex- Eressed his opinion that all persons ave leaaliittht to' kavd board and lodsinar at inns, transportutiou ou steamers aud railroads or stages, and eutrance iu theatres, while they do not thereby acquire any social light to hold that a conductor oi a ruiiroaa t'ain cannot sssigu a special or to la dies and children and their attendants to the exclusion of all others.provided the other DasBenKurs are furnished with other cars with all the . necessary f.icilies fot traveling. 'It would, he ' ys, be to stab social right, privi leges; and. immunities; therefore my v.ew of the act is that it was not in tended to affect social rights through civil and legal rights. Iu ooticlusiou the Judge said that if it should be made to appear that any inn-keepers, managers of theaters or traosporation agents had refused the proper facili- tie to aiy one on aoHHiiit of nu, o-dor or prtvinun conditinu vi wrvi tnd", the Gr.'d Jury wou'd h ive au thority io fiud a true bill sgaiust sueh a prrnon. Seuor Autoues Matella, who repre ented the Spanish Republic here an .Miaister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Eitraordiuary, today presented Li erediutials to the President a repre sentative of the King of Spaiu. Tlu usual congratulatory addresses wei 6 tuadr. Ou dit: Congratulations upon the fizzle of th.' Republic are malappropos. (SOTUAM. MRS. TILT ON APPLIES TO JUDGE.NEIL80N FOK A HEARING AND IS REFUSED. Bkooklyx, My 4 Night. Jiidpe NeilsiHi I ak the piivilege from jon for a few wurdsin wy .wu lhalf. 1 ftel very deeply tiie ii.juMu-o Of tny pot-iiiou in the law ami In fore two Court low ituug,and whilo I li:ive uu derstood aud t xpt cted lrom the be ginning, Mr. Kvarta' principle in the uiaiU-r, yot siLCB jour lute decisiuu, I Imve beeu so setitttble of the power of my enemies, thut my eutil ciioa out In ure you uiid the geutlemeu ot tut urr. thut they bnware Imw by a hvided verdict . they eoUNigu to my childrm a false aud irrt neiihle. sluiu upon the r mother: For ilw years I have boiu the viet m f circumstances nioht cruel and unfor- tuti'it"; struggling from time to t'uie l1v tor a place ti live honorably iud from the will bv whose oower I uu- coDKciounly or. minuted myself, agsiu ii. (t iigiii i l (Ueiare myseii roU uiuiy iiefore you, without feur of inau uud iy faith iu God, that I am. innocent of the erimo ctiargi d 'Bgniust ma : I would liko to tell my wnolo sad story, mitlifiiltv tn iickiion leiluo the fie j - --- , , oueut falsoLoods wruun trom me by comtmlsiou, though at the same timu unwilling io reveai me Becrei oi my married life, which the vital impor -nnce of my position makes necessary, I assume the entire responsibility of this request, unknown', to friend or lunxel of either side, aud aw mt your Honor's houoruble dtcmion. With great respt.-et. (Signed) iiLiZAtiETH it. Iilton. TUB JUDOS'S ItKPLV. Chamber of Tne City Cornr. Buookltcjj. May 4 Mrs. Tilton-1 am directed by Cnief Judge Nelson to return your letter, as it cannot be received in court also to state that iu civil cases counsel have the right to refrain from calling particular witnesses, however com petent, aud that neither the oourt nor the client cm interfere with the exercise of that right. The J udge also instructs me to say that the question whether you oould be a witness, stands on quite another ground from thut considered when your husband was called and sworn; lie was a competent witness to testify in his own behalf against a third person, a defendant, aud white the policy of the law was to some extent involved, there was no ex press statute in the way, bar' the stat ute of May 10, 1867, expressly declares the wife to he incompetent as a wit nebs, for or apaiuht the husband. louisrespecttuliy, (Signed) Geobob N. Knackbel Clerk of City Conit, k J. ALIO AM A. A CLEAN DEMOCRATIC SWEEP IN MONTGOMERY. ' ' Montoomeiit, May , "'4. Night. The city election was unusually qniet and a large vote was polled. The Democrats make a clean, sweep, elect ing their Mayor, Clerk aid twelve Al dermen. This is the first time the Democrats have carried the city since the reconstruction . There is great re joicing, canuon firing, etc. The ma jority, Bemioffioial, is 440. ELECTKIC1SMS. The cholera has abated at Calcutta. in the province of Oude. The Association oi tue American Medical Editors held its annual meet ing in Louisville on Monday night. The following officers were elected lor the ensuing year: President, Dr. Bell, of New York; Vice President, Dr. H, C. Wood, of Philadelphia; Secretary, Dr. F. C. Daves, of Chicago. , , THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. counts' or HOBBY. COUK1 orCoMMOS TLSAR. Joseph H. lorhm, Plaintiff', sgnln t Hnrtlct j. DhiiIi 1-, Juhn H Danism, linilutle H. Imniels. Kl.ird lianleld ana AgneaUan ielii, Dulenilmtn. COrr Sl'MMONR. To th9 Hcrcuil'ins. Harriett!. Panic!. John H 0nll. :hrloitft H. Panleln, Kdward l)nl. I niift AnrH Imnl If ; i Vou nrf lierol y Huniininird gni rrquirrd '0 aniwer ih enmpmint iu t'ii hcCioti. which 1 fill il In t he i tllio (if the :itrk ot t'ommou f h'is f"r the sa l c.:Utv, mid lnnite coin orTtmr ncwr tn tli" na'il roinpUlnt i n the nbt'iibi r tli oftiw, In Ciimwnyhuro, X. Hi :n tw-nfy tl tyn afiBf t)i rvlce livrvof, eohiiv oi thud iv nl'mirh nerrlci?!. l (t If jtii mil to xriswcr th-f cmiilaint within i tie tlnia morti-n.i-l.'hB plH'titlfl in iht mtlon will il'l t tlin ( jiurClor thu roller dmi:deil lii t' B ioiu pNInt utKi si'ircowiui, ism. tie:ilj , anus V. BK4TY, C. , Plalntinv Attorney. ' iIOH. T. WAlfH To the Defendant : - It 1 1 IU..Iu1m .tnl.n It IlA..le1. I I itte H. Dnnlidw, 1 dwntd Intiiol and lui IcIh Tke Miilfe tl ut the min moi In t Ira HC'ion. of which the fwopolng In cvj, lo trther wl b tho nip'S'i.t tli-riin, lliid In thoflt oC'ti" ' lira ol (hi- Court. of t'omtann PI a,tt.ionyb,n, tn ih nM Woutti Cnrollna, on the Sfith d iy ot Mnri Ii. ' , , J . '. xA( HH, ' ' IMaliilift AtKiriK v. BE0WN , & RODDIOK Harn ililn .l :r received a lis cf l lMA Lack SAiQi'iti" on ap'-rntrnt, ant will exhibit thu o c or mi w. i k only. Tt-oeln nt yf nu ll III d" wi II tn i'1'l Hint mnk their aot'S llijin, na tliev will be wlforctl ( heap, 'i h biauca will ioaitliy bo returned at (he time ntfttod. i . mayt - li-3t NWALViBTl8IEiyTS Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Company No. 1. MKMRrKS: Tu mr hhf Mmntnti. to p.r t ynor KbglB Hkll Uil(Wfdn dy eTrnlny at v'olock, la lull uniform, lor Knyln immlo. Hi gulsr antmliif to-mntt nlnf at I o'eiocK. , W.UJIWKTT. I - RfCSeCTlry. ' ti-lt mat ( THE MYSTERY Explained ! At 29 North Front Street, WllMtNGTON.N.O. 107-Iw Mechanio's Building and Loan Association. THE flflth KKIl'liiH MONTHLY MEET 'ng oill be bl.l at tit Hihrulai tlll, (hi tuning, at I 'flock. O 8. ELLIS, Svorataiy and 'i'reaiirrr. may 8 17-U To the Public. Hrlng no onr in faiployof thiCltf ( City xeaTriigsii) baraaitm offer uur ni viceitotbe imtino lndepiidut hcaren HvrK. cnniplvi g ltn ad trqntr menu cf the rliv nuilluniii IQ vin BIUDI Hi y nd thu Alt ilm't. W mucrtful f licit urdt rr (ir.imlM (.rompt attention Lil .1 M W . i ' ,IM MIIHI, fee ii 1 and Market ttrcoti, will 'roel Iniinr. dint altoiilUiil It. PK.KKIN". mv-3t . ELKHMINH Youths Eh'ffdiit Blue Flannel Suits, Some as Low tO 60. MEN'S BLUE FLANNEL SUITS, ALPACA BACKS 82 50. CASHMENT SUITS $0. . ALPACA DUSTERS, " LINEN DUSTERS. iviuNsoisr && go. CITY CHJTH1RBS. nay 8 tot & 1 000 BARRfcLS rij0VBik" irt 200 BAGS COFFEE, 600 BBLS, S, H. SYRUP, 2,000 BACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, 200 KEQ8 NAILS, 50 BBLS. SUGAR, 100 Boxes Dry Bait Sides and Bhonl- deri, 50 Boxes Smoked Meats, " And a full (took of OROOERtEl, wo ottar u th nado it k figorri Hpeola 1 altiutlon a'd toarca log low rate fielght to Car Load Lota. D1NFOHD, CKOW4CO. 10T may 8 Attenftanls D. S. , AND OTHER CASH BUYEBS Pleaaa axamln cur Stock of Tobacco Goods With a vttw t purohaiicg. D. PICOTT. Toaaoooaisr. may 5 Hay! Hay! Hay! Jut receWed pet 8ekr. H T.Townaend 225 BALES CH0I A8TEHN HAT. AIM BALED SELECTED SEW TORE HAT. 150 for aale low from wharf, la lota to mil, by B. F. MITCHELL Jc nm. lot -st may B ELLEN WAHEHAM. Vj Mbe Ellea Flokarlng. f Old Myddelton's Money. By Hary Cecil Hay. I A Waiting Raoe. By Sdmnnd Tatea. A 8tracg Wprld. By " M. B. 8 1 addon. . . A Light and a Dark, Christmas- Hy Mra. Harry Wood. , j ALL FOB kALk BV Conolcy Cl Yates miy t 101 Kxtrartsforthe Toilet. CKRLAI&'it EXTKAOTM, T.nhliii rratJl. I Hhion't Mght liloomlni Oereoi. Jlntr BriKbea, odiIm, icnlnrt etU, o., Ao. . GKtEN A PLANNER vJ Paronips, 4mJtT8, CARROTS, fl' ' ittbhiph imd owrriNH Tor aale at , ' ' B."W. RPNOR'S, : N. It. Corner or Market and second bta. aptllK ioa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MORE PARTICULARS! MT ASSORTMENT OF SPRING1SUMMERG00DS IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My ctiBtomrrB have rhown their ajuireeiation of my LOW PRICES by tht'ir liberal purchaaea, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS uot iHwted, aud desiring the valtm of thrir vvmey, cau get it by calling - AT- M M: K ATZ'S, 36 Market SI, apt It 14 iorricJiv CpM Central Railway. JJXCURSION TICKETS from Wil. luington to Charlotte and x turn, can now be (urehaaedortlie Conipwyl. Agent at $13 each. Ouod to return aoren daya from da'a ot larae. f. W CLARK, Oouetal Ticket An'iit. UW-lw may t Soda Water. JOE '"COLD HOD A WATER ON DRAUGHT and In Blihon . JAMES. O, MTJND8' Dreg Store, Third St., oppoalW Otty Hall. may IWI I.Have ibis Bar. Wed ANOTHER SliPPLT Of THOZ HANI. aewed, Machine aewed aud t;able-Wlre Uo-l'e Low.quaier ahoea of rarlonit it)lea Ahw Urnta Ooat 8 rap Ilea and Nu'li Sera. Ladina Hllnpora o great Tarlety, from I and upwards. M lew and Clilldren lioa aaiieoially. , -. N.B. LMiei uronee atinperaoniy wi. ChAhLks A. r-KicK, Na. St Market St , Sign of the tiolden Hoot, may 4 W For Rent I "NK OF THE MOST COMFORT able an room Huuaca In the city. Cm- (tally located. Addrera BOX 637, riimingtonl. O. 106 tl may 4 The Mysteries of the Court of Queen Anne, vwillu BAimao Aianwoava. Paper. Pi loe (0 Oente. The Mysteries of the Court of the Stuarts. BV WILLIAM HAttBiaoa AIBRWOBTH. ' paper. Price 75 Oenla. , 1 For atle at HEINSBERGER'S Live Rook and Uuilc 8tor. may 4 IOC Nobby Styles. TJEORITKO TO-DAT PER EXPRESS auother lot of Men and Boy's Clothing, BOMKTHINO KNTIKELT NEW. Theee who wjnt flae bulUwlil do Kelt to call early before they are told. , A. DAVID. too may 4 Baker Whiskey. QLD PORT, ALB AMU PORTER, APPLES, ORANdESand LEMONS, ritESH OKOCEUIES BY EVERT SiKIMEH. H. W. SIIURE, No. 31 North Frout St. may 4 Hubs, Spokes and Kims. BUOlY WbKELi, A lie., Cart Wberl, Wag'itt Aale., Buggy Hprlnpn, Milky Wheel!, hbaite, Hu'ny riudha Nhent Iron He-it , Oarrlnge 1iinnuina of all kind, Out Hush lulher, &o The Insert and cheat"" Mock in tu eL)i can he fi uud at the Old K tahliaked Uaraware Houae JOHN DAWBON, Noe It, SO and II ilaraet Ktreet. ma Buggy Harness, Vag:iB Harnew, Drav ITarncpe, flart Har. roNt, i.tiliarn, H.mia, tjaflkliandi, Blind and Kulng toiqlna, Haltern, turry C irnbe, H ir e llriiflin. Feather IMMtem, TroiiM, Bag and Kni cliia, xu id mer Lap Robe, Whlpe, eipnra, and all ktnda of HaddU-ry Uooda al bottom ptloea. - , CARPENTER MALLARD. tsneceneor. to . ( ,T. f. TOPKAM HO . No. H nta Fiont btieut, Wilmington, N. (1 iiritai i . s - 3-tr w KDIII NO iJAaimand V ISITIN1' C'AHltN an-eolalty at the o- SECURE A HOME. "Bfl Ull.nNO HITS fnr ai In flrnf ILlULrabie and healtbr looaluba n cattle, t nun Ii, Ann, Nun, traiiJ, 1 rk, t lilnut, PiltireM, ninllietry. nia'li, neTvnin. nnwi, Kiiiaih. Ninth, Wood, UiarUilte, lnh, H''v eulh, Twiilitb,' Thirteenth and fourlwiilli irnt Al', aemal umaH tiotiw af ir r.ile i.n Mtlniai'tory teima. app'vio ,1 AMBX Wtl PON. may t lot lw Merchant Tailoring. French Canalmer Paiita made to order. Blue .Flannel Bull, made to oi der. Itiulna.i Multi made to order. lUxgoral BnlW made lo order. Wedding Bulla ma.du to order. t hare on baud the flneat (took or French Clothe and Oi Miner Suite made to oril.r In tbelateotMylea, and aa low In pricee aa any boutuj North or Soath, A. DAVID. aprllM ' Ice Cream ! Ice Cream! J WILL OPEN MT I0E tiKEAM SALOON uu Thureday, April Vii. loe Cream, made from pare cream, atnt lo any part of the any at 78 cent per qnart. J.O LtjatsriEN. aprllvT Slw AT W M COST! TTTE OFFER, V. ITHOUT RE8FRTE, on. eh lire Stock AT OUST for rarhonly. Our cuttamera are Invited to iiartlcipate with the public lathe great bargain! we offer. B08KOWITZ & LIEDER, ' 20 Market Street. . NOTICE, Our bill, ate made up to the let of May. Hereafter our tranaactlonj will be for caih eioluatTCty. FRIENDS who are taarroaii wlili e are reepectfully informed that Uiej will tncreaee oar obligation! by a prompt U tlement. ' Very reipeotf ally, ( BOSKOWITZ ALIKBKR. 105 may2 "PERFECT." BURNETT'S Perfect Buk i iii? Powder, Try It tiie beit brought to thi market. Try it with our "Hew Proceas Kmptrw Flonr" and 'lattofy" youreelf It Ii the "Bert." Hew Butur to arrlre Monday, ''Best in the World " From our regular Palry and '"none genuine without otir atamp." 100 ,T8 100 ISo. 1 JMiicl-rorel ' " At 9t PER KIT. All "CANNED FRUITS and VEQkTA. BLV.& we have brought dowa tiie prtoei and eelllng now rery low. "8jb4 lor prlcei " The brut opportunity to boy Canned Uoode eter offered In thli market. Send to na ai:d wtie money. APPLES, OBANOEi and LRMON8, Parched Javaann Laguayra Oof fees "to arrive Monday." par weekly iapity or the Cooked Corned Beef Just In. Every housekeeper tkoald have 1(. Oeouiueaold by ' " GEO- MYERS, II & 18 South Front Street, mays tdS-lia Weedlnf llocal WdlrS lloe I r One ei the lryeat mvi arca (lorke of Weeding H-we brought to 1I1U1 mrkut cu h ri.uml at our etUbHabiumit. whrre the U'oMowlag lrnrta ran be i ou(ht at viy low nsarr!: nrnrni (g-nninr;, i.whv, uiunm, fln mn, Klweli bi.lli tel anil lrn I bo Han uiid Cotton Cora Hoorand Uoubte-Bladed Unci can alan be lound with a. UiTe aa a call botore piirchnnlng elaethere. GILES MUrUJUISoN. aprll ; - - NEW 4DTZEIISISE1I3. 45. BROWN & 45 MARKET ffllW, ARE NOW FULLY PREPARED FOR THEIR SPRING MJD MSEM -1 CAsuapAiaw, W ITII A COM VL.TYtlb AHSOUTIICNT OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Coniprlisli.!? Iho Novelties of tho Season. HTRU'ED 81LK8 75 Onta, worth tl 12." PLAIN (1RKNADIN1-W from 18 Centa tipwaid, FIGURED (iUKNAI)lNEH 15o., worth 87o. LINEN CAMRRICU 28o. and upwaad. A very t lilrSelwi(loiil New Urmeed lor l.adlwa ass ('lilMren ' U'Mar. . FRENCH CAMIUUCH H ota , woith 25 ota. NEW HIYLIW IN GINGHAMS Hots., worth 17 ots. ' WASH FOl'LINS tt ota , worth 20 oU. REM I' CALICOS 10 eta., worth 12) oU. L'LAMA LACK 8IIAWIS AND SACQUEH, NOTTINGHAM LACE SHAWLS AND HACQUE8, SHETLAND SHAWLS. IN WHITE AND STRIPES. A VERY Inrp,e saaoittuout of SUNSHADES, ttio latoat stvles that can b found io the country, at prices ranc'g ttvm 20 ots. to $7. Lad Ion, DJlsscs and Doy White and Striped Hose, Genta White and Hlripod Sncka for Sumnipr wear. Ladius and Miaaea Ganza Uuderwear, Genta atid Boya Uanzo Underwear, Quut'a Joaua Drawers (made to our special order), Gent's White Dreaa Shirts and Bowa, Woolen aud Linen Goods for Gents and Boys wear. The largcut lines on MUSLINS ever ahown in this city, auoh ss 8W1SS PLAIDS, Stripes and Plain. NAINSOOK PLAIDS, i ORGANDIES PLAIDS, " " VICTORIA LAWNS. NprtnM from Wl upward. Lliifii rhttlii- uml Pillow Crushicr. r WE WILL SHOW for ONE WEEK s very hsndaonw line of I) RAP D'ETE MANTLES and BACQUE8. S RLK AGE NT (I for frank leellwo Cut Papvr Patterns . . , , MAOHINC NCKDLKS B CsntsadOh. We have several JOB LOTS in Uiilurtmt departmenu, bnt want of spsos pr venta tie from enumerating ! visit only can eover the ground. ONE PRICE-STRICTLY CASH-NO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. 4 m , - : l - - - r . . P, S. It has been almoat impossible for ns to pay the attention to onr pat rons thflt we would deaire owing to tho inoreaae of our bnsineai sod lack of room. We take this opportunity to apologise to those who have nol been waited on aa promptly as we should wih, aud would reoonunend all who can to call early in the duy as we can show them more attention. ; spl 18-tf . mm mm, gmi co.; oviirrivi-j PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACD7I0 OTJANO for aale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad wtifii iUUluUBUVa nuu viuot i uaiaauau xaa vautv w mu vuis uuwuu ra vm tt suqaiv prices. .. W. II. McRARY & CO., OoinmliialOD Merchant. Agentafor raolBe Qnano Uo., and Dealerala No. 1 Prravlan Ouano North Water Sthkbt, WILiaiNUTONt If. Sub-isents for tho Sale I', n. UIBNOIS..,. ). WltAIIAiYl Jan Retailors S UPPLIEO WITH Plus; and :,FinC-i!ut Tobaccos, Cigars aud Smokers Articles, a v D. JflGOTT. 1M mayt Children's Carriages. TARflK STOCK OF NEW STYLES F0S Nilng o. Alan, Straw Unltlnx, Window Shidrr, Rattan and Willow Qhair!, Foot Matt, Ice Boxer, oVo ( , ' For aale low by . - anrll IS ' 1, A. SMITH C0 Just Received! VALKN I INK'S PREPARATION OF Mttt,tUl". Mlxe t bird Hi (1. rncnte i)uart. . Hai born aprma Water. , Cotigr" rtpriiifr Water. Fur rale Uf march 2 73 Invretrd In fttock Prlvllcs;a I Wall MreM, IuiwIhIo mar.y tihichakdi l.oLLAKa aiT.' Comiiruhirrtya exnn. iprv elrrnbra, lon'alnlng detiilbd Malt mnir and q'inta'tnn frlom of all ttock dealt in at tde A4 Tiirlt sunk Bichaiift, ntutird Jrt to lioee !mrnr ro pTioruinm. flimrrw, ALttX. FROrHIN3AM CO., Banker! and Brokra, Oit. N. Y. StotH Ixoliango. H Wall Rt in wan ni , MEW YOBK feb 2-ly-eod $500 $1000 45. KODDIOK 15 1,000,000. of Soluble raclllc Guano. Old Hundred, IT. a Marlon, 8. a 27-&nd4; SPECIAL NOTICE. TUB PATRONS OF THI OLD ESTAB llthed Saloon, i , Brock's , Exchange, n - Are raapectfully Informed that (he above ee : tabllfhaient hai been entlrtly rentted and lurnlnhed. . t A Flne.Clgar 8tora. eoj'"1"? bext brand!. Ind n elegant Billiard Saloon have been added. The beat of LACE R BEER Ma be oh Mined by the Ulaae, ataaaare or Keg. W. H. OERKEN, Proprleterj arrllM COME EARLY AND BUY OootN fiiiid Hlioes FROM EVANS VokOLAHN'8 WHOLE aale and Ket.ll Root and fhoe Store, on f-niiotmatrfet. where yoa will flrxj all th new ettlo wldtli. toe., heela, helgttta, a a'le, xiZfH, oolora, Ao .at the T.ry lowest prion. We (ako irroat care In .electing our etock of B.mte e'.d Shoe. -Welinrehad niuch f uperi enee in the bu?lue"n, and with many other ad rentage., we are anre we can aatiofy yoa tn gcoJi and pricee. We are thanklut for paat taror. and hniie the geaeroai pnhllo will oon tluue their fat"r ' - EVANS k VosGLAIIN. mayl ' r 109 Fresli Water Ground Heal E?cry Day, Hold (tame Price ava Steam. 300 BALES HAY, l.eoo BUSHELS CORN, CANNED OOODS, FLOUH, MEATS, o. "AiUAISY HIWTOIV. IiC-dBtf may ' CDINTII'P KATLf SXKtJOTKO on rill II I I Ml rho't" nutlc "doa ,h..a,o.t reaab,. v y. I

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