it IM III 111 if I i n.1 vCv i X 111 11 VOL XXIV. HO. (6 !)f Isnrniil WILMINGTON. N. C. : THURSDAY. MAY 6. 1875, BY TELEGRAPH. (iOTlLUI. STOWING A WAY A BIQ DiA- . MOM). Nsw York, Mr &Noon TJ war! Watson' with several aliases, whs m-, rested for stealing a solitare. diamond1 ring, toe stone or wlacn was valued nl $1,000, aud oa Lis way to the Motion swallowed it THE LONDON PRESS ON GLAD STONE'S LETTER AND AMERI CAN polhics. ' London, May 5 Noou The Stand ard severely criticizes the letter from Mr. Gladstone, which was read at tin Centennial celebration of the battle of Lexington. It remark that the hubit of t .adyiug to Americans is discredit able iu English men; aud jourualiHiu. The resu to of the republican expt-n-lueut iu the Uuilod States are con nt - tiou of public lite, eitmctiou of pub lic spirit, opposition of uiiuonty, ilia gusto! tusuouorable men withpolni ctl life aud the transfer of the govern lueut into the hands of corrupt, un scrupulous and ignorant m u. ihe Tmes fully endorses Gladstone's Utr, aud says uwochl t)9 mdmicboiy U the first great attempt to complete inde pendence suouia rouit in social tin aroby, altljoui) there is nothing .at frfffcfm to justify BttdU; fears.1 .Grave iWl. fxw id some Awof nan instiru tlons which mnstbe reniuled if prignm is to be kit urlThQilN'4 AaK nonuoue that the Earl of Pembroke will resign thu Under Secretaryship A War, and will ba succeeded by Lrd Cedoguu. The British government intends to seud the frigate Valorioui to survey Baffin's Bay and the North Atlantic.. ..: THE HUB. SOUTH CAROLINA, AJKD MASgA GHUSETl'"act6Tt,ir.n wo DECISION IN THE GUNPOWCfiR CASE. . yt?T Tre.T 1 T TT 7 ANOTHIR NOTB yROM 'BERLIN Mil i.:TQ 'BBJtJSSELii ; BosTOSMaS Noon The report of the delegate from Boston to the. recent fair of, the Washington Light Infantry, of Charleston, b. C, was read last evouing at tlip Parker lluu -e to those interested in getting up the Boston table. The Delegates reporte d the complete success of.tha Boston table afid3 h.Tp6'poke ii the highest terms ottne Lospitality'of the CbarleH touiaBK A eommitUe Hs ' appointed to coofer:ittLthe City governmi nt iu reference to the presence of the Wash iugton Light Infantry, at Buukir's Hill Centennial celebration, June 17th. The gunpowder case which has ex cited so much interest here and which waa a suit against the city of Boetou for the value of goods au 1 building blown np during the great fire to pre vent the spread of the fhtmcH, was con cluded in the .United States District Caurt yesterday. A verdict for the de ftmdaut wo8 given. London, May 5. Night. Eivald, the German philologist is dead. , Russia excludes all Amerieau pota toes, and all sacks or cases that con tamed them. ., , i'l.e Pall Mall Gazette says tlmt a fresh note from Gormnny has arrived inBrussels. This note, the Oazette says, is in connection with a pastoral recently issued by the Bishop of Nam na, which iB extremely violent in its references to the German Goverhmout. . The race for the, Chester enp was won by Freeman. " HEADQUAllTLilS. . KJCKCfG A nlGH OFFICIAL OUT - I OF OFFICE. " Vi'ashinotoK', 7 May '. "H Niglit. The displacement of the Commissiout r of ths. Iutamal Revenno DotigiuH, was a surprise to that gentleman, as he had no previous intimation of it Yesterday afternoon, Secretary Bris tow called upon Douglas, saying he slrrl an at the rennest of the President. aud to perform the disngreeob'.e duty cf informing, hjm -,tlmt -M-Si?.uitor 1'iatt nia neenxeaaerea auu accepie i the nosi'ion of Xlommiaaiouer -of Iu- tMirinr flnvmiilA. Dons? I US mall) OUH iuquiry ojaly, following this verbal C'juimunioatiotf. it was wneiuer ins integrity as a man and offieer hud beeu in any. manner impugned; to which, the oeoretary repi en, uot m run slightest degree. With this, Dough.s expressed himself satisfied. ; Other changes in office are iii'imatnl. REPORT ON .THE CANAL, . FRAUDS. - ' Albany, May 5 Night The report of the Joint Committee of tbe Legis lature, in relation to the canal frauds aud investigation, reports that the system of letting and prosecuting con traotsJor ianalTork is full of grave defects, giviug opportunities for nu merous sand varied deceptions and frauds; opportunities that designing men have no hesitation of embroiig. In the brief time allotted, it would uol probably be possible to muke even a cttalnguo tu detaif of fraudn,'which the testimony indicates in addition to those wb)ch it seems to- conclusively prove. 108. mtmmmmm M VI VU A I - " " 1 IIIIIT 1 lllll I tram tmf r. I , ' ' . " -- .STr- 1 HIA. ADVtuusjSMfiNTS. MEWAVETISEJffNT8. vrnr atwt.t.pvwd- . MEETING OF TRUSTEES OF THE rilESBYTERlAN ASSEMBLY. Philapflpiha, May fi Noon The autiul meeting oi tha Trusties of the General Afsemhly of the Presbyterian Church in the I uited States was held in this wtv T'terdny." The B und has el-arge of forty-four trut-t funds, which it administers for beccvoltnt purpose a;;re.fu:y lo the tu-lios of tne lienor, lion. Geo. M'urswvod whs re elected President. APPLICATION FOR AN INJUNC TION AGAINST THE GEOR GIA RAl LEO AD At'orsiA, May 5. Night A bill lias been lihd by G. u. Toombs and S. II. II. inl lixn, Attorneys for c, it uu stockholders of the Georgia Railn-sd, praying for uu ipjiniotiou to restrain the olliotrsof that corporation from completing the puuha-e ot the W s- teni lkaiiroud of Alitbuiun, or from pnyii glht- intereft ou. the end. i ...... i .. . t -i ....UU3 ,;1 talil roau. Jilt CO lilb.siili will hi'iir the argument in tiie cuhu on Tu tduy tii'Xt. The Wf,ti'rn Railroad of Alabama wu recently jmreiiusi it loiimy by tins 'ieoruia uiid Centrhl roaiis, who are endorsers of the botds of the Yettoru Knj' ALA 1 A MA. THE MONTGOMERY MUNICIPAL ELEOfUN. HALF OF TU.4 NKQBOES VOTE THE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. SPENCER IN A BAD WAY. . ft Mo.NTOOMKltY The fo lowing lire iue Miicial returns t! tlw biectaou : Mijues, Drnxorrat, for Aisynr; majority ; Suiitli, Demo crat, for City Clerk, 648 mnjority. The Democrats carry every Ward, electing every Alderman. Among the Alder men, eh cU d ale Hon. U. W. Stoue, last Justioo of the Supreme Court, and Mj. Thos. G. Jones, whofo lnemciiil tribute to the Federal- dead attracted so mnoU notice at the North last year. Nearly half of the colored peoplo voted the Democntio ticket, straight for the first time mice tha reeoustruo- nlglt,ttdW&wft?nli iug and general' jubilation, almost the whole night pussud. Men, horotofore leading white Republicans, were sere naded by biuids, and mauy speeches were inudo. ' In the United States District and Circuit Courts, Judgo Brnch presiding, all the cases under the en forcement aols were oontinued to await the decision of the Suprume Couit i the Louisiana oases.' ' ' ' " The Grand Jnry of tho court whioh was, cmpuuneleil yesterday, cvnsistSfof twt-nty Rfpuhlicaus aud three Demo- OiatB. . .. .... , . '. ... 1 ': '" ;" '" The Wcathf r is cool, and it is thought that it will keep the crops back. J. S. Perrin, Late IlcpubHoau mem ber of the Legislature, for Wilson County, testified as follows befpro the ce-mmittee. now investigating the meats by which Spencer secured his flection to tLo U. Sv Senate; Troops were re tained in Alabama be fore the election on a r (juisition of myself and others, it having beeu understood that Spencer had arranged for troops to bo put at the dupoiit of the Mayor auu other revenue ofliceri wherever iutimidiitiou whs neoeswy, Tlieso troops, accom pnuied by U. S. Marbhals who had fictitious warrants, with the citizen's name prominently displayed aud shown to perscns who would inform them, were paraded iu various coun ties. 1 shot a hole in my hat aud re ported that I lial been attached by the Ku-Klux, aud I sent troops to arrest the mythical lijailauts. I kept the troops as long as I could use them as a politiCid machine. Our purpose was to secure the Legislature at all hazards aud elect Spencor. A -number of witnesses testify to the use of money to effect the same purpose. ELECTitlClSJIS. Nothing nnnsual characterized tbe iuaueruratiou of tho Governor of Con necticut. His mcP8go is mainly con flucd to State afTuirs. lie condemns Federal interference in -Louisiana. 1 At Pottsvilie, Ta., on Tuesday niRbt about 11 o'clock, the Breaker and Beu Frunliliu Colliery at Donlyville, near Shunuikiu. was destroyed bv fire. It was owned and worked by Donly & Gardner. As this Colliery has been woi kitiR diuintr the strike the fire te supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Loss 3100.000. Two hun dred ineu aud boy3 are out of employ ment. There is no news of the niissit: s'pamer Polvnesian due at Qnvbic. Slie has thirteen huudred piople aboard, but usually carries provisions for two mouths, other delayed steam er are probably - equally well pro Til d. , . At Terre Haute, in the mnnicip.d e eo1 ion on Tuesday, the Democrats elected their Mayor by1 8'J8 majority Tiio city is Republican on the vote for Onunoilmen by a small mni"rity. The Democratic majority last October was 000. Retailor ! id s ITPu'ED WITH Finc-( nt Tobaccos, Cigars and. ' ' Smokers' Article u.i- D. I'IGOTT. niayl wiumraTON. 1JXW ADVERT I3E MENT3. Headquarters Cape Fer Artillery. Srn iAL Obder, J will b a iwUm of this CVm tt thermry, til ('I humUT) eT.nlBg, it It Of'ock. a buMU'M of laiKrtit- will bt n "l" neior me oiMtlni, a rail tt'exUned . bj oruer or Urn (um. mT -H K. W. PRIOK. O. 8 Escaped Convicts. W will rTrwrt1 r I0 MrkrbrMf-k IniiMuiktiuii u wiil Ir.'l to tk rMiul any oi,icl n-0 Irnratl New HPTr C m'. it nun Hour IIDOr tM) ;-ar ll; I'Mm bf Irtter or li-lrg .h, MATHKS A CO.. Su i r'.nirii4ntiol Nrw MaiHivar Voanty Work wy io-tf M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BY UIONLY AMOHKIS. Lyon's kCorner for Bent at Auction. .. ON FKIDAY.IlioSlb. initaut, tlllo'clock M , t Fxchirf ii t'omrr, will rout until eo'"Wr 1st, 1-T5 Ilia' commcdloui thres story Brick ImiMii g, M h. oorner of Market anil Wat- r trrt", m Ioii occupIrO bj J. I yon. 10S u Spirit Barrels. , fQQtK;TEIiSKOfD BAKD EW uis at d t'cuntrj 8 Irlt Barrel, Jq.t recelftil aid for mle lj DkKOSSET A CO. it It nut Hay, Corn and Oats- see hat, il,0.- l)uhellOrd, 900 ' , Oali. For .ale I.jr . KauOHNKH A CAt,lKH BKO Meal, Bice, Sugar and m j jCofiee 500 nnhPl rol tr tironod Maal, 50 Hliln. Rlc, '-- SSHt.l. Kr.n.d Sntl. (J 10 Hhilt lmrara tviar. M ant bj - . v. .. "-v . , ' . KRKOHXIK 041 JKti Bm Spirit Cask I Spirit Casks ! 'k"(iZm,"mH1K CALDBB BUHM. Bacon and 8. H. Molasses. SO Roim a.)ked NidM ai.d abmldera, Kie " I). S. Stile and B boulder , 0 Uhda. 8. U MoUmim, 4VV Bbla. 8. U. MoiaMJi. FaraaUby KEKOKMKli CAMJKtt BRO1. mayt 108 Baker's Premium Chooolate, Baker's Sweet Chocolate, Baker's Brouia, . , . Baker's Coooa, German Sweet Chocolate, Durkee's Salad Dressing, LeMarcbaud's Olive Oil, LeMarchand's Sardines. FRESH GOODS just in store. Arrivals by every Steamer twice from New York, twice trom Baltimore, and by Sto.iuer -id Hall rrom Philadelphia. CHAS D. MYERS &C0M ft & 7 Norlli Iroait Nt, THE 'MYSTERY. Explained! At 29 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, M. a 107-2w Bacon Sugar Coffee Hay, Flour, Etc. 100 Boxes D. S. Sides k Shoulders. 100 Boxes Smoked Sides aud Sboul dors, r 150 Bbls. Refined 8ugr, 100 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, ? 200 Bales Prime N. R. Hay, I.Knn Bbls. Flour all trades. 200 Hhds. New Crop Cuba Molasses, 100 Bbls. New Crop Cuba Molasses, 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, . ,r)0 Bbls. Glue, 250 Se cond Hand Spirit Casks, 50 Bbls. Whole Rice, 12,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 800 Ksgs Nails, i 200 Bags Shot, "., , ., s ' : 100 Bbls. S. H. Syrnp, , ' 75 Bbls. Mess Pork, 75 Tubs Prime Le'af Lard. ' 100 Boxes and Half Boxes Candles, : 75 Boxes Candy, - 60 Boxes Soda, 20 Cases Matches, j lOO Boxes Soap. - For1 tale low bv . WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Guano! Guano! 1 250 Tons Gusnape Guano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, r Tot ia! lew by ---- -; , WILLIAMS MURCHIHON. jnayg leH I Dnrcninc 5tTS, CARROTS, , 1 TUEKIPB AND OMON8 Far aal at . Q. B. W. RtTNOK'8. N. F.. Or new of Market and Second St. arrll t I I k. c. Thursday, i . . I - - oiiiiiAiiaajuais, MORE PARTICULARS! MY ASSORTMENT OF ) S IS NOW SPBffl IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers have thown their appreciatiem of my LOW PRICES by their liberal purcLases, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS hut posted, aud desiring the value of tln h money, can - iUOATZ'S, apt II IX nr. Central Railway. -EXCURSION TICKETS from Wil. AJ unagluD to Cliarlolte end rrtura, can row be SutcLaceilof Hio (ouiptt.y'i A.cnt at 913 c h. Uood to retarn kitn daye from date Of bios. . .. ' F. W. CLARK. Qeneial 'ticket A sent. may I WJ Iw C Soda Water. Ol 0e)Ll BOUA WATfcB ON ORAl(4H t and la Blphpa Poltlf a, at ' JAMKS. Q. MCNDS' Ilmg Store, third St., bpprelte Olty H'1. ll miey 4 A NOTHBK SUPPLY OF TfiO-K HANI), tewed. Srlilneww-d and tiablo Wire li.x-Toe L'lw.qimner Nlrnr. ol varum. Ktet. A lew !eiitn float 8 rap Tl"i end u:ll Sre. Ladles Mlpp-r In ( rli-ty. Irmn SI and up v.. rein. MlHK aid I lilldini's h(lel. a aiieidaltv. . . M. U. I.wllf BrimMSHWteriOBiywi. UHAKLKN A. CKIDB, No. 8 Market St , Sign of tbe llolden Hot. may 4 ; I' J The Mysterle of the lourt of Queen Anne. " ST WILLIAM UARniaus AiKawoaru. Paper. Price fo OiriU. The Mysteries of the . Court of the Stuarts. ST WILLIAM HASHMOS AIKSWOBTH. Parer. Price 76 Osnte. For eale at HEIFiSBERCER'S Live Bonk and Mnelo .Store, may 4 t " - - - 106 Nobby Styles. JKCFIVEIJ TO-DAY TEH HAruiioo auvtber lot of 3Ien ami Boy's Clothin , SOMKTH1NQ KNT1BELJ NEW. Thoee who winit flne Suite will do well to call early bslora tbey are aold. DAVID. ins may 4 1854. Baker Whiskey. QLD POET, Al.K AnO POUTZtt, APPLK8, OKANOKSAnd LKMON3. - - . , A ... ' t'HKSH 41HOCEIIIFS HY tVEKY , ' SIBAHIHI. H. W. 8HURE, No. 81 North Front St. may 4 1" 1 000 1'ABBItL', ri-ot,B"Ri1 '"') 200 BAGS COFFEE, 600 BBLS. S. IL SYRUP, 2,000 SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, 200 KEGS NAILS, 50 BBLS. SUGAR, ' 100 Boxes Dry Salt Sides and Shoul , ders, ' 50 Boxes Smoked Meals, And a full Hock of OHOOF.tllKS, which we Offer to the trade it low fljnrn Speeatl aiUnllon pad lo t-'tnlring low ratci 4 freight In Car Load Lot. BIN FORD, 0ROWA0O. t"T mT S may g. iws. ODDS COMPLETE got it by calling At - 36 Market Si. m-ir SECURE HOME. Hl'll.r I.OI S r. r aula In rtlneand btwllbv lueili'lf en I'a.tln. uhivIi, Aim, Nun, (irtrg.), l -ck, Vlii"nn4, PiliH'ewn, Mulberry H.atli, Hcventd, Wll .. Kiyltih, Ninth, Wimil, I hirlolte, IVBth, fl r nlli, 1'w.lilh, Tbtrtrenili and K.nrlfiiuli i.trrlK Ala , mtetai .ma I btjiui-((.;r fide mi MtLiactoty teiiua. App tto ilAMKS Wll eiN my 1 . ldt l Ice Cream I Ice Cream) T WILL OPKN MY I(1H OHKAM IAI.OON eju Ttinri'dsy. April ivd, J , . '. .' .. v Ice Cream, wad from pure rrpam, p ut lb any art of Hie city at "0 cents mt tju.rt, J. O LUMSI'KnT" P .. , S0 1W AT NEW YORK COST ! 1 H0 ) 1. 1' ' v .U' fFiWH, ITilOCT RfeStllVB. mi. eUilr. Slock A? OC8T for can onfjj InTr (tntrilto lit Ut UtV wleri. i . - BOSKOWITZ & LfEDER, 29 Market Stroct. INOTJOE, Our bill are niHde up to the tat of slay. Hereaftrr our tranoactii'lm Will l e fur cahi eioluelvely. FKIKMli wlio ate Inarrenra with ut are reepertftilly liifornird that IIipj will Incroaee tnir olillgattotie by a prompt nt tlement .i : t Tory reeiieettiilly, , BOSKOWITZ & 1.1KUF.H. may t rrjnrUiVji. BURNETT'S rerfect llahliig Towtlcr. Try It the bei-t brought to title market. Try It with our "Sew Process Kmplrej f lour" and 'satUfy" Yourself tt Is the "Beet." ' ' s ': ' new Butter to arrl? Monday, t(Best in the World " From our regular Dairy and "none genuine without our tamp.'' 100 100 . INo. 1 ...'JrlRokcrei At Si PF.R KIT. All CANNED FRUITS and VEOIlTA. BLK8 we h aye brought down tbe price and telling now Tory low. "thnd for prices. The beet opportunity to buy Canned Uoodaerer offered In thl market. Semi to tu and Me money. " " APPLES, OHAKOF.i and LEMONS, Parched Java ann L aguayra Cof fees "to arrire Won lay." Our weekly enpptyol' the Cooked Corned Heel Justin. Every houeekeeper thould bare it. Uenuine toiet by ' '"' ' ''.""" CEO. MYERS. II & 13 Mouth Front Street. If-lut may 2 KULElN WAKHIAM. By Mite Ellen Pickering? Old Myddelton'a Money. y Cecil Hay. . A Waiting Race By Kdmund Tatoi. A StraCge Braddon. World. By Mia) .M. E. , A Light and a Dark Christina. By Mri, Harry Wood. ' , ALL Nl SALS BT Conolcy l Yates. may S ltil w :lIKeUCAKINniidVI81ll. (Alll'lUlwlKlif at 111 45. BEOWN & 45 ARE NOW FULLY AFJJPA WITH A COJirr-KTK AKBOUTJIENT OF STAPLE MB F umprisliis; the .Novelties or tho Season. HTIUPEI) BUMMER BILKS 75 Cents, wortn ft 12l. v PLAIN GRENADINES from 18 Cents npwud. 1 r FIGURED GRENADINES 15c, worth o"o. ' LINEN CAMRRICH 2Ho. and uiiud. . 'I vrr helr) Nelucdoii ol Ntw nrnn UooeU lor I.ndloa anel Children' Weear, , FRENCH CAMRniCS 11 els , wo. th t!5 ots. a " NEW STYLUS IN GINGHAMS 1 1 eta., worth 17 eta. WASH POPLINS II ets , worth 20 ots. ILAMA LACE SHAWLS AND HIS 10 12 NOTTINGHAM HOE SHAWLS AND 8ACOUES, a itnnr i'' HHE1 f'AN,) BlM WI'H-IN WllTf K AND STRirES, A VERY larce assortnieiit at Ml NxirAntTM i, !.. .1 .... - - found in tbe cuuutiy, at puce s ruugu g lad lis, M M nnl Boysj Wltl to aiiA Striped Hose.' Oenta White aud Rlriped Rocks for Summer wear. 1 ' ' ' ' ,! T.o,li.. .....1 e: 1 tt. . . ,. i ut n. .1 ,c mumm 1- m -' VVOOKn hiiiI Tho largest lines oh MUSLINS eyur shown in this eity. suoh as . SWISS PLAIDS. , Stripes and Plain. , . nainsook rr.ATna,' i .. .. 1 ! iiomt'D miit OUrtANIHEH PLAIIW, ' i YAU1UK1A JjAWNH-: -!w i IiCliNltI'inilH IVlllllKI ,.,;! . . ' lutAt v jcie Maw Hjna ana dauiu &n. r 8 ILK AOE.N I'.S for I'raak fiier Hailerne MACHINE NEEDLES B Cents each. We Lavs several JOB LOTS In tliuereut duDurtnientfl. but waut.of space pr 1 vcntH u from enumeratiud a visit only 0!.E PRICE STRICTLY CASH NO SAMPLES CUT. . BR0W1T & E0DDICK, 45 Market, Street. Pi S. ' It has lienri atrhont hnposfdldo for u to pay the attention to onr pat- roim that wn wtmtd desire owing to tbe room. 1. We tako this opportunity m apologize to those, who have not been waite d on as proinpT "hoold wdi,' and wduld reooramend all who can to call early vu tuo day as wo can supw merAB CAPITAL. PRICES REDUCED THIO DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACLFIO GUANO for sole, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. ' Liberal terms will be made? with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho prices. , - W. II. McRARY & CO.. Coumlwlon Mercbantn. getitifor Paetlloauaiio Co., sadDealeralnNo. 1 Peruvian Guano . North Watkb Street, WlXniNUTOlV. N. Sub-Aoiits v l'or ;tho Sale V. I4IMIIA.1I..,. jantl MT. AIRY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Mt. Airy, N. C. orxxs mh of ma r, wa.- Board Per Month, . S35 ; Per Week, $12.00; Per Day. $2 00 "J AT equal to Ureenbtlrr White In every ret.peot, a-d tuperior In maay Partiee rli-ll;-ln the Hir tiK. by mil will g t off the earn lit Winston, N. ., wuure nt.gci willConTej them to the 8piliiK. , , , - , N. S. SMITH & SONS, . ; ,i Proprietors. aprlUt t j ltw-ain Children's Oarilagrcs. JSR'lK STOCK 'OF" NEW 8TVLE FOB Hj.rlng trkeio, Aio, Straw,! attintf, Wlwlow Sliader, ll .tl.n and Willow Cbalra, Fout Matr, Ice Uoxea, to ; ;i' . Fnrraleluw by II11B 1), A. SMITH 4 CO , Just Eeceived! rTALrN TINE'S V Mwl Jniw. PkKPAMATlUJI (it MiiU'I bud Se.d V8 o nl. quart .1(1 Ha'horn r-pnng water. Congicn r-ir' thtttrrM""m""m For .ale by , , GKBlCNifc FLANKER, ' march f ' " , . 13 ! . : 1 r 1 IliTeatcMl i In fctoeli! Prlvllrup in Wall sereif , Wails to mai y iuott.iiie UOLIAR pft fit, romprchi'i.riro fxtiiium tnrt clrrulara, eonUlnIng rletailnl ertaU'iuw t Hnitonotn'lnn prlox or all .t. k iti'lt In at tn e Act 1'orfc A'm It Eztitattge, nml.ed frt to thoee dlilfR to t e.-ulnto. Artdrpw, ALhX. rKOi H1N3MAM A CO., Bftnkriid Broki'ra Ol'n.W. T.Stn" F -l.ini'. M vi n i-i , lilOO $1000 wwnr.T? nn n om 45. RODDICK 45 PREPARED FOR THEIR .uu iniT-ni sbjriue will etui US frcm 20 et. fo 07. DRY C00OS, vimai unuerwear, Gents snd Boys Gane Underwear', " ' Octit's Jeans Drawers (tnsdo to onr spooial order). ' OoritVWMteDrssaShirUaii.1lt,U. n Aii 11 en uootis jor l.niim fl.wula t,m n.t. .A n f.Mu u,u b il.,WhW' v' can oover the ground. , ' , increase of our busiuess sad look of tuero more sttenuon. ispt xa-u Tt! 1,000,000. of Soluble Pacllic Guano. Old Hundred, N. a Marlon, 8. 0. S7-8mdw SPECIAL NOTICE. IHK PATE0N3 OF THE OLD E3TAB- , . lubed Saloon, Crock's Exchange," Aia'rcepectfuUy Informed that Ihe aboMee tahlUhtaent hae been entirely refltted and tutulrbcil. . , A Fine Cigar Store. ,h bn-t lirande, and elegant Billiard 8al00n have been added, -; U Mt, ,U'r! ' v : ' " " Th bout of t ACER BEER "n be ob tilutid by (he Ula, AUature ar J)Crf . . t W. H. CIRKEN, Propriety air!l30 COME EARLY ' ' ' ' ' ' AMU BUT , .... , Boots and (Sliocs FROM EVANS VokQLAHN'8 WHOLE eels and Ketall Hoot and Fhoe tur.,on i- riniM(ietret, where yo will find all the new ttili'e widths, toee, bcele, helghta, make, r'tee, colore, .oj, at the very loweet pneee. Wo tnko ttre-Ai care in teleetlng our .tjok of KikjU a d.thuee. We have bad much f uperl ence In the builiiii, and with many ethxrad vautairea. we nre Mire we ean aatlsfy you let g ol8iid pricte. We are thanktal for paat lvaHnd hoiie the generoua pnhllo will mm tintie th(r favor, i, i . -1 EVANS A VorGLAHN. brAyi.1"." . , Frcsii Water Gronci lien! Em Day. . J Hold Some Price aa Meant. ioo BALES WAT, 1,1100 BUSHKLJ COUNT, FUH rt. V'lT', ft).