Cm i ! ! in I i zri 1 i ' ' ';"" - - ' - j .i i i -i L.J.U-S-; VOL XXIV. HO. 109. miTTTTTQTOII. 17. C, FEIDAY. II AY 7. 1875. WHOLE 17076,873. WILMINGTON, N." CU li FEIDAY. MAY 7. l7f . - THIRD DAY OF THE NASHVILLE Im ,M I K', - SESSION OF. IH& STATE COM MANDERY OF KNIGHl'S TEiir Lilt. Nashville,' ktayh A-sIghtL'ttjii thiril uuj . ol tyu oprwg; BwUug of tho NuiiitllM;MoM horse Asb'd. was more favorable for races ; the weather was clear aud warm, aud track still heavy but ic tPI, "tatter oudoJtfou tliau on the" -torevroftJ days? The atteudanoe was largiM I'iriir Haee Link's Hotel, ataka Ar-gteei) hree year olds; Stetoback',' 2, 2, 1, 1 ; Ca ciougo, 1, 3, 2, 2 j W'oraestetj 4, I, 8, diatauoed;Qeo. Graham, 3, 4, ruled out; Or y Steel, 6, 5, ruled out; Bayonne, 5, distanced jli bland Viatagn, 7, itisUaoed; Piaiiroo, 8, distaacwd;' tiult 1.52, J.51J, 1.531. 1.56.: Second race, mile aud a fcualf dash, was won by Brakemailf, ) Went" 11a vfflata; time 2.51 f"; 1 Third rinje, mile aud quarter dash, was mon .by gypt, beating CUattanooga aud pywiiue in the.ofdnf nam;! Cumberland was distanced; time 2.18. , ...... ,. CAAttAHyotiir'Sfay C-Kigut-Th.' city is full of Knights Templar aud their ladies'froi) Wor.vGjuui)iuufry in the Bta'te. They held publio reli gious exercise 'this tnorniug. ' ' The Grand Conimaudery was open for butt incs ai noon to-day,-and the bauqnet takes place to nigUL.Tha covipwniv' drill toi the lifWVflp' Will "come oil to-morrow evening, closiug with a crand receDtion to-morrow nichtL 8 MEETING roj THE aJttllElN BAPTIST CONVENTION. ORGANIZATION Of A STAT1 PRESS ASSOCIATION. Charleston, - May 6Night-The Southern Baptist Convention met here to-day. Over 300 delegates were present, representing Maryland, Vir ginia, the CarolinavGeQjgiaFlorida, Alabama, Mijsiistii'uireiit.eaee, Ken tuck v. Arkansas and Texas: also a large tteat1Nito9 lif, pfA jauies r. iwgeff, ti juouisviue, was elected President; Rev. Dr. P. H. Mll, of Georgia, Rev. Dr. J. L. M. Curry, of-VwiwBew (Dw iB-tT." Winkler, A iialaiiUV, ' Drt R. Fuller, Missouri,;. YioerFresf dut, ajsi BavCl. a'McCall and Mr. W. O. Toggle, rjeerstariee. ' i"-- Reports were made of tbesucoeesful operation fc' Wh the Foreign and fljine Mlsefon Boards. "A deltgaiiou f rom Jthe Notibeni Baptists Was re ceived, Bad Dr. i Cutting, Secretary of the American Baptist Educational Commission, was especially welcomed. The editojOv8oth j Oarojinw; rep resenting twwlyMtr AeWpapers,met to-day Aad lormed a State iVess Asso ciation, With Jas. A. Hoyt, pf the An derson, Intelligencer; as President. THE CHOLERA -IN . BRITISH INDIA. .YAJ RED3!?1QX,IR ! OABLffii RATES) BBtjfaS?, 6 KoonBelgium haseoejj iraah note fromr Ger many ' PAWS,,May 6 Noon Bjshpp Levy, a PUljliyt.fSl ead.i tltU M ;.. London, May J Jfoon The ship Francis P. Sage Las arrived at Havre. She waea &e btiiaAe'flfttne were cxtingsiahed wit bo little damage to the cajga.:':'-'' ;::,,,: . The bark Arica, from New Organs for Havre, has been spoken in latitude 42, longitude 52, having .been slightly damaged by theaylliili i - ' A dispatch from Bombay says that the cholera; prevails' 'in.! the oity of Barsda, . It has not yet appeared in the camp of the British troops. . ' London, May 6 Night Fifty . per centtsthioifoq' of the; cable. .rates to NorJtJ"Aiil'a!rlpa pWases the commercial .flAHGornmr OPPOSITION TICKET IN THE CHAMBER OP COMMERCE d.,,b. ffirffcEQltjit.-r..,K .t)i-. . it is it'.Tti,,'. i ry5 oBfa Mynt6Tiight ihe Chamber of Commerg held its elec tion to-day aMI etrppositidtf ticket was erVtoled as follows: EJXJJabcook, FrmmrTm'arBrmrUt Vice President Go. j fhLfOh, M tce President Francis B. Latnrop, Treas urer; Geo. Wilson, Secretary. 1 trtaai'K'aMl 111 1 I' I 1 li INCREASE ' OP ' TROUBLES IN jHEQpAL. REGIONS. 1 SUJ-aUill DEATH WHILE CELE- Pottsvillb, May 6 Night Advi ceS from the tipper coal regiors are worse. Coflln notices, have been served on those who resumed work. The two and a half inch rope, used on the inolined plane, has been cut in five plfsrfl Tb bfentidd wW donbt less to kill the policemen. There has baetSPlplaftsd., across Bthe.-' tracks, du we uains are being run cau tiously. ,A ri!l1l, ,f, ,,),,,, y,M Phtxabelthia, May 6 Night. -This mornipg during the, olebration of first mass4 at LaSallfl' College, an lucRtfnna institute under the charge of O iothets of 'the 'Holy CfoSs, Brother Agelbert was taken with a fniuting spell, aud died in a short I tj die, J Jltte dcn.sed was a p-olnasor tu the tirat aeaaemio ciass; ue came 10 this country; in 1350. and had been eonne cUJ with LaSalle College as pro fessor of Englisa literature for sveu yeais. He had two sisters in Balti rnore, both Biembt-ra of religions com munities. . . ... , ' .,1 ELECTIUCIS31S. Tb City Council of Baltimore gives six thousand dollars to defray the c x pvnses of the Fifth Maryland 11 gi tneutto Buuker Hill. A dispatch from Salem, N. J., says: The ftraoier MavoT Re; bold Struck tlm obstruction 'near the mouth of Sa lt n creek ami ran ashore tu a sinking Addition. The passengers were takeu off by a tug. The proprietor of Chadwick's Mu- wura at WilroiugfiOj Del.,' has Iweu arrested charged with nxoriode. I Wife murder, j - - t - The bridge thirty wiles uorth of UdrnellBVille, N. Y., on the Hornells villa ti Attioa Branch of the Erie road, said to be one of the largest structures of the kind in the world, was burned. At Columbus. Ohio, a new Demo cratic daily newnpappr entitled " The Columbus Herald,' appeared yester day morning, with T. J. Ewing, editor aud proprietor. . The State Department has advices that Spain ha paid Coah ng the en tire Virgiuius award, thus, closing this complication. . ; , l liarles l.amb, t..s Utt Denounced all spirituous liquors as 'Wet Damnation." Poor fellow; he knew whereof ho spake, by sad t-xpe rieuce, and if living, would apply the Ssme to Alcoholic Exoitauts, ad vert is- d as Curealls. But tliere is ow, Tonic uud Alterative in exihtenue tue best the world has ever known which con tains no alcohol. It is Dit. Walker's Caukoknia Vinhoab Bittkrs.. 3 t ; t DIED. rl, THOMAS WAI.KKK. jrouiigMt ion of Uiuef I. anil Cornelia K. Mull., aned 1 year, muiitha and 2H tiny. me tun.iai rerncc. win n nam tin. morn ing, at 0 .'clock, it ft J.mea' (. hurch. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Produce Exchange Thera will be a meeting of th Produns Ki oUmh. tbllyKrit 7) at W o'clock, to takn lula ooaiililiaOun U gaseral .unpenttuu ol liunintiM on tbe lotb or Mj. Member, are re tjM.luil? uuiillid i ij' k Uy urJr u tlio Bmrflio'' --J . 4 L KlOHAKU W. AM'KEWH, - Hi retary and 1'r.unrer. - may T l(W-lt 1 HEADQUiBTEESA- WHMIN&TCN LIGHT INFAMY, GKhEKAl. OUJEH ho. 10,. i; ATTEirnoirr : Y.a are coaomaaded to appw at yowe Ar- mor,attif'Cnrrlu'4 Hal," oa tteond atreft. llii.evrulng at 8 o'clock, tn full ndltorm. K 'ery- wt.iaber -wk. bas frdnredl a ualturm wllLuall n h doccotary at toe i.apajif .n4 gut lil. order tor tb. umo. , order of Captain M. P. TaYtos." " . , t J. I, MacKRE, J Orderly Sergeant iakj 1 , ,. ri -( ; ' US-It To the Public. Being no longer In th. employ of tb. City (a. City Scaveugetujw. heraaiter olfer our .ar victotha publio aa ludapeadaitt ca gera, wiiiplyiug with, all raquireaMDUoC tl4 citr antlionlle. in eonreylng all m.twr be yoi'ul tbe city limit. ' W. raictfnliy ajllcit orders and proialia fli.m.t ktiettioa. j ( . ( Order, loft at Mr! 'KrlngVa Store, corner Second and Marlert atrU j will lrctlre laar dlate attenti u. L, PKKK1NS,; may o-at q. rutji Jiirivt. iJumviiwiA , t 1 ' i ? --- H'H"tf No. I William Street,! a a ' NB WTOBK,J)ay td, lMi..' LTOVHotlce. IHAVK RESUMKD.MV BUSINESS AR. rangemenU with Meaara. Wllllatna, Blaok A Oo., KolWilhainatrMt, Ntw Tork, dating from 1st May lual. mayT-tt . ,. WM. BLANKS. , Blue Flannel Suits - MADE. TO OKUEB.CIt. t ILI'MJl .1 u . uUlllUl JAMES s.jiouounicri... ' a U .2i 4 w J ,i 4 , ; Cheviot Suits 4 TO ORD'Etti-aio; ' III l 1 II At JAMES MoGOKMlOK'S. EbeIisIi fancy Caswre Suits rjio oauKiu-tss. v ; At i'1'.-i ! JAMBS MCCOUUtCK'S. , : Hantlsome (Ltcnniaf Suits fj0 ORDEIl-BometbUig Rxari-HJlj. At' ' ' AME McOORMICPt'H.' may 1 p,,,,0.a'-PrlAnii , PMoErapliS' of- FnnutflrB. .(Im.w 'T -si'Infft f pBOTOORAPBS AN11 PB1CE LIST OF our stock of Furlrare, rnrDislecI pn'arinllcA )ll - I Hill lOi M tlon to purciiaaeri ,c T ' A 'It K I 7!( t !! I D. A. SM.n tl A OO. , may I Wi:nniNucAKDtfaua4vtMririti UAHOwanwoialtyat Uia , 1 , Hirst ,in vujmiaj. urriujs.... S1W AU7EB.TIS13I2ST1 WiimlngUn Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. MKMRIHS : U1 b a eatitaU aiMtiu attb. UallthliL rrtd,.t P. M. , 1 ' M..fU.IJOR, rT Official BepMtT" Th rbllovtrg U a earreot rvport f th. mJm ol SKW1NO MaUHINBs tt. Ua4 lui lompftiiM. dttrlug U. pwl rar() fmn A orliil luauuliu. ( lb. If him wul tkmw that tbe Ml. ol lb. SIN8KH" kn larg.!; Inr e r.Kd tank wtr, wbil. M Ik Mnimiy, com mi ouduig der.M m am la th. mim r-twrUtl bj all oihar MapAaiw. biow.ti. qm.Lluu Baluralljr arm: tUw lag IM ibw ol .flair, lart? How long will tbotb.r i ompaalr. k. able t. k ifitn In oar ill Iterant citie. anil town. wka Ui.jt arcmllsf bt maohluaaT All hium wti tklak boyl.i a naubiA. abuall mum It own in. tme.l mnd get a gtwil .11. Iron lb. old, rallabl. SINOKK MAN f FACTUK15U COMPANY. SltWl.i8-M4CHtN SAUM FOB 1ST Utrkxiut Soil. Tin Bil.i M AseraoTraiaa Co HI ft I WUwn Maaafaoturtafl U. , VI in How. s.wlng Machln. Oo. (Mtlmatod). 1,w Douimtlo b.nlng-Macbla.Oo.. 4. H TWJ W.4Sewlng-MehtiM UO...... SS .SS O rover & Baker 8. M.o. (.rtlaiatod).. IO.vOO Krmlngton Kmplr.M.w sg.UMhla. eo. IT,S(M wlluuS.whjgJlohiB. oiav..n.. IT fU Wiluoi AUIbla.wli Maoata. o.... IS.Tla Am.rioan B. H is IM rior.uoS.wlng.MaoaiM as , HIT Keoor S.wlng Maobln. 00... iM I i , AIE1 Of 1ST! -h .'4 Jfii SaU Ths Sm.ia MasiiVAOTtmisa U. l4 VVbclsr A Wlloon Maaafttetarlag M..IIS.ISS i..meaiin a.wlng MaThln. Maipanr .... M,IM OroverABakar 8wlag.Maohtn Oo.. M.ITS Wm.1 S.wlng-Marhtn. company . i IN. Wllron Sawibg M. chin. oeoiiu II, Mi How. Maobln. company..... .......a. r.tni. WUoox A Qlbbe Sewing Mebln. 5,I8 Amerioan Vulton-lloln, o.... U.ISS Kentlngtoa Enlr Sewing Maehln. oo. t,NS Florence Sewlog-Maehln. coatpaay..., S Sfo H.oor s.wlng M.chin. oompany, 4410 -. BAUKt or IMS. JfaaAiMf Sold. Tns Sia MAivrAorraisa Uo 81S.ISS WiiMler A Wilaon Maauraetarlng 00.. 174 OHS How. Maobln. oompanr (eetimaiwd)...l4S SO. Oroter A Baker Hewing Macbin. eo..., aS Oomealio S.wlng-Mwbln.Miiranj... 4S.6A4 Wtcd Bewiug-Mabin. eomnaay .....41,444 WMoox A Ulbb. Mrlng-Maflhia. so..., IS SS Wiiwm sewing M.chin. eea py ...... IS.4M A nui lain B Tl u lS,ts 'breiM Sewlnt-Maebla. eoaniaay..,. 1A.TUS DatIi Hewln a Macbin. oaaanaay . ....... Il,tl4 Bomlngtoo, tapir. S.wlng-MaoblB.eo. 4,"U 1 , HAtsiiroaini. Mackiiul ttld. THiSmniR MAsrrASTvaisa Oo lll.tae WbMlw A WlleoB Maaai.etarlag oo..ll-,Si Oroter A Bake Boorlai Maoajna ob.SHS WMd Bwwtng Maokta. eonpany . . . . , . . , H AM now. oat nin. mispaaylJ.B t laValr 11 M.SIO SO, ifT wila). i-.-tng HmUm oowipaay...... American B. H. -. MS to.isi original How. S.wlng Markla. .... .. tS MI Floaenc. s.wlng Maoata. puy.... lfi,M7 I)Tt Sewing Maflitn. Mmpaay ,. HAI D imi-atio Sewing Machln. oompany.... 'S .11 mayT , .i-.i.-ii r . . JMlw Escaped Convicts. W. will pay ' mt ia Am nk inrermatioa a u a I l.d to th. cptnr.of any cenlcU Moapad from tb. Kew HnoywrCou ty Work Hon, alas. tb. yar ISIS. AdAre. by letter or telegraph, MATHBI A CO.. In rerUil.n4ont.of hw Hanovar Uownty Work Uoom, Wilmington, K. 0. may a loS-tf M. CRONLYi Auot)enr, , BT I'BOHLT A M0BBI8. lyon'slCorner for Bent J at Auction. ON FBI DAT, Ik. Ith laMans, at rto'.lot K., at IxcbaBt Crr, ,ww will aalil October lit, lets, tbat oommodiooa thros sUary Briek sliding,,' M. si. oaraor t Mark aad Waiter, eo long bccupUd oyj.l yonl Eaij. s 4 i'tt.. t s h may s . t ' ' r. loo-zi ay ! Hay! Hay ! Jun 'raoslVexf rei Scbt. H. T. Tbwnaand fl BALES CHOICE t ASTER MAY. ALSO 150 BALES 8KIKCTKD MIW'TOKK im i, -K f :i ; 4 ; HAT. , ' Vor tal's lew from whar, la lots to loll) ty a. w n itcheIjIi av Ban, lUT-st mays THE T.lYOTEriY ,?lt;jA ,JiI3j .,.1.0 - .1 Explained h r tor-. !,. tl "i I At 29 North front Strtf WILMlBaTOK.M. a mays 107-lw j; Buggy Hatneia,; Wagoa Barmw, Drar Fame.., Oart Bar aea, Gollara, Uamra, Baekbaada, Bllad and Hiding Brldlea, Halter., Curry Comb., Uorre BranhM, Peatb.r Daatere, Tnitiwa, Bag. and SatohM, Dammar Lap Robes, Whip., Mpara, aad all kind, of BaddlMy Qooda at bottom prioMa1 "" . ' . CARP.ENTER MALLARD. , . JMIIirtr.tT lT 1 J. B. TOPHAM 00.. U. ("Southfront Strort, Wilmington, N. C .aprW!"! t $ -,f f 1 ? ff . .... i i. .11 1. 1, j, .im , a I r -uoiaiioro w Plug and Cigars ana '' Smokert' 'Articles ST" D. jVIGOTT. '104 ayl ' .gome early; fn 1 -i 11 e' ..t'-tiMtO lHIBXrt " Doota ixnd Olxooo FROM ITAR9 A TosOLAHWS WHOLE Ml. and ttMall Boot and Sbo Star, on frlneenMrf.t. wket. yea will tnd all tb aew.tjle. wtdtha, tow, beel k.lgbta, maho, el aea. oolora. Ao.. at tho war lewmt nrieaa. W. tak. (mat ear la sabtetln oar .took f aliioaj a aniie. . w. Bay. Sad tones txnrt aura In (k. bunlwa, and with many otharad Vantages w. ar nr w. a wtari yoa la gnqda anrl nrloaa. W ar. tbaoklul tf pMt fatot. .nd hop. tb. g.a.rf aubli wlU oon tlnn laolr fTnr. ' V EVANS AYohGUHN. , siayl' '"'' 10S nv ADVESTISEJIEST8. MORE PARTICULARS i MI ASSORTMENT OF SPRIMGISi IS II07 COIIPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers have shown their appreciation of my LOW TRICES by their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS not posted, and desiring fAe value of their monry, can get it by oalling ' AT .' Mi M. EATZ'S, 36 Market SI. BprU It XCURION TICKETS fro WD aiiu(toa to OharlotU aad ratsra, oaa aow b. furoiaaod of Us Company 1 Agout at 1S ich. Oood to rotara nr. a day from data f karoo. .... '' ' F. W CLARK. G.aual Tlokot Agmt. 1W Iw may ; I "flare tins Da? Bccciyc! ; A H OTB SB SCrrtT Of THOB HANO. J Mw.d. Maeblnsaowed and Oabl. Wlr. Box-Toa lAw-qaartat Hboo. af .artoiia atylaa. Ala O.uta tioat Hi rap TI-. and Nulll Sera Ladla. silouen In araat TAibrty. from l and upward.. Mum, and libUdr.u. Ihoo. a aioiaity. M. . Ladle. Brans. Slinpemoniy Si. VM Harl.t It ,i.a f Ihs Oeldaa Boat, rtriw MyBtarlBt r th n - Cotii4d6ennnei J , i, .;. .., ,.- I ,,( ,,,,.. ,,, (BTWILUAal BAaaisoi AlSawOBtH. J FapoT.i sHts H fAats. ' Th MyBtriff th (iourtof the Stuarts. sr William BAaaiaoa Amawoats i Papor. jTwaal. at FrlooTS Oenia. ISZirJOOERQGR'O I Uvs Book ad Mad. Stertf. 10 Hobby Styles. EOSITID 10-DAT FEB EXPBEBS aaothwtotof .t - Hon and Boy's ClotMng, U - ( 1 IbMBtHlNU BKT1REL1 NEW. ThM who want Oa Suits will do wall to eall early b.for. they ar. told. ...-, A. DAVID, may 4 10 1854' Baker Whiskey LD rOTf ALB AMD FOBTEB, : - APPLES, . . .,. OBANOBSaad k-ftBSH OHOCBHIES SIV EVEMY BTMAlrJCB. ,i ', ,.. ., ... ...,! ,,. .. ' : H. W. SHURE, j No. 81 North Front Bt may 10 I. FRANK COC'S ' Anamiiat BnBt'hiphat, . : . roB Jf.r B BALI FOB CASH OB OB OBOF tlm j i . viUJ rAuauui uu. aarehll . Tt-tl SPECIALHOnCE. T j - i v-., It... THE FATB0M8 OF THE OLD E8TAB Ube4 Balooa, Ar rowpoct fully Inform!) ibat 1h abo ea tabllahm.nt ha. bean .atlrely r.flued and famalhwdyj, j jj " ; J 1 1 i ' A Fin Cigar Stor. eontainiac th. bai braada. and aa elegant Billiard Saloon har bea added. ... . . xi:iMl ! j' j Tk. boat of LAOCR BKtR eaa bok tlDd by the tflaaa, M.Man or Bag. 7 W. M, OERKIN, BDTlDEIS'HAiFAl " ''f J': '' -'i II'.' - i A FULL LIME AT , , ,, : : New Hardware Store.1 GtJBSAatC&CHISON, MSorth Front St. start ... i .... S - ' tICURE A HOME. BVILDINO LOTS for tal. Indeal- rabl. anil hoallby tooalllle on l!atle, utaorch, Ana, Mua, Drang., Uok, Cbnatnut, rrmroaa. aininerry, mo, neT.utn, numn, Blghib, Ninth, Wood, I barlotU, Tenth. lrt .nth, Twelfth, Thirteenth and fourleonth treU. A loo, Mmalaaiail hounea for t al. oa aatlafacloty terna, may 1 A mil to ,1 AMK8 Wri HOW. 104-lw Ice Cream ! Ice Cream! J WILL OPEN MT tOB CREAM SALOON wa Thurwlay. April t'Jd. lo Orwaa, aiads from par erosm, Mnt la any part of th. Ky at TB Mnte per quart. '.0tOMinCtf.' aprU ,.-4- -f-tc W-lw , H IW YORK' COST! 1 ; . . i 1 a, ti' a - .......... s .-j rrTB OFFER, WITHOUT BKSKRTB.oa. ktlr. Stock AT OUST for carhonly. Out aatomm ar layitad to partlclpat. villi tbe pabll. u tk. great bargain w. offef. ' 00SKOWITZ ft UEOER, 89 Market Street. .. 'lXOTlOB, , Our bill. ar. mad ap to tb let of May. . t - J I ,; r Hereafter oar transaction, will for cash eiolualTly. FBJEhDS who ar la srreara Ith as sr rip.etraI1y Informed that th.y will moraas oar .bllgaUoas by a prompt wrt- Uam.nt. i ' Tr nqxoUiilly, i s BOSKOWITZ A LIBBER. 1 . I I. too mayt "perfect;' BURNETT'S j ...... , ......... ., n , Perfect Baking Powder, Try lt-U but broogbt to tila market Try It with nr Btv Process Emplr riONr" aad 'satltfy" vourmlC it Is th Bt. ' ' - wwButUrtorri-fMndy ''Best in the World," From oar regulsr Dairy anil "rob genain. wltbont oar ttamp." ' ' ' ' 100 KITS 100 IV o. 1 JWtackerel ! ,iAi9jpEKrr."'. All CANNED FB0ITS and TtOETA BLESw. b.T. broBghtdowa th prleiial Mlling now Tory low. "Snd lor price a." Tb. beotoppurtualty to bay Gannad Oooda.T.r oSbrllnthla mark. Bond t ni aad a mon.y. APPLES, OBANOES and LEMONS, Parched Java ann Laguayra Cof fees "to arrly. Monday.":' ri'ltui'. Our weekly .apply or th Cooked Corned Bf Jnat In. Bry housekeeper ikoold bar. It. Gennln. Mid by , . , CKO. MYERS, . t' A II South Front Street tos-im may 1 ELLEN WAKmiAM. - s .1 -I- ... I'.- - By Mil. Ellen Plokering. Old Myddelton'a Money, By Mary Cecil Hay. i i i ;k:u;i .' !.." - A Waiting Rao. Bj Sdmond VaM. Jt, 1 ,.liV.ff ' 5 t fv M A Stracga World. , By Mia M. B. Braddon, : . ; . ,'!!.; i ' ,T- 'i 12 ' if ' - A Light and a Dark Christmas By Mr. Harry Wood. . - . all voa alb av I ' ... -.1 i -v; Conoloy & Yates. mays 10T 1 D fl I ITI M f) MtATJ.I KAEDUXKIloa r it III I IHU th ahorteet notlo and on th bhnH rmMonabls Uima .t tho OOBMAL 0FF10B ' SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. bbown & tri K.l nil lll.l .tt i j '' ..'!A.l I -Hi-i f t; ) " I 1 I f I . ;.l .. t ! f,.-,;i. i . . . . -, ARE ROW rrtliY niRTARED FOR THEIR . , , :..i.- : .... ., v, . f" '.".. ' : WITH A qOMPWiTU AHSOIITMEIST OF STAPLE AUD FANCY DRY GOODS, ,. ': -.ii -f--l n.i.sir".-( .t.. it i.m ! " '"'"I ''' ' ComprLsInj? (li Novelties of tfio Sciinoii. ; RTRirEI) SUMMER SILKS 75 (Vtits, Worth $1 12,, , . . . PLAIN OREMAD1NE8 from 18 Cnts nnwnjil, ' ' ' '' FIGURED GUKNAUINE8 15a, worth t)7c. UNEN CAMWUOa'JWc anaurwwd, , s 1 ; 'k ' ' -,,! ' ' ! 1 " ' ' : ' A rr I'holc ISelactloii ol Now IrM tr. j- '' ' ' ' -. FRENCH CAMBRTCB 15 Ms., Wot tR 25 ola. ' ' ' . - NEW bTi'LEU IN UINUUAMH 11 cttt.. worth 17 its."' ! ' ' ' , ... WASUrOl'LlNS els , worth 20 oU. ' ! REST CAUCUS 10 oU., worth 12cU. L'LAMA LACE KTTAWLH AND 8ACQUEH, , , . NOmNGlIAM LAOE H AWL3 AND SArdrJES, ' . :. bUETLAiND BUAWIjH. IN WHITE AND 8TRTPEH.' A VERY larce assortiueut of tiUNHlIADEH. tbo latoat stvles that can be fouud in the couiitrj, at priors rsning Ladies, Misses and Jloyx Gents White soil Striped Rucks for rftwd f w .4i.J aJ.. i !..-.. yi Uiiiliiia uuu iiiinni-n iiiiu&o iuut' "vnij i ,i i ' i W i. flpnta anil llovs (Iuuza tlniliirwoar:' Gent's Jns Urawi (made trt our spraiul order),' 1 ' , .,. 4 a h t, t Uont's:Wliit pirSsatthltU Bud Bows; . - ' - . ' , . " WooUm ajid Liuca Gootls for .Uonta aud Boss wear, ,i The largest Tines ori MtTWLlNfcJ er showa in tUi-oity, buoU as ,,,, 1 - HWIHHrLAIDrt," "l"'"BtfirHsnndrittio. ' ' ' 1 i . i. NAINHOOKl'lWODH, t ,,. ( ' " ' - ' ' ! VICTORIA LAWNS,. .' ' .. 1 . , .. ,!u,ti Hirndr4 IVom Ml itpvi niM. ! . . , MT WE WILL BUOW lor ONlli WKliK k very hartilsomn Une of DRAV D'ETE MANTLES id, SACQUE3. 9f 8'JLB AOENT.1 for I'rAllk l oatln Cut I'Mimr fnurn , MACHINE NEI0LE8 5 CntB . ' Wo have several JOB LOTS la Uitf urout aepartwuntti, but want of spaoeur , . vflulj us from eoumsrating ; s visit oulv oiui covor tho ground. OMI PRICE-ITRICUY'CASH-Nt. . AMPLE! CIC ; ( BB0WIf,;Obl) Street. ; P. 8.' It has bwsn' stmo'st (rhpossiMo for us to par the attention to onr pat rons that we would desire owing to thd innrouso of our husiiiess aad lack of room. We, take this opportnnity ta' spoldgize ,to thoso fho have not been waited on as promptly as wo should wl?h,' Ami would rooommond all who can to call eariy in me aay as we can snow mm Fn mm co.; CAPITAL. i , ' ' . I I" l,'i?' : ' vi:i. I . -(ih annii . j. ,. , Is" i 'lit . i ,n i-'l !t,.:l PRICES REDUCED, THIS DAY. ! TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Ouano st our Wareho ,. prices, 1 " Ooinmlialon Mercbanu. I junta for Paolflo Sub-i gents lor tho Sale r. . oiBjd.i.,,..,..,,, C ttU A HAITI.,.. JaaSl - - L.L-4l-iJLiU.- U-JJL ,'J-J . I JJ L- 1 'J ! I .' i : 1 ' At $53.00 per Ton, Cash, or jfiO.W); pajr able 1st of KoVember, nextj ' ' NA.VASSA ACID PHOSPHATE- At $33. 00 per Ton, Cash, or $38. 0 , payable 1st of November next, WE GUARANTEE that the pr.Tioua High Qra , of our Fortllliora aUaU, be Mil Maintaikso B. B.BHiDOKUH, PreaM.Bt . IK MoBAE, Treasurer, U, L. UriAFFLIN, SupeTlntenitent. ja .: . MT, M WHTfB SULPHUR SPRINGS, Mt. Airy, N. C. OfM Oi1 AM 1; 1875. ' Board Per Month, $35 Per Woek. t I2.S0; Per Day. B2 DO ; AT EB .qua! t Greenbrier White tn .rery re.peot, ard lujrlor In many- Partlei ylait ing tb. Spnngs by rail will gt off the can at Wrnatnn, N. 0, where Hagaa will coarej tbera totb 8ptln.. , , - i - - - ; , .Proprietors. SprllW1, T .1 f V ' M Water Groiictl Meal; Eycry Day.; Hold BajaaoPHew mm llesa. too ' i 1,660 BTjaitELl CORN, cakkbd noons, ' """ FLOUK. MEATSf Be: " UKANT dc HIIVTniV. luc-diftwu may 1 boddioe: Oooila fur l.nUlo Knit Clillilrru's frtni iiO ots. to j7. - , . White and Striped Hose, Hummer .wrsr, IT. 1... I ! i meramore aitennon." piiB-ti nil -frtii'i'i H1 I 1,000,000.' in i,,i i , ;-i w. ir: mcBAry & co.t Ouano (Jo., and Deals la No. 1 Permian Ouano " ..' North Water Street,' f f , i i -ii ) '.I, it of $oIutIe Paclllc Ouano ..,.w....r...K.v.V.l.;;.,i'.'oi'd armrj,ir. o. ' At. rloil, S 0. . . I 1 a7-3muAw 11 '1 1 JJ -U-Ul-Ul 11 J ILUt ilU.UlLJ.' ll 11 1 ' WE OFFER 11! i j'''..' OUR STANDARD FERTIXIZEIIS ' For the Season of 1875, delivered oo I the Cars, at Our Faotory, st the following "Vi ' r' SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO ' NAVASSA GUANO COMPANY iatii SAiainTOM. n. c ".-"-" '4-eoil-dw4m Hay, Corn and Oats; s ; "SOO BitEHAY,'. ' ' j" 9,0M Boaliela Corn, ' ..' " " ' ! ' ' foraaleby " ni . KEBCHNEU OALOEU BROS- MaMaaaaa-M I Meal, Rice, Sugar and , - ' i;onee. ;; :; ,;K'i , -. . '.., ... . t,,.i .r- (..'(!. lit Mill BflO BuffielaFreah Wator Ground Meal, , . ' SO BblfcBlce, ( il"i ; : ail HI. la U. Hnnd BiivKH. y 10 Hhila. Damerata Bngarf' 1l !"- 1 ' ; uw nwi viuktii Kuf'iU ilvi I'll! '.. I ' For ml. by - , J KEROHKER OALDKH BBOS ' Spirit Casks! Spirit Casks t ...jr.salsbiUA, ,.,-.,.,, .. q i ) JKKKOHNEK CALDEB BKOS.' ( Bacon and 8j H. Molasses. i i. , , ,." ! ;i. , 80 'SoM'Stadfcrd' trait 'atid ShabMer, , . 10S . " ,!.. 81dt and SUoaWera i"i ' 00 IThde. 8. H Miilawo, i 4UV Bbla. 8. H. Molwras. 1 For a.le lr KKKUaNEU A CALUEK HUOH mays l'