oil VOL. XXIV. HO. 110. wmmroTOH, n. c. Saturday, hay 8. 1875. 7H0LE HO. C.874. 'Cbt ;rli IcnntaL WILMINGTON. N.- O. : , 8ATUBDAY.MAY8.1875. BYJTELECRAPJi. A.NOTHEr NEWSPAPER A T - WASHISQXON CITY, I NIPORTANT STEAMBOAT DE- CISION. y WashOigTonV May 7 Noon The Ljijcbburg Republioon r -appears hreyita Nolau ami Comann on dock atid Hardwioke at the helm. Washinotov, Mar 7. Night. The Comptroller of Curreucj oalla up on the National Baiiks for a statement of their affairs on the txt iust. Thin uotioe and Wank, wiil be mailed ou Monday next. It bas been deeidod by the Treamny Department that steamers origimuijr bunt for carrying freight, and nfti-r- ardi ehauged to paaengr steamers, must ba provided with the cross bulk heads required upon vessel built aa passenger btoamyrB, and that old boil vnt may be used on sew boata if they have previously been innpfoted and found to meet the requirements of the law in foroe at that time, and may be allowed Buoh pressure aa npon tent they may be capuble of beuring. .EUROPE. , ,'-?.. " t MOODY AND 8ANKEY IN .LONDON. GERMANS EMIGRATING FROM J V' 4 RUSSIA. London, May 7r-Noon The Chris tian OaLraoadp closed last night. Mr. Sankey, 'jMaj. j Colo, I of Ohiougo, and many English and Sootoh ministers made speeches. An interesting dia-cii-sion was held on the value of 8uu day tiohoola. The speakers strongly advocated a lay agency as a measure for conversion. BBi4N, May 7 Noon Six thousand German families are preparing to emi grate from Russia on account of the oppressive oonsoriptiou. WEST INDIES. THE REVOLUTION AT TORT AU PRiNgfi pcppRjaasEp; Port ad Prince, May 7. Noon. The revolution has been suppressed by the troopa. , Gear. Poire was killed upon the breaking on! of the trouble. Foreign Consulate were immediately crowded i with refugees. Martial law was proclaimed. The proclamation oontaming the promise of amnesty to those who would surrender. Tran quility has been restored. KENTUCKY. THE AMERICAN MEDICAL AS .CSOdEATlON. " ; LotrisviiiiH, May 7 Noon. The Medical Association to-day appointed delegates to represent the Association at the Congress to be held in Brussels in September next. A committee was also appointed to confer with the Can adian Welical Association on the sub ject of holding an international con vention. -" " ; EiETRItISMS. General Neill, commander of the I oops at the Cheyenne agency,reports th it fiityseven of the Indians who w ire tried Bt Fort Sill were oonvicted and sentenced to the Dry Tortugas. The boiler of the, steamer Senator piploded on Thursday, just after leav iug the dock at Portland, Oregon. The forward portion 6f the boat was blown to pieces. Capt. MoGill, Purser Lasey and a number of the crew were killed and many wounded, James B. McCreery was nominated for Governor ; of , Kentuoky, on the fourth ballot. ' ft China has engaged Confederate Gen. Ripley to construct works on an exten sive scale for the defence of the coast and the principal rivers. Gen. Ripley sails from London for the East in a few days. An ex-conductor was killed by a Cincinnati Adams express messenger after the messenger had reoeived two shots. The robber sawed the end of the door, while the messenger claims that he was awake. Gea, Sheridan's father is dead. Wm. E. Sturtevant, the triple mur derer, was hung yesterday at Plym outh. He was steady to the last. The arrangements were complete and the affair was a suooess. The curiously arrangedpulleys . end weights that jerked him were patented. The Sher iff of different counties of Massachu setts were present to witness the suo oess of the experiment The Richmond and Danville Rail road Company have paid the interest due on their bonds since the first of May, and have relieved two hundred thousand dollars of tie debt of the road. :.?. A female swindler, calling herself Mrs. D. C. Elliott, has been victimiz ing the Richmond, Petersburg and Norfolk banks by means of raised drafts. CUBA. MORE TALK ABOUT CRUSHING . THE -REBELLION. . NrwYoBKjMay 6 NightHavana letters say the battle of Palma Cola greatly elated the Spaniards; they only require about three months to oruh the rebellion completely; ever so many Cubans killed, and only one Spaniard was hurt, . STATE NEWS. The Hash county jail doors stand wide open. The scarlet fever is in Charlotte with several fatal cases already. The revival at Toisuot continues with unabated interest There have been over fifty conversions. - Paul Criitehfletd, an employee on the Nor hweateru road, bad his arm badly mashed ou last Tuesday, at uwnsooro, wnno coupling car. Rev. A. W. Mangum, of Edeuton Street Methodist Church, in Raleigh, hai been invited to deliver the ant.n il address at Greensboro Female College. Rev. Dr. Hooper, LL. D., has ac cepted tin invitation to deliver the address of welcome to the members f the State Medical Society, which con venes at Wilson 'ou the J8tU iu&t. The Winston Sentinel says: .Little Cuailie"Ogburu killed a crane mar town last week tlu't measured live feet seven and one-half inches from the tip of one wiug to the tip of tba other. The Tarboro Southerner says: We are pained to aiiuour.ee the critical condition of Mrs. flen. W. D. Pender. It is feared she will not recover. She is suffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. The Charlotte Observer says: A man named Peter Peeler, of Cleaveiaud county, hung himself in his barn Wed nesday. It is a singular fact that Crow, the former owner of the planta tion ou which Peeler lives, hung bini slf some years ago near the same spot. Peeler was deputy fhcriff, and during the war was Lt. Col. of Milta. The Southerner records a Demo cratic victory in Tarboro last Monday, the result of which was that Jesse A. Williamson, Jacob Fehleuheiuier, Frederick Philips, Daniel W. Hurtt, Alex. McOabe and Joseph Cobb, were ekotcd Oonimishioners, four of whom are Democrats, ,t The Charlotte Eagle says: Mr. J. Armstrong, aged 03, a resident of Gas ton county, was thrown from his bug gy and killed last Tuesday, while re turning from Dallas to his home. Mr. Armstrong, we learn, had be-.n drink ing heavily, and on the. road leading from Dallas to the South Fork, his horse becam frightened aud threw him out, breaking his neck on the wheels. The Rocky Mount Mail says: At the land sale last Saturday Mr. Wm. & Battle bid off a beautiful lot on Churoh street, and immediately presented it to the Episcopal Church. - This is a handsome present, and we trust that the Church will bestir itself and soon commence the erection of a handsome building. Quite a large amount bas already been subscribed. The Salisbury Watchman says: Mr. J. W. Bradford, of Davie, has left on our table several specimens of mineral rocks, indicating deposits of iron and copper, and possibly silver. These specimens were taken from a shaft sunk by Mr, B. N. Allen, of Ful ton; and they promise something, and we hope it will turn out that there is a valuable mine of some character at the place named. The Charlotte Observer says: In a letter to Col. Brem, Capt. Blanken- ship, of the " Richmond Howitzers," says he thinks his battery will come to Charlotte on the 20th, if the Centen nial Association will furnish horses for the guns and officers. Notice Col. Brem's advertisement for forty horses. Thehowitze.s are said to Lave the handBomest unifom, and to be the best drilled military organization in the Southern States. LINT or UNCLAIMED I.TTTEBS Bemalning In the Post Office, nay nil, 18T8. A John Austin, David Adams. B Annie Bennett, Bettie Brown, Caroline Brant, Dealia Bryant, Geo Bowen, Carrie Burwell, J L Byerly, Louis Bynum, Mollie Burk, O S Bald win, Emma Bryan, Wm Barren, El len Brnntly. 0 Luoy ChaDcy, Ella Chambers, J B Cowell, J L Clark, Lucy B Carter, Tbos F Clark. D Sallie Dammonds, Geo Dudley, Emmerson Dicker, Cap J S Davis, Mary Dent E Lizzie Eddy. F John F Flowers, Joel Farrow, James M Foreman, Josie Flyn, Sophia Fenner, Stephen Foster. G-Molhe Gibbs, P D Gould, Robt Gillespie, Robt Griffin, Sallie E Gil bert. H Sarah Holmes, Mary Ann Hill, Elizabeth A Hiuton, J. Hopkins, Jen nett Hall, Dr. Marsden Holden, Mrs S E Hall, J T Henning, Wm Hurst J Chas W Jones, E L Johnson, E Joiner, Henry Johnson, 3 W Justice, S G Jenkins, W Jaokson. K Mary Kenan, Miss Laney Keel. D Euos Larkins, Eliza Lewis, Miss Wiliby Love, Miss W H Lewis, Mary Livingston, Nancy Larkins. M Eveline McNeil, Jos McAlister, B A McClammy, Elizabeth Meltou, E R Mintz, Hattie Moore, John Myer Sc Son, Mary MoGlammy, Millie May, Maggie Morris, R A Moses, Mrs Robt Moore, W B McNair. P Miss Fannie Potter, H R Penny, J E Pierce, John Parte, Willie Pierce. L M Powers. , R J J Rowan, Mrs L Rawn, Capt Wm vv lticn, uatnerine itisiey. 8 Mrs Ann Smith, Alx Swama, Harry Smith, J H Scott, Martha Sher idan, J D Sadbery, Catherine Spioer, Sallie Simpson, Mrs Fiorina Smith, Sallie Smith, Humkin Smith. T-G 0 Tounice, Milton Taylor. W Francis Waddell, John Werner, William Waddell, Thomas Weilden. " SHIP LETTERS. Capt Alfred Leavey, Sohr 0 C Bery, Joseph Harper, Brig Samuel Welch, Christopher Jordan, Schr John H Conoley. The cardinal color is now all tL rage, It iB as red as a beet DIED. Is Ml'in.tiwll., Mt.,B Satardar, tb Irt hut, Mr. Kuil K. Ukowi. wir J bo. Hutu WrWB. la th tui y.tr vf k.r btiB mi bora w lb IM of r .briar;, Mis. wu ni u. rwnou Mr x aim uoi rvttcr, Kiq..BBhaBorl oiU.ui of tb Uipt K.r eoantr. inb.rlcin frea bin crMtd. CUKHI Of obBTBOMT BBd tb kMBWt MM Of right. Bb m ft rnnu of Bncomnoa worta aud lntelllgarpotd, belowd, hooorfd, bf all who bar Sha wai niiKtona hi luailnot, and la tfaa aaat abaluu ballcf in ue trauu at taa Bible; la Iba alaiplM and atoat aiabarant faith la tba at arm.'nt br tba Lord Java Chrlat prtanl P loiMbtd avan ta b-t all lhood-bar lira bar boon an. of alaerrr.t charlt., auritv and lo, la u aatlra unaiiannt of .11 b.rtlntir as wtfa, aiother aad rrlrnd. Tba aoaaa of kar iletib a a baautiful portrayal of iba arlael aienol bar Ufa. la patloal rapaaa, .i.n-pt k.n tortured by tb'atiig at bardeaaan.vltk wblob tit bad auBarad for nraa aioatba, urroond ad br BfBrly all ar laaillv, aba awaltfd alih eager eye., aarared bt eonldent bupea, tba te motal ol tba .all. Her laet dlatlnet vorda wara ' That great ehaaf la eoatlng.N She died in peace wltB Uad, and la lot and twace with the world. NEW ADVZETI8IME5T8. FIFTH WAED. IUKPRKDE!T Bl ( KKTCO. Na. t MiMiiia: Vna axe hereby ardered a meet In Binfo'ia, at your I ruck Hoi),oa Moaday, Tntb diet., at I o'clock ttarp. By nlr, . P. A. FVLUH1R, Ueey nay I 110 it "ft Scaltg Naur Ex-Gov, Z. H. Vance will dellrer hi. Celebrated lecture on "THE SCATTERED HAt I0N, if TBI OPERA HOTJSE, in thiicity,Tuesday Evening, My 11th. TILKKTI Tl teali, to be had of P. Helniberger. COMMUTE NaTHL. JaOlBI, MABCVI BlAK, A. Willi No Extra Charge for Beatrved Beats, may t 110-11 Blue Flannel Suits HJADETOOKDER-aU. At JAMES MoOOHMICK'8. Cheviot Suits rjO OKDEH-tM. At JAMES MoOOBaHOK'1. EdeM Fancy Cc"8 Sails At JAMI1 HoCOBlirCl.'B. Handsome Centennial Suits BDBB-Bomatbinf Bitra-M. ) At JAMBS McOORfcUCK'S. 10B-at.rria8aB may T FlOMS Of FDIUltOTB. pHOTOOBAPHS AHI TB1CE LIST OF ouritockof Furnltara forniahed on applloa. tlon to purchaser!. O.A.8HI1H a 01. iS may i Escaped Conviits. We will pay a reward of tlO each for each Information a will lead to tba captaraorany convicts escaped from the New Hanorer Coaru ty Work Hones ilnoe the year 1871. Addrem, by letter or telegraph, MATHE8 A CO.. Su perintendent, ot Hew Hanover Oonnty Work House, Wilmington, N. 0. may 6 lOa-tf Paronipo, B GETS, 0ABR0T8, TURNIPS AND ONIONS. For aala at O H. W. BUHGK'8, N. E. Uwner or Market and Seoond Bt. aprll 70 103 THE T.1YOTERY Explained ! At 29 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. a mays 107-Sw Buggy Harness, Wagon Hameae, Dray Harnaa), Cart Bar- new, Llollare, Harare, Backhand., Blind and Killing Uridine, Halter., Curry Oomhi, Horra BruKhee, Feather Dneterf, Trunk., Bags and Batches, Summer Lap Robes, Whips, Spur., and all kinds or Saddlery Goods ai bottom prices. CARPENTER at MALLARD, Hncorwore to ,T. 8. TOPHaM 00., No. "BonUiFront Stteet, Wilmington, N. 0, a pril84 tS-tf Retailers s UPPLIED WITH Plug and Fine-Cut Tobaccos, Cigars and Smokers' Articles, . it D. HGOTT. 104 may I FACTORY. Doors, Sash, Blinds find Monldlngs, Ac. When yon want bottom prices, go whura they are made foot of Walnut street, CoItIIIs e rui Hill as uo's mm. W. DvKES, S-lm aprflt HEW ADVEETISEMSST3. MORE PARTICULARS i MT ASSORTMENT OP IS NOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. Uj customers hare slioirn their appreciation of mj LOW TUICES by their liberal parohaaea, for whidi I'm thankful. STRANGERS not poattxl, ami desiring thit mlue of their money, can get it by calling ' - AT M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market St. aprll It Official Eeport. The following Is a correct report of the sales ot 8KW1MO MAHUINKH made by th. Lad lag companies during tue past four (4) yai. A oarelul eaaminatiun of lbs flgures will .how that the sale or tbs "HtNUKK" has largely In o aaaed each year, while, an the contrary, a correei'ondlng deoreaea la shown In thssalns reported by all oihrr oompanlea. how,t s que.tlom naturally arla I How long will this .tale of a flairs last? How long will the other eompanle. be .hi. to keep offices open In unr dl Rerent oltles and towns when tbey are selling so few machine"? all pereuns who think ot buying a machine should con.ult their own In ter art and get a good ona from the old, reliable B1NU1CK MAMUVAUTUHINO COMPANY. BBWIMQ-Ma-CHuJlE BALKS FOIt 1874 Jforainri Sold ThbSibsik MiarrAOTDBiBB Co Ml till Wheeler 4k Wllain Mannlacturlng Oo . n Ml Hows Hewing Maoblua Oo, (eetlmaud), U.tiiO Domeetlo Belng Machlns Uo IJ.tiM Waad Bewlng-slaohliia Uo W,4i Oroter A Baker 8. M. ee. (estimated).. t,iwo Remington Kmplr. Hew ng-Maoblna co. ll.U'is WIUoaHeWlng-Machlue company 17 611 Wllooi A Utbl.H.wlug Machine oo.... 11,710 AatartoanB. H IS MM PloraaoaBewlng-Maehloa so I,BU Beoor Bewtug Machine oo. .. ........... 4,041 BA1.KB or mi Jfaca'W Till Binain MaatiraoTnaiao Co m 444 Waeeler A Wilson Mauuracturlug oo.,U,ilW IHnsMatla Hewing Ma'hlne company..,, an, 1 1 1 OroTorABaker Bewlng-Machlua Uo.. W,UI Waad Bewlng-Maclilna company .11 Tot Wilson Sewing Mrchlns oeuipany. lt,14T Howe Machine company..., no returns Wllcoi A Olbbs 8. wing Machine oo.... lo.lxl American ttntton-llolx, Ac 14, It'll Kemlngtoa Kmplre sewing Machine co. ,1K3 Floraaoa Bewing-Machlna company,.,, I.stio Beoorbawlng-Machine company.,.,..., 4,4BU SALES OF 173. i Maehinn Sold. Tna BiaoiB Mawcvsoturida Uo 21,;w Wheeler A Wllsoa Mannraoturlng oo.. 174 una Howa Machine eompany (ontlmatad).. ,14ft 0M) Qrotar A Baker Mewing Machine oo.... es.010 Dome.tlo, Bewlng.Maoblos oomoaay... 4,5M Weed Bowing-Maohlna oomiiauy ..... 4X444 Wilcox Ollib. Rewlng-Maeblna CO.... 8 w Wilson Sewing Machine ooaipany. .. ., Amerlesn B. H O 1H,.W 'lorenoa Bawina-Maoblna company,,,. lo.HKI Da.li Bewkng Machine coniiiany 11.176 Bemlngton Empire Bewlng-Machlneco. 4,tri BALR8 FOB 17 L Machinn .Vol fi. Thb Binukr MianrAaTUBiMO Oo. Ill, WW Wbaeler A Wilson Manuraoturing eo..rir,m OroTer A Baker Bewing-Machlna oo... BO.Ktl Waad Bewlng Machine oompany II.SAA Howa Machlua company (Jan 1 to July 1) 34,010 Wllcoi A Olbbs Bewlng Macnina co.... 80,17 Wilson Weeing Machine company 21,1113 American B. H. O ),11 Original Howe Bewlng Machine co Wt.nM Florence Bewlng Machine oompany. .. I6.N7 Dart. Hewing Machine company II, MS Domeetlo Bewlng Machine company.... 10.HH may t 1M Iw 1NOXXCJE. WmM. MlMMd Tr' TM 3B Gna Central Railway. EXCURSION TICKETS from Wil. mington to Charlotte and return, eaa new ba purchased of ths Company's Aganl at S13 avch. Oood to retnrn seren days from data f Isras. bt. W.CLARK, Oeneral Ticket Agent. 109 Iw may I I Hare tbis Day Rccci?ci AH OTHER B0PPLT OF TH08B HAN li ft, wed, Machine sawed and Oable-Wlre hoi-Toe Low-qnarter Bhoes of virions styles. Also OsnU Goat Strap Tls and Nnlll. Bers. Ladies Slippers In great variety, from Bl and upwards. Misses and Children's Bhoes a .(.eolaUy. M. U. Ladles Bronse HMppers only 81. CHAHLK8 A. FHIUK, No. 31 Market St , Bign of the Golden Boot, may 4 lo The Mysteries of the Court of Queen Anne. ar william laamsoB aibswobth. Paper. Price M Cents. The Mysteries of the Court of the Stuarts. BT WILLIAM AtaiSOM AIBSWOBTH. Paper. FrloalS Cents. For sale at HEINGBERGER'S LIT Book and Music Store, may 4 108 Hay I Hay! Hay! Just reoelred per Schr. H. T. Townsead BALK8 CHOIOC EASTERN HAT. 150' i BALES BELEOTKD NEW TORE HAT. For lals tow from wharf, In Iota to suit, by 1 B. r, MITCHELL, aV oif. may 6 i07- R GOODS COMPLETE o- AT iff YORK COST ! TTTB OFFER, WITHOUT BK8KBTE, ou. ehure Stork AT C08T for oath only. Our OBStomariaralnritadto participate wllh the public In the great bargains ws ofl'cr. BOSKOWITZ 4k LIEBER, 29 Market Street. NOTICE, Unr bills are mads up to ths 1st of May. Hereafter our tran.actloas will ba for cash eaolualvely. FK1EM8 who are lu arrears with us are respectfully Informed that they will Inoraaas aur obligations by a prompt sst tlamsnV Very rt.psotfally, BOSKOWITZ A UEBBR. may t ; " I'S ((T)T?T)l?l?mVI) BURNETT'S Perfect Baking Powder. Try It ths beit brought to this market. Try It with our 'Sew Proceaa Empire) rioiir" and "satl.ry" yourself It is the "Best." Hew Butter to arrirs Monday, 'Best in the World." From our regular Dairy ami, "none genuine without our stamp." 100 . KITE rVo. 1 JMixckorol At i PER KIT. All CANNED FRCITS and VEGETA BLES ws hare brought down the prices and selling now vary low. "Uwd for prices." Ths bent opportunity ta bay Canned Moods ever offered In this markst. Band to us and saia meoey. . APPLES. una nn&fl ana LEMONS, arched Java inn Laguavra Cof fees "t arrlre Monday." Our weakly .apply of the Cooked tlorned Beef Just In. Every honeekeoper should bars It, Genuine sold by CEO. MYERS, 11 A II South Front Street. lOS-lm may 3 ELLEN WAItEHAHl By Mlei Ellen Pickering. Old Myddelton's Money. By Mary CeollHay. ' A Waiting Race. By Edmund Yates. A 8tracge World. By Hiss M. e. Braddon. A Light and a Dark Christmas By Mrs. Harry Wood. ALL FOB SALIBT Conoley & Yates. may B 107 COME EARLY AND BOY Boots and Slioes FROM EVANS A VonGLAHN'B WHOLE sale and Retail Boot and Shoe Store, on frlnoees street, where you will And all the new st) les widths, tors, heels, heights, make, sises, colors, Ac, at the Tery lowest price. Ws take great care In selecting our stock of Boots and Bhoes. Ws bare bad much sxperl anoe In the business, and wltb many other ad vantages, wa are sura wa can satisfy you in goods and prloaa. Ws are thankful for past favors and hope the generous public will con tinue their favor. EVANS & VonGLAHN. mays 10S E. FRANK COE'S Imntsaitlsl Super-Phosphate. pOR SALE FOB CASH OR ON CHOP time b' 0. Q. PARSLEY 4 00. march 1 ' TT-tf NEW ADVERTISE5LEM3. 46. 45. BROWN & RODDICK 45 Wm STREET, 45 ARE NOW FULLY TREPARED FOR TnElIl CArulPAIOM, W ITU A COM 1JLKT1: AHNOli rjIINT OF" STAPLE Sill FANCY IY GOODS, Coinpilsini; tlie 'iNovpltles ol' tlic JSoiison. HTUirEl) HUMMER 81LR8 7fi CcuU, worth U 12 J. PLAIN (IRENADINHH from 18 Cont tipwaail, FIOUKRD OltENADINEH 15c, worth U7o. LINEN OAMIIUICB 2Ho. aud upwiuil. A vt-ry ( liolce Krlvctlou ol Ne llreaa Uwotla lor l.adlea aad Children. Wvmw. ' -, ,i FRENCn OAMIUUCH 15 otH., woitli 25 oU. NEW HTTLE8 IN niNOHAMH' 1 1 eta., worth 17 ot. WAH1I POrLINH oU., worth 20 ots. IMSHl' OALIOOS 10 pta., worth 121 ots, L'LAMA LACK RHAWLH AND HACgUEH, NO'VriNOUAM LACE Hll AWLH AND BACQUEH, BUETLAND BUAWLH. IN WHITE AND HTRIPEH A VERY lnre anHortniPtit of SUNSIIADEH, the latent atyloa that can bo found iu the country, at price ranging from 20 ots, to 7. Ladles, Misses and Moyn Whfto and Strjpbd Hoso, Gents White and Striped Rnrki for Rum km wear. . Ladies and Umt Oauzn Uiidcrwifftr, Uanta and Boys Qanse UiuletwBar, Gout'a Joan Drawers (made to our npoolal order), Qeut'B White DreuUhirta and Dowb, Woolin and Lluou Oood for UeuU and Boys wear." The largoat linen on MUHL1NB ever shown in thi city. buoU aa H WISH TLA II B, . Htripea and I'lain. NAINSOOK. PJLAIDH, . OROANDIEH riiAIDS, " " VICTORIA LAWNS, lied tJpriulM iVom S1 iipvai'l. Linen sHlttivtlnir unci l'lllow Cnsslnir. T WE WILL BUOW for ONE WEEK a very hamlaome line of DRAP D'ETli MANTLEH and SAOQUEa. v HOI.K AOKH t frr I'rsuik l..all. fits Vnv-r laitnrn. , , ,.rt,, MACHINE NctKDLES B Cants etch. We hare Severn! JOB LO la in dilloront dopttrtmuuta, but want of apace pr vonts ua from enumerating ; a ririit only can cover the ground. ONE PRICE-STRICTLY CASH-NO SAMPLES CUT. . . BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. P. B. It ban boon almoet irupoHgible for tia to par tho attention to our pat- rona that wo would desire owinp to the iiioroiiso of our business and lack of room. Wa take this opportunity to apologize to those who have not been waited on as promptly as we should wih, and would reoommoiid all who oan to call early in the day as we can how them more attention, apl 18-tf SOLUBLE PACIFIC UO CO.; CJA.ll'X'A.L. PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FTVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for Bale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho priooB. . f ..; . W. II. McRAHY & CO., Uoiamlsslon Heraoants, tgente for Paolllo Onano (o., aad Uealtir.ln No. 1 Pernvlan Ouano s North Water Btrkkt, WILirilNUl'UN, li. Sub-i gents for tho Sale r. b. Giimm,. V. UHAIIAITI Jan 81 MT. AIRY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Mt. Airy, N. C. OPENS mh OF MAY, 1875. Board Per Month, 35 1 Per Week, SI2.S0; Per Day, f 2 BO TTTATKK equal to Greenbrier White In ever; re.peot, ai d swrlor lu many. Pnrtlos vltlt Ing the Miirliiga by rail will get oft' the ears at Winston, N. 0., wbere stages will convey tlivm to tlie Bpilngs. N. 8. SMITH & SONS, if Proprietors. 100-3ra aprll V M Water Gronnd Meal Every Day, Hold Rama Price aa Steam. BALKS HAT, 8UU 1.000 BUUMKIiS COHM, CANNED GOODS, FI.OUH. MKATS, As. UHANr 4c 11INTON, - may 3 loe-tl&wtl' , Nobby Styles. ajKOKIVBO TO-DAT FEK EXPRESS auvtbsr lot of . - Men and Roy's Clothing, 80METHINQ ENTIRELY NEW. These who want fine Suite will do well to cMl satly before ttey are sold. - A. DAVID. 108 Si.ooo.ooo. of Soluble Pacific Guano ....OMHandred.fr. 0. Marlon, 8. 0. Hay, Corn and Oats BOO RALK8 HAf , 3,ft0 Iluiihelst'orn, 500 0U. Vorsalsby KEUUliNRK & OALDBB BUOU. Meal, Rice, Sugar and Coffee. BOO Bmhels Fresh Water Ground Meal, . BO libls. Hire, BO Bills. Kcllned 8ugar, H 10 Hlnli. D&merara sugar, 400 Bauks Cotleo, For sale by , HJEROUNBR St OALDIR BROS Spirit CasksTsplrit Casks ! 4508T4Nf)A D CA8K8, For salo by a - ; iKBROHNEtt CAU)BR BROS, Bacon and s. H. Molasses. AO Boses fmoked Bides and H boulder j, 100 " I). 8. Bides and Bbouldors, 30 Mhds. 8. H Molaoaes, 400 libit. B. H. Molanees. For sale by . KKKUHNKtt A CALDKR BROS' may 8 - . .... m : 1854 Baker Whiskeye QIJ PORT, ALE AMD PORTER, : "'"" ' apples, "y":,"'; i ORAMQXSaad ' 1 LEMONS. riiesll CROCEHIES BY EVERT ; bteaimer: n. w. snuRE, No. 31 North Front Ft. may -1

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