Or' A VOL XXIV. NO. 112. wiumroToiT, it. c, Tuesday, hayii. 1875. WHOLE HO. 6.876J v. 77 -n ? fefsMu Journal. WILMINGTON. N. 0.: TUESDAY. MAY 11. H75- BY'TLrECRAPH. KUUOPE. THE NEW GOVERNOR OP MAD RAS. PASTORAI 1 FROM QAKDINAL MANNING READ IN IHE . 'ENGLISH CnUEOUEU. FURTHER DETAILS OF THE SCH1LLEIV DISASTER. THREE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN LIVES LOST. THE WAR TALK IN ENGLAND. Bkkun, May 10 -Noon At the demonstration uisdo yesterday at the burini ( I josenu Mullens.au Amorioau FeiiiitD, a prooessi.iu half a luilo loug I owed the return uh. London, May 10 Noon The Duke or rsuckitignAm has beeu uipotuteii U vernor ot Madra. Air. John Walter Huddlehtou, Judge Advooote of the fleet and oonust'l to tlm admiratity, has beeu nppoiuted to suooeea Junge t'igott. Ua will bo su-meeded by Mr. LiLdley. A pastoral from Cardinal Mauuing wan read iu all the Roman Catholic Cuurches in England yehterday; it protects against the persecutions ot' the Ghnroh iu Germany aud btritzer- laud, and acuses BiHumok of seeking to raise the animosity ot the powers against the freedom of the next cou c ave. All day loug de. ails of the Schiller disaster- fcaTo been coming in. Un fortunately no more persons are re ported to be saved. Bodies are con Btautly being pioked up. Five men and Ave women and two children were recovered yesterday ; altogether twtu-ty-fonr bodies have been .found. The total number of lives lost is 311. Mr. Poleman, the second officer of the Schiller, and Henry Stem and Mr. Frahm, first class punucngorH, have been interviewed. From their nurra'ives we gather that the voy.tgo whs moderately good until May ila. The last three diiy it won impossible to take observations. The ship was out of her course a half mile at the time of the catastrophe. Capt. Thomas was on deck night and day for four " entire days. - At 7 o'clock on the even lug of the. 7th there was a -duust fog ; sail werajakea in the engines put on half speed ! and the fog belia were used. ' Bishop' .Light was unseen, though only . a half mile distant. At 10 o'clock we struck on the reef and after four bumps the steamer settled down. ' There -was a violent sea and the tide was rising ; darkness was m tf iihe. , Most of the male passengers were awnke. There was the UoUiil rush for boats but nearly all of the boats were stoved. One boat, with a few sailors, left the ship, cowardly re fusing to aid. Two boats were saved. The ' Captain endeavored to compel obedience, by firing a revolver over their beads. During two hours six oaunon shots were tired, when the powder dampened. Distress signal , rookets and blue lights were unau- j swered. At midnight the fog lilted in a minute, revealing the lighthouso and the waves sweeping the decks and carrying away; the victims. At two o'clock the deck house, in wbiou were thewotneW and ' children, wob swopt away. The cries and shrieks of the victims Were heartrending. Then fol lowed a ghastly silence. . , The smoke stack feU, crushing some of the bouts aud two others were carried away. The remainder followed the Capt tin to the forward bridge. Each succeed ing wave took fresh victims. Some persons sought refuge on the main mast and some on the foremast. At 3 o clock the Captain and two other pliers were on the bridge. The Cap tain ddseended for ; a moment to reu dor assistance and was swept away; thus perished a brave man, says Mr. Stern. At this time about ten pel sons were clipgiug to the rigging of the mainmast and thirty to that of the foremast The BhipJ had ne twned over, the yards touoLi ig the water, and the tide was rising. At 5 o'clock the log lifted. The survivors shontul but their . orics were unavailing, aud at T o'clock the mainmast and at a quarter to 8 the foremast, both of iron, fell. Then two of the St. Agues' boats came and rescued a few who had mat. aged to keep afloat. It was reported yesterday that there were one hundred and three women onboard. The survivors were taken to-8ay from the Perseverauco to Plymouth,, whenoo they will be sent forward 'to Hamburg, where the greatest excitement prevails. It is as serted that life . saving belts were issued to the women. It is certain that most of the passeugers found rioue. , An order was given that tLe first! Wat should take the women tmd children; this boat capsized. Mr. Poleman says that seven bouts were launched and only two of them lived. The others were stoved and swauiped immediately. Cries for help lasted until three o'clock. The last voice heard was that of a little child in the cabin. , It is not probable that the boats cou'd have livrd even if they pad beeu successfully filled. The whole number saved is forty-four. Forty bodies have been recovered. Mr. Dorrien Smith.of Soilly Islands, writes to the Times that many addi tional lives were lost Lecsuse the fjuos and rockets fired from the Sohil pt were thought to bp merely ordina ry signals I of arrival, which have fre quently been the can bo of false alarms, Among the todies reoovored and al ready identified are those of George Leoheardt, Bowne Luersohell, Andre Petersen, 0. Bcbmidt, Mrs. Reidt-vtT and daughter, Mrs. Becker, Mrs. Ridgewayand Mrs.---Wert-. Fifty corpses from the Schiller have come ftiliore or beeu landed at St. Mary I 1 m The dea l are much mutilataf. j 1 iWy i unit bag, iucladiu twenty ! h-vi-ii fio:a Njw Zealand weje, saved I from tlie tchiilor. j The nUUroeuta made by the officers vl the ?cLmer add uotliiug to the par ticulars already telegraphed. All ac counts agree tliut the pauio which fol lowed the striking of the ship was heartrending and terrible beyond de scription. Tliere was a life bolt iu everv one of th''3J?bi!'er berths when the disf tor oeouired. ILe captain isued au order that one tdiotild be fiistened to every womau. This was doue but the women were drowned by the heavy ecrt. The steamship Cadiz was lost near Breht, while on a voyage from Lisbon to this city. Sixteeu persous were drowned. LosDox, May 10 Night Boats oontiuuo to iiick up bodies. Nearly fifty have been fotiud. Seven tmiil hn, in audition to those repor cd retwvereil, liuve been suveu. This moruing's "TeleRrawh" in an editoiial article on the meeting of the i.uiperots of Russia and Oeruianv to day says that it is impossible to roil oenl the truth. 1 he continental situa- lion wears tins moruing tue very gravest aspect. If we were' to BHy tiiat too question of the future rt' pose of tlie earth my be praC' tioaliy solved before forty-eight hours uavo passeu, we would soaroelv go beyond the facts. The tendeuoy it tins hour is decidedly puoilio. timer Lt Lilou lournuls likewise ooin- iiicut upoti the meeting, but the thought of war is generally divided. It ii reported from parties that the I riiiich Koverumeut uositivolv oontru- dicU tiie art'seition that Germany has recently made representations of a losmo tendency. Ihe biiuih dispatch contains the statemeut, believed to be souii-olll 'ial, that no cause of conflict exists between Germany and Frauoe, uml that advices from all the capitals of Europe are of the same teuor, that pacific ideas are evorvwhero in the ae oonduut. IIEADQUAItTEKS. AGRICULTURAL REPORT FOR ; THE WEEK.. Washington, Mav 10 Night Dur ing the past week the condition of the Winter wheat in oM counties has beeu reported to the Dt-nartmeut of Atrri- culturo (without the 300 oounties of tne valleys of the Ohio and Missouri) are represented which Jast year pro duned 70,000.000 bushels of Winter wheat, or GO per cent of the product of seventy Stutes, from Ohio to Kau nas. 1 lie averagi) condition in these 8tatoe-is 63 per cent, indicating live-eights of a fnll orop if no im provement occurs. Iu Kentucky, in per cent; Ohn, 57 per oent; Michigan, G2: Indiana, G6: Illiuois, 63; Missouri, 59: Kansas, 87, though only 32 counties in the latter State are rep resented. The condition is better iu Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, though below an average. A few wheat counties iu New York make ex tremely unfavorable returns. The proportion to be replanted in other rops averages 11 per Oent in the Wet-t or 1,260.000 acres in a breadth of 9,000 000 acres seeded. The largest proportion is 27 per cent In Missouri aud Illiuois, 23; Kansas aud Indiana, 1; Michigan uud Ohio, 10; Kentucky, very little, replauting in the Mid dle States exoopt in New York. , ELECTJRUJISJIS. Sixteen business houses and dwel ling at Springfield, Mo., have been burned loss $j0,000. At Greensboro Springs, Ohio, two houses, and every chimney was pros trated, ana two children . were killed by a tornado. The storm from South to North was nearly two miles wide. The International Sunday School Convention convenes at Baltimore to day. There ore 70 delegates, repre senting 24 States, including Canada, Nova Scotia and England. (JOlilAM. DEDICATION OF A NEW CHURCH New Yobk, May 10 Noon The Filth Avenue Presbyterian Chuoh was dedicated yesterday. The churoh will seat 2,100 people, and cost $1,000,000. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. OREEAMV TO AUE3OLUriON(l0.t. id by the Hoard or Trade at the last regular mnotlug, (llie provtmoni of which have been inscribed ta by a majority of the Merchant, or thin city) notice la hereby given the mem ber, of sld Board that THURSDAY, May 20th proximo, will be obter red by the doting of thrir place, of biietneM and aa a general llolidsy. " lly ordr of the Pre.tdont - J I. MAUKS, may B 3t-eod ' Socrotary. El ECANT Bine Flannel Suits, WHITE DUCK SUITS only $8. White Duok Vests only $1. Handsome Panta, Cheviot Suits, all wool, $15. Lisle Thread Gloves, Balbriggan Half Hose. IMUlSrSOlS- 3r, GO, Cl l V CI.UTHlMtU. maj 111 Explained! At 29 North Front Street, waMlNQTON.N, 0. miy 0 107.2W NSW ADVIETISZJtlNTS. Improfcd 0. K, M. . Wicwam Wjomins: Trills Ki 4, I. O. II. M. BRKTHREN: To art aarabf rtquMtod j mel at joar Wlgw.a n Wdakly after noon or th. )3ta Ban, fww Mooa . B. D. 3M t th. 74 Rna, to Uk. rt la tb. el.bra (loo'th. aimlTaiitrv f Ht. Tunln. All Tl-ltlnf Bmlbm In th olty la (uoil lUaillag By onter of S.chfm. T. J. UIKKIMO.anfR. r 11 UMt Sundries at Auction THIS MORMNO,.M0o'elok,ir. will Mil t our lr.room, Mouth Water atrt tain uot Wok1h War., ooDitrtinf of BuckU j no, ru, c o. Aim. Household and Kitchen Furniture. t'KONLT A MORKtS, may 11-li AuoUonMra. CENTENNIAL! Ther.wlUba SPLJLL,I.0 BEE ATTHK Opera House on FRIDAY EVENING, May 14th, the proed. to b. appropriated to th MKCK LKNBllRii OEMINNIAL. Tlckt SO raala. Door, open atl o'oiocli. my Ohlldr.n S3 CnU. 111-hi New Arrivals. Dutch Herring;, Russian Sardines, Anchovies. O H. W. KUNUK. N. K. Corner of Mark.t and Baoand Hta. may a 111 HARDWARE at LOWEST PRICES AT New Hardware Store. GIuK8MCECHISON, U North rronl 8t may 9 Hay! Hay! Hay! ()AA BALKS FBDIK HI TOKK HAT 0W tAMa. For mU by a. r.niTCHELi, new. ui-tt may S Tronki Bep&ired and Corned All kind, ef Saddlery repairing doaa ftomk ly at m4rat prtoaa. A full .look afaaaVllM, Harnam, Trunk.. Baaa and Satofa.l. Ulkwa. Hame. Ohalna, Saddle Clothe, Whlua, Spur, iJurryOomba, Horie Broabef, BiaU Ktrap, foatber Uu.t.ra, Saddlery Uatdaara. leather. Axle Ureaaa, Kaatt Foot Oil, Lap Kobe., Aa. CARPENTER A MALLARD. HuvosMur. ui J. H. TOPHAM (JO , No. 8outhJTiODt Stiaat, Wilmington, N. D. mays M llt-tf r Official Eeport. The folloWe li a correct report of the aalea ol SEWINU MACHINES made by thelr.d. Idz tompamea during tne n.ae f .or(4) yeare A oaretul examination of ib (Inure will .how that the nil of th WINQa.U ' ha largely In 0' aaaed each year, while, on tli. contrary, a correavondlng decre.M ta luwn In tb Mle reported by all oiher eoxtpanle. Now, the question, naturally artM : now long will thla .late of ad'alralaat? How long will th other companle. be able to keep offloe pn In our (lltlorent cltle and towns when they ar aelUni o few macbhie.? All pvum who think ot buying a machine ihould eon.ult their own In. teract and get a good on from th.old, reliable 81NUKK If AMUFAOTUJilKQ COM PA Y. 8KWKSO-MACHINK 8 A LBS FOK 1874 k&ckinei Sold Till 8IMOIB MAK-CAOTUBI) Co 241 6I Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Go . Hnwe Sewing Machine Uo. (eUmUd). M.ouo Domeetlo Sewing Machine Uo 2 TOO Weed Sewlng-Maobli Uo tU,4!W Grovcr A Baker a. M. so. (eatlmated). . iO.ooo Remington EmplreSww ng-Mohln oo. 17,601 Wilajn Hewlng-Machlpe company 17 623 Wilcox Oibl.. Sawing Maohtn oo.... 11,710 American B. H 8,rS Florence Sewlng.Maohln co B,B17 Sooor Sewing Machine OO ,. 4,44 1 salkii or mi. MacMnf Sold Till 8IKOXB MAHbf ACTUBiaO Uo HM,444 Wheeler A WIlMn Manufacturing eo..ll,t0 Dnme.tls Sewing Machine company. ... 40,111 C) roTcr 4 Baker Sewing-Macblna Uo.. M,i;a Wre I Sewlng-Machlne company Si 769 Wilton Kewliig-M.ehine company. Sl,47 How Machine company.... ...no return Wltcox St Gibb Sewing Machiu oo.... 10,881 American unlton-Hole, Ac 14, lei Kemlngtoa Empire Sewing-M acblne co. .IK) Florence Sewlng-Machlne company.... I art) Secor bewlng Machine company 4 4M BALKS OF U72. Heuhinn Sold. The 8moaa Mavufaoturino Uo 118.7M Wheeler St Wllwn Manufacturing CO.. 174 out Howe Machine company (eetlmaied)... 140000 OroTer A Baker Sewing Machine oo. . . . 62,010 tlomeatlo Hewliig-Machlnoomoany... 4054 Weed Sewing-Mauhln eompajiy ..... 4'i,444 Wilcox Sc Olbbi Bewlng-Macbine oo.... 32 63 Wllaon Sewing Machine corrpany n,tM American B. H O Florence Sowlni-Machlne company.... 10,793 Dari. Sewing Maohln company....,,.. 11,37a fiemington Amplr Sewlng-Machlne co. 4,9Hl BALES rOB 1871. Xackint Till SIHOtR MAHUATCRtIQ UO.' Wheeler A Wlln Manuraolurln .;.Mr,io Oiover St Baker Sewlng-Maoblne oo. eo,KM 19,605 weed sewing aiacnine company. Hnwe Machine company (Jan I to July 1) 34,010 wnooa ec uioo. newing mi aenma oo 80,1(7 Wllaon newing Machiu company, American B. H. U Original Howe Sewlnw Mackln co, SI. 103 90,ll V,PH Florence sewing m amine company D.Tin Sewing Machine (omntny.... Dome ntlo Sewing Machine company, may I .. 10,947 II, COS 10.1'Jl 10S 1. n eeding; Iloea I Wwadlag llwwt One pf the largeat ard bert aaorte4 .tock. ot Weeding Hrabronght to thla market oan now' be found at Our eatabllahmeiit, where th fol'owlng brand, can be bought at vary low tlguie: Scorlll (('nnlne), l.ane, Olbran, Ault mnn, Klwell lHth .teel and Iron t he Han dled roltnn ai.d Corn Hoe and Double-Bladed Hoc. can alao be found with u. (live ua a eall betor purchaaing eluewher. GILES 4k MVHCH180N. apr!128 ., Just Received! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LOT OK THE HANDSOMEST " ;' Ladles' and Gentlemen's -FIIVE SHOES That ha. ovoi been oOrd for aalaln this tow. k,U BVANSAVonQLAHN. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MORE PAETICULAKS I MI ASSORTMENT OP IS NOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. Mj cnatonif rs have shown their spprooiation of mjr LOW TRICES ly thoir liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS Dot posted, and desiring the value of their money, oan get it by railing M. M. KATZ'S, 36 Market SI. aprll II New Books Just Out. WK ANHOUB MF.IOHBORI," a Sequel to My Wife and I. Iiy Harriet Bechr Stow ouuau in cioia si in. "ALICE LORRAINK." a Tale of th South Dowua By K. D Hiaokmor. 10 Cent. "OUR PKTACHM ENT." 1 Kuril bf Katharln King. Bo Canti, roTMia at HEINSBEKOEK'S. tAMOB, OROAN8 AND C11KOMOS, rraleat HEINSBERCER'S Lit Book and M nil Store. ay 9 111 A New Lot Just Eeoeived Green's lllstory of the : English People. "The Mysterious Islanel By Julea Verne. "Our Detachment. " Jjy Katharine 'Alios Lorraine," a tale of the South Downs. By It. V, lilackmore. 'The BloMominff of an Aloe." By Mrs. O. Hoey. OONOLEY A YATES', Oily Book and Musio Storo. y . Ill Best Butter in the World." Hew Spring Butter, 35 Cents. On trial of our Jiutly celebrated NEW PROCESS EMriRI FLCUB will oonilao yoa bajond a doubt that lt lo tb "Beit" aud wldtewt In tb Mat. Too will oavo 13 par cent by aalng our "Brand." Keonomls and begin now. Our aale. ar large and It li mak ing new Mend Try day. Bend for "aam plea" before purobaalng lewhr. ! Fruits and Vcgetables at tlu lowtr prloM. A few com of lb dellcloui I pound Peach Juat aitired. Try our COOKED CORNED BEEF rery oaa guaranUod "Perfect" purohaatd frem na. Frcdh Turklah Prune, California Baxtlett Pear., Mapl Sugar and Syrup, wet Cider on draught, Extra Sugar Cured I'lg Ham, Breakfaat Strip, Sugar CureJ Shoulders, Beef Tongue, , Smoked Beef, Bord.n'i Boaat Beer and EitraU of Beef , Choice NorthCarolina Hams, an fresh thlt wk and for ta. only by GEO. MYERS, U and 13 South Front St. mayt ill Escaped Convicts. ' W. will pay a reward of S10 each for re oh Information a will lead to tb capture of any convict. Mcaped from the New HanoTerCoun. ty Work Honac alno the year 1871. Addre.-, by l.tter or telegraph, MATHE8 CO.. Hn p.riaUndenr. ol New Hanovar County Work Hon, Wilmington, M. U. mays lOjMf The Enfield Times. DANIEL BOND. Editor A Proo'r C. O. DAVENPORT Associate Ed. Tins : On Tf ,St 00; Six Month., SI 00 On. efth mot lnteretlng ..change, that eomee to ua from tb Old North State or, Baltlmr, Md. Judging from th flrat number, It will imm.. dlately talc rank, editorially, with th Srnt pa peri In th South .fYoryW ( Ta.) Jmtmmt. Show, an aptltnd aud ability In dlaooMin Important nubllo queation, ana vlnemnca nterprlH In the general make op and-mechanical execution -Brommnill Trm) fitaUt. On of th naatatt and beet edited psptrt the Siat. WUm, ( N . O.) PMndultr. The ben printed paper In Aorta Carolina . Spirit f UU Stulk, ( n. v.) exi Du Pont's Powder. JRIELK, 8POETINO AND MtSKET, BLASTING AND MINIQIn Whole.Ha and Quarter Kg. for al by ' 0. Q. P ARBLEYt OO. arhl as-tf COMPLETE aa-i r "PERFECT." BURNETT'S Perfect Baking Powder, Try it th be.t brooght to thl market. -Try It with our "Maw Process Empirw rionr" and "aatlaly" youraeir It la th "Bert." 'Mew Butter to arrlr Monday, ''Best in the World." From our regular la!ry and "nori genuine without our atamp." 100 kits 10o lNo; 1 3Inclccrol ' At t' PER KIT. All CAMMED rRUITS and VEdRTA. BLES w hav brought dowa th prlo. and ailllng now vary low. I'Sind for price i." Th bert opportunity to buy Canned Ooo1i offered Ui thi. market Send to u and oai APPLES, OBANQESand LEMONS, Parched Javaann Laguayra Oo fOOS "to arrlr Monday." Our weekly .apply of the Cooked Fornod Heel Ju.t In. Erery houekepr ihould bare It Otnulu sold by "T'"- CEO- MYERS, II o. II South front Street. . lOft-lm nays ICULKIV WAUKIIAM. ByMlrtEll.n Plckarlnf. ' ' .' Old Myddalton'a Money. By Mary CaellHay. A Waiting Race). By Edmund Yate A Stracga World. Braddon. By Ml M. B A Light and a Dark Christmas By Mr. Barry Wood. all roa SALS BT Conoley & Yates. may S ' 101 COME EARLY AND BUT . Boots find Hlioew FROM EVANS VonOLABN'8 WHOLE ale and Retail Boot and Shoe Store, on f rlnoee. itraer . wher yoa will And all th new t lei width., to., heela, height, make, Iwn, colon, Ac, at th very loweit price.. we take great eare in .electing our atooa or Boot, and Bhoe.. w bar bad much ripen una In tb bualneaa, and with many other ad rantagea. wa ar .are w can .atl.ry yen in food, and prlee. W ar thanklul for part atur. and hoM the geaarou Dublio will con- tlnu tbair favnr.. EVANS ox VonGLAIIN. nay 1 106 Hubs, Spokes and Ilinis. T)CO )T WHEELS, All, (Jart Wheel., ty Wagon Ailee, Muggy Spring., Sulky Wheel, Shaft, Buggy fiodlea, Sheet Iron Beat., Carriage Trimming, of all kind.. Out Daah leather, &o. The largeat and oheapeat Mock In the city can be found at the Old Kr tabllahed Hardware Upuw of JOHN UAWHOM, No, lt, 20 and 11 Market Street. SiayS 100 II Ex-Gov. z li. Vttiiow will dellrer hi Celebrated Lecture on "THE SCATTERED NAlIOIf." AT TBS ; ' OPERA HOUSE, in thi city, Tuesday Evening, May 11th. TICKET 73 lent., to be bad Of P. Helnaberger. COMMIT TKK Hatsl, Jaoobi, Mabous Bias, A. Winr, Mo Extra Charge for Reaert ed Seat, may I 110-tt E. FRANK COE'S Aianaaoiatad Saper-l'bopbt. FOR I br OR 8ALB FOR CASH OH OM CROP tlm O.Q. PARSLEY & CO. marohll Tl-tf MEW ADTEETISEMEi TS. 45. BROWN & 45 ARE NOW FULLY , - W ITII A COM rLKTU AHHOItTIHEPf T OIT STAPLE ID FANCV W GOODS, ttfiiiprifiliig llio 'Novelties of tho Season. STRirED BUMMER SILKS 75 Cents,' worth 121. ITiAIN (1RKNAD1NKH from 18 Ctnts m.waa.l, FK1URE1) OHENA DINES Ifto., worth 87e. LINEN UAMiilUUS 28c aud upwajj. . A rf I holoaMeUvtloaol Now Urra. Mouil lor l.ndlc Had t'hlldrna .. Wear, FRENCn CAM1HUCH 15 cts , wmth 25 cts. - NEW STYLES IN GINOHAMH 11 cts.. worth 17 els. : WASH rOl'LINH cts., worth 20 otav'V , HES I' GAL1CUS 10 pis., worth 12 eta. L'LAMA LACE SHAWLS AND HACQUEH, , NOlTINQnAM LACE HHAWLS AND HACQtTES, ' BHEILAN1) SUA WLH, IN WHITE AND BTRITEH. A VERY large assortment of BUNhllADES, tlis latont stylos that oaa be found iu the couutry, at prices ruiigii g from 20 cts. to 7. Ladles, Misses ami Hoys White and Striped Hose, Gouts White ami Striped Sock for Bumpier wear. Ladies and MisM OanM Ifndorwear, Gents and Boys Guiixo Uuderwoar, . Gout's Jeans Drawers (mado to our spooial ordor), Gout's Whito Dress Hliirts and Rows, Woolen and Lioou GikhIs for Gouts and Boys wear. Tho largest lines on MUSLINS ever shown in this city, suoh as SWISS 1'LAIDH, Stripes aud Thin. 1 NAINSOOK l'LAIDS, . , " i " ,v, ORGAN D1EH 1'LAIDS, " ! ' , .-,..? , VICTORIA LAWNS. . : . 1 ' a :4 -.v . - IIol MprcntlM from t I itpviirl. , IJiumi wln-rt tnir niul l'lllow Cnlnir. t.a lliuuuuvll u. ?t uun m vtiry iinniiniiiiii. liuo ui , DHA1 D'ETE MANTLES and B r g'.iLE AGENTS for Frank l.ealln-i ' I'np. r l-aitrriia t i,nLi, MACHIWE NEEDLES 6 Centaaaoh. We have several JOB LOTS iu itilli'reut departments, but want of spaospr . rents us from cmimerutlisg ; a Tfit only rsu qorer the groouiL . ONE PRICE STRICTLY CASH-NO SAMPLES CUT, 1 BE0WII & E0DDICK, ks' Market J Street. P. S. It has been almost imp0Bniblo for us to par the attention to our nat rons that we would dosire owing to the inuroase of our , husinoss and Jack of room. We take this opportunity to apologize to those who have not boon waited on aa promptly as wo should wi-li, aud would reoommond all who oan to call early in the diy as we oan (how SOLUBLE oxrrALu .V '!: ..' i '" PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for GASH or on CHOP, TIME. ' Liberal terms will be made with Merchants and other roliullo parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho prices. " f . i W. II. McRARY & CO., Uiinmuwlon Morchant. agent for PaolfloOuan Co., aod Dealer. In Mo. 1 Parurlan Ouano - , , i( " Nonrn Water Sttieet, . ' . ' W1LA1INUTON, N. ' Sub-Agents for the Sale r. n, uniRoiv v. atKAiiArn Jan II I Hare tliis Da? MM , - ANOT1JKR SUPPLY Of THOSE HAND. Hwed, Maehlnemwed and O.bl. Wlr Uox-Toe Ixiw-qnarter Shoe of varlou. tile.. AM Oriil. (loat S'r.p Tl. and Nulll. flora lAdie Nlpir In grat Tarl.ly, from SI and upward.. Mlara aud Children . Shoo, a.peoially. M. a. Jjiuie nron.o niipper. only si. t'H AR1.V.S A. PRlt'R, N. 31 Market 8t , sign of the Golden Hoot, may 4 UO Piopjls i.Mlm, TJHOTOQKAPHS AND PRICE tIST OF JT ourttockofFurnlturo furnuhed on apptioa. tlon to purchaser. .8MI1U&00. 108 way Fresh Crisp Milk Or ackers and o Ginger Snaps, Peek,Frean and Albert Blicult, Fruit Crack era, Corn hill ani Cream lata Beut' Bortcn Cracker.. ' , A full Uneol freah Goods by ercry Stennior. Mew and Freeh Qootla reoelying dally. CHAS 0. MYERS A CO., B A 7 North Front St. Graham and Kye Flour, IRISH AND SCOTCH OAT MEA1,.' ' "Perleotlon" In Family Ftour Barrel and Half Barrel.. . ' . CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., , 5 &7 North Front St. may HI Dl NO UAIMINand V INI I IIN. CAUVM avolalty at the JOlBMJIi OFFICX. ; ' 45. RODDICK J 45 PREPARED FOR THEIR SACQUES. them more attention. spl 18-tf WOCO.; 1,000,000. of Soluble Pacillc Guano. Old Hundred, N. a , Marlon, S. 0. i 7-8md4w NobbyStyles. JJKCEIVED anethor lot of TO-DAY PER EXPRESS Men and Boy's Clotliin?, BOMTUINU ENTIKELI MEW. Tlions who want flno Suit will do well to cull early before they are told. A. DAVID. 106 may 4 In Store I In Store I 6,000 BUSHELS CORN, 1,000 Bbls. Flour, , 200 Hhds. Cuba Molasses, BOO Bbls. S. II. Molasses, v CO Hhds. 8. H. Molasses, ( 200 Sacks Coffee, 200 Kegs Nails, : ' 1 100 Boxes D. S. Sides and Shoul ders, . , CO Boxes Smoked Sides & Shoul ders," a 200 Boxes Tobaooo, 10 Bbls. and Half Bbls. Snuff, CO " Sugar. 25 Cases (1 aud 2 oz.) Snuff, 8,000 Saoks Literpool Salt, COO Standard Casks, 200 Bbls. Glue, . ., , - 10 Tons Hoop Iron, 200 Cases Oysters, 60 Boxes Candy, CO Tubs Lard, - CANDLES, V : V,. SOAP, ' ifw.w MATCHES, Ao., Ao. For al by KERCUNIB OAUDEK BK(,S; mayt tH