Journal, WILMCCOTON. N. 0 : TUESDAY. MAY 11.1875. Tl Daii t JorkNAL, thoMst daily iii North Carolina, U puMlld -viry inon iiig, sirept Mimday, at Eight 1ii.lar yar; Torn Dallam ix t.m1; SavsTT-lv miiU par wou& s tlwrur portods. Served by Carriers kUs Hty at SiTOTT-nvB ownta ' mor- h, or Two DoubA awl Twis 1 1-rtVB ffnii per quarter. Tb VVlMlLT JOl'RHAL, (rriJy) lilrty-i Iimn par'. Two DoiUM rr year; thr H Fivi Doixars awd a baw 6v D"IiAl tvecnpU, A A A1F ,,n FlFTKKlf DOLLAR! tWSMV Cople TwiKTT-riT DoLLARS. SiiwKirTioifs In all rases payaWa I" ( vnc, and no prr continued after tin- , iraUm- t tlni paM for. . ! l;fcniTTAir hiilJ be made fcy Pnst offi. Money Order or E.prw. If tbli ran , ot be done, pmt.cUon against Waws hy mall mav be soured . by forwarding a IrnPi pavtiletotbe order of the proprietor jt tit Joo-sal, or by sending Ike money a ipltered letter. ; ,rlvnilne (IT 01 ,wdv .i!d l'r of advertising type.) One lch. oi Insertion, ()! DMAA two Insw Uoit OKK B AND A BAir; thn inaertlmia. Two M.lAhs; f'r Ins-rllr-. Two Ihiii.AWs AND A HALF! Ave liner ti..n Th Dou-AKHi 1 li-wrtlon. I KKR l0..AK AND A HALF! twelve ortlnln, KlVB DoM-AM A"I A HAI.r. o enwrnlh. KiflBTDoi.i.Aiifl; two moi.thm .'iftk-K DiMAh; three montbe, Tn TV-TWO liOI4.AH. ('nnttaiU for Imiirer perlodi and longer !( in') upon liberal ternia iVr.-, KNOBI.H ARt A SAl'BIlKKS, Wlltnliiftim, N. EDITORIAL NOTES. While our thermometers were re cording all the way from ten to foity di grees below aero, the oppoeite n trrnie was experlf noed in Aubtrailia, the weather in the vicinity of Victoria having been hotter than for a dozen Tenia. The ttoruuiv reached 111 degrees in the shade and 160 degrees iu ti.e snn in January. Tho heat was so great that the country wan burned over for hundreds of miles, destroying grass, fences and in many cases build iug. Due man lost a thousand sheep from this cause. The largest sailing vessel on the great lakes was lanuchod at Toledo on Wednesday last. 81) e is 235 feet iu length ou her keel, and bears four maHts, each over 100 feet high. One of tho prettiest incidents of the cere- monius must have been when, "at a signal from the foreman,, the great black hull Btarted wuter ward, and almost in a twinkling kissed the waters of the Muumee and received its ba- tismal blessii g amid the screech of tug and railroad whistles, the wayiug of bunting and the pUndita of the multitude assembled." A Paris correspondent gives the fol lowing fctatistics concerning the way Parisians live, and illustrating the house aoooinmodationa in the city: "Paris ' haa within its walls 63,003 houses, of which 894 are in prooess ot construction and 1,917 uninhabited. The official figures show that the en tire population , numbers 1,851,792, These inhabitants ' live in C1.C22 houses, of which O'.U are public estab lishments, which givo an average of thirty persona to eaoh house, or thirty-two if we take iuto the ealoula tion the floating population, which is daily eslimattd at 135,000 persons. Eaoh house ooutsins about eleven apartments or chambers to rent, for the number of rooms or apartments rented, or to rent, number C94.G95, of which 65,257 are vacant and 02,161 rented for commercial or industrial purposes. Thii gives an average of three persons to esoh apartment rent ed or to rent." The Sonth earned the right a bund red years ago to have its gallant det ds iu the war for independence celebrat ed upon their hundredth anniversary, and tht; Mecklenburg Centennial, which will take place at Charlotte, N. C, May 20, will be the initial event of . the kind in that section. The sceptics in regard to the genuineness of the Declaration of Independence, which ia alleged to have taken place there, do not seem to be on the popular side, aud not a doubt will disturb the minds of the thousands who are getting ready to leud their presence and en thusiasm to swell the significance of the occasion. The attendance pre dicted has been placed as high as 80, 000, and the good people of the towu have been and are straining every nerve to meet the extraordinary do mauds that will be made upon their hospitality. The suggestion is made by tl e press of the State that the day be a general holiday throughout North Carolina. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston will be Chief Marshal, and Hon. John Kerr, one of the best speaker in the State, Orator of the Day. ; The Char lotte celebration is to be a patriotic affair at all events, and the eeotion has many valuable traditions and interest ing souvenirs to give eolat to the oo cisiou. When the country at large seta the South as well as the North celebrating the events of their com mon origin, the spectacle ought to es tablish the conviction everywhere that their interests and purposes ate like wise identical to-day. , KOI I Oil I 41. C omil M'IIMMM I.. Tallahassee, Flukiha, f May, 1.73. ' Ikar Journal : ! April mast be the most delightful mouth to spend ia tins "land of flow- erar at lea&t if liere v any more plcaeaiit aeanoQ Vat Burely mult U au earthly paradise. It ha be n my good fortune to apeod the greater part of April of this and last year in this State, and I am tare I never enjoyed two more delightful ramtka ia my Ufa. WIT JTjOBIPA. I reached JackaoB County, Weet FloridA, oq th 9th of April, and at iu dinner found peaa. Ineh potatoes l and atrawberries in greateet abnu danee and of the finest quality, and before the month had expired, iH and snap beans were no rarity." Tet the weather haa been oool, and oue'or two late fronts have retarded rather than poaitirel injured the gardens and the crops. Ia the low grounds and damp places the young oottou In been killed in spots. Hut the cold spell which the papera report as hav ing done so much damage in North Carolina and elsewhere, ou the 33d, 24th and '25th alto., did not reach uh bere. Now all fear of fronts is goue, and the farmers have pretty generally completed ''chopping out." Lost year I gave the readers of Tiu Jot'HNAii quite an extended accouut f .... IACKSOM COUNTY fAIlMISO, ; . and some idea of the political and ni'i terial condition of the State. It ia ardly uucessary to repeat thesa state ments. I find little change. The jeople beyond the Chattahoochee river, blessed with a good crop last year, appear iu better financial condi tion, aud have gone to work this Spring with good heart and prospeoU The plu of reuting laiuls, and hiring mules to the froedmen for a certain portion of the crop is generally adopt el, with satisfactory results to both parties. This plan seems to bo grow tug in favor. While the lands ot Jaoksou are not the most fertile, they repay very gen orously tho labor bestowed upou them A fine climate, a high aud dry soil, a long season, I know of uo farming sec tion which produces bettor in profior tion to the cost of lands and the ex peuse of living. I parted, with my relations and friends near Greenwood, whose hospitalities I had so much en joyed, with reluctance. Tukiug private conveyances, we traveled down the bunks of the Chattuhooolioe some twenty-five miles to its oouflueme with the Flint, forming the Apaluohi oola, where crossing the river, we as cended the very high bunk ou the eatsttsru short, upou the summit of which, more than a utile from the river, is situated the town of CHATTAHOOOIIKK, which a few years ago was the ship ping and trading point of a large aud wealthy section of country, and was a thriving and growing place. But like all other places on these rivers, below Eufuulft its growth has been stopped aud its trade goue. The completion of railroads to Savannah and Jackson ville has diverted all the trade of this section . away Irom New Oruaua and Mobile., Apalaohlcola, , at the Gulf, was a thrifty port, and sailing vessels aud even steamers for New York aud New Orleans lined its wlwrves, aud gave activity to its streets. Several lines of river steam ers brought lown the cotton for many hundreds of miles in the interior, aud returned ladened with the stocks ot merchants aud farmers. Now all this is changed. From Port Gaines, Eu lui ana uoiumous ou the upptr river, the Ceutral llailroad drains everything to Savannah, and at Bain bridge the Atlantic aud Gulf llailroad does the same, aud at Chattalioouhce the Jacksonville, IVusaoola and Mo bile Railroad follows the example of jt rival. So that the ouoo thriving town of Amdachicolo is rapidly going to decay, otHJu a short time hardly vestige of its former prospeiity will remain, even if like its one time rival, St. Josephs, its very site is not oblit erated. We spent the n'ght and half tho following day at Chattahoochee, as the oars did not leave until ) o'clock. L'-tarning that the TJuited States Arse nal adjoining the town had been pur chased by the State aud converted into a STATU r-BIBOM, in company with two other travelersjl visited that iustitntiou if a peep within the walls could be thus dignified. "Mine host" having informed us that we would find a visit to the pouiten- tiary interesting, we strolled towards it. We passed along a lane, between finely cultivated cotton fields, and en tered a well kept aud luxuriant gar den, and approached the front door o an imposing looking mansion, forming a part of the wallls whioh enclosed the prison grouuds. We made many and frequent noisy demonstrations, and several white and colored attendants passed by the open door giving us only stare of idle curiosity. We natur ally supposed we bad mistaken the en trance, and moved to a gate we saw farther on. Here we repeated our rappings. No grim sentinel paced to aud fro as we had expected, and indeed none were visible anywhere. I shoved the gate, and behold it open before us. We went in, and looked about There were no evidences of work shops, nor in fact ot any thing useful to which the inmates could be employed ia I rirti ti'ii'i" tii t ix liu 1. titd i.,.:i!. of l'Sri.U A few id' a, thnit- negro. w.-re ln.trr'rtK nrm;J, W, turu,J n th.. n!. e 4 tin in jm - jf fi tlu i Lom-ot f vs l.i w t tin III. Shortly a groai l'Miing and r-inuk-iug individual niu.lo Lie iijipturiin-e and a'ked n to walk into tLe vR'iov. X6 comiilied, and wore nxhereJ iuto a large.cheerleM room with two or Uiree Ueaki, ooul union o( thiugi iu oue coruer.aud map ortwoiangiLg upon the dingy and dirty wall, lk-hmd a table writing tat quite a foi plrti look- iudmdual, who wj were tubsc- Queuiiy miorroeu w. a oonvic iu ployed as a clork. Iu the right band corner behind a desk Was a kltfek Well kept individual, who we wire told altera ards was. COb MAlt TIM, the Superintendent; that is one of my companions said ho, knew him, baring traveled with him the dsy be fore from Tall ali ssste, at which place he got oo the cars quite drunk, f Our lugubrious escort aked us to bo seated, bauding mo the only unoc cupied chair iu the room, he tlu'u go iug to a desk aud begun writing. Wo remained several' minutes, and if either of the officials or the clerical convict even so much as oast a furtive glance at u I did nut eeo it 1 re marked to my companions that tlu-se peoplo had evidently learnt'd their maimers inside the institution over which they prebided, oud I sui poM d, if, like LittlcfiYld, wo had been 111 i -vi or had swindled tho public, we would have beeu cordially wW oomed, or even if we hud boeuue groes we would liuvo beeu politely h- cogniaed. They were evidently uu used to the .company of genlh-uieii We lt ft as we oame'uud by the same g.ite. This fellow, Colonel Slultill, o! course, is a carpet bugger, us U holds - lucrative position iu I'loiiiU. Hi- came to thii Htute and broke at furui- iug. Now hu ia making a good thing of it in the same lnisinenB, an the Stale furnishes bis l ands, feedti ami clothes them and pays him a flue sal ary to do his owu overseeing. Iu other words, I learned that be used tho convicts in cultivating his owu lands. lie has built him a fine resi dence at Mount lieiisaut, has a good vineyard sud farm several miles from the prison, whioh is the mult of con viot labor, and the fluely cultivated flxlds of oottou around tho town, 1 was informed, was his. Indued Col ouel Marliu bus things his owu way having withiu the walls of his prison a "pent Up" Utah, enjoying iu a mftdl fled way tho priviliges of the muchly married Uringham "without regard to race, color or previous bonditiou.." Taking the cars at Ohuttahooohei a ride ot a low hours brought us to Tallahassee, through aud into th most beautiful section of Floridii But I will reserve for my next lotte my reception, entertainment and fin pressions of this beautiful city. E. f tiih hvv, in: run Tho dihehargo of . O. Hyuter, the groat outrage manufacturer of the De partment of Justice, seems likely to lead to some rich developments. , Ac cording to the Baltimore Hun's Wank- ington oorres)ondeut, ho intends to write a book, entitled "The Wauder- ng Jew in America," which is an in side history ot the Credit Mobilier frauds aud other celebrated?' national fraudulent and corrupt cases, and to show up tho wIioIh svsteui of manu facturing Ku-Klux outrages, White Loftguo nnmlen, Ac; in fact to let daylight iuto the whole Southern out rage factory, tlie headquarters of which is under if not iu the Depart ment of Justice, lis fancies that bis book will ere ite a stir, and claims thr.t it wos an iutiinaMonof his intention to publish it, and not any wrong act he committed, that led to his tlinoliarge. Wo have our own opinion of rascala that turn State's evidence, but entcr taiu noobjootiou to the country being benefited by their revelations, as nnmt undoubtedly be the case if Hestor tells half he knows. t ' f ' r AT NEW YORK COST TTTB OPPKK, Vt ITHliCT KE8SRVE, oil. ehltr Btot'k AT Ol HT for cadi nnl. Our ouatomer. ar. Invitwl to partlelpate with the public In the grrat bargain we offer. BOSKOWITZ & LIEBER, . 20 Market Street. Onrbillaate made up to the Intel May. Hsrsalter ouf Uanctlon will be for OA 11 lolualyely. FRIBM)S who are Inarrcara with ui are rrictrolly Inrotmeil that 'they will incrfaM onr oliilgatlom by a ironit et tlemeiit. , , " Very reipeotfuUy, , 1 ' , , , j BOSKOWITZ & l.IKHKK. mays ts as. AND OTHER Cash uuykuh ' Plraae examine ur Stock of Tobacco (Joods 'With t view to purohaaln D. PICOTT, IVSACCoawT. nay ( go T" Tl ; J f j JAC0U1 I UY . n- .11 1 Ml Yr AKE THF.,' M'UF Tot' WAVE , i iii. i uui.rrt. Nil III Mot'k Mill CullaiAbl jr UxiU'lTIIig Alt. i1hi-i.i : Flows. ; Hoes t ' 11' .J 1 ShovHy - - ritclirorks ANVIM, HI'.sfKxWITH'S KKU.OWS, Vir4, Hams)!, Tim- l;htni, ColiiuM.Hitma, rm S'erl, Har Irnn, hum", 6iK)es, Uubi, SPIItl KH. vi:n. T " unoarniKu mow; I l(l I I I I I II V, : - ; i 1 1 t(I.VII.V I.H. l,oi iunrnri -'' situ eoi'KH'Ki rmnn, Aadl(Utlet'ivli c i- ! v. HARDWARE, NATHANIEL JAG05TS HARDWARE DEPOT, MO. 1 MAHKia' T. Mn HI . - . BUSINESS CARDS. Graham & Nash, ATTOHSFYS AT LAW, OHAHLOTTE, N O. TiltACI II K IN I hB STATK AMI KKI X 'fl I'mioa, ai.d makf rcrl'fi'iliina n wh-n' In Ntrth l aii'ttiiH Almi n'kfutut al1 it llml r'.-tit". Airit'utuiai. Mmi-ial a:.. l4imlr trncta, an ilnitranla tilt? Iit.i-ori mi haml. 3 AUCTIONEERS, STOCK A fid REAL ESTATE SROXEHS 1AN BK SKKN A I' Til Kilt HAI.KS KOOMR " ' a nWii of Hi'1 trltv.nn an tnlartfail acalfl. t HI Hi k tliiok mtiIU tV- riuiiu.tarlcagf ervtj iji Amiwi'iI aluv,iai!t n.i)reseat, of avert lot In th city. Any information itnaiiad Parnlrbad niiouap- pi rauiiu. HI 1,000 UAKREfiS KtOUK-alt jrilei !2()0 Mf.SCoWfiE, i CUO BBL8. S. XL BYIIUP, G.0OO SA0K3 LIVEUroOL SALT, aoo m:os nails, . , - . 50 UBLS, SUOAB, 100 Boxes Dry Salt Sides aud Slioul tiers, ".!-; i ' W) Boxes Smoked Meats, T Anils fnll itfooksf (IKCCKHIKS.whiiliwe r tu Hi t'aitsiMaw flijnrra "" Sandal ait'iitls pa'tt to Securing low Mien fta'aWHn Oar Ijoml J.iita. ' BlNfORP, CROW 3t CO. lol infir t The Spirit of tlie Soulh l tin- ntilftt ncinfir iitiliUfliAil in liock. Ingliam aim nnr tli laineat clrrnlatlon r any I-apiit i uIiIIHk il In tnu Pie li'e c imnlry. ha Inn rol acb wk bT at li'aat t,(W0 1'ls, inttking il tlui bnt dfli-WiiiHi; mrffiuia In fol - lie 11 1 mi, Iwltptnt'tnt and trarUtt. 'ha or Bn ol ro 1 any m riiiit. k. tit ir Hir i-imiitnti in Hie I'i'oiilf ' ItltlilH, blnir tuorouiliU da. o'rd fo tlin brat liitrirataot 'all. HnlaiirliOon,oul; t a ar, troaof porttgn ni'oruiioii tiirp niaiii-ii nee on ai iiiu'aiioti. lialeo of aJvrrlb-iiig yry raiiabl.. Aililreaa SP1H1T Or THKKOUTH, lUn kiliKliain, N. O. march It ,, . S1IK1 HY 1UNAKR. Publlfheil weekly, at BH Rl,r-Y M'lcTeiaiirl Oounty,at SI SO pr annum, in ail Tanei'i ha a UrtiP ami rai lilly Inert a'lni! rlr cnlatHin tn nea'ly ail tlie wnmilia Wtt of MWRiotninr. Alan, an tsftnalre oircnlatlnn In tlie O'liinilra of .Mnartanburii. York aril Unbn. 8. O. Ha'J iat betn tnlargtrl from a twenty to a thirty-two column, ami la now ailornml with an entire new drt-aa, lit politici nni L'rnuirrnnr i up troniia l:eil!rHl Hallway b.'lug now 01 mplettd llirourh to Wilmington, an 1 siielhy being the Western t'Tminna, tho limner la a moat eieellent aUtertising medium- Kaln mtUrate. T I'BHAM & Vi KI'B. Klltora and Proprietor feb , ss-tf A SPLENDID HOLIDAY PRESENT. Ttc Carolina Housetoltl Maiaziiic, AN ICUUSTKATEli MONTHLY i . ebolot t.lterattire, will beipaued from th' nnho Mbriukr Ornca eoromenclng w th JanuHiy, 1K(B. The Hmt number will b ready lor m iling by I)ncniber liitb, and tho crloif. leal will be puhll.hul each anccoedliig.nniiitli thereat tor wlihout InU'rtmitlon. No adran tago will be Beglwted wich ItUor talent or capital can ooiunmud to render ea ti ineue an ttireeahlo and lntructiT6 compendiuu ot cnolce reading, by popular writers, both home The Carolina Household Magazine will be a large ts-paga, elbty-lour column montlily.haiiilfctuely printed nn tinted bonk paper and beautitully Uluatraitd. It la i tliorougbly kmit em entervrtae and IIh aucecn iaalnailv TulW ataurcd. The j ubli-her mi ana to make it a first, rlaaa monthly, thai, one In. troducml In the family circle, n taie tn be ngerly watt bed fn and carelly preaerred li "POkt TKA IT OAL1F.KY" will ,roen aitractiye leatur. ,'1 he Waimary iinmbe will roiiraln a Ufo-llke picture of ' EX-GoV. Z. B. VANCE, 4.'. and b'ngrapljlcal sketch, to be fnl lowed In f ach aucceedlng number with photnrranha ol other atatetmen, ditlnea, o ONLY TWO POLLS 6H A YKAK and eaoh auhenrllxir can make a choice ol THaMsnoaTBaArTiFiitaAHBaKniinatiJiuju lie ui each St x or th" MBTlour In n ineliea, lxj "TU FinklintH the l.inpl.." 'IbeManS.n ,., ,r.r Halving in ntnrm." ftr. war,ll on rerfclpt of the u.aerlptton prW. Kltharof tho Kim.aTingl wonli ib ul.le the jiriee aki it tor the MaKalne r Any on winding a club of St alii rr cmt. an xtra aultfii rtptinn rr. Mlnf t ronlt" vo ccnta, fre by BtaiK i bus b anlwr.i. tlon, wltuuut the i-ngraMng. SI. , AsentS Wtntad Eva ruih. ... M ... .. 1 1 .. .. t v . , ' . . ... Ad.rew JOLiiUS. SUM 4 L. l ui.iwher. tfeoltf Uoldilijia, i,U. Ei.II EOAfs Carolina ..:ral Railway Co. Ornv OnirisAL . vi iriT. ), S. t-., AiU It, h"5. J Change ofJScliedule, On ami after Fil.l, Arril 16' h, 1k;s. the mm sill ruu ottt 'Li h.iiwaj mm luUcw: PA88RNCER TRAINS WllmliiftoB at......" I ISA M rrne In 1 L.iilulU at J. 15 f M ,lr oit at... i. j ........ I A M ntr at witaiicgtor at ........ .....3.W V M FRKICMT TRAMS lte WllmUituat. t.nSt. M rrireat (.litfkiUa al..... SIX) P. M L m. hil'tat ..:! A. M rrUa iu vTllRiinirtou at........ .(VA. M MIXED TRAINS. lve Cbarlolie at.... :i) A M rrl at HoS. oal li M .oato h U lu at..:-. 1J: P M rnva ll'harlo:teV....... i.JU P At I rain on Mnnrlmr except tme Irtllit. m lim li-n Wlaimtton alt 1. M.. lu- ntviui ol en Saturday nlkht. Connections. ' "nolii si totlmji.MUta wnb WIloilnstoB & ..U.n, n i Milriliijtuiii, lolumlna & Ah. v-w. rtmimxuii. an-wti aiy jrw ioii miu tuwMHf mltlmore and wtkl Pbila.t-1- jliia SU-aaMrn.and I bo Hivw Uoau to Ka- .U .lilt-. t i niirrta at Charlnttr with ita Vtfrtm Il- vt en, North anilina Kailrcaii. t l atlcO ard HiatratiU KallruaoV Chat lull & Atlanta Ait 1.' nar ana Cbarl.itte. Columbia ana Ao K""Ui kaiiruaJ. - J aaa nit i'iu t tue hola went. orlhwai aiiarpiiiiiwi'Mjlutaatiiirl aau rbooti luiu ( lie beaboard and ltiro.e. , ' ' B. L ntlMUNT Oblaf KDior auJ 8aierliitctirtent artil IS l-tf Paper, nnhlt-hlnv C. C. Ratlwtv acbril ale will ilra itio r.bariMi. ' ... KNBKAI.HUIKHINTKN'TS OfllCI WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA : 1 JvTf-.. S , AUGUSTA RAILROAD CO WlLMlHtJTHS, I... Aftll S, iKlfl SR O 135 CHANGE OF. SCHEDULE On ant) allot Mnnlar, Aiall Sth. Uu) lolloa iug relmlul will I nil : u - M1IM1 EArii&BA t ttAin,(l)ailTI Lei WilralngUiS ....- S-?B r. M i ii rirmnti 11 W P. .V ArrlTf at tuial. la. ......, 4.1ft A. V Auxuata, 8.45 A. M bfara Aukumi 4.IS f M Lea i.'ohiuibla.. (.15 P. V. (jt'tkVO C tOr HCO.f a .attt(Ba)a 12 50 A. M Arrlft at WilniinvUin '. 7 10 A.M - l-nf -naera nn Wnt bevnnil Cola nbl tiVc thtiiujjh 'i rain, leaving Wllmlngion t8 P.M. - r.UK KMiEK XKA IN, (Pally eicejit Hnn lir Wlltnlnjftmi t.iO A. Xitin al K'oruiice I'-t P. Lear K loranca 1. 10 p M A'iTrat WIUjilliMton.,..., ,. 7.00 P ftl Sirea'wnfT tnr 01iurlrtnn, folunibla ami AugiiKla and bpyinl. tauiild take nilit Kx prito train iruni w uininiiiuii. aW" Tb" oiiKbSlMplngOara on night train tor uuariettoB ana Aiigtiata. J AMI'S ANOKRNON ., Uin'ISuierlntcnileut. -Aptiis . al a, '--f i ; fo-tr WILMINGTON AND WELDON RAII . BOAD COMPANY li OfFloa of (laaaaai. SursHiSTaaoaaT, ' , n.VUf'iugton, n i, lem . ' OHAJTU&OF jsCUlUHUJi I (to ant after Jan. Btl. PaMiUKn I'ralua 0 tho Wi W, Rallroar) will na M follow 1 ! MAIL THAI, i. Union iK-iKit d'l (exropt riumlaya) at ,.I.H3 A, M Arrtre at Moldaboro at .114 A. K. , Kook afouptat .......... 16 P. M r" 'Worrttmst.r.rr.:.:. ..;.;, 4' p. v . Wel'luuilally at....,,.. ,.,.,.10.(8 A.M irr al Ki ViMHiij.. r.. 11,41, mx iaiioroai.... ii. ..,,, . uu.. m, Uulcn Depot ; SusP.M .11 W. f. .'OW; ' .,,1.'..;, CXPHIS TKA 4KII THKOUtiH rHcmirr vuAtm. 1 I . ! ir.r- W ' .- 1 ,' u ear tlulOn SepOt. ilally, at....,.,' 1.1SP.M. irrlreat Hnlilaborti at........." , 1.40 A.M. ' - Koeky Mnantat...:.....v.. 4BO A. M. !' weldos a ...,....... I.W A M 'eWiMoh,iTa!!y,al.. . 6 iti P. M trrlre at Ko'kr Mount all ........ O ld P. M . tioldaboroat,. ....HIS A. M. ! Union Depnl at .... eluA.M Mall Train makua ulna. oonnaotloB at Wal- Ion lore!! pointa North Tta Hi j LlnandAc lla !reek r,ontof 1 ' '''.' 'li f 9r Eiprew i ram mnneotaoniv wun Acama Uroek route. Pullmtaa'a Falae Nleop. nt t'ara on tblsTrnla. . Frelsht Train will lea Wllmlmrton tri weekly at 5.48 A. M. si A ar-lre at 1.40 P. M. i . ... i. tfuus r. ih vim., ,' . Uenrl Hup't Jang - . . f . t-tl tttaroirv.-i ? - - 't Personal Reminiscences, Anec- I . dotes and Letters ot GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE, ; By Key. J. WILLIAM JONES, I), U., Formerly Chaplain Armv Korthern Virginia, and of Watihingtoa Cnlloge, Virginia. lPubllihe(l hy authority of the I,e fumlly and or the Facnltr of Warhington and Iao ; L'tilverolty.i Sixteen Splendid Portraits and - Fngravlngs. : Pr(ce, In Cloth, 3 ffl; sheep, 4 Hair Tur j . key, SS.Sii; Pull Turkey, 7ffl. A art of the .rocetd of yry copy aold linfsto fnnip'ttn Valentine'! Vaionphagua ot l.e eold "ii'y by tubarription. MRS. S. M. WEVERE, Agent. Hpril Wi on tt S- If Wilmingtoiti IS ALIVE TOHFR INTKhRSTS In Pa Carolina, her buMness men will adyertlae In THE WASHINGTON ECHP, a large and well ratatiliahed weekly newtpa per, circulating extenglTely li. U ecountleao Hyde, Boautort. Pamlico, Pt't, Eilgocombi and thoao adjoining. Katea lw. Wait P. WiitiAataow, R. Oranoxx Late of T-irboro. of Waahinit'oii. Editor anil Proprietor. - Oottl Star cojiy. ; 2SD-U rJ"lio Virgin hi, BUFFALO SPRINGS, Mecklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF THE SOUTH. i ,' OrEN 20th MAY, 1875.' Then water, are pnaed or extraordinary urative powrrn in aflertton ot the KIDN K Ys and BL liDk K,, Iu all deianiii'nwnu of the B1LIAHY OKOANH Incident to warm mlai mails region. In DyspesWl, In Dis- eases peculiar o Women m Chronic intermittent nu Wemlt tent Fevers. n Chronic Conorr hosa Secondarysyphllls. Cloet ana ail ot iha'oefilial Organs, andlnaume li.nnaof Cout'd Rheuma. tlsm. Thtlr remarkanie l ower a,.,r ,...,. "' l"",i,M Imlioatjm are Ton bed t'"r hv '-'rneolth- m nt dift iulfhed niwliral men "' ,"" " """. nun norm and South, well Jfby r,iio'ieit cwa from thp roi-t iiniiie- .,,n r.Min. inmotiiaii In Pamohlot form lurnlhl on application, THBWATKlt fOKSALE. . u T.!"1 w,,,,r ',n' ,n """ one doren hall (Mllon lli tll a at. C (H-r raae. Route to the Springs for the South: iiy war., I li. hicnmoiiU ami Atlania Air Uht KailroM I to Senttabnrg lirp.t In Halm x Munty. IrgliiU, wher all tialna ie nil Ly 0ockaif0rtli,Spn igl'lmlleidltlant ' a-4. THOMAS F. GOODrJ, Hi t;-4ai , froprlstor. 8HIPFIXQ. NEW YORK Af.'D VIA Wilmington, N. C. . . . vpv r4v x Fast Freight Route to all Points North or South. New York and Wilmington Steamship Line ! SEMI-WEEKLY, Sailing from NEW YOUK, WEDNESDAY ard SA1UHDAY st 8 P. M., and from WILSlING-iON, WEDNESDAY and SA1CEDAY. BOSTON AND Xcw York and Wilmington Steamship Company, CONNKCTIKG WITH THU. . OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. Daily Between BOSTON and NEW YORK Semi-Weekly between NEW YORK and WILMINGTON. Wedoeadar and Saturday Iremeack Port, i o 8hl.trirayrflyiiontb,ronitnl reif.lar railing rt I bra Stmnirra. tril quirk 01-PHUIivi-tualltih.ital., tola route. NO DELAYS. l!oMcliaB at ItSsstastM ILMlMIl('li.(,)l.l'MIiH ri:rTi inn K.m - V. J1.1U1.NO JON A WH.I'I'N KAII.BOAD. . TllKCAKfL'NAl KNTKAI. Kill WT, 7 Thro,,KhB,l.,orUa.ggWcn.V:.V NORTH and BOUTH CAROLINA.- GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Abo to NEW YORK. BOSTON. TROVIDENCE, FALL 1UVEB and other LtlhuTD CJ11168. frtnl," j,lf.r"",,ee" "I0" " "7 nT time a. quick. W . or OTereharg,. Mark nil Goods via Cljilt' .Vilmington Line. SST For Imtlirr liifV.rtnatlon ajiity to eulitr ..! the underalguftl Agent of th tins. I). 11 MINK. (IcreiRl 1 t. rn A (rent. 2 Devvmlnrr Sin -vt, Boston. Baltinii iCRcilfiilliti'lHnitiiiiiiCipy fa, si.:" - JPJSrr FREIGHT ROUTE To all Poinis Worth or South. k- BALTIMOKE. EaHimcre fiiid Wiiiiiiitcii Line, j . '"f. ; HiMI-WKKKLY. , -8A1LINU KkoM HALTIMOKK- Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P M. -ANl) FKOM WILMINGTON Wednesday & Saturday. BdSTO N AKDPRC VIDENCE. : ; - Bhltimore and Wilmington Line, lialtimore, lioeton and I rorldence Line, Or via Canal Daily to Philadelphia and Clyde'l Philadelphia and Providence Line. 8enil-Weikly from each Port. Hhlppcra may rely upon the prompt and reenlaraalllnir of the Steamer, and aulckdla ratih siveu to all thlLmenta b thia r.mti.. ainnxri Ave 1 "ua 1B,ct- Hi rou ah uuia of Lading (iven lo and tmm all Point In NORTH una SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA Also to BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, PEOYIDENCE, and other Lasterrj Cities. PipuV pairr"n,ed " '0W M bT DT 0tber Hoate nd tlme " ulck- Loatea or orercharge. Mark all Goods via Uallimoro and Wilmington Line. tar Tor fnrther information apply to either of the nn.lcialgned A gent of th Llna. -e.PWJN FITZCERALD, Agent, A. D. CATAiiv .- ' '. march' ua iniu l,iim , .u nouili eueetrna.timore, ISTOTIOi. Carolina Central Eailway, GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, ) Wilminoton, March 81st, 1875. ) THE ATTENTION OF THE P0BLin I REtPKOTPtTLLT INVITED TO laet that the Carolina Oertral Rallwav. beinir c.,mneti..l and iii. i, . ZU..Jy. "",f "f c"?.,!'tl0,", W""ntntn. both WILMINCTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR- LOTTE, STATESVILLE, CREENVILLE, SPARTAN " BURC ''" -mi an aianiiii. on Aiiiiimc, i ennrpree Ubio Atlantic and Richmond A'.r Carolina Kai Iruadi a well aa all poUil. In OEORulA and ALABAMA. ,.,o. n.nir.n , v urn nineen aa low aa via anv nther Una. No fir cliamea. and Halt'. aluHian. low Homui'luing! lur"lalieduK",ll"ll;''ti"" prll 3-WMy UN8, PAUASOL8, AT VIC VCKIA LAWNS, NAINSOOKS, WM. VIOTOUIA STK1PE8, FYFE'S, LINKS DIAPER, EXCHANGE rit'QUKS, LJNKN, CKAVATC, HAIti FIX1NGH, CORNER. And a general anaortment of Fancy Article, j The lato.t New York Novollies received wck J aprli'Mf i-xii acts lor the Toilet. QrPRLAINU EXTKACTS, T Lnbln'a Extract, Phaion'a Mght Blooming Ueroua. Hair Bruahea, i orolie, Oiled bilk, Ao., Ac For aal by UBEXN & FLANNKR BOSTON LINES FALL RIVER. WM. P. CI YKK ft no., General laats, New luikimc, t Bollr.g Umch, N. T. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. PHILADELPHIA. Baltimcre aiid filiiiliigtflii line. ' SMI-W1KKI,T BKTWBBS " BALTIMORE AND WUJtlilOTON. Baltimore and Philadelphia fijeaaib ,at Uo., lally yla Canal between BALTIMOBB ANO PHILADELPHIA. WESTERN CITIES. BALTIMORE AND WILMINGTON LISB. , Northern Central Railroad ABD TBS Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. halUmoi. Tauu r?i "iV-. WlLMIBOTOB. N.C. THk? Tit direct Steamer Llnea and rla W.k bnalneaa.. . . . i Line andNoith a terminal or Iran- ' nndo-.igncd. Offlos In Bank of NW Oeneral Freight Agent. Just Received I A large and complete assortment of Stationery, Legal Cap, Foola Cap, Letter, rocket Note, Commercial Note, Ootftve Note, Billet Note, Long and Broad Bill Paper, and the test and cheapest stock of Envelopes intha city. ; ; " AL80, . ' r Blank Bookw Of all kinds and sizes. BLANK LOOKS made to order.' At ... - CONOLEY k YATES' 97 Book 2'

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