W7 "N i it. It WW WHOLE 110. 6,877. VOL XXIV. NO. 113. wiunnGTon. it. c, Wednesday, hay 12. 1875. nC 'Si I 1 It II Ml 11 I I ILLU C( lournnl WILMINGTON. N. 0.: W1DNESDAY. MAY12.1S75, BY TELEGRAPH. EUROPE. THE CZAR OP ALL THE RUS SIA'S AT BERLIN. PLOTS AGAJKST BISMAKCKS .. -i--r . LIFE. - THE CZAR AN AMBASSADOR OF PEACE. HO K0NO 8 EIGHT Y-THIliD BIRTHDAY. Brrlis, May 11 Noon The Cztr arrived to-day and was received on aliK'tiug at the railway station by Emperor William and all the Priiioew auii t!ieEmperor' family. Geuera!bVu M iltke aud Munteufell and other t'i -tiuiigaiahed personages were present. he Emperor's greeting wan excee iugly curdiul. An iaitneute crowd gathered aronnd the station and cheered enthusiastically. The city w decorated with flags. The Czur, aocoompauied by Priuce Gortschakofl', visited Prinoe Bismarck. The bill lor the suppression of re ligious 'order passed ita third reading in the Lower Honse. The Berlin Poet nays tbera are reanous to suspect that eertaiu Polish priest", have oouapired agaiufet the lives of Prince Bismarck aud Br. Falak, Miniaterof Eolesiastical Affairs, and that three persons whose uamt s are already known o the polioe, were hired to oarry out the plot. . The rumor that Germany aud Rus sia intend addressing a representation to France in ; relation to aimament is false.' "' " ' "" " ' 4 ' ' Pahis, My H-rNoon The feeling bere is mora hopeful. The La Liber ties says that the Czar will propose a geueral di-arming which Germany will support. London, May 11 Noon The Tiuaes.in a leadingeditorial, says: We believe that the Czar is resolved to hold the most decided language in favor of the maintenance of peace, and to use every effort to put a Btop to the alarm, A few days will probably biingfortii official disclaimers of the recent reports. It js possible that it will to said that tbs is nothing to justify 'French apprehensions, but if there should be ft mistake on this point as long as the preseut condition remains there must be uneasiness and even danger. Att unforeseen incident, an outburst of jealousy, may preoipi tat a rapture. The Czar ia unable to guarantee that France will not attack Germany within ft few years. Gigan tic armaments ire"1 'ft mutual menance, , and while they exist it is beyond the power of even Imperial peace makers to allay apprehension. A special dispatch to the Pall Mall Gazette from Berlin, says a Catholic Assembly baa left Mayenoe for Rome, to present the Pope with an address congratulating him upon tue annivers ary of his birth-day, which occurs on the 13th inst; when he will be 83 years old. The address, which is snid to have one million signatures attached to it, is oouched in terms of the deep . est devotion and allegiance. In the House of Commons this af ter ' noon, Mr. Burke, nnder the foreign Secretary, in response to the inquiry - of Sir Charles Duke, as to the conti nental situation, said the Government has received to-day the most satisfac tory assuranoes from Berlin of the ' maintenance of the peace of Europe. n d HEADQUARTERS. BREAKIN3 UP WHISKY DISTIL LERIES IN THE NORTII , ,. WEST. THE FLORIDA ISTHMUS CANAL SCHEME. Washington, May 1 1 Noon The best planned and most skilfully execu ted campaign ever made by the gov ernment against the wliitkej lirff dis tilleries' culminated yesterday in the seizure of more than thirty of the lar gest distilleries and rectifying houses in St. Louis, Chicago aud Milwaukee, Wabhwotos, May 11 Night Sen- ator Conover, , of Florida, has assur ances that the execution of the follow ing clause of the River and Harbor f billwnich he championed throughCou gress, is progressing favorably: For surveys to ascertain the most eligible line on which ft canal across the Isth mus of Florida can be constructed, ' " and whether a safe land-locked nuvi- Ration between the waters of the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico, along the coasts of Alabama, Louini . . .ftaftad Forida and through the latter State to the Atlantic coat, can be had. To estimate the probable cost and practicability of the con struction of such works and of any artificial water routes found necessary to provide a safer inland navigation ' " between the Mississippi river aud one . ,.of the seaports on the east coast of Florida. , The talue of the distillery property seized yesterday was over $1,000,000. "Deteotives1 are hunting up the consignments from the illicit dis J tiltenes. ' Broken packages are seized. Other distillery seizures have been ordered at Pickens. Illinois. Cincin nati. Ohio, and elsewhere, aud the Secretary toHlay directed that logal fttana ha tnknn at all DOintS where frauds have been dinoovered, and that rrsstft be made, wore , eviaenoe is s.iffioient to justify them. IheoOtoois t bave already ; ascertained ' that i great quantities of this crooked whisky nave trv AanAAifkllw in t.lm Mnntri. Illlt the form of the packages in which it was t t M A 1 j . . 1 - .1 originally uiippeu nas Den ouaugeu in m&ny instanoes, and it will now be . U jUSpossiiiU tc.4tect iBuch of it. J THE SdllLLEK. CONTINUED RUSH TO THE AGENT'S OFFICE. New Yok, May 11 Night-The ruh cf people to the agent's offloa dtill ooutinuos. Mr. Louuardt, of this city, called to-day to oertain the fate of his brother.Gdorge Lftouhardt, of Augusta. G.., who had left in the Schiller with his wife and children for Htuttgardt, tuking a laige amount of proptuiy with him. No news could be given to the distressed gentleman, who left the office iu tears. PENXSYLVANIA. NO ABATEMENT OF TnE MINE TROUBLES. Wii.kesbakhb, May 11 Night. About 30 men went to work iu liuti h ituou's miu'j this morning. They marched from their homes iu a body aud were armed with rifles aud revi vers. A crowd of men, women Bud byjs followed them with threat and imprecations and were ouiy deterred fiotu acts of violence by the weapoua of the workmen. The wotueti were paiticulaily bitter with invec'ives i n 1 at oiih point in the mile march nearly irtoipitated a conflict. ELECTIUITS31S. At Philadelphia the oross-ex a mi na tion iu Gardemaun'H ease for alleged defalotitioif indicates that the Church owe the Priest nearly 3500. The situation m the cbiiylkill nnu ing region is growing daily more criti cal. Men who are willing to work are compelled to abandon the miues un der threats of death. Reports from two hundred counties in Pennsylvania indicate scarcely a half crop of winter wheat. The Piauet Carpet Mills at Brook lyn have been burned. Loss 8330,000. Employed four hundred. Col. D. K Anthony, editor of Leav enworth Times aud Postmaster at that place, was fatally shot by William Em boy, editor of Appeal, on the stair- vay of Opera lloUBe. Ill feeling ex isted between the parties. STATENEWS. Because of bad weather the Memo rial Services in Ralegh were postponed until to-day. The Raleigh Sentinel says: One of the convicts Saturday at the brickyard slipped the guard and ran away, the guard firing at hira three times aud minsing every time. Still at large and fr-e as a bird. t The Toisnot Transcript says: A Mr. Petway, who lives near this place, has thirty-two good, healthy looking ris ings on one arm, and Mr. G. W. Grif fin, who has only one arm, has been carrying that member in a sling for some days, witu some less man a dozen from the size of Bilver dollar to a five cent piece. The Reidville News says: "We wit nessed one of the most striking and at the same time brutal effects of "bust- head" whisky on last Mouday it has ever boeu our misfortune to see. A teamster by the name of Evans, in the employment of Mr. A. F. Fair, of Prestouvilie, at-kes county, strucK one of his horses on the head with an axe sever? 1 times. The skull of the horse was mashed in several places.? A Bergh is needed up in that burg. TbeRaleiph News says: We learn f com a private letter that three negroes, who lately escaped from the Peniten tiary, are creating much excitement in the Battlesboro and Rocky Mount neighborhood, lhev have been seen and identified by parties who know them. They were seen in a negro house on Cant. T. W. Battle's planta tion, a few nights ago, and Hamp Austin has been shot at by Tom Cooker who saw him lurking aronnd his premises, and when hailed refused to stop. At night the party visited Mr. Coker and tried to gain admittance iu the name of a respectable colored man, but a trick was suspected and they failed to carry out their purpose of robbery and perhaps murder; they however sdminibtured a souud cursing to Mr. Coker. . Charles I.auib, Essayist, Denounced all spirituous liquors as "Wet Damnation." Poor fellow; lie knew whereof he spake, by sad expe rience, and if living, would apply the same to Alcoholic Exoitants,- advertis ed as Curcalls. But there is one Tonic aud Alterative iu existence the best the world has evor known which con tains no alcohol. It is Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitteiis, 'V Decidedly the best remedy that has over been discovered for rhcumatim, swoolen or stiff joints, flesh wounds, sprains, bruises, cuts and burns, is Johnnon't Anodyne Liniment We use it, and always reocommend it to our friends. We should not hesitate to recom mend to any freind of ours, Parsons' Purgative, P ills;' the y are scientific ally prepared, and are adopted to all the purposes of a good purgative med icine. Hotel Arrival. Ptjbcelii House, If R. Davbi, Pro prietor Uob't Blow. . Oxford; W O Williams, Tarhoro;: 'H E' Flemming, Weldon; Q 8 Baker, Louisbnrg; W A Davis, Jno T Britt, Oxford; Jno D Battle, Edgecombe Co., Jas Carrp'iell, Ilev Dr. Cla-k and' wife, New i'ork; W Watson, New Orleans;. F C Bee mann, Ginoiunstl; WT Manning, Wel don; Jordan Btone, Raleigh; W H Ho erton, Cjl Oeo Little, Jas H Pool, J () HutBon. Raleiffb; J D Cameron. Hillsboro; E R Ellis, Toisnot; J Si Woodfiiff, UajlJiS uytie.uaston; r J Steel, R J Steel, J W T)awkinB, T J Newsom, Z F Long, Hillsboro; J W Powell, Boxley, Go; V V Richardson, Whi eville; Geo t Taylor, wife and daughter, Boston; 3 Hodges, S C. DIED. la Ihii city, oa th loth Irfttnt. In th tl er ( ber ag, Mr. Sl'MAN BoWlIH,rl ict iX ih lia Lcmiul Buwtl.a, Tatunrt will uk plao at tu .'clock A. M. tu-dBt from tfc nadtin of Mr. B. J. Jaoobi on f riser m itrxl, ui4 rroB Unc to IB. Wilm'nftOB WrMn tUilroBd at U. 1'iont bum Den, theno ta tht fuillj bar;, lug f round Br BurfBW ttlon. l)o I In Hi. f rctou provMBiic pr4 our deat Birthrt to ronl tb. prlo4 urdiaarllT allotttd to B.Hiaia. h. wa tb BoUar r igbt children, lurtr-nln raiMI-cblldra and twiitr.oii graat jrand cluidraa. sb waa a 4.MBIII Monthor of tb. M.thadlat Uban'b tot mor. tb.a BUT vara. Pot tba laat Htm tB yM'.aba bd ban blind tot yr. Mi. bud been atlently and obMrfully walUog lb u mount ol bar baronlf Patbtr i(tb.r bom. In tb. kba, TLaag. her rn of flfah wore a ti whlrh bll tbe knee el thU lover wo' M, bar .an drank In th. .weel aoeent. of aartblv e"reBnko, and her aoal laHtadwHh li iuir eu tke atantlea of th. Sntrltaal Orrator. Her vUion of the better land grew brlnbter unfit arert ear of death watloet In l ire, and bone li noo lotloulj netrrd in ful fruition. Herlatt Hlneaj wa only of hm dy duration Lite, like a eloek, eeea. to hate rundown by tbe araTitatlon er.year ia h -n told thtt h. waa boat to l.oie u. .he Mia the wae ready and waltlaf to drnart, and " fade, a Mnimrr flood wt, . iiunki th sale when .tornitares'ar, 4.(ntlr ibuti ike aye of daj, A.dirawae 1' B tta.fhor bh gently llept In Jerai eraii." NIW ALViRlISEMIiriS. Clearing Oat Sale yr uky ooods, o., at j.s. Wil liams' STOKE, will eomm.no promptly at Id H A.M., ibl. niurolnf. th. Bret licit offend for .ale will be a superior Iron Sare, ttETU W. PAVtS, Aaotloneer. mtr II III It OF A FIRST-CLASS BOARDINQ HOUSE AT AUCTION. ON FKIOAY NKXT.th. Uth Inttanl, oom nenoiug at It o'clock A. M., we wllleellal the reauleuoe of Mn. .Clifford aun tk north ideof Market ttroe., betweea heooud and Third ureeu, all of Ibo oneekalal mm KIMhaa rrmtimr tberala eostalned. The toaae hiTlng beea said th. aale will ha with at reeerre lor cub. OBOKLY MOKttlS, AnMioaean. may II lll-li-llUiAltih Btaroopy tlthaad Uth. Look at the Prices- - CHEVIOT BUTTS, all wool. $15. , White Duok BaiU 17 6a Handsome Silk Scarfs, Superior Dreea Bhirta, Lisle Thread Bhirta, Gloves, Half Hose, Ac MUNSON&OO. CITT CliOTBUUa, III FEOTIVAL 4 rpHK LADI1S ! THK F1BST FBB8BY- terlAa Oh arch will hold a Btrawherry and lot Cream reetlral this Ttatng la ttt vaoaat Btort next U Mcairt. flUat A Marohmts'i Hardware Store. All art tavtiot tt bo pres ent. AdmlaUoa only Tea Centa. may 13 IU It Improved 0. It, M. I. O. 11. M. BRITBBBM: Yoa art htreby reqnetttd to meet at yoar Wigwam this Vtdneeday after noon of the 12th Ban, Flower Moon Q. 8. D. 3S4, at tbe td Ban, to Ukt part la tbe eelebra ttoa of tht anniversary of Bt Tamlna. All vUltlng Brother In tht city la good .tending are reipeotfally Invited to participate. By order of Hachem. T. J.HKKBINO.O.of B. may II llt-tt cErJTErjrjTALi There will be a SPELLING BEE ATTBB Opera House on FRIDAY EVENINC, May 14th, the proceed, to bt appropriated to Iht MECK- LKNBCRO CEMTBKNIAL. Ticket SO Comm. Children M Octta. Dnori open atT e'oloek. my tll-trt I HayeMsDay EcoeiTCtt ANOTHER SUPPLY OP THO'B HAND Mwed. Machine atwed and Oable-Wlre Bj. Toe Low-qaartar Bbote ef varlona tylei A lea Genie float 8 rap Tit end Nulll. flfti. Ladies Hllpprt In Tit variety, from and upwards. Hisee. and Children', bhoee aaiieolally. N. B. Ladle Bronie Slipper. only 81. CHARLES A. PttlOE. Ko. 31 Market St., 8ign of the Qold.n Boot may 4 104 THE MYOTERY Explained! At 20 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, H.0. myS lT.w Strawberries, COMPRESSED BEEP read j for table use, containing doable the quan tity of uncooked meat NO. 1 SHORE MACKEREL. ' Baker Whlskvy and Old Port. H. W. SHURE, ' JVb. 81 N. Front Street. roT 111 Soda Water. JOE COLO SODA WATER OK DRAUGHT and In Siphon Bottle, at ' '" - , JAMES. O. MCKDS' Drug Store, Third St., oppnelt Olty . may 16 tuulNU jAulHsa V IBl'lirtti jAaa a tpeoleltv at tbe diouBBAL of rjca NEW ADVIBTISIMINT8. MORE PARTICULARS I Ml ASSORTMENT OF IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. Mj eo-tomert haTehown their apirecitlion of my LOW TRICES by their liberal pnrchaaea, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS not posted, aud desiring the value of their money, can get it by calling ' ' . - AT- : M. M. EATZ S, 36 Market SI, aprll II Mew Arrivals. Dutch Herring, Russian Sardines. Anchovies. O 11. W. RtTNOrJ, M. R. Corner of Market and Beoond tit. HARDWARE at LOWEST PRICES AT New Hardware Store. GI-ESAMCRCHISON, H North Front It. Hay! Hay! Hay! QAQ BALES PR1MRMBW IORK HAT OWLaDIt. for tale by b. r. niTCHELi. n may t HI t New Books Just Out. "WRANnOCft KBIOHBOR8,MaSrqael lo My WUe and I. By Harriet BeeoW Stow Boned la Cloth ft Vk t , : , "ALIO! LOBAIWK.',aTleof tbeSoolb- Downa. By K.U. Biaekmare. isutou. "OUB URTAOHMKNT." A Morel by Katharine King. MUonIA, , For tale at HEINIBKBQBB'8. piAKOS, OBOAN8 AKD 0HBOMO8, HEirJGDERCER'G Urt Book and Mulo Store. mayt lil A New Lot Just Eeoeived Green' 8 History of the English People. "The Mysterious Island." By Julea Verne. "Oar Detachment." By Katharine King. "Alioe Lorraine," a tale of the South Downs. By R. V. Blackmore. "The Blossoming of an Aloe." By Mrs. U. Hoey. AT OONOLEY A YATES', Oily Book and Music Store, may t m "Best Butter in the World." Hew Spring Butter, 35 Cents. Ont trial of our Juetly otlebraud MCW PROCESS KMPIRB FLCU& U1 eontlnct yoa bejond a doabt that it U tht "Beit" aad whlteatla tteauu. Toa will ear tin V oanb by dD( tor "Brand.". Economlie and begin now. Oar talet art largo and it I mak ing new friend ttry day. Send for "tarn pic" before purchasing eleewhert. Cannoel Fniiu and Vea;Utblea at ttlll lower prloea. A few eat of Iht delleloui t pound Peacht JoeteirlTCd. Try ou COOKED OORNKD BKEF-erery an guaranteed "Perfeot" pnrchawd frem aa Freiih Torkiah Pranei, California Bartlett Peart, Maple Sugar and Syrup, Sweet Cider on draught, Extra Sugar Cured Pig Ham, Breekfatt Strip, agar Cured Shonlder, BoefTongaee, ' 1 Smoked Beef, Borden. Koaet Betf and Bxtratt of Beef, Choloo North Carolina Ham. Ji freah thl week and Tor a.e only by GEO. MIEItS, 11 and 13 South Front Bt. 'ay t "' ' -n K. PRANK ;COK'S Aaanneaiated vriiyhttte POR BALI f OK CASH OB OM OKOP Una kT 0.0. PAESLEI CO. atarokil H-tr ( "PERFECT." BURNETT'S Perfect Baking Powder, Try It tht beet brought to thl mark.t. Try It with our "low Proceee Kiuplro rionr" ud "ntltfy" youraflf it la the "Beet" Mw Butter to arrlft Monday, "Best in the World " Pram oat regular Hairy and "none genuine without our (tamp." 100 E,T" 100 lNo, 1 3Iaokorel At f 1 PES KIT. All CAMMED r SUITS and VEdETA BLBSwtkayt brought dowa tht prietiand oiling now rery low. "Bind (of prloe. The beat opportunity to bay Canned Owu iw ottered in thl market Bend lo u and at a money. APPLES, OBANQES and LEMONS, Parohed Java ann Laguayra Cof fees "to arrlrt Monday." Our weekly .apply of tht Cooked Cernod Bool Juat In. Brery houaekeeper ibould hare , It Otnnint told by CIO. MYERS. II A II South Front Street KiA-tm may I ELLEN WAltEIIAM By Mix Ellen Pickering. Old Myddolton'a Money. By Mary Otell Hay. A Waiting Raoe. By Pdmund Tt. AStraCge World. By Mint M. E, Braddoo. A Light and a Dark Christmas By Mr. Harry Wood. ALL FOB IALI T Conoley & Yates may e 107 COME EARLY AND BUT DootM mid ShooH FROM EVAN! VonOLAHN'8 WHOLK eal and Ketail Boot and Klioe More, on Prince, atreet, where yoa will find ail the new it j Ire-width., to", heel, height, make, ilui. colon. As., at the verr lowest price.. We take treat care In .electing our .took of Boot, at d Sboe. w. bare naa mnon ripen tnoe In tbe burinem, and with many other ad rantagea, we art lure wt can tatldfT yon In good and prloea. Wt art thanklul for paet faTora and hope the generou pnblle will con tinue their taror.. 1 EVANS & VonGLAHN. may I 1 Hubs, Spokes and lliitis. TDQ T WHEELS. Ailea, Cart WUwl, I Wagon Allen, Buggy Spring", Nulky Wheel. MhatU. Husiv Bodle. Sheet Iron Heat, Carriage Trimming, of all kind, Cut uaen iieainer, wo. 1 no laryan ana cnruih Hock in the olty can be found at in uiu Ke Ubllhed Hardware Houee of JOHN DAWHON, So It, 20 and Si Market Street, may I 10o Ex-Oov, 25. II. Vance will dellrer hi Cal.bratcd Lect urt on "THE SCATTERED K All ON," AT TBI OPERA HOUSB,, la thitcity, Tuesday Evening, May 11th. TICKET 73 Centa, to bt had of P. H.lniberger. J COMMITTER ' it HATBL. JAOOBI, MABSCt BlAB, A. WllLL, So Extra Charge for Bteerred Beat. ' . may t . Escaped Convicts. - Wt will pay a reward of SIO each for mch . .... in immA in thm ffttnttireof Ur .nrlot. etoaped from tht New Hanow Court. tr Work liOUM iino m ywnr i"i ""u"'! b letter or telegraph, MATHF.8 CO., Bu-' ErintendenteotNow HaaoVtt County Work tout, Wilmington, N. 0. . ' m?j g 108-tf TUB ScalterBQ Nation. NEW ADVERTISEMEXT3. 45. BROWN & 45 mm AUK NOW FULLY nUU'AliLD FOH TnEIU WITH A COHiri"!': AHMOU'WIENT of STAPLE AND FANCY If GOODS, romprisliitf Hie Kovollles of the Season. 8TMPE1) HUMMF.U H1LK8 75 Oenta, worth 81 12J. PLAIN (UtKNAMNKH from 18 (JonU upwajil, FlOUltED (11U;NAD1NE3 15o., worth ak LINEN UAMUIUCa 28o. ami iipwaaa. A very Cholco Nvloi'tlon of Nw lre IJood lor l.ndlce mnA Cblltlrcn'o FRENCH CAMlllUCa 15 cla., woitli 25 ots. NEW HTYLEH IN 01NOHAMH II ctd worth 17 ct. WASIIPOPLINH II ot , worth 20 ots. , ' I?EH 1' CALICOS 10 cts., worth 12 cts. L'LAMA LACE RITAW'LH AND HACQUE8, NOTTINGHAM LACE 8IIAWL8 AND HAOOUE8, 8UETLAND 81TAWL8, IN W1UTE AND STRIPES. A VERY liirge asBortuiout of SUNSHADEH, the latitat styles that enn bo found in the country, at price ranging from 20 ctH. to $7. Ladles, Misses ami Boyn While and Striped Hose.' Gents White and Striped Book, for Summer wear. Lndies and MiMos (lamw Vuilrrweur, Oeuts and Hoys Oauze Vndf rvnr, Gout's Jeaua Drawer (mado to onr apooial order), Oent's Wliito Dro(m8hirta sinl Rows, Woolen and Linen Goods (or Gents and Boys wear. Tho largest lines on MU8LIN8 eer hown in this oity, huoU as BWI8S PLAID8, Btripes snd riain." NAIN800K PLAIDS, " " " ORGANDIES PLAIDS, " " " VICTORIA LAWNS. Hod Wirnl ft'om H1 iiwnn1. " TJix'ii Hlu'olliiia: uikI Pillow Cnliiff. OT WE WILL HliOW for ONE WEEK a very bandaoma line of . " , -,V , DRAP D'ETfl MANTLES and BACQUES. HOLE A0KNT.1 for Frank I,ll I'ut l'mr lall riia MACHINBNEfDLIS r Cents each. We have several JOB LOTS in dilterout depurtuiouts, but want of space pr vents us front enumerating ; a visit only cun cover the ground. ONE PRICE STRICTLY CASH NO SAMPLES CUT BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. P. 8. It has boon almoRt irapoRxible for ni to pay the attention to our pat rons that we would domre owing to the increase of our business and lack of room. Wetukothis opportunity li apologize to those who have not boon waited on as uromptlv ss we should wHi, aud would recommend all who oau to call early in the day as we can show W6LS PACIFIC eilAIO CO.; CAPITAL PRICES REDUCED THIS DAY. TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED TONS SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO for sale, either for CASH or on CROP TIME. Liberal terms will be mad? with Merchants and other reliable parties to sell this Guano at our Wareho prioes. . ' v W. H. McRARY & CO.; CommlMiOD Meroaant. Agent for FclfloQuauo Co., and Dealer In No. 1 PrruTlan Uimno . North Wathh Htubkt, WIEiIHINUYON, Tt, Sub-Jlgents for the Sale r. II. IHOHf.. V. UMAHAIU...... Jan II Fresh Orisp Milk Oraokers and - Ginger Snaps, Peck.Freaa and Albert Biicult, Fruit Crack er, OoriihtllanlCrenm Kuti. Bont'a Dotton Cracker. . A fnll line ot freili tieoile by erery Steams;. Dew and Freah (looili receiving dally. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., V 6 A 7 North front St. Graham and Rye Flour, tIRISH aKD SCOTCH OAT MRAli. " "Perleotlon" In Family Flour Barrel and Half Barrel. CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., 5 it 7 North Front St. may 9 ' Du Pont's Powder. R BIFLK, 8POKT1NO AMI) MUSKET, BLASTING AND MIJUKO In Whole Ha and Quarter Ket. For sale by 7 o. a. parsley; co. warch II ' ' 9-tf Trunks Bepaired and Covered All kind of Saddlery rennlrln done prompt ly at modrrale price. A full clock ol'aaditloe, Harneae, Trunks. Hera and MHtchitln, t'ollara, Hame. Chain, Saddle Clothe,. Whi', Mimr-, OurryOombi, Home Brufhca, Stall Strap, rither Uuaur. Maddlrry Hardware, leather. AxleUretae, Neata Foot Oil, Ijp Koboe, Ao. CARPENTrft A MALtARDf ' j . . riutxwexore W -,. i ; , . J. 8. TOPHAM A CO., No. I BouthFrODt Street, Wilmington. K. (1. y .,,., t Hl-tf WEDDIHG CARDS iVSSW' lWwtorwii. 45. EOBDICK STREET, 45 thorn more attontiou. apl 18-tf - - 1 ' - 1,000,000. of Soluble Pacillc (iuano. Old Hundred, N. 0. Marlon, H.O. a7-3nidw Bacon Sugar CofFee Hay, Flour, Etc. 100 Boxes D. S. Sides & Shonlders, 100 Boxes Smoked Sides aud Shoul " ders, '.;,' ' ' 150Bbla. Refined Sugar, 100 Bogs I'rimo Bio Coll'eo, 200 Bales Prime N. R. Hay, ' l,fi00 Bbls. Flonr all grades. '200 Hhds. Now Crop CubaMolasseB, 100 Bbls. New Crop Cnba Molasses, 600 Bnndles Hoop Iron, CO Bbls. Glne, 2M Second Hand Spirit Casks, 50 Bbls. Whole Rifle, 12,000 Bushels Prime White Corn, 300 Kegs Nails, 200 Bugs Shot, 100 Bbls. 8. H. Syrnp, 75 Bbls. Mess Pork, ' 75 Tubs Prime Leaf Lard, 100 Boxes Snd Half Boxes Candles, 75 Boxes Candy, , , . , 50 Boxos Soda, 20 Cases Matches, 100 Boxes Soap. For sale low by 1 WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Guano! Guano! 250 Tons Quanape Guano, ',, : 200 Tons Eiueka Guano, ' ' For tale low by WILLIAMS A MimCHISON. may .., ,;-, . . ,.i03 . Wesdtuc Heea t Weed In v !! I One ol the luriont and beat awrtcd Mock. Of Weeding 1I 1 1 brought to Ihla mtrkot can now be tlund at our onubllalimuut, where the fnllowlng brand can be I'OUKUt at rerj low flgntee: Scerlil (genuine), Laue, flibann, Ault mn, Clwell buth itenl and Irun 'I'he llnn dl(d Col toa and Cora Hot and Donhte-BluJed ' Hoe. can a w be lound with . i (lire oa a call before purchit.lnjf elowhere. . , ilUiJ A MUitCHlSU. tprUSS w-