WILMINGTON, N. 0: TETJESEAY. KAY13.1S75, TV IUti.t .lomNAI, lite oldest dai'j .inn-r in North Carolina, it pulilistied rvory m.m inc. "pt M m.liy, at Eight I'oi.i AK rear: ForB Dau.ak u m. tilths: Srvkstt-pivb wnU per rnonttt d1H.rtr pr'Hl. Served by Carrier i iv ,:. .1 Srvkstt-fivs cent. r mm- ii,or Two Poixaks and T W t r-rivit cents per quarter. Tl Wniciti.T JorR5A.L, (Friday) a itrty-s n'Junin paper, Two Pol l AK rr ye.; thr- con! Five Poixaw ai a nAi.r; four copies, Svm Diuj.ab" h onit. F.IOHTPOI LA. AJD A BAI I I : ITA . Jlti I.1A1Y , 1.- VI -.nr.M IN, AM S I KiTIUNS Mi i I! 3 l'1'. IrS AMI - ikiw IMl.thy hif i'r. -If, i, W l' --k. M.it. v of b.n Ia o i'" . li . . ... r- l . . C i. L il . K 1 No.v York: Hi l" t A: I imiMsgh K. F. H " A tun: 1'. lie 1 1 ." iK"r ! A i liatlHU'K Oi"k R'l't I 1!.,. U i: v Ib .t t i.t KU:CU.A.E-.'! S c 0 j J JjACOIilJ AXE. ; nii HiiMii hi. iirti.. The lin-hruoiiil fji'i'iinr I.Kir.s th it t ;enrst improihiou of the modal string at the Philadelphia mint to cmniernor ate the Meekhnbtirg Declaration of Independence La. ln received iu Washington. In su nd value it i v.inal to the nail dollar pier-. a r.tnluiif wf.il ul K,..i y ..c..m. deWgo and finish are wry creditable, j i britui'ul of iut.nvt irom bwauing i f Kft tkks ki-ukto ma On one si Jo is a hornet"., neat Hub !' ud 18 ffl"-' r,c ;ri1 "f t inMir t Al iti. unuu . . ., ilifoof the Kr't trHg.-dj.tti from hi I m -t -i. I Co-.fi.jt thriving tvpieal of the announcement by U j yciiM H(jJ ,ljlo thu md of B ; . king soffioers tuat Alecs leuimrg waa a j x.n-re i not rliupter iu it but l'U)S. bornct'a nest of rebela. Uu the aiime j will be rcml -Mig-riy ny ail Bide U abw hberty cp unrronnded bo bw wr admi.,d this mJ of V . . .. the Atlttutio, the wonderful powers (if l,y the raya oi w.e ri..iB .uu. aru.- tLi JnljCB (f u- Jwmfc. Aml U()f(,m!y are two clasped hands, winch are typi-1 iloready a life an 1 career f HtL; liATT KwAlia SlirFTIXO. AVK A.I. cl of the nniUd Noith and South at mliy Hriru;ed, but there' are mauy the clone of the laHt war. Ou tlie re Terse aide within a circle, are the iu aeiiptions: "May 20, 1775 and May 20th, 1875 Mecklotiburg D claratiou of Iudeix-ndeiioe." Two tbunaaud un copies. Fiftfs Dot.LAnn; twentj Ttr medtit n6V0 ordered by the u.ter. tiuK ii'fereLO-g to the pnat LukIixU fetara who ruled tin hUig" during the llrt ijnartcr tlie prwut, oi-utuiy, a period which wait luutmaily I'toatio iu the ucvelotioniit cl uru- Dl4t;o taleiif. lvm iia. IM11. WWII-'"" briwi-KiTioNS in all ca4 payable v vane, a-)d ik pir Poiitimieil aner uic i,ti,-:f the lime paid for. l;aitTTNclis should l nia.U J Post- .fli. Money Order or fcxpreas. u mm ri . ot be doite, protection acainrt ln hy lunil nay be ai-cured by fotwardilig a draft pavxtiletnllH! nnWoftli prTrietor j ti1P Jou .nau ot by aeiiding the money areKiweredh'Uer. .WenWti(! Ra'ea (per Inch ot ewelve .iid life of adertiliiiJ type.) One b-ct., one InwTtiim, Osv Uoi.LAH; two timer .... (Ink DoLIAM ASI A HAI.r: tlilt" aneitlims Two Uot.t.Aiia; four InsTtion. Two Doi.LAna add A mai.f; flveliMwr Executive Conituittee of the Ccnku nial celebration aud large number of copper ImpreRsioiiH. i . - HAIIIMilHXi. Eureka! WVbave found it. For two week past we have boon t agetly calming the papers to find suitable eulogy on the dead aud buiied (Hjliti- cally speaking,) en-Attorney (k-uerul Williams, but better known by the sobriquet of Landnlent Williams A fallen jester or kicked out Court favorite generally meets with but lit tie sympathy and this is the csho with Williams. Still, a lUUioul sheet down t . ...H...1 ai.. r . . i .i i n hhw i ir hhi 1 1 uu 1 i in jjUdrAMjiiiin tions THKFR DOU.AKS; SIX iraniun, - - t ,N IM.I.AHH AND A HALF I twelve I viootluoasi wuai iioei I) aa vo .serthMis, Fivb Doixars and A half, ssy oi tue ueposou favorite: ......i, Kihht nm ,i.a hs1: two months. The intelligence that this aoeom piiMtied staUHiniin uuu pure patriot 1 1 about to sever his oilloiul relntions iftkkn Poi.t.Aiis; thTe months, Twkii TT-TWO Dol.t.ABa. CoilU'ts for loiiUHr periods and loti' space nude n (s m liberal terms .a di' reus KNOKI.IIAKD AtlNlBHR, Wllmli'.ifton, N.;, III It l. T II II n t'.HT. HtK'K. Niiovt'K with the government, wnieh he bus iHipnlariaed mid ilignillea by nn uu swcrviiiR disclmrga of public, duties, has caused profound regret all ov r the South among the loyal maasea. His recognition of thvj supremacy oi the law aud the viuorou manner in which he applied it to the tnibuleii and disloyal elements, have ellcctuitlly suniiressed oriauizod lawleasuess, and rkme months ngo the CTomwall Iron mteiliilW otmhtralued the w.cked u..d V " i.mrnnn .,f Lint nuunu. oeruMis uie experiruem o. iTK Trn, ...f-biuii I And if the mmi pig iron to England, and alll.ougU to gt M . ,. , hlH ,uhUJ u.w rai .u-u. ... , UoiiugH ou rending the reports oi doubtful, they entered npon it with!' , ... , i nil rti win iiiivi'iiiiiiiieiiLn in Ai iu iiun i a, . i,-.. . tin ..... I llie ciMCiauou til teaming ton. IhDirnotual n turn was .J0 per T lhiladoluhi Timet isn't satisil ton net, and this v. .a bo satisfactory aJ mth tba wefttU8r yot und sugge..ts that they ore ooutimiing the eiperi- to th"rrettidfnt that ho is losing meut. The first x nsignment was con- ta0U8aQj8 0f votu8 ewTJ juy by reus yeyed to iiivcrpooi irom tue lurunces . ruloutio o Qomral Myer at a cost of only one aoiior per ton at tho htflA of tua Wefttur BuroHa nioie that it cost for transportation from the same furnanoes to Cincinnati. I ThbiiU have been more Americ tn We look forward with pleasing autici- Uuan EugHsh flags displayed on the pution to the time ifhen whole cargoes I $i0 ,04ls for irttvollcrs tho paat wii if North Caroliua iron will be shipped ter, and a little steam yacht, owned to Europe through tho seaport of Wil-1 ami sailed by two New Yorkers, was tuington. the llrst feteaui vessel carrying a for- 1 eigu ilug that has ever liud poimishioii I from the Khedive toga up the Nile. Alice LounAiNB. A Tai.e of thk Sol hi ( Dow.ns. Uy IU l. JJiuck- more, author of "UrailoeK Lowell , Mitid.of Hker, "Lorua limine , &u. New i'ork : Harper & Urothers through E. J. Hale 4 8ju. Wiliuing- tm: 1. Ibiii.slierge. QVJr. Jiiackmore, h'o raiik-jHa one of tlio a'i:e-t J'.iig.lHti novelist oi me day, first bi-oinLti ut'iiiiainted to our p lople Ihtoiinh the medium of "Lorim U iouo" aud 'The Maid of Sker." lie in a powerful writer, inirenions in his plot, ciriifui ami elnlorutn in his arguments ami polished in uih lnu BUHu'e. "Alieo ljorraiue will lie loutid in no wise' inferior to his previ ous publicntioiis. Ot K DuTAf'HMRST. A Novel. Ty Katharine King, author of "The QiitH-u of tho Hegunout" io. New lotk: Harper .1 Jiiotliers, tlirougii t,. J. Hulo & Hon. Wilmiiigtou; 1'. H iusbergor. Wo have not yet read this bo'ik but as it is apparently of the ramo ordur an "The Queen of the llegimcut" it will well re:iy perusal. Miss King seems to have an especiul talent, pn cul.ar iu a woman, tor writing uiilitiiry uovels aud the very strange unoiuoiy is iu itself enough to ultrnet reitibtrx to her works.' We think that "Our Detiu'hmeiit" will be found higliij iuierestiiig. ! f WJi.oIbarrows Pitchforks, AN Til.. Vt.M K'V'.TH'-l :KI.U)'R. Virf, II mm. t. i iHCf Ohil.tlla.Hme, eiw SiMU, nt Irui , U ni, bixilee. Bi, I'lllk, Niini:ni. Nfltto l IKON, C'M I T I4M Vl, '1 lll.t-: I I I.I KV, il I t ill V I IIH. tntimt imvi ;i !S, I t)I Klt'S I OOI.S, Ant a naitfs t Carjliha Centra! HailwoyCo. t ri-M" ("trAL Peiar.i!cTiici, J l.M-ll.kUJli, J,. o., A pi it 14, fw m m niin Change ofJSchedulc, tnndficr FiIiUt. AlrU 16.li, 17S, the trih ill run oT ILI Kailwaj v IoIIuwd: PASSCNOCR TRAINS wniutiitnr at, T ISA.M Amrlntaikitt at 7.15 P M lAHJkt at i i A M ArtiT kt W UmiLgioi. at .I.t t m FREIGHT TRAINS A. Wltmaxton at niP.M Anivaal lioiutia ..... w P. M l an-hiil.it'e at ti:iO A. M Arntala WHniinnton at t.H A. M MIXED TRAINS iaT(C'liwiuo t.. :iO M l rrie Kt Unfit o t li M lar Halt' lo at It. P M trrnD In Clmriu'tc a' 4.30 T M As 'I rnia on Kaadar trxrrtona tirllit trnio 'lut !; WUmiliitfluO at P. M., ii- uliwlvl uu ba'urtUf iiiliL Connections. 1'ont.M.t W muiiigiuu iU Wl'inlnjjton & V:0ui, n ilrjiiimun, lulumlitit S An UEVJ YORK AKD BOSTON LINES VIA Wilmington, N. C. Fast Freight Route to all Points North or South. HARDWARE, At NATHANIEL JACOBI'S llAKDWAItEDErOT, NO, MAltKm" H'r. 1M Nl EUSINEoS CARDS. . Graham; & Nash, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OHAULOTTE, N, 0, TJll AtlTITK IN THK f TATK AM FKU Jr ul ", and aiake eo'loi'Oo'.n sn wiir In North (latiilltiH Aluo netotlulf Mtit or Knl Ki- hU. Agrli-nllm!, Mlnfrnl a"i) l.iiiubrr 'trirts nd iluilrui.le City Lotucoo troi'ly in) hand. l.ly'fl . IW , INlAV YORK. New York and Wilmington Steamship Line! SEiV.I.WEEKLY, .WurlU.? ll'tXt MrtiIir'K from KEW. Y0I:K. WEDNESDAY and SAICEDAT it 3 P. M., and from WILMlNG'iON, WEDNESDAY and SATTJEDAY. i o-i BOSTON AND FALL RIVER. New York him! iVUiniiiKloii Steamship Company, CONN'ECTIMI WITH TIW , OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. Dally Between BOSTON and NEW YORK Semi-Weekly between NEW YORK and WILMINGTON. XVeUueKilny and SatnrUa' Iroui each Port. - I Ui Mi.nuiirt.ni.J 11m Hiter llimU to r j-LtttiilU-. ' tmiiwln Rt I'liarlutte wlih We'tt-rn 1I l'on, Nortb aruliiia llmlri.', t 1 uli t'. aril SttlmviUn KiMnli, eLl'iiMe & AtlantH 1 Air L'tie, ard Cuariutte, tulombi. anil a u 'l'lim m lMr Mi whole Wtt, Notthwt.t ainl A00tlit wim anhi.rt ana rlrtp Hue! Me Nvauuara ana i.uiuiit, 8. L rilKMONT. ' ! Chief f.Ilii'tK'rr :i j Sui.i rilitiiOnl , SMil 14 t-f if Pi.or publUhlnt C. O. Klillwj whtd 01" Will I'll i nuticn caatigf. I r.NKHAt,L'PlSKlNTtNlTS Off Iff WILMINQTCN.CCLUMBU -yv i , AUGUSTA RAILROAD CO. , Wuiao,h.;M Airll S, l7j - luritr oii. A Washington letter soys: Thospirit uollu daughter of Ohiof Justice Waite A oentlkman iu Europe who reads is reported as abuuMj) wed Burgeon the Joi'iiNAb writes: "I tee iu the - I Ruth, of tho Navy. Miss Hayes, a Btttely Kentucky belle, who has been & devoted fiieud of tho Lost Cause, has surrendered at discretion to Col. Olliver, who braveiy wore "the blue," Mr. Arthur Dodge is to Jiurry the eldest daughter of Postmaster General Jewell, and Miss Jeffers Is to wed M. Menu, who belongs to an old Flemish family. Thoro ere rumors of another match between a titled foreign gentle uihu and the daughter of a member ol the last Congress, but the demands of the devoted lover for a "aettlemout," providing au income tor him iu case of her death, met with no favor iu the parent' eyes. American papers notice of bank bills altered fiom oiu douominatiou to another. This is impossible iu this part of the world, through the very simple devioe of having bills of differ ent values made of different sizes," . i 1 .!! 1 Fot'H hundred million "dollars' worth of wine, liquor, aud beer goes down the throats of the Amerioau peo ple every year. As the number of those who drink is probably uot mora than 5,000,000, the amount tor euoh drinker Is per annum, $1 50 a week, or 20 cents a day, as the average. A llrutr. Don't rend tue jiiiurxed extract to your wif'i, young tnan, beeuusu it is lik''lv 1 1 itiaK'i nor cry : The girl is generally edueated on novels and her iirst iliHitpHiiiitmeut oomes iu on tlie quiet imlill'ei'ciiDu of the liusliHUtl ulter tho honey moon. "loll love uie no longer, sunt a brulu of u few months to. her better half in gown and elippera.' '""Why do yon say t'mt, l ussV he BHkoit quietly, re moving a oigur from Ins lipn. "You do not caress me nor call me pet names; you no longer Reek so uuxions ly for my company," was the tearful answer. "My dear," continued tho aggravating wretch, " did you ever notice a mun ruuning alter a eai ? How 'be docs run over stones, brough mud, regardless of everything till he reuches the ctr and seizes hold and swings ou. Then he quietly Bouts himntilf and reads tho paper. . "And wlint doeB that mean? "Au illustration, my tleitr. Tim car ia at importuut to tho iumu when ho gets iu as when he is oliUNing it, but the manifestatiou is no longer t illed for. 1 wonld have shot any one who put himself in my way when in pursuit of you hs 1 would uow shoot anyone who would como between us, but as a proof of my love you insist upon ruu uing after the car. Learn to smoke, my doar, and be a jdnlosopher. The two combined will oleur tho bruin, quiet tho nervet, opon the ports aud improve tho digestiou." MMBasKWMHaaiaaaaHHpa kii iiak;, ukom v - wir,a l'i' CROKLY & MORRIS,; A AUCTIONEERS, j STCCK M.B REAL ESTATE 2R0X.ERS WlLMINlilUN, N. O. ' , (1NMTlf:N AT THE IK HAl.KH KtHIMB ' a i l.iii oi" Uiu i lly, .in i uliW(!iiii m'.. IHaiik Hook wih il. : ,i.mhuIikoI nf.r; iaH III thK.'llv ;l'-ilu IU ilt'tlllld Amiwsfit mlun, al anil iirnt'.ut.of ev.ry lot In ih cltv. Any lul'txnauou dnOwl rn'tiiwiw oiuu p- liictmn , .- " . air , . .... CHANGE OF BCHEDTJLP. (Iiiunrt a'tor MiihIrt, AiU(ih the ioIIok- Mk rlitinl will t run : MUiir Ei. Bf.sa i KAin.tiiMij) Li VYilmuilton..... ..i P. V Us Kloretue 11 66 P. -V Arfl tt)ultnihl.. 4. IS A. Aunmta. 8.43 A. M beat. AumiMn.. I 16 P M l.fHTe Oulumbla. I IA P. M !. rioTHnia .12 611 A. V Arriat WiiniltiuUm..... T. in a. m I'KW'ticcrii eonm Went lievoml t!olu uMa. will ink t'lMiUjjh l ruin, li)ing Wllmlnn oi at t.aa r. jh, - PJiastXIEK THA'N, (lSlly cieeit Huii- , . r my.) b-tuv Wllraliigtou ( 40 A. Arrlt t K'orciiC......... I'i.iti P. Li Moieneii. . . l.Ki I M A'fYiat tllinlngtB 7.00 P M. ptK'inei lor luitrlcfttuii, ( olumbin ami Anfiinin and ticyi nn, Hiuuld tak. uigbt bi un train finm w llm niftiin. A" Tli ouiihalarplng 0ra oa night train rur Uusricntuu ana Auiiuata. JAMKS ANDKKSOh " U a'i 8Btlnteinlonl Mnr petit.! ni si.riijs h. t'J i .'' co-tr flill I Ptn n nv rely in on tho ii'omt t f n.l recilar tmlllrii rf thM nnntn anil nni.ui tmuhd-lviatoailrtiiiiutntskv tlii route. KO DELAYS, tmntitiiif at lla.iii.loa I wl'b tie WILW101( N.tOUWTilA AnrK'IA PAItKt'AP. V JI.kllMilON Wrl I 'OK KAIIKOAD, C TUKfAKrli'NA IKKTRAl. B II WAT, kD, AKPt.APK AKMV.Kb1IA1KK8 1 branch Br!l of Lading glwn to m dfiem all Pouit In NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Abo to NEW YORK. BOSTON. PROVIDENCE. FAT.T, TUVTTi n,l th.,r Eui-tern Cities. tur Kaira suaranteod si low aa I'T anv other route and tlma nuik lymm n. troniitlj yd. . j " Mark all Goods via ( Ijde's VilmiiiRtoii Line. r?ot tmilifr Inrvrmalhin ap.lj to either at the underrfgni d Agetilt ol the Line. D. I) r. VlKK, Oi't'tl t utrrr. Agent, VI) Ill-urn. liiie Wltut, Itonton. WM. P. Cl.YDK ft O.,nfnorl A?nH, Kew ui 1 ine, 6 Bowllig Oneu, N. Y. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. BI O II V. T KMT I SI O N . And now little Rhody, tho gallant little Rhody, the only one ot the twenty odd States which Voted last Fall that failed to roll np a Domooratie majority, must add iti powerful testi mony iu regard to the state of affairs iu the South. Senator Anthony (and that's the way they spell Rhode Island np there) has tripped il through the South, pretty much on the same prin ciple that shoddy Americans "do" Europe ia the Summer, aud is indig nant at the ooudition of affairs am; h is no faith in the representations of Congressmen Kelley aud others. He Bays: We mingled with the old native peo ple, and they assured us that every thing was joyful exoept for the carpet baggers. The Northern people resi dent there always taid that exoept for the military they had no security of life or property. We could not reoon oili such opposite statements, and went to ofiioers of the garrisons of the regular army, who are neither carpet- buggers uor native. Of these we in- vueru -uiuicniu,Aiiama,anaoU)er poiuu. lliey told us, without pas siou or complaint, that their wives and families were never visited aoniall 1, the Southern ladies, nor did th m. ceive any of the courtesies of inter course oommon to civilization and al wsy maue tue espeoial t boast of Southerners. I therefore mailt) tin m. mind that the feeling of the people of mo oouiu, nn uouom, was resentful auu tneir proiessioos unsound. The valiant Rhode Islander draws a mild picture in comparison with that held up to view by that truthful aud disinterested christian statesman Sena tor Mirtoo, of Indiana. Thus far Morton ia ahead and it will probably prove a source of inteuse mortification to the Islander, the New England Inlander, to know that the Western tioosternas ao signally outlied him The whole thing ia too thin: nohrui. be'ievea one word tha t Anthonv b&tr and there are many who will doubt that the man has ever been South of Washington City unless some better evidenoe than his own word ia ad duocd in testimony of tbe fact. TuBtextimouy of the Alabama Uudi- cal, Perriu, thut he shut a bullet hole through his owu hat to exhibit as a Ku-Klnx outrage, is not calculated to enhance the popular estimute of tlio party iu whose employ he acted. Heuoe the Chiougo Tribune regrets that he had the presenco of mind to take off his hut before plugging. AT M YOffi.W! XJtTK OKrKK, WITHOUT KKHKUYKjOii. oliur. Mturk AV CimT for cn-lionlj. tint ttntninorn are Invltnl to urMulpulH w ith tlio I'liMlo Iu the grt st lmrgm no otlcr. BOSKOWITZ t LiEDER, 29 Market Street. 1 000 "'k rr'(,iTK" K",ja 200 13A03 COFFEE, s : r , 500 DHLS. H. II. sYitur, ' r- -y - . ' ; I 2.0IK) H.VCKH LIVERPOOL SALT, 200 KEGS NAILS, . 50 PULS. SUGAR, ' 100 Roxes Dry Suit Sides and Shoul dcrs, ' 50 Hoxps Smoked MeiitH,"" Anil a full KtorV of OKOOI'ltlea, wliU'ii olllr to the rtitilc jtowlAui'tf ; i Special .tt'titlnn jin'h to s curing low rato freight In Cur Lund Lots. , 1 lllNFOKU. UKOW&OO. rosy 5 .! ? ' '107 WILMINGTOM AM 3 WELOON RAit ROAD COMPANY. i )iee or (laaauAL Huf.uikthmi.ht Wiltnlriiton, Jim. , OHAVGS OFCHiCDULK. On ana artsi Jan. Bd PamiiKi t 1 raiua ot rUMl.HT 1 n.S, IHB ) llio W. W . Hallruatt will run aa follow. : . Hill THAIh .jo. Lni'iu Uopol dU) (Oioept Miiml.ya) t ? 88 A. JW Arrttii t-tiiMalOTnt., ... ........ 1 1.1 A. It ' , Kookj Huunt at 1 63 P. M ' y,! tin at. .4iP. V ! Wli1nii(ln!lv (,.... liudA .M W atltoi-ltT,ur...' ....11.41 A V. , .' tiuliUiiorniM t.ssp. V, ' Union Pejiot... sob P.M. RJ.pliMH THA l ' SNI THKOUtU BslliKu ai uliiE MiiUmitilMflOT A'ili WJl.AIJXji'l OIN, IV. V. . i&Sfr-.-'''5i3 FAST FREIGHT 'ROUTE To all Points North or South. FKKieiiT 1UA1N. ve Celouiltiiot dully, 'at.. 4,rrlTi' at tlolilaliorn at..... . " ... . Itneky MouBt.t........ ! Wp;dun at , iMATe Wli1on,dtlT,t i... irr ire at HO"ay aioutu at. .... (!oldl'oro t.. 1 A SPLENDID HOLIDAY PRESENT. Chioaoo is badly swamped (lnau oially. The deliuqueut tux list foots up $0,750,000, and tho oily is borrow iug mouey to meet the UeQcita in its treasury by reason of the shortoom ings ol tax-payers. Rut worse thuu (hit, it is acknowledged that if all the delinquent tuxes were collected they would not be sufficient to pay the out- taudiug liabilities of the city not pro vided for iu the fuuded debt. j The great weather seer of .It. Louis, Prof. Tioe, haa giveuhisopiuiou about the recent oold Bnap. He sfllrms thut the frigoiifio .wind" of a waek ago was not a polar wave, but a "discharge from an immense atmospheric cylin der, with a barrel 600 or 600 miles in diameter, down which flows an aeriiil maelstrom from the surface of the at mosphere." This he is williug to awear to. In Texas they have a Judce White, who has removed the sheriff of Guaduloupe county .avomiI t,'m... noiwitusiauaing tue people re-elected mm eaon lime. VI course the Judgt is a Democrat and the sheriff a lie publican. U'cwhinyton JtcituMicnn Of course they are. We accept the testimony of the Itrpullican with pleasure, although it was not neces ary to state it. The first paragraph was sullloient to locate both the Jndire and the sheriff. Whoever beard of a defaulting Democratic sheriff, or of an upright Radical Judge 1 It was a simple rule of three the Judge, the aheriff and the facts. The product of the means is equal to the produot of uie exuemea. m.p IVOTIC10. 1 OurMllaaie mula u to the IntoI'Mitv Uroiifti'r our tiunreoiU iia wilt l for CAau eicltilvly. FH1EM1S who are th arrenas wlthtia arc r-i(i''tfnl'y Itifntnud that Ihei will lncrca.0 tut vhllgnUeti. by a Tiiiii t act tlemtnt. ' Very reapectfully, llOSKOWITZ I.1EHKK. The recently discovered silver mine fi, aiassaoriusettti, has been wcuou iori.j-nve xeet iiow ground and a noh vein of ore Denatrat!,.! ' Tbe CuTcLca; UsM Magazine,- AN 1 lil.UaTIt ATKI MONTHLY i lai.ilof l.ltcraliir.', will beliwufd fioiu tie ioi.O". noho Mk-.kkiihr OVrtes rommcnclng w th ilsnuart, IKiB. The flr.t number will l teaily Kir nn'iii'K i'V I'li'i'iMicr iiho.miu in notion. J.H P. M, ..... l.V) A.M. .... 4MI A. M. 1.80 A. til . . 6 40 P.M. ....r is r. m ..18 IS A. M Onion rrett... ... . ... 6 80 A. M Mall l'raln mnkea cloae oomectlm. at Wei- don lor all niiiiiU tiorth .la Buy Line end Ac- jqia uroeK route. . JT F.iiTefTrln oosnecUoal? wltn Acqnli Otpoli route. PnllniMn'a I'nlare Slurp, inir i'nnt on this I rain. Prelzht Train, will leave Wilmington trt Weeny at MD a m i 11 nw i i.'u r . m. ..... , , u n t r.i'ivinB, General 8up't. Jan 3 ' S-tf star oopv. -. , BALTIMORE, Balliuorc ni WiliniiiElcii Line, . I-KMI.WK.KLV. -SAILIKU FhoM BALT1.V011B- Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P, M. AN1 KKOM WILM1NQTOK Wednesday & Saturday. BOSTON AKDPROVIDENCE. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Lallin.ote, Hcnton and rotldeur. Line, Or via Cmial Dally to Phlladclthla and Clyde's rhllnilelrfclaand rrovldcnoe Llue. Bciul-V'ctlily from each Port PHILADELPHIA. Eaitimcre ni WflmiDgloB Line. emi-wKKi.y sstwem BALTIMOKEANB WILMINGTON. Baltimore and Philadelphia steamboat Co., Dally via Canal between BALTIMOKK AND l'U(LADLPBIA. WESTERN CITIES. BALTIMORE AND WILMINGTON LINE. Nortbnrn Central Kallroad Ann TBI '' Baltimore and Ohio Baiiroad. -o- .IhSloro! In Store! 5,000 RUSH ELS CORN, 1,000 Rbls. Flour, 200 Hhils. Oubu Molassei, OOORhls. S. H. - Molasses, 60 Hhds. H. n. Molusses, 2(K) Sacks Coffee, 200 Kegs Nails, 100 Boxes D. S. Sides aud Shoul ders, CO Boxes Smoked Sides & Shoul ders, .-M- " 200 Boxes Tolmcoo, 10 Bbls. and Half Rbls. Snuff, 60 ' Sugar, 25 Cases (1 and 2 oz.) Suuff, 8,000 Sacks Liverpool Suit, COO Standard Cka, 200 Bbls. Glue, 10 Tons Hoop Iron, 2(H) Cases Oysters, CO Boxes Cnudy, CO Tub Lard, ".CANDLES,. -:'" ' '.' "J'; SOAP. MATCHES, lo., Ac. For sale hv KKBOHNBH A OALOKIt BROS, mays jn Spirit Casks! Spirit Casks ! 450"T'IN'U u;cASK8- For M'e by KKKOHNRK . VA LDfR HKI'8. Strawberries, COMPRESSED BEEF ready for tablo na containing double the quan tity of nncookrd meat, ' NO. 1 SHORE MACKEREL. Baker Whiskey and Old Port. -nr w; sncRE, ' may JVb. 81 JV. Vot( &rC('t. . 111 kuumu vpiiwu inn printed .aautt laaliloiiaM. at tt JOUUNAL OFFICB, Official Report. Th folln.it'g l a correct report of tho.aloa I ot StKWIMI M AC111NKM mailebv the lead- leal will b tiiiiillaliKl e.ch piii cecditiK uionlB I lull CniMil during tlie past four (4) veara thereafter without. Intertnntlon, Nn adtan-I A caret ui examination of tuo flgure. wilt ahow lat-H will lo migiocteii ijii ii either tmenl ot I ih.t thu nalo oi the tjinUKH" ha. largely In ea,iltl ran enniuiaiiil to render ea.-h tenuo n j ivehM-.l e'h vear, while, on the routrary, a Kgrtifttlita ami iimtrn.-ttve cumpFtutluia l I coneorondliiii derae hf attown In the aalea ciiou-e rea ntig, oy popular wtllera, boui Homo I rp.irtt'il liy all o'lu't l ompanlea. now, t' e and abroad. L uiiea'toM ii'ilu rally rne : . How long will thia aiateof allalra laat? How loiiit will tho other The Carolina Household Magazine ctimpantei.sabiet ef. rtticf. open inmir I illll.i.u,., niliflUH.iH l.iu.i. .linn III.. ...Bllllnn ,ao lew nichln? All pereulia who think ol hnvln. a machine ftinM cnnanlt their own In- tni -t auu vet a good sue Irom th.old. reliable HINtiKK MANUFAOTUKIMl COMPANV. , BKWIMl-JI ACHINK 8ALRH FOK 1874 .- Machinrt U Tug HlSllKB MANrKACTI'alKO Co 24' KI Whaler wilnm Manufacturing Co . 911 8S7 HowaftfwiDg M.cliine Co; (estimated). aMmO l'uuitf(io netting. Machine Co ?2 lm Weed Sewing-Machine Co 0.4!'R Oroter Si K.Ker . M.co. (estimated). . lO.ouu KmiinKloii Kiui'lreSew ng-Machlne CO. 17 6" Wiia.ui rwlllg'Macblaa ounipauy 17 Wilcoi & Ollil St wii-.a Machine ok.,.. 13,710 American H. II..... 18 "2:1 Floroiice Sewliia-Machiue c 8.(117 Seior bewiiiK Machine co... ........... 4,MI SALKS OF 1878 " i. - Mttchinrt fiol'l will be a lare W-nag. ela-lity-tout twliinin monthly , handiHiniely printed on tinted bonh paper ami henutliuHy illnalraieil It I a tUoronhlv m ull em tnteiptiae at d It. lureeff It already fully ai-Miteil. The nibllhrr ini Hiiv to make It a flrrt elata uinnthly, that, onco in troiliioed In the family clriJle, I. am to be eaerlv watrhed (or nnd (rifitlly prraerved. l(a "POKi'ttAJT Ga lif.RhY" will i rove an aitr.utlve teaiiire. The .lanuary number will contain a life-like picture olj ( j .,t: r; EX-GOV. Z, B. VANCE. and biojftapli leal .ketch, to be followed In each aiii ceenliig nnmher with liodiiu lni ol other prnrulaeut tU amen, dlTtiiee, Ao ONtV T WO D0LLAK8 1 VR K . and each eulwcilbef can mik a ehotcott T Uinta a nar imil riyrL,I.ii(iK Kniiiiin4i, Trl. Rtmnl'ii M AKll.AnTnntwil fin - '.R'ldll ,i.i!'iiUOe i n"J. f,"",""" Whcelor A Wlleon Manuraoturlng co. .119,1110 "'111 '.'J. .'"IU!!: .. ...... Howe Machlno company no returne WW A iit imic !--ii.i ,1 1 1 ft uiliw Ol I1T mil rr cniT au extra auhacrlption tree. F In, . copli vii cenia, iree oy man. ?i lann-na aunacr p tlon, without the Engraln, ai.r - Anjenta Wanted E ve rvwhere. Al dUi.lUSA. BUM 1 1, i-ublifher, deo8tf ; 4UldaboTO. N. C. The Enfield Times. Wilcox A Oiliha 8i inn M u'klne CO.... iB.ftsl Anmhmn Bttiia-Hn) , &o.:., ..' I4.1e2 Ki ruii-gum Kuiitir Mewing Maclilnnco .i-:t Ploitii e ffcwIiig-laAi'.hiiie rompuiy.,,. 8KtO Sacurbewlng-.Vschine company........ 44& , ; . 8ALF8 OF 1T2. Tiik 8ino.ii MAHcrAo-rnailta Co..,...Vl9,lM Wheeler & Wilaiiiv Manufacturing co..l74tiH8 Howe Manhlne company (ctimaied...l4B (mo Oroer hakcr Sewing Machine co. ... tli.OlO I'oi.caiio newi'iK-JU uineonupany... , r; Weed Hpwltiz M.ivl.ini company ..... 42 DANIEL. BOND, Editor A Proo'r C. O. DAVENPORT Associate Ed. . rr.l.lfi?' "c,lng 'ial wilaon sewing Maohlne eon pany.;.. .. W M0 comeUt ua fri m the Old Nortb SStato.-HofM Anii-tlcn B ll o , ................ la.ft'fl m-ireon, HHltlm.'re. Mil , .lorencn Hewln Mrbin coiunauy.... 1 .7U3 JudKing from the Hrat number, I; will imuir. Ii.tI. Hewn g Maehltw eompinv. ... . ... 1.a;o 'Vi-i'ii' ,"aiU';l,ll?V,'i,b,U" BWe- Ucmlugiou f.mpn. U.'wtugiM.'ohlneeo. 4, Showaan antltudaaiia ability In rfUcnt ntl .. .-, . .Al'E olt 1B'1,i lllllMHlant Mililic Olleationa. Riul Avinn.1. ...Lfi. I F : . 1 Markinri Atlrt" euterpiii In the ceneral make np and merhan- Tus SlKiikn MAl,tATUttim ( U,, ... .iki sun leal e,f ciilinn JinwHiri.'fe ( renn) Slattt. uneoi ine neaiet nml bet edited p ,ra tlie Stat H'ilIW,(N, 0 ) f'faiMeahr. Hie boat printed pitptr Iu Nortb Onrollna . Vpirit . f Ai- .VriutA.lN, O.) v ., . de '' 1 '- ' "" ' "' 8UI. oi If Wilmington , 1 I .!!! T" At.IVK TtlflKK JNTKhBSTH In Sa.l X t'aiolina, bt.bnflneaa mcu will adTerllMip THE WASHINGTON ECHP, a larir and w.lt .ataril'atiert wmVI ttew.pa per. circuiting tieiHiii-.iv H U " ootin'le n Hide, HMuinrt, Pmllo'. Pitt, jdwccmiibe and tkoaA ailjo'.nlng. halea Low Walt P. WiLiiAaans, R On anuib, Lateol'T.ilHiin. ef Washington, , Kditorianit Proprtetora, ... ootll tUar oopy, lOi-U Wuetler Wllwin M4iin(acMiring co.,12 .6.(1 uroer iiuktir nvmiai macnin. co... ivi.K'ia Wred cine Machlno coimiauv SII.GM1 Howe rVtachii.o t mpitiyMan 1 lo.luly 1) H4,liio Wllcoa & Oibti. Kowing Macnine Co.... 3n.iS7 Wl'ani eelug Mai liiii. lompxiiy .... .. m ifti amrrican ii, n. u go, la iri(tiim b.iw "win(r Machine co,.,.,, vo um Florence se.ing Riafnimi company. .. f),!47 iiti fewing Macron company... .... ll.f.iis iMnu ai'c sewing machine company.,.. au: may I . inn w pUOTOOKAPH ANT PHICR 1.I8TCF our .lock ol Furniture furnialicd on appHcv turn tn putcli.aerf . , . O. A.8M11H A OO, 101 Sb'ppera may rely upon the prompt and rccnlar aalling nt then Steamer., and nnlekrti.. patch given to all ahi ment by thU rout-. NO DELAYS t hrough Illlla of Lading given to and from all Point. In ' NORTH nnd. SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Also to BALTIMORE, THILADELrHIA, BOSTON, PROV1DENCB, and other Eastern Cities. ' y KHieatiuaraiiictd a low aaby any othtr Route aDd time aa quick. Lowe. or ovarefaarM. promptly paid. viip. M ark all Uoods rla Baltimore aiid Wilmington Line. tr For further Information apply lo eilherof tho undersigned Agent, of the Line). EfcWIN FITZGERALD, Agent, A. D. CAZAUX. A sent. Haitimnre l.u. , W nouib etieel, Ma.iimore. baltimon. anoTJw Line- mreh ,H-t( Wilbi.otok, M.c! ' NOTICJi. Carolina Central Railway, GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, ) Wilminoton, March Slst, 1875. ) THF. ATTKSTIOl OF THE PLMH IC IS BKSPE'JTFlTliLT INVtTRD TO THH lact that the tKrnllna O.ntral Hailwav. being completed and Inllv equipped for bnelnea.,. ..... id n.,u in. uiiiKcuouuB i ii in : ii a win , no' ii vii uirct oieainer Lfine. auq Tia Weldon and PurUunouth. to K iltim ire. Phllailolnhia. New Vork. Boaton and ProTidannnnnn.i r.. iiy for handling shipment from WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR LOTTE, STATESVILLE," CREENVILLE. SPARTAN BURG sndallatatimnonAllantlo, Tenneraee Ohio AMantlc.nd Rlchr.Ond Air Lin and Morth. Carolin Ha lroada aa well aa all po'nta in OKOROf A and ALA BAM A. 1 liimiranvetrnm K.ate rn ctll ua'nteed aa lew aavla an. ether line. Do terminal or Iran. fer charge., and Hate, alwayaaa lov a. the lowest. , uu- hatea to all iioluu luruitlieu upon application to the undeiaigncd. Oflioe In Rank of Mew Ha'.ovcr Building. . . ,.. o. "W. CLARK, aprllS-o-ly General Freight Agent. 1AN8, NAINSOOKS, IMCQUE8, LINEN, CRAVATS, PARASOLS, AT VIOI'OIUA LAWNS. WM. ".VICTORIA STRIPES, FYFE'S, LINKN DIAPER, EXCHANGE HAIR FIXINGS, CORNER. And a general anortment of Fancy Article. Tbe lateat Row Vork N'ovoltiea received week l apr S6 If Jixliads for tlio Toilet,' QOKRUIN'S EXTRACTS, Lnbln'i Kxtracla. Phaion'a Mght Kloomlng Oereai. Hair Brnahea, lomba. Oiled Nllk, Ao., e. For aalt b j QKEKM & FLANMiSH Just Received I ? A largo and complete assortment of Stationery, Legal Cap, Fooli Cap, Letter, Pocket Note, Commercial i Note, Octave Note, Billet Note. LoDff and Broad Bill Paper, and the best and cheapest stock of Envelope in the city. ,";"";":" '." ' i ALSO, Ulmil: J3ooliH Of all kinds and sizes. BLAIT BOOKS made to order. At CONOLEY t YATES' fy Book Storo, BXmJ S

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