I III y s y i j VOL. XXIV. NO. 115. wninnGTOiT, u. c, Friday, iiayii i875. 7H0LE HO. G.879. "SI 1 I I I 1 J 11 11 I i i. WILMINGTON. N. O. j FEIDAY. MAY 14.1375. .UKApQUAllTKHS. WAsHrxoTON.May 13-NiRbt Official Mpgraru have bpn reef tved at thu RusMan Legation bi're from Ucrlm, etating that tbe Emm-jor levts Bor lin entirely oonviueed of the oourili.t- t irr dixpuMtiou wliiou eiiata tuero, and which Houret the luaiu'uinanoe of peace. ' I t ' ' " The Secretory of the Trenry is till vigorous! engaged iu lliv wprk of pruaeontuiffrhe mid e-jaiiiHt All par-tit-a engaged directly or indirrctly iu the illicit wbiar j dmtilationn. OhWh fr seisurt'rHre daily issued. Among them was one- to-dav culling fnr ti e aciznre of en etablihmet)t iu Oinein nati. Secretary IUiatow has direct! that the investigation iuto the distil leries end rectifiying honace of Mi w.iuke be eompleteand thorough, and the Treasury Ageuta ar request ed in all oatiea whore United ritatfl Attoroeye aud lie venue oflioialu fail to give their full support to tiit investigation in progretta to rrport their names' to the Department The agent at Milwaukee telegraph to the Solicitor to-day that he has din covered a Bnbterrauean tank with a oa,moity f 25,000 gallons, belonging to oue of the Milwaukee distilleries.. Up to this time no changes of the revenue official, other thau gaugm tin J storekeepers,'. hays been luadn. Several officers of this grade were re moved yesterday and to day. EUROPE. the last Payment on the vtrginius indemnity. .t -' assurances of peace. . i ' Madrid, Majr 111 Noon It is ofll oitlly annqnueed that the Treasury idft paid Hon. Caleb Gushing 835,00(1, the lost iustalmeut of the virgiuirw indecinity. LoKDON.May 13 Noon A dispatch from Melbonrue says that the city of Hytluey and vicinity have been visited by a heavy and damaging flood. Tabis, May 13 Night Specie has decreased nearly 14,000,000 frucs. London, May 13-Night-The Un derwriters' agents aud divers to-day attempted to reaoh the wreck of the Schiller. T but vera prevented from doing by li heavy ground swell. The London Poet maintains that the late war rumors were not groundleR, Germany is alarmed by the rapidity oi the French i military reorganisation, and had arranged everything for war nd waa oa the point of marching against France, but , the danger is avei ted for the moment. NEW HAMPSHIRE. THE CONTESTED ELECTION CASES. Concord," May 13 Night The Governor and Council, who were en gaged until a late hour last ' night in hearing the contested senatorial elec tion casesjupon whose deoiaion hanga th) political supremacy of either party iu this State, met this morning when it was moved that the questions in volved in the senatorial questions be referred to the Jndgetof the Superior Court for their opinions, providoJ sn.sh can be obtained before next Monday at 8 o'clock, otherwise that tiio Governor . be . instructed to get Btuh advice as the circumKtnn eft m:iy admit,,! The motion was agreed to. Adjourned until 8 o'clock Monday SEW YOUR. THE A ELEVATED PASSAGE OF BILL. Albany, May 13 Night -The Sen hte has passed the elevated railroad bill. . .; - 2S"'r ' - PENNSYLVANIA, MORE ABOUT THE MINERS AND . THEIR TROUBLES. WaKKSBARBB, ' May 13 N igtit A straggling lire was kept up from ton o'clock last evening until four this rnoroidlupoti th4 sheriff's pocsn, at Hutchinson's Breaker, by the striking ' miners. " They hope in thts manner to frighten the posse away. Four more men went to work for Hutchinson this morning. ' 5 v ELEOTIUCISHS. Hon. Jefferon Davis dolivered an aldress 'st the Anuual Texas Fair held it Houston.""" ' The new iron bridge, . at Albany, over the Erlo canal, gave way yester day carrying with it a team of horses and wagon and two men. , r- ii win i i urn i .wiiumin wii'i jm wiwtM A Hew Lot Just Received or Green's History of the I English Tcoplc. "The Mysterious Island." By Jules Verne. 1 "Our Detachment." By Katharine King. "Al:oeLorraiDe,."atde of the South Down. By It. D. Blackmore. ' "Th Blossoming of an Aloe." By Mrs. U. iloey. - AT CONOLEY k YATES', Oily Book and Musio Store. lit Trlaate ! Kesfvrt. At a regular meeting of the St. i .Ge.ige and t. Andrew's Society he! I i osi the 10th i f May, 1875, the follow iig ro-olutions of reppett and condo- Icoee wre unanimously aaopteu : Wiieke-vs, if has pleased Almighty God to remove by death after a long aud p uful illiifKA our lute Vice Prtwi tteut, Mr Jiweph L.' Keen, it is there fore. . '(Vtofmi, That while we bow with rmguation to the Almigluy decree, we 'd'p'ore most tine(Mtly the removal I from our midnt of so emiueut and use ! f nl an efnYvr. Attached to the S eiety j from it earliest formation, up to the I period of hw iilnns, be lia Hi"ya tifeeuthe utiuoat interest i:j iti pn ceediimn and teeu ever forward to promote the iutere.-its of the Soeiety and the eauxe of ehurity. litwtlred. Th:t the rre.ident lx instructed to convey to the Iteresved family of the deceased, the coudoleuctt of the Society for their irreparalile loss. , . lU-tuhid, Thut tbohe reo!iitioui be published iu the daily pipers. J. Alexanoeh, ) 11. G. Ko-w, ' Com, W. Hill, II. G. Smali.bjne3, Hett'y. I. el I lie People Sicak. Mashattan, Kan. It. V. rtKRcc, Buffalo, N. Y. : l)mr Sir Your Favorite Prescrip tion LttBili.ue my wit'ea world of good. She has t ikon nearly two bottlt i and has felt better the pant two weeks thau at any tnno in the punt two years. No tnorb periodical puuin; none of that aching haek or dragging nenmtion iu her stumaeh he has been accutitomed to for Hveral years. I have no much iu it that I would be perfectly willing to warrant to certain cutstoruern of outh who would be glud to get hold of relief at any izpcLSo. I have tried uiauy lVteut MedicineH, but never had any occasion to exUii oue before. Very truly yours, Oko. li. WuniNO. Mrs. E. 11. Daly, Metropolis, IU., writes: "Dr It. V. Pierce My hister is using the Favorite Prescription with great beuefit. . Mabx Ann Frisbir, Lehman, Pa., writtiB Dr. It. V. Pierce What I have tukeu of your medicine has beeu of more benefit to no thau all others and hundred of dootors' bills." Dr. Pierce's Favorite PnRoription is sold by dealers in medicines gener ally. , . ' . , What the Nervosa Heulr. What the nervous require more thau anything etae is invigorntion, Seda tives alone will not cure nervousness. The reiison that the nerves are so sus ceptible is that they are weak. Com peuate for this deficiency of strength, and over-acute nervous Bensibiiity dis appears. The most ratiounl, whole some, and agreeable touio is Hostet tor's Stomach Bitters. Medical men recommend its use for the cure of general debility, knowing it to possess strength-giving properties of the high est order, and at the same time to be a nieuiH of reforming those bodi y irregularities which induce, nervous ness aud Ions of vigor. It is the bes known remedy for dyspepsia, whether nervous or bilious, aud is powerfully conservative of a regular habit of body. As it is notorious that those who are afflicted with weak nerves, biliousness or constipation, are pecu liarly liuble to the iufldenoo of mala riu, it is invaluable to such persons on account of its preventive i tlloaoy. It endows the body with health, aud the mind with cheerfulness. Cbarlca l.amb, t.ia lsl, Denounced all spirituous liquors as 'Wtt Dumnatiou." Poor fellow; he knew whereof he spake, by sad expe rience, and if living, would apply the turtle to Alcoholio Excitants, advertis ed us CurealR But there is one Tonic and Alterative in existence the best the world has ever known which con tains no alcohol. It in Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters. Deoidedly the best remedy that has ever beeu Uncovered for rhonmutim, swooleu or stiff joints, flesh wounds, sprains, bruises, cuts aud burns, is Johnsim's Anodyne - Liniment, We use it, and always recoommeud it to our friends. We should not henitate to recom' mood to any freiud of ours, Parsons l'uraative Pills; they are scientific- Klly prepared, and are adopted to all the purposes ot a good purgative med icine. ' - The best dressed men in town ere wearing Warwick collars. They say there is nothing like them - for com fort.' ... ... ' .,.. " Hotel Arrivals PrmcitTji, House, J. R Davis, Pro prietor J fl ttood, Samuel Crahtree, England; J M Jones, New York; M P Struuss, Philadelphia; S Belsinger, Savannah; R P Spencer, Columbuf. Ga; It H Keeue, Wife aud maid, WE Walton, Mrs S G Perry, Miss Duty, 11 tt Crooker, New York; A C Taylor, wifoaudsou, U S A; Jos Baibauir, Philadelphia; R T Bcniutt and wile, Wadesboro; Juo F McNuir, Lnurol Hill; Jumea Lytch, Bludenboro; John W Leak, R tfkinghiirn; Mis Bancroft aud maid, Mrs It O Johnson, Miss McMiiluu, II on Win E Cramer and wife, Boston; John Kirkland. BMKSflSWMBSMai I jl I I M U Mil till New Arrivals Dutch Herring, Russian Sardines, . Anchovies. O H. W. RTJNOB. N. R. Corner ot Market and Bucoiid ats. mill 111 HARDWARE at LOWEST PRICES. . AT -i i 1 i , New Hardware Store. OIuBS A MPRCHItON, M North froat at. COimilRCIAL. WILMI5QT05 MAilZT. MAY 13. 1875-6 P. M. SI IRITS TURPENTINE Market quiet. Sales of 100 casks at 30 oenU V gallon for Southern packages. ROSIN-Sales of 1,000 bbls Strain ed fl 50. and 500 do. Good Strained at$l55i)bbL CRUDE TURPENTINE Salrs of 400 bbls at $1 30 for Hard, $2 20 for Yellow Dip, and, 3 60 for Virgin. Market steady. TA It-Sales of 200 bbls at tl 40 f bbl. Market steady. CO rrON Market quiet and dull. No sales reported. The following are the ofHoialquotations: Ordinary Good Ordiuary., Low Middling. . , . Middling.. , Good Middling. , . ..Nominal. ...14 eeutK. ...15 ...Nominal. The Receipts of Cotton and Navl 8toree to-day were as follow : 0 tton 29 bales. Spirits Turpentine 818 eaaks. Rosin.. 1,492 bbk Crnde Turpentine 400 Tar. 250 MARINE. ARRIVED. May 13 Steamship Benefaotor, Jones, New York, A D Oaxaux. Steamer North State, Green, Fay otteville. Worth A Worth, r Steamer Juniper, Phillips, Fs yet te ville, Viok k Mebaue. CLEARED. May 13 Steamer North State, Green, Fayetteville, Worth k Worth, - Steamer Jnniper, Phillips, Favette- ville, Viok k Mebane. Steamship lUleigh, Oliver, Balti more, A D Caaanx. Ueneral Market Hepon bi Tax.aea.Ari. Financial. Naw Yobjc May 13-4P. M. Money easy at 2 to i per cent. Sterling Ex change dull. Gold doll but firm. Gov ernment Securities doll bat steady, State Bonds quiet and nominal. ft - OommerciaL Cotton firmer; sales of 5,922 bales at 16 to lCff. Floor 6 so lOo. lower, with only moderate Inquiry South ern quiet and lower J common to fair extra 85 25 to $6 20 ; Rood to choice do., 80 25 to $8 50. Wheat without decided change with a very moderate demand. Corn dull and slightly in buyers favor. Sugar quiet and un changed. Coffee dull and heavy at 16 to 16Jo. (Rio) for gold. Rioe in fair jobbing inquiry. Tallow firm. Na val Stores dull Pork firm new $22. Lard firm at 15J0. for prime steam. Whiskey $1 20 to $1 27. Freights a shade firmer. Cotton net receipt 295 bales; gross receipts 295 biles. Futures closed strong, with aalos of 84,300 bales,. as follows: Msy, 16 7-32 to 160; June, 16 7-32 to 160; July, 16 13 82o to 16 716o; August, 16 19-32 to 16o; September, 16 to 16 15-32o; October, 15 31 32 to 16o; November, 15 23-32 to 15jo; December, U5) to 15 25-32o; Jauuary, 15 81-32 to 16o; Februaiy, 16 8-16 to 16JC; Maroh, 16 7-16 to 16 15 32c; April, 16 to 16c Baituiorb, May 136 P. M. Cot ton Armor; middling 16c; iow mid dling 151 to 15jc; good ordinary 14jc; gross reoeipta 10 bales; exports o Great Britain 670 bales; exports ooast wise 67 bales; Bales of 679 bales; tales to spinners 250 bales. Floor dull and unchanged. Wheat weak and lower Missouri red $1 35 to $1 33; amber $1 45 to $1 60; white $1 40 to $1 47. Corn weak and lower white 88a to 00c; yellow 87c; Western mixed 87to. Oats and rye steady. Provis ion firm bnt dull. Coffee quiet and nuohanged. Whiskey held at $1 23. Louis viLU, Ma 13 6 P. M. Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn firm at 78 to 90c Provisions quiet. Pork $22 to $22 50. Baeon should ers 9o; cloar rib 12Jo; clear sides 13 1 o. Lard quiet and unohangel. Whisky $1 17. Bagging quiet and firm at 13 to 14o. Norfolk, May 136 P M Cotton firm; middling 15o; net receipts 466 bales; exports coastwise 375 bales; sales of 200 bales. Cincinnati, May IS 6 . P. M. Flonr firmer. Corn steady at 78 to 80c. Pork dnll at $21 50 to $22. Lard dull; stem 15o bid; kettle 16tc Bacon quiet and unchanged. Whisky fiim at $1 16. Nkw Orleans, Mbj 13.-6 P. M. Cotton firmer and in good demand; middling 15o; net reoeipta 1,261 bales; gross receipts 1,842 bales; sales 4,600 bales. Savannah, Msy 13 6 P. M. Cot ton quiet; niiddhng 15Jc; net reoeipts 567 bales; gross receipts 568 bales; ex ports to Great Britain 4,044 bales; ex ports coastwise 292 bales; sales of 184 bales. Monrta, May 13. 6 P. M. Cotton steadier; middling 15(o; net receipts 31 bales; sales of 500 bales, lOHClUN niMKBTB..Br l!Dl. LrvERrooL, May 13 Noon Cotton steadier middling uplands 7d mid ding Orleans 8 to 8jd: sales of 12,000 bales, including 2,000 Sales for export and speculation. Later bules of 7,700 balfsof Amerl oan; sales oo a basis o middlkg np lauds, nothing below low middling, deliverable May and Jnne, 7 13-16d; do, deliverable July aud August, 8d. Still Later Sales of deliveries of the new orop, on a basis of middling up lands.nothiDg below kwraiddling,8id. KIW AUVESTISE3IZHT8. Calanthe Lodge Ho. 7, 0 K. ofP. Tker wlU ke SpwtJ Meeting ef Ue abOT LcdjeTO-MOHT (FrMaj) at keir- ft e'loc, ror wotk la the eeooid Btak. , Bier, aieatwr la rqaeite4 to be eeai. Rf oUr H the O. O ERRT OI.IAVB8. 4T 14-lt K.ofR. AS. Real Estate and Loan Association. mHB KHUl'I.AK HSNI HLT INSTAI L X aent oIuiiuului raa ae kedue ki4 Payable To-day at Ike 00 oe ol the SeurelArf ! Treaearar, i. B. r.i.i is. KeorrUr j and fieeturrr. meyU lis it Fresh Arrivals- Pine Fulton ticket Beer: nrorlflnnl"K Orn." Flour: Vt'etrr Uioonil Mr. I (d.art t r 4 Imare), 1). S Vtdee and 8noml r, I u Uiwd, Hay, Cora, Oati, etc, So., M low lae luwe. . ay GRANT Jk HINTON. Orooere and (.kUBlelon Mrrehaou. mill ut-dAwtr Proposals pORTHB BUU.UINQ OF TBBTCMPI.lt el laael are reopened, reeervln the right to rejeetall bide, PropesttttiBe will be reerlttd aalll Monday, tbe Itth lnelast, at T P. M. FUneoad epecllcatlitni eaa b etva at the effloe of A. Weill. A. WEILL, S.BRAR, F. KHBIHNTKIN, WH. GOODMAN. BtjHlt Ovmmlttee. KEEP COOL. A OOM FLITS STOCK OF Alpaca ii LleioM 0oto Juit rooolved. Cad and euBine before purcbaaag olssvhere. Constantly on Hand a beautiful line el PUCI OOOD8, wLleh I aa sttklai at at eitreaiely low prloto. A- DAVID avu tit The Charlotte Observer, TkeaaJiBMralag dally aoaar Fiblkbodla tUIUto weetefBoleLjk Ant Kertk of WlU Blntoa,offenepoelat Indueemnin to edr.r Ueore. Ite oboalatlo , nn and Mfiilae here beea largely Increased during the yer jnetaaet, and It now roaobet noetol tht Mr eb.nUof Weetera Worth Oarotlao, thai offer tog an aniiirp.Mcd Medina of eenainnlr. tton between the MerchtnUof WUatlngtoa and tke people of Weelara Mortb UaroUaa. Titneor avatcairTioai Dally.... Weekly.. ...SS N per annum. ... I 10 " " S7 Advortlnng very low. SPECIAL NOTICE. Daring the Centeunlel Celebration large edi tion, of thle paper will be printed dally and no each edvartlelag medium will so be offered to Ite petroae. atTy U HB-tf Races ! Races ! Races ! SFXUSTGt MBEima CAROLINA PARK, Ctiarlolte, N. C, lay 19, 20 an! 21st rural Day, Woaaoodar, Mar It. Furr Baob- Trial paree Stoe ; esoond horee. ISO. For all agee. A daah of of a alio with one hnadred pound on each. aaooao BAoa Olnb puree IttO; Mlleheata. Triid Baos M to the Hound bares. Olub pareJO0; too to the esoond bom. Half aile beau, fur all ago. Scoe4 Day. Thuredavy, nmy 40. Fir Baob Olnb paree SIM ; KX u tho eeooad bom. On. and a ball aUle dadi. Weight foi age. Kkcoho Baob Ventennlal Stake M0 enteanoe, P. P. Mile boete beet Sin S; SM0 eddod by the Clubj ceroi d home to reoolre 1MI oat of tho etake ; three to All. M,J,m,,.M, - lalrelOar. mdeir. Iay Jl. Fraer Bacb lob pnree 200 j SMto tho wcond bo'wi. Huid a Kaee. Mile .te over 4 hardlu. I Net ineb.i h'gh. Light welter oelguta. boobd Raos- ' ' Bering Ko Club puree SaM; IV aile duh; huret entered to be sold for SliO; to err; their pror trdgbte ; tor 7S0 aliowrd 7 ponuil, tor SSVU tl pound, for MJ is pound. )h. w nnerto bo MM at auction In front of tke Judges' Stand Immediately after the race. Any e irplo over the amount entered to be eoki for to go to tho Mooud bo . Taiao Baob Ooneolatlon puree S250 ; ISO to the teoond and Deo tbe thlid horee. Oh mlledieb. For bom. that bar run and not won Br.l money during the meeting. Thine beatna oaoe 1 lowea I pound.) twtoe, Upouoda; three time, II pournla. gla all Olub Fnreee entranota free. Awiii oriior di.taoio tke field eu tl'.le. a bora to Bret aoney only Knt'leeln Olub Pune oloie at the Judge' und t4 O'oo:k P.M , tba day previous t) tht rtee. If tho race are not eloMd at tiiat boar thirty mtoutea will be eilowed alter they are Infhed. Kn'rlo In the Ontennlal Sttke oloeeeatlhe SerrMary' Office at lo'elook P. M .May loth, 1871 Mar? and Gelding, allowed I pound. , D. 0-MAXWELL, Secretary, . Charlotte, M. 0. A. flraiaoa, P redden t. Btylt HMt Bacon and 8. H. Molasses. 8S Bom emokrd Side and Shoulders, , lee D.8. Hide and Shoulders, . SS Hbd. S. H MolHeee, 0w Bbl. S. H. Moiaaea. for Ml by KEBOUHIB CALSIB BROS' Bay . IN. MISCELLANEOUS Hubs, SiKtkes aud Kims. CO IT WHH LS. Ailee. t art WhorU, WfA All.. Hoiiiit 8i.lin. hulk leele. HkoiU, Hu dwllra. Bkeet Irun He.t . Curiae Trmiiuin of all klmK Cut Iah iMthor. o The lrtMt aid cheeet etwk In the oIIt en be tixinj at the Old -tablubed Manloere Uoueeor JOHN DAWSON. Moe II, 90 and U Market trt. eaeyl li THE T.WSTERY- Explained! At 29 North Front Streot, . WlLMOTON.N.O. nt.yS let -Jo Du Pont's Powder. JR!FI.S, BPOKI'INU AND Ml'HKR'F, Kt.ASTI NO AND MINING tu Whole H and (Jn.rtnr Keo I For aile by areb II U. O FARSLKt AdO tf Look at the Prices- CHEVIOT SUITS, all wool. White. Duck 8uiU $7 50. Haudsome Bilk Soarfs, Superior Drria Shirts, Lisle Thread Bhirta, Gloves, Half Hoar, o. MU1MSON && OO. CITY ll.UTHIKUH. aayi'l lit Soda Water. TUB UOl.U SODA WATER OS UKAl'OH T and la Big hon Bottl, at JAM KM. 0. MUNP8' Prrg Store, Third 8t.,oppilto Ulty H!l. m.jr PASSENGER DEPARTMENT Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta Railroad. Wllmlas;ta, M. C, Msf IS. 17 i SPECIAL NOTICE. THKCITIZRHS OF WILMINGTON AND vicinity are hereby Informed thattba Wil. IMOTIIU, tloLVMBI db AVODBTA, lU rOHH.il' tionolthUio h.flotte, Columbia Aegiwt. nauroaa, win raa a apociau iBrauaai trala ta Charlotte fur visitor dvelrlng 10 auenu tne . , , ' Centennial Celebration to be held at Charlotte May tlSta, IM9S. , la.lnc Wlimlnitnu oa Woitueeiltv. Ma lotto en Tbuitdey, May 101 h, at S o'clock A M. imu, i o oione r. m . nna arrmni ai uoar- Ilawnd 'l rip Ticket as. Aiuffletent n ember of Pullman Pal a os Sleeping Cars, a Restaurant Car, etc-, will be attached to tht above train, Mcunng to pM;nger both oon four a'd viaT-La hotkl AoooaMun tioii, tliould there be fifty or mure nerMn guaranteed for tkem at the following vaav LOW IATH, Tl.: Bound Trip Tlrkrl and Bleeping Oar, one berth,, S10 0) Bound Trip Ticket, ("looping Car), two occupying on. berth I M All person dcdrlnc to avail IhcmMlve of the above aommui datlon mut report the ..me attbie effloe by Monday avenlng, May KID, A. POPS, t Seneral Paaenget Agnnt. any II , 114-41 Friday, May the 14th, BOCK BIER, Tbe Flrot of Iho Boaaoa, at ' . O. H W. KUNGE'S SALOON, aay II . , On Front Street. LARGE STOCK OT MEW STILES Jurt eoeired and fbr tala at itremely reduced prloee to eult tht bard tlaee, by D. A. SMITH k CO. 114 tf aay 11 Hew Books' Brlo-a-Brao Series. . TJIRSOWAL RFCMInsCKNOKS. Bv Cor JL7 nelia Knight and Tbofflultaikei. Bound Iu cloth St to. Ptl'L MAflSIB. Bt Juetln MoOar'by, Author of "Lady Judith," A Fair 8i oo." Bound In piier 1 ; In eiolb II M. Juet received and lor tale at . HEINGBERCER'S Llv Book aud ktude Htor. may 13 114 Escaped Convicts. W will pay a reward of SI0 each for lu. h Information a will lead to the captmeof any ooBtict oncaied from the New IWiiovcrOoari. ty Work Houmi ulneo the year 1M7S. Aiklrc, by letter orlelrgriph, MATHF.S O.. K perlaiendent.ol New Hanover County Work Hone, Wilmington, N. O. aay 4 t j f' lOS-tf Trunks' Repaired and Covered All kind of Rtddlery roiirlrgdne prompt ly at moil. rale prlcre. A lull clock of naildloii, Her new. Trunk., Bee and Satchel, Collars, Hkma , Ubalna. Saddle Cloth, Whip, Mpur-, i urrlmti, Hkim Bruhfji. Hull Str.p , F nether Uueter, H.ililiery Hardoare, I eather, Atle (lre.ee, Meet Foot Oil, Lap Kobe. Aa. CARPENTER A MALLARD. HuiM-ewor. to J. 8. TOPHAM CO , Mo.' Soutb'Front Btieet, Wilmington, N. 0, aay iil-tf I Haye this Da? Rccciral . A BOTHER SUPPLY OF THOB HAND J. eewod. MacbtnoNwed and Cable-Wlro Boa-Toe Lowquarier 8hrM of virion style. AIM Genu float S rap Tin and Nulll. Sets, Ladle nilpper In gmt vrlty, from l and upward. Mie and LbUureae Bboee aioeolalty. N. B. Ladle Bronte Sllppero only SI. OhAKLKS A. fKlt'B, No. IS Market Bt , Sign of tbe Ooldeu Boot. . ay 4 Ht rEDDIHGCARDSaW; aaauet taakawi JOUBMAL OFFICE. ( SEW AD VZSTISI JIIX T3. 45. BROWN & 45 AKE NOW FULLY rUETiKED FOR THEIH AVITII A COM PLETK AK80KTMEINT OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Coinprlhlns tho Novelties of the Season. STRIPED BUMMER 8ILR8 75 CVnts, worth SI 12J. PLAIN (1UENADINEH from 18 Onts apwud, FIOU11EU (HIENADINES 16a. worth aVo. LINEN CAM MUCH 2Bo. suit tipwaad. A very t holceSelertloMaf Now Drreo wear, . FRENCn CAMBRICS 15 ots., wo.th 25 cts. NEW BTYLES IN QINQUAMH 11 ota.. worth 17 ots, WASH rorLIN8 U ota., worth 20 ots. BEHi CALICOS 10 ots., worth 12) ots, L'LAMA LACE RHAWL8 AND HACQUKR. N0TXLN01IAM LACK BHAWIjH AND HACQUE8, 4 w. , BUE1LAN1) BHAWtH. IN WHITE AND BTRITES. A VERY large aaavrtuipnt of BUN81IADEB, tbs latrwt styles thai oan bs found in the ponntfy, at prices ranging from 20 ots. to f 7. Ladles, Blisses and Boys White And Striped llose. . . ........ . Qents White and Btrinml Socks for Sumniet wear, ) Ladies aud Misses Oauin Uuderwrsr, I Gents and Boys Gauze Underwear, Gent's Jeaua Drawers (made to onr apeotat order), Gent's White DresB Bhirta and Bows, N Woohiu and Liiififi Goods for Gents and Boys wear. The largwt lines on MUKL1N8 ever shown in 'this oity, suoh as BW18B PLAIDB, Btrlpt-s nd Tlain. NAINSOOK PLAIDfl, " . &. i 0R0AND1E8 rLAlDB, 1 ' VICTORIA LAWNS. , , I , i .. ltotl Hpi'ciulH tVom ll uiwnrl. . ; Triton whooilntr unci IMllow Cualnix, W WE WTIili BHOW for ONE WEEK a very handsome line of , v . , ;r ; DRAP D'ETE MANTLES and SACQUES, SST SOW AOK.NTS for r ran It l.aelle Vnt Paper PaHrrna MACHINE NtsIOLt? O Csntaasieh. Wa lava several JOB LOTS In UiUyrent eparmoiits, but want of stjaoejir veuta us from enumerating ; a vimt auly oan oover tbe ground. ONE PRICE -STRICTLY CAXH NO SAMPLES CUT. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Ilarket Street. F. 8. It has been almost impossible for ns to par the attention to oar oat- rons that we wonld desire owing to the inoroaso of our business . and laok of room, We take this opivortunity to apologize to those who have not been waited on as promptly as we should wih, aud would recommend all who oan to oall early in the day aa we oan ehriw them more attention. apl 18-tf MORE PARTICULARS ! MY ASSORTMENT OF rRiiioiiid IS NOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. v.- My customers have shown their sppreoiation of my LOW PRICES by their liberal pnrobaBon, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS not posted, and desiring the value of their money, can get it by calling .- ,. ? ...M-.!..r, ., , i. ..;!... ; M. M. KATZ'S, 36Market St, aprll H Fresh Crisp Milk Craokers aad Ginger Snaps, - ' Peek.rrean and Albert Blmnlt, Fralt Crack era, t'ornhlilaa l cream Hut. Bent's Boatun Cracker. '; v , V - -A ' ' A full line ot fre.h Oooi by every Steimcr. Mew and Freb QooJi reoelrlug dlly. , t . CHAS D. MYERS 4 CO., I O 7 North Prorit 8t araham and Rye Flour, , IRISH AMD SCOTCH OAT UKlh.) - "Perlectlon" In family Flour Barrel and BairBarreU. CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., u, 5 A 7 North Front St. - meyt 111 K. FRANK . COE'S ' - - i - , . A nam omateel Snper-fboepUate. poR IAUB I OR CASH OK ON OKOP time bT . '0. 6 PARSLEY A CO. ' aarch ll T7.tr ; 45. RODDICK 45 , ' flood for l.adle aad Chllotrea'a ts u. s. AND OTHIS : - ' ? oasii htjyixks Fl.ats examine eur , Stock- of Tobacco r Goods With a view to parohulng. D.PICOTT, . : TOBAOOOSIST may S COME EARLY ' ' " AMU BUT; ' . Boots and ttlioes ' " ' 1 ml ! t A 1 '! " FROM KVANS VcnOLAHN'S WHOLK. t Ml and KeUII Root and Shoe Btore, oa frfnoeei.etr'et. where yoa will Bnd Blithe new avlee width, tof,lieel, hel(ht, ak, Izee, colore, &., at the very loweet prloee. We take aret oare Id .lctln our tock of Boot ard Bboee. IV Save bad ranch .iperr enre In the balnen, and with many other ad vantage, we are nre we 'oaa oatlsfv yon In iio(lana price. We are taaektul r pea i Veroraand bopath (eaeroa pahlio will (, tlna their favnra. EVANSAVokGLAHN. nay I 1W ( " ,( I . i . t . v t --. i mj f

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