C77 ! I vol mv, NO. 11G, wnnniGTOir. it. c, Saturday, haysis. 1875. 7H0LS HO. 0X30. A . I ill I JiLU t -U f V"iv,f W1LMIXOTON. N. 0. : SATURDAY. MAY 15. 1S75- KWtUl'E. "O'OONNO R. TIIE WOULD-BE REGICIDE, AGAIN ARRESTED. the war cri&is past. englanD'sfriendly oVfice 1. PRINCE NAPOLEON ON THE IM- ' " "PERIAL SUCOEatilON. London, May 14 Noon Tlieijonth O'CuDUOr who, On the day of tliuukn givir.g (or the recovery of tbe lrjn f Wales attempted to nhx)t the Qiueo, h again arrested od the 5tti lunt., the Queen holding ilrawiuu' roui at Buckingham ' I'uluce ami O'Uouoor wan funud in the sani plane in frout of the railing from wb-ou ho, - tin the former oceueion, presented a ptl at theQieeu. II hb rre-itd ". qnetly ami hCiittotlie Hanwell Avluu hy orders of Sir Thonius Hiiiy, Chief i Magistrate of the Bow Street Polic-i C 'iirt, ou certitioateu of physicians that the prisoner ia subject to suicidal njjd bomioidal impulses, i 1 j(ja Times this morning says that ( there oould hardly have been a ' more critical situation than fainted iu Berlin npou the arrrival of the ', Emperor of R'lsSja. I The German Government may be able to declare that a hostile movement was never ofii oinlly entertained, but a few day ttiboe there was serious danger that war-like oouneel wouhl prevail. We Any " Suppose that Prince Oortz oUttkoff courteounly exprensed his de termination to treat as an enemy the T tintV btata ' disturbing the ' jpaace. flu spi j of .England's attitude of re SurvK "we believe the government thought ij a National duty in the re cent crisis to express its opinion very decidedly in regard to the maintenance of peaoe. The communication was amicably received and a most satisfac tory reply returned. Franoe has expressed acknowledge ment of England's friendly attitude. Tbe Daily News reports that the Cz-ir has mentioned his desire lo con fer with M. Theirs unotllcially in re gard to European affairs. " The .. Daily Telegraph is informed thut Russia has given England friend ly and 'satisfactory Bssuranoos ' iu re gard to Central Asia. Paris, May 14 Night-The La Volonte National, the organ of Prinoe NapoleU in a leading artiole declares that if thel'rioee- Imperial should dio Prince Hapoleoa' would never clnim the throne. "The principal hereditary succession d UeadV-A third Empiie aiming at the resotoration of atiuco Napoleon or his nephew, would end in rtrlnV" 'The 'article concludes: "We never doubted that France, even if consulted through a plebescite, would energetically pronounce in favor of tiie Republicans, which is the form of - government most compatible with uni versal suffrage. ELEGTiaCISMS- About five hundred barrels of whis key, the product of Western distiller ies recently closed by the Govern ment, have been seized in Baltimore. The Seizures were made at five or six different warehouses, , At (Calais, Maine, the Methodist (Conference Presbyicry ordained six Chinamen as deacons. An order has been issued from tho headquarters of the army at St. Louis that the Indian prisoners now oon-flued- at Fort Leavenworth be con veyed to St. Augustine, Fla., and con fined in , Fort , Marion under special guards. While the freight train was passing through an arch at the Sing Sing State Prisea- four convicts jumped on tbe engine and presented revolvers at the engineer and fireman and compel led them to get off and cut the oogine loose, and started -southward, aban doning the engine three miles north of Tarrytowa.---11- Tbree of the convicts who esoapod from Sing Sing were captnred near Sleepy Hollow. They had stolen the clothing of the engineer and fireman. The fourth one ia being hotly pressed and nill be caught The suspension of the National Bsnk of Rio, at Rio Janeiro, is report ed by a London telegram. Two negroes, in two cases of mur der, tried and sentenced in the Superior Court, at Atlanta within two days, are to be hung the 4th of June t; . . - . . HEADQUARTERS. NEW OFEIOIALS TAKING .CHARGE. INDIANS EN ROUTE FOR THE CAPITAL. lV ; THE WHISKY RAIDS. , WisBisftTos, May 14 Night The new Internal Revenue Commissioner will assume his duties to morrow. No immediate changes , in his office are contemplated. The Black Hill Sioux will be here to-morrow and will be joined in a day or two by the Brule and Ogalla In dians, unde- Spotted Tail and Red Cloud. In oonseqnenoe of prior engngo ments, the President will not be able to attend the Bunker Hill Centennial Celebration. . . . JudgeTierepont will tako charge of the Department of Justice to-morrow. Tbere is nothinir new iu the whisky raids." No prominent officers have yet - been dismissed and the oQloials of the Treasury Department are still search ing for crooked whisky. A large amount 61 seiaorea are reported daily, and in manv cases tho distillers and sellerf manifest a disposition to appeal to we uonrts, THE FAR EAST, s sou i n W ales to hk repre- SEsTTED ATjTHECENTEN M A L . , ANOTHER SEA HORROR. v Sax Frakcwto, May 14 Night Tbe Xew Mouth Wales Parhameut has included in a Bupply bill recently passed. .,()()0 for the representation of New South Wales at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia. ihe Houomla Commercial Adver tiser of May 1st, vh: Iu January hut, Z. S Spalding arrived from S'ui Francisco ul made a pnptHit'Oii to a sugar planter to enter into a rou traet with tbe San Francisco ri fine ries for the entire crop of tlm o nun year. The proposition wa disap proved.- Sydney, New South Wall s, adviees say Hint ttie liarkbt. .lnrnu Adeln oV, from Bribbiue, entered Ahinetoii Bar and took a pilot on board, wheu the wiui chopped around, giving htr a Ire kIi ro, and the b irk sto,..! ou to s'8 again. The nut day tilie was dis covered bottom up, and a steamer searched unavailing!? for furvivor of tne wreck. The bark was owned and tailtdby Capt. EaRlenbrook,' a B m toni.in, hut for many yeara a resident of Adelaide. Uis wife and family p ii-lnd with him. PENNSYLVANIA. ANO fllER i 1GHT A L' THE MINES TrcnNiB, May 14 Night. Fifty men went to work at Sterling mines this morning. About 11 o'clock a- light took place between the few polce and the strikers and two of tho lattea were arres'ed There ia no police force Miillcieut to protect, willing Torknieu, and the Sheriff is dilatory. L. 0, Coutri, editor of L' Italia, who, on Monday, was enptured by the strikers, is at Tyrone with forty Italians, deter mined to put them at work with proper protection. Affairs in Chester field county ore in a bad state, and nothirg ebort of niiliiary force will suppress tho outrages. This is the opiniOii of the most intelligent portion of the community. WISCONSIN. THE DISTILLERY SEIZURE. Milwaukee), May 14 Noon The four distilleries which had been re released by the oourt on special bouds resumed operations yesterday. Adis patch was received from Washington ordering the oflioers to stop theni until they had given now bonds iu place of those given on , the first of May. The dintillors here have tele graphed to the distillers at Chioago, St. Louis and elsewhere proposing to unite with them in testing the consti tutionally of the InternalRevenne tax. A favorable supply was received from Chicago, and the distillers bane re solved to proceed. They, have retain ed ex-Senator Carpenter to take the question into the courts. ALABAMA. ONE MORE OF THE FALLEN. MIGHTY Moktoombbt, May 14 Night Cbns. Davis, late Postmaster at Union Springs, pleaded guilty in the U. S. Court to-day for embezzlement of funds from letters he received. By request of tbe District Attorney, who stated that there were extenuating circumstances, the lowest punishment, which was a Bcutcnoe to nix months imprisonment and a fine to the amount of monny abstracted, was imposed. Davis was a Republican member of the Legislature in 1872; took his seat in the Court House Legislature which elected Spencer to the Senate and voted for him for Senator; soon after wards he was appointed Postmaster. REPORT Of the Condition of the t'imt !Va- tlonal Bank of Wilmington, at Wilmington, in the State of North Carolina, at the ( lose of Huilneu inar ! l!s73: KE SOURCES. Loiinniind Discounts.... Uvurdran. U1,M ti i.m id TJ. S. liundg to secure clrctilnlloii.., Other Stuckfl, Honda and Mui tuauon sii,ono oo ico OUT 88 ra U,m 78 888 13 S1,7W 15 S,088 91 24,071 1!8 LMOirOIU PTOTOtl HPWrVB AgUlIU. Due from otlwr National llnnku .... Duo t'rum bute Banks Rd liiiifcern. Hfal ErtHto, furniture and i Ixturen Uurroiit KxponBOB iiui Taxua paid. Premlnraa Paid..'. Iv.luiJLB nu utiiui yjtkfu .tenia,. ,,..,.., 1,832 4. Bill. of other National Hunks U.H) 00 Vravtionnl Currency (including Nickel,) 1.35T SB Sieoi9 (luuluuing gold I reaury DOie-) Legal Tender Notes tit 67 35,000 00 8,100 03 hUi.'iu.iii tund ltb U. a. X'reaH iner (5 per ct of circulation) 'lotal K.i,i3J75 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In 2!S0,000 00 Surjilwi Fun g.O'O M othei und vidcd piotini S4.A'i 8 nainrai oanx iteouUit.tid ng.. 102,00' no I)lidir,d unpaid f4D 00 imiivuuiU doiwaiui u..Ject to check 101,114 2 i 'emami coriinaros oi apfBll 103. 4H 61 Due to ot'ior National Bank noi () I'ie to Sta'f llankail BtukeiB. . 4.737 23 Note and Bills re-discounted 78,047 11 Total... ff8(ia,233 TB STATE O. NORTH CAROLINA, ) CoiuuorNicwHiKuviii. I I, A. K. Walker, Cashier of the ahoe ntmid Bank, do soli ninly swear that tlie ahove state ment in tra to the bust ol my knowledge mid Dunei. A. K. WALKKR. Cashier. Ruhscrlbed and sworn to boforo me, this the urn day oi may, mi o. If. M. BOWUKN, Notary ruLlic, Correct Attest i T MUKRil Y, , W. II. McillAKY, E.K.BLHKl'SS, may. IA i l)lroctors. MBit HARDWARE at LOWEST PRICES AT New Ilardwaro Store. GIuKSAMURCrft.SON, te North Front U may t NSW ADVIBTISMMITS. THE ATLANTIC HOTEL A. SEASIDE HESOIIT, BEAUFORT, 1ST. O. lii mm ! juj jj I Iffy ii y 1 1 1 :i W, Tr a Till ABOVK r.STAtlLt'HVr'NT, SOFAVORABI.T INTROI'CCKl) T THK PUBI.I'l ! HiiinnK-r ht fie ntw owner, C)it. K. i( Urahtn,of Mtcjle nl'urg, Is for Ilia season of 187A, May lotto October lot, "f"" ,r,"''n Visitors only a thu nuderslgnal way l willing tisilmn to his lamil- el Cia. Hs hope to renew his dekast acquaintance with all foroMir goesuortha Stlsntlo Hotel. Th imrullar situation of th'e taotise afford fell Ui plraiurt J royap without peril or rtokiiats , NO DUST! KO FLIES 1 1 NO MOSQUITOES 111 lathing llonars are allsehed to the hsnsft. where guest roy at onceenoy the eihlla i sting ell. els or sail oaurr and learn the art of swimming. &rf a good as any uKin the tout. . Tbe Musie Hall and surrounding gtlierKe added last vrar atlord a ileasant retreat Irom the glare or the sua by dty, n1 hrlllant court of Terostehore at night. All the games ror eteret e and feniieemeot to be found at Itilaui) resorts, besides j'leesure Ho Ms, fast sailing and well managed, for FIC-NICS, FISHINQ PARTIES, MOONLIQHT SAILS, an! lsltlng points of Interest to the vicinity. Tbe choicest WIES aid UQU0K9 are to be had at tbe BESTATJEANT of the under signed. MusioHall and Ornqttet Parke open to as Visitors. Tlekete required of ether parties. Aided b oonrteona aaistaate and a corps of polite and attrnrln serTants, with ampler rooats and derided Improvements recently made In the Culinary Department, the protirl.tor flatters himself that kls BOABni KO MOrsK, under the new reglmo, will b eren more at tiactlTe to bit seieot osnpany than tbe Hotel was to the general public. Strict decorum will be rigidly enforced and tbe comfort of littis aiteartasly studied. Tkbms s $2.50 per day for first week Special contracts mado with famlllee and tore, t'hlldn a and eermate Half price. may!3 tf. . The Charlotte ObterYer, i The only morning dally paper publUbed In tbe BUte went of Raleigh u I Merth ef Wll.( snlngtea, e fieri ipeout ladaoemsaii isstrsr. tiseta. Jt etroolatto , sis e4 meet slu ess hare been largely lnors4 Oorlag Ike year just past, and It now reaches most of the Mer ehaqH of Western Morth Oaiolina, thus Sor ing an unsrjrpatsed medium of eommaalca tlon between the Merchants of Wilmington and the people of Western Morlh Carolina. Tiausor SDasoaiPTioa : . Dally..... Weekly... ..$9 00 per annum. .. 110 ' r Advertising very low. SPECIAL NOTICE. During the Centennial Celcti'ation targe edi tions or this paper will be printed dally end no such advertising medium will so be offered to Its patrons. may 14 - J Hfrtf Races! Races I Races! SPBINO MEE1INQ IJARIJuIa PARK, Ciiarlolte,l(.C., May 19, 20 and 21st First Day, Wwdnoedart Haf 19. First Racs Trial nurse S2O0 : second horse. M. For all ages. A dash of of a mile with one hundred pounus on eacu. Sboohd Baob Club purse 0290: 30 to the seoond her as. Mil heats. Third Kacb Club purse 0M0 SAO to the seoond horse, Half mile heats, tot all ages. Second Day, Thnnttar, fflar 30. Fusr Bao Club purse S1B0 ; 150 to tho seoond horse. One and a half mile dash. Weight for age. Second IIacb Centennial Stako SBOenteanoe, P. P. Mile heats-bests In 5j SGOOadded by thetlub; second horse to receive SIM out of the stake ; three to fill. third Day. Friday, may 41. First Baoc t lub nurse S200: tlWto the second bo-e. Hurd a Race. Mile beau over 4 bnrdlee I feet S Inches high. Llgut welter weights. SkcondRaob Helling Race-Club parse V50;1V mn dasb ; horse entered to he sold for fl.uOO; to rarrv their oroner weights : for 7.'0 allowed 7 pounds, lor tww 12 pounds, for 9 SOD 18 pounds. The w.nner to be sold at auction In front of thu .Indues' Stand Immediate! after the race Anv surplus over the amount eutered tuba sold ror to go to tae seovnu no so. TbibdRacb Consolation nnrse tVA : ISO to the second and S2Btothe third horse. One mile dash. For horws that bave run and not won lira money during the meeting. Ih'so beaten once al lowed 7 pounds; twice, 11 pounds; three times, 18 pou tula, in all Ulnb Parses entranoel free A walk ovanor msTiRuiro the field eu- thleaa horse to Brut montv onlv Kntrts In Club Purses elose at the Judges' Stand at 4 o'o ojk P. M , tbe day previous t tbirace. If tho ranes are not clnredattbat boar thirty minutes will be allowed alter they are flnhheu. Kn'rlos In the Centennial Stake closes at the HenreUry'i Office at 8 0'clook P. M , May 18th, 1079 , Mar; s and Geldings allowed I pounds, D O. MAXWELL, Secretary, Charlotte, N. O. A. B "rainos, President. may 14 U5-4t Bacon and 8. H. Molasses. 90 Boxes moked Sides and Hhonlders, 100 " I. 8. Hides and Shoulders, - SA Hbdi. H. H Molsasee, - -40W hhla. n. H. Molarsea. For sale bj KEHUHMR CALPEt BROS may 6 ' 108 WfcOMINU (JAaUHand V 181 1 IN. VAHVU aepsolalty at tbe WODBJIAL urviOB. ; $1.60 per day tor second week. licursionlsU. Liberal reduotlon to early vial- GEO. W. CHARLOTTE, Proprietor. llubs, ISpokcs and Rims. J-iVQ T WHIELH, Alios, dart Whoels, wagwn anes, nnggy springs, sulky Wheels, Shafts, Huggy fludlrs, Sheet Iron Seal. Carrlago TriBimiag) of all kinds. Oat Dash Leather, JiO- The largest and sboapeet siocc in uie enf ean ds found at tae Old -tabllsbsd lardware llooae of JOHN DAWSON, see. It, and II Market Street, may los THE T.1YGTERY Explained! At 29 North 'Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. O. may B -107-TW Du Font's Powder. JRIPLB, 8P0BTINO AND MUSKET, BLASTING AND MINING In Whole. Ha and Quarter Kegs. For Mis by O. . PARSLETIAOO. march St to-tf Look at the Prices CHEVIOT SUITS, all wool. $lfc White Duck Suits $7 60. Handsome Silk Scarfs, Superior Dress Shirts, Lisle Thread Shirts, Gloves, Half Hose. do. ivruxsrsoisr && co. CITY CI.0THIKR8. , may U " "118 A New Lot Just Keoeiyed OF Green's Hfctory of the English People. "The Mysterious Island." By Jules Verne. ,: ' "Our Petchment." By Katharine King.'; . " "Alice Lorraine," ft tale of the South Downs. By B. D. Black more. "The Blossoming of an Aloe." By Mrs. 0. Hoey. ': AT , CONOLEY & YATtfe', City Book and Musio Store. may 8 HI Escaped Convicts. ' We will pay a reward of 810 each for such Information as will lead to the capture of any oenvlcf escaped from tbe New HaroverCoun. ty Work House sine tbe year 1878. Addren-, by letter or telegianh, MATH Eh A O., Hu perlntendentsot New Hanover County Work House, Wilmington, N. O. may K-tf Trunks Repaired and Covered All kinds of Kaildlery repairing done prompt ly at modi rate prices. A full stock of Baddies, Harness, Trunks, Bags and Satchels, Collars, turn-. Chains. Saddle Cloths. Whine. Hnur. t urryOnmbs, Horse Brushes, Stall btrap', Feather Dusters, Saddlery Hardware, leather, Axle urease, ineaia root on, iap nooea, aw, CARPENTER A MALLARD. huoeeesoT to J. S. TOPHAM A CO . No. I SoutbFront Street, Wilmington, N. O. may m-u . HaTG fbis Da? Eeeciycd A NOTHER SUPPLY OF THOB HAND sewed. Machine sewed and Cable Wire Hns.Too Low-auartsr Shoe of varkras style A Iso OenU OoatS rap Tl-s and NullU flers. Ladles Slippers in great variety, from 81 and upwards. Mlsees and Children's bhoss a specially. H, M. Ladles Bronte 8llppert only 8L CHARLES A. PRICE. No. 88 Market St., Sign of the Golden Boot NEWSPAPIB. DIILlCTORY. M II la rriiniy in woat el Aaaorl Ctia "IstsjaalMow t".. ('. T. - lis prwawBt popalsrtiy la tkorw SHlt of rw M.rll,". CMtswrrusl, i'UU tmrfk. Cm. Tkorw la mot rial I pas; l woM Itsrwvora " A. r. Twi f A Mowel grtalcl.'-rktU tnn. . .Whv net Subscribe) for THE CALAXY FOR 187B. rr tavMS BEST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. No family eaa a Moid to do without It IT til VIES MORS OOOO AND A fTBAC TIVK RKAIXNU MATTKH FOHTHK MONEY THAN ANT OTHER TKKI ODIOAl. DRUM PrBUSHSU IN THE COUNTKV, A New aerial h Mrs annle Fdwarils, LEAH, A WOMAN OF FASHION, JUST BEGUN. Also Story by Prof. K. M. HOVrsKN, - A Norseman's Pilgrimage, Toooatlnue several moaihs." , , In th iteit No, will be eonimeocod JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S NEWSERIAl Dear Lady Disdain. A sarlrsof Articles by PrainleieMI MoMlh mora, on 'he CONFEDERATE SIDE OF THE WAR Not CoBlretvorelal, will soon be rum menced. . ( ; Intereatlng Sketches and Stories In each No l.y .neb wM"r a. ItlOHAHll OHANP WHITK, AI.UKHT hll.'KKH. HPNNV .lAHKN, ,lr, .lUNU'H H K Mt I HIUiWNP, KtlR TFMKY, HI-IIAIt. K IM H A 1.1, and all the .tart' or HUH I.IANT W H1TKKN which the Ut'.Atv hu attracted to liseir, and who have taaala a bright mvk an our current llteralipe. Til K Si,IKN I IKIi; Ml- Kl.l.ANV, each month, Is worth Ike 1'iH't lie aiagasine Who would not rive t.00 to secure such monthly vlsltsn for the year 18701 Subscribe at Once. Send for our full Prospectus. WE PRE-PAYTHE POSTAGE It ran be bad, with either "Harper's Weeklr or "Baser, "or "Appleton's Weekly," for SHELDON A COMPANY, New York Jan 14 4W THE PEE DEE HERAID. rubliahed every Wednesday st WADESBOBO, ANSON COUNTY, - M ' f JOSH. T. JAMESrJtCO. Has i large tnd rapidly Inereailng rlrrn's. lion In tbs Pee Des eouutry In North and South Carolina. Advertisers will find II the bast medium In either of the slsUr Htatas for reselling tbe farmers, planters and merchants. . The attentive local advertising pat ronage exhibited in itt colvmm it the best evidence qfiti large and influen tial circulation. V Specimen ooiiIm. with rates lor adver Using, sent free, poetage paid. in application to tbe undersigned, eltb.r at Wadrsboro r WUmlsgtoo. IOSH.T.JAIHFS a U., KdHorsand Proprlelnrs" A tr j Christian Advocate RALEIQH, N. C. Kev. J. B. Bobblt. Editor & rubllsVi ESTABLISHED IN 1866. i ; Btstbs ' Largest Clrcnlatlea ta tae Stats. Os voted to Religion, Literature, Bcleuoe, News, and General Intslllgeuos. Art Tbs Orsran el tbs C. Conference e the ffl. E. Chnrch, Sooth. It has Its snpport, and the continued aid Its Ministers, (all of whom are agents) toward Increasing Its circulation. - Ws otter no premiums. The AoveotTg stands upon lis intrinsio merits. While It Is Msfliodlstie in doctrine.! wi oontaln news from all Churches, so as to make it a welcome visitor to the intelligent readers sf all denominations. Its wide aad Increasing elrculatioa makeslt a Most Excellent Medium for Business aim (Mmarally, gar Terms, f orai months. -'n-'n.ln advance; 81 to tl!l-H THE RALEIGH HE Wl? DAILY AND WEEKLY ruBLiiaiD sr STONE k UZZELL. D EVOTKD TO THE BI.ST 1NTFRBH1S of tbe Stats of North Carolina- to tl e success of the Conservative party, tbs devel opment of the hidden wealth of the State, the inviting emigration into onr midst, and ad vancement of tbe welfare of our neonle In everything that serves to make a Stats proper ous and Independent. Its . - . ADVERTISINO COT.TTMKH will be found of ureal advantage, a. both the tauy ami weeaiy oircmaio largely in every portion of the Stats Hate, moderate. . ! 8UPS0RIPTION RATES : , HailT, One Year ...87 Ou Weekly," " 8 Subscribe for 1874. 8TONE V UZZELL, jrrornetor. an 8" ev M Tho Spirit of the South Ts the ntdeit newspaper published In Rock. Ingham and has the largest circulation of any paper pnbllsh'd In tho Pre lies country, be lug read eaeh week hy at least 8,000 pbovls, making It the freii advrrtitinq avdiuia. In rob tics It I. I'rtt, IruUptmltnt and Frarlttl, thl or gan of no party or clique, but is the champion or tbe People's Rights, being thoroughly de. voted to the best Intel e.ts of all. Subscription, only 82 a year, tree of postage Specimen copies mailed free on application. Hates of advertising very reasonable. Address SPIRIT Or THKHODTH, .. Rockingham, N. C. march 11 eo-tf 81IEJ BY BlNxEIt. Published weekly, at SHELBY. Cleveland County. N. 0., at SI ISO per annum, In ad vance; has a large and rapidly Increasing cir culation In nearly all the counllea Wtst of Mecklenburg. Also.an entenalvs circulation In the counties or Spartanburg, York srd Union, B.C. Ha. Just been enlarged from a twenty to a thirty. I wo column, and Is now adorasd with e entire rw drees. Hi peUHes ars Drmoento The Carolina Central Railway being now wmpleted through to Wilmington, and Shelby being the Western terminus, the hemntr Is a most excellent advertising medi um. Jtofet ewdsrsls. PUB HAM eVWIBB. Editor and Proprietors, feb sa-tf HEW ADVIRTISZMIKTS. 45. BROWN & 45 ABE NOW FCLLT HtETAIlED FOU TI1EIU SPPtlUG AND WITH A COSIPLFsTK AHMOHTMENT OF STAPLE AMD FANCY DRY GOODS, Comprising tho KoVeltlos'of tho Season. HTRIPED BUMMER 8ILK8 ?5 Cmits, worth $1 131. . TLAIN UBENAD1NEH ftnua 18 Ceuts npwaitl,. , ... Fl(UKKl)OLlENADINEB16o., worth 87o. . LTNEN OAMBIUCH UHo. and npwaid. A very tJhalee Sel.ctlea el New Dreaa f.ooda lor l.aeUea aad ( hlldrea'e Wear, ' ' FRENCn 0AM11IUC8 15 oU., woiOi 25 cts. NEW aiYLES IN (HNOUAMH 11 ots.,1 worth 17 oli. WAHlITOriilNa W flts , worth 20 ots. , . BKSl' CALICOS 10 cts., worth 12) ots. L'LAMA LAOE RITAWL8 ANDHACQUEH, NOniNGHAM LACE 8HAWL3 AND 8ACQTJE3, HIIETLANU BFIAWLH, IN WHITE AND STRirES. A VERY largo assortmout of 8UNHJIADKS, tbs latest stylos that can be found in the country, at prices ranging from 20 ots. to $7. Ladies, Misses ami Boys White and Striped Iloso, Gents White and Striped RooVs for Summer wear. 1 Ladies end Misses Gauze) Undorwear, Gouts sud Bojs Qauzo Undorwear, Gout's Joans Drawors (made to our snooial order). . f-. Oent's White Dross Bhirts and Bows, . 1T.r...-r. WooUiii and Liuen Ootids for Oonts sad fioyi wear." The largpst lines on MUSLINS ever shown in this city, such as SWISS I'LAIDS, Stripes and Plain. NAINSOOK PLAIDS, .. .. .. ORGANDIES PLAIDS, . VICTORIA LAWNS. II.hI Hirnfitl iVoin Wl upward. r WE WILL BUOW for ONE WfcilSK a vory handsome lino of ... .-...v.j , . . DRAP D'ETE MANTLES and 8ACQUES. tVSWLK aaEMTSrpr Frank Istslle-a t'wt Paper Patters. ....... tit i ' MACHIrisI NCCD1.CS B Centeeaoh. We have several JOB LOTS in ditlurout doDartuiouta. tut want of aiwca dp vents us from enumerating ; s visit only can cover the ground. , ONC PRICf STRICTLY CASH N0 SAMPLES CUT. BR0WN-&.R0DDICK; 45 Uarket Street. M ilti' l r I i.i' e i i iu i V ''r ' 1 ' : ' i ' v P, B. It has been almost inpowible far os to psy the attention- lo Dur pat rons that we wonul desire owing to thq inorease o( onr business and laok of room. We take this opportnnity to apologize to those who have not been waited on as promptly as we should winli, and would recommend all who can to call early in the day as we oan show them more attention. apl IS- tf MORE PARTICULARS ! MT ASSORTMENT OF nniHoiK IS NOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers have shown their appreciation of my LOW PRICES by their liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS not posted, and desiring lAe value of their money, oan get it by calling M.M:KATZ'36MarketSt aprll 18 Fresh Crisp Milk Craokers and Ginger Snapsi Peek.Frean and Albert Biscuit, Frnlt Crack ers, Cornhlll an 1 Cream Jlutt. Bent's Boston Crackers. A full Hneol fresh Qoods by every Bteamor. New and Fresh Goods receiving dally. CHAS D. MYERS Jt CO., 5 at, 7 North Front St, Graham and Kye Flour, ' - y . ? ,. ( IRISH AND SCOTCH OAT MKAI "Perteotlon" In Fsmlly Flour-Barrols and Half Barrels. . :;.:..! CHAS. D. MYERS Jfe CO.. 1 d 5 A 7 North Front Si, , may I - lit " y Soda,7ater. ;! " JOS 0OLD SODA WATSRON DRAUGHT and In Slfboa Bottles, at ' .a ' JAMES. 0. BlTJKDS' Drof Store, Third St., opposite City Hall. 106 P78 45. RODDICK 45 H1LJ.U . l -.! :. t r i sr i COMPLETE Friday i May the 14th, BOCK BIER, ' Tbe First ol the Season, at O.U.W. BUNOB'S BAIOOH, may is , On Front Btrset. a LARGE STOCK OF NIW STItESJoK moivdsnd for -sals a extreisre'y reduced prtoes to snlt the hard times, by D. A. SMITH k CO. ,. k.'-.. 1 114 tr nay W 3 If Wilmington ,.;.,.,.' , .!,),!!:. ' IS ALIVE TO HER INTERESTS In Ke Carolina, her basinets men will advertise la THt ViASHIHGTO.I ECHO, ,;) ! . ' ' ' a large 'and well ssUbllshed weekly newspa per, circulating extensively l tie ooantiee e Hyde, Bssolort, Pamlloo, Pitt, dgeooBe, and those adjoining. Rates Low. j Wait. P. Wauswso". ' R- LatSOfTarboro. of Waablngtoo. Editors and Proprietors. . oot 81 Staroopj.