V 111 4. .... A - WW xmozn no. 0x31. VOL XXIV. NO. 117. wnimiQTon, it. c Sunday, hayig. 1875. J) ft. far b;!a "jiaurnnl c?ttiiJirsaTONN. o. HJHDAY.MAy16.U75- 'BjMTELECRAPH,' THE EX EMPRESS CLAIMS. KULLMAN'S CASETO BE TRIED IK JUNE. THE ILL-FATED SCHILLER. Paws, tyay li-Nooiv M. Itouker haa informed the gororunieiit tbat ex-Eujprwta Eugenie will accept no coipgrttiM Ol lift claims on the civil liht, aud will briDg actiou deuiaikhug the fulfilment of the convention cou eluded by DBrogitt the ruiimter. Rtuus, May 15 hoou The in qn xy iustituted into thw Catlwli.i So cieties of Berlin at tbe time of Kull mrni'i attempt to shoot Priuce Bit marck, has been cloned. The publio )iHtcutor Liu made charges RgaiuHt tlw ir Directors aud the caso will come up for trial iu June. London, . May 15 Noon Oue of tho Sohiller's ottioera Las inform vl a correupoudent of the Standard thut tuauy peraoua on board the steamer we a drunk when she etruck, and thut several firemen aud many kteerage puasfugers lay helpless until they wore swtptawayby the waves. Tims fur about 130 bodies of the dead have bem recovered from tbe wreck of the Hohiller. Of thoao which have been takeu from the water lately are the bodies Xt Uitf following persons: R Jatoob Bronoer, L fathering, Chief Engineer of the Schiller, Wil liam Frahno, Davenport, Iowa; Frita Thomas, Mitchael llurlemanu, HigiAodIUlBou; Holm Leonard and probably of one of tbe LeoulmrdU, of Augusta, Ga. ; Mrs Leichliu aud Ohleen.r The. body of a lady, having a riuj; marked Hermanu Ziukersin on ou of (be fingers the bodies of I wo firemen, the bodies of two sailors, five bodies of fe&ales aud the bodies of some other of the passengers, males, remain unidentified. HEADQUARTERS. BURGi-SS' SUCCESSOR NOT YET NAMED. THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS' WORI1I 01?) CONSCIENCE. ;r AND STILL ANOTHER RADICAL Washington, May 15 Night. No ucoessor to Knsh Burgees, Colkotor of thjaluaou&Jpiotriot, is yet Judgi Pierrepont and ex-Senator Pratt assumed tbeir positions to-day as Attorney General and Commistiou er of Internal Revenue. A terror-atricken knave of Balfi roore sends to the Treasury over three thousand dollars which, be bad with held from the Treasury. Tbe Postoffloe Department has brought suit against the Postmaster at Calvert, Texas, for a defalcation of postal revenues, amounting to several hundred dollars. This is tbe fourth successive Postmaster who has beeh prosecuted for embezzlement during tho past four years. , (iOTimi. DUTY PAID ON SMUGGLED SILK. New Yobk, May 15 Noon The rate of duty to which hosiery and other cotton goods are subject, was paid upon silks alleged to have been Btnuggled through , the appraiser's ollicaat undervaluation by Charles L Lawrence. The, difference between f-ilks, which was paid is, it is claimed, $1,336,400.-' Suit was begun yesterday iu the U. S, District Court to reoover the amount from Lawrence. ELECTIticiSMS. A dispatch from London says that half of Afghanistan has beeu burned. Fifty thousand dollars worth of al leged crooked whisky has been seized in Boston. i ' Q'lhe Ripley Opera House, in Rut- laud, Vt., a brick building, has Deen burned. Loss 870.000. Sam'l White, a prominent citizen of Ludlow, Mass., was .bitten in tbe thigh by" ff bear yesterday forenoon and bled to death before assistance could reach him. What the Nervous Require. What the nervous require more than anything else, is invigoration. Seda tives alone will hot cure nervousness. The reason that the nerves are so sus ceptible is that they are, weak. Com pensate for this defloieucy of strength, and over-acute nervous sensibility dis appears. The most rational, whole some, and agreeable tonic is Hostet ter'a Stomach BitterB. Medical men recommend its use for the cure of general debility, knowing it to possess strength-giving properties of tbe high est order, and at the same time to be ..' a means of reforming those bodiy irregularities which induce nervous ness and loss of vigor. It is tbe hes known remedy for dyspepsia, whether nervous or bilious, and is powerfully conservative of a regular habit of body. As it is notorious that those who are afflicted With weak nerves, biliousness or constipation, are pecu liarly liable to the infldence of mala ;4 ria, it is invaluable to such persons on " account of its preventive effloacy. It endows the body with health, and the mind with cheerfulness. - We should not hesitate to reoora' mend to any freiud of ours, Parsotn Purgative Pills; they are scientific ally prepared, and are adopted to all the purposes of a good purgative medicine. STATE NEWS. The Democrats of Martin county nominate for ('onventiou on tbe SUth hist. Raleigh was to have had a match Ruine of billiards last night, for a pnre of 850. Mr. B. D. Sinclair, a young gentle man of much literary iiromiee, ia an nounced an the local editor of the Charlotte Eagle. Father Evans, of the Milton Chron icle, dicliues the honorable position of a member of the Bourd of Coin roiH.iouers for that town, to which he was receutly elected. Hon. M. C. Kerr, of Indiana, a Dcroocrntio member of the next Con gress, is iu CJiurlotttt where ho will remain uutil alter the Ceutennial Cele bration. . . The Stateaville American says: Mr. 0feph P. Caldwell, the epiry local of the Charlotte Obt-erver, was out on our streets the past week, having par tially recovered from a mere attack of rlicutualit-m. ' The Newberu Times says: Tbe sehoouer Addie L. Cutler, of liacRor, Maine, to Charleston, S. ft, struck on Cape Lookout Shoals ou Wednesday night and sunk. Loaded with cotton ties, so p, kerosene oil, &o. Vessel and cargo a total lose. Captain and er. w saved. The Weldon News says: Fro in a friend just returned from Warren, we iearu tuut Air. Jus. Duuiel and oue of bis laborer were bitten a day or two since, by his favorite pointer dog, which una an attack ol hydrophobia Our information is not positive, but pretty direct, and we fear the report is mueea wo true. The Ktnti-hville Amrinmi ruts: Wb regret toletirn of the death ol Col. B. i.i it . i .1 i i an oiu auu pronuueui citizen if Wilkes oountv. which was ( mined . . , .... , last week, from injuries received bv . - the ruuuing uwny ot a team of horses and liiim-l tiiur a veliieln in whieli tlio , 0 - - deceased was riding. He died the next week after the ooenrrerce. The Charlotte Observer says: The Centennial Medals, silvei and bronze, beautifully executed aud fresh from the U. S. Mint at Philadelphia, were received by tbe Committee to-day and created great exoitement. We under stand that tho rush was bo great that by 12 o'clock tbe silver medals were ascertained to be going so rapidly that it was deemed advisable to order more by telegraph. The bronze med als are almost as pretty as the silver, and are selling rapidly, Tho Raleigh Sentinel says : At tbe I?np t it t prayer meeting last night Dr. Vrltchard said that two years ago he saw in a naDer where a vounir man bv the noma of W. E. Prltchurd, educated in the Spurgeon School in England, had come to this country and located as the Baptist-minister at Wilmington, Ohio, Of tbe eame name with him self he wrote to him immediately and since then they had kept up a very pleasant correspondence, and at Dr. Pritchard's invitation the young stran ger had joined them in their Southern Convention at Charleston, and bad come to this city, and would now have something to say to the congregation. Mr. Pritchard then delivered a short and earnest discourse which was worded beautifully,' and full of good matter, and at its close Dr. Pritchard asked tho brethren up to get acquaint ed and shake bands with the young stranger. All this came from wearing the same name. , lilST OF l-CTTKUN KcuialiiliiK in the I'o.t (mice, may 15. 1873. B Ike Bryant, Alfred Benton, Ed ward S Burnham, Geo Battle. G T W Bosch, Henry Brown, Mrs S N Brun- son, Uov J X Uryunt, MigJ; Urocket, Jas Bonsou, Jas V Biown, Mary Brushwood, Margaret Best, Peter Bloom, Peggy Brown, Rosa Barnetz, Mannda Oore. C M ColHman, Lucy Cowan, Ed H Cordal, care Henry Nash, Emma Cowan, Mrs C Coy. D W R Daniel, John Dudley, Gus tus Davis, Mr Dillay. E Jas D Euglaud. F Jack Fauson. G Susan Granger, Mary R Gra ham, Edward Galloway, Charles C Gurrason, Amelia Gilchrist. U W N Highsmith, Marion Har ris, Jas Hines, Harriet Hill, Elsie Hill, Carotin Humphry. I-Mr Ichibod. J Sophie J Johnson, W O Johnn son, J II Jones, Louis Jones, Mrs S G Jordan, or 8 G F, Wra G Jones, Capt William Jones, lady and family. . . , , . K Peter Kenigan. , , L H Lewis, Isaao Liebman, .T G Love, J R Lovy, John S Lewis, Fr.d H Lefavor, USN. . M0pt Rod McRae, Wm Mc Sweeu, Sandy McRary, A C Moore, Fauiry Mitohull.F J Mihs.Eliza Maner, Harris McKensey, H M Mason, Henry A Martiudalo, Sarah D Mumford, Cfire J J Beasley. N Susan Nichols, Bettio Nettles. O J Lindsey Ooheltree, G G Ol son, Louisia Fredericka Olson. P John P Potter, Jeff Prioe, Jesse Pop, John Pederpee. K Florence N R.ardso l, Rose Rowes, Nettie JP Richards, Emart N Robert, Melviua Reagafl, Chas J Ry berg, David Richardson. SD Stark, John Scott, John H Scott, John Henry Sava -e, Joseph Scbrader, Frank Smaw, Dick Stone, Walter M Smith, Annie Skipper, Mrs Annie Strode. T Chas J Trowbridge, Annie E Tumor. W-W T Wheathly, Miss Wood hull, Allien Waters, Miss E B Wood hull, Elezabeth White, Thos Watson, care May Wright, Margaret Ward, Jas E Wilson, John Walker, Lizzie Waters. Decidedly the beBt remedy that has ever been die covered for rheumatim, swoolen or Btiff joints, flesh wounds, sprains, bruises, cuts and burns, is Johnmn'8 Anodyne I.inimmt. We use it. and always reccommend it to I our friends, NIW AL VIETISMIH8. Lost! jGOLDSLKBVa BCTTOfl. Tb IimIw wt'l b literally rswardtd by ImvIbi Utaua atthtoffl6t. may IS iia-u New Arrivals. P LOP K la WkoU and BiOf arrata. Bottled Lager Beer- o a. W. ECVQIt, M. R. Cotbm oT litM M4 lM4 Bta. wy 1 111 M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BT UEONL.T A MORRIS. Valuable Ileal Estate at Auction. Ry Tlrtu of mtatiiI aart(it rrn Joha R. I f rfiiH nd tl, h l.rhnW BDliillrKDil l.(ai A-aurlttlun will Mil fur ciufc bv f ublle Aiinuim, at Kiclmnr ornr, la th rlty of w 1 1 m m (ton, on T v Ko I A I , J un lit) , 1(10, at It o'etook A. M., Ibal lut l HOUSE AND LOT, S3 x 86, itu.twl tt(on thMu)h M1 of Ifalbwty, b- i.woiiomhio bmobu nnm Taaa-0rh. may It IU It-May l(,S,M,JaM (JM T T T Choicest Extra Imperial and English Breakfast Teas At lb- U wtl frlOM. Very fin UU1.0NQ AVO JMPBRIAI. TCA5 at m Genu xr pound. Baaplri lna i way aud lent to any part of tbo oily . CLARET WINKS from 1 to (1- por N. 1 VI FUtttlU BRANDT ti to IK ft gtlloa. DulT Oordonand Cnwn Sherry. Ilu Urnnand Koutueky (im Wbl.ktyM I and M fr gallon. Tho Tr, eholooatof WINKS and UQUOBI lor table end eJlolnl in ia tho State. J urt lo to day ear froeh ripply of Cok4 Ceraetl Boot, Beit Butter in tho World." "New rroci-iBnipfreFtomr." For nl only at QUO MTI1S', 11 All Seatb front 8t may 14 110 Carolina Yacht Club! MOTIOI. The -MOMmeat tot the enrreit year Is pay able a rollowei Three detlare print to Jane irt and balance by Anguat lit, osoopt ownert or locntipartioipouog in ikigMM mmj HU), wuo muat pay uo ran aoat belgre yacht can be entered. - may lMte W.L. JBWRIT. - roreor. Oar Extremely LOW PRICKS aroTMt Mlllng our Stook of CLOTHING. Never before eould WllnlngtoBlaM bay Qoodi to cheap. WHITE DUCK SUITS, BROWN DTJQK SUITS. DUSTERS, 4o. MUNsoisr && oo. CITY ULUTbUitlU. may 16 tt Bacon, Suear, Coffee and Flour. CO Boxes D. S. Sides k Shoulders, 60 Boxes Smoked Bides and Bboul ders, 100 Bbls. Beflned Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, . 1,500 Bbls. Flour all grades. For sale low by WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. Ilayi Hoop Iron, Glue and Syrup. 600 Bales Prime N. K Hay, 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Olue, 76 Bbls. a. H. Byrop, For sale low by WILLIAMS i MUKCmSON. Spirit Barrels TVails Pork Rice. 800 Second Hand Spirit Casks, 300 Kegs Nails, 60 Bbls. Mess Pork, 50 Bbls. Whole Bioe, For sale low by WILLIAMS ft HUKOHISUH. Molasses! Molasses! 200 Hbds. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba, For tale low by WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. Guano ! Guano 1 200 Tons Guanape Guano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, Forialelowby WILLIAMS MURCHISON. may 16 Headquarters - Cape : Fear Light Artillery. Wilmiootoi', May Itth, 1(70. ATTKNTION MBMBERIt A meeting of yonr Battery will bo bold on 1'DBMlay OYoning, 18th Inetant, at I o'clock, at your Armory on Booond itroet. A fall and prompt attendanoo It coanaandod. All mem berg who bare not paid their Initiation fee will do m at thlo meeting. By order of tho Captain. K1UHARD W. PRIOR, Orderly Sorgeant. may U lie It Congress Water. Beltaer Aperient, Freib B.Mt'te rowdin, Brown'i Ulnger, Florida Water. Uomlie, Ilca-hei. Toilet Soono, (a largo Tailety)nd Fancy Article. For Mle by . JAMBS. O. MDNDS, bnpfl, Third SI., oppoHto Uity Hall. may II in NEW ADVUTISiailNTS. Choice Small Guti of Smoked Beef, FIMB LAKQB BIKF TONQUKS, Small EiUa Sugar CaroJ , n I"1! Homo and Shoaldor i Urge Mom and No. I Mackerel, rroeh e ovory )aMor mm h AtfMUc teaol Llao, CHAS. D. MTERS k CO., Sftl BorthFroatBt WUO ALSO HATB AHOTBKH LA RUB INVOICHOr FimFUKTEI'S LAQER BEER. Fintitktoek Jb0( M. Lo4!oa aud Inyalkla IU enjoy H. Dyspepsia Crackers, Fingers' Ginger Broad, Cream Nuts, Milk and English Biscuit Our Stores are on North Front St., Nos. 5 and 7. CnAS. D. MTERS k CO. any 1 !'- HEIDQUIRTEES, WILMINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY. WiLMiaoToa, N.C., May llth, lira. OKNBBAL OBUBB I BO. 1. J The Ooiuuan? Ii oHered to aaiemblo In ol.ll eetlng ror election of oamllilaln lor m.m berablp and fur the tranaaetKin of any other bualnoM ouimrent. at tbe Arnury, the eyeuinc of Monday, the nth inataat, at S o'clock. Upon the adjournment of tbe meeting ae aboTe a drill will ha bad. Memberi are there, fore roa mended to apiiear Iu rallgne oapi, and under arm., wtth bayonota. By order of tho Captain. J. I. MacBBR, lit Sergeant. may i lis 1 HATH AOOXPTK1) Uo Hnperlor qaallty 4 FLT LIVEN UObLABS and OCFFI, Ageiey for one of tho Beet aiat Baast AOToaiM In Now Tork Ulty. I km prepared to take order, guaranteeing Bret- elojs week and perfect St. Atftl SHIBTS I OATIBB SBIBTS I OACEB SHIBT8 I At Bottom Prioes. r: , : . o. tuitis, Igeai, At Oonoley ft Tateo Book and Muilo Store, may IS U-U Bacon I Bacon! 100 Hade, and Bote I. 8. Bldei, 15 " P. B. Bbouldert, IS 11 Smoked Hldee, as m Bhouidert, M Bbli, Foik. For oale by KJCBOHNBR OALDKB BROS Spirit Cabks and Hoop Iron 400 SPIRIT CASKS, 1,000 Bundle! Hoop Iron, 100 Papon HiTiU. For wloby KJEKOHNBR OALDKB BKUB Holasses ! Ilolasses ! tot Hhda. New Crop Odba Molanei, M " S. H. MolMeee, 100 Rbli New Crop Caba Molanei, 900 S. H. Molaaee, M Paacbeoni Demerara Molaaeti. For eale by KERUHRBB OALDKB BROS. Flour! Flour! lOOO BBLS ri0UI4' For Mle by KERGHNEK m UALUXH BROS, may IS A Grand Family Eicnrsioii Will take plaoe aader tho auiploe of tho loang Catholic Frlond'e ftoclofy. To Smith Tllle and return per Steamer GOV. WORTH, en Taely,Uie 26th In. Tlekete for gentleman, SI SO eaob; tor lady or child, CO eonte each. Tho boat will leare tbe wharf, foot of Mar ketetreot, promptly at (o'clock Uood muilo hae boon engaged for the ocoaaton. Tbo Commltteo reieryee tho right to oielnde all objectionable peraona. Ticketemaybe proenredat the etoree of.l. H. Allen, L. Brown and J H. MoUarity A Co. may M , - 111-16, l, 22, St, 5 Received this Day Tho fonrth lot of thooolong handled Cotton Hoee, the belt and heapot orer brought to thU market Alio hare a fine amortment of Farmore Hardware of every description au4 at prleoe that will giro Mllafaetioa, at tho Old Bitabllehod Hardware Houao of JOHN DAWSON, Noa It, 20 and SI Market Btreet. may IS 111 ' Chroinos A fine collection of Beaatirnl Cbromoi and Oolored Lithograph!, at tho ; OITT BOOK STORE Bibles and Prayer Books. Tho mrxt complete rtoek In tbe dty of Fam ily and email B'blei, Prayor Booki, Hymnale, anFrayeriandHymnlln eaee, AT . - CONOJiET & YATES', City Book and Musio Store, may is lie Wire Dish Covers, A large etock and good amortment of WIH DISH COVERS, both round and oral, for Mle low at tbe New Hardware Homo of GILES ft MURCHISON. ay.lS 117- BZW ALVERTISZ3E5Ti. LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Awu (Gold) 826,740,160.70. KAMBTJUO (BremenTlXSyRASCK CO. AmoU i,JJ) 82,200,000. MOBILE tKDKUWKITEIW AOENCY. Awts 8 1 ,200,000. J NO. W. OORDON, Agent. 117-ln may H A OARD. In imimlng chargo of the Agency of the Llreriool ami l.ondin aud Olobe Ineuia'iee Company, at aucoeieor to Mr. Tbo-. Or vine, I gratefully acknowledge the liberality of tbe imtrouago herotofore be lowed aion me by my friend., and rt.peoUally ml.cil a ouuiiiniance of the eame. A.lii. from Ilia fact that the Liverpool and London and Ulolie w the Krong'et ln.iiranne tlomnaiv dolnir bimineM In Anuirica. It. 'u- Uuo r tiaylnc all lomee nramfly uimhi rpoelpl ol'Mllil.ctory proolb, wliliout dliu'llon ol in-t-reet, Unload of compelling pntrona to wait alxty iUti lor pavmeiit er dwoountlng rla'ina at a niga rate or inter. at toei paui dhwiiiii eaplration or .Uty day., iliould aiinieoommeml It to prowrty owner, a. the mint ilwiiabl. Company la whlnh to Inaiire. may 14 Ill-It Card. Inretlrinu from tlie A eencY of the LltO' liool and London -ndUlobe liiaiiianoe t onii an. I take great pleuure la reouram.iidlui to Die ciiimm or Wilmington ny .uno.ir, rr, Joliu W. Uixdou (already well known to in. In.urlng publU'lae a genlUuan fully quallllml by iMrlemo to aiirai'iirlly uiiiagn xiiy Inaurauce bnalueei thaf mav be mt it'd lo him THOS. Ult.KvtlC may II HMt Seasonable Goods. I X L Iua CRB4M ,kkkzich8 the beinbliig out. Laws Mowera. FUkliig Folri, Tackle, Bob, AC. For tale low by GEO. A. PECK, may l li-4t The Charlotte Observer, The only morning dally paper publblied In tho State weit of Ralolgh an1 North of Wll. mlngtoa,oBeri .pedal laduoemeuli to adrer tleors. IU elrculatlo", ilie and uevfulneM have been largely luoreaeed during tho year Joat pait, and It now roaebet moit ol tho Met- ehanUof WMtern North Oaiollna, tbua otter ing an niurpatectl medinm of oommonira tloa between the MerohanUof Wilmington and the people of Witter n North Oarollna. tiimi or avBKairtioa: Dally , S- 00 par aunum. Weekly.... 10 ' V AdTOillnng very low. IPECIAL NOTICE. Daring tho Centennial Celebration large edi tion! of this paper will be printed dally and no encn adrertlilng medium will ao be oflbred to in patron. may 14. lia-u Family Bibles Juitreoelyedaeajeof FAMILT BIBLES. Call and make your eelectloni from tho largrit took In the city, at HBINSBERUEB'S. Albums! Albums! Another cane of tboee beautiful Album hai J urt been opened at HEINOBERCER'S Uto Book and Muilo Store, may 15 . no For Sale! 100 BALKS of beet North Biter Hay at ll 10 eaene-rom wuan to-aay. Freih Wator Ground Meal oonitantly on nana. - GRANT k BINTON. may IS 119-dawtr KEEP COOL. COMPLKTK STOCK OF Alpaca. mad Llaeti Uooda JuatreeelTtd. Call and eumlne before purcbaiing eliewhero. Constantly on Hand a beautiful Una of PIECE GOODS, which I am making ap at oztremely low prion. A.DAVID- may II 115 THE MYSTERY Explained ! At 29 North Front Street, - W1LMIKQTON, N. 0. ' may 5 I07-2w Escaped Convicts. We will pay a reward or SIO each for inch Information a will lead to the rapture of any cenvlot aacaped from the Mew Hanover Coon, ty Work Hooee ilnoe the year 1871. Addrun-, by letter or lelegtaph, MATHES A O.. In perlnlenilfintioi New Hanorer County Work Houae, Wilmington, M. U. may 108-tf Trunk. Repaired and Covered All klndi of Saddlery repairing done prom id ly at moderate prior. A full itock of Saddle, HarnoM, Trunk!. Ban and Satchel, Collara, Hame , Chaini, Saddle Clothe, Whips, Hpur, nrryOombe, Horae Bruehea, Stall Strap-, Feather Unaten, Saddlery Hardware, Leather, Axle tireaee, Neeta Foot Oil, Lap Robe., Ao. CARPENTER MALLARD. riu-oeaeora to J. N. TOPHAM A OO. No. I Soutb'Front Street, Wilmington, N. f). may . llt-tf I Haye tiiis Da? Recciycd A NOTHEB SUPPLY OF THOJK HAND XX. eewed, Machine aewed and Cable-Wire Box-Toe IjOW-qnartor Shoe, of varlotii tylei Alio Gent GoatSrap Tiee and Nulll. Sera Ladle Slippen )n great variety, from 1 and upward!. Mlaae and Children' Bhoei aipooialty. ... ' , L. M . B. Ladle Bronie Sllnperi only SL CHAKLBH A. PRICK, ' No. II Market St. , Sign of the Golden Boot . ! VEDDIHG CARDS hemuet laahkmabla Hl. at t GOTTEN UP and printed the JOURNAL OFFICE. NSW ADYZSTISE-IIST3. 45. 45 BROWN & Wa still sdJing to onr ExtcnaiTe Aasortment o! mm?M DRY GOODS. Beiog fully aware that small profit make quick rotrtrns, we hate marked tmr wliole attK'k ao that any ami every oue cau plainly soe we are In earnest and mdiu buaiueae. We only desire Ihone who are in want of anything in our line to give in a call in ordor to satisfy tliomaoWos. We are never afraid of showing our goods, or of eomparing thorn with any. We call particular at teuUou to thft following Hat : STUirtl) 8UMMEU HILKH red uood to fl2j Ottnts. Blsok Ilernauics and Grenadines from 18 Cout. i Colored Htripo and Fignred Grena lines lfl 2-3 cents. Orey Do Hague 20 Oeuta. Our stook of Ureas Oooda is large and wo offur .them as low as they oan be bought in any Northern market. . " '.-' OENTM rtrjtNlHlIINO DliPAHTMENT. White Ifeas Hliirta, Ouff, Collars, Jean Drawors, Gauze Undorvoats, Bril IhIi Half Hose, lllnaoiied aud HtriptMl do., in fact everything that oolongs to such a Department. LINEK AND DOMEaTICH. Bleaehed and Uobleaohed Damaaks in 1'owor and Hand Loom, Cotton and Linen Diaper, Boaom and Pillow Case Linens, Llnon BUeetinga, Chamber aud Bath Towels, Naiikina, Doiliea, Htir Linens, Graahes, Ao. L.VDIEH HOSIEUY, OLOVKH AND OAUZE UNDERWEAB. -, L lama Laos Baeques and Points ; Laoo Hhawls 75 ots., a bargain ; Btrlpod aud Plain Bhetland Hhawls ; Nottingham for Curtains; Manhine Neodles S ots. each. Bolo Agouts for FiUNK LEa LIE'S PAPEB PATTERNS. .' BROWN & RODDICK. "yi MORE PARTICULARS I MY AHSOBTMENT OP IS HOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIEFERENT LINES. My customers have shown their appreciation of my LOW TBICES by their libera purchases, for which I'm thankful. STRANGERS not posted, and desiring (he value of (Mr money, oan 1: - M. M. KATZ'S, aprll IS ! ' llaccs ! Races ! Races ! SFRHSTO- MEEl ING - -AT - CAROLINA PARK 1 Charlotte, N. C, Kay 19. 29 and 21sL riral Dmr, Wodneedajr, ITIay 10. FiaT Rack Trial parm S200 i woond hone. S04. For all aire, iouii oi x ,n a mile witu on nuuureu pound, on eaou. 8aooD Baoi- Olub purao SlWi SW to the second bom, Mil beat. Taian Kaon Olub pan SWO'i SM to the Mcond horto. Half mil bran. For all ago ,. , , Inoad Daf, Tbnndart ISaf 40. ' FibitBac! Olub Dune SIM: S.K to the eoond borne. One and a bairialiedaib. Weight ror axe. BfcCOHD MAca Uenteunlal Rtake-MOenteance, P. F. Mile heal- beet 3 In i SM0 added bv the Olub; eeroiid borne to receive SlU) out of the itake i three to uil. Third Uaf. Friday, ITIar Jl- Firt Back i.lub puree S2IKI ( SM) to the iecond ho-en. Hurdi Race. Mlie heeia over hurdle I foot 4 Inohn h'gb. ilgut welter weight. Haooau Baca Helling Kane-Clu!) piirae f'.'W;li,' mile ilanh ; horae entered to be eold for SI.IMW; to oarr; tbelr proper weight lor ST60 allowed 1 nomiili. lor 5M l'i liouud. for saiKI 18 iwumla. The winner to be Mid at auction Iu front of tlis Judges' sund Immediately after the race. Any mrplua over the amount eutored tuba aom ror to go to tue aocoua uoine. TbibdBacs " OonnnUtlon prime 250 ; $3fl to the iecond and toilie third hone. One mlledi.b. For hoi', that hare run and not won Snt money during tbe meeting, lhnae beaten onoe al lowed I pound.; twice, II pou nd ; three tlmo, 18 pound. In all Club PurM entrance free. A walk over or uiaTANOixa th field eu tltlea a horse to brat money only. Kntrlealn Olub Pnr. olow at the Judga' Stand at 4 o'clock P.M., the day previous to the race. If the raoeiare not cloeed at ttiat bonr thirty mlnatei will b allowed alter they are flnl'bed. Entries In the Centennial Stake oloeaiatth Mroretary'i Office at 9 o'clock P. M .May 16th, ISTS Mare and Gelding allowed I pounds. D. O.MAI WELL, Secretary, Charlotte, N. a A. B. Rraiaoi, Preildent. may 14 . ,19"4' Bacon and 8. H. Molasses. SO Boxei Smoked Hide and Hbonlder. , . 100 ' I. 8. Rldei and Shoulden. SO Hhda. 8. H Holaanee, ' 400 Bbl. H. mMolanoa... ... For tale by ' KKHOHUKR m OAXDEB BBOR may S . -108 WKUOINU fJAHOMnndVlSlI-INt. OAUOM atpMlalty at th JOUUMAXi Of FOB. 45. EODDI0K 45 Market Street . ii got it by calling AT - i 36 Market St, BO-tr ' Friday, May the 14th, BOCK BIER, Tho I lr of tko Soaaoa, at O.H.W. RCNGK'S SALOON, may 11 On Front Street. LABOR STOCK OF MIW STILES Jolt received and fer al at extremely reduced prloei to suit th bard time, by , D. A. SMITH k CO. 114-tf may M If Wilmington IS AMVK TO HER INTEKK8TS In Kail Varoiloa, her baiinoa men wUladvoxtlMla THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a large and well established weekly newtpa ir, circulating exiennveiy in uiteoonneio vde. Beanlort. Pamlloo. Pitt. Kdseoombe and thoao adjoining. Hate Low. Walt. P. WiliiAmsob, . : R. ubavsib, iiate oi i arwro. oi waauingtoa. Editor and Proprietor, oot Star copy. . Ha-U Fresh Crisp Milk Craokers and Ginger Snaps, Fuek.Froan and Albert Binoult, Fruit Oraok rt, Uornhlll and Cream KuU, Bent' BoMoa Cracker. - ' A fall llneot fresh Oooda by every S Warner. Dew and Frosh Good receiving dally. , '. CHAS 0. MYERS & CO., 67 -North Front 8t Graham and Kye Flour, IRISH AKD SCOTCH OAT HEAL. "Perfection" In Family Flour Barrel and Hair Barrel. CHAS. D. MTERS A CO., , .. 5 7 North Front St may 9 , jit Du Pont's Ponder. R RIFLE. 8P0RTINQ A MO H US KIT, , , . BLASTING AND aUNIKO-U Wholea and Quarter Kegi. For aal by y wajisletIA OO. maronfl -"