f I "S I I 1 1 X I - 1 I - J w - i -iC 7GL. SXIV. KO. 113. WILimiOTOIT IT. C, TUESDAY. IIAY 18. 1875. 7H0LS HO. 0, WTLMDNGTOX. N. 0,: TUE3rAf,MAYI8.l875. BYTfcLSCRAPH. SEMI-CENTENNIAL RELIGIOUS CELEBRATION. Nsw YbittMaT" 17 TfoonRrv. DrlUll' new church, oa wtu Avenue, wse-ailed with a krjye coiiprpprntion yesterday evening, it lieing tue Heiui Oenteunial of the Amirkvin Trw't Society, f Justice Citrous-, of the U. H. Suprerae'Cmn't.rfreH'decl. Addrrssrs were delivered by Rev, Drs, m. B. Anderson, of Rochester, W'u. S. Plumer, of JColumblt, S. O, G. MscLoekie, of Priaetoo lis J., H ni l Manning, of Loudon, Eupland, Wil liam Gillie, of Ediuluiig, Scotland. t i .in. i. hi . i Ml . ' ' ALABAMA. MOTION t TO BET ASIDE TIIE f SALE'OP TIIE WESTERN B. . R REFUbED. ; TuoStoombbt; May 17 Noon The Chancellor denied, and overruled the motion of Branch Honsaod others, to be made parties, to the prooeudiuga fir the ai of the Westeru Ruilroart and have tbe Rale set said'. He said that any right they hod could be liHsi-rtcd quite .as well in a separate bill, and that be eonld not delay the prooeed ingaby sustaining tuwif ptiliou. europe. ; ARREST OF THE PRINCIPAL IN THE BISMARCK CON- 1 THE OARLISTS AT PAMTELUNA. DEATH OF GEN. BRECKENRIDOE BbbjL1K, May 17 Noon Th-i al leged principal in tbe late conspiracy against Bisniarok'a life is named Dunin, and it is asserted thut be has been srreetedin Ciacuw. . MADR&JjuAy 1-J)ibeiu-Th Car lista made an attack upon Pfunpeliiiia estendh irltht;ew tely-fonr shells into tbe wwa; but no casualties r sulfced. The Insurgents were finally " repulsed by Alfonso's troop. LKXUren, My 17--Night Geu. John C-Breckentidgeis dead. H frESltlCKY. TM'to'tlisViLLE', RACES.' ,. AVCAa -v.t ' LomsviI,ti; '"' May ' 17--Noon An extra race was arranged for the open ing day tf the Jockey Club. At the Spring Meeting to-dsy, for which I85 horses , were promply enter ed, 43 horses will start during the i day's races,' being a- larger number than ever started on one day. Lbxinoton, May 17 Noon The condition of Gen. Breckenridge re mains nnohanged. He is still cheerful and seems to be much lexs coiiocmed at his condition than those around him:. Ha 1mm the papers resd to him and converses with his few chosen friends who are admitted, ftome f hi l jhjore 4 hopeful frieudsl tntertrin hopesrof hie , remaining among them foiMme "time, but experienced per ons see h cannot remain much long er and is pliable to be called away at any moment His pulse is very weuL Many of bis relatives and friends from aoroad are here to be with him in his last hours.1" " ' JtM.. ELECTItlCISMS. Alderman Jobn Meugher's residence at Houston, Texas, has been burned. Three men perished in the flumes. , The St. Lonis Democrats elected the Mayor btj that city. Sad Franoisoo Lick has made a new deed trust in which he pinches some and swells others. ' BFive hundred, packages, valued at $200,000, have been seized at Bosk n sad wilt be held during the investiga tion; The government gives no securi ty for leakage, through bungs, bpig gtwltfmblet holes. I j The,, aryjng, house 0f the Meridian Woolen Obmpany, at New Haven, has been burned. Loss 50,000. Hon. Thos. Biddle, U. 8. Minister at Guayaquil, Equador, is dead. It is said that tbe fillibufter steamer Gen Sherman, recently sold by aU. B. Marshal's sale, at Key West, has been purchased by Cubans as a war vesseL .',' . . Tnft President yesterday morning appointed Otis H. Russell Collector of Internal Revenue for tue Tbird Dis trict o Virginia," vice" Rush Bitrgeus, resgned. . , The jury in the, Gerdeman cose, at Philadelphia, came into Court at 12 o'clock, yesterday when! they stated that they could , not agree, aud v,en ... discharged. A boat, with two husbands aud their s ives and two' children each went over a dam at Zanoaville, Ohio. Both of the women and two childrtnwero drowned -.rcl V i -. f,; ;; ; . THE EAST, COLLISION AND LOSS OF LIFE IN CHINESE WATERS. Saw Fb'a?M May1 iVight A collision occurrfdontbe 4th of April Cf the Jcottst' of China,1 between the Chinese steamship Fu Hirg aud the British steamship Ocean. The Fu Sing foundered almost instantly, cansing the. loss of rlfty lives. The Ocean was seriously injured but sno oflfid in reaohicg Wu Sing. -An ln tUiKcUtion Is prbcocdliig, " ' HEADQUARTERS. AN INTERESTING WAR CASE IN - THE SUPREME COUUT. , VASLIINOTON, IVlMV Ii OU It IS Ahouglit thst AuJitir h'ats' leave of alweiire to tne llrst 01 July means ail iwiHituiH. tr.atow an JAttomey-General Tierre- pout had a prolongoil cousultation to-day alont th whiskey iaxco, aud it is understood tnst uie eiophaut nas beu ilaowi upon Commissioner Pratt' 1 shouldeis. Tue Court of Claims to-day deliver ed an opiniou iu the cae of A'ex'iuder L. P. Gr wu m Jbi' J tlomi- cil.xl iu Nashville, but jiist beore tbe capture of that Citv went further South, 'ciuryiiig wiih bini a largn amount of moui'V of a Orm for whom ho wa4 an eiul user, and when leaviug was possuosi'd of certain buildings in Na8iivi!le which, in 18i!4, were' seized by SnjH'rviwiig Ttciii,ui,v AgonU as ahuUiUiueil property. The claimant a'rrel in bis petition thr.t be was ulwavs a loyal oitui'U, but this (the Court sani) did not strengthen bis cube, as he vokuitariK eutend the enemy's line. The aut of the seizure of the. property whs a war measu e ad it mailo 110 differeuoe wheth er it WiiS s.'ized by the army or by a treasury Bpent. I lie claimant sought to recover on the grounds of , au implied ooutraet and I lie liability of the goyerumeut (Or Uie acts of its officers. The Court fays no actiou can be maiutaiued on that ground, and that If -the claimant was eutitl' d to recover he ought to have prosecuted his oaso under the aband oned property act, which he failed to do. The case was dismissed. " J The Court al.w deo'ded tbe case of the Coriins bteam Eugine Company. Tile claimant ftad contracted with the Navy Department for t lie construction t)f steam engine". SubFOipiently the. Department dcc:tted not to complete Hit engines, and in accordance with a written agreement," the Company de li w-red- the boilers, ehKhies flud ap- purtauances, at the Boston . Navy Yard in thuir tinflnishd condition. Tbo Court, through Chief Justice Drake, said that the agreement be tween tbo claimant and tbe Navy De partment was singularly clear aud al together free from taint. It was the duty of the Government to comply strictly with its obligations to the con tractor. Judgment was given in be half of the claimant to the amount of 257,638. ViA ESiiUon was made by the Assist ant AH irney-General for a new trial in thu Elgee cotton case. . , , The opinion in the Pncifio Railroad transportation cases will not be an r.oul!ee.l ' before next Monday, to which time thu Court has adjourned. AEVV ABVEETISEaSJSITi. -, , Or TUB ; Hon. Wm, A Graham MccIcICHlJiirfi: Declaration bTMcpcnflence . 0 the iiHh or May, J7JS, Dehrtcdt Chiflntts n th Ittnlsyof- ' may, lew., : , . Bou' (1 In Uoth f I. Pajier, 75 Ocnt. fur sate at,. UiXSSBF.KOKR'8. THE OUt TRUMP, A Hotel. Ju.Uut ru J Tor t t HEIfJSBERCER'S Mt Hook and Mimic tttor.. Cottage Bedsteads; 500 c 'n 1 AUE BED,Ti8I,s1 w tyn. Jint rectjicd Mti for aate low lit Iota 1 1 ault ty V. A. SMITH & CO. - 117 . . may 18 . , SUPERIOR QUALITY . , 4 Ply Linen Collars &ni Cuffs. , J1KE!S SHIRTS I , t v, DKKSS UliiKTSl First clainwork and nerlfct at Knarnti d ; , T, .: ti Ot MIU IN, Agent, ' ' At f'onnl'jr ft Yatca Buok and Alualn Mt6r. my IS lll-tf Oranges and Lemons. 0 BONSE A IttACKWEIX'8 PICKLES, Compressed Beef and Deviled Meats, LARGE NO. 1 MACKEREL, BAKER WHISKEY, t : ; OLD PORT, ALE and PORTER. H. W. 8HURE, No. 31 North Front St. nny 18 in WriJm All Sjriis, JAMES A. FRAZIER, Prop'r. rjJHfS CELEBRATED WATERING place, tue home of Ilia Inralld I The dace for Dleaa ureMflkamt Open Jane lat, with a cpcl ty for 800. Ooiue in time for the Grand "Bat Mvque" and Carnival, with free CliampHgne 8 neper- may 18 117 eod lw Agreeably to Ili solutions Or TUB "BOABD OF TttADE," 'Cham- ber of Commerce" and "Protuoe Exchangd," and by agreement with all the FAMILY GROCbKS. Our Store will not beopened on Centennial Dayr, THURSDAY, th InoUnt. Our frlniliiund customer will pleaaeUkf notice aiud nil their order, the dkjr )i erloitt. Besperffiilljf, - " " " I r CHA8 0. MYERS k CO., f ' ' 5 A North Front fin may II ltf-i NEW AD VIRTUS ME5T8. Wilmington Lodge No. 319. Rf(ta!r aMtlng this (TCKSDAT) evMlsi m . 11 dims, 1.1a tan. nmos CCMMIW(I, VmMut, mj II all-it 22. Preserve Your Carpets and Other Woolens WITH OCR Country Twist ,fi AND OTHER TOBACCO GOODS FOR THAT ADD OTHER fURPOSKS. By D. PIOOTTj mar 18 The Carolina Central Railway Company, Vimimtm, M. U., May nth, UII. SPECIAL SCHEDULE FOR CEM- . TENNIAL TRAINS Comroence t T P at.. lSthPar forth. ROUND TRIP M from Wllmlnstoa.u4 In iirujKinlon Imm otber points. M Utr r Oontmnin' TtckeUnwil U fwMaiMltr f regularart will be ehftrgrd on tkt TVaiix Omilmttn ea fit M olhlri-tlvj kau M tlktt ti alt where thura la a Ticket Office I Hrgular Train leave WlloilnatonM naaalat :IB A. H., dally. Special Train forth 18th A lOth Lear WllslBften at T P. M. Attire t ( hirlotie at :I8 A. M Hetiimlnc. Icstc Oliarlntte t P. II. Arrlre mt WUmlncton at T A.M. "-' . . " EXTRA TRAINS wmbsraastir.lt. sa4 at oath. f A larce nnmber of Pmaaanae Cue haw ban te-ared. bv whloh lha nabUa ui ba ao. Srimniodati'4. - -- .- The fare ha. been nlaoM as tow that orena. rattan, are mada for IOO people froaa WU. uga. w. -a .., i MU4f . I tRRMONT. '' (ieaMSapi wu - ,--!- m-tt ' Office ol Coitt Comimi - - - Wiishmw, K. 0., May ITU, IITS. In pnriuano of Section H f "An Act to tiaiae avevenna," rat I Bret February Ulh, int, and Haetlon II of aa aot knowa as laa "Ma chinery Aet." rattled the tsd ay a Maoafe, U7B, i he Board of Uoauly UoatBlaatoaeinef New Hanover eoantyjaet to-day at tea ilourt Hiiuae In the otty of Wilmington for the pur poa named la aald sets, a4 ha ra taken a ra cer until iriaaala, tk 94 th tmft My, Ittts, at whlcn time the Ooamlasloners will proeeed to revUa the taa lUt. and eajaatton reported U them and oomoleMtha Ileta be- eoaanntlne the Ui payable by each peraon and affiung i no Faaie oppoem ni. name, 'me aaaeton of the Board wUl oontlnne far the tpaaa of TRREI WOBKIMQ DATS. The Board will hear all mhsm AklMiitA the valuation of their property or U the uiuuui n imx enargea againet them The Hoard ha. a right to alea valaatlma nt mo. perty that may be unreasonably low and lor tlintpmpo e are empowered to .ummon and oiemlne altnea e. Ait'T the tx II. I. are made op and planed In tlie linnrla of the S her IB It will be almuat Im- poi,lhle to make oor reel lout All fault, meet he enntldereil the 'anile of the taC paier. thenis tyrr, and notice It hereby given that no Alieratlona will be mde alter , the Mhs ei)irt'.enptln aoootdanos with theatrlot isucr oi me taw. . JAMBS WILSON, Chairman Board of County Oommtaeloner.. J UT-lw ion of T HI COPARTNERSHIP MRBSOFORI exiatlnx between 0. J. Boekowlta sad Oaorte Ueber, trading tader the name aad style of noKowlta a Lleber, Is hereby dlmolved by mutual conaent. All partle. having olalm. agalaet the ander- niKinu nrm j reeni to ueorf Lienor, who will ei'ttle the aame, and all parties Indebted will make payment to Oeo. lie her, who alone hae the right to colleet and pay the debt, of the nrm. O.J. BOBKOWITZ, O.UIBRR. myi , . ltMl THE MYCTERY , Explained I At 29 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, 5. O. mayt lOT-tw Our Extremely LOW PRICES are fast saUtaf Our Stock of Never before could W Ilmlugtonlan buy Oooda to cheap. WHITE DUCK SUITS, BROWN DUCK SUITS, DUSTERS, 4a MUjsrsoisr &oo. CITY CLOTHIERS. may 16 lit Congress Water. Reltaor Aperient, Preth BeMllta Powder, Brown'. Ginger, Florida Water, Comb. Ilruho, Toilet 8oe pe, (a large variety) and r anuy rric r. ror aaie ay JAMES. O. MONDH, Ittvgrlat, Third St., opposlts titty Hall. may is in Hew Arrivals. pLOUR In Whole and Half Barrel. Bottled Lagor mr. . . , '...-0-RU W. RUNGS, N. M. Corner of Market and Seexmd St. may IS ... . . Uf w CAfttOSatpeolallyat US -. vuusji vrrivm. CENTENNIAL ! Fariiiii 5XW ADVISTIS2XOTS. T T T Choioest Extra Imperial and English Breakfast Teai At Ue L-weet Prlee.. Tar 14 OOLONG AMD (IMPERIAL TRAS at It Oaata per poU. Sample, gtvaa away aad tent to aay part of the elty. J CLARET WINES fraa l to Sit par eata. IMPORTED BR NDYH to l per gallon. Duff Oordoa and Onwa 'Sherry. Blue Oram and Kentucky Gem Wblakey at St and I per gallon. Tka vary ehaioaat of WINES and UgtTORI for Uble and medlolnal uea la the Rut. J wit in te-dny ear freah mpply of Cm Real Ceraiael Bart Butter la the World.11 1 "New ProoeM Empire Floar." for aale only at GEO. MTER8', 11 alt South Front Ht. 11 rl Choice Small Cuts of Smoked Beef, riMElLARQl BEEP TONOUES, Small Eitra Sugar Cured Pig Hanu and Shealderi, Large Mam and No 1 Mackerel, Frwsh Cwwds svary Ktaainaar aad Rf , AllMUt OM.I .Um CH1S. D. MYERS k CO., . ' I ! Sort front It WHO ALSO HAY ANOTHER LARQB ,,'wToiciora4 1 ' PIAWFU ITER'S UOEBBEEI. A . yiaast SMh laponad. . Ladlas aad IsvtUds U1 anJO b. Djipapsi Oraokers. (! , . Fingsrs' Giagei Bread., - j, ' i Cre'amNats, Milk and English Biaooit Oat Stores are on North Front St., Nos. 5 and 7. OHAS. D. MTERS k CO. avis ' ' ; ' llevt Bacon! Bacon! lOfi Hada. and Boxes D. S. Slde, U I. p. s. gbouider, II it i Smoked NMn, 18 Shonldere, M Bbli, Pork. For tala by KKRt'HNER 0ALDKR BRiJrl. Spirit Casks and Hoop Iron. 4M SPIRIT CASKS, J ,000 Bundle. Hoop Iron, 109 Papers Rivets, for aaie by ' KERCH NER e 0ALDER BROS . Ilolasses ! llolasses I MS Hhda. New Crop Odba Molaaeea, M " 8. H. MoleMea, V . 100 Bbls New Crop Cuba Molneeee, - . WO " 8. H. Molaeaea, 10 Poncheone Demerar Molaatee. For tale by KEROHNER OALDBR(BROS. Flour! Flour! 1000 BBLS. FLOUR. For sale by KEBCHNRR OALDER RRON, may II 111 Received this Day The fourth lot of those long handled Cotton Hoee, the belt and cheapen ever brought to thl. market. Aleo have a Una aonortment of Farmen' Hardwara of every deeerlptlon and at prloee that will give aatuCaotloo, at the Old Be tab lutfi ed Hardware Houee of JOHN DAWSON, -. Noe II, Wand II Market Sueet. maytl UI Chromos A Ins collection of Beautiful Chroavx and Oolored LlthograDha, at the . ' , OITT BOOK STORK. Bibles and Prayer Books. The motf complete .took In the eity ef Fam ily and small B'blee, Prayer Books, HymaaU, and Frsyari and Hymnals In eaea, . 1 AT .-.. CONOJiET ft YATES', City Book and Mnsie Store, may II . Ill Wire Dish Covers, A large stock aad r ed amortment of WIRB DISH COVERS, boh round and aval, for sals low at the New Hardware Houee of eiLM MUBCHISON. in- aytM MISCELLANEOUS UYERPOOL ani LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO- Au (Gold) $26,740,160.70 HAMI1URG (Ursmea) 1NSURAKCSCO, Asmu (OoM) $2,250,000. MOBILK irjJDEUWRITERS AGENCY Asiou 81,200,000. JSO. W. GORDON, Airsut. aayM HMm Seasonable Goods. I XI 101 CKKAM FHEKIEUS uie nan ining out. Lawn Mower.. 1 1 hing Pales, Taokle, Doha, eka. ror aaia low oy GEO. A. TECK. ay is 110-41 The Charlotte Observer, The only morning dally paper publkhedln the Stale weat of RtMgh and north of WU. mlogton, ofTora .pedal lndiieminil to adrer tleara. Its olrcnlatloi', elaa aad ae(elneai have been largely Inoraaeed during the year Juat pat, aud It sow reaches moat at the hit. shaatsof Weetern North Oaiollna, tbu.0H.r Ing aa un.vrparecd medium of enmmunlra Mon between the Merchant. of Wilmington and the people of Weetern North Carolina. vsaaisov irjBM'airTiaeii Dally ,.11 oo per annum! Weakly.;. ., to . Advertunng very low. SPECIAL NOTICE. During Uie Centeunlal Celebration large rdl Won. of this super will be printed dally and uo tirk advsrtlalng medium will as ba offered to in petroue. h. may H. 110-t Escaped Convicts. Wo will mt a reward of SIO each for each Information aa will lead to tbe rautureuf anv eenvleta eaoaped from the New Hanover Ooun. ty Work Houm luo tbe yenr 18711. Addreao, by letter or telegraph, MATH EH A CO., Hn parinieneenw or new nanevar twunty vr ura Houee, Wilmington, N. V. iy a - iwt-u Trunks Repaired and povererl 4 All kind! of Sa'ldlery repalrtngdoae prom ni si nuu.i mn wiivrm. . mil l-k VI rliipw, araeae. Tranke. Rasa and Hatobnta, Collara, Haute , t;htii, Maiidle Ulolha, Wbli, huur , Onrr? Oemba, Mntn Rruwhea, Stall strap., Fiwther Daatera, Saddlery tlardaare, l.eaiher, Axle Ureeee, Meata Foot Oil, Lap Robee, eke. i QARPatMTtlt a MALLARD, i uuct1llwlr to of " 'T.' Si TOPHAM 0.t -3 i No. I SouthlFiout Street, WHinington, If. 0. may " tll-tf A NOTHER bTJTPLT O THOSR HAND J. towed, MMhlneeeweit and Oable Wire Boa-roe IOw-anarMr Shoe, of virion. tvlee. Alw Sen kj Seat S'rna Tle and Niilll ere. Iadlea Sllppere n greet variety, from ft and upwards. Misses and Children', shoe, a iteialiy. 1 m, n, Laaias oronie nnpnenoniy ni. i v '. I t t CH AHLH.nl A. FRU'E," Ne.ttMarke.Bt , Sign of the Oolden Boot, ay - "": - ,; HI Bu Font's Fowder. RIFLB, BfORTlNQ AND MUSKET, BLA8TINO AND MININO-In Whole.Ba and Quarter Kega. For tale by O. U. PAH8LETIA 00. march II . tMt The irfflnlfi BUFFALO SPRINGS, Meoklenburg County, Virginia. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF THE tOUTH. ' "' " 'OPEN 20th MAY, 1875. Them water are poeneaaed of eirtraonllnary ooratlve power, in affection, of the KIDNKVS an i,uiir K,in an aeraugemenu or to. BILIAKT ORGANS Incident to warm mla rnallo regions. In Dyapa JSjIa, ln Die eases paoullar to "Women. Chronic, Intwrmlttont nd Remit tent Fevere. m Chronic Conorr hoaa. Seoondary 8yphlllai. Gleet ho an Dwniwiii uie unitai urgan. and in earn, forma of Goutd Rheuma tism. Thalr remarkiibla power ami erfioaoy In tue dleeaaea rndlcatad are vonrhod for bv some of the moat dlntingulahed mellcal men of the oountry, both North and South, a. well a. by reported eaaea from the mot onquea tionabie souree.. leatimnnial. in ramrmet form turnt.hed on application. THE WA IKK FOR SALE. - - The water Is put up fn eaite. of one dotea half gallon Bottl y at S8 pr ee. Route totheSprlnva for thelSoutht By way 01 tue tioniuoiiu anu Atlanta A.r Line Railroad to bnittaburg Depet In Halllax oountr, Virginia, whera all traina are met by ornoh for the Spri igalt mile. dUtant THOMAS F. GOODE, arv i-7..-4ai Proprietor. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COONTTOF HOKKT, OOUBT or COMMO rtSAS. Joseph H. Derham, Plalntlfl. agalntt Harriot . u, uaniem, .loan n. uanieif, unanotte H. Danlela, Edward Daniel and Agnea Dan iel., Defendant.. corr srxiioss, ' , " " To the Defendant. Harriot O. Dantela, John H Daniel, Charlotte H. Daniel, Edward I faniel and Agne Daniel : You are hereby summoned and reaulred ta an.wer the complaint In thl. action, which U flird In the omce or the Clerk of Common Uea fnr the Mid oountr. and to eerve a couv of vnnr an.w.r to the aald complaint on the eiibeorlbr r at hi office, In Conwayboro, H. O., within twenty dare after the eervlce hereof, exclusive of the day of such arrvice; and if you tall to annwer 101 oompiaini wiinin ins um aiora eaid,th plaintiff in tlila action will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded ln th com plaint. , ,, uata Msrcn xetn, lbin. , .1eaJJ THOS. W. BE ATT, O.C.P. Jo. T. Wauh, PlalnUtr Attorney. To the Defendant : Harriet 0. Daniel. John H. Daniel. Char lotte H. Danlele, Kdwaid Daniel, and Aguee Daniel Take notice tliat the .nnimon. In Ihi. ac'lon. of which tbe furnfolng I. aoopy, lew pettier with the eomp'afnt therein, wa tiled In the oft! re or the Clerk el tbe Court of Common Plda.,atConwayhnro, In the State of south Carolina, on the Ulth day of M arch ,181(1. Plaintiff' A tiorney. sprlll , - - -. - -TS-1twaw VEDDlfJG CARDS 1 em aw laaawnapie arrie at ine journal ornoB, KSW ASTZSTIS12IX&TS. 45. 45 MM BEO WN & . W are lUU adding to our Extensirs Assortmtit of - ' mmmi DRY GOODS. BVing fully swsrs Ihst small proBls msko quick rolurus, we Lave marked our whole stock so tbst any and every ouo oso plainly see we are In earnest ' aud mean bnsiiuM. Wo only desire those who are in want of anything In our " line to Rive ns a call iu ordtr to ftstisfv themitilves. We are never siraid rf , showing onr goods, or of compering tnntion to the followina list : HTIU I'EU 8UMME1I HILRri reduced to 62, Ooula. " , Black Uernanies snd Greuattiues from W (lent. ' " Oolored Stripe aud Figured Ornna lines 10 2 3 cents. ' J Grey Pe BftKOs 20 Oenta. ; - , Our stock of Drew Goods is lanre and we oflur them a low aa tha nan h . bought in soy Nortliwrn market. , t OKIVXH FUIINIHIIINfw DKPAltTriUNT. ' r White Dress Shirts. OutTs. Oollitra. Juan Drawurs. Oanca Tlnrlemwla BrSi... ish Ualf Huso, lileaoiiod and titriotid uoh a Department. IJNKN ANDPOUKSTI08. ' - s Bleached and ITnhleerWl 11am aali a in Vnwitr ami ITaml Tvtm fVllnn mnA Linen Diapers, Boora and Pillow Case Linuns, Linen Sheetings, Chamber and Bath Towels, Nnjikius, Doilies. Htir Linens, Crashes, e. -X-: ' S , : LAUIESHOvSIEltY, GL0VE4 AND GAUZE UNDERWEAR. -n 1 L lama Lace Hai-quftH and I'oitita ; Ltine Shawls 73 ots., a bargain ; Striped and Plain Shetland Hhawls Nottinp;hsm for Curtains ; Midline Noedloi 5 cts. aob. Hole AgonU for FRANK LESLIE'S PAPER PATTERNS. BROWN & RODDICK, 45. Market Street. MORE PARTICULARS T MT .ASSORTMENT- OF ' "- :l . to tTATtT . - . - XO AlU W ' IN ALL THE DIFFERENT ' LINES. 1 1 My customers bars shown their appreciation of my LOW PRICES bj their ' liberal puruhases, for which I'm thankful. ? STRANGERS sot posted, and, doilring (tn value of (heir mme, ean - AT Mil -E ATZ'S, a Races I Race! Knees! 8PKINO MEBimo CHarloltc, N, M 19,10 ani jisl; FitwtOay. Wedaasdstr. Ultr lli Trial nuree lino i aeoond bona. srju. For sll ago. A daah of It of a mllo with on hundred pounaa on eaco. a Olub puree S350; I.V) to the second home. Mile heats. - Olub nnrMSMOi sno to tha aawndhone. Half mile beat. For all age. - -. . - - i .,. Send Day. Thnradmy, nay 30. iBr Bacs ' , Olub puree 1160 : 50 to the aeoond borne. On and a half uliodaih. Weight for ego. Sscosoi Bags t . ; , . . . Centennial Stake iM enteance. P. P. Mile heata-baettia S; SeW added by the Olub) aecobd home to reoelre I1S0 out of the .lake ; tbreatoHII, Third Day. Friday, Mar Jl- 1 W V- Fibt Bacs Club puree &"H; Inoto the second ho'e. Hurd e kaoe. Mile heat over t burdlu 1 feet I Inch high. Light welter weights. Ssooso Rags - ' - Selling Kaca Club puree I'SO ; 1 mile daah ; hore entered to be (Old for 01,01)0; to carry their proper wrlgliti; for -750 allowed pound, for f SOO 12 pound, for 1 3D) 18 poundH. The winner to bo aold at auction ln front of thejodee' Stand Iramtdiately after the raoe. Anv iirploa over the' amount entered to be Mid lor to go to the second bore. . , , , TatSD Baob Consolation puree 1250 ; $50 to tbe aeoond and ftftoUie third home. Cue niiledaah. For horw. that have run and not won flrrt monev during; the meeting. 'Ihnaa beaten onoe al lowed 7 poundaj twice, 18 pounds; three time, 18 pound. gin all Olub Puree, .ntrances free. A walk oven or piTmi the field en ti le, a borae to Brat money only. , f Kntrle. In Club Puree loe at tho Judge' Stand at Oo'olook P.M., the day prevtoae to the raoe. If Uie race, ate not cloeed at that hour thirty mtnatc will be allowed alter they are Sntbed. . -. ., Kn'tiea In the Centennial Stake alomaatth Senrelary'l Offlos at I o'clock p. M., May ISiU, ins - - - - . Marts and QeUlog allowai I pound.. D. Q. MAX WILL, Seoretary, - r Charlotte, K. 0. A. B. Stbisss, Fraildtnt. Biay 14 119-il 45, RODDICK them with any. We call partioulsr at ' , .. ...... . - . .. , . . do., in foot evervthina that holonra tn ' tie i nnwimT TimTI vUIul AJCi A A!i K , ; 1. : 1,1, ;.h ;t ,:- xvrl c i:.w H got it by'oalling ' ' 1 36 Market St! Bacon, Sugkr Coffee and Flour. ' 50 BoxesD. S. Sides' A Shoulders,' 60 Boxos ginoked Sidos and Shoal ; s "ders,- ' -; - ' j 100 Dbls. Refined Snsrar, .i 100 Bags Prime Rio Coi&e, v . ljCOO Bbls. Flour all grades. . For sale low by " , , ' t WHJJAMS & MURCmSON, liny, lloop Iron, , Glue ana syrup. A: .', 500 Ralos Prima N. R. Hay, . COO Bundles ilooplron, at M 100 Bbls. Glue, 75 Bbls. 8. H. Syrup , " " ' For sale low hr y ' ''I WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. 1 Spirit Barrels all Pork Ilioc. - 800 Beoorid Hand Spirit Casks "; ' 800 Kegs Nails," .;; . J . 60 Bbls. Mess Pork,, i -i ; , 60 Bbls. Whole Bioe, h w , For sale low by . , . . j ' WILLIAMS A MURCHISON.! : Molasses ! Molasses !' 7 200 Hhds. and Bbls. NewCfop Cnba,, For sale low by r ;1 ' WILLIAMS & MURCHIS0N.1 Cruano! Ouano!, i " 200 Tons' Grianape Gnano,"' ' 200 Ions Eureka Guano, . For aal low by ' r ih Si ; ''WILLIAMS Si MTOCHUONV ) may 16 , il A a - t. .- - ' A LAKOK STOCK OF JiKW SXVLES Juat, leoolvcdapd fer oalOjat Mlremtfp "rsduced, prlees to ault the hard time, by . r D. A. SMITH k CO. u-tr may IS J.: