. -. - ! - . r i i - .. . i i JTPl I 1 kV y ? ! ir ; 1 : i 'r ,i 1 i -. i I it . t v ; vjTv: xrnoiiii iia 0x23, VOL XXIV., HO. 119. unimiGTOIT. IT. C. T7EDHESDAY.' HAY 19. 1075. amw r " " - WILMINGTON.' N. ti: I WEDNESBA Y. MAT 1 j.87 5 iYEtE ' GRAPH -Jfc. . . CONYENTIOjQF.CATOLIC BE NEVOLENT SOCIETIES. ClNonpiTi, lUj , ISr-Noon-Io tljs i Gonveqtiut) of tt)e Ctft'l(j)iB'Bi Trj'eot 8ooietie8this forenoon a motion waa fffiptwj 10 )oppojot ; ' domiBittee of three to prepare an article fur the newspapers denying that thwe is n iating jaj ,djsur,eeHV nt-init wttu tu prieata ftolinjmeli t ia regard to the Constitution of .the honety. j The elf c tionof officers of the Stitty was poet ported nutili to-ihotrdw. la wit r solved to reoomwnd Jo th', Sooie'ica toaubfcribe liberally fur'tlio hem fit Of St. Francis Seminary, Dear Milwau kee, and for a Geriuun Ilorann Catho- '' ' " : y . t i i : nEADfjUAKTKftS. "ti4t;b(JTfirvNilN,T STILL IN A'jewIburea1T 6rg!inized. liHuN3 IN WASH- Washington, May 18 Night. -r-Ths proaeoatiou of the wLiky buainfss by the Treiry pontinuca nijeh igd. The Cabinet aeasiou to-dy uv( tj&5 W&toK uaituport.mt. A Bllreau of lievenue Ageuta has been orgauizud in the lUvrnne Bu reau under the charge of L)e''ciive The Blaok Hill Bionx Indiana were at the iyepaJty)tititfci nd hadatalk with tu'e Indian Commia aioner. There was nothiug new in the interview whioh waa pertaining to the regular buaineaa. The talk ia yet to oomeoff. Theaubatance of the apbt ohee were mutual expression of happiness at the meeting. . . - UOTIIAM. .Htuor fllio'l TO BE rVESTIGATEU. " gayfl Uaidinal McCloBky a rocptioii Carriganaa.ghhn, Lxu MoNieruy, O'Hara and two hundred Catholic oMgyme j vUanninioar of Customs Johnnott ia here n4.moHUUg paper says it ia rumprecl thahiii.yiait i : tU tbe purpose 61 iuatituting a personal ex- of the Jlew.ork,,, Custom, House. Thii 3BvptlgtiOh.i hu ordered by tne 8eofetarTj)f the Treasury who Irtn lend oh8(k additional and dtfl niteinltfBotibBs;"0"'"1 "y I Chandler, Hsrt & Co., of Cincinnati, boot and shoe dealers, have suspended. Liabilities $250,000. UBA MS iiimt t THE PPERATI0N3 AOAUfST THE .ATOUJftrbciENTs.' Laa V) XIVS I OXJ-i ' ' '' '' Hatawa, May 18 Noon. Rtarhey ill1nB1r,dBtllewtty, Id" New York on tbe steamer Cresoent City, in charge jffiiailSale1 quarters are meagre,' bat the army ia Ukingnpaummerauart'rs. Qpu. Am MpudjTn.A bcounbitisauoe along the " rebel kiee- near Natnea mountains, rakiUed twenty manrgi-nts, : ' KENTUCKY l 1 oi-f- i r 1 1 ei ' THE LbtfltWlLLE RACES. r f'TfTTi ' "" 1 f '! i - ' i ' i I 1 l4St MOMENTS OF JOHN C. ( .T BRECKINRIDGE. stftsVut", May 18-Koon Twelve 'k'hcMuand persona were preaont at the ii'ft(tea-o-d(y. In tbe mile and a quar ter taoe, Bonaventnre was the winner. .ff3'l.i In f mi!e beaj diwb, Arfatiaea waa the winner. Time, 2,37$. Th jf&P titf&r rpoDfdad , by tliroe old horses. Fifteen horses started iu the mile beat, for all ages, Fair PlnytVon jJSto 1,441. Xm, Uih I" t"e 1 dash Aaron Pen uingtou was the wiu- "nervTiin, lUSf-' Fifteen started., . jGeneraH John C. Breokouridge diod of absoess of the liver, coin Uined with consumption'.' His last' botirs were 'ulet Sad ' peaceful On Sunday night TTirWaS Wry resfless au'J "sent during the. nigbt,for hia -regular, -phywician, who admisiatared a opiate to the suf ferer, after whioh he slept until Into the next morning, thep he waa ywite 1 bfVi :Tj6uia R. Buyro, of New'York, who dressed thi two md made bf the Operation on Monday of lost week. On Uhseeipg tliat,',a 'disuuAW was taking place from the wound he express ji.sl .himself hopeful of the patients rapid recovery with, the proper atten tion.' After thliCIhe Btifferer' tobk some . 1 i. the evening a clmnge m w k r m i i a in for the worse was perceptible and. his friends became alarmed. Stimulants were administeirebiit without effect. He sank rapidly until near 5 o'clock when he became speechless and died at fi-.is jD'olock;. was g -conscious Mfctntly dip to Within 4 a few min ntes of his death. There was no JTianr,ne laat wowlw Th oaly allusion he made to death was once after the opfation!on .him ' lsbt wevk by Drs. Bayre and Gohs, when he said be felt po ppmfortabK ho believed mor tifloation tad set itf, and again in his .6wM3f5 !y tyfrJ", B. Bfck, m which he U'wd these w.inln- "Aft. r all niv int-t debts. whh are lew a J email, and , tbe ex tiSf rf a imu'eht funeral are riil I dtsire," iu.. Around the death bed of trie Ih'tierat were Ms wile, two daughters - and oua sou ana a lew nth.-r immediate relatives. In accord ance withtlie :sh of the doceased and d"ir of the family, the funeral will be a modett one. . It Will , take, place on Wechiefuiay aiterooon to o.oea ANOTHER VATICAN COUNCIL TO BE CONVOKED. the rorr:fl riMXNOrtiu he TORAHON IN SPAIN AND , ITS REFIMAL. IEU1UCLE CONFLAGRATION IN GERMAN Y.-'j II THE 1U I riU BKEADftlfFFS MARKET. Romr, May 18 Noon The' Tai full, a ruiuistorial organ, autbonta ttveiy atates that the i Fopo .lis t aolvml to . invoke another Vatican Council agtiiu at aurally date tod. i cuh the eoelv iitntical rtiorma. I.omx)X, May 18 Noon A special dixpatuh f(out Madrid to the Umly News it port a tLat a Papal nuncio has n.iidti a formal dvmantl lot the re torutiou of CMholio unity iu Spain, und.the goverument Lai replied that it is revolved to maintaiu liberty of worship. i T-e-Times' special dis)toh from B-.rliu saya that while critical evi'nts were spprehctuled Rui.i, AuHtria, Englnud and Italy offered to mediate tn4wet'u Gef many and France. It is stij:poN(:d that the Russian proposi tions to Genuauy were accompanied by offfra of veiitiinl support. ' The conflagration ia Feshauter leevrs rtftw u i thjnaud inhabitauts iioiitf ; ; t ' i ; jfjiihl . London, May 18-Night--The Mark Lnne Jrixiwss of.this Wi-ek, in (its re vteW 6f theBreadttiifls'tnafket aays : There has been a marked improvement iu the temperature for the punt week, reaohing the height attained in sum user and altering the face of the ooum try. This ootuiug ou a dull market h rotule business still more difficult Had high prices been paid a smart decline would have followed, but at the present ratea there is no room for abttcieutall 9ter Europe A benefl uiaXchiUiga.haa Letn fehv but the mar kets are little altered. Prices are per haps a ehiyUijg lo. j q i Tne' Cltau l County bank Rmited ol Lo.ul"ii has suspended. - Paid up capital 150,(XK).: " ; na.rrimg i MThLt Cen.a' - MHKbter lai oktl:. '! i A letter from Mobile! Afa.;'5th lnst,r, to the Memphis Appeal says : "The nuptials of Mr. O. - B. Bryan," of this oily, . wtre ctJebrated here to-day at the rasideuc (f ' the pride's fath'ef, Admiral Raphael SemmeB, the renown ed evtamaudec j of th iate .warship Alabama. The rites were solemnized by Right Rov.r Bishop QtunJiB atU2 0 clock, noon, iit the presence of rela tives and a smalt circle of friends. A reception was held from half-past two o'clock, to four o'clock ift the evening, during which, time the nuptial hail was thronged with the elite of Mobilf, with fair womet nnd gallant men. Ana this hull it was beautiful, decorated and festooned with every variety (if (lowers oJLtred by this eoft and flow ery clime. ' (Suspended from one side of the bridal ball to the other was the large," rich, and maguiflotAit Oohfed prate fl&g.of the costliest material and most equisitely embroidered, which was made tud presented to Admiral Semmes by the ludies of Loudrm.whL'e commanding the Alabama. , Deueath this solemn, behntiful and litstoric emblem the mainsee vows were tukep. Gen. Gotdou, of Memphis, and Miss Mand JBailey, of OlSrkitilto,were at tendants. Among the guoata was the distinguished Futher . Ryarv.tha.poet and orator. The bride was superbly attired, aud her appearance was truly regal;, she seomed uot only the pride of .the exultant bridegroom, but. of all who came to greet her and bid her be happy. , After a thousand blessings from kindred, and as many congratu lations from friends, the bridal party left for Clarksville and Nashville, by way of New OrleauB." ' I ' j Kryuiiim ii.jiwiictwmctw NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WiJiuiugton rilwkiiand Ladder; Coinpanyo. 1. .-.MKMKF.R8 Mwt at th Truok Hnue t 1 o'clock P. M Ur, in full uniform Mid piepxred for trip t) DliariotK1. CoDimiM'y s or. mnel Le at Truok Hone hj- A.M. for tHtrktRg. ' ;. 'I'- 1 . By ordor of the Foreman.' '"' '"'"' may l9.lt ' , ; fltcreUry. WILMINGTON BUILDING ASSOCIATE rjlBE KEQrLattOTHtY-Wtltlg of lint Wilmington Building 4eolktlon mill b k l lstnid Llotary R.on ; n Ifront itroet, at T:JUtlii (WiDiiwiv) oTeiilnf. Due will b. rtoclTwt i n tb efflct .et tb. K.fa-HS Uuauo C'om .ny during tlie dayi WAI.TKK . MaoBAK, . bcrtarr and TremmrCT L-iS.. Notice. fnn IV HON K of tie Centennial of Mecklen birr O'-d'arBilun if lixleiionrliiire, njt ili.i fii)jg'ti')n of lh hri unce t xi bwige Mid itna .1 i.i t'tttA. Thtirudlv. rifli' Ima Mifli k.. ob er'd u a l;o:i1y by" lb aTrl bank, a' ttata city, i. : w.m. 1. 1 itniMf, "Mhl.r. ' A. K WAIiitEH, 0bv i .- if I'. W&kUACK.a.-uier. mi.y - i I. I 7i 119-it 1 For Sale ! , It . Isttil I t)(t4 - THE Steam Knijlns and Dollnr. all compl.f and In rerri't ord'f ow f iimlntf my Mill an I Maclilipi "h .p (laptclty abnut 40 to M hnrw ixiwer aid admirably adnp'ed for Saw MM. (VI v Mill, nr any othtrrarpoM for wlili h pvwar it needed. t. J. I-OBD. " Wilrointjton, N, 0-, May 19, 1 fit. - , ifly it 111-1 w" tlttil ino otaiaail V ISI Iiivj CAUU9 a nwlaltT at the ,'..(! A . JOORMAL OFFICB. HEW ADVISTDiaMTl HEADQU1ETESS, mmm m ikfastry. VumMMi M. On May Itlk, ICIfl QXKXbAL OIOIU o. ti. J ATTB!tTtONToa arw k.rwby wni.rwd to lMr at yor Armory at olck a tk 'DinR'arthe iut k May, la fall inllorni, u rl-brte tk Annlrer.ary ot yonf organ Ha tkn l b Vataraa )Tparipctt4toaaH wlik u.v tb.oet.'a.'Qa. i At So'elock P, M., ife kiraoal atotlac Of tk omoaay will bo kald at tit Armory for tkaiontka of Vanmiaiioaol tSmri fuf U enruluf year. Byoratrof th Captain. " ' . , - . f. Maeauit, I I - . Ut Sorgxant. mr ' ' ,; us I PASSCXCEI CEPASTMCNT Wilmington, Colnmbla & Augusta Railroad. ?1 Wrwi Krr1 SPECIAL NOTICE. IJIHE SPECIAL CBATENMAL TRAIN. with PCI I.MAN PAI.ACB eLKIPlMU OAKS an j KK5TACBAKT OAB8 atlaebotl. Cur ' tbarloUo, a. huratofort announced via Wilmington, Columbia ft Augu.ia Railroad, will IMT Union ri.put tb!daj aHM P. M. Pawienger. Intending to tak. Ibli train ar reque.lid to boon banl proaipily. : . - A. POPE. General Paaaeoger Agent, may It. tis-lt CE1TTE1T17IAL TIHE ; TABLE. ; Carolina CBntral-Mway. THE ruai.ro ASH N TiriED agala tkat , tuoro will bo roun TRAIM8 Uarlag or OlMrlttotarlfi th. day, lat .tS" A. M i I, T, aad t o'clook P.I M., carrying pamngor. ROUND TRIF C3 70. ; Jtotornloi aa l.ara Charlotka at I 00, 1 SO or 10.00 P.M. ,a tb.tcth, and oa any rogolat tra'fl at 100 A. M. I tt . W.,watU th M, wh.a th. Bxeartloa Ttokoti oiplr. 0 i UaROUmI CMTRkl JtAtLWAT may W ISS-lt ! Wilmington 5 team. Fire Engine Companj So. 't; ; I- r; .V A if r- t TTKHBaSH-Vearkar.kof4red toap. JU, poar k( yoarlCoiB Ball at 1M o'clock FTaf.,' Ii aalfot m, i nr. pond at go k Obar lotto. ' - - Membor fanrMilng tabttttatM wfll roport to th aoorotory . arly aa fOMlbl. the kamra of tb abatltwtM tkal tk.y Star tarollod. Ia oaa. ot a Sr aMmbora romaiaiag ta the oily will report m till ao4 b sadat aom ButnaerwaprainooMpn rrio. .., .. , By aru.r ar in. ror.man. may lfl , Fifth ard lndepen jdent Bnc&et Co. Itol HEM B Too ar herbr ord.r.d to a. aembi. at your Truob Boas thla day WMnodiay) at l o'clock abarp, praparoa w ake tb train for Obarlott. to atUnd tb Ua tennlal 11 . may IMt ' ff ' Uaptala .j THE BOARD OF TRADE Having deoided to suspend bulnen on Ihursday, 20th insi, onr ,t .store will accordingly yi BE CLOCCD. We Add a geatle bin! to persona de - airing anything ia onr Una ! that they supply thssa " ! aelvea to-day. I MDNS0N & COl, : CETT CLOTHIERS, . may It llt-tf NOTICE. .. ' J BBREBI glr notlo to my patron that my (tor will b. elded on Centennial Day. i , '' Q u yr. BrjNOE, I , ' A. E. Corner Market and Btcond Stsj marl 119 tf Attention Inspectors- YOU ARE unmanned to meet at the pro da Vxohango tbl Wednerdty A. M at 1 1 n'oliirk, to reo.iT yonr lle-ri w and flgn th oath of oflloe. ln.pectoni falling to appoar p omptlj will not b lleennjid. by order at Chairman on Inspection and Wofahlng. ' R. W. ANDREWS, Beeretaty. may IS 119-it t Till: ADOBES8 k -s i f f ' . TUB ,' ! Hon. Wm. A- Graham ON THE , ' . . j leclIcEliiiri Declaration ofInJEiicii3ciio5 Of the 80th or May, ITU, DhTred kt Charlotte ea th 4th day. of MAT, 1)73. j, Bound In Cloth Stf Paper, T8 Oknta. ' j . . For aal at , , , BtlNSBERQER'Sv THE ODI TRtJMP, AKoMt Jurteut and for tale at - . j HEINODCnOER'O LIT Boot aad Mule Store. "may II Ut , Cottage Bedsteads' 500 I COTTAGE BED8TB AD8-N W Style. Jatt recelfod ana for aal low In lot toultby 1 ," , d. a. smtth co. may 18 . . . . t1f ... Received this Day Th fourth lot Of thnee tone Jieadbd. Oottnn Hoe, the beet nd cbeapeet erer brougbt to tlila market. AlaoDTa An aaaortmunt of Farmer.' Hardware of .Tery d'aorlptU n and prln. tbat will giro tattotaettoa, at th Old Btabllhd Hardware Rnnae of ' , JOHN DAWRON, ,r nM, ji M and 11 MarktSUt. i may It 1 lit VXW ADYXSTIS22INT8. i 22. i i Preserve Your Carpets and Other 7oolens 2. WIT OOB Country TSviwt i i- . AJU OTHER TOSACCO COODS FOB THAT AND OTHER PURPOSES. - - p,fl0TiTf The Carollua Central Railway Company, ; , , WiiMiaoToa, M. C.May 17th, UIS. SPICIAL tCHCDULI FOR CEN TENNIAL TRAINS Camm.neaat T f. M., Istb Par for tb KUUMIIKIP tl IS from Wilmington, and lars In proportion iMOt utlier point. 8o. Iax bill. . ( - V OuUnnla' Tli-kei.axo it ur-AwJ or Me ivgalarar. will b ehirg'd m . rriin (micHn tmn mU a. tlkirt-Uui kaM a W Ian wher tn.ro i. a l'loel uOIok I Megol.r Train. ia? Wllatuglon u uaal at T:W A.M., dally. Speolal Trains for tha 18th 4 1 Oth Lt WllmintUa at I P. M. Arrtv at Cktrlott at k ift A. M K.tur-liw, na?e Ubarlott at t r, M. 1 A. M. ArrU at WUailuf two at EXTRA TRAINS will b. tun at I P.M. and at I P.M. on th Ittb. tr A larg. number of PaaMngw Can bay b n e ureil. by wbloh th Dalill san b. ao- aummodated. Th far ba ba placed to low that prepa. ration ar mad tor 1,000 popl from Wil. ' 1 s. - .t ,Ua'lMtpt. may it HI -it i 4 ', ' OlcBofHyiraoiicrs, Mew Uawever Cawair WumaoToa, M.O.,May ilUi, UTS. ra ponaano of S action IS of "Aa Aet to Rat. Rmow. tMtaS Pbnaew l.th. 1ST. aad SMtloa II of aa act knowaaa UwMa. cninery Aot,"ratlSd tb M day f Maoch. ISIS, tk BoarA Vaunt ,Ualarioar.ot N.w Rmar eoaatyjMttoday a tk Court HomM la th slty of Wllmtagton for th pur poo. aaH4 ill oU sots, ami Jkavf takaar OOMantU . ,..-. . . ftUa)4aXr lis) NtA ff ttr. at whlcn tin th OommlHwaars will prooMii to rOTla th tax ll.l. and valuation reported tothmandoaplMtbllta by eomtutbi tk tax payabi by aaob panoo aadaffliitig thamopplU hi nam.' Th wmion A th Board will cootluu fat th pe of , , TBHEB WQBIISO DAM. Th Board will hear all mraona nh last ln to tb Taluatloa of their property or to tb mnnl of tat charged again ut f ham Th Hoard ka a right ko aia valnatlon of nro- i nareaaanaDiy raw aa tor mDowtred. U anmmon and nmln wttaas.' t ' x 7 After th tax 11'tJ are mad no and nlanod In th hand of th abend It will b almost tm- pomlbl to make oorroctloiu. All fault uM o. ooanaerwi th fan It. of tb I thamaelv. and aotlci berebr aitn pat that I alteration, will bo mad wtmft the tlm eiplre. eiopt la aoeordaao with th(trlt letter 01 in law. - i ' JAMRB WILSON, Chairman Board of County Commualonora. may W UT-lw Dissolution . ol FaiHiii mHB COPARTNERSHIP HERKTOFORB exliUng btwa 0. J. Boikowlta aad Oaorg Lleber, trading aider tb nam and atyle of Boakowlta Lieb.r, Is hereby dlwoWed by matoal conaent. ) All nartlf. hXTlnc olalm avalnat th nndar igned firm prenent to (leorgn Lleber, who will wtlle the aame, and all partle Indebted will make payment to Ooo. iJahor, wh alone bat therlgbtto collect and pay th. debt, of tk arm., w i - i s ; -i . O.J. BOSKOW1TZ, O. LIBBER. may It HT-H - " Oranges and Lemons. CROSSE At BLACKWXIX'B FICKLEB, nlUvr'l 'h v:.'t '' -f -''! ! j iipobpressedReef andPetiled ea , LARGE KO. 1 MACKEREL, , BAKER WHISKEY, J 4 ; OLD TORT, " 11 ' ALE and PORTER. ) !-" a w, sntjRE, i No. 81 North Front 8t m.ylt lit JAMES A. FRAZIER, Prop'f. rjtrflS CELEBRATED WATERING plaeo tbe bonis or the Ia valid I Til place fof pleaa nr eeekerif ' Open Jnae let, with a capacl ty for too. Com la tlm for th Grand "Bal Marq.u" and Carnival, with free Champegn Supper. , i myig''"y; '."'' "tlT'eod-lw Agreeably to Resolutions Q THE "BOARD OF TRADB," "Cham her of CommeM" aad "Prodno Bxebing," and by agreement with all th FAMIIT ; (Mi- I 'I ' ?':". ; f:'h i .. OR00BR8, onr Btdra will not b pepe4 oa Centennial Day, i TBURSDATj.iOthlBrtaot ! Onr friend and enatomari will plea tak notlo and til their order, th day pravlou.' Reipectfully, j CHAS 0. MYEES 4 C3.v .. 0 a 7 North front mu ayll HI- si Bocpriep Aim Siriiis, YEDD1HG CARDS S2RESJ' kmt iaehloneSM trl at the JOURNAL 0FF0a MISC1LLA5E0C3 T T T Choicest Eitxi Imperial and English Breakfast Tea. At th t, wm! Prlco. Vrj la OOL.OKQ AND PMf RRIA1 TBAS at BO Out. pr poead. Bamplea gla way aad mat t aay part of th olty . . .-v.. CLARET WIVES from tt tStl dm com. .' .. ' ' ' . ; , IMPORTED BRANDT tt ta tit pr gila. Duff Oordoo and Crown Hb.rry. Blu Oram and K.ntuoky Ota Wbliy at t nd 6 pr gallon. Tb vry eholo.it of WIN Kg and LIQUORS lor tab) and atedlolnal ute In tb Slate. Jut la to day oar freah ivpply of Cbd Corn! Bt " Btt BntUr la lb World." N.w Pim Eapir. Plor,' For aal only at OXO MTERV, 1) A It loath front St. rit Choioe Small Cuts of Smoked , I. '..I'M. , Beef, i t TIRB LABOR BEEF TOMOtTEB, ' Ll Small Eitr a Sugar Cur.d , , i Pig Hamt aad Rhoalfiari) Large Moat aad Ba. Maakanli a . , rreatt 3as every HiettMer mm By AtlMtla Caamt tlaia I OBAS.D.liTESSCO. lametthFMutat i "I -Mvl ill.. . .-. i '1 M ! n "V J j WHO 'ALIO BAT1 ANOTBER Liq . t . -,-IVOiOF .,, i 1 ) I' I n t j m ' i t I I flAKXrUITtR'l UCEIIEEI. Fimm Stock Import.. , i ' ' H ! t -fir - Ladi aud lrlid wUl enjoy it. , , Hi i.lr j : i f ' :i ' n " i. i j DTspepsiB CMakara, . ! ; - t I . i , . Finger ClJyr? Bread,' ( , '.iJ" '.' i Cream Nuta, j (" 'Milk and Engli.h Biaonii. Our Stores are on North Front St., Nomina -T' ' ' 'HT Vala At -S e a AM M WW mw WW aa ta u'fe'cai 1 Convicts. W will pay a reward of tit aeh for Jtnflh Information aa will load to tbe faptnreof any eanlcumamd from tbe N.w Hanover Coua. ty Work Hoom ilnoe the year 187t. Addrea, by letter or tolrgraph, MATHES t CO.. 8u perltitendentaol Kew Uaaorer Coaaty Wotk Uouee, Wllmiagtoo, . . ' may t Trunks Be paired and Covered Alt kind ef Saddlery repairing doaromnt ly at moderate price. A full .took ot Saddle, Harneae. Trunk, Bag and SatoBei., louare, Ham', Chain., Baddi Cloth., Whip, Spurn, Hurry Oomb., Hove Bru.hei, Stall Strap., Feather Duetera, aaaaiery jtaraware, i.eatn.r Axle Ore... Neat Foot Oil. Lap Bob, At. CARPENTER A MALLARD, i i ,.Vi -- Saiiookw to i ''' a.-m tim atf a no..- f No. Bontb'FroDt Bkeet, Wilmington, W. p, ma . lll-t - ; I HaTO ttus JDar. EceeiTcit S NOTHERSOPFtrOF TfTOwBRAND V. Mwed. Maoblnomwed and, Cable WM tylea. Alaotiant (loat I'rapTlea and NulJI Sera. Ladtea Slipper )a great Tartetr, from tl antl upward. Mi and thlldr.n1. oboeo a.iieoialiy. ' ... " . ' i ' . M. B. Ladlei Bront Btlbper only St ' , , . jDHABLKH A. PRICE, I No SI Marktt Bt , Sign or th Oolden Boot. At 29 North Front ttreet, WILMINGTON, V, 0. ! may I ' ,oT-w s),Qur Extremely H LOW HtXa) r fait ttg;oartocl .ef Ntver before could WUmlngtonlan bay oooWaoWp..:;l:n rA3 JUT i WHITE DTJPK.BPV12S, j BROWN DUCK SUITS, - , ; jn- DUSTERS, aa; ' ivraisrsoN s&oo. CITY CLOTHIERS. " may it 116. - Congress iWater- i ; Beltaw ApoHent, BeidlH FewdeT, Brown' Ginger, 7 Florida Water," Comb.. Brwheo, Toilet Bop, (a large Tailetj) an4 Fancy Article.. Formleby 1 ' ' t JAMBS'- O. MCfiDrt, Drtgglrt, . Third Bt. , oppoelta Uty Mat . ' may tt 4 17ew Arrivals ,., . . . - . .. - I wjitorB m Whait aad Half BamM, , ,.; ' , Bottlad mgaP Baar o.aw.BOBaa M. B Oornt f Market and Second Bt.f, mayt ' . m ,.,a 1" H IW . ADVISTTSZXZXTS. 45. 45 . i A 4 BROWN & f --! I fi UKET Wtwvrt still ftdtlitif to oit IteottTt imsortmoi., of DRY GOODS- - Being ally aware that sjntU profits make quick returns, wa have marked oar whole stock so that any and every one oan plainly see wa are In earnest and mean busineam We only desire tUoae who are iu want ot anything in our line to give ns a call iu order to satisfy tuomtelves, t We are never a.rald of showing onr foods, or of eomparing thtua with any. , We call particular t teotion to the followrnjr litf ' r ' ! 8TRUTJ? -HUMMER SILKS reduced to 62J Cents.' - t , Rlack llt'fuauiea sud flreiiadiuos from 18 OtmH 4 Ctdon d Stripe and Figured Orenailinos 10 2-8 cents, i , , -( r Grey De Ruppt 20 0its. Onr stock of Dress Quods is large, and. wa , offor them as low as 'they oaa ba bought in any NoitUeru RiAikot.- m ' : , (.""' " " C3KNTH VUrtNIfSIUNO DEIAIIT3IENT. White Dross Shirts, Onffa, Oo liars, Jono Drawer, Gauze Uudorveats, Drit ih Half Hi llloaodod and Htript ddo., In fiict everything that belongs to uoh a Department, , , ' " LHE!T AND DOMESTICS. Bleached and Unbienchr-d Dtmaaks in Power and Hand Loom. Cotton and Linen Disport, Boaom and Pillow Uaae ana uatii lowla, Napkins, Doilum. rtir Lloena, Craaties, An. LADIES HOSIERY, GLOVE AKD 0AUZ&,U8DEBWEA1V L'laraa Laos Sacqnos and Poiutu i Laos Hhawla 75 ota., abargaia; Striped and Plaiu Shetland Hhawla f Nottingham (r Our taluk f Maolilne Needles 6 ota. each. , Bole Ageuts lor FRANJi JL,EdLUH PAfER PATTERNS. .. ( m t BHOWH & EODDICK, 45 Market Street. aaanj i 11 '.ji j 1 1. "hp . 1 in"' 1 MOKE PAltTICuLAliS I ' ' " WT "ASSOBTMENT'5 OF"'''5'" '" KiH r'J-n n f.i ?r 't'f'.:i J.i tU'iln j StiitH tt 1 r!i4K...j 'Je.nla itl " rr nJ (i n oxamamaa ai - - pw w luicui Ui(. U, 111.it a una .easy V tiTtR ,.tlH ,''',i4l!Ttt',ttOTT'-,nATTpTtTO t U ,vv, j,..itvn ikih i..HW..iy,y4f; aaiijj Vo t.iaHiH a IN ALL TliE .DIFFERENT' LINES. - -. , m n i "no j .fTi-!tJi 1'i u .! U r ,' .-ifi f fi-lif.ilj . iil l ,r acif.H ! - 'f 'i .,.f u ihi .. : , ..-i My eustomeri have shownjheir appreofation of my LOW PRICES by their liberal rrarohMdsl for whlcn Tm 'lliankfal. STRANGERS not poitad, and i;t' -Sl'i Kjlif (l'-(ll( XTl) ! I . . A .jl-yi "tlilii Hiii desiriag.Aa ofof lAtiri fo, .Hi l-.i ifi ftiui uk ,ii(jtte. l j A .ik rriitf-i'F trf"- X'ifi tH M.M,ICATZ'S;;ili Market S. 'aSfttttWif-.'! U- ! r.,-i ii m'1'0 I . V . ,,,, 1 . u, tS-ttV r llan l Bacon !n"i , 100 Bad aad Boa P. 8. Sid... . ,1 I. e j IS - ' , " P. S- Shoulderi, j SS - n . Bmoked Sided t ! , . " , " i :-.-. , t ,. BhoaidAtt, . j M Bblt, Fork. -V ' 1 ' - ' ' ! -'"foroal Sf'. j,' tiw.f.,.j, !,, I . BBR0HSBR 0AL0BR BROS Spirit Caiks and Hoop Mdli iit. nr, .iu V JJ J4l (ifllii; j , iX SPIRIT (3ASKB, . 1,000 Bundle. Hoop Iron. . iUO Paper HWet. ' I ..Fpraalahr--?! n-,t.' iT KBROMHIB OALDBB BROS. ' wr-.t-J-i ii 'f Tt-r- I xxuxucaoa ..xauiaoaoa j.i 100 Hbda.Nw Crop Oab Mol., , ,,. i ; i f-t. f ft M 1' ' T- ft f -tTn ,;. i ! -' Ml n. n. moiaaart,. . il f IMBbl Mew Omp Cnna Molam., .H. Mole", ,i s, i i i 10 Fuacbi on UimerarA Molawe, , For aal. by T !; KBROHNBB o (jALDER BR0B .t-i; j f! luia , 1 I i Til t , Til i. r . Ti ! 1000' BJLB.FirQVB..(i,J,i,i I !, ( jaii .'ti: j -.i For aal by may IB i- - - " : ii wooL"acftoNi)cr:a:GLCBE iMSbRAliC''" AMett (Qold, 520,740,160.76. HAMBURG Brembn) INSURANCE CpJ , Asaets (Gold)'a2,280',ObO. , I -; Assets 9 1 ,200,000. " ! i ii .!" ' I atayts J':? ttflaiS Seasonable (if K , l T. V Tj tbabMt'blug onaf i i-'i " I i,,l4iva Mower v'V '.,,'',f if, , . s i r i.hla Fplw, TqklV Bob) J 7 . in na-V rnayl PPoht'&'Potjder; ,i tnj rti.1 J)ir ,I i:ji-) .!t tlO'iq 0' i'i. BtABTtXdAHDMIKIHQJ-raWheleiBa,,, mi Oatrtar Kara 1 i. . ' i.. i : 1 arahll "'"'tt-ari. 45. RODDIC Linens, LtneQ Sheetings, Chamber lit' 1 . 1 it i !. e j it 1 , .jjju. ..u.'.xiim 1 i'T.!. end ,.- ,x-t r, manm w aw mr m j .ut d ,iaw nat-taUS ili vithu pn t- k i vi .rni.-i. fHH.it. ii.ni" r.;l In Idi.i tmfl tm ..J..-,jiO,i- mil h I Will t.)- til .' 'i get by.palling , , (, ,.fm$ tit ,U:,t rt lk-K AT.T. -nn;i'a-irlt - -m Baconr . Sugar. Coffee i- i 1 and Flour CO Boxes D. 8. Sides A Shoulders, i -' 60 Botes Smoked Sides and Shoul ...f : ders, e ,-,,v (,. i5 100 Bblt. Refined Sugar, . , r 100 Bags Prima Rio Coffee, ? 1 1,500 BbTs. Flour-aU grades. 's For sale low by " .J A P t " WIIXIAMS & IIURCHISON. U( $ id'Mii' i't YV!fmV. ' t-?S h-ii ' ill Hay, , IIoop ' Iron, Glue "r ' "and Syrup 1. ti ;.,n s 'VOO Biles Prime N."R.lnay; '': " l?' 600 BuridleaHoon Iron: ,-inoiiboir,-u,i I 1-iL 1 ri -w lul ';,, At. Byiup, . 1 A ! , JTor aala low faw . mi f i i ,i ,:'?l8i- fforkw-Itice. a wi ,300 Beeond Hand Spirit Casks, ,300,Kgs .Nails,,, u , u COBbls. Mess Pork. , ., u 80 Bbls. Whole Rice, WIMJAMS MTJRCH1S0N. (ti etui tolW "! ?-"'t i'ri:- Molasses I'Molawcs I. Ct I ,?00 Hhds. and Bblsi Now Crop Cuba, For tale low by WLLLTAHS '& MURCHISON. Ouauolt Onano ! V 200 TOnl Guanape Ouano,' l! 1 t" 200 Tpna Eureka Guano, ' ' w.FaJ'tWF.'t lnj!r.iiJ (...-, ,, i'JWliXrlAJB OS aUaOttUUB. may if ,,, i Chrombs ' ..1 (i in i. to '" ' ' :' A Bne coll.otlon f Beautiful Chromo. and Colored LlUwtraobjkt the, t;;) f. ! 4 'l .-.l.ii.?..tK ft .t OITT.BOOal STORK. .. a , Xh tni ".' S "Ut t " 1 'i Bibles and. Pray en Eoois. . . . I, ....... 1 moil wis ntfvi ,(iu,v '-' JbejlfpoipUtettock laths city o( Fam ily and amatt B'blet, iFraysr Book, Hymaalf , - - 1 . 1 ' r ! .. ... ... n ' Sn Frajeriand Hjmnali In eaae, , R.tiA'l . t 1 a i (!' ' . 1 " !; 1. ni T .iaa.i .1.A1..IM 1 ' t:U "I .t-ttiii n.'f 't' .f'.i'-f'H .W WfiBrtl'lt 1 !avj;s(,0N0LETiXATE3V - m.ivt ri i,,(.h.iv.i ' Gil Book and Muaio. Store. . ' ' iit . ' :