) ,Jt i i I il II i 2 VOL. XXIV. HO. 120. WILimiGTOIT. II. C. THURSDAY. HAY 20. 1875. T7H0LE 110. 6,034. fcc ,Sailn.onninI. WILMINGTON. K. 0.: THUESDAY. MAY 20.1875, BY TELEGRAPH. GOTHAM. THE ARGUMENTS IN THE SCAN DAL CASE. . Nrw York, May 19 Niht The speeonea in the Ueecuer scandal -cuse nave commenced. ' Hw received from Rio states that the Deutsche Braziliau Bank Lao an ponded. ' Paid up capita! $3,000,000, mosuy owned in Uuuiuurg. Specie shipments to-day over $250, 000, . EUIIUPE. IN THE FJKENOH ASSEMBLY, A NEW TRIAL FOR VON ARNIM. A DEFEAT FOR THB CARLWTd IN SPAIN. Paws, Mar 19 Noon lu the As sembly to-day MiutHter Dufaure siib- mittea a bill regulating the relations between the publio power. It pro vide) that the Senate and Chamber of Deputies shall meet annually in Janu ary and ait at least five mouths in the year. The President of the Kopublio may oommanicate with the Chamber by message. The Chamber in obliged to reconsider any decision if the Trea dent makes a request to that effect. The President and Ministers can. b? impeached only by the Chamber of Deputies and tnust bo tried by the Seuate. . . M. Dufaure also introduced a bill - relative It -j the organization of the Senate I It! provides that the election for Senators shall be ordered by a de cree whiph rnjut be issued six months before the day appointed for the hold ing thereof. A motion was made by the Minister that the bills be referred to a commit tee of thirty. The Left opposed the motion and urged that the bills be referred to a special Committee. M. Dufaure's mo tion was defeated, whereupon M. Bat bie announced that the Committee of Thirty resign Jheir Junctions. M. Labaulaye, a. member of the Commit tee of; Thirty, objected, and said that M. Batbishad no fight to leader the resignation 61 the entire Committee. Duo U'AnaUrei raoijulm, I'lnaldoul. , of the Assembly, declared that the re signation, of the Committee was un precedented. : The Committee should first meet and consider the subject aud those of its members ' who propdse to resign .should notify the presiding officer of the Assembly of their inten tion. " ML Dufaure informed the house that the defeat of his motion would not be eonsidered a cabinet question. ' Berlin, May 19 Noon The Roman Catholio Bishops of Prussia, who addressed a petition to the Eui- - peror, and received a reply last month from the Ministers of State, have made rejoinder that to reject the decision of the Vatican Council, would be equivalent to an abandonment of Ca tholicism; and that they are convinced that the Holy See would never be un willing to act in conformity with all proper decisions of the State Govern ment. . The Berlin Post asserts that the new trial of Count Von Arnim will begiu June 15th. -n Barcelona, May 19 Noon. The Government forces gaiued an import antjvictory atMontSerrat, and captur ed the formidable positions of the Car lists on that mountain with the loss of only ninety-three killed and wounded. London, May 19 Noon. Seuer Sagosta retires from politics until he is able to submit the acts of his party to , publio opinion. London, May 19 Night. The sides of the steamship SohilTer have fallec in, covering the specie, the bewt part oi ner cargo ana probably a number of Domes, .masting win eommonoe soon. ELECT1UCIS3I87 William Butler Dunoan has been made President and Reoeiver of the Mobile k Ohio Railroad, to represent New xorx and foreign stock bond holders. The line is 517 miles long and represented by $10,839,000 bond ed debt and $4,466,000 oapital stock, - A dispatch from the son of Jesse D. Bright says that there is little hope of his father living through the day (Wednesday.) A Washington dispatch says that Hon. Michael G. Kerr has returned from a prolonged visit to the South entirely restored to health. Mr. Bristow, Secretary of the Treas ury; Mr. Jewell, Postmaster General, and Mr. Potter, Supervising Architect, were in Baltimore oity yesterday, mak ing inquiries and .examining as to the necessity and propriety of erecting a new postoffioe building. They will re port to the next Congress. Offloial dispatches from the interior of Cuba state that the Government troops twice attacked Buly, of the in surgents, numbering 600 men, com manded by Rnloff, in which 19 insur gents were killed. The Government loss is five soldiers killed, " Twenty-five Italians and other la borers have arrived at Tyrone, Pa. They held meetings at various points whioh were thinly attended. The strikers are demoralized. At Waco, Texas, yesterday, there was a $125,000 fire. The distillery men who were brought before U. S. Commissioner Hayne at Chicago,' yesterday morning, on a charge of defrauding the governnxnf. They were held under bonds of $5,000 each to await the action of the Grand Jury. .- i I , U- Davis k Co., of Montreal, dry goods dealers, have failed. The annual regatta of the South Carolina rgtta a-saoriAtion begins to d.ty aud lasts threo days. The entries are mora numerous this year than ever b'-fore, but the only outside entries tiis year are from Savannah. TEX X ESSE!?. AN INDIAN BRAVE WHO DON'T WANT TO GO TO FLORIDA. NKUvit.LE. May 19 Night One of the seventy-five Indians, who were on tbeir way to the Florida prison, mmagtd to get hold of a knife with whioh he 'stabbed two Soldiers and then himself, this morning while the train was standing at Madisou station, five miles from Nashville. It is report ed that the soldiers are not seriously hart. Ou the arrival of the train ai this city the Indiau was taken off and laid ou the platform wrapped iu his blanket and is supposed to be in a dying condition. IIEAIHJUAliTEKS. SUPREME LODGE OF KKKMTS OF PYTHIAS. WAsiuNuroN, May 19 Night The Supreme Lodge of ihe Knights of Tytbias to-day considered the rules of ord r, and heard a report from the Hpeoial Committee on the Supreme uaiioeiiors report, after winch the Supreme Lodge degrees were confer red and the body adjourned for rih. rade. Their inarching was verv line and received great applause. Many en'ertainmnuts, in bouor of the visit ing Knights, are k in progress' this eveuiiig. OHIO CONVENTION OF TIIE CATHOLIO BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. Cincinnati, May 19 Niarht In the Convention of the Catholic Benevolent Societies this morning, the new con stitution wasadepted aud tbeSocteties wore instructed to acknowledge in their next credentials the acceptance of the oouHtituton as fundamental. Resolutions were uassed denouncing Bismarck aud his war against the Church iu Rimma aud expressiug sym pathy for the Pope. STATE NEWS, The Greensboro Patriot savs : We learn from the Fayetteville Gazette that railroad contractors have been viewing the country between Egpyt J 0o 1.11, pi emi ntui jr liu uakuig bids on the work, and that there is everv crosneat of an earlv rtomnletion of the work between these points. The Weldon News says : There was an interesting revival at Murfreesboro last week -iu which sixty-five souls were converted. The M. F. College furnished most of the penitents. On Sunday night last, Eev. Mr. Starr, as sisted by the raster of the Methodist Churoh, Rev. Mr. Woodard, received into the church and baptized a great number of the new converts. The Charlotte Democrat says: We regret to learn that Dr. J. G. M. Kunisay, of Knoxville, Tenn., a native of this couuty. and the historian of Tennessee, will be prevented from at tending the Centennial Celebration whs weea, in consequence ot injuries received by a rnuaway horse. Dr. Ramsey is now about 80 years old.aud about ten years ago told us that he hoped to be able to attend the oelebra tiouof tne 100th anniversary of tLi Mecklenburg Declaration ot Inde pendenoe. The good old man has our sympathy. The Charlotte Southern Home savs: It has been suggested that the names of our two principal Btreets be changed from Tryon and Trade to Brevard aud Alexander, in honor of the two Secre taries of the Mecklenburg Convention, xne cuange would be peculiarly ap propriate at tnis time. Several repre seniaiives oi tne isrevard family are living on Tryon street and many repre sentees of the Alexander family are imug ou iraae street. As Tryon street was namod after an odious British Governor, that name certainly ought to bo changed. All would be gratified to have the memory of the author of the . Declaration honored on the very spot where it was made. The Baltimorean says: Dr. Edward Warren Bey, after aohieving a great reputation in his native JNorth Caro lina, in General Lee's army, and in Baltimore, removed to Egypt, where his success as a practitioner has been no . less brilliant than it was in this country. His services have long since secured for him the esteem and good opinion of the Khedive, who hafl show ered honors upon him. But like many others who have taken residence in Egypt, the Doctor has fallen a victim to a disease of the eye, caused by the fine sand whioh at certain seasons.per meates all things, and finds its way everywhere. The Khedive has grant ed Dr. Warren an extensive fnrlongh, with permission to travel in Europe, and he is now in Paris, und Tgoing treatment for an affection of the left eye, which, it is stated, has given him a great deal of trouble. His addrnnn is at 62, Rue de Provinoo. The Charlotte Southern Home savs There is now living in Chatham ooun ty, on the place of Wm. A. Rives, Esq., a negro woman considerably over one hundred years old, ' who goes by the name of ""Granny Nanny." She was the wife of Boson Alston, a noted ne gro in his day and generation. He be longed to Phillip Alston, Esq., a wealthy planter of Chatham. Iu one of his raids the notorious tory, David Funnin, the Kirk of his day, captured Boson, then a boy of 12 years of age, and took him to wait upon him (Fan nin.) Boson's soul yearned for the flesh pots at home, and he determined to get back to "ole marser." He helped the tories of Fannin's com mand to water their horses, and in that way found out which was the swiftest. On day Boson sprang up on mis fastest etiarger and mads tracks for the old homestead. Hs was fired upon and hotly pursued, but his ' 'leg Daii was aooeptea as good security. and hs got off safely. Boson went some 20 years ago " to the land whem good darkeys go." at the ripe age of ore nnnared years, ilia loving and affectionate spouse still lives to de plors his untimely loss. She has great- great grand-children 20 years old. The Raleigh Sentinel says: Nearly eleven years ago the Yankee army carried off from here a boy named Edward Alston, the son of Mrs. Emily Alston, who was then Mrs. Emily Jones, and lived in this oounty aboat iwcive miies irom iiaieign. tkl at that time was just eleven years old and a bright and promising lad. The family mourned him as dead, and nothing was heard or known of his fate till twelve months after he wrote to Dr. James Beck with, his uncle. fro.u a place called Vermilion.in Edgar county, Illinois. The boy had a hard time or it. tie worked in the field awhile, next in a blacksmith shop, then in a carnage snop, and from there he joined the United States army. As a soldier he fought ine Indians two years on the 11 low Stone River, and from there he was ordered to Shreveport in the Louis 'ana troubles. It was from here ho was finally r. stored to his h ime in t bis county. Uu friends worked faith fully after him. Mrs. Dr. Beckwith, his aunt, who has just left this office. ana wno toid us tne news, made un tiring tfforte in behalf of her sister's sod During his absence both Dr. Beckwith, his ai.nt and Mr. Lee Jones, his father-in-law, had died. The ear of government was besieged by ix- Uov. Holden, Gov. Penniugton, Hon. Sam Phillips and also Hon. A. M. tT7- Jill . . . Kuieu, and tne boy s nistory was told, how he bsd been stolen the same as a fine horse or a rosewood niano. and the government immediately or- dirod bis discharge from the army, and Edward Alston, weiffhin 160 pounds and 22 years of age, landed at home last week, a man every inch, and knows a thing or two about this old world that they don't teach in school books. OT ADVEBTI3MH3TTS. Administrators' Sale fN WEDNESDAY, MT J. lrt. It 11 J O'OlOCB i M w will Mil at Kukun Ivorner B ah tvt Capital Stock Dtwmn Bank. IS HharM 0dIU1 8 look rtnt Nktionml Rank. 120 ttliri Otpltal S look Bui of MW Bano var. U Suarra Oapital Stouk Wllstfugtoa Mulld- loi AMocUUin. 1 Shares Oaplial stock Wilmington A Wl dun Railroad Uonpan. t- AH to b wld wltlwol ruarTt. Btock without limit received until tale. " ORONLT MOBEIS, Auctioneer-, Stock and Real ttato Broken, tfma; to m-iUaa-at, 4k k H00E AND LADDER- JJAVINO been left la charge of tb Old Truok during the abeenci from th Olty of the Company, I would b glad to have the old membert amlatai Inoaeoof tro, and repair at one to Truck Hsu when alarm la given. ' meytO-it JAB, I. METT8. THE BOARD OF TRADE Having decided to suspend business on inuraaay, autu inst., our store will accordingly BE CLOSED. We add a gentle hint to persons de siring anytning m our line that they supply them selves to-day. MUNSON & CO, U1XX UliUTHIEBS, may if lll-tf T HEREBf give notio to my patrons that my More will be clceed on Centennial Day. O. H W. RrNOE, N. E. Corner Market and Second Bt. ""rii na-tr OF THB Hon. Wm, A Graham OM THE MocIIcliiir Declaration tiWswMm vi tne iota of May, 1775, Delivered at Charlotte on th Ithdavof MAY, 1875. Bon"dln Cloth $1. Paper, TB Cent. For sale at HEINI BERQER'S. THE ODD TRTJMF, and for eale at A, Novel. Just out HEINOBERGER'Q Llv Book and Murio Store may II III Received this Day The fourth lot of tboee long handled Cotton Hoee, the beet ud ehearet ever brouebt to thli market. Aim have a fine aaeortment or Farmers' Hardware of every description and at nrlcea that will give eattMactton, at th Old Established Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON, No II, and II Market Street, may II HI A H Family Emsi Will take place under the auspice of the Young Catbollo Friend's Society, To Smlthvllle and return ner Steamer GOV. WORTH, on Tuesday, the 26tb Inst. Tickets for eentleman. St M each: tnr Udv or child, eooenta each. The boat will leave the wharf, ftnt of Mar ket street, prdmpti vat I o'clock. Uood nml hae been engaged fur th ocaslon. Tbe Committee reserves the riht tn tIiuI alt objectlouable persona, Tickets may be procured at tb (tore of J. B. Allen, U rowqandj H. MoQarttT&Co. ii7-ii,ai, aa, ig, to aaay 11 WEDDING CARDS hem est fatbJonabl ttvl at ti GOTTEN UP and printed tb journal mo, KXW ADVXSTISESHJrr 22. Preserve Your Carpets and Other Woolens WITH OUR Country rXNvist AMD OTHER TODACCO COODS FOR THAT AKD OTHER TURr OSES. o! Partne rpRB COPARTNERSHIP HKBKTOroRE iieting between 0. J. Boekowlta and Oeorge Lleber, trading aider tne name and ttjleof soekuwlts Ueber, Is kerebj dMved by mutual oeaatnt. All partte bating claim again tbe uoder ilgned Arm preeent to Ueorg Ueber, whe will Huie me eame, ana ail par tie Indebted will payment to Oko. Ueher, who alone kaf uieriguiio ooueot and pay Ine debt of the nrm. O.J, BOS KO WIT t, Q. UEBER. ay II J it-it fiocttte All SiiQ JAMES A. FRAZIER, Trop'r. fJlHIS CELEBRATED WATERING place, tbe home of the Invalid ! The place for pleas. areteekeril Open lama let, with a capacl ty for S00. Oome In lime for the Grand "Bel Maeque" and Carnival, with free Champagne Hopper. may 18 11T eod-lw Agreeably to Resolutions QP THE "BOARD Of TRADE," "Cham, ber of Oommeroe" and 11 Prodnoe Kiehange," and by agreement with all the FAMILY QROOBB8, oar Store will not bo opened on Centennial Day, THUHSDAT, SOth Instant. Our friend and aatomor will plea toko aotloe and fill their orders the day pruTloua, Reipeotfully, CHAS Ot MYERS A CO., y u 7 "orth rrnh Office of County Commissiciicrs, Hew naueever Ceaaty. v- Wttmni. W. b.i . '"" r In purnane of BectVm II of "An Act to Rale Revenue," ratlSed February I4th, 1DT4, and Seotlon It of an act known a the "Ma chinery Aet," ratified tb IM day of Maooh, WIS, the Board of County OomuilMloii.nl of New Hanorer oounty met to-day at the Court Honee In the city of Wilmington for th pur Pom named In laid eot, aud hava taken arc oeantll nonday, the 94th day of May, IHTS, at whlon time the Oommlmlanr will proceed to revl th tax Hat and valuation reported to them and oompletothe Hit by oomputlng th tea payable by oaoh pereon and afflimg the ame oppoelto hie name. Tb eaouoa el th Board will oontlnu for th tpaot of TRHEE WORtUNa DAVH. ! Th Board wlU hear all pereon objecting to th valuation of tbelr property or to th amount of tax charged against them. The Board ha a right to -ale valuation ot pro perty that may be unreasonably low and (or that purpo'e are empowered to summon and xamln witnesses. After the tax ltt are made up and placed In the hand of the Sheriff It will be almost Im possible to make oorrections. AH faults must be considered th lanlt of the tax pajers themselves, and notloel hereby given that no alterations will be mad alter th time expiree except In acoordano with thestrlot letter or tne law. JAMES WILSON, Chairman Board of County Commissioner. y " iii-iw Bacon. Sugar, Coffee and Flour- so Boxes D. S. Sides & Shoulders, ou oxee Hmoked Hides and ohoul ders, 100 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Bio Coffee, 1500 Bbls. Flour all grades. For sale low by WUJilAMS & MURCHISON. Ilay. Hoop Iron. Glue and Syrup. 500 Bales Prime N. R, Hay, 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Olne, . 75 Bbls. S. H. Syrup, For sale low by WILLIAMS k MURCHIS0N. Spirit Barrels ails- Pork Ilice. 800 Second Hand Spirit Casks, 800 Kegs Nails, 50 Bbls. Mess Pork, 50 Bbls. Whole Rioe, For sale low by WILLIAMS k MURCHISON. Molasses! Molasses! 200 Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba, For sale low by WILLIAMS 'ft MURCHISON. Gnano! Gnano! 200 Tons Ouanape Guano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, For sale low by WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. may 11 ill For Sale! THE Steam Engine and Boiler, all eompleto and In perfect order, now running my Mill and Machine snop. capacity about 40 to SO horse rower and admirably adapted for Saw Mill, ertot Mill or any other porpos tot which power I needed. r. 4. LORD. Wilmington, . 0., May 19, 1871. may II U-iw rii) MI3C1UANZ0US T T T ii i a- unoices; utia imperial and English Breakfast Teas At the L weet Prioea , Tory Sao OOLONU AND (IMPERIAL TEAS at SO Cent per pound. Sample given away and Mat to aay part of the elty . ; OLA RET WINES from SI to 1 11 per eae. IMPORTED BRANDT S4 to lie per gallon, Dnff Gordon and Crown Sherry. Blue Uraat and Kentnoky Uem Whlakeyal SI and SI per gallon. . Tbe rr, oholeeetof WINK8and LiqnuKS for table and medlolnal net In the Slat. Jut In t day out rreeh iupply of C'ok4 Cormoel Beef, Bt Butter In the World." "New Proeete Empire flour." For tale only at OKO MYERS', 11 A 13 South Front St. Ill mat l Choice Small Outs of Smoked Beef, FINE LABQE BEE TONGUES, Small Extra Sugar Curwd Pig Hams and IhouldMS, Large Mm and 5. 1 Mokrl, Froali Gooels every Ntaasner and by Atlaatl Coast Mb. CHAS, D. MTERS k CO., B ek 7 North V rout Bt WHO ALSO BATE ANOTHER LARGE INVOICE or FlANKru ITER'S UQER BEER. rmaM Stock fatpMid. LadlN and Invalids will njcy It. - Dyspepsia Crackers, Fingers' Ginger Bread, Cream Nuts, . . Milk and English Biscuit. Our Stores are on North Front St. , Nos. 5 aETfjrr:;-"" CHAS. D. MYERS k GO. ll-2t may II Escaped Convicts. We will pay a reward of SI0 each for uoh Information as will lead to the oaptureof any eenvlcte escaped from the Mew Hanover Oonn. ty Work House since the year 1H1J. Address, by letter or telegraph, MATHEB A ( O., Su- SerintendenUofNew Hanorer Couuty Work iouee, Wilmington, N. O. may! lOI-tf Trunks Repaired and Covered All kinds of Saddlery repairing don prompt ly at moderate prices. A full stock of Saddle, nunev. i rons., nan ana oatcneis, liouare, Hamer, Chains, Saddle Cloths, Whip, Spurs, OurryOombi, Horse Brashes, Stall Strap, Feather Ouster, Saddlery Hardware, Leather, Sviie urea, ai root un, i.ap uobos, ao. CARPENTER A MALLARD, nuoceseor to J. H. TOPHAM. A CO.. Ho. I 8outhFront Street, Wilmington, N. ) r iii-tr I Haye Oiis Day EeceiTcd A NOTHER SUPPLY OF THOSE HAND J. sewed. Machine sewed and Cabl.-Wlr box-to Liow.quarter Shoes or various Sera. Ladle Slippers In great variety, from SI and upward. Ml see nod Children1 Shoos styles. iso Menu uoat Hlrao Tin. and Nn II. aipoeiaity. H. 0. Ladle Bronte Slippers only SI. CHARLES A. PKICIK Mo. M Market St. , Sign of the Oolden Boot m7 lt THE MYSTERY Explained! At 20 North Front Streot, WILMINGTON, N. 0. mays 107-2W Our Extremely LOW PRICKS are rait selling our Btook of CLOTHING. Nvr before could Wilmington Ian buy Goods so cheap. WHITE DUCK SUITS, BROWN DUCK SUITS, DUSTERS, Ao. IVTQMSOlSr && CO. CITT CLOTHIERS, may II 118 Congress Water. Beltser Aoerlent. Fresh Seidllte fnsd.r.. Brown' Ulnver. Florida Witar. 1 5nm Ita. Bruhee, Toilet Boaps, (a lug variety) and ranoy a.rtioiee. For sale by vIHId. u. HUHUD, Vrngglst, Third St., opposite City Hall, ay IS y ' in Hew, Arrivals. JpLOCB In Whol and Half Barrels. r settled Lager seer G.H. W.BONQR, If . C. Ooraw of Marks! and leond Bt. ay II , IU SEW ADVESTI3ZMZM3. 45. BROWN & We are itill addiug to mmvM 45 MARKuT STHEET. Being fully aware that small iroflt make quiok roturns, we have marked our whole stock so that any aud every one cau plainly see we are in earnest and mean busmen. We only desire thoan who are in waut of anything in our line to give ns a call in order to mtiafy thomidlves. We are never afraid of showing our good, or of comparing them with any. We call particular at tention to the following lint STUU'ED SUMMER SILKS reduced to f.2, Cents. Black Romanies aud Grenadines from 18 Cent. Colored Htripe and Figured Grena lines 1(1 2 3 cents. ; Grey De Bngta 20 (Junta. Our stock of Drt Goods is larua ami wa ofliir tliAtn an liimv a IrtA Ann Ka bought in any Northern maikut. GKNTH FU1INIKIUNC2 1)1 il-AltTMlCNT. White Dreas Shirts. OiiITh. Collars. Jnan Druwnm Onura TTn,1avvUi. rtrit. iah Half Hose, Bleached and StriMMl such a Department. . , WNKN AND Blnached and I7lll)lalitvl DamaHka Lintrn Disners, Boanm and IMllow Case and Bath Towels, Napkins, Doilies, Htir t LiAintia IIOS11SHY, OliOVEH ANl GAUZE UNDERWEAR. L lama Lace SaunuDs and I')inU : Laco Hhawln 7Sol.. a Imroain Rir!no,1 and Plain Shetland Hlmwla ! NotUnffham for Curtaim; Machine Noedlos 0 ets. each. Bole Agents for FRANK LESLIE'S TAPER PATTERNS. f BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. may la .lis MORE PAimCULAKS ! MY ASSORTMENT OF IS MOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers have shown their appreciation of my LOW TRICES by their liberal purchases, for whioh I'm thankful. STRANGERS not postod, and desiring the vatm of their money, oan got it by oalling ' M. M. K AITS, aprll II UYERPOOL an! L010N ai GLOBE INSURANCE CO.' Asseti (Gold) 820,740,160.70. HAMBURG (Bremrm) INSURANCE CO. AmoU (Gold) 82,250,000. MOBILE UNDERWRITERS AGENCY. . Assets 8 1 ,200,000. JNO. W. GORDON, Agent, ay 11 I17-lm Seasonable Goods. ICS CREAM FBEEZEB8, th bent thing out. lwn Mowers, rislilng Poles, TacHe, Jlous, Ao. ur saiv low or GEO. A. TECK. may II nmt Bacon ! Bacon! 100 Bad, and Boies 0. 8. Hides, M ' " " O. S. Shoulder. M " ." , " Smoked SlUes, i " ' " Bhoulders, 80 Bbll, Pork. , for aale by f . KEKUHNKH A 0ALDKH Bit 0.1 Spirit Casks and Hoop Iron. SPIRIT OASKB, 1,000 Bundles Hoop Iron, 200 Paper Rivets. For sal by KEROHNER & GALOSH BRU8 Molasses! Molasses! 200 Hhds. New Crop Onba Molasses, 50 8. H. MoiHases, 100 Mbls New Crop Cub Molasses, 200 " 8. H. Molamee, M P unoheon Do merer Molasses. For aale by KEROHNER A 0AUEH BROS. Flour! Flour! JQQQ BBLS. FLOUR. For aal by KEKOHNER A 0ALOER BROS, may II 116 SI ail Mosimito Nets. LARGE STOCK 07 NEW STYLES just received and far sal at extremely reduced prloe to lult the hard times, by , D. A. SMITH k CO. nrl3 .. lM-tf 45. RODDICK our Extcusive Asaortment of DRY GOODS I do., in fact evorything that belongs to DOMESTICS. , 111 Pnwor ami lTiin Tnm nlfr.n .,,! Linens, Linen Sheetings, Chambor Linens, Craha, Ao. .4 4 ' 36 Market St, : 9g.tr Chromos A fln collection of Beautiful Chromo and Colored Mthngranhs, at the OITY BOOK STORE, ' Bibles and Prayer Books. The most complete stock In th city of Fam ily and small B'bles, Prayer Book, Hymaali, an Prayers and Uymuals in eaa, AT CONOLEY & YATES', City Book and Musio Store, may IS n The Charlotte Observer The only morning dally paper published In th State west of Raleigh and North of Wll. mlngton, o flers special Inducements to advr. Users. Its circulation, sis and usefulness havo been largely Increased during th year Just past, and It now reaches most ol th Mer chants of Western North Oaiollna, thai offer lng an unscrpaesed medium of communica tion between the Merchants of Wilmington and the people or Western North Carolina. TKiiasor suBscaiFTios : " Dally 3 00 per annum. Weekly............ i to ' '' . S5T Advertising very low. SPECIAL NOTICE. During the Centennial Celebration large edi tions of this paper wlU be printed dally and no such advertising medium will so b ofl.rod to Its patron. may l. . lia-g JrSS If Wilmington ; 18 ALIVE TO BER INTERESTS In East Carolina, her business men will advertise ta THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a large and well established weekly new pa per, circulating estensiTely In the counties O Hyde, Beanlort, Pamlico, Pltt Edgecomba and tbosejdjolnlng. Rate Low. WAIT. P. WU.LIA1IHOS, . " R. Obakoie, Late of Tarboro. ' ' of Washington. Editor and Proprietor. . ott Htaroopy. 880-tf Cottage Bedsteads. 500 COTTA0E BESTEAD3 N 1 W Styles. Just reoelved and for sail low .la lotl to ult by - -!? h d. a. Binra o. ' may IS ,