o r r OA 11. ... WHOLE 110. 6.8C3. 70H XHV. HO. 122. V7ILIIIITGT0IT, 17. C. SATTJBDAY. HAY 22. 1875. (11) ift v. T i r i I Of Jliiiln Mwml 8ATUBDAY. MAY 22,1373, WILMINGTON. N. C: BY TELEGRAPH" GOTH A.M. RECEITION TO CARDINAL Mo , ' CLOSKEY. A BEAUTIFCL AND VALUABLE GIFT. New Yoke, May 21 Noon A grand reception was given CurJiiml Me Closkey yesterday by the pupils of Mount Vincent, on tup Uudson. IIo was presented with a casket of flowers, containing a pectoral cross. The orossjwMof diamonds with two top .z h. It iswrorth 820,000 aud whs tbe gft of the Community of Mount Baiut Vin cent., :-: KENTUCKY. THE LOUISVILLE RACES. LoufflviLiiB, May 21. Noon. Fourth day, tirst race, Canmrgo won, time il-23l 4:43. Becoud raoe, Bal lankell won. Third raoe, War Jig won, time 4:41 j, 4:4(5 and 4:17. ;w THE FIRE FIEND. TERRIBLE DISASTER AT . OSCEOLA, FA. OVER TWO HUNDRED HOUSES , BURNED AND TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE ; ; HOMELESS. Osckola, May 21 Noon A fire broke out here at 11 o'clock yoHterday. All public buildings, except tbe Catho lic and Methodist Churches, were burned. About two hundred houses are also r burned. Twelve hundred people are homeless. Escape was cut off by the woods taking firs, but no lives were lost. Loss over 82,000,000. CoHoKs, N. Y.f May 21 Noon The saw mill, handling shop, polishing room, furnishing and pnckiug depart ment oonneoted witb Weed ft Baker's axe manufactory, was burned this morning. Loss $50,000. Osckola, Pa., May 21 Night Hundreds of people here are homeless. A large number of cars and a trestle on the railroad have been burned. The BhiDtnent of oo&l will be aunbanded for ten day. Norwalk, Vt., May 21 Night The iairnold Fire lusurauoo- Com- any's 'building hat been burned. ioss $60,000. - " 7 EUROPE. FRENCH ' COMMISSIONERS TO THE CENTENNIAL. A PROPOSITION TO CENTENNI- ALIZE FRANCE'S REVENGE. THE CARLISTS CLAIM A VIC TOBY. GERMANY AND THE BELGIANS. Pabib, May 21 Noon. Two Com missioners, one a resident of France, and the other a resident of America, were appointed to represent France in tbe Centennial. The Commission ask for six hundred thousand francs for expenses.' Munich, May 21 Noon. Ex-Queen Amelia, widow of the late King of Saxony, is dead. London, May 21 Noon. Dudley Baxter it dead. Paris, May 21 Noon. An article which atroearedin the-f'toarofsiurirest- ing that the revenge of France be post poned one hundred years, causes great sensation, it is asserted by tne ia- berte that the article has been made the subject of Cabinet discussion. Hbndatb, May 21 Noon. There has been two days' fighting near flio town of Valmaseuda. Tbe Carlists ocoupied Usurbi Ario, from which tbe Alfolsist troops retreated with heavy loss. London, May 21 Noon. A corres nondent of the Daily Telegraph re porta that the German Amliussador at Brussels bos been instructed to re quest the Belgian government to pro bibitthe religious processions, and says -,. the object ol the manoeuvre is the over throw of tbe" Belgian Cabinet. Tbe correspondent guarantees the accuracy of the report. General Kaufmann has returned to Frinkestan and resumed tbe Governor ship. MUSSOU1U. THE SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE NORTHERN C3UECH. N O AD JUSTMENT OF DIF- , .. i FERENCES. St Louts, May 21 Night Tbe General Assembly of the Presbyterian (jnuron outn met again Urn morn ing. Moderator Hoge in tbe Chair, The usual Standing Committees were appointed nod the Committee of Suv tenanoe made tneir report Rev. Wm. Brown, D. D., Chairman of the Committee on Friend y Rela tions between the 'Korthorn and Southern Churches, mode a lengthy report, whioh was laid over for further e Msidorotipn. The gist of the report seems to lie in the following passage: In a communication from Rev.- Wm, Brown"1 Ohairman ' of the Bonthorn Committee to Rev. Dr. . Nioools, Chairman of the Northern Committee, he says: "If your Assembly oould see its way clear to say a few plain words to this effect, that these obnoxious things were said and douo iu times of great exoitemout; that they are to be regretted, and that now, iu a calm view, the imputiitiona cast n pen the Southern Church are disapproved, that would end the ditlicnlty at ouoe." Iu reply to this Dr. Nioools says: "We cannot make this recomendatiou to our Assembly for tho reason that we are still of dwided conviction that its action for the last four years, so fully cited to yon in i ur communica tion, constitutes sufficient ground for fraternal correHpondeuce." Dr. Nich ols thin reiterates that all the acts and deliveruuoes of the Northern Assem blies of whioh you eouiplain are wholly null and void and "of no bind ing Alliwcy as judgments of the church we r. preseiit or as rules of proceeding for its Presbyteries and church serious; that iu so far as they or any of them can be VupjHOaed to impart any injurious imputations iix n the present etiarncter aud htauding of churches and uii'mlers of th South ern Anseiiilily us Christians or Precis teriaiis such an application of them would be unjust to you aud would be disapproved and regretted by'nsjthat tue acts aud deliverauoea of Norlheru -Assemblies of whioh you complain were made in peculiar tiint-s atiu under strange aud uudur , exciting circumstaucee, when the pashions and feelings of men aero profoundly moved ; that, as acts of Assemblies, which we do not represent, we cannot sit n judgment upon tuein, nor express any opinion as to their character; that we feel com petent to express the desire that they be considered by you in the same spirit of charity aud Christian forgiveness which we trust those people, whom we represetit, will exercise towards any tuuig to which they may object in the proceedings of the Southern Assem bly. To this the uov. Mr. Bi own re plied: "The grievances of which we complain, aud which we desire to see removed, lie at preseut back of the present, and an adjustment which en tirely ignores the past, is unsatisfac tory." This virtually closed the con troversy. HEADQUARTERS. ESCAPE OF A COUNTERFEITER IN TEXAS. THE OVERWORKED PRESIDENT GOING TO LONG BRANCH. Washington, May 21 Night A dispatch received last evening at the Secret Servioe Bureau, from. Tyler, Texas, states that the notorious coun terfeiter, Fete Maourtney, had again escaped from custody while being con veyed by U. a. Marshal rumen from Tyler to Austin. The I'resulont leaves lor Long Branch June 3rd. Cameron Burnside, of Philadelphia, a nephew of Senator Cameron, and Otis G. Tiffany, of this city and a son Rev. Dr. Till any, have been appointed assistant paymasters in the navy. Chppped hands are very common with those who have their hands much in water. A few-drops of Joonton's Anodyne Liniment rubbed over tbe hands two or three times a dor, will keep them soft and white. Fisher men, sailors, and others will do well to remember this. The Titties says Dr. Walpole has lost his beautiful ohe&tuut mare. She died suddenly in harness, it is sup posed from bots or pin worms. If the Doctor had used Sheridan's Cav airy Condition J'oicdcr, he would, no doubt, have had his mare to-day they are death to worms. Our living and OurDcad. Prosoectus of 2nd Volume. Nswdkkh.N. O., AugnwlO, 187. ' "Org l.ivmo amd Our Dhad" will here- alter be published a. a Semi-Monthly Main line, containing 48 fages of reading matter, at per ver In advance. for tbe information ol those who are not fa miliar with till, tintornrliie, 1 .fate tbat the -met onjoct ot tne MRgaKin win do to pnnnsn the Itccori that North Oarollnaand her gal I nut soldier. made in the late "War between the States," to gather tbe material for the one ot tne future ni.'orian. and to perpetuate tne memory of thorn hravn men, officer, and private., living or d-ad, who shed Imperishable gory anon inctr native mate. In addition to the War Rmoitn or Noiith Carolina. the Magaiine will contain .kcfc'ie. of every HPCtioi, countv, city and town Of the State, written by competent and well-inform ed persons, ViutmaHnif it pre-fminrntly a SlaU prriadtail, in i all clatttt qf our eiliirnt thnuld lakr inl're.tt and priilr. '1'he MAgaxIne will take the place of the newspaper, having same title, published by m i'nrtnftne part- twfdvfl months. The Brut number will be issued Wednesday, September fltli, 1874. In the meantime, I re. .pertfullv ask old subscribers who desire to re new their subscriptions, and all Others who wish the Magazine, to rrmil promptly, as the oliangD and improvements require considerable outlay, and reau mimey i needed. 8. D. POOL Address, till rnrthcr notice, "Oca tiivma aud Our I'rad," Ncwbern, N. t)., or Raleigh, North Carolina. Kxchanges will p!ea copy. ani l IM Christian Advocate RALEIGH, N. C. Rev. J. B. Bobbit. Editor & PabliiM ; ESTABLISHED IN 1855. Hasths -I.araeat Circulation la (he NUrte. Devoted to Religion, Literature, Hclenoe, New., and General Intelllgonc. At t he Ora-an of the IS. C. Conference tbe in. E. Ctaarch, Nontb. It has its support, and tbe continued aid IU Ministers, (all of whom are agftntr) toward Increasing It circulation. We olTur no premium.', Tbe Advou.ti stand, upon Its Intrinxlo luurlls. Whlio It Is Methodletlo In doctrine,! wil oontain now. from allChorches, so s. to make it a welcome vlxitor to the Intelligent reader, of all denomination.. Its wide and luorcing circulation make.lt a Most Excellent Medium for Jiutinett tar Term., f or month.- a ndyancr: fl 00 I. ..17 Bacon and S. H. Molasses. SO Bones m iked Side! atiit Shnnlden, 100 n. 8. Hide, and Shoulder., 90 Hhda, 8. H Wol.sse., 400 Hbli. S. H. llolawtea, for sale by KKUUHNBK A CAI.DEB BBON may 6 108 DIED. Teerday artvraooa, Mav Strt, GKOMOI RAHHIS!t CAKH.eoaer Ur IhonuB. ana Caroline N . Varr, aged I m until, and M daya. The friend, ot th family are invit.d to at tend the funeral Ul aiternooa, at e'elook, from thlr midenee on Market etreet, tbeaee to OekdaleUtBetery. Oa the of tola ..Mith, at Atm, Pitt enuuty, LIZZIR. daughta of Colonel JoMpt H. and Fanni. O. Saandere, gd I yeare, t niiiiki and 4 daye. NEW ADTIBTISBffiTTl CR0SSE& BLAGKWEIL'S ' PICKLES. pRKSIEDOORM BBKF. Large Mo. 1 Shore Mackerel. Orange., Lemoaf, Kate, U audita, Ae. H. W. BHUBE, A'o. 81 A", front i'rwt may ti IU A Mystery Unexplained. The Publio are astonished and all exclaim how remarkably cheap you can buy CLOTHING. OENTS' TURNISH. INQ Q00D8, Aa, at Q A. DAVIDS, Merchant Tailor and Clothier, may i in For Sale! A STEAM BOILER, raltable for an engine or at. or eight horn power. It can be wen at tbe County Workhooae. Haying no Hue for the num It will be auld at a low Igare. Apply to JAMBS WILSON, Chairman Boaid of County Commlanon.r.. may ti UMf Strawberry Ice Cream S)INB APPLK ICS CKKAM, VanUla Ice ream, Lemon Ioe Oreaau All of the above delioloos flavor, enn be bad at J. O. Lnmeden'i Ice Oream Parlor, every day. Parties wishing Ioe Cream for Sinday din ner will please order on Satutd.y. nay.tS lU-tf-nad J HE&EBT give notice to nay patron, that mj ttors will be oioeea oa Oeatennlei Day., ::.z:z o. h w. bctnqe, : N. E. Corner Market and Seoond 8 te. mayM lltf TIIEADDBES8 or THE Hon. Wm, A Graham OK THE MccMute Declaration oTMcpiICQoe Of the tDth of May, 1TTS, Delivered at Charlotte en the 4th day of MAT, 1979. Bound In Cloth L Paper, t5 Cents. rr For sale at HEINSBBBOEK'9. . T HE ODD TRUMP, A Novel. JnMont and for ealeat HEINODEROER'Q Live Book and Mnaie Store, may IS 11T Received this Day The fourth lot of tboee long handled Cotton Him,., the beat and eheaneaf ever brought to this market. Also have a fine aesortmeut of Farmer.' Hardware of every description and at price, that will give satisfaction, at the Old Established Hardware ueaee or JOHN DAWSON, No. , M end 11 Market Street, may l HI AGriiFairEicrii Will take plaoe nnder the ansplces of the loan Catholic frlend'a Hoclety-, To Smlthville and return per Steamer GOV WOKTH, on Tuesday, the 2Btb lnet Ticket, for gentleman, SI OS each; tor lady or child, ou cent eaon. The boat will leave the wharf, foot of Mar' ket etreet, promptly at 8 o'clock. Good mu.lo hae been engaged lor tbe oocaasloh. The Committee reserve, tho right to exelnde all objectionable persona. Ticket, may be procured at the store, of, I. H. Allen, L. Brown and J H. MaGarityACo. , may 18 1H-1S, U, 33, M, S THE MYOTERY Explained! At 29 North Front 8tret)t, WILMINGTON, K. O. may S 107-Sw Congress Water. Heltser Aperient, Freeh Beldllti Powder., Brown'. Ginger, Florida Water, Comb.. Brushes, Toilet Soepe, (a largo variety) and Fancy Articles. For sale by JAMES. O. MDNDB, Vrsggltt, Third at., OppoeiM uuy nan may It 117 New Arrivals. TLOUB in Whole and Half Barrels. Bottled Lager Beer G. H. W. BUNGE, N. B, Oocner of Market and Beoond Stn. may If 11 Our Extremely LOW PRICES are fart eelllng onr Stock of OLOTHINO. Never before oould Wilmington lane buy Good to cheap. WHITE DUCK SUITS, BROWN DUCK BUTTS, DUSTEBS, Ao, IvlUNSOKT &s, CO. C1TT CLOTHIBBo. may It 118 liAUAta aepeoi.iiy at tbe OU BMAIt OFFICE. KXW ADVESTISX VIST. 22. Preserve Your Carpets and Other Woolens WITH OUB l Country Tavist AXO OTHEB TODACCO COODS FOR THAT AhD OTHER PURPC8IS. 'By D. PIQOTT, may II lit 01 rpHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE eaieUng between 0. J. Boakowlti and George Lleher, trading nnder the name and etjleof Botkiwlli a Lteber, la hereby dhnolved by metual eonaeot. All partlee baying claim' aialnet tbe under- elgned Srm preeent to Georg Llvbar, who will attie me aame, ana all par tie. unwilled win make payment to Geo. IJeher, who alone ha. the right to collect and pay the debt, of the nrm C.J, BOSKOW1TE, O.L1EBER. may II 111 It ttio All wm, JAMES A FRAZIER, Trop'r. rjlHIS CBUCBBATED WATERING place, the home of the Invalid I The plaoe for pleae- ureteeker.l Open Jnlet,wlthacapaol- ty for too. Gome la lime for the Grand "Bel Maeque" and Carnival, with free Champagne upper. may IS 11T eod tw For Sale! THE Steam Engine and Boiler, all eomplete and In perfect order, now running my Mill ana Machine annp. capacity about 40 to so bora rower end admirably adapted far Saw Mill., Grl.t Mill, or any other purpoee for which power I needed. Wilmington, M. O., May IS, 117S. may is 119-lw Office of County Commissioners, Now Hanover County. WanmoTOB, N. C-, May 17th, 1175. In nnrauanse of Section IS of "An Act to BaiM Revenue." ratlfled February I.th. 1174, and Section IT of an act known a. the "Ma. ehlnery Act," ratified the 12d day or Maoch, 1N7S, the Board of Oounty Oovmlaslonereor Mew Hanover eoumy met to-nay ai ie uoun Hone In the eity of Wilmington for the pur poee named la mM aota, and nay taken a re- onnu HoaeuLf, tho Mtk SUhf ! Wy, IMS, at whloa time the Oommleneaeri will preneed to revise the tu Uete and valuation reported to them and eomplete th. llrt. by computing the tax payable by eaeb pereon and aftlting th. eaa.oppo.lte hie name.- The eeomioa of the Board will eon tin ae for the Ipeoe of TBHXB WORKING DATS. The Board will hear all pereon. objecting to the valuation of their property or to the amount of tax ebarged against them. The Board bee a right to alee valuation, of pro perty tbat may be unreasonably low and tor that purpose are empowered to summon and examine wltneeeeo. After the tax Uts are made up and placed In the hand, of tbe Sheriff it will be almoat Im possible to make oorrectlotu. All faults must be considered the fault, of tbe tax pater. themaelveo. and notice 1. hereby liven that no alterations will be made alter the time expires except In ac outdance with tbe strict letter or tne law. JAMES WILSON, Chairman Board of County Commissioners, may 18 117-lw Choice Small Guts of Smoked Beef, FINE LARGE BEEF TONGUES, null Extra Bngdr Cured pig Hams and Shoulders, Large Mess and No 1 Mackerel, fresh Goods OTorir Rteatner ataitf bp Atlantic Coast LIbo, OHAS. D. MYERS A CO., I esT North Front St WHO ALSO HAVE ANOTHER LARGE INVOIOBOF FRANKFURTER'S USER BEER. Finest Stock Imparled. Ladles and Invalids will enjoy it. Dyspepsia Oraokers, Fingers' Ginger Bread, Cream Nats, Milk and English Biscuit Oar Stores are on North Front St., Nob. S and 7 CHAS. D. MYERS A CO. may 16 ll-2t Escaped Convicts. We will pay a reward of SIS each for such Information as will lead to the capture of any eeavict. eeoaped from the New Hanover Conn, ty Work Hon, slnoe tbe ear 1S7S. Add revs, by letter or telegraph, MATHES A CO., 8u- SerlntendentsofNew Hanover County Work ones, Wilmington, N. O. mays ' IQS-tf Trunks Repaired and Covered All kinds of Saddlery repairing don. prompt ly at moderate price.. A full Mock of Saddles, Bar nee.. Trunks, Bags and Satchels, Collars, Hemes, Chains, Saddle Oloths, Whips, Spur., OnrryOomb., Horse Brash.., Stall Strap., Feather Dusters, Maddlery Hardware, Leather, Axle Grease, Meats Foot Oil, Lap Robes, Ae. CARPENTER A MALLARD, Huooeeaprs to J. B. TOPHAM A 00., No. I outb'Pront Street, Wilmington, V. 0. may 111-tf I EaTBlMs Say Hccclrci A N OTHER SUPPLY OP THOSE RAND A. sewed. Maobine sewed and Cable. Wire Boi-Toe I yOw quarter Shoe, of varlone styles, Alee Gents Goat S'rap Ties and NnllL Sera, Ladies Slippers )n great variety, from 1 and upwards. Misses aud Children's Shoee a specialty. N. B. Ladies Bronae Slippers only SI. CHARLES A. PRICE, No. St Market St. , Sign of .the Goldea Boot Stay MS MISCELLANEOUS f T T" Choicest Extra Imperial and English Breakfast Teas At the L wet Prtoee. Very fine OOLONU AND UMPfKlAL TBA8 at SOOeata per pound. Sample, given away and sent to any part of (he olty . CLARET WINES from 1 toSU per case. J IMPORTED BRANDT 14 to SIS per gatlca i I Daft Gordon and Cr -wn Sherry. Blue Urasi ami Kentucky Gta Whiskey at SI and 8 per gallon. Tbe very choloestor WlNFJamt MyCOHS for table and medlelnal use In the Si ate. Just In to-day our fresh supply of l ooked ( ornteo Boot. "Beat Butter In the World." "New Proceee Empire Flour." For sale only at GKO MTEHB', It A 13 South Front St. mavis lit NEWSPAPER DIEaCTOEY. It In eortaiaip ol Ameri can Itlagaalnrs Ktprtu, Rutalo, N. t . It preeent popularity In) Ibere attlt ol ptiro snerlt." Cmnntmal, 1'iUt beryt, , " There le not a dull paare between IU coven ."-If. P. Tifiut. " A moelel serlolceil.,'-rai trtu Why not Subaorlbs) for THE GALAXY FOR 1870. ITISTRS BIST AMERICAN MAGAZINE. Mo family ean afford to do wtihout It IT GIVES MOREOOOD AND A ITK AC TIVE BEADING MATTER POR THE MONET THAN AMY OTHEB PERI ODICAL OB BOOK PUBLISHED . '; 1M TBB OOCB'tBT.s , f A New Serial bl Mm. Annie Edwards, LEAH, A WOMAN OF FASHION, ' kBaKenm snavAltal jus I mauwH. ai a Rtnr hv Prof. H. H. BOTEHRN. A Norseman's Pilgrimage, I n th niixt No. will b coTnmffTirfvl JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S NEW SERIAL Dear Lady Disdain. A series of ArUalee by Prominent Noulli mere, on the CONFEDERATE SIDE OF THE WAR Not Controversial, will soon be eom menoed. , Interesting Sketches andSterlee In each No. by uoh writers as BlUUAHIl GRANT WH1TK, ALBKHT HHODKS, nr.NKY janr.d, jr., uuniun nr.nm BROWNE, KOHE TKKHT, Hit HAR KIMHALLandalltbe .tail of BRILLIANT WH1TKRS which the Gat.Atr ha. attracted to itself, and who have made a bright mark on our enrrent literature. THE SCIENTIFIC MISDKLLANT, each month, is worth the price the Magaslne, Who would not rive .00 to eoure such a monthly vlsltan for the year I87P Subscribe at Once. Send for onr full Prospectus, WE PRE-PAY THE P08TA0E It san be had, with either Harper's Weekly or "Baser or "Appleton'. Weekly," for SHELDON & COMPANY, t New York The Spirit of the South I. the eldVsl newspaper published In Bock- Ingham and ua. the largest circulation ot any paper puniisiua in tne roe im couuiry, oe lim read each week by at lout 1,000 rnoVLR making It the btit adtertitinf mediim. In toll- tic It u rm, matpetuuni ana rtarun, in or gan of no party or ellque, but I. tke champion or me reopie's mgnie, oeing uiorouguiy oo voted to the best Interest. of all. Subsorlptlon, only f 2 a year, free of postage Specimen oople. mailed free on application. Bates of advertising very reasonable, Address .''' , SPIRIT OP THB 80UTH, Rockingham, N. 0. march II 60-ff SHEIiBY BINDER, ' Published weekly, at SHELBY, Cleveland County. N. Cat SI DO per annum, In ad vanea: has a larce and rapidly inor.aslni cir culation to nearly mil the counties West of Meokleabnrg. A lao, an extensive cirouietion in tae oountle. of BtHirtanburc. York and TTnton, S.O. Hai just been enlarged from a twantv to a Uilrtv-two column, and Is now adorned with an entire w drees. Iti potUict art Itomooratu t ne Carolina central naiiway beliia now oomnleted through to Wilmington, and Shelby being the Western terminus, the ifamsr m a most excellent advertising meui am. Xat$ wuitraU. DURHAM A WEBB. Elltort and Proprietor a feb Ift-tf THE RALEIGH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY rVSLISHXD BT STONE t UZZELL. DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS of tbe State of North Carolina-to the suoceer of the Ooneeryatlve party, the devel. opment of the hidden wealth of tne State, the Inviting emigration Into our midst, and ad. vaneement of tbe welfare of our people In everything that serve, to make a State proper ons and Independent. Its ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be found of great advantage, as both tbe Daily and Weekly eiroulate largely In every portion of the State. Bates moderate. BTJPSOBIPTIOH BATE8 1 ' ' Daily, One Year ST Ot Weekly, ' I Subscribe -for 1874. , STONE UZZELL, . , IProi rletor ants - ' M itRlKssuabw'wluA QOTTKM Ur and printed the JOUBMAL iriOB, SEW ADVERTISEMEM8. 45. 45 MARKET BROWN & We are still aJdiug to onr Intensive Assortmout o! mmm dry goods; 1 - ! Being fully aware that smalt profit make quick returns, wo bare marked onr whole stock ao that any ana erery oue can pluiuly see we are in eaniMl and mean bnainew. We only desire thrma who are in want of anything in our Hue to giro us a call in1 order to satisfy tlietnadvns. We are never airaidof showing onr goods, or of comparing thorn with auy, We call particular at tention to the following list : HTKITED HUMMIIH 8ILKH mlnotul to (J2J Cents. J ; ; lllack Hernanios snd (Ironadinps from IS CenK Colored Htripe snd Fignrpd Grcna linos ltl 31-3 oeuts, " Grey I)e Uhros 20 Cents. -Our stock of Dies (roods is largo snd we olTor Uiuui as low as they can be bought iu auy Northorn teaikrt. (4KNTH I'UlISlMHINi UlOl'AItTIKNT. White Dreas Khirts, CuIih, Collars, Joan Drawers, Gauze UnderYcsts, Drit iMh Half Hoao, lilcached and Htripetl do., iu fact everything thai belongs to noh a Department, LINEN AND DOMESTICS. Bleaohotl and ITnbloAehed Daninnka lu I'ower snd ITutid Loom, Cotton and Linen Diarwrs, llomitn and I'illow Case Linens, Linen ' Sheeting, Chamltier. and Hath Towels, Napkin, Doilies, Htir Linoua, Crashes, Ae.- . LADfEH 1I08IEUY, (1LOVF.S AND QAUZE UNUEUWEAlt. L'lama Lshi Hactpiea and I'oititi ; Laon Hhawla 75 ots., a bargnin ; rjtripod and Flain Mhetlaud Hhawla ; Nottingham for Curtains ; Mnehlue Neodlus 5 ots. each. Hoto Agents for FKANK LESLIE'S I'Al'EH l'ATTEUNS. ! BROWN & RODDICK, ....... i .1 . may lii MORE PAHTICULAKS ! . MT ASKORTMKNT IS HOW COMPLETE IN ALL THE DIFFERENT LINES. My customers lave shown their appreciation of my LOW rKICEiJ by tkeir liberal pnrcliasos, for which I'm thankful. STllANOEIiS not posted, and desiring the value of their munrit can - AT M.M.EATZ'S, LIVERPOOL anil LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO.) ' Aseu (Gold) 826,740, 1 60.76. HAMBURO (Biwnen) INSURANCE CO, AaseU (Gold) 82,200,000. MOBILE UNDKllWUITEllS AGENCY Aunts 81(200,000, JNO. W. GORDON, ; Agent. may it llT-lm Seasonable Goods. J J, 108 CHBaM "'BBBZsIBSi ttie beat'blng out. ' ' ' I,awn Mower.. rishlng role., TaoUe, Bobs, Jlo. 4 For sale low by., " GEO. A. FECK, may IS "- Bacon ! Bacon ! 100 H mis. and Bo ie. I.8. Bides, ' SA ' " D. 8. Shoulder., . ,U i, ii w BmokcAHIdea, in " " " Shoulders, SO Bbls, Pk. t;it;,rr ,. -m For sale by KEBOBNKK A OALDEB BEOS Spirit Casks and Hoop Iron BP1BIT CASKS, " 1,000 Buudles Hoop Iron, ( 200 Papers Rivets. For sale by KXBOHNBB A OALDEB BBOB Molasses ! Molasses ! 209 Hbds. New Crop Oaba Molasses, 60 " S. H. Molasses, . 100 Bbls New Crop Cuba Molasses, 24MI H. H. Molamee, SO Panohson Uemerara Molaeie.. For sale by , KKKUHNKR OALDEttj BROS, Flonrl Flour I 1000 BBLB L0Ult' 1 For sale by 11 KEROBNIB A OALUEK BROS, may IS lo , Shades ittiitt, A LAROK STOCK 07 NEW 8TTLB8 Just loelysd aud far sals at titxemely reduced prices to suit the hard tunel,by T ' U D. A. SMITH A CO. maitt, m-ti 45. EODDIOK 45 Market Street ... i,j US f t; te, r,i 1 .,ti-.1 auet iu ' l . i i- ; lit r i tt V 4 got it by culling . - , t,. 36 Market Sti ChromosC , T t " A floe colleution of Beautlfal Chtomol aud Colored Ulhogi aulu, at the CITT BOOK BTOBE. '"' Bibles and Prayer Books.; ...... ..'!'J'.'J The most oomplete stock In the elty of Fam-- I f f '. : lly and small B'bles, Prayer Books, Hymaals, and Prayers and Hymnals In ease, AT '' ' CONOLEI & lATES',1"., . . City Book and Musio Store "i may tf , ..4J; ... ,. , a- v . US 4 The Charlotte Observer.' The only morning dally paper published 1n the State west of Balelgh and North or WO. mington, efl'era special Induoement. to edyer- User. It. clroulatloo, slu and uscf ulneat -hays been largely Increased dnrtng the year ' just past, and it aow reaches most 01 the Mer- chants of Western North Uaiolina, thus oiler-'. Ing an anborpaieed median of eommanloav" tlon between the Morchsntsof Wiimlngtonand the people of Western Motlb Oarolliia, tikhs o soBscaiPTios : Dally.............. S3 00 per Sanaa, t Weekly.......... ,ttO " i'l' .m t " tar AdTsrtislng yery low. W. l.i -J ' SPECIAL NOTICE. , During the Centennial Celebration large edl-1 tlon. or this napec will be priated daily and n.t such adrertUing medium will so bt offered to) ) ASIf Wilmington ' ' : i IS ALIVE TO HER INTERESTS in East,, Carolina, her business men will sdyer Use lu, THE WASHINGTON ECUO.I a large and well established weekly newrpej t nor, oireiilatlrig extensively In tie couutius o ,1 Hyde,' Beaalort, Pamlico,' Pitt, Kdgoconibej and those aJJoiulng. Rates JUw. " ' " Watr. P. WritiAMso,5 ' , R. Oaanona, Late of T ar boro. of Washington . t . editor. and Proprietors. n-. v i ) otll " ' , Starcopy. , jSSO-U-f Cottage, Bedstea'ds . r ,s - ww Styles. Just recetyed and for M" low Jtu loU j' to suit J rs,-'',; .WvfW . irl ' i f; , , f ,. '. ;,( f ':fre . Q - t. Mil - , : ) :, , - - t" '' : !' t