o r-1 VOL XXIV. HO. 123. v7iumiQT0ir. n. c. suitday. hay 23. 1875. WHOLE 110. 0.837.' ill r- i -v. i : I 1W I t piiln faiiraal. SUNDAY, MAY 23. 1875. . WLLMLNQTON. N . C. : BY TELEGRAPH. EUItOPK CHURCH TROUBLES IN ITALY. CRISIS "IS THE BELGIAN . (h-V- CABINET. London, May 22 Noon. A dispatch to tbe Standard from Rome says : The Italian govern men has ordered the removal of all Bishops who have not reoeived the royal exequatur endow ing their appointments. Tho Arch biBbop of Palermo has already been no tilled to leave his Soo. It haa been reported that the Belgian Cabinet la in an extremely diJhoul po sition and that a oriis is immiutmt. The trouble, it is said, is owingjto the pressure or tbe UHramoutanee. THE FIWK FIEAD. THREE VILLAGES IN PENNSIL- ' YANIA DESTROYED. THE AMERICAN SWITZERLAND INFLAMES. LATEST FROM OSCEOLA. ScrAjiton. Pens., May 22 Noon The school bouse and nearly ah the residences in the villages of Ever green, tttoddardtaville aud Uoldsbo rough hare been burned. Thousands of acres of forest are flaming. Other settlement and saw mills are threat ened. Three miles of the Feminylva nia Coal Companv'a cravitv mad on the oolebratea highland range, twelve miles from ocranton. are destroved. and the immense coal and paawuger traffic completely barred. k Without rain 1,400 square miles of forest lands are doomed. This latter, from its beauty, ia known as the American Switzerland. Washington, May 22 Night The latest from the burning woods reports that the wind is abating with a pros pect of raiaui.' j Osokola, May 22 Night The Methodist aod Oatholio churches. with a few buildings In their vioiuity were saved. The restoi the town is utterly destroyed. Abont 1,500 people lost t everything. Ia the village of Hontz dale 100 woodmen lost their homes. The losses will reach $3,000,000. The fire swept ten townships in Pike coun ty. The fire originated by tramps set- . ting fire to that ., YllltilMA. THROUGH CARS FROM BALTI MORE TO NEW ORLEANS. ACCIDENT TO THE TRAIN CON VEYING THE RICHMOND MILITARY FROM THE CENTENNIAL., Washington, May 22 Noon The Virginia Midland Railroad, and its connections via Lynchburg, East Ten nessee and Atlanta, inaugurate a fast schedule to-day between New Orleans and New York. The patent steam lifter at Lynchburg, by which tbe trucks of through oars will be changed in seven minutes, will be in operation on the 1st of June, when the line will aooomplish the unprecedented feat of running through cars from New Orleans, on the (mlf of Mexico, to Baltimore, on the Chesapeake Bay. Richmond, , May 22 Night The special train on the Piedmont Air Line returning from the Meckleuburg Cen tennial with the Richmond military, was nntracked last night near South Bos' on, Va. Two flat cars, carrying the guns of the Richmond Howitzers, and the baggage oaf were smashed. Five soldiers were injured but none seriously, - : : OHIO. THE PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY V,',: -k IN SESSION. A RESOLUTION, OF RECON CILIATION INTRODUCED. Cleveland, May 22 Night Jn tho morning session of the Presbyterian Assembly Rev. Robert Hayes, of Stenbensvillp Presbytery, preiented the following preample and resolution: Whereof, the General Alterably of the - Presbyterian Church earnestly desire to enter into fraternal oorrecpondeLce with the General Assembly of the Presbjterjan Church South, and whereas theoauses which prevent snali aloorreapondenoe are certain deliver ances 'of both bodies which now, happily united, constitute the General Assembly passed during the exciting scenes of the late civil war, and whereas the General Assembly, rtgret ting that these acts complained of stand in ' the way of close relations with the General Assembly of the South by their interpretation of concurrent resolutions and by their expressing confidence in the Christian oharacter of .the Presbyterian Church South withdraw these injurious deliverance indirectly and by way of inference, and whereas, what the General As sembly has done indirectly they shonld do directly by an affirmative action when the glory of God and the inter est of the Church of Jesus Christ's KingtJow require such a prooeedurej therefore, Rewlved, That all acta and deliver anoes of both bodies now forming the Presbyterian Churoh beforo their Union, reflecting injuries npon the Christian character of the Presbyte rian Chutcu South be, and hereby are declared, inoperative and void, and that the Churoh compl aiaing ia hereby relieved of all such grievances under wbu'h they Lave been laboring. The retention was laid ou the tablo but was Rabat iiueutly taken up and rt-fi rrod to the Committee on Billa and Overtures. The Conference Committee's repor. wan made the special order for Mon day afternoon. - IIEADQUAHTEUS. SYSTEM OF NEW REGISTERED POUCHES. THE SUPREME LODGE OF KNIGHTS OF PITUIAS. SOME RESULTS OF THE WHIS KEY FRAUDS. Washington, May 22. Night. The system of tho new regintered pouches will be inaugurated as soon as tho locks, keys, blank, &o , can bo dibtribnted, and will start simultane ously from the following cities by the 15th f June, it is expected : Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, New Orleans, Chicago, Han Francis co, Cincinnati and St. Louis. Tho Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias have decided to hold its next session in .Philadelphia the 4th iuemlay in August, Jo7l). A commit tee of thirteen, was appointed to make arrangements for the Ceutennial cele bration in Philadelphia, and tbe 19th of February was established as the auniversiy of tno order and a day of celebration. : A oomraittoe of throe was appointed to prep. re a new man ual, with instructions to report at the next session of the Supreme Lodge. The Supreme Chancellor was author- zed to take steps to establish tbe or der in foreign couutries.:. j ; . 1 lie President this morning appoint ed Ferdiuan Meyer to be Supervisor of Internal Revenuo for the; States of Missouri, Kentucky. Arkansas and Texas and the Indian and New Mexico Territories, vice MoDouald, removed. He also signed the oommissionof Asa C. Matthews to be Supervisor of In ternal Revenue for the States of Illi nois, Wisconsin and Michigan, vice Mann, removed. It s expected that Bovernl Collectors of Internal Revenue in those States will be removed ou Monday or Tuesdav next, ou account of developments growing out of the recently discovered whisky frauds. John H. Lightner has been appoint ed Revenue Collector for the St. Louis DmtricL vie MoGuire. it is reported that Gen.; Meiggs has three years leave, and that Gou. lngolls in the meantict will act as (Quartermaster Ueneral. STATE HEWS. There was any quantity of frost and ice visible around Rooky Mount one or two mornings of last week. . Mary Long, Gen. Ransom's raoing mare, won the sweepstakes at Char lotte on Wednesday against all com petitors. The Rooky Mount Mail savs: Mr. Henry Davis, a most worthy and re spected farmer of Nash, died sudden ly at his home near here lout night. lie was in town yesterday, apparently in perfect health. " The Louisburg Courier says: An old negro man named Fed Morris was found dead in town on Wednesday night, about 12 o'clock. A Coroner's inquest rendered a verdict that he enuie to his death from hemorrhage of the lungs. . The Rocky Mount Mail says : A man by the name of Fiemming was thrown from a buggy at Williams' churoh last Sunday and reoeived a se rious hurt. Both jaw bones were broken, but at last accounts he was alive. Whiskey was the causo of the mishap. The Milton Chronicle says: An old gentleman named McFarloy, hailing from the far West, passed through this town last week en route for Person county, expressly to review the scenes of his childhood, after an absenoe of seventy years. He was seven years old wbon he left, and is therefore seventy-seven years old. The Toisnot Transcript says : Since the 1st of January, the merohants of Toisnot have bought 7,800 dozea eggs. The most of these came from Nash county. Nash is said to be noted for its beautiful ladies, ugly men, game ohickens, and apple brandy. ' The Washington Eoho says: The store of Mr, J. M. Roberts, on Cho oowinity, in this county, was burned on Thursday night last, together with his stock of j;oods. The fire was dis covered by Mr. Roberts, who was sleeping in the store at the time, and who barely escaped with his life, in cendiary, Lobs not ascertained, The Raleigh News saysi The frees Assoc ation held a meeting at Char lotte on the 20th, and a committee was appointed by the President to draft resolutions of respect to the memory of their deceased follow member, Charles F. Harris. It was also re solved that the members of the Asso ciation wear the usual budge of mourn ing on the left arm for ' the spaoe of thirty days alter notioe of this resolu tion. Members of the Association will please oonform at once to the above. Tho Raleigh News says: We regret to learn that another accident occur red at Charlotte yesterday evening, in the liuleicu Artillery Company. Dur ing tbe firing of a salute yesterday, a young man named Bingham, in the employ of Messrs. Betts, Allen dk Co., pf this oity, had his right arm blown off by a premutare discharge of the gun. We are glad to learn, however, that his life is uot endangered by the accident, Ho who docs not sleep enough may be sure he is breaking the sixth com mandment. hich renuircth ad lawful oudeavors to preserve our own life, as well aa the uvea of others. thibcte or REsrairr. UA8TLI HALL. - Wiliot, m. o., im mj, ins. 1T5. rr. Wliiui, It has llHMd AlaUilT God la tb iUipiton f kk ufMboskbl itoia tu tentoT from ar BUM, In In aria of lir out brvllMr KbIkUI. ran UhaaMllOT Wllllla HolUndorf, w daoai U a duly dua, hot to Iba BMaaorjr at tba daoaaaad and aaraalvaa, la maka anlfaataa.raliioai fritt at kit aad aad aatimolr anil; toerarora t It Kturra, laat una uxiaa. tT u P U. William HotiaadorfT kaa loat oaa of iu oldeat mamttara; uaa wnuad nam ataada a ararad apoa tba Utiartar af tall Ladn aa oal ui Ita fsuiidara; oaa vaoaa mtmery aaall arar ebarlah,aad waaaa ganta) araaaaa aaa var ebterad and anlaiataU ua with a good reeling toward! oaa anotbar. of JtoM. That to fata aad paiaatt wa toadar u acauraao at oar aaap aaa Martial! ajav I iht la thatr boraaTamant. HKttolvtd, That a mortal mk af aar ra- (oiiu oa quit iRaeribaa to our daotaaad Broth er; loat ta iMg Hooat ha draped la uaura Inat. our charter remain earerrd with crana ad our mem hart wear tka utnal hadfa of nioiirmng fur the iimmo of tMrtr dart, aa a token of our high aaprfela'loo of bU good iar Tioo ana nw man aoo a4 viriae. Krmirrt tnallv. That there reaolntlent ba ruin Itheil ia the olty paixra, and a oopv of the unie be forwarded t tbe paranU af the de- CNura, iQHV H44R, Jl. r o.jo mm d. aoort. P. O. WM. JHO. Bl'HatAHN, uammitaeoc NZW ADVI1TI8IMI5T8. CIGARS g CENTS A PIECE AMD UPWARDS. . TOBACCOS I alngtaod naekagea,aad Hue tut. Furaalaat a. h w. ROMOit'a, N. K. Corner Market had Seoood Sta. mar u hi tr LOOK hT OUR Blue Flannel Suits, Klegautlj made oat of BTJPXBB TLAH MKL aarraated perfect. 1 LOOK AT OUB CHEVIOTSUITS ALL WOOL, at 11 Oalr. f Call aid But. MUNSON & CO., orrr clothiebs, may tS ias-tf We Haye Now in Store fJIHB BEST LOT OP IIBN'S AND WO- mea'i ererj day SHOES, inch el Mao'i beat Kip Brofani and Woman'! Baff and Pebble Bale and prioee low. Peraoai la want of theat Ooodi, at wl oleaale or retail, will do well to oall aod we them. Alwaji a good lupply of flenta, Ladlaa, Mlieei and Children) Ibaee en hand. P aiaoBM iTaaar. BTAJlS VoaOLAHK. nay SS , M C. D. DIIOOKt' Choice Stuffed Mangoes, QTTJFf BD PBPPBB8, VAHILT PICKLBS, aad a large variety of the beat Imparted sad Domestic Plcklei la the State. Freeh Parched aad Fresh Ground Jata tod Laguajra Ooffeee erery day. CHOICE FBI8H lamily fSupplleN to arrive Monday with our Juitly celebrated New ProctM Empire rlour and "BEST BUTTER IM THB WORLD." 10O,00 ' 104,000 OhB HUNDRED THOCIAND 8EOARS of the Best Brand, Imported and Domeetle, Try oar large and imall ,"Deflnoe" Began the popular bread In the State. BEEP TONGUES, j SMOKED BEEF, ORANGES, LEMONS, Silver Drips and New Orleans Syrups. The largest variety of FAKOT GRO CERIES in the State, at OCO. MYERS. II ft II South Front Street 1M may tS CORN ! CORN 1 400 BUSHBL8 BB loreeie by EJEttUUNKB A OAtOEB BROS Hay. Heal, Rice and Flour. SIM BALE8 CA8TERN BAT, too Buahela Water O round H.al, 60 Bbla. Kloe, 1,010 Bb i. Flour. For tale by KEUUUNEBA OALDBRBKUS. Oysters. Pickles, Peaches, Tomatoes. &c. M Ou t (I end t Ibi) Oyiteri, oo " tQt.aad Ft) Mcklea, re " (X and B lha. ) f eaohaa, M " f end S Iba. ) Tomatoee, ISO Lye and Poteen, too Bor.ee Tobaeeo, etc., ate. For aalo by KKRUHNKR m UALDBB BROS Hoop Iron, Glue and 10TONBMOOFIBOM, 00 Bbla. Ulue, ' .. no Spirit Caeke. . ,,, For ami by BKRCHMBB A CALDBJt BROS, KXW ALVEETISIMESr. Cold Pressed Beef! STA OABBB ALL SIZKS A Liuary-a Peli- eaay-a Maoaoatt. We are', Bale Afenta. CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., thorU Fronts t OZJD rASHIONED Ougrnir Loavom, BLIOUTLT OENTBMMlALt Were pal ap (poatlblj) la ma. We hare had theat a long time and hew (again) offer thai for tale. OLI AGENTS, CHAS 0. MYERS A CO., B A 7 North Front 8t Large Spanish Olives, OAPIM andOAPUCIMS. OLITBS PAKC1K8, CHAMPIGNONS, PETIT POIS, rtneet Table Clareli, Bauteratend Bhlne Wlnei. CHAS 0. MYERS & CO., Nrt rrMI Ht. Received this Day The fourth lot of than loas handled Oottoa Hoaa.the beat aud ebaaDeat ever hrooirhl to thla market. Alio hare a Bna aaaortaaaul of Parmera' Hardware of ererv deeorlptlon aui ai prioai that will glra latlaraouoa, at the Old CatabUahed Hardware Heuae of JOHN PAW8UH, Mot. II, W and U Market BUeet. majffl ua. Fifth Ward Backet Co, A meeln of Fifth Ward Independent Backet Company Ho. 1 will be held at their Truok Hoaee to-morrow (Monday) night, at 1 e'olook, urp. ... a. at. ano. Oaptala. may lK Ask Your Grocer won 1 ' Fresh Doited Water Ground Meal. If he doa't keep It tell him to go to Tm aaie at saaM prioe aa steam mm neai. OBANT it HINTON, Wboleaale raoari m Oemmlaaloa Merchant, mays ltt-dawtf Field, Coyer and Trap Shooting. By Oaft A. H. BooaBDOa. With Steel Portrait and engraving of the Ohamploa Medal." Fancy elampeJ eloth SI 00. A oompendlum of many yeariof eiperlenee, girlng hfati for aklllad markamen and Inatruo tlona for young 1 porta men, dnanriblng tbe kaonte and bablU of game bird, flight and re tort! of waterfowl, breeding and breaking of dogi, and everything of luurettto theiporla. man- The author la "champion wing-ehot of America," who knowi a gun aa Hiram Wood ruff kaew a horae. And he haa the name eare fnl and oompetent editor who put Woodruff'! Trotting Horae of Amerioa" Into ahape.Ohaa. J. F eater, 10 many yaara aportlng editor of WUkee 4tri(((khiNri. . Tor aale at 'may 21 HAUKIBIRQEB'S. 1U SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. C10SIM0 OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT OOB RETAIL BTOUB 1 GHreat Sarffains I9f LIMBN SHBBTINO from TS eU. aad 1 IS pee yard. Hoiamblquei T eta, per yard, SWISH IIUSL1N8, MO Ooaea Llnea Towel! aad Napklna, Irish and 0 man Lln.n bblrttngi, Cambric Haidkerchl.ri, MATT IHG8, White and Colored. SB Fleoei LINEN for Ladlei Trarellng Dreieei and Boji wear. ' " ' Large aatoitmentof Panama and BtrewHati for Children and Hen. We will commence on Monday to tell the shore snd will continue dally until the whole took le oloatd eat, tr Ladles are respectfully Invited to eall and examine oar stock, ai we know It will rr pay them. Ia future we intend to confine ear builneie to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring maySS lSB-tf A FLOATING OITY, AMD THI Blockade Rnnuer, By J ale. Verne. ALIOl LORRAINE. A Tale of the Booth Down. By U. It. Black mora. OCR DETACHMENT. A Novel. By K. King. SELECTED FOEMS. Illaetrated. Tea Oente per Dumber. "THE MAT QCEEK." By Alfred Tenny eon. "THB DEATH OF THE OLD TEAR," Ac AU for eel. at ... OONOLET k YATES', City Book and Musio Store. ws m NEW ADVERTISES ENTi. To Retail Piirctare of Hardware. We beg to eall your attention to oar larire B4 r ariei etock ot Hardware which wa hae a etora and are eontlnually reeeltlng, which we hare marked down to prleea tu ault tba rremure of I be time. Retail buy ere would do wall to purohaet Ihelr Haixlwara at our Store. OUESAMCRCHISON, M North Frent 8U marn Trunks Repaired and Covered All klntle of SxMlery reialrlng doae prompt- it ai moaeraia pricea. a iuii iuh ui aauuiaii, Harneai, Trunki, Haga and Hatehele, Collare, llamas Ohalni. Saddle t) lot ha, Wbli, Npure, oarryuomD. notee nruanee, ntau strapi, Feather Dnaten, Saddlery Hani ware, Leather A tie ureaae, neata root uu. Lap Hoitea, Ac. CARPENTER a MALLARD. MuccMr tu J. n. TOPHAM A CO . No. I SoathJProot Street, Wilmington, N. ?. may in-it I Hare is Da? Eccciyci A NOTHER SUPPLY OF THOfR HAND J. aswed. .Machine aewed and Cahlo-WIra liii-Toe Low-quarter Shore of - rarloti tylei Alio Oenta Moat Brap Tire and Nulll Sera, Idlea Sllnpera In great rarletr. from I and upwanla. Mlaeea and rlilldien Show a iiieelalty. N. B. Ladlei Bronaa HMiirenn'y SI. CMARLKN A. Pltli'R. No.M Market St ,Higa of the Uolden Hoit. may. ne A Mystery Unexplained. The Fublio sro astouinhoJ snJ all exolairu how remarkatilj chunp you can buy CLOTHING), GENTS' FURNISH' INQ GOODS, Ac, at A. DAVID'S, ' Morchftnt Tailor and Clothier, miyix , m Strawberry Ice Cream (ME AFPLH ICS CREAM, Vanilla Ire , Lemon loe Cream. AH of the above delloloua Baron oan bo had at J. 0. Lnmadoo'i lot Ur.am Parlor, erery day. Par Ilea winding Ine Cream tot Sunday din ner will plane order on Saturday. ( siaytr , lU-tf-ua-ed 01 rpUE OOPARTNERHHIP HERETOFORE eibtlng between 0. J. Boakowtti and George Ll.bor, trading ander tbe name and ityle of Boakowlts a Lleber, li hereby dtvolred by mutual oonaeut. All Dante, harlnl claim, amtnet th. under- lgn.d firm prawnt to Oeorge Lleber, who will eeuie uio aame, anu an parnee inueuma win make payment to Oeo. Lleber, who atone ba. th. rlihtio colleet aad nay the debta of tbe ' . G.LIEBEK. ayll - IIT-lt 22. Preserve Your Carpets and Other Woolens WITH OCR Country rFwlHt AND OTHER TOBACCO GOODS f OB THAT AbD OTBEll rUBPOSrS, By D. PIOOTT4 may. II For Sale ! TBI Steam Engine and Boiler, all complete and In perfect order, now running aiy Mill and Maculn. Simp. Oapaclty about 40 to M horae iwer and admirably adapted for Saw Mill., Orln Bill, or any other purpoee lor which power I needed. r. J. U)UI. Wilmington, N. O., Hay 19, 1175. may IS 1191 w Bacon, Sugary Coffee and Flour 60 Boxes D. 8. Sides k Shoulders, 60 Boxes Smoked Bides and Seoul dew, 100 Bbls. Reflnotl Sugar, 100 Bags Prime Rio Coffee, 1 Bbls. Floor all grades. For sale low by WILLIAMS k MUBCniSON. Hay, Hoop Iron, GUne and Syrup. . 600 Bales Prime N. B, Hay, 600 Bundles Hoop Iron, 100 Bbls. Glue, 76 Bbls. B. H. Syrup, .,0 For sale low by WILLIAMS k MUBCHISON, Spirit Barrels If ails PorkRice. 800 Second Hand Spirit Casks, 800 Kegs Nails, 60 Bbls. Mess Pork, 60 Bbls. Whole Rioe, For sale low by WILLIAMS k MUBCHISON. Molasses! Molasses! 200 Hhds. and Bbls. New Crop Cuba, For sale low by WILLIAMS k MUBCHISON. Crnano! Gnano ! 200 Tons Gnanape Onano, 200 Tons Eureka Guano, For tale low ay . WILLIAMS MCBCHIHON. 116 may 16 Escaped Convicts. mm tu ... m. Mward af Bin aaeh for each iiipui.ma w... ..ww - - j erarlcta eacaped from tbe Hew Hanover (Joan, ti Work Houne .lnoe tbe year lint. Addrein, by letter or telegraph, MATHKS A CO.. Su parlntenrionU of New Hanover Co.nty Work Houae, Wllolaf ton, . O. l.ru -.(..- lit lmA ik. MnrnMiifan. aaav a w w "Eublifu OA BtDNana V lalXINU xJAM. asvfoieity et th. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 45. 45 MARKET MM BEOWN & We are still adiling to our ExtouiiiTo AHBortmcut of C-SnEPtAL DRY GOODS. ling full awro that amall nroflU tuako quick rotnrns, we Lave marked our whole stock so that any ami everjr quo nan plainly see we are ia earnest and meau btimmw, Wn only tlt'sire tliOHO who are iu want of anything to our line to give us a call in (nltr to sntiRfr tlimolvtH. Wo are never a?raid of showing our gooils, or of oompariug thorn with any. Wo call partioular at tention to the following lint : STUH'El) HUMMKK SILKS rwlucoJ to (I2 Couts. Black llcrnauics ami (Ircimtlincs from LS Cent. Golorctl Stripe and Figured Qrt ua.lincs 1(1 2 3 ociiIh. Orry De llues Ccnu. Our stock of DrosH Ooods is lurtro and wo ollVr tlmni an low tat ihnw nan h bought in any Noitlurn maikct. OITNTN l lIltINlNIHNi IlH'AItT3fENT. White Dress Shirts, CufTx, Collurs, mh Half Hose, Bloaohud and Htritud such a Department. LINl'.N AND Bleached and llnMnnclut.l DunutHkn Linen Diapers. Bosom and Pillow Case and Bath Townls, Napkins, Doilies, Htir LtADlUn UOsIEHY, (ILOV Iin AND OAU.E UNDERWEAR. L'laraa Lace Huenuos and Points : Lnoe Hhawls 75 ots.. a barvain fitrinod and Plain Hhotlaud Hlmwls ; Nottingham for Curtains; Mftohine Needlos 5 ots. each. Bole Agouts for FRANK LESLIE'S PAPER PATfERNS. 1BR0WN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street- may 10 Jig MORE PARTIGULAESI MY AEHOMJIENT SPRIIuloIMl m 18 HOW IN ALL THE DIFFERENT, LINES. My onstomers have shown their appreciation of ray LOW PRICES by thoir liberal purchases, for which I'm thankful. ST1UNOERS not postod, aud desiring tfm value of their iiwnry, can M. M. KATZ'S, s aprll It UVERPOOL and LOUDON ant GL0BEIThe charlotte observer, INSURANCE CO.! AaseU ((iold) $26,740, 1 60.70. IIAMDUUO (Bremen) INSURANCE CO, , Ahkci ((iold) 82,200,000. MOBILE UNDERWRITERS AUENC1'. Assels 81,200,000. JNO. W. GORDON, Agent. nay 16 117-lm Cfflce of County Commissioners. J Mew Hanover County. WaatlMOTOM, N. 0.. May 17th, 18T0. fn nnraitanna nfHantlon IA nt "In 'Aat to I Ralw Km.niio," ratlfl.d February Kill, IK74, ana Seotlon 17 oran aot knuwn aa ine "a ohlnery Ant," ratified tho 2d day of Maocli, IH76, Ihe Board of County Conmlwtloneinof New Hanurer oounty net to-day at the Court Honee In the city or Wilmington tor the jiiir poaa named In aald acid, and hiive taken a r& oeM until ' ITIonday, tbe 'i ttta day of nay, IX? 3, 1 at whlen time tbe nommlmloneri will proooed to reriae tbe tax Hal a and valnatlon rriKirl ed to thetn and complete the Data by oomjuitlna; the tax iiayabla by eaob peraon and aillimg the .amerrppoalte bl. name. The mmion uf the Board will continue lor tho .pace of TRHEE WORKING DAYS. ' The Board will hear all neraon. oMnctiniito the ral nation of their iiroptirty or to the amonntof tax chanted asiiint thorn. The Board haa a right to - aim valuation, ot pros iierty that may be unreasonably low and tor that pur io e are empowered to lumnion and examine wltnexea. Alter the tax ll't. are madn up and placed In tbe hand, of the Bherlfl It will be almoBt Im- ponlble to make eoirectloni. All fault, must be eoBKldered the fault, of the tax paver themaplrea, and notice I. hereby (firen-tlmt no altoratlon. will be made altxir the tWe expire, except In accordance with the strict loiter oi toe law. JAMES WILSON, Chairman Board of County Commuwlonen. may IB 7-lw Seasonable Goods. J 1 ICE CUE AM FBEKZKII8, the beat ihlng out. Lawn Mower., ' richlng Pole., Tackle, Bob., io. for .ale low by . GEO. A. PECK. mayl LAKQB STOCK OF NKW STfLESJurt reoeived and for fftle ' at extremely reduced prloM to iult th bard times, by D. A. SMITH & CO. lHtf nayU 45. RODDICK .loan Drawers, Gansio Uridervesta, Brit- do., iu fact ovorvthincr that belonira to DOmESTIOS. in IViurnr and Ifniiil Tinm. rinttnn anil Linens. Linon Hheetinora. Chamber Linens, OraHhns, o. COMPLETE get it by colling , at- ; ' ' ' ' : 36 Market St, 93-tf The only morning dally paper published In tb.Htnto woKtoflUlol.u and North of Wil mington, oll'er. (ipecUl tuducem.nl. to tdrer-' titer., ita olroulatloi, (lie and uatfalneai hare been largely lnoreaeed during the yeai Jtut pant, and It now reaclie. moat ol the Mer chant, of Western North Carolina, thai offer lug an nuaurpaad medium of communica tion between the Merchant, of Wilmington and tbe people of Weatern iforlu Carolina. Tsnasov oaanBiprioai Dally................. as 00 per annum. Weokly...... 1 10 - 07" Adrertl.lng very low. ' SPECIAL NOTICE. DurliiB the Centennial Celebration larire .UI- . tlon. of till, f aper will be printed dally and no tucb advertising medium will .o be offered to It. pntroii. may i. no-tr Cottage Bedsteads: gQQ OOTTAQE BEU3IKAD3-N W Stylet, ilustreceired and for aalo low ln lot. tomitby d. a. BMrrn o. may 18 ' " For Sale! . A8TKAH BOILER, callable for an engine of alx or eight horae power. It oan be eun at tho County Workhouee. Having no uae for the earns It will bo eold at a low figure. Apply to .TAMES WILSON, ' Chairman Boaid of County Comuianon.r.. may ti v H-lir H PICKLES. pKKSSEO CORN BEEF. Large No. 1 Shore Maokerel. '' Oranges, LemonS, Mali, Candle., Ae. - ' H. W. SHURE, iVb. 81 N. Front Street. , may it Ui THE TwlYSTERY Esplainedl At 29 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, N. a mays 107-2W

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